Impact of Short-Term Interest Rate On Exchange Rate: The Case of Turkey

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Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202

Istanbul Conference of Economics and Finance, ICEF 2015, 22-23 October 2015, Istanbul,

Impact of Short-term Interest Rate on Exchange Rate:

The Case of Turkey
Taha Bahadır Saraç a,*, Kadir Karagöz b
Niğde University – FEAS, Merkez Yerleşke, Niğde, 51240, Turkey
Celal Bayar University – FEAS, Uncubozköy, Manisa, 45053, Turkey


After the crises in 2001 inflation targeting regime has been adopted and short-term interest rates have been used as the main
monetary policy tool in Turkey. In addition, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) utilizes short-term interest rates
against the sudden rises in dollar rate. In this context, we aim to determine the efficient level of short-term interest rates on dollar
rate. Accordingly, we found that during the period of 2003:02-2015:08 short-term interest rates effect dollar rate when dollar rate
increases over nearly 3.19 percent by the frequency domain Granger causality test.
© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review underresponsibility
Peer-review under responsibility of the
of the Organizing
Organizing Committee
Committee of ICEF
of ICEF 2015.2015.
Keywords: Foreign exchange rate, short-term interest rate, frequency domain Granger causality test.

1. Introduction

Exchange rates fluctuations is one of the main obstacles that developing economies confront in the
macroeconomic management. Especially during the economic crisis periods this subject gains more importance in
terms of cost and duration of the recovery process. Interest rate is, among other monetary policy instruments,
constitutes an important part of policy variables in coping with unintended exchange rate fluctuations. In this regard,
despite to the conflicting empirical findings, there is a common belief as that tight monetary policy and higher
interest rate do help in stabilizing exchange rates.

Goldfajn & Baig (1998) distinguish four building blocks for the analysis of the appropriate monetary policy to be
adopted in the aftermath of a currency crisis. The first block is to search if the real exchange rate has become
depreciated and should be brought back to equilibrium level. The second block is to identify the relevant

Corresponding author. Tel.:+90 388 225 2037; fax: +90 388 225 2014.
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2212-5671 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICEF 2015.
196 Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202

mechanisms through which the real exchange rate could be corrected in case it is depreciated. The third block is
related to identify the appropriate policies and circumstances that help the reversal through nominal appreciation. In
this regard, it should be evaluated whether nominal appreciations occur when interest rates are kept high. Finally, the
fourth block is to evaluate the probable consequences of raising interest rates. Expected gains from the effect of
raising interest rates on the exchange rate can be canceled out by the costs that arising from raising interest rates
such as output loss, increased unemployment rate and financial system fragility.

Central bankers of developing countries face further challenges than developed countries across exogenous
monetary shocks. Two of these challenges are closely related: the problem of currency substitution and central
bank’s motive for monitoring foreign exchange reserves. First, as regards currency substitution, the public may
prefer using foreign currency rather than to use domestic currency so that to guard themselves against the eroding
effect of inflation. If domestic interest rates go at lower pace or if the domestic currency depreciates considerably,
agents like to hold more of their wealth in foreign currency than in domestic currency. Second, in order to reduce the
risk of speculative attacks or a probable balance of payment crisis, central banks closely monitor foreign exchange
reserves. Central bank will increase its exchange reserves as domestic interest rates increase and decrease as the
return on foreign exchanges increases. Thus, central banks may use both the interest rate and exchange rate policies
to achieve their goals (Berument, 2007: 412).

In Turkey, some economists argued that exchange rate depreciation observed over the 2003 – 2013 was due to
high interest rates and the Central Bank should have reduced the short-term interest rates more quickly and larger
extend. In contrast, the Central Bank put forward that the relationship between short-term interest rates and exchange
rates has a multi-dimensional and complex nature, and it was not guaranteed to appreciation in exchange rates by
reducing the interest rates (Karaca, 2005).

Rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, the theoretical and empirical aspects of the
relationship between interest rates and exchange rate are reviewed. In the third section, details of the methodological
procedure are explained. Result of the causality analysis is given in the fourth section. The paper concludes in the
fifth section.
2. Theoretical Background and Related Literature

The relation between interest rates and exchange rate has been subject to intense debate among economists both
theoretically and empirically. As Furman & Stiglitz (1998) pointed out there has been no shortage of opinions about
the role of interest rates policies in stabilizing exchange rates, but in general they do not rest on a well-supported
body of theory or evidence.

Generally, a contemporaneous relationship is assumed between interest rates and exchange rate. This belief is
only warranted under certain circumstances. Using the uncovered interest parity framework,

‹୲ െ ‹‫ ୲כ‬ൌ ሺ‡୲ାଵ ሻ െ ‡୲ ൅ ୲

where ‹୲ is the domestic interest rate at time t, ‹‫ ୲כ‬is the foreign interest rate at time t, ‡୲ is the domestic exchange
rate at time t, ሺ‡୲ାଵ ሻ is the expected exchange rate at time t + 1, and ୲ is the country risk premium which
incorporates both the exchange risk premium and the default risk premium on domestic bonds. According to this
framework, an increase in the domestic interest rates will reduce ‡୲ , i.e. appreciate current exchange rate if ‹‫ ୲כ‬and
ሺ‡୲ାଵ ሻ are kept constant. This is explanation is proposed by the traditional view.

On the other hand, it is hard to remain as constant of ሺ‡୲ାଵ ሻ and ୲ along the crisis period. Increases in the
interest rates may cause to increase in the borrowing costs, induce bankruptcies, weakening the banking system,
worsening the financial situation and leading to capital flight. Therefore, a rise in the risk premium can lead to a rise
in interest rates. According to the uncovered interest parity equation given below, ୲ increases as ‹୲ increases and if
Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202 197

this increase reach to a threshold level, it can be resulted in an increase in ‡୲ . This mechanism is called as the
perverse effect which is advocated by the revisionist view (Gümüş, 2002). The debate between these two approaches
emerges apparently in theories of flexible-price and sticky-price monetary model, where the relationship between
interest rates and exchange rate differentiates (Seleem, 2013: 4).

In the related literature the subject has been searched in the context of currency crises and East Asian currency
crisis in 1997 has given momentum to studies on this issue. As the exchange rate began to depreciate at the early
stages of the crisis, traditional monetary policy measures were employed. But continued depreciation of the
exchange rates made it doubtful to utilize the interest rates across depreciation of the currency (Basurto & Ghosh,
2001: 99).

Furman & Stiglitz (1998) discuss the contemporaneous relationship between interest rate and exchange rate, and
identify 13 episodes in nine emerging markets, characterized by “temporarily high” interest rates. They conducted a
simple regression analysis and found that both the magnitude and duration of such interest rate rises are coincided
with exchange rate depreciation. With some precautionary reservations, they interpret this result that it at least makes
questionable the usefulness of raising interest rates to defend the exchange rate. On the other hand, Goldfajn & Baig
(1998) analyzed the relationship between nominal interest rates and nominal exchange rates in the aftermath of
currency crises, with a special emphasis on the Asian crisis, found no evidence for the weakening impact of higher
interest rates on exchange rates. Using a large panel data set, Kraay (1999) examined the usefulness of higher
interest rates across speculative attacks. He failed to find very strong positive or negative association between raising
interest rates and the outcome of the speculative attack. Cho & West (2003) empirically tested the said relationship
for the exchange rate crises in Korea, the Philippines and Thailand during the 1997–98, by proposing a model that
identifies a monetary policy rule and found that an exogenous increase in interest rates caused exchange rate
appreciation in Korea and the Philippines, depreciation in Thailand, however, they obtained mixed results. For same
countries, using simple linear expectation model Kim & Ratti (2006) provided evidence that sharp increase in the
interest rate result in business failures that further deepen exchange rate crisis. More technically, one standard
deviation shocks in the interest rate is associated with statistically significant response (depreciation) in the exchange
rate in Thailand, Korea and the Philippines.

Focusing on exchange rate volatility rather than exchange rate itself, using a Markov regime switching approach,
Chen (2006) tried to shed light on the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates in the case of six
developing countries. Obtained empirical evidence shows that nominal interest rates increase leads to a higher
probability of switching to a regime with more volatile exchange rate.

In all these studies it is assumed that the relationship between interest rates and exchange rates to be time-
invariant during the sample periods. In order to have idea as to the dynamics of the relationship Huang et al. (2010)
used time-varying parameter model with GARCH errors. They found evidence that the direct effect of the interest
rate on the exchange rate in Korea and the indirect effect in Indonesia and Thailand have time-varying behavior. The
empirical results they got reveal that, for all three countries, there is no direct channel through which a higher
interest rate causes the currency and there is no significant evidence which supports the traditional view.

Studies for Turkey also give mixed results. In an earlier study, using a VAR model, Agenor et. al. (1997) found
that the temporary component of the real exchange rate responds significantly and positively to shocks to the interest
rate differential. Interpreting the finding as resulting from a tightening of monetary policy, the result found in line
with the Turkish experience. Gümüş (2002) using higher frequency (weekly) data set and applying a VECM, found
that raising interest rates had the significant long-term effect of depreciating the nominal exchange rate in contrast
with the conventional wisdom. Aysoy & Kıpıcı (2005) investigated the impact of interest rates on the exchange rate
within a context of quarterly macroeconometric model of Turkey, and concluded that interest rates has depreciating
but transitory impact on the exchange rate in the sample period. Berument (2007), using monthly data from 1986:05
to 2000:10 and VAR framework showed that tight monetary policy, which is indicated as spread between the
interbank interest rate and the depreciation rate, is associated with the decrease in income and prices and the
198 Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202

appreciation of the local currency. When these components entered into VAR separately, an increase in the interbank
rate depreciates the local currency permanently, a case called as the exchange rate puzzle.

Akçağlayan (2008) examined the effects of interest rate policy on the exchange rate during the 2001 crisis. Using
error correction model and Toda-Yamamoto method, she concluded that an increase in the interest rate leads to a
depreciation in domestic currency. Erdoğan et al. (2013) though did not examine the relationship between interest
rates and exchange rates directly, found that there is a one way causality relationship between them. They showed
that interest rates affect the real and financial sector through exchange rates.

On the other hand, Gül et al. (2007), Tarı & Abasız (2009) and Kayhan et. al. (2013) implemented the subject
solely in terms of causal relationship between interest rates and exchange rate, and found no evidence for causal
relationship that run from interest rates to exchange rate.
3. Frequency-domain Causality Test Procedure

After detecting the stationarity features of the series, short and long-term dynamics of the Granger causality
relationships would be determined by employing VECM (Vector Error Correction Model) and ECM (Error
Correction Model) methods. However, short-term relationships could be ignored while testing the restrictions upon
the coefficients put by these methods via Wald and F tests. Because, causality relationship may differ with respect to
change in the analysis period or stationarity feature as well as depending on the sign and magnitude of dynamic
adaptation lag that obtained from the long term relationship. That is, the short term relationships which probably
present in the long term, could not be detected (Tarı et al., 2012: 7)

Statistically, the term frequency domain refers to domain for analysis of mathematical functions or signals with
respect to frequencies, rather than time. Accordingly, a stationary process can be expressed as a weighted sum of
sinusoidal components with a certain frequency (ω). Graphically, in time-domain signal changes over time, whereas
in frequency-domain graph shows how much of the signals lies within each given frequency band over a range of
frequencies (Tiwari et al., 2015: 227). Based on Geweke (1982) and Hosoya (1991), Breitung & Candelon (2006)
proposed a procedure for frequency-domain causality test1. First, they created a two-dimensional vector of time
series, œ୲ ൌ ሾš୲ ǡ ›୲ ሿᇱ , which has a finite order VAR representation of the form

߆ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ‫ݖ‬௧ ൌ ߝ௧ (1)

where ߆ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ൌ ‫ ܫ‬െ ߆ଵ ‫ ܮ‬െ ‫ ڮ‬െ ߆௣ ‫ܮ‬௣ is a ʹ ൈ ʹ lag polynomial with ‫ܮ‬௞ ‫ݖ‬௧ ൌ ‫ݖ‬௧ି௞ . Here, it is assumed that the
error term ߝ௧ is white noise, i.e. ߝ௧ ̱ሺͲǡ ߑሻ. For the sake of simplicity no deterministic terms were contained in Eq.

be the lower triangular matrix of the Cholesky decomposition

ൌ ȭ ିଵ where Ʉ୲ ൌ
ɂ୲ and ሺɄ୲ Ʉᇱ୲ ሻ ൌ .
Under the assumption of stationary system, the MA representation of the system can be expressed as
ߔଵଵ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߔଵଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߝଵ௧ ߖ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߖଵଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߟଵ௧
‫ݖ‬௧ ൌ ߔሺ‫ܮ‬ሻߝ௧ ൌ ൤ ൨ ቂ ቃ ൌ ߖሺ‫ܮ‬ሻߟ௧ ൌ ൤ ଵଵ ൨ቂ ቃ (2)
ߔଶଵ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߔଶଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߝଶ௧ ߖଶଵ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߖଶଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ߟଶ௧
where Ȱሺሻ ൌ ȣሺሻିଵ and Ȳሺሻ ൌ Ȱሺሻ
ିଵ . Accordingly, the spectral density of š୲ can be written as
ଵ ଶ ଶ
݂௫ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ ቄหߖଵଵ ሺ݁ ି௜ఠ ሻห ൅ หߖଵଶ ሺ݁ ି௜ఠ ሻห ቅ (3)

Using this density, Geweke (1982) and Hosoya (1991) suggested following measure of causality

ଶగ௙ೣ ሺఠሻ หఅభమ ሺ௘ ష೔ഘ ሻห
‫ܯ‬௬՜௫ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ ݈‫ ݃݋‬൤ మ ൨ ൌ ݈‫ ݃݋‬ቈͳ ൅ మ ቉ (4)
หఅభభ ሺ௘ ష೔ഘ ሻห หఅభభ ሺ௘ ష೔ഘ ሻห

This section draws heavily on Breitung & Candelon (2006).
Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202 199

The measure is zero when หߖଵଶ ሺ݁ ି௜ఠ ሻห ൌ Ͳ, which means y does not cause to x at frequency ω

If the elements of œ୲ are I(1) and cointegrated, then the autoregressive polynomial ȣሺሻ has a unit root while the
remaining roots are outside the unit circle. Subtracting œ୲ିଵ from both side of Eq. (1) gives

ο‫ݖ‬௧ ൌ ሺ߆ଵ െ ‫ܫ‬ሻ‫ݖ‬௧ିଵ ൅ ߆ଶ ‫ݖ‬௧ିଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ߆௣ ‫ݖ‬௧ି௣ ൅ ߝ௧ ൌ ߆෨ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ‫ݖ‬௧ିଵ ൅ ߝ௧ (5)

where ȣ ෩ ሺሻ ൌ ȣଵ െ ൅ ȣଶ  ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ȣ୮ ୮ . If y is not a Granger cause of x, then the (1,2)-element of ȣሺሻ (or

ȣሺሻ) is zero. Using the orthogonalized MA respresentation the measure of causality can be expressed as
෩ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻߝ௧ ൌ ߖ
ο‫ݖ‬௧ ൌ ߔ ෩ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻߟ௧ (6)

where Ȳ ෩ ሺሻ ൌ Ȱ෩ ሺሻ

ିଵ ,
is a lower triangular matrix and again Ʉ୲ ൌ
ɂ୲ and ሺɄ୲ Ʉᇱ୲ ሻ ൌ . As in the stationary
case, in a cointegrated system the resulting causality measure is

෩ భమ ሺ௘ ష೔ഘ ሻห
‫ܯ‬௬՜௫ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ ݈‫ ݃݋‬ቈͳ ൅ మ ቉ (7)
෩ భభ
หఅ ሺ௘ ష೔ഘ ሻห

Within a bivariate framework, the hypothesis that y does not cause x at frequency ω can be expressed notationally

‫ܯ‬௬՜௫ ሺ߱ሻ ൌ Ͳ (8)

Yao & Hosoya (2000) suggest to estimate ୷՜୶ ሺɘሻby replacing หȲଵଵ ሺ‡ି୧ன ሻห and หȲଵଶ ሺ‡ି୧ன ሻห in Eq. (4) with
estimates obtained from the fitted VAR. Since the expression หȲଵଶ ሺ‡ି୧ன ሻห is a complicated nonlinear function of the
VAR parameters and difficult to evaluate its derivative, Breitung & Candelon (2006) propose a much simpler
approach to test the null hypothesis in Eq. (8).

From Eq. (4) it follows that ୷՜୶ ሺɘሻ ൌ Ͳ if หȲଵଶ ሺ‡ି୧ன ሻห ൌ Ͳ. Using Ȳሺሻ ൌ ȣሺሻିଵ
ିଵ and

݃ଶଶ ߆ଵଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ

ߖଵଶ ሺ‫ܮ‬ሻ ൌ െ

where ‰ ଶଶ is the lower diagonal element of

ିଵ and ȁȣሺሻȁ is the determinant of ȣሺሻ. It follows that y does not
cause x at frequency ω if
௣ ௣
ห߆ଵଶ ሺ݁ ି௜ఠ ሻห ൌ หσ௞ୀଵ ߠଵଶǡ௞ …‘•ሺ݇߱ሻ െ σ௞ୀଵ ߠଵଶǡ௞ •‹ሺ݇߱ሻ ݅ ห ൌ Ͳ

where Ʌଵଶǡ୩ is the (1,2)-element of ȣ୩ . Thus, a necessary and sufficient set of conditions for หȣଵଶ ሺ‡ି୧ன ሻห ൌ Ͳ is

σ௣௞ୀଵ ߠଵଶǡ௞ …‘•ሺ݇߱ሻ ൌ Ͳ (9)

σ௣௞ୀଵ ߠଵଶǡ௞ •‹ሺ݇߱ሻ ൌ Ͳ (10)

The approach of Breitung & Candelon (2006) is based on the linear restrictions in Eq. (9) and (10). Letting that
ߙ௝ ൌ ߠଵଵǡ௝ and ߚ௝ ൌ ߠଵଶǡ௝ the VAR equation for ‫ݔ‬௧ is written as

‫ݔ‬௧ ൌ ߙଵ ‫ݔ‬௧ିଵ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ߙ௣ ‫ݔ‬௧ି௣ ൅ ߚଵ ‫ݕ‬௧ିଵ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ߚ௣ ‫ݕ‬௧ି௣ ൅ ߝଵ௧ (11)

200 Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202

The hypothesis ୷՜୶ ሺɘሻ ൌ Ͳ is equivalent to the linear restriction

‫ܪ‬଴ ǣ ܴሺ߱ሻߚ ൌ Ͳ (12)

where Ⱦ ൌ ൣȾଵ ǡ ǥ ǡ Ⱦ୮ ൧Ԣ and

…‘•ሺ߱ሻ …‘•ሺʹ߱ሻ ǥ …‘•ሺ‫߱݌‬ሻ

ܴሺ߱ሻ ൌ ൤ ൨
•‹ሺ߱ሻ •‹ሺʹ߱ሻ ǥ •‹ሺ‫߱݌‬ሻ
The ordinary F statistic for this test is approximately distributed as F (2, T – 2p) for ω  (0, π).

By replacing ‫ݔ‬௧ in Eq. (11) by ο‫ݔ‬௧ , with the r.h.s. of the equation remaining the same, the frequency domain
causality test within conintegrating framework can be implemented. Furthermore, this approach can be generalized
to test for causality in higher-dimensional systems. Details have been given in Breitung & Candelon (2006).
4. Empirical Analysis

In this section, we apply causality test in the frequency domain to assess the predictive content of the short-term
interest rate for future exchange rate. To this end we used monthly data of short-term interest rate (SIR) and USD /
TRL exchange rate (EXR). The former is expressed as mean of the overnight interest rates that valid in the interbank
market. Necessary data were derived from the Electronic Data Delivery System – EDDS, the database of Central
Bank of Republic of Turkey – CBRT. The sample covers the period 2003m1 – 2015m8. Before analyses, both series
were transformed into their logarithmic values.

Table 1. Results of ADF, PP and KPSS unit root tests

c c+t c c+t c c+t

INR -8,6900* (0) -8,7838* (0) -8,6699* (1) -8,7838* (0) 0,1837* (5) 0,0479* (4)

EXR -9,1288* (1) -9,6097* (1) -8,6083* (7) -8,7550* (10) 0,4725 (1) 0,0283 (6)

Notes: i. Figures in parentheses denote lag length for ADF test and band width for PP and KPSS tests. 2) In determining the proper lag length for
ADF test SIC was used, in determining the proper bandwidth for PP and KPSS tests Newey-West Bandwidth criterion was employed. 3) c and
c+t stand for constant and deterministic trend terms respectively whereas * denotes rejection of unit root hypothesis at 5% significance level.

Fig. 1. Causal relationship from INR to EXR.

Taha Bahadır Saraç and Kadir Karagöz / Procedia Economics and Finance 38 (2016) 195 – 202 201

Fig. 2. Causal relationship from EXR to INR.

Applying the methodology above we have obtained the views given in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Scrutinizing the Fig. 1 it
is evident that there is no causal relationship from INR to EXR while EXR is cause to INR between ω  (0.4,1.2)
frequencies or the period of (2004:09 – 2007:02) according to Fig. 2. These findings were further supported by usual
Granger non-causality test (see Tab. 2). These findings are in line with Gül et al. (2007), Tarı & Abasız (2009) and
partially with Kayhan et. al. (2013).

Table 2. Results of time-domain Granger causality test

Null Hypotheses F statistic p – value

INR does not Granger cause EXR 0.12714 0.8807

EXR does not Granger cause INR 3.14090 0.0461

Note: According to AIC proper lag length is 2.


The relationship between interest rates and the exchange rate has been subject to hot debate for a long time. While
the rationale for using the interest rates to defend the exchange rates stability is well defined in economic theory, the
empirical validation of its effectiveness remains mostly inconclusive. Many empirical studies have been performed
to examine the interest rates – exchange rate nexus, especially for the East Asian countries.

In this paper we tried to shed some light on this subject, in the case of Turkey, by using frequency domain
causality test developed by Breitung & Candelon (2006). Using monthly data for the period of 2003 – 2015, we find
no evidence that higher interest rates cause to a weakening of exchange rate. As with Furman & Stiglitz (1998), we
recognize that this result is not definitive evidence of the effect of high interest rates on the ability to defend the
exchange rate, but at the very least, it questions the presumption that increasing interest rates is an effective
mechanism for defending the exchange rate, and as Basurto & Ghosh (2001) we conclude that the perverse effect of
higher interest rates on the exchange rate remains a theoretical matter.

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