Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Xxx-Type (H XM, B M) (Superstructure Type: PSC (Span 50m) ) : Condition 1.1 Type: 1.2 Foundation Type
Design Condition
1.1 Type : xxx-Type (H=xm, B=m) [Superstructure Type : PSC(Span=50m)]
1.2 Foundation Type :
3) Earth Pressure
A) Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure at Ordinary Time ( Coulomb Earth Pressure )
Sin ( )
Ka 2
Sin ( ) Sin ( )
Sin 2 Sin ( ) 1
Sin ( ) Sin ( )
Sin ( ' )
Ka 2
Sin( ) Sin( ' )
Cos ' Sin Sin( ' )1
Sin( ' ) Sin( )
5) longitudinal force
A) Brake Load: IRS 6 2010 loads and stress section 211 (Breaking effect is invariablly greater then tractive effect)
B) Start Load : (Also called Tractive effort)
C) Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearing due to change of tempurature or any other cause
6) Surcharge Load
qL = 35 KN/m² (Live Load)
qD = 15 KN/m² (Dead Load)
7) Seismic Load
Using IRC:6 - 2010 Section 219 for seismic load:
Design Horizontal Seismic Coefficient:
for time period 𝑇=2∗√(𝐷/1000𝐹) D= superstructre dead load+ live load (KN)
F= horizontal force in KN for 1 mm deflection of abutment
D= 5349.234 KN
F= 194.140 KN I= 6.252
Kh = 0.06 x 1.200 = 0.072 (For EarthPressure: Kh =(Z/2 x (I)/R)(Z=0.36, Zone V, I=1.2, R=3)
kh = 0.072 x 2.5 = 0.180 (Inertia force calculation of superstructure, (Sa/g = 2.5)
8) Temperature Variation
③ ④ Df= 1.00 m
b7= 3.700 b6= 2.900
3.Load Calculation
3.1 Abutment and Backfill Self Weight
1) Volume
① b1 x ( Dh + Bh ) x L = 11.475
② b5 x Ht x H = 120.371
③ ( B7 + B5 ) Df x T = 27.000
④ x Df x T = 13.050
ⓐ B x ( H1 + H ) x L = 264.402
1) Dead Load
Vd = 15.00 × 4.50 × 3.700 = 249.750 KN
MVd = Vd × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 1685.8125 KN·m
Horizontal Force due to Surcharge at seismic condition :
Vd h = 249.75 × 0.180 = 44.955 KN
Md h = Vd × Ht+Df = 758.84 KN·m
2) Live Load
(1) Single Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 4.150 × 4.300 = 625 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 4,216 KN·m
(2) Double Track Loading
Vql1 = 35.00 × 8.300 × 4.300 = 1,249 KN
Mvql1 = Vql1 × b6+b2+(b1+b7)/2 = 8,432 KN·m
B) Earth Pressure
Pa2 = 1/2 x Ka x γ x H 2
x L = 2,492 KN
y2 = H /3 = 5.293 m
2) Active Earth Pressure at Seismic
A) Earth pressure due to surcharge load
Paed = Kae x qd x H x L = 308 KN
PaeL = Kae x ql x H x L = 718 KN
Ye1 = H /2 = 7.94 m
B) Earth Pressure
Pae = 1/2 x Kae x (1-Kv) x γ x H 2
x L = 3,257 KN
Wing Wall Design
The soil line touches the from face of abutment at 1.5m below the top of the cap line.
A line is drawn at a slope of the point where it touches the formation line
Ls= 8.63m
Abutment width 4.50m
Length of the wingwall, Lwingwall = 4.13m
Use actual length of wingwall L acwing = 5.00m
q0 qo = 50 KN/m²
g e a
1 "D"
0.00m 1.50m "A"
15.88m h
9.88m ( 1 : 1.5 )
2.50m b
2.50m O
q5 "C" b'
d c
c' 0