Hand Out 2021 Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Hand Out 2021 Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
Hand Out 2021 Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth
▪ Introduction
▪ Review of literature
b) Retention form
c) Resistance form
▪ Effect of ferrule on the resistance form of the tooth preparation
▪ Dowel classification
▪ Dowel materials
▪ References
Endodontic therapy has provided dentistry with the ability to retain the teeth,
that just a few decades ago have been extracted with out hesitation. When the
Endodontic treatment of the tooth has been completed, however question often arise
as to how to restore it to protect the tooth structure that remains. The restoration of
full function and serve satisfactorily as an abutment for fixed partial denture.
Different clinical techniques have been proposed to solve these problems and
opinions differ as to the most appropriate one. Recent experimental data have
treated tooth.
Review of literature
less teeth, which have been weakened by caries, and Endodontic procedures
need the support of a post and core casting for reinforcement. The casting
technique and concluded that unlike the cast core and dowel techniques, the
splinting effect of the steel pins cemented in the dentin peripheral to the root,
treated tooth with a dowel and core and it should possess a positive seal to
prevent wedge like action of the post. The transverse and vertical shape of
the prepared root canal should follow the contour of the exterior root surface.
The dowel length should be determined by the bone support of the involved
1) Proper instrumentation.
b) Root morphology.
b) b) The posts used for restoration should be long narrow, parallel sided
and threaded.
depends on the proper diagnosis, selectivity of the tooth to be treated and the
canal increase cervical stress, and the post placement will decrease stress in
this region. Post length appeared to be more important than post diameter in
teeth with various ferrule designs and amounts of coronal tooth structure. It
was concluded that 1mm of coronal dentin above the shoulder significantly
The disease process and the restorative procedures that create the need of
Endodontic therapy affect much more than pulp vitality. The tooth structure that
remains after endodontic treatment has been undermined and weakened by caries,
loss of coronal tooth structure. Endodontic access in to the pulp chamber destroys
the structural integrity provided by the coronal dentin of the pulpal root and allows
The changes in the collagen cross-linking and dehydration of the dentin leads
to 14% reduction in the strength and toughness of the tooth. The internal moisture
loss has been shown to average approximately 9% and is greater in the anterior
teeth. This combined loss of structural integrity, loss of moisture, loss of dentin
chemically altered dentin modifies light refraction through the tooth and changes it
appearance inadequate Endodontic cleaning and shaping of the coronal area also
contributes to this discoloration by staining the dentin from degradation of vital tissue
1) The amount of tooth structure loss is one of the most important aspects in
2) A non-vital anterior tooth that has loss significant tooth structure requires post
3) A non-vital anterior tooth with significant coronal tooth structure loss and
4) Posterior teeth carry greater occlusal leads than the anterior teeth. An
against horizontal and torquing forces. In these cases post and core returned
treated teeth
All of the changes that accompany root canal therapy influence the selection
of restorative procedures for endodontically treated teeth. Tooth structure loss can
range from very minimal access preparation in intact teeth to very extensive damage
that endangers the longevity of the tooth if self. Restorative treatment decision
depends on
Posterior teeth are subjected to greater occlusal forces than the anterior teeth
The horizontal and torquing forces endured by abutments for EPD or RPD
Prefabricated metal, carbon fiber, ceramic and glass fiber posts are used as
an alternatives to metal posts and these are used in conjunction with the plastic
Teeth with minimal remaining tooth structure are at an increased risk for fracture;
provide decreased retention for the restoration. When the decision is made to
restore the endodontically treated tooth, careful, assessment should be done for
▪ No sensitivity to pressure.
▪ No exudates.
▪ No sinus.
▪ No apical sensitivity.
▪ No active inflammation.
In adequate root fillings should be retreated and if doubt still exists, the tooth
treated teeth
There are four basic components that may utilized restoring an endodontically
canal. Their purpose is to retain the core and to equally distributes the forces
2) Pins are used either alone or in combination with the posts to provide
retention for the core material posts are contraindicated in teeth with extreme
3) The core replaced coronal tooth structure that has been lost because of
4) The final restoration restores external tooth contours and allows the tooth to
5) A encircling band of metal, which will support the tooth externally bracing it
against fracture by the dowel which has been described as an ferrule effect,
which is about 2mm wide. It may be provided by a coping a long contra level
on the core or the axial wall of the crown, which extend epically beyond the
When creating a post space, one must use great care to remove only minimal
tooth structure from the canal over enlargement can perforate or weaken the tooth,
which then may split during cementation of the post or during subsequent function.
The thickness of the remaining dentin is a prime variable in the fracture resistance of
the root.
diameters showed that teeth with thicker (1.8mm) post fractured more easily than
Photo elastic stress analysis also has shown that internal stress is reduced
tension side.
▪ Minimal enlargement of the root canal for a moderately sized post does not
It is difficult to enlarge the root canal uniformly and to guage the accuracy how much
structure has been removed and how thick the remaining dentin will be present.
Thus if recommended that the root canal be enlarged to enable the post to fit snugly
for strength and retention. The length of the post space, enlargement seldom needs
to exceed one or two additional file sizes beyond that used for endodontic treatment.
Endodontically treated teeth often have lost much coronal tooth structure as a
remove intra-coronal undercuts if a cast core is used, which may leave very little
The mount of remaining tooth structure is probably the single most important
predictor of clinical success. Extension of the axial wall of the crown apical to the
missing tooth structure provide a “ferrule”, which help to bind the remaining tooth
B) Retention form
Anterior Teeth
Dislodgement of post retained anterior crown is frequent seen clinical and is
due to inadequate retention form of the prepared post. Retention of the post mainly
affected by the preparation geometry, the post length post diameter, surface texture
a) Preparation Geometry
cross section. These can be prepared to give cavity with parallel walls or minimum
canals with elliptical cross section are prepared with a restricted amount of taper to
J.P. Standle et al (1978) concluded that, the threaded parallel sided post are most
retentive and serrated parallel sided post cemented in cylindrical canals exhibited
intermediate retention and smooth sided tapered post are least retentive.
Several laboratory tests confirmed that parallel-sided posts are more retentive
than taped posts and threaded posts are most retentive of all. But these
comparisons are relevant only if the post fits the post canal properly serve the
b) Post length
Studied have shown that as post length increases, retention increases, but
the relationship is not necessarily linear. A post will too short will fail in retention and
may cause root fracture from stresses generated by occlusal forces Fig 12-16(1).
Absolute guidelines for optimal post length are difficult to define ideally the post
should be as long as possible without jeopardizing the apical seal or the strength or
K.D. Desort (1983) stated that leaving at least 3-5mm of apical seal and extending
the post to atleast half the length of the root will enhance the retention of the
root canal filling at the radiographic apex to maintain the integrity of root canal seal.
c) Post diameter
David J. Sokol in (1984) suggested that, increasing the post diameter beyond the
required to produce intimate contact between the dowel and the dentin walls for
optimum retention results in unnecessary removal of dentin and weakens the root.
of the post and the root canal considerably increases the retention of the tapered
Johnson et al (1976) found that a parallel-sided serrated dowel post increased the
retention 41/2 times over that of tapering sided post. They also found that an
rather than tapered to o\provide retention and minimization of stress. They also
suggested that serrated post increase retention but are totally dependent on cement
bond, while threaded post increase retention but also increase the stress in the
e) Luting Agent
The adhesive resin luting agents have the potential to improve the
performance of post and core restorations and these cements are indicated if a post
becomes dislodged.
Thomas Junge et al (1998) conducted an invitro study to compare the load fatigue
of endodontically treated teeth using 3 luting agents. They concluded that the resin
cement samples has a higher number of load cycles to preliminary failure when
Endodontic posts using 4 luting agents and they concluded that, zinc phosphate and
glass ionomer cements were found to be more retentive than polycarboxylate and
Moody C.R et al (1989) compared the bond strength of zinc phosphate and
under varied storage and thermo cycling conditions. They concluded that ZnPo 4 is
the recommended cement for use with the composite resin core buildups.
Posterior teeth
Relatively long post with a circular cross-section provides good retention and
support in the anterior teeth but should be avoided in the posterior teeth, which often
have carried roots and elliptical or ribbon shaped canals. For these teeth, retention is
better provided by two or more relatively short posts in the divergent canals.
▪ When amalgam used as the core material, it can be condensed either around
cemented metal posts or directly into short prepared post spaces. It more
than 3-4mm of coronal tooth structure remains, use of root canals for
that are widest normally the palatal canals of maxillary molars and distal
canals of mandibular molars are used for the major posts and other canals
were prepared for short auxiliary post spaces in other canals with same path
of the withdrawal.
▪ If a cast dowel core is made, it can be made in sections that have different
paths of withdrawal.
C) Resistance form
An excessive internal preparation of the root weaken the root and possibility
of failure in the restoration will increases. The post design should distribute stresses
as evenly as possible.
The influence of post design on stress distribution has been tested using
photo elastic materials; strain gauges and finite element analysis form these
1) The greatest stress concentrations are found at the shoulder particularly inter-
proximally and all the apex. Dentin should be considered in these areas if
3) Parallel-sided posts may distribute stresses more evenly than tapered posts,
which may have wedging effect. However parallel sided posts generate high
5) High stress can be generated during insertion particularly with smooth parallel
6) The threaded posts can produce high stress concentration during insertion
and loading, but they have been shown to distribute stress evenly if the posts
7) The cement layer results in a more even stress distribution to the root with les
stress concentrations.
Rotational Resistance
It is important that a post with a circular cross section not rotate during
function. When sufficient coronal tooth structure remains, this should not present a
▪ If coronal dentin is completely lost, a small groove placed in the canal can
serve, anti-rotational element. The groove is normally placed where the canal
cavity half in the post and half in the root and condensing amalgam into it
to the core.
“A ferrule can be defined as a metal ring or cap put around the end of a tool,
cane etc to provide added strength”. This effect used in the dowel preparation in the
form of a circumferential contra bevel. This contra bevel reinforces the coronal
aspect of the dowel preparation, aids in effecting a positive occlusal seat, and acts
as an anti-rotational device.
▪ Extension of axial wall of the crown apical to the missing tooth structure will
help in binding the remaining tooth structure together and prevents root
▪ Ferule effect can be also used where these is little or no clinical crown
remaining by placing a large contra bevel on the root surface, with the finish
lines of the final crown preparation apical to the post and core unit.
▪ Lue Zhi-Yue et al (2003) concluded that 2mm dentin ferrule more effectively
Dowel classification
1) Tapered dowels.
2) Parallel dowels.
These may be further classified by their surface configuration as
1) Serrated dowels.
2) Smooth dowels.
3) Threaded dowels.
dowel should be long enough to satisfy clinical requirements with out jeopardizing
the root integrity. The standard parameters for dowel length in a tooth with normal
▪ Root morphology plays a great role in the determining dowel length. The
root should have at least 1mm of tooth structure remaining around the
curvature reduces the dowel length as the greater the curve of the root
limits the dowel length. Retaining the last 3-5mm filling material at the
and force distribution of the dowel parallel-sided dowels are 2-4 times as retentive as
tapered dowels. They also distribute functional loads to the root passively and
therefore indicated for the majority of the cases photoelectric studies have
demonstrated that tapered dowels act like a wedge to exert significant lateral forces
on the tooth structure. These forces may ultimately result in a vertical root fracture.
These are generally reserved for the significant tapered canal systems where
uses of parallel-sided dowel necessitate attention of the radicular dentin walls. The
limitations of these forms of dowels include low retentive capacity and potential for
Dowel Diameter
parallel dowels that of smooth surfaces. Serrations can be horizontal with a single
vertical vent channel or fluted so that the serration form a series of vents that
Dowel materials
stress and resist corrosion and must not be harmful to the patient. Importantly
physical requirements of dowel include adequate stiffness high yield stress and
deforms and springs back under function. This stress concentration can
yield strength materials deform under lesser loads and transfer stress to the
failure when exposed to repetitive stresses of oral function, which will result in
corrosive effects of oral fluids. The most significant corrosion occurs in the
stainless. dowels that have been invested heated and allowed to cool.
Custom cast dowels are fabricated form gold alloys and other conventional
fixed prosthodontic metals. These metals are generally non reactive and
custom dowels are cast and not wrought, the chances of corrosion from heal
treatment is eliminated.
▪ A Berrated post comes in either stainless stell or gold alloys. Eg: para post,
▪ Tapered posts are available in Pt-Au-Pd and Ni-Cr alloys. Eg: Cerapost, C-I
▪ Recent concern about the potential for sensitivity and allergy production by
are less allergic than Ni-Cr alloys. The disadvantage of using titanium post or
dowel is their less radio opacity, which is similar to gutta-purcha and other
cutting agents.
▪ Carbon fiber posts have increased in popularity during recent years. These
epoxy matrix. The resultant post will be strong but has significantly lower
stiffness and strength. The chief disadvantage of a carbon fiber post is its
Aesthti post,
▪ Manufacturers have developed high strength ceramic posts (Zirconia posts)
and ceramic co9mposite and woven fiber (polyethylene) posts and all are
Koutays et al (2003) concluded that all ceramic posts and cores cemented with
adhesive technology can be used in combination with all ceramic crowns because
The core consists of restorative material placed in the coronal area of the
The core is anchored to the tooth by a direct connection of the core into canal
or through Endodontic dowel. The attachment between tooth, dowel and core
The remaining tooth structure can be altered to enhance retention of the core
irregular nature of the residual coronal tooth structure and normal morphology of the
pulp chamber and canal orifices eliminate the need for these tooth alterations.
Using restorative materials that bond to the tooth structure enhance retention and
▪ Dimensional stability.
▪ Ease of manipulation.
Cast core
A cast core forming a one-piece dowel and core is a traditional and proven
▪ As the core is an integral extension of the dowel, the cast core does not
▪ Selection of the dental alloys used in the casting allows control of core
▪ The laboratory phase may also be technique sensitive in the core fabrication
process casting a large core in contact with a small diameter dowel pattern
▪ Amalgam also presents a corrosion barriers that seals tooth alloy junction,
▪ High compressive strength and high tensile strength and high modulus of
and metal.
▪ Potential for corrosion with base metals and discoloration of gingival and
remaining dentin.
preparation for the final restoration is readily accomplished during the core
placement session.
▪ Additional retention and anti-rotation mechanisms are also easily achieved
▪ Polymerization shrinkage and contraction away from the tooth structure can
structure, which can affect the luting integrity and micro leakage under the
▪ High viscosity glass ionomers and glass ionomer silver cements are core
▪ The glass ionomer core materials are technique sensitive and deviation from
the manufacturers recommendations can lead to failure of the core and of the
final crown.
▪ The tensile strength and flexural strength of GIC core materials are lower than
As an alternative to the traditional cast dowel and core for posterior teeth the
direct coronal radicular restoration. This restoration consist of a core that replaces a
coronal tooth structure and extends 2-4mm into the coronal portion of the canals.
▪ The coronal radicular core is indicated for posterior teeth that have large pulp
▪ The build up can be placed and prepared for final coronal restoration in one
▪ Single homogenous materials used for entire restoration.
The first step for all types of dowel and core restorations in the removal of the
gutta percha from the dowel space. The amount of gutta percha to be removed is
dictated by the desired dowel length, the bone height and the root morphology.
▪ Rotary instrumentation for gutta percha removal carry the risk of straying
from the canal and cutting the excess radicular dentin which results in
designed to center themselves within the confines of the gutta percha fill.
▪ These drills gradually increase the size of the canal, remove natural
undercuts, and shape the canal to correspond with the provided dowel or
dowel pattern. The diameters of these drills and associated dowel forms
are incremented from 0.7-1.7mm for peeso reamers and 0.6-1.5mm for
Gates-Glidden drills.
▪ Before removing gutta percha the appropriate length of the post should be
calculated. It should be adequate for retention and resistance but not so long
as to weaken the apical seal. An absolute 3-5mm apical fill is needed for better
apical seal.
▪ Avoid the apical 5mm it possible curvatures and lateral canals may be found in
this segment. It the working length, of the tooth canal is known the length of
the post space can be easily determined. There it is important not be loose
▪ An Endodontic condenser of large size is selected but not so large that it binds
instrument and then heated and placed in the canal to soften the gutta percha.
▪ If the gutta percha is old and has last its thermoplasticity use a rotary
▪ If using a rotary instrument, which is choosed to be, slight narrower than the
▪ The instrument should follow the center of the gutta percha and should not cut
the dentin often only a part of root canal fill need to be removed with rotary
▪ When gutta percha has been removed to the appropriate depth shape the canal
low speed drill. The purpose is to remove undercuts and prepare the canals
Before enlargement of the canal, the type of post system to be used for the
fabrication of the post and core must be chosen. The knowledge of root canal cross
canals with roots of circular cross section. Excessively flared canals are most
individual basis.
Prefabricated posts
▪ Enlarge canal one or two sizes with a drill or endodontic file or reamer that
appropriate drill is followed by a tap that pre-threads the internal walls of the
post space.
A tapered post will conform better to the canal than a parallel sided post and
▪ Should be careful not to remove dentin at the apical extent of the post space.
A custom made post and core can be cast from a direct pattern fabricated in
for single canals. Whereas an indirect procedure is more appropriate for multiple
Direct Technique
▪ The direct custom dowel is made by fabricating a resin or wax pattern in the
prepared tooth.
▪ The prepared canal is lightly lubricated and notched with a loose fitting plastic
▪ A bead brush technique is used to add resin to the dowel and seat it in the
prepared canal. This procedure done in two steps 1) Resin is added to canal
orifice first, 2) Rein is mixed and roll into thin cylinder, which is introduced into
the canal and pushed to into the canal with a monomer moistened plastic
▪ Not to allow the resin to harden fully with in the canal loosed and reseat it
▪ Apical portion is formed by adding additional resin and reseating and removal
▪ More resin is added to the coronal portion of the pattern to provide bulk for
the core.
▪ The coronal portion of the pattern is shaped into a crown preparation for the
final restoration.
▪ The finish line of the final crown should be an the tooth structure and not on
the core.
▪ After completing finishing of the dowel and core pattern is cast, in gold or
nickel-chrome alloy.
▪ Using a carbide a V-shape cement escape vent is fabricated on the side of
the dowel. This groove should help greatly to prevent damaging and
▪ A thin mix of cement is introduced into the prepared canal with the help of
▪ The finished dowel is coated with thin cement and inserted into the canal.
▪ The dowel is seated slowly with the finger pressure so that close fitting
hydraulic chamber formed by the dowel moving through the viscous liquid.
▪ When the cement has set, the axial surfaces of the core and tooth structure
with a fine grit diamond to remove any minor undercuts in the axial region.
▪ The portion of the coronal tooth form that has been built up with a core can be
Indirect Technique
▪ The orthodontic wire is cut into pieces to a length and shape them like the
▪ Fit of the each wire is verified in the prepared canal. It should fit loosely and
▪ Wire should be coated with the tray adhesive and the canals are lubricated
with a die-lubricant.
▪ Using lentulo-spiral, the canals are filled with the elastomeric impression
material. Before loading the impression syringe, verify that the lentulo will
▪ Wire reinforcement will be should in each post space the full depth, the
▪ Once the cast is prepared, a loose fitting plastic post or a plastic tooth pick is
▪ A thin coat of sticky wax is applied to the plastic post and soft inlay wax is
added in increments from the most apical area. The post should be correctly
oriented as it is seated to adapt the wax. When the post pattern is completed,
▪ Margins of the core is finished with a warm burnisher to produce a well fitting
casting as possible.
After the post space has been prepared the coronal tooth structure is reduced
fracture or endodontic access are ignored and the remaining tooth structure is
of the pattern.
▪ The remaining part of the coronal tissue is prepared perpendicular to the post
because this will create a positive stop to prevent over seating and splitting of
the tooth. The rotation of the post must be prevented by preparing a flat
surface parallel to the post. If insufficient tooth structure for this features
placement of one or more pins in the dentin to provide adequate resistance and
▪ Drilling pinholes and placing pins may create craze lines as well as # and
▪ Pins do not reinforce amalgam and therefore they do not increase its
▪ Pin retention increases the risk of perforating into the pulp or the external
tooth surface.
▪ The self threaded and friction lock pins are contra indicated in endodontically
created by extensive loss of tooth structure after the restorative procedures and
over denture abutments. Dowel, core and coronal restorations must also be
designed for the new shape and functions of the altered, endodontic teeth.
▪ When pre-restorative RCT is indicated for elongated, periodontally involved
Dowel placement may be needed for the retention of the core. However
restoration of a tooth. It is true that normally essential role of pulpal protection is not
▪ Esthetic role.
placement and the ability to restore a tooth for immediate crown preparation.
Although prefabricated post have their advantages, the customized cast post and
The canal is altered to fit the prefabricated post, but customized costing is
cylindrical shape of prefabricated posts they are best suited for circular canals,
Ommell et al (1970) recommended that the post and core and possibly the
long-term clinical traits is still needed and may be more difficult to obtain.
where cement of dentin remaining may be difficult to assess. A post and core is
used to provide retention and support for cast restoration. If should be adequate
length for good stress distribution but should not be SV long as to jeopardize the
apical seal.
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