Pan Development of Stockpile Soft Sensor

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AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering • vol. 36 • No.

4 • 2012

Xiaowei Pan*


1. Introduction

A lot of efforts have been made in the development of level measurement for stockpiles,
used commonly in mining/mineral processing and cement industries. Stockpiles, see in
Figure 1, are used as an intermediate buffers between inventory and production. Their sizes
vary in according with the scales of production, typically above 10 m in height. Issues, such
as safety, reliability and accuracy, remain crucial, and meanwhile the level measurement
technologies need to be easy to install and operate, at a low cost of ownership.

Fig. 1. Illustration of a stockpile widely used in mining,

mineral processing and cement industry [1]

Department of Metallurgy, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

The techniques for measuring stockpile levels range from basic to the high tech.
Before instrument based measurement became widely used, stockpile levels were often
determined by mechanical means. One such technique, such as Yo-Yo or plumb Bob [2],
required the lowing of a measuring rope attached to a weight from the stockpile top, showing
the distance to the surface by how much rope was used. Such measurement is categorised
as contact level measurement. When level measurement requires more precision, instrument
based technologies are widely used, including ultrasonic, radar and laser [3].
It is difficult to measure the stockpile level using those measurements as mentioned
above, when its shape and location are not in a fixed pattern. For instance, when a stockpile
is fed by a stacker or is discharged by a reclaimer, see Figure 2 and 3.

Fig. 2. Krupp bridge reclaimer at RTCA Kestrel Mine

Fig. 3. Krupp coal stacker featuring tripper conveyor and non-slewing,

luffing boom at RTCA Kestrel Mine [4]

Another crucial challenge for stockpile measurement is to measure the mixing behaviour
of different materials charged to the stockpile. The attributes of mixing behaviour include
when and how the mixing takes place in the stockpile and when the mixed materials with
certain portion are discharged out of the stockpile.
There are some technologies available, used to determine the different materials in
a stockpile. Darrell [5] reported the installation of an online analysis at Mitsubishi cement
plant, California, USA. The analyser generates neutrons from a radio isotope and then uses
the neutrons to interrogate materials and interact with the nuclei of the materials. In doing so,
gamma rays are emitted. Each generated gamma ray comes from the nucleus of an element
such as calcium (Ca), silicon (Si) or aluminium (Al), and has a unique energy associated
with the element from which it was generated. The gamma rays are counted and their
energies sorted by a detection mechanism. A spectrum of energies is created and is analysed
by software algorithms and gives the concentrations of the different elements. The online
analyser generates an analysis of the full material stream in transit to the pre-blending
stockpile once per minute, which allows 100% of the raw materials to be analysed while in
continuous motion on a conveyor belt.
Geoscan by Scantech, is another online analyser for a wide range of bulk materials,
used in mining, coal and cement sectors [6]. The Geoscan analyser uses the technique of
prompt gamma neutron activation analysis to perform a minute-by-minute elemental analysis
of bulk material passing through it on a standard convey belt. The online analyser can be
installed with convey belt sizes from 600 to 2020 mm with unlimited flow rate of material.
The lump size of material has no influence on the results. It can measure many element contents,
such as Ca, Si, Al, Fe, K, Ti, Mn, S, Cl, Mg, Na, P, moisture, and ash. It provides continuous
monitoring of accumulated composition for immediate stockpile management information
and improves the feedback to mining operations for better control of stockpile analysis. Due
to the cost concern, the online analysers can only be installed before a critical process units,
where the composition of the material plays important role, such as raw mill, pre-blending,
see Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Geoscan tracking the cumulative composition of pre-blending piles in real time,
such as Ca, Si, Al, Fe, K, Na, Ti, Mn, S, Cl, Mg, P, moisture, and ash [6]

With the advancement and the wide usage of measurement instruments associated with
stockpiles, a soft sensor can be developed to monitor the level of a stockpile. Furthermore
the stockpile soft sensor can be used to estimate the mixing behaviour of different materials
charged in the stockpile. The mixing behaviour of different materials includes when and how the
mixing takes place, and more important, when the mixed materials with a certain blended
portion is discharged out of the stockpile.

2. Development of stockpile level soft sensor

Soft sensor, or smart sensor, is an online software solution. It calculates or estimates the
values of unmeasured variables in real time, using the values of online-measured variables.
Some of the unmeasured variables are so important but can not be measured because the
measurement technology is not ready yet or because the cost is high to do so. In the last decade,
wider usage of measurement instruments has been seen and at the time a greater integration
of various process control systems has taken place in mining, mineral processing and cement
industries. Using the available measurements, various soft sensors have been developed for
mining and mineral processing applications in recent years, including weightometer soft
sensor [7], densitometer soft sensor [8], ore type soft sensor [9], particle size soft sensor [10].
Other techniques also are made available to help estimate the mixing behaviours of material
in and out of the stockpile, including various modelling and simulation tools. For instance,
a stockpile optimization software by Actek can estimate stockpile volume, provides optimal
reclaim positions for various stockpile types, including circular, linear telescoping and radial
stockpiles [11], see in Figure 5.
A typical stockpile consists of a feeding conveyor, a cone space to pile material and
discharging hopper and conveyor feeder at the bottom.
A stockpile level can be presented by the percentage of fullness in two formats, namely
by percentage of mass and by percentage of the level. The mass percentage is defined as the
actual mass over the total ore mass of a full stockpile (Mass%). The level percentage is the
actual height of ore over the maximum height of a full stockpile (Level%). The definition
for both Mass% and Level% can be expressed in the following equations:

Mass-full % = (Ot)/(Ot-FS) · 100 (1)

Level-full % = (Ol)/(Ol-FS) · 100 (2)

Ot — actual ore tonnage in stockpile, ton,
Ot-FS — ore tonnage of full stockpile, ton,
Ol — actual ore level in stockpile, meter,
Ol-FS — ore level of full stockpile, meter.

Fig. 5. Illustration of Actek stockpile optimization software, estimating stockpile volumes
and providing optimal reclaim positions for various stockpiles [11]

When Mass% is 75%, it means the stockpile in tonnage is at 75% full. If the Level% is
75%, then it means the stockpile level is at 75% of the maximum height. The values of
Mass% are smoother than the values of Level% in terms of rate of change in real time. Due
to the shape of stockpile, the volume is smaller at the top than the volume at the bottom.
Consequently the values of Level% will change faster when the stockpile is filled up, even
the values of Mass% is still kept at constant level. It is important to understand the difference
between the values of Mass% and Level%, from the view point of operators and process
control. When the stockpile level is used to control the feeders, Mass% would be a preferable
one, rather than Level%. Ironically almost all stockpile levels are measured so far in the format
of Level% by various measurement technologies, including Yo-Yo (or weight and cable),
ultrasonic, laser and radar. As a result, some conversion of Level% to Mass% is required for
the purpose of better process control.
It is worthy knowing that the Mass% and Level% measurements need some attention
when using them for process control, due to the factor of so-called “dad band”. A dad band
is formed at the bottom around the outside of the stockpile, where the ore stays and stops
falling down to the discharging hopper located at the bottom of stockpile, as indicated in the
grey area in Figure 6. The capacity of a stockpile includes ‘live’ and ‘dad’ volumes.

Fig. 6. Illustration of a “dad band” formed at the bottom where ore cannot be discharged
from a stockpile without being pushed toward the centre

The ore in the dad band may reach 75% of the total ore mass of a full stockpile. Therefore
when the stockpile can not discharge any ore, the value of Mass% could be as high as 75%.
To discharge the ore in the dad band, extra efforts are required, such as pushing the ore towards
the centre so the ore can fall into the feed hopper. Ore fallen in the dad band becomes “dad”
and ore not fallen in the dad band can be discharged and is ‘live’. For the purpose of process
control, the ore in the dad band should be taken into account and the value of Mass% should
be 0% when no more ore can be discharged from the stockpile even the dad bank is full with
ore. The Mass% can be altered to an effective mass% (EMass%) by equation (3):

EMass% = (AOt)/(AOt-FS) · 100 (3)

AOt — active ore tonnage in stockpile, ton
AOt-FS — active ore tonnage of full stockpile, ton, equalling to the tonnage of ore in
a full stockpile subtracted with the ore in dad band.

Stockpile soft sensor can calculate the values of EMass% in real time, using values of
ton/hour from 2 weightometers. One weightometer measures the feeding rate of ore and another
measures the discharging rate of ore at the associated stockpile. The algorithms used to
calculate the effective mass percentage, EMass%, can be described in the following equations
when time changes from t0 to t seconds:

EMass%t = A + B·(dt)

A = EMass%t0, (EMass% at time t0)

B = d(EMass%)/dt

= (EMass%t – Emass%t0)/dt

dt = (t – t0)

When dt is kept at a constant sampling rate of 1 second, then

EMass%t = EMass%t0 + B

B = [(ore-ton)t – (ore-ton)t0]/M

= [(W1t – W1t0) – (W2t – W2t0)]/M

EMass%t and EMass%t0 — is the value of EMass% at time t and time t0, respectively,
W1t and W1t0 — is the ore feedrate (ton/hour) of feeding weightometers at
time to and time t,
W2t – W2t0 — is the ore feedrate (ton/hour) of discharging weightometer at time t and
time t0,
W — is the total ore tonnage of a full stockpile.

The value of EMass%t0 can be assigned whenever the soft sensor is initiated first time
and it can be re-set when the value is known. For instance, EMass%t0 = 0%, when the stockpile
is empty, and EMass%t0 = 100%, when the stockpile is full.
The value of the total ore tonnage of a full stockpile, M can be obtained from the
design document of the stockpile, or it can be calculated from the following equation:

M (in ton) = Va · ρ

Va = 1/3 · π · R22 · (H0 – H1) + 1/3 · π · H1 · (R12 + R22 + R1 · R2)

R0 = D0/2

R1 = D1/2

R2 = D2/2

M — is the tonnage of ore in a stockpile, ρ is the density of bulk ore,
Va — is the live volume of stockpile (excepted the volume of dab band),
D — is the diameter,
R — is the radius,
H — is the height of the stockpile respectively,
H1 — is the height of dad band, as depicted in Figure 7.

The diameter and the height of the stockpile D and H are at constant values, and the
diameter and height of actual ore in the stockpile, d and h, are not constant, and they are
changing with time.

Fig. 7. Illustration of a stockpile with ‘dad band’, where D is the diameter, R is the radius
and H is the height of the stockpile

Therefore, based on the real time measurements of 2 weightometers (W1 and W2), the
effective mass percentage in a stockpile can be estimated with the ore tonnage (EMass%),
existing in the live capacity of a stockpile at any time. The accuracy of the mass percentage
is dependent on the accuracy of the weightometers mentioned above. Those weightometers,
measured the feed rate and discharged rate for a stockpile, are normally regarded as critical
weightometers at the mine, because their values are used to indicate the production over
a period of time, such as a day, a month, which are linked to the key performance indicators
(KPIs). In most cases, an extra weightometer is installed in redundancy to each of those
weightometers. A cost effective way is to implement weightometer soft sensors for those
critical weightometers, as mentioned in those detailed reports [7, 8, 9].

Based on the indication of the effective mass percentage in a stockpile, the mixing
behaviour of the ore can be estimated as well, using the result of discrete element modelling [9],
see in Figure 8, 9.

The stockpile soft sensor can help estimate accurate residual time for different group
of ores charged to the stockpile. The soft sensor makes it possible to monitor the behavior
of different ore types in real time in a stockpile, including when and how the different ores
are mixed in the stockpile and when the mixed ores are discharged with certain mixing
portion. Using the soft sensor system, the information on ore types can be provided for ores

that are discharged from the stockpile. The ore type information includes ore grade, density,
hardness, strength, etc. The results can be seen in Figure 10 for the stockpile levels and ores
types, being fed in and discharged at four stockpiles (main stockpile, coarse stockpile, fine
stockpile, re-crush stockpile). Those results are displayed in a SCADA system of a diamond
mine where the stockpile soft sensors and ore type soft sensors are implemented [9].

Fig. 8. Illustration of the mixing behaviour of ore in a stockpile, moving down layer by layer,
and no mixing when discharged

Fig. 9. Illustration of the mixing behaviour of ore in a stockpile, started mixing completely
when the level of ore below the height of the dad band

Fig. 10. Display of levels and ore types at various stockpiles at a diamond mine

3. Stockpile level measurement

Many different technologies are available today to measure stockpile levels, and it is
important to know that no one technology is suitable for all applications [1]. Therefore it is
imperative to understand fully the required process needs and the capabilities of various level
measurement technologies, before deciding on a level measurement solution for a solid

3.1. Plumb Bob

This technique uses an automated mechanical rope and is referred to by numerous
names, including a Yo-Yo (a registered trademark of Bindicator), plumb-bob, and weight
and cable [2]. A weight is suspended by a cable from a drum operated by a motor, see in
Figure 11, and the motor unwinds the cable until the weight reaches the material surface.
The length of the unwound cable is the measured distance to the material, calculated using
electrical pulses from an encoder assembly.

The advantage of this technology is that it is reasonably accurate, easy to install and
low cost. Its disadvantages include mechanical wearing on parts, resulting in high maintenance
costs and the damage to the weight and/or cable during the filling of the stockpiles because
the weight can be become stuck under failing material, particularly when the material poses
a high density or big size, such as mineral ores.

Fig. 11. Stockpile level measured

by a Plumb Bob, or Yo-Yo device [2]

3.2. Ultrasonic Technology

Ultrasonic technology uses high frequency sound waves directed to the material by
a transducer and measures the time-of-light to and from the material in the stockpile, see in
Figure 12. It offers a very cost effective high performance solution for these applications
given the following characteristics:
— Measurement ranges are usually short, less than 10 m;
— Dust levels are not severe;
— High shock and high vibration;
— Unrestricted use in “open air” environments;
— Material with low dielectric;
— Material with high density.

The main advantages of ultrasonic technology are that it is low cost, non-contacting
and highly reliable. Ranges of up to 60 m are typically promoted, however, this maximum
range quickly deteriorates with the intensity of dust on the stockpiles. Since ultrasonic
technology required a carrier medium (normally air), any change to this medium has an effect
on the measurement. High temperature of the materials in the stockpile also changes the speed
of transmission and leads to accuracy problems. Other factors also create accuracy problems
for the level measurement, such as material echoing, sloped surfaces of the material.

Fig. 12. Stockpile level Measured by an Ultrasonic Device [2]

3.3. Radar Technology

Radar (Radio Detection And Ranging) technology has been used successfully for liquid
level measurement since the mid 1970s on large storage vessels, but the cost were high (T.
Little, non-contact level measurement in “open air” applications). More recently, as the cost
decreased and the technology developed further, radar devices have gained wide acceptance
and have achieved high growth rates on solid level applications, such as stockpiles in
mining/mineral processing and cement industry. It uses electromagnetic waves in the
microwave spectrum between 1 and 300 GHz, which travel at the speed of light and are
virtually unaffected by the environment it travels through, such as vapour, pressure, temperature,
and dust. Radar works well in solid stockpiles where other technologies cannot handle,
such as the stockpiles of cement industry due to the existence of intensive dust. In fact radar
has become the preferred level measurement technology today in the cement industry for
long range dusty applications.

4. Conclusions

Knowing the material or ore level in a stockpile is extremely important in mining,

mineral processing and cement industries. Depending on the users, some are satisfied with
approximations while others require specific and very accurate knowledge of the material
in a stockpile, including levels and mixing behaviour. Accuracy challenges are presented
mainly by the types and sizes of a stockpile and the ore in the stockpile. Various technologies are
available to provide the level measurements for a stockpile, including Yo-Yo or weight and
cable, laser and radar. It is important for users to understand the required measurement task
and the process need before deciding on a level measurement solution. Safety and reliability,
and accuracy remain crucial, while at the same time, the specific measurement equipment
needs to be chosen with the consideration of easy to install and operate at a low cost of

ownership. A software based level measurement, level soft sensor, proves an attractive
With the advancement and the wide usage of measurement instruments associated with
stockpiles, a soft sensor can be developed to monitor the level of a stockpile. The soft sensor
makes it possible to monitor the behavior of different ore types in real time, including when
and how the different ores are mixed in the stockpile and when the mixed ores are discharged
with certain mixing portion.
The stockpile soft sensor forms part of an ore tracking system, which utilises the real
time information available in both SCADA and database of a mineral processing plant or
a mine. Using the ore geological data and the tonnage of ore being treated, the ore tracking
system calculates and provides ore type information to all process units at a mine, including
stockpiles, crushers, screens, storage bins, separation, mills and etc.


[1] Samancorcr,, May 2011.

[2] Little T.: Level Measurement Trends in the Solid Industry,
[3] Little T.: Non-Contact Level Measurement in „Open Air” Applications,
[4] Stockpile, Stacker and Reclaimer,
[5] Leetham D.: Online Stockpile Analysis, World Cement, January 2008, pp. 27–30 or at
[6] Geoscan, 5175R0 Geoscan-C UGG.doc,, 10 Oct 2010.
[7] Pan X.W., Metzner G., etc.: Development of Weightometer Soft Sensor, APCOM 2004, Cape Town.
[8] Pan X.W., Metzner G., etc.: Implementation of Weightometer Soft Sensor at De Beers Valencia Mine,
International Mineral Conference 2006, Cape Town.
[9] Pan X.W.: Applications of Soft Sensors at De Beers Mines, International CSense Conference, 2007, Pretoria.
[10] Pan X.W.: Soft Sensor for Online Particle Size Analyser, Colloquium of Metallurgical Laboratory Techniques,
SAIMM 26–27 March 1998, Kloof Gold Mine pp. 28–31.
[11] Actek Stockpile Optimization Software,, 15 Sep 2011.


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