Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Design Condition
1.1 Type : xxx-Type (H=xm, B=m) [Superstructure Type : PSC(Span=50m)]
1.2 Foundation Type :
3) Earth Pressure
A) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time ( Coulomb Earth Pressure )
Sin ( )
Ka 2
Sin ( ) Sin ( )
Sin 2 Sin ( ) 1
Sin ( ) Sin ( )
Sin ( ' )
Ka 2
Sin( ) Sin( ' )
Cos ' Sin Sin( ' )1
Sin( ' ) Sin( )
5) longitudinal force
A) Brake Load: IRS 6 2010 loads and stress section 211 (Breaking effect is invariablly greater then tractive effect)
B) Start Load : (Also called Tractive effort)
C) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearing due to change of tempurature or any other cause
6) Surcharge Load
qL = 35 KN/m² (Live Load)
qD = 15 KN/m² (Dead Load)
7) Seismic Load
Using IRC:6 - 2010 Section 219 for seismic load:
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient:
for time period 𝑇=2∗√(𝐷/1000𝐹) D= superstructre dead load+ live load (KN)
F= horizontal force in KN for 1 mm deflection of abutment
D= 5349.234 KN
F= 194.140 KN I= 6.252
Kh = 0.06 x 1.200 = 0.072 (For EarthPressure: Kh =(Z/2 x (I)/R)(Z=0.36, Zone V, I=1.2, R=3)
kh = 0.072 x 2.5 = 0.180 (Inertia force calculation of superstructure, (Sa/g = 2.5)
8) Temperature Variation
③ ④ Df= 1.00 m
b7= 3.700 b6= 2.900
3.Load Calculation
3.1 Abutment and Backfill Self Weight
1) Volume
① b1 x ( Dh + Bh ) x L = 9.563
② b5 x Ht x H = 80.170
③ ( B7 + B5 ) Df x T = 24.975
④ x Df x T = 13.050
ⓐ B x ( H1 + H ) x L = 231.102
1) Dead Load
Vd = 15.00 × 4.50 × 3.700 = 249.750 KN
MVd = Vd × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 1585.9125 KN·m
Horizontal Force due to Surcharge at seismic condition :
Vd h = 249.75 × 0.180 = 44.955 KN
Md h = Vd × Ht+Df = 668.93 KN·m
2) Live Load
(1) Single Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 4.150 × 4.200 = 610 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 3,874 KN·m
(2) Double Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 8.300 × 4.200 = 1,220 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 7,748 KN·m
B) Earth Pressure
Pa2 = 1/2 x Ka x γ x H 2
x L = 1,904 KN
y2 = H /3 = 4.627 m
2) Active Earth Pressure at Seismic
A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Paed = Kae x qd x H x L = 269 KN
PaeL = Kae x ql x H x L = 627 KN
Ye1 = H /2 = 6.94 m
B) Earth Pressure
Pae = 1/2 x Kae x (1-Kv) x γ x H 2
x L = 2,488 KN
3.1.7 Foundation design
i) Service load
A. Load Combination
Load Case 1 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure
Load Case 2 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure + 1.0·Live Load (Impact)
Load Case 3 = 1.0·Dead Load+1.0·Earth Pressure+1.0·Live Load (Impact)+1.0·Brake Load
Load Case 4 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load
B.Load calculation
Load Case 1 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1 2,198.44 12,503.24
self weight Backfill 1 4,159.84 27454.9176
super Dead 1 5246.5816 3.65 19150.02284
structure Live
surcharge Dead 1 249.75 6.35 1585.9125
load LIve
surcharge PD 1 228.6036 6.94 1586.509
pressure PL
Earthpressure 1 1903.811 4.626667 8808.298
Total ∑V= 11,854.61 ∑mv= 60,694.09 ∑H= 2132.414 ∑Mh= 10394.807
Load Case 2 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure + 1.0·Live Load (Impact)
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1 2,198.44 12,503.24
self weight Backfill 1 4,159.84 27454.9176
super Dead 1 5246.5816 3.65 19150.02284
structure Live 1 513.262 3.65 1873.4063
surcharge Dead 1 249.75 6.35 1585.9125
load LIve 1 610.05 6.35 3873.8175
surcharge PD 1 228.6036 6.94 1586.509
pressure PL 1 533.4084 6.94 3701.854
Earthpressure 1 1903.811 4.626667 8808.298
Total ∑V= 12,367.87 ∑mv= 62,567.50 ∑H= 2665.823 ∑Mh= 14096.661
Load Case 3 = 1.0·Dead Load+1.0·Earth Pressure+1.0·Live Load (Impact)+1.0·Brake Load
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1 2,198.44 12,503.24
self weight Backfill 1 4,159.84 27454.9176
super Dead 1 5246.5816 3.65 19150.02284
structure Live 1 513.262 3.65 1873.4063
surcharge Dead 1 249.75 6.35 1585.9125
load LIve 1 610.05 6.35 3873.8175
surcharge PD 1 228.6036 6.94 1586.509
pressure PL 1 533.4084 6.94 3701.854
Earthpressure 1 1903.811 4.626667 8808.298
Break Load 1 110.8 1781.664
Total ∑V= 12,977.92 ∑mv= 66,441.31 ∑H= 2665.823 ∑Mh= 14096.661
Load Case 4 = 1.0·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1 2,198.44 12,503.24 1 563.4095 2677.617
self weight Backfill 1 4,159.84 27454.9176 1 748.7705 5945.238
super Dead 1 5246.5816 3.65 19150.02284 1 944.3847 10.63 10038.809
structure Live
surcharge Dead 1 249.75 6.35 1585.9125 1 44.955 668.930
load LIve
surcharge PD 1 228.6036 6.94 1586.509
pressure PL
Earthpressure 1 1903.811 4.626667 8808.298
Total ∑V= 11,854.61 ∑mv= 60,694.09 ∑H= 2132.414 ∑Mh= 10394.807
C) Summary Of Load
Classification V H Mo Remark
LOAD CASE 1 11854.608 2132.414 100385.000
LOAD CASE 2 12367.870 2665.823 3783.415 Ordinary Time
LOAD CASE 3 12977.920 2665.823 2487.059
LOAD CASE 4 11854.608 2132.414 -213.565 Seismic
Max 12977.920 2665.823 100385.000
ii) Ultimate load
A. Load Combination
Load Case 1 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure
Load Case 2 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 2.0·Live Load (Impact)
Load Case 3 = 1.7 Dead Load + 1.7 Earth Pressure + 1.7 Live Load (Impact)
Load Case 4 = 1.7·Dead Load+1.7·Earth Pressure+1.4·Live Load (Impact)+1.4·Brake Load
Load Case 5 = 1·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load
B.Load calculation
Load Case 1 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1.4 3,077.82 17,504.53
self weight Backfill 1.4 5,823.77 38,436.88
super Dead 1.4 7,345.21 3.65 37,534.04
structure Live
surcharge Dead 1.4 349.65 6.35 3,108.39
load LIve
surcharge PD 1.7 388.63 6.94 2,697.07
pressure PL
Earthpressure 1.7 3,236.48 4.63 14,974.11
Total ∑V= 16,596.45 ∑mv= 96,583.8 ∑H= 3,625.10 ∑Mh= 17,671.17
Load Case 2 = 1.4·Dead Load + 1.7· Earth Pressure + 2.0·Live Load (Impact)
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1.4 3,077.816 17,504.53
self weight Backfill 1.4 5,823.770 38,436.88
super Dead 1.4 7,345.214 3.65 37,534.04
structure Live 2 1,026.524 3.65 7,493.63
surcharge Dead 1.4 349.650 6.35 3,108.39
load LIve 2 1,220.100 6.35 15,495.27
surcharge PD 1.7 388.626 6.940 2697.065
pressure PL 1.7 163.223 6.940 1132.767
Earthpressure 1.7 3236.478 4.627 14974.106
Total ∑V= 17,622.97 ∑mv= 104,077.5 ∑H= 3788.3274 ∑Mh= 18803.939082
Load Case 3 = 1.7 Dead Load + 1.7 Earth Pressure + 1.7 Live Load (Impact)
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1.7 3,737.35 3,737.35
self weight Backfill 1.7 7,071.72 46,673.36
super Dead 1.7 8,919.19 3.65 32,555.04
structure Live 1.7 872.55 3.65 3,184.79
surcharge Dead 1.7 424.58 6.35 2,696.05
load LIve 1.7 1,037.09 6.35 6,585.49
surcharge PD 1.7 388.626 6.940 2697.065
pressure PL 1.7 163.223 6.940 1132.767
Earthpressure 1.7 3236.478 4.627 14974.106
Total ∑V= 21,025.38 ∑mv= 88,846.6 ∑H= 3788.327 ∑Mh= 18803.939
Load Case 5 = 1·Dead Load + 1.0· Earth Pressure at Seismic + 1.0·Seismic Load
Vertical Force and Moment Horizontal Force and Moment
L.F. V x Mv L.F. H y Mh
Abutment 1 3,077.82 17,504.53 1 563.409 2677.617
self weight Backfill 1 5,823.77 38436.88464 1 748.770 5945.238
super Dead 1 7345.21424 3.65 26810.03198 1 944.385 10.630 10038.809
structure Live
surcharge Dead 1 349.65 6.35 2220.2775 1 44.955 668.930
load LIve
surcharge PD 1 388.626 6.940 2697.065
pressure PL
Earthpressure 1 3236.478 4.627 14974.106
Total ∑V= 16,596.45 ∑mv= 84,971.72 ∑H= 3625.1044 ∑Mh= 17671.1716674
C) Summary Of Load
Classification V H Mo Remark
LOAD CASE 1 16596.451 3625.104 -8792.672
LOAD CASE 2 17622.975 3788.327 -10816.466
Ordinary Time
LOAD CASE 3 21025.379 3788.327 18789.574
LOAD CASE 4 21725.470 3943.447 19380.468
LOAD CASE 5 16,596.45 3625.104 2819.452 Seismic
Max 21725.470 3943.447 19380.468 Positive Moment
-10816.466 Negative Moment