Effects of A Chlorhexidine Varnish On Shear Bond Strength
Effects of A Chlorhexidine Varnish On Shear Bond Strength
Effects of A Chlorhexidine Varnish On Shear Bond Strength
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an antimicrobial varnish on
the shear bond strength (SBS) of metallic orthodontic brackets bonded with an indirect bonding
resin. For this purpose, 60 noncarious human premolars were divided into three equal groups.
Group 1 was an indirect bonding control group and, after acid etching of the enamel, the brackets
were indirectly bonded to the teeth with an indirect bonding resin. In group 2, before bonding, an
antimicrobial varnish was painted on the etched enamel and indirect bonding was carried out as
in group 1. In group 3, Transbond MIP primer and the antimicrobial varnish were thoroughly mixed
in a 1:2 proportion, applied to the enamel surface, light cured for 20 seconds, and the brackets
were direct bonded. A universal testing machine was used to determine the maximum load nec-
essary to debond the brackets, the SBS values recorded, and the adhesive remnant index scores
determined. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), Tukey HSD, and chi-square
tests. Results of ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences in the SBS among the various
groups tested (P , .05). Indirect bonding of brackets with Sondhi Rapid Set after the application
of the antimicrobial varnish showed significantly lower SBS when compared with both the group
2, indirect bonding control group, and the group 3, direct bonded-antimicrobial varnish group.
(Angle Orthod 2005;75:1036–1040.)
Key Words: Cervitec; Indirect bonding; Shear bond strength
results showed no differences in long-term failure TABLE 1. Chemical Composition of Cervitec Varnisha
rates. Components %
Different materials and methods for bonding brack- Ethyl acetate , 50%
ets either by indirect or direct methods are constantly Ethanol , 41%
being developed, but in certain cases, the problem of Thymol 1%
decalcification after orthodontic treatment still remains. Chlorhexidine 1%
Patients undergoing orthodontic therapy have chang- Polymer not given
es in oral ecology such as a lower pH environment, a
Data derived from Material Safe Data Sheets of Ivoclar Vivadent.
increased retentive sites for Streptococcus mutans,
and increased retention of food particles, which may
lead to increased proportions and absolute numbers
of salivary S. mutans.18–23 These changes may be re- Sixty noncarious human premolars, extracted for or-
sponsible, in part, for the observations of postortho- thodontic indications, were used in this study. After ex-
dontic treatment decalcification.24,25 traction, the teeth were stored in distilled water contin-
Øgaard et al26 indicated that a high prevalence of uously. The sample was divided into three random
caries may be caused by the high cariogenic chal- groups of 20 each. Each tooth was mounted vertically
lenge prevailing in the plaque around orthodontic ap- in self-cure acrylic so that the crown was exposed.
pliances. Proper oral hygiene is more difficult to main- Before the starting procedure, the surface of each
tain and pH levels below 4.5 have been measured in tooth was polished for one minute using the combi-
the plaque around the brackets and bands during or- nation of a polishing agent and a brush at a low speed
thodontic treatment.26 At such a low pH, the reminer- (3000 rpm). A 37% phosphoric acid gel (3M Dental
alization phase is hampered and more fluoride will not Products, St Paul, Minn) was used for acid etching for
necessarily give a better cariostatic effect.26 For that 30 seconds. The teeth were rinsed with water for 30
reason, Øgaard and Rølla27 suggested that fluoride seconds and dried with an oil-free source for 20 sec-
agents could be further improved by the addition of onds. In all etched cases, the frosty white appearance
antibacterial agents. of etched enamel was apparent.
Bishara et al28 and Damon et al29 both studied the After acid etching, the brackets were bonded in the
effects of chlorhexidine varnish on the bond strength following manner:
of orthodontic adhesives on etched enamel surfaces.
• Group 1 (indirect bonding control): the brackets were
Bishara et al30 also published data on the effects of
bonded to stone models using Transbond XT ac-
various methods of chlorhexidine application on shear
cording to the recommendations of Sondhi.11 Resin
bond strength (SBS). They indicated that SBS is not
A was applied to the etched enamel and resin B was
significantly affected when chlorhexidine is applied, if
applied on the bracket base. They were then trans-
the varnish is premixed with the sealant and applied
ferred to etched teeth using Sondhi Rapid Set.
on the etched enamel surfaces and then light cured.
• Group 2 (indirect bonding with an antimicrobial var-
Karaman and Uysal31 also investigated the effects
nish, CervitecT): before the bonding procedure, Cer-
of an antimicrobial varnish on SBS and the bracket-
vitec varnish (Cervitec, Vivadent, Schaan, Lichten-
adhesive failure modes of metallic orthodontic brack-
stein) was painted on the etched enamel and left to
ets. They found that the bond strengths of the direct
dry. The indirect bonding procedure was carried out
bonding Transbond XT with Transbond MIP (moisture
as in group 1.
insensitive primer) (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) group
• Group 3 (direct bonding/antimicrobial varnish, Cer-
and Transbond XT with an antimicrobial varnish, Cer-
vitecT): primer (Transbond MIP) and CervitecT var-
vitecT, mixed with Transbond MIP were clinically ac-
nish were thoroughly mixed in a 1:2 proportion, ap-
ceptable. They also found that, although the primer
plied to the enamel surface. The enamel surface was
they used had a hydrophilic character (Transbond
light cured for 20 seconds, and the brackets were
MIP), the antimicrobial agent in mouthwash form pre-
mixed with primer was clinically unacceptable.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects The CervitecT varnish used in this study contains
of an antimicrobial varnish (Cervitec) on SBS of me- equal amounts of chlorhexidine and thymol. The
tallic orthodontic brackets bonded with an indirect chemical components are given in Table 1.
bonding resin (Sondhi Rapid Set) and compare it with The embedded specimens were secured in a jig at-
an indirect bonding control group (Sondhi Rapid Set) tached to the base plate of a universal testing machine
and a direct bonded group prepared with a hydrophilic (Micro 500, Testometric, Maywood Instruments Limit-
primer-antimicrobial varnish mixture painted on the ed, Basingstoke, UK). A chisel-edge plunger was
previously etched enamel. mounted in the movable crosshead of the testing ma-
chine and positioned so that the leading edge was Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey HSD
aimed at the enamel-adhesive interface before the tests. Results of ANOVA revealed statistically signifi-
leading edge was brought into contact at a crosshead cant differences in bond strengths among the various
speed of 0.5 mm/min. The maximum load necessary groups tested (P , .05). The Tukey multiple range
to debond the bracket was recorded. The force re- analysis indicated that group 1 (indirect control) (mean
quired to take off the brackets was measured in New- 11.65 6 6.57 MPa) and group 3 (direct bonding/Cer-
tons, and the SBS (one MPa 5 one N/mm2) was cal- vitec varnish) (mean 13.55 6 3.45 MPa) had similar
culated by dividing the force values by the bracket SBS values. However, group 2 (indirect bonding/Cer-
base area (14 mm2). vitec) (mean 6.12 6 3.45 MPa) had significantly lower
After debonding, all teeth and brackets were ex- SBS values compared with the other two groups.
amined at a 103 magnification with light microscopy.
Any adhesive remaining after bracket removal was as- Adhesive remnant index
sessed with the adhesive remnant index (ARI)32,33 and
The amounts of residual adhesive on the enamel
scored with respect to the amount of resin material
surfaces as evaluated by the ARI scores are given in
adhering to the enamel surface. The ARI scores were
Table 3. There were statistically significant differences
used as a more comprehensive means of defining the
present among the various groups (P , .0001). In
sites of bond failure between the enamel, the adhe-
groups 1 and 2, there was a higher frequency of ARI
sive, and the bracket base.
scores of five, which indicated little or no adhesive re-
Descriptive statistics were calculated for each of the
maining on the tooth. These failures were mostly at
three groups of teeth tested. Comparisons of means
the resin-enamel interface. However, in group 3, some
were made using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
amount of adhesive was found on the tooth surface,
Tukey HSD tests. The chi-square test was used to de-
which differed from groups 1 and 2.
termine significant differences in the ARI scores
among the different groups. All statistical analyses
were performed using the SPSS software package
(Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, Despite all the advances in orthodontic material and
version 10.0.1, SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). treatment mechanics, demineralization around ortho-
dontic brackets still remains a major problem for the
RESULTS orthodontic patient. Hahn et al34 indicated that mi-
crobes accumulate on restorative materials. Among
Shear bond strength
these, S. mutans is known to cause secondary caries
The descriptive statistics, including the mean, stan- at the margins of composite restorations as well as
dard deviation, and minimum and maximum values, directly attack the enamel.
for each of the three groups are presented in Table 2. Chlorhexidine is an antimicrobial agent with a broad
spectrum that has proven to be very effective in the Set resin A is hydrophobic in nature. Therefore, it was
maintenance of plaque control and gingivitis in both believed that a possible reason for the decreased lev-
short-35 and long-term36 studies. Sandham et al37 had els of bond strength achieved in group 2 was the in-
found that there was a reduction in salivary S. mutans complete mixing of resin A and varnish. Higher SBS
levels with the use of chlorhexedine varnish on the values could be achieved if the varnish was premixed
teeth in children undergoing orthodontic treatment. with a different hydrophobic form of resin A of Sondhi
Even though brown staining of the teeth, increased Rapid Set.
calculus deposition, and an unpleasant taste are com- Reynolds38 determined the range of clinically ac-
mon side effects, these effects are minor when it is ceptable minimal bond strength values in orthodontics
used as a local varnish. as 5.9 to 7.9 MPa. The bond strength values of groups
Applying a chlorhexidine varnish to the enamel sur- 1 and 3 compare favorably with Reynolds’ values, but
face could act as a protective layer against microor- most of the specimens in group 3 were below this min-
ganisms around the bracket periphery, but in return imum limit. However, Polat et al17 had found previously
could decrease the bond strength. Bishara et al28 and that an indirect bonding group that showed an in vitro
Damon et al29 reported that bond strength was not af- SBS value of 6.11 6 1.64 MPa had a similar clinical
fected after the application of a hydrophilic primer failure rate with another indirect bonding resin group
(Transbond MIP) with a chlorhexidine varnish on that indicated an in vitro SBS value of 10.33 6 4.16
etched enamel. Karaman and Uysal31 had also ob- Mpa. Because of the probable differences in in vitro
tained the same result with the application of the same and in vivo test conditions, a final conclusion cannot
hydrophilic primer premixed with Cervitec varnish. be made without direct comparisons in the clinic.
However, they had also found a decrease in bond The results of ARI scores between the first two
strength with the application of either another antimi- groups and group 3 reflect the common failure mode
crobial varnish that contained chlorhexidine and eth- differences between indirect bonding and direct bond-
anol or a chlorhexidine mouthwash. ing systems. In indirect bonding, it seems reasonable
No information is available on the effects of Cervitec that at debonding, the lower filled resin layer would
varnish on SBS in indirect bonding procedures. There- fracture and most of the composite resin would be re-
fore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the moved with the bracket.
effects of application of Cervitec varnish on SBS and Different antimicrobial agents such as chlorhexidine,
the adhesive failure modes of metallic orthodontic benzydimine, or triclosan can be applied in the form
brackets bonded with an indirect bonding resin. A di- of mouthrinses, varnishes, or oral sprays. These
rect bonding group with Cervitec varnish–Transbond agents have been shown to be useful adjuncts in
MIP mixture was used on the basis of the results of plaque and inflammation control. Further investiga-
previous studies. The results indicate that, even tions of the effects of these agents on microbial ac-
though an indirect bonding control group and the direct cumulation and bond strength in both indirect and di-
bonding group that used a hydrophilic primer premixed rect bonding applications are needed.
with Cervitec varnish showed similar and clinically ac-
ceptable bond strength values (11.65 6 6.57 and CONCLUSIONS
13.55 6 3.45), Cervitec varnish used on etched enam-
The findings of this study are as follows:
el before indirect bonding with Sondhi Rapid Set
showed significantly lower SBS values (6.12 6 3.45) • Indirect bonding of brackets with Sondhi Rapid set
compared with the other two groups. after the application of Cervitec antimicrobial varnish
Bishara et al30 applied Cervitec under different con- showed a significant decrease in SBS when com-
ditions. They found that the SBS was not significantly pared with a direct bonding/Cervitec and an indirect
affected when the varnish was applied over the brack- bonding group. The separate use of the Cervitec
et and tooth surfaces after the bonding procedure was varnish and Resin A of Sondhi Rapid Set seemed to
completed, as a prophylactic paste over the unetched have increased the in vitro failure rates of the brack-
enamel before bonding, and when the varnish was ets.
premixed with the sealant and applied on etched • Application of an antimicrobial agent before indirect
enamel. On the other hand, in all the experimental bonding resin did not significantly alter the site of
groups in which the chlorhexidine varnish was applied failure during debonding. The failure pattern was
as a layer on the etched enamel surface or over the similar to that of the indirect bonding control group.
sealant, SBS values and bracket-failure rates were too
low to be clinically acceptable. In this study, the var- REFERENCES
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