Mill Grinding
Mill Grinding
Mill Grinding
Table of contents
2.1 Partitions................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Purpose of Partitions................................... 12
2.1.2 Double Wall Diaphragm Partitions.............. 12
2.1.3 Operation and Repair of the Diaphragm
Partition....................................................... 16
2.2 Liners...................................................................... 17
2.2.1 Purpose of Liners......................................... 17
2.2.2 Types of Liners............................................ 18
2.2.3 Liner Quality................................................ 24
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4. Air Separators.................................................................. 67
4.1 Introduction............................................................ 67
4.2 Types....................................................................... 67
4.2.1 Static Grit Separator................................... 68
4.2.2 Sturtevant Separators................................. 72
4.2.3 Raymond Separators................................... 77
4.2.4 High Efficiency Separators......................... 79
Introduction to Process Engineering
Reader should understand that the text presented here has been
edited, substantially, to suit the time allotted in this course
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For coal mills, most plants use the 200 mesh target as well.
The particle size in fuels has a profound effect on the
flame's shape, temperature and stability, which ultimately
influences the clinker quality.
For cement finish mills, we use both a 325 mesh (45 micron)
and blaine (or surface area) targets. Different targets and
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Fig. 1.2.1 - Open Circuit Grinding
1 2 1. Clinker silo
2. Gypsum silo
3. Mill feed
4. Grinding mill
5. Ground cement
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Rejects (R)
Fines (F)
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Fresh Feed (K)
Rejects (R)
Fines (F)
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In the closed circuit, the mill has a greater capacity and the
finish product contains little or no oversize, depending upon
the adjustments made to the separator. Also for quality
control, closed circuit systems offer more options to adjust
the product particle size distributions for optimum
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2.1 Partitions
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Lifter or Scoop
Blind Plate
In the lower
half, material is
Air Sweep Center Screen pushed through
Center Hub or Cone Side View
the slots, filling
Slotted Grate Segment the empty lifter
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other words the voids are too empty - see also section on
Material Filling Ratio.) This is evidenced by no material
visible on the balls at the partition, sometimes one must dig
18" or more to 'hit' cement.
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2.2 Liners
Many of us lose sight of the fact that the balls should not be
sliding as they are being lifted up. Sliding between balls
and liners increases wear and can lead to premature
failures. Evidence of this can be seen in the form of
"racing". Racing are the grooves or rings worn into liners
and is a result of sliding contact between balls and liners.
Excessive racing will in turn promote more sliding contact
and thus accelerating the whole process. Recognize
though that as the liner rotates around and enters into the
toe of the ball charge some sliding contact will occur until
the liner has gripped the ball charge, to lift it. Some
manufacturers take advantage of this and market grooved
liners which are designed to do extra grinding in the
grooves themselves as the liners enter the ball charge.
Examples are Manoir, Armco-Delloye, and Owen Corp.
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A) First Compartment
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Thus this is the type of liner which is the first choice many
plants, (sometimes called shipload or wedge or stepped
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Even so, there are other types still in use in North America.
For wedge bar, lorraine, block type liners the ratio of height
to spacing in between (usually matches bolting patterns) is
critical to achieving the correct trajectories. Surprisingly
many suppliers do not have sophisticated methods to
determine this. However this group of liner types seems to
be ideal in SAG mills used in mining or for mills with very
low % critical speed. Most single wave liners generally had
good lift characteristics, however on the down slope side,
media tended to slide which vastly accelerates wear. The
new “DuoLift” liner developed by SLEGTEN could provide an
interesting results.
Use Word 6.0c or later to
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B) Second Compartment
Corrugated/Wave Linings
Classifying Linings
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For each liner step for classifying liners in large mills over
4 metres (13 feet) in diameter, use two liners per step,
lengthwise of the mill.
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A) Fracture
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B) Chipping
C) Abrasion
A) Cascading
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B) Cataracting
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D. Air sweep
Vc =
view Macintosh picture.
In Feet:
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In Meters: Vc =
For Example:
vi ew M a c i n to s h p i c tu re .
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The reasons for the optimum are as follows. If the balls are
too small then they don't have the inertia to properly nip the
material and break it. For example; Grits (or spitzers) in the
second compartment, the cascading small balls don't hit
with enough force to fracture the grains so they are worn
smooth at a slow rate and retained in the mill, causing
material transport problems.
If the balls are bigger than the optimum for the feed size
then the lower number of contact (nip) points reduces the
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Big balls have a low specific surface area (Ft 2/Ft3) and,
therefore, offer little resistance to material flow; while
small balls have a higher specific surface and are
responsible for most of the resistance. For example, 5/8"
diameter balls have about six times more surface per Ft 3 of
balls than do 3 1/2" diameter balls.
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The ball volume load can change because of the ball wear.
Wear is due to abrasion, which results from contact
between the ball and the mill feed, between the ball and the
liners, and between the ball and other balls. Abrasion
depends upon such factors as the amount of mill feed, mill
speed and diameter, the material characteristics, the ball
size, and chiefly the ball metallurgy.
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5. Mill Overloading.
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To do this:
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a. Maximum Production
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c. Conclusions
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Other recommendations:
Slegten: 34%
Fuller: 40% (only if the mill allows)
Porosity or Permeability
Europeans have used simple calculation as an index to
relate a given ball charge's porosity. It's called the average
ball weight. One simply calculates the total weight of balls
in a given compartment and divide by the total number of
balls. This is a useful index in designing ball charges
because one can clearly see the changes in porosity at the
same time one changes the average crushing force; to
ensure that the ball charge is not too porous or too
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(5) Samples should be taken from the ball charge and not
from the material on top. This requires some digging
and small sampling scoops in the first compartment. In
the second compartment, a shovel in conjunction with
a a coarse mesh screen and a bucket may be utilized.
Percent Retained (%)
40 #8 Mesh
20 #200
0 5 10 15
Distance (m)
5% Maximum #8 allowable @ partition
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The dye is mixed with say 5 lb. of mill feed material. Which
should be the appropriate proportions of fresh feed and
separator rejects. The mixture is slurried with methyl
alcohol to ensure good dispersion of the dye and the
alcohol is subsequently evaporated by heat.
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Open circuit
of sample
Closed circuit
Time (min.)
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C ts
j ec F
Fresh A
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In general, the mill motor kW will vary with mill feed, but it
is non-linear. It varies in the following way:
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Mill Rotation
Center of Gravity
Torque = W X m
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Ball Charge Filling Ball Charge Expanding
Two production rates for the same motor kW value
From the graph we can see that there is one major problem
or flaw with mill motor kW to control mill feed. For a given
mill motor kW setpoint there are potentially two feed rates
which can cause a single loop controller to hunt or
oscillate. In addition, the kW value will change over a
relatively narrow range with a corresponding large change
in feed. This coupled with the difficulty in calibrating kW
meters for large HP motors accurately makes this control
scheme very difficult to tune. This type of control is never
used by itself but occasionally it is used with another type
of control loop.
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M is material flow in mtph
Ka is actual power measured in kW
Ke is power measured with elevator empty in kW
E is elevator efficiency
H is the inter axis height in meters
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4. Air Separators
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Types
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Principle of operation
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a) Outer Cone
Can be described as the outer shell of the separator. The
bottom of the cone (inlet) receives unclassified material
from the ball mill sweep.
b) Inner Cone
Installed inside the outer cone. The bottom is piped outside
the separator for rejecting coarse (grit) particles from the
c) Inlet Vanes
Located below the top of the separator, separates the inner
and outer cone. The vanes are adjustable and can be
moved to increase or decrease the circular motion of air as
it enters the inner cone. Typically they are mechanically
linked and are adjusted using a single hand wheel.
d) Thimble
Placed through the separator top (center). Fines and (exit
gas) leaves the separator through this duct. Adjustable to
pick fines from the air flow inside the separator. However,
the thimble is set up at installation and not moved as a
regular procedure.
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Inner Cone
Modification Idea:
Outer Cone
for high blaine
product mount a
fresh air bleed
valve in front of
each guide vane.
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a) Fineness Control
A change in the product fineness can result of either the
volume of air swept from the mill changed or the separator
vanes are adjusted. Keep in mind that either change will
have effect on the separator efficiency.
• Air Volume
An increase in volume of air swept from the mill results in a
higher percentage of coarse material going through the
separator to the collector - lower product Blaine.
• Vane Adjustment
Each static separator vane adjustment area is marked for
direction of movement. A coarser adjustment (less spin)
will result in the removal of fines to the collector with a
higher percentage of coarse particles - lower product
Modification Idea
Installed in Demopolis, fresh air bleed in valves were
mounted in front of each guide vane. By opening these
valves fresh air leaks in which reduces dust loading
(favouring the superfines), but maintains the same high
internal grit velocities in order to maximize separation.
Inspection requirements
No moving components or power source.
Basic inspection requirement is a visual inspection of the
separator and related intake and exhaust piping for leaks.
Depending on the material abrasiveness the vanes and the
inner cone should be checked for replacement at least
every 4 to 6 years.
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• Return air vanes (between the fines cone and the inside
drum cone) allows fines to settle, while returning air to
the separating zone.
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More Blades (or larger Diameter)
More Blades
Fewer Blades *
% Opening
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17 18
24 13
10 15
22 7
16 14 8
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Fan blade
zone Sweep
Guide vanes
Inner cone
Outer cone
Finish cement
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Principle of Operation
Classification Process
The only moving part within the separator is the cage rotor.
The rotor is driven by a variable speed motor controlled
from the control room. Clean air enters the volute housing
and is forced to travel in a circular path by the shape of the
housing. The air encounters the inlet vanes which are
arranges in a circle completely around the cage rotor. The
air next enters the classification zone which is the space
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between the inlet vanes and the cage rotor vanes. The air
now enters the cage rotor through its vanes. The air then
exits through the bottom of the cage rotor in Sepol's; or
through the top of the cage rotor in O-Sepa's; and then out
of the separator through the exit elbow. Unclassified
material enters the separator at the top and falls by gravity
to the top of the cage rotor and lands on the distribution
table. Since the table is rotating, centrifugal force propels
the material outwards and off the rim of the distribution
table where it impacts a wear ring and begins to fall into
the classification zone.
O-Sepa Details
Classification Zone
Cage Rotation
Plenum Uniform
Flow Dist'n
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are marginal in size may enter the cage rotor vanes but may
also be rejected if their velocity is not great enough to pass
between adjacent vanes without being struck by a vane.
One way to visualize this operation is to consider that there
is specific amount of time between the passing of one vane
and the next vane. If a particle can travel through the rotor
vanes in less time than this passing time, it can penetrate
the cage and flow out of the separator. If the particle is
traveling too slowly, it will be struck by a vane and be
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Fineness control
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The finer material that leaves the HES in the air stream is
considered finished product. This product is carried in the
air stream and on to the dust collection system. It is here
that the dust laden air entering the collector is cleaned and
the finish product is collected and transported via air slides
and air lock feeders to the cement pump which pumps it to
the storage silos.
Rejects from the HES are returned back into the system. If
the ball mill circuit is equipped with a roller press, the
rejects are proportionality divided between the two.
Otherwise, all rejects go back to the ball mill to assist in its
grinding capability. These rejects are considered the
circulating load of the circuit.
FM 19 FM 20,21
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Feed Inlet
(1 of 2)
Dispersion Plate
(Buffer Plates
not shown)
Primary Air
Secondary Air
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Reducer Support
Drive Support
Shaft Assembly
Air Seal
Buffer Plate
Dispersion Plate
Guide Vanes
Partition Plate
Swirl Blade
Air Intake
Air Intake
Tertiary Air
Intake &
Flap Gate
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support Gear distance
Feed hopper
plate Baffle ring
Air guide
vane ring
Upper section
of housing
Lower section of
housing Tailings cone
Flap valve
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A) Perfect Separator
For example for a perfect #325 (45 µm) screen the Tromp or
Selectivity or Partition Curve would look as follows;
Use Word 6.0c or later to
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B) Bypass
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C) Imperfection
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D) Secondary Bypass
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The figures given above are for cement, raw mix R.R. Nos. are
usually lower.
4.4.1 Definition
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In this condition the mass flow rate to the mill is too low.
Therefore the mean residence time is too long and the
material is ground too fine in the mill. The overgrinding
means a lot of super fines are giving a high separator feed
blaine so the separator is opened up, allowing coarser
particles to product and the overall particle size distribution
is not as sharp as it should be. Therefore the average
particle size is smaller than desired, if #325 is maintained.
Therefore production is reduced as the average work being
done is higher.
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range. For example, a high L/D ratio mill will prefer to grind
with a low circulating load and attempts to grind with too
much circulating load will result in a loss of production.
Fig. 1 is a plot of various mills' nominal L/D vs circulating
load. As a rule of thumb we can see that raw mills
generally have a low L/D, (1.4 - 2.9) and operate with higher
circulating loads than do finish mills which have a higher
L/D, (2.8 - 3.8).
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R = Separator
F = Separator Fines
A = R+K
Aa(x) = Rd(x) + Ft(x) where:a(x) = mass % of dimension x in
r(x) = mass % of dimension x in
f(x) = mass % of dimension x in
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C.L. =
view Macintosh picture.
Circulating load = or
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• Mill dimensions
• Mill ventilation
• Type of partition(s)
• Linings
• Grinding aid
• Water spray
• Separator efficiency
• Mill bypass
• Product fineness
• Auxiliary constraints
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4.5 Qf / Qa Principle
The fact that the separator runs in a circuit means that the
parameters of the feed may change. Primarily these are;
feedrate and feed fineness, of a secondary nature is the
particle size distribution shape and the mix in a multi-
component product.
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70 Sturtevant Bath
Bypass (%)
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Qf/Qa (kg feed/m3 separator sweep)
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Figure 1 shows the basic parts a typical double wall, fully liftered
partition, (the most common type). Note that large mills often
have rows or rings of grate segments. For convenience, they are
usually referred to as inner, outer of middle grates. In small
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mills, these are often one piece pie shaped sections. From
inside, the mill the discharge grates or outlet diaphragm will
have a similar appearance.
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Adjustable Partitions
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