Wilmont Pharmacy Organizational Chart PDF
Wilmont Pharmacy Organizational Chart PDF
Wilmont Pharmacy Organizational Chart PDF
Level 1 President
Level 2
CIO V.P Operations
(James Connor) (George Cranston)
IT System Team IT Security Team Project Control Retail Operators Business Operators Procurement Quality
Pharmacy Manager
Store #32185
(Wilma Marcy)
Project Organization Type: Balance Matrix Organization Pharmacy
Wilmont is a major retailer and their main business is retail, but they also participate in various market activities so that classic
functional company does not fulfil its purpose. Also, because their single job isn’t that special and complex in nature, projected organization
doesn’t seem fair, either. So organization serves better for this kind of company matrix type since matrix organization reflects a mix functional
and projected characteristics. PMBOK Guide book has categorized matrix organizations as fragile, balanced, and solid, based on the relative
power and control between functional and project managers. According to that classification this model can classified as balanced matrix
classification, where there is a full-time project manager but the project manager doesn’t the full authority over the project funding and also the
project staff are working only part time on the project while still handling their functional responsibilities.