Data Fabric Interest Group Dfig White Paper: Draft Version 0.5
Data Fabric Interest Group Dfig White Paper: Draft Version 0.5
Data Fabric Interest Group Dfig White Paper: Draft Version 0.5
White Paper
Draft Version 0.51
We see the versions 0.x as early drafts of the White Paper.
1. Introduction
Five early working groups2 started up at the first plenary or just after it to address topics that the
experts felt to be urgent barriers to be removed. The key people formulated the goals for the
working groups they proposed without considering a wider picture at their start, since everything
in RDA was new and the need to deliver concrete results within 18 months required hard work
and short-term focus. However, during the work a close interaction between these groups was
established and turned out to be crucial for progress and synchronization. The wish to continue
this interaction as an Interest Group under the umbrella of the term "Data Fabric (DF)" [1] was
formulated with three major tasks:
● put the work of these WGs and other relevant RDA groups into a broader picture
● use DFIG as a forum for maintaining the results of the terminating WGs
● indicate new, relevant work items with high priority that could be taken up by new or
existing WGs working on overcoming concrete barriers
● A large survey based on about 120 interviews and interactions [2] made it obvious that
the way data is being created, managed and processed in the various institutes is far
from being suitable for reproducible data science and is inefficient. Existing practices,
mainly characterized by manual interventions and ad-hoc scripts, urgently need to be
moved in the direction of automatic and self-documenting procedures (practical policies)
that are suitable to meet the challenges of the data deluge. Many people agree with this
need to change, but hesitate to invest in such effort since they lack directions, guidance
and best practices.
● A DF session at Plenary 4 with engaged discussions clearly indicated that there are
many experts that essentially agree with the label "data fabric" as a metaphor to
describe the ecological landscape of components and services that are required to make
our data practices more efficient and cost-effective.
● In a number of countries large scale national and international efforts are in the process
of implementing data services in specific domains or across domains to simplify the
tasks associated with data at all stages of the research process and improve scientific
productivity and reproducibility. These projects need to be expanded and generalized
from specific domains into the larger research arena in part by engaging with RDA in
order to further the advancement of data interoperability.
The amount of data and its complexity, the number of tools and services, and the range and
diversity of uses of the data by increasingly large groups of researchers will continue to grow
very quickly in the coming years. This will become an ever larger problem, as some surveys [3]
already indicate that only a small fraction of results emerging from analyzing data sets can be
reproduced, thereby reducing the level of trust dramatically. This reduces the value of the data
Data Type Registry WG [4], Data Foundation & Terminology WG [5], PID Information Types WG [6],
Practical Policies WG [7], Metadata Standards Directory WG [8]
and unnecessarily increases the cost and effort required to conduct research and development.
Thus we need to accept that we have a huge problem of scale that urgently requires new ways
of thinking about and working with the data. The Data Fabric Interest Group (DFIG) has exactly
this gap as its basic motivation: defining the ingredients that are necessary to professionally
deal with large data sets based on well accepted concepts and mechanisms for the benefit of
researchers and data professionals at all levels. Policy based automatic procedures that adhere
to basic data organization principles are being worked out in RDA and making use of various
components offering services is the most practical and feasible way forward.
DFIG has an important role in closing the gap associated with scale:
● consider and illustrate the possible directions,
● describe important common components and their services,
● describe principles of component and service interaction and
● indicate or otherwise identify best practices.
User communities have much to gain if and when DFIG is able to meet these goals: the impact
would be huge and some have even argued that it can only be compared with the Internet
revolution by defining the ingredients needed to allow a seamless connection of nodes
worldwide. However, we must not forget that there is a lot of data and in particular software out
there which researchers are using daily. It will be necessary to make this reality part of the
articulated landscape.
We use the Data Life Cycle diagram (diagram 1) from the DataOne project 3, to illustrate the way
in which researchers use their data to produce their scientific results. Each of the steps shown
in the diagram builds on the previous steps and
should also have the capacity to integrate data and
information from other sources as well as cross link
to other steps. This view is necessarily a different
perspective for working with data from that of the
data scientist who is developing the tools and
approaches that support this type of lifecycle work.
The Data Fabric needs to describe the required set
of components and their services that can be
plugged into a flexible framework4 implementing
such a lifecycle.
Diagram 1: Data Life Cycle following tasks
A lifecycle view allows us to address the question of how DFIG is anchored in the overall picture
of RDA. To discuss this we like to use a slightly extended, nevertheless schematic and simple
diagram which has been created recently to explain the role of persistent identifiers in the
stages of data processing.
A framework is seen as a reusable design that can be refined (specialized) and extended to provide
some portion of the overall functionality of many applications (for details see attachment A).
Diagram 2 schematically indicates the phases of data processing in scientific labs where new
data is being created in cycles from combining existing data which can come from distributed
repositories (relationships to the diagram above are indicated 5). Raw data is generated by
sensors, simulations or human interaction. Such data will be registered (Persistent Identifier and
Metadata assignment) and stored permanently to give access. Using discovery steps data
collections will be selected, converted, contextualised for quality and relevance (the integrate
step) then there follow steps for processing (management, analysis, derivation, etc.) with new
collections being created6. In general these integrated collections should be registered again
and stored permanently7.
Some data will be used to create scientific papers as a result of an intellectual step. Such
papers will be stored in typical publication repositories which can also be subject to
computations. It is important that e-Publications refer to the data collections that have been
used to create the results. In RDA we already have quite a number of WGs and IGs that are
working on optimizing the publication workflows and components, for example, focusing on the
end-product of research work. Data Fabric IG looks at the data creation and consumption
machinery as indicated by the diagram and wants to optimize methods. Of course a large
number of WGs and IGs are dealing with various aspects of this Data Fabric, and success of
the IG will require good communications with those groups (more in section 5).
Some steps such as "integration" are in this cycle diagram processes that for example do conversion.
Sometimes newly generated data will be stored in temporary stores only since they are results of test
runs etc. In this paper this is not further debated.
It is debated to which moment in time exactly "registration" should take place. It is important to mention
that PID and MD assignment should be done as early as possible in the highly automated Data Fabric,
since extensions at later moment will often not happen or are very costly. But the notion of DF does not
include any particular moment in time when this should be done.
In order to bring these two complementary views of data (indicated by the two diagrams above)
together, the different processes can be categorized in a number of ways. Currently we very
often see that for a specific data collections a separate management and access solution is
being developed by researchers who are often unaware of other approaches and mechanisms.
Processes can have typical management tasks and also include all kinds of scientific
operations. This results in unique but roughly parallel connections between the different types of
data that are generated and the analytic tools and environments that they are used in. With
increasing experience from working with different disciplines, it is becoming increasingly clear
that commonalities exist that are valid for data objects (collections) across disciplines and
discipline-specific processes.
Diagram 3 indicates that this can be
highly efficient when those processes
which are common to all kinds of
data objects can be bundled together
into a well-developed trunk to
connect the roots of science in the
data generators to the growing
canopy of highly sophisticated data
discipline specific data analytics. It is
one of the tasks from RDA to reduce
the diameter of the trunk.
DFIG thus will provide input for the exploration and structuring discussion of the RDA landscape
and will comment on activities relevant for DF, but it:
● does not have a formal role in the RDA processes, in contrast to the TAB
● recognizes that it only deals with certain aspects relevant for RDA, i.e. there are other
aspects in RDA beyond the DFIG scope like the data publishing specifics, the legal and
ethical questions and much more
● cannot have a claim to be the only group that deals with aspects of the scientific data
process and
● is intended to provide a forum that embraces harmonization but does not tell others what
is wrong and right.
DFIG concluded in its P4 session that we currently do not have a suitable language to describe
what we are talking about and it was suggested that the group make use of the terminology that
has been defined by systems engineering. In the interactions it was pointed out that this
terminology could be a good starting point [11], but needs to be explained and made sufficiently
clear so that all DF interactions reflect the same understanding. Chapter 2 elaborates the scope
and nature of the DF we have in mind, chapter 3 elaborates the components and their services
that may play an important role for shaping a DF compliant infrastructure. Chapter 4
summarizes related work. Chapter 5 explains why we need use cases and demos to move from
purely theoretical debates to those grounded in concrete practices. Chapters 6 and 7
summarize the tasks of DFIG and the plan for the first months. The information on terminology
is referenced in the appendix and is available through the Term Tool 8 developed as part of DFT
WG activity.
The framework we are aiming at is a new platform for data science that is easy enough to use
by the scientific users yet flexible enough to cope with different interests and new emerging
technologies. In the sense of the terms discussed in in the Term Tool it is a framework that
enables different configurations as well as adhering to basic agreed upon principles.
Diagram 4 indicates the nature of the flexible framework which is our goal. On the one hand a
set of common core components will be offered with clear specifications of services and
interfaces which will be extended over time and which will be subject to continuous renewal
based on technological advancement and improved insight. Some of these core services may
be expected to be mandatory services needed to keep the resulting system functioning, others
may be optional. On the other hand there will be an unlimited number of component/services
offered by researchers that will continuously change in all dimensions due to scientific
innovation. However, in an increasing number of cases the techniques and services may – with
benefit – be used by researchers from a different domain.
What will make it all work together is the interaction layer determined by interface and protocol
specifications. In addition it must be specified how a researcher can register his digital objects
that can contain data and code to make them part of the flexible and configurable framework.
Diagram 4 indicates a
Data Fabric as a set of
selected components and
their services interacting
to fulfill defined tasks.
A core part of the framework will be how it consumes existing data objects and creates new
data objects as part of collections as indicated in diagram 2. Diagram 5 illustrates possible
processing at the atomic
level. According to the DFT
snapshot model a processing
unit that wants to carry out
some operation on a specific
digital object will make use of
the existing metadata
description, the existing PID
record9 and of course the bit
stream encoding some
Diagram 5 indicates possible atomic modules consuming and meaningful content (with
creating specific information as part of the data machinery.
references amongst them as
illustrated). The processing unit will create a new digital object that is characterized by a new
metadata object including some provenance information about the operation and a new PID
record containing new state information all containing properties of the new digital object.
Diagram 6 [9] is complementary to the diagrams above in so far as it indicates the steps needed
to make use of a digital object:
● A user has a collection to be made available for use. This requires registration of a PID
and associated state information (such as access path), a metadata description, as well
It should be noted here that properties stored in the PID record are also metadata in the generic sense.
However it is important to make differences between different types of metadata – a classification into
packages being worked out within the metadata groups in RDA.
In this paper we do not make differences between the kinds of processes being carried out. As
indicated in the Practical Policy group's overview they can be of rather different nature fulfilling different
purposes all resulting in some form of transformations.
as the schema, and defined key terms being used so that it can be accessed and
● T h e s e r e g i s t r a t i o
interpreting metadata, (2) to access it
and check its identity and integrity by
resolving the PID into state information
and (3) to make use of it by interpreting
the metadata, perhaps consulting a
Data Type Registry and perhaps
contextual descriptions.
● T o m a k e t h i s
appropriate services need to be
Diagram 6 indicates the steps necessary to make available to allow seamless processing.
use of a data object stored in some repository.
● I n t h i s c a n o
registries, registries containing their
schemas and concepts so as to be able to search for objects and to interpret them; (2)
registries containing PID and associated state information in order for example to locate
instances of the bitstreams or to check identity/integrity; (3) registries for distributed
authentication and authorization in order to grant access and (4) trusted and persistent
repositories so that requests can be made of the bitstream to carry out the intended
The above explanations are just one example and the list of components and services are only
indicative. It is the task of DFIG to study such typical stepwise processes and to analyse well
thought out use cases to better understand the requirements and possibilities and thus to
stepwise improve the description of the flexible framework DFIG has in mind.
This could also be done automatically by using some operations acting on behalf of the user especially
with increasing scale.
● dedicated to the creation of a robust framework designed to avoid single point failures or
overall system failures
● open to replace “old” components by new ones or to allow for competitive services as
long as they adhere to defined agreements;
● focusing on cross-disciplinary common pillars of an infrastructure everyone can use;
● grounded on use case examples and demos as far as possible.
DFIG will need to interact with these groups to ensure maximal compliance and as a matter of
principle in RDA everyone can join the discussions.
This definition seems to be compliant with the descriptions in this document, but it is at a different level
of abstraction.
This expression is compliant with what is written in the text as a requirement for DF. People must be
able to configure their solution within certain boundaries that are obviously defined by the need to use
certain common services and to adhere to specifications.
3. Components and Services
As indicated above we are still in a phase where we need to explore the landscape that Data
Fabric will cover. It seems that one aspect indicated by diagram 3 is widely agreed: (1) There
will be an increasing number of ways sensors and algorithms are built that create scientific data
and there are an increasing number of variants of analytical and visualization software services
all designed to discover specific aspects of natural and societal phenomena, i.e. these will be
widely discipline-specific specific (although services in one research domain may with benefit be
used in another). (2) All these sensors and software systems create data objects and collections
that are subject to management, stewardship and access tasks which are widely discipline-
independent .
Therefore we assume that there are common and discipline-specific data services and that the
number of common data services will be limited. We still need to sort out whether there are
mandatory common services needed to create the open and accessible data domain which we
are all looking for to make data more visible, accessible, reusable and interoperable.
Thus, the key question is whether in the data domain we also need such common key services
to deal with data efficiently. A deeper understanding will be essential to get a more complete
landscape of components/services and as in other RDA groups DFIG should also follow a
bottom-up strategy and look at interesting and far-ranging use cases and do test demos.
● services to register digital objects (DO) incl. data, code and knowledge requiring a
worldwide system to register persistent identifiers and resolve them to useful state
information such as access paths, fingerprint information, etc.;
● services to register actors (ORCID [10], etc.) allowing the unique identification of
● registry service of trusted repositories for registered DOs guaranteeing long-term access
and proper stewardship;
● services offering assessed policy principles (proper organizing mechanisms, self-
documenting, certified, etc.);
● services of trusted registries that are meant for humans and in particular for machines
(types & concepts, metadata and provenance schemas, metadata instances,
repositories, PIDs, policies, terminology etc.);
● services that include semantics but how to do this remains a challenge. There are
repositories for ontologies, for example, that may contribute to the knowledge aspects of
the infrastructure as well as many semantic brokers to do such things as bridge
terminology differences and convert data for valid integration. There is agreement that
There is an ongoing discussion whether also such a component needs to be able to turn an
identifier to state information that allows for example verification which ORCID currently does
not. .
this is an important but challenging area! One semantic interoperability BoF was held at
P3 to discuss this topic.
It is also clear that the integration of ideas, components and services from a number of working
groups will intersect in the domain of policy definition and implementation. A concept policy
graph that flows from the purpose through the actual operation will have to be jointly worked out
as part of the DFIG effort.
4. Related Work
The Data Fabric IG needs to view its challenges in the context of other work that has been done
already. We distinguish between work being done outside and inside RDA.
15 ;;
● There is a body of work on semantics to support data sharing and interoperability across
heterogeneous domains [for example 15]
Working Groups
● Brokering Governance: brokering among services is essential part of a landscape with
many services from very different groups that need to interact with each other;
● Data Citation: starting at the very beginning of the life of data objects registration (PID
assignment) and metadata creation is important to enable proper citation;
● Data Foundation and Terminology: the Data Fabric needs to adhere to the basics of
data modelling as described by DFT;
● Data Type Registries: DTR’s will be essential components in the data fabric landscape
to allow both machines and humans to interpret types and to allow dissemination of new
● Metadata Standards Directory: metadata registries will be essential components in the
data fabric landscape to enable interpretation of metadata descriptions;
● PID Information Types: PIT results (API, core term agreements) are important to
harmonize access to PID registration and resolution systems and thus to allow seamless
machine access;
● Practical Policy: the results of the PP group are at the core of the data fabric landscape
since actionable policies (chains of procedures) will carry out the automatic processing
that needs to be achieved;
● Repository Audit and Certification: this group is essential to the DF landscape as it
will specify how we can have trusted repositories as essential components.
Interest Groups
Active Data Management Plans: active management plans are at the beginning of
specifying the data life cycle and in that way are relevant for the DF landscape;
● Big Data Analytics: BDA will be an essential part of the data processing cycle within the
DF landscape, so discussions of this group will be crucial for DF;
● Brokering: see above;
● Metadata: this group is the umbrella group for all metadata discussions and as such
crucial for the DF landscape;
● Data in Context: this is one of the metadata groups;
● Research Data Provenance: this is another group working in the realm of metadata,
here focusing on documenting the operations being carried out on the digital objects.
Provenance is crucial for a functioning DF landscape;
● Reproducibility IG: all aspects of mechanisms in the DF landscape need to be focusing
on making data science reproducible, i.e. there is a high thematic overlap requiring a
close interaction;
● Domain Repositories: domain repositories will be part of the trusted repository
landscape which will be essential for DF;
● Ethics and Social Aspects of Data: this group will give relevant contributions to the
discussion about trust building mechanisms in a DF landscape;
● Federated Identity Management: the DF landscape will be highly distributed in all
dimensions requiring strong and reliable FIM mechanisms, therefore is FIM crucial for
● Libraries for Research Data: libraries want to play a more active role in the domain of
data provisioning, therefore they need to know what is being discussed as being relevant
in the DF landscape at an early moment in time and contribute based on their
● Long tail of research data: in the DF landscape all kinds of data will be processed and
managed, i.e. LT data must be part of the DF landscape discussions;
● PID Interest Group: PIDs will help identifying digital objects in the DF landscape and
help resolving them to useful state information, therefore the discussions are crucial for
the DF landscape;
● RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability: this group will have relevant contributions to the
discussion about trust building mechanisms in a DF landscape;
● RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories: see above under WG;
● Service Management: understanding distributed and federated service landscapes will
be crucial for a functioning DF landscape requiring a close interaction with this group.
Nevertheless, we need to collect such use cases and analyse them carefully to see where they
give directions, where they have disadvantages or might lead to lock-ins. Abstractions from
concrete use cases and implementations will help to determine which components are being
thought of already, what kind of characteristics they have, which services they offer and thus
which role they could play in the intended DF landscape. We need to define a template for "use
cases" to get comparable descriptions or re-use an existing template16.
This needs to be done as next step to finish the White Paper.
some of the research domains. Some aspects of this process are coming together as a
framework for testing as part of the NDS Labs.
“In 2021 the LIGO gravitational wave observatory detects a strong “transient” burst event with
an unknown source; an alert is issued. Across the US, physicists and astronomers (who have
never worked directly together) engage NDS discovery services to find relevant data from other
instruments, leading them to detections from the IceCube neutrino observatory, further isolating
the originating portion of the sky. NDS discovery services connect the researchers to the
federated discovery tools of the Virtual Observatory to collect data by sky position from large
surveys like DES and LSST to look for electromagnetic precursors. Through literature searches,
they find publications describing characteristics of similar detections; recent publications and an
arXiv preprint supporting NDS data linking lead them to the data underlying the analyses. They
use NDS data transfer services to migrate previous detection data as well as simulation data
held at the Blue Waters supercomputing system, containing previously unpublished neutrino
emission predictions, to DataScope, a specialized computing platform to compare observations
with theoretical models. From this analysis, a crucial insight suggests a new class of stellar
object. Using NDS transfer tools, they pull together the LIGO data, corresponding IceCube
detections, image cutouts from LSST, and analyses of simulation data into their private space in
an NDS repository. NDS metadata generation tools help them organize a new collection. Soon,
a paper is submitted to a journal, including identifiers for the new data collection. Once the
paper is accepted, the NDS data collection is sent to a campus archive for longer-term curated
management. With the new publication, readers have direct access to the underlying data,
enabling them to verify and extend the results. Results and data are further available to
educators, who bring the discovery to a broad audience by updating astronomy e-textbooks.”
6. Results
The following topics can be results of DFIG:
● act as umbrella for the maintenance of a number of existing WG outputs (PIT, DTR,
DFT, PP,?)
● update the landscape description for DF (components, services, interfaces/protocols)
● collection and analysis of use cases
● design of demos incl. willing implementers and report on them
● determining new WGs to work on specific aspects
[1] DFIG Case Statement:
[2] RDA Europe Survey:
[3] Begley, C. Glenn, and Lee M. Ellis. "Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer
research." Nature 483.7391 (2012): 531-533
[4] Data Type Registries:
[5] Data Foundation & Terminology:
[6] PID Information Types:
[7] Practical Policies:
[8] Metadata17:
[9] Larry Lannom: DAITF: Enabling Technologies; DAITF-ICRI Workshop on Data, Copenhagen, March
[10] ORCID:
[11] Systems Engineering: Systems and Software Engineering -- Vocabulary, ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765-2010(E),
[12] Tony Hey:
[15] [21] Chen, Liming, et al. "Managing Semantic Metadata for Web Grid Services." International
Journal of Web Services Research 3.4 (2006): 73-94.
[16] NDS:
[17] EUDAT:
[18] CLARIN:
[19] EPOS:
[20] DataOne:
[21] VO: //
This is seen as standing for the various metadata WG/IGs.
Basic Terminology
A number of terms should be further elaborated on to set a basis for our discussions 18. We
should make use of DFT and System Engineering definitions as far as possible and where
needed extend or explain the definitions.
All terms being discussed until now can be found in the Term Tool from DFT group19:
We should not have the mission to bring out proper definitions in the sense of terminological
completeness, but to allow us to interact on the DF ideas.
Elaboration notes should be made by all participants to make sure we all understand the same. Some
terms are not take from SE, but quickly noted to have a start for elaborations.