Lawyers Oath and Duty
Lawyers Oath and Duty
Lawyers Oath and Duty
JD-1 Manresa
Surname Given Name Middle Name
x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x
(a) If born outside of wedlock, state so.
(b) If not a natural-born Filipino citizen, state how and when citizenship
was acquired and attach pertinent documents:
(c) If a married female, attach original or certified true copy of Marriage
Contract, marked as Annex “A-1”]
b. He/She has been charged with an act or omission punishable by
law, rule or regulation. Which civil, criminal and/or administrative
(kindly underline whichever is applicable), and attaches for this
purpose a list of his/her pending and/or dismissed case/s and the
necessary attachments outlined in the Requirements, marked as
Annex “C” and so on;
7) This is the first time that he/she is taking the Bar Examinations;
Signature over Printed Name
(Right Thumb)
Permanent Address
Temporary Address (while
preparing for and taking the Bar
Mobile and/or Telephone Number
and Email Address
Documentary Stamp
1) This Petition will NOT be accepted under any of the following instances:
a. If any of the blank herein is not properly filled.
[Note: Kindly write “N/A” on lines which are not applicable.]
b. If not accompanied by the required documents or papers including
payment of the Bar Examinations and other fees;
c. If it does not strictly conform with the above form; and
d. If it is filed beyond the deadline set by the Court.
2) A self-addressed and stamped letter envelope (long) must be attached to
the petition to be used in sending your Report of Rating in the Bar
2. Submit a copy of the Lawyer's Oath and memorize the same.
Lawyer's Oath
So help me God.
3. Enumerate the responsibilities of a lawyer to society under
the Code of Professional Responsibility.
Rule 2.01 - A lawyer shall not reject, except for valid reasons, the
cause of the defenseless or the oppressed.
Rule 2.02 - In such cases, even if the lawyer does not accept a
case, he shall not refuse to render legal advice to the
person concerned if only to the extent necessary to
safeguard the latter's rights.
Rule 2.03 - A lawyer shall not do or permit to be done any act
designed primarily to solicit legal business.
Rule 2.04 - A lawyer shall not charge rates lower than those
customarily prescribed unless the circumstances so
Rule 3.01 - A lawyer shall not use or permit the use of any false,
fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified, self-
laudatory or unfair statement or claim regarding his
qualifications or legal services.
Rule 3.02 - In the choice of a firm name, no false, misleading or
assumed name shall be used. The continued use of the
name of a deceased partner is permissible provided that
the firm indicates in all its communications that said
partner is deceased.
Rule 3.03 - Where a partner accepts public office, he shall
withdrawal from the firm and his name shall be dropped
from the firm name unless the law allows him to practice
law currently.
Rule 3.04 - A lawyer shall not pay or give anything of value to
representatives of the mass media in anticipation of, or in
return for, publicity to attract legal business.