Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type

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Design Condition
1.1 Type : xxx-Type (H=xm, B=m) [Superstructure Type : PSC(Span=50m)]
1.2 Foundation Type :

Unit Weight of Abutment Materials =

1.3 Design Load
1) Dead Load
A) Ground
Ground Soil Unit Weight (γ1) : 18 KN/m2
N-Value at pile end (N) : = 10 (Soft Soil)
B) Back Fill
Self Unit Weight (γ2) : 18 KN/m2
Shear Resistance Angle (φ) : 35

2) Live Load : IRC class A truck

3) Earth Pressure
A) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time ( Coulomb Earth Pressure )

Sin (    )
Ka  2
 Sin (   ) Sin (   ) 
Sin 2  Sin (    ) 1  
 Sin (    ) Sin (   ) 

B) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Seismic ( Mononbe-Okabe Formula )

Sin (      ' )
Ka  2
 Sin(   ) Sin(   ' ) 
Cos ' Sin  Sin(    ' )1 

 Sin(    ' ) Sin(   ) 

4) Impact Factor ( Span L = 50.00 m )

Using "IRS 6 2010 loads and stress" for specifying Loads on superstructure and substructure:
impact factor is taken as 10% as section 208

5) longitudinal force
A) Brake Load: IRS 6 2010 loads and stress section 211 (Breaking effect is invariablly greater then tractive effect)
B) Start Load : (Also called Tractive effort)
C) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearing due to change of tempurature or any other cause

6) Surcharge Load
qL = 35 KN/m² (Live Load)
qD = 15 KN/m² (Dead Load)

7) Seismic Load
Using IRC:6 - 2010 Section 219 for seismic load:
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient:
for time period 𝑇=2∗√(𝐷/1000𝐹) D= superstructre dead load+ live load (KN)
F= horizontal force in KN for 1 mm deflection of abutment

D= 5349.234 KN
F= 194.140 KN I= 6.252

Kh = 0.06 x 1.200 = 0.072 (For EarthPressure: Kh =(Z/2 x (I)/R)(Z=0.36, Zone V, I=1.2, R=3)
kh = 0.072 x 2.5 = 0.180 (Inertia force calculation of superstructure, (Sa/g = 2.5)

8) Temperature Variation

1.4 Used Material and Strength

1) Concrete Design strength : fck = 30 MPa
2) Rebar Yield Strength : fy = 415 MPa
3) Bearing ( xxxx Bearing ) - Bearing Friction Coefficient (μm) : 0.150
2. Assumed Section b1 b2
Approch slab
b3 b4 height up to bearing H = 11.630 m
Dh= bearing height Bh = 0.500 m

Deck height Dh = 3.750 m
total height Ht = 15.880 m
Length of Abutment L = 4.500 m
A b1 = 0.600 m
b2 = 1.700 m
b3 = 0.750 m
b4 = 0.950 m 589
ⓐ ② b5 = 2.300 m
H= 11.630 b6 = 2.900 m
b7 = 3.700 m
depth of foundation Df = 1.000 m
Aproach Slab BA = 8.300 m (top width of Girder)
LA = 3.700 m (Length of back fill)
B B Total Base Width of Foundation = 8.900 m

③ ④ Df= 1.00 m

b7= 3.700 b6= 2.900

3.Load Calculation
3.1 Abutment and Backfill Self Weight
1) Volume
① b1 x ( Dh + Bh ) x L = 11.475
② b5 x Ht x H = 120.371
③ ( B7 + B5 ) Df x T = 27.000
④ x Df x T = 13.050
ⓐ B x ( H1 + H ) x L = 264.402

2) Self Weight & Moment

Vertical force and momnet Horizental force and moment

Classification Volume Unit weight
① 11.475 24.5 281.14 4.900 1,377.57 50.60475 14.755 746.67309
② 120.371 24.5 2,949.08 4.05 11,943.76 530.83391 6.815 3617.6331
Abut. Self ③ 27.000 24.5 661.50 5.9 3,902.85 119.07 0.5 59.535
④ 13.050 24.5 319.73 1.45 463.60 57.5505 0.5 28.77525
Σ 3,230.21 17,687.79 758.05916 4452.6164
ⓐ 264.402 18 4,759.24 7.05 33552.614 856.66248 8.94 7658.5626
Σ 4,759.24 33552.614 856.66248 7658.5626

3.2 Surcharge Load

1) Dead Load
Vd = 15.00 × 4.50 × 3.700 = 249.750 KN
MVd = Vd × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 1685.8125 KN·m
Horizontal Force due to Surcharge at seismic condition :
Vd h = 249.75 × 0.180 = 44.955 KN
Md h = Vd × Ht+Df = 758.84 KN·m
2) Live Load
(1) Single Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 4.150 × 4.300 = 625 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 4,216 KN·m
(2) Double Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 8.300 × 4.300 = 1,249 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 8,432 KN·m

3.3 Superstructure Load

1) Dead Load (Superstructure Calculation Reference)
Clasification G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Total Remarks
Reaction Force 5246.582

2) Live Load (except Impact, Superstructure Calculation Reference) - Single Track

Clasification G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 Total Remarks
Reaction Force 513.262
3.4 Design Horizontal Force (Longitudinal Direction Horizontal Force)
1) Braking Load considering braking load only (breaking load > tracting load)
The longitudinal force for braking the class A
vehicle is maximum and is given by HBr = 0.20 Wt, where 0.20 is the
coefficient and Wt is the weight of the vehicle directly on the span = 554.000 KN (Total Wt of the IRC class A Tr vehicle 2*27+2*114)
Effect due to class A loading will be less. Hence HBr = = 110.800 KN
this acts 1.2 m above deck level, i.e at a distance from abut. base of
Moment due to braking about abutment base = 2003.264 KN-m
2) Seismic Load
Seismic Force = Kh x Dead load of super structure
= 0.180 x 5246.582
= 944.385 KN

3.5 Earth Pressure Coefficient & earth pressure

1) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time ( Coulomb Formula )

φ (Angle of internal friction of soil) = 35 β = 90 (Slope of backfill) 0.61087
δ (Friction between wall and soil) = 23 α = 0 (Inclination of earth face of wall) 0.40724
∴ Ka = 0.244 0.6710100717 1 0.9182161 1 0.4881805 0.9182161069 2.9899648

2) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Seismic ( Mononbe-Okabe Formula )

φ (Angle of internal friction of soil) = 35 θ = 0.072 tan -1 [ Kh / (1-Kv) ] 0.611
δ (Friction between wall and soil) = 23 β = 90 (Angle between backwall and vertical plan) 0.407
α = 0 (Inclination of earth face of wall)
Kh (Horizontal Seismic coefficient) = 0.072 Kv = 0 (Vertical seismic coefficient)
γ (Unit weight of soil) = 20.00 KN/㎥ i (Slope of backfill)
∴ Kae = 0.287
0.737 0.99741803 1.000 0.8874012 1 0.4368516 0.8874011931
Earth pressure
qd = 15.00 KN/m² ql = 35 KN/m²

1) Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time

A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Pa1d = Ka x qd x H x L = 262 KN
Pa1L = Ka x ql x H x L = 610 KN
y1 = H /2 = 7.94 m

B) Earth Pressure
Pa2 = 1/2 x Ka x γ x H 2
x L = 2,492 KN
y2 = H /3 = 5.293 m
2) Active Earth Pressure at Seismic
A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Paed = Kae x qd x H x L = 308 KN
PaeL = Kae x ql x H x L = 718 KN
Ye1 = H /2 = 7.94 m
B) Earth Pressure
Pae = 1/2 x Kae x (1-Kv) x γ x H 2
x L = 3,257 KN
Wing Wall Design

1. Calculation of the length of the wingwall:

The total height of backwall 4.25m
Clearance required from top of abutment cap to soil line
Cc= 1.50m
Total Height= 5.75m

The soil line touches the from face of abutment at 1.5m below the top of the cap line.
A line is drawn at a slope of the point where it touches the formation line
Ls= 8.63m
Abutment width 4.50m
Length of the wingwall, Lwingwall = 4.13m
Use actual length of wingwall L acwing = 5.00m

q0 qo = 50 KN/m²
g e a
1 "D"
0.00m 1.50m "A"
15.88m h
9.88m ( 1 : 1.5 )
2.50m b
2.50m O
q5 "C" b'
d c
c' 0

1. Earth Pressure Calculation

Ko= 1-sinΦ = 0.426 ( Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest )
h0 = Embankment Height 0m
q0 = 0.426 x 50 = 21.3 KN/m²
q1 = 21.3 + 0.426 x 1.000m x 20 = 29.82 KN/m²
q2 = 29.82 + 0.426 x 0.000m x 20 = 29.82 KN/m²
q3 = 29.82 + 0.426 x 9.880m x 20 = 113.9976 KN/m²
q4 = 113.9976 + 0.426 x 2.500m x 20 = 135.2976 KN/m²
q5 = 135.2976 + 0.426 x 2.500m x 20 = 156.5976 KN/m²
2. Section Force Calculation
2.1 For Section "A"
Pgh = 1/2 x (1.00m = 25.56KN/m
Pef = 1/2 x ( 1.00m = 25.56KN/m
Vef = 1/2 x( P0 = 0.00KN
Moment arm (y) = 0 x ( 2 x Pgh + Pef ) / { 3 x ( Pgh + Pef )}
= 0.38m
Mef = Vef x Moment arm (y)
= 0.00KNm
Pab = 1/2 x (q0 + q3 ) x 10.88
= 736.02KN/m
Vab = Vef + Pab x 5.000
= 3680.095
Mab = Mef + Vef x 5.000 + Pab 5.00 / 2
= 1840.047
Shear Force/width = Vab / Total Width
= 338.24KN
Moment/Width = Mab / Total width
= 169.12KNm
2.2 For Section "B"
Vbc q3 cd
= 114.00 x 5.00 = 569.99KN/m
= q4 b'O
= 135.30 x 2.5 = 338.24KN/m
Higher value of the above two values is used
Mbc 1/2 x q3 x cd² = 1424.97 KNm/m
or = 1/2 x q4 x b'O² = 422.81 KNm/m
Higher value of the above two values is used
There fore , Shear force per metre = 569.988
Moment per metre = 1424.97 KNm
2.3 For Section "C"
Vcd = 1/3 x ( 2 x q3 + q5 ) x bc
= 640.99KN/m
Vcd = 1/3 x ( 2 x q4 + q5 ) x c'O
= 355.99KN/m
Higher value of the above two values is used
Mcd = 1/6 x ( 2 x q3 + q5 ) x (bc)²
= 1602.47 KNm/m
= 1/6 x ( 2 x q4 + q5 ) x (c'O)²
= 444.99 KNm/m
Higher value of the above two values is used
There fore , Shear force per metre = 640.99KN
Moment per metre = 1602.47 KNm
3. Section Force Summary
Section Moment M Load Factor Shear force Vu Moment Mu
Shear Force V (KN) (KNm) (KN) (KNm)
A 338.24 169.12 1.70 575.015 287.507
B 569.99 1424.97 1.70 968.98 2422.449
C 640.99 1602.47 1.70 1089.68 2724.199
Design of Wing wall
We have to design wing wall for the calculated moment and load as above.
Here, Steel required to resist ultimate moment is calculated by using ultimate moment and check for shear force.
Grade of Concrete (fck) = 30
Grade of Steel (fy) = 415
For Section "A"
B = 1000 mm 5000
H = 1000 mm
D = 900 mm
d' = 100 mm
Ultimate moment (Mu) = 287.507 KNm
Ultimate shear force (Vu) = 575.015 KN
Now from IS 456 : 2000
Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast x d x ( 1 - Ast x fy / b x d x fck )
or, 287.507 x 10^6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 900 x ( 1 - Ast x 415 / 1000 x 900 x 30 )
or, 287.507 x 10^6 = 324945 Ast - 4.9945 Ast²
or, Ast = 897.15 mm²
Provide dia. Of Bar 20 mm
Area of bar = 314.15 mm²
Spacing required = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Total area of steel required
= ( 3.1415 x 20² x 1000 ) / 897.158
= 350.1644 mm²
Adopt spacing = 200 mm
Area of steel Provided = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Spacing
= ( 3.1415 x 2² x 1000 ) / ( 200 x 4 )
= 1570.75 mm²
Check for Shear
from IS 456 : 2000
Nominal Shear stress (Ʈv) = Vu / ( b x d )
= 575.015 x 10^3 / ( 5000 x 900 )
= 0.1 N/mm²
For design shear strength ( Ʈv ) used IS 456 : 2000 Table 19
percentage of steel (Pt) = 1005.31 x 100 / ( 1000 x 900 )
Ʈ = 0.174528
And for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc = 0.306 N/mm²
from IS 456 : 2000 Table 20
for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc,max 3.5 N/mm²
here Ʈv < Ʈc < Ʈc,max , so no shear reinforcement is required.
For Section "B"
B = 1000 mm 5000
H = 1000 mm
D = 900 mm
d' = 100 mm
Ultimate moment (Mu) = 2422.449 KNm
Ultimate shear force (Vu) = 968.98 KN
Now from IS 456 : 2000
Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast x d x ( 1 - Ast x fy / b x d x fck )
2422.449 x 10^6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 900 x ( 1 - Ast x 415 / 1000 x 900 x 30 )
2422.449 x 10^6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 900 x ( 1 - Ast x 415 / 1000 x 900 x 30 )

or, 2422.449 x 10^6 = 324945 Ast - 4.9945 Ast²

or, Ast = 8588.77 mm²
Provide dia. Of Bar 32 mm
Area of bar = 804.224 mm²
Spacing required = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Total area of steel required
= ( 3.1415 x 32² x 1000 ) / 8588.77
= 118.5089 mm²
Adopt spacing = 100 mm
Area of steel Provided = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Spacing
= ( 3.1415 x 32² x 1000 ) / ( 100 x 4 )
= 9160.614 mm²
Check for Shear
from IS 456 : 2000
Nominal Shear stress (Ʈv) = Vu / ( b x d )
= 968.98 x 10^3 / ( 5000 x 900 )
= 0.2 N/mm²
For design shear strength ( Ʈv ) used IS 456 : 2000 Table 19
percentage of steel (Pt) = 9160.614x 100 / ( 1000 x 900 )
= 1
And for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc 0.7 N/mm²
from IS 456 : 2000 Table 20
for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc,max 3.5 N/mm²
here Ʈv< Ʈc < Ʈc,max , so no shear reinforcement is required.
For Section "C"
B = 1000 mm 5000
H = 1000 mm
D = 900 mm
d' = 100 mm
Ultimate moment (Mu) = 2724.199 KNm
Ultimate shear force (Vu) = 1089.68 KN
Now from IS 456 : 2000
Mu = 0.87 x fy x Ast x d x ( 1 - Ast x fy / b x d x fck )
2724.199 x 10^6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 900 x ( 1 - Ast x 415 / 1000 x 900 x 30 )
or, 2724.199x 10^6 = 0.87 x 415 x Ast x 900 x ( 1 - Ast x 415 / 1000 x 900 x 30 )
or, 2724.199 x 10^6 = 324945 Ast - 4.9945 Ast²
or, Ast = 9885.86 mm²
Provide dia. Of Bar 32 mm
Area of bar = 804.224 mm²
Spacing required = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Total area of steel required
= ( 3.1415 x 32² x 1000 ) / 9885.86
= 102.9598 mm²
Adopt spacing = 100 mm
Area of steel Provided = ( Area of Bar x width ) / Spacing
= ( 3.1415 x 32² x 1000 ) / ( 100 x 4 )
= 9160.614 mm²
Check for Shear
from IS 456 : 2000
Nominal Shear stress (Ʈv) = Vu / ( b x d )
= 1089.60 x 10^3 / ( 5000 x 900 )
= 0.2 N/mm²
For design shear strength ( Ʈv ) used IS 456 : 2000 Table 19
percentage of steel (Pt) = 9160.614x 100 / ( 1000 x 900 )
= 1
And for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc 0.7 N/mm²
from IS 456 : 2000 Table 20
for concrete of grade M30 ,
Ʈc,max 3.5 N/mm²
here Ʈv< Ʈc < Ʈc,max , so no shear reinforcement is required.

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