Feeder Type Optimisation
Feeder Type Optimisation
Feeder Type Optimisation
Research Journal
Volume 11, Issue 3, September 2017, pages 246–252 Research Article
DOI: 10.12913/22998624/76100
Jan Necas1, Jakub Hlosta1, David Zurovec1, Martin Zidek1, Jiri Rozbroj1, Jiri Zegzulka1
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, ENET Centre, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech
Republic, e-mail: jan.necas@vsb.cz
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (3), 2017
verification of planned design changes [10]. This Black coal has a wide range of particle size dis-
replaces the step of experimental design chang- tributions, approximately from 0 mm to 100 mm.
es that do not guarantee removal of the original Other parameters are bulk density ρS = 1100 kg/m3
problems. These direct structural modifications and maximum material humidity θ = 15%. A 3D
are always costly both in time and money. The model of a cross-cut of the underground hopper
DEM simulation modelling significantly reduces and drag chain conveyor is in Fig. 1.
the development time of new devices as well as of In real-time operation, there were problems
optimising existing devices [11, 12]. At the begin- with the occurrence of bridging in the under-
ning, it is very important to define the mechani- ground hopper in the spaces above the drag chain
cal and physical properties of the bulk material to conveyor channel. The bridging was causing
be processed. These properties include grain size blockages of material above the conveyor, and the
and shape, material density, shear modulus and drag chain conveyor transported only a minimal
the Poisson constant. In our case, it is black coal. amount of material. The second major problem
The mechanical and physical properties of the occurred with the drag chain conveyor. When the
material together with the transport system model underground hopper was filled with more mate-
are the input parameters for the creation of the ac- rial (approximately 1/3 of the total volume of the
tual DEM simulation. During the simulation pro- underground hopper) and after a certain period of
cess of the material transport, it is possible to de- time had elapsed, the movement of the conveyor
tect different physical quantities at different time was stopped. The reason was overloading of the
points, such as the vector velocity field, the force drive, which could not overcome the emerging
and torque effects of the particles on the structure drag resistance. Other undesirable effects during
in any direction, etc. [13, 14, 15]. operation were manifested by deformations of the
drive elements and the shredding of the material
DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT at the point of material extraction from the hopper.
PROBLEM Based on the above facts, which stem from
real operation and available technical param-
The current problematic situation concerns the eters, a 3D CAD model of the current state was
underground hopper with a capacity of V = 30 m3 created, see Fig. 1. The 3D CAD model was im-
and the drag chain conveyor. The drag chain con- ported into EDEM Academic, which is used to
veyor is dimensioned for the amount of transported create DEM simulations. The model of the un-
material Q = 100 t·h-1 with the installed drive pow- derground hopper and drag chain conveyor has
er P = 11 kW. The length of the transport channel been assigned physical properties and kinematic
L = 16 m and speed of the drag chain conveyor parameters. In the second step, a bulk mate-
is v = 0.74 m·s-1. The combination of the under- rial resembling black coal was created (Contact
ground hopper and the drag chain conveyor is used Material + Material Definition). The individual
to process the black coal, which is delivered to the particles were assigned the measured mechani-
underground hopper by truck at regular intervals. cal and physical properties. Then the calibration
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (3), 2017
simulation was performed (Material Calibration). Furthermore, DEM simulation discovered in-
The basic material calibration was performed creased values of the total force which affects the
on a comparative experiment where the angle drive elements during the movement of the drag
of repose of real material with DEM simulation chain conveyor. Total force effect on the drive el-
was compared. After the necessary calibration ements expresses the total drag resistance. From
has been done, the material was generated in a the 36-second time period of the DEM simula-
prepared underground hopper model. The whole tion, the average value of FT = 40000 N has been
process of preparing the DEM simulation is visu- read. The course of FT in time and the distribution
ally represented in Figure 2. of forces on the drive elements of the drag chain
The DEM simulation of the current state has conveyor are illustrated on Fig. 4. Total drag re-
confirmed the large compressive forces occur- sistance is the main parameter when calculating
ring in the material while movement of the drag and dimensioning the performance of the drag
chain conveyor. Large compressive forces oc- chain conveyor. Following the established total
curred especially in the area where the material force from the DEM simulation, a control calcu-
from the underground hopper was extracted. The lation of the required power of the drag chain con-
size of the compressive force in the material was veyor was carried out according to equation (1).
approximately 1000 N. The critical areas of the The control calculation showed that the proposed
compressive forces in the underground hopper drive is seriously underpowered. The drive power
are shown in Fig. 3. for this application should be at least 45 kW.
Fig. 3. Displaying areas of compression forces in a underground hopper: a) real situation, b) DEM simulation
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (3), 2017
Fig. 4. a) Dependence of total force FT on time; b) Loadings on the drag elements of the chain conveyor
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (3), 2017
Since the structural modifications were not ef- conveyors with supporting rollers and calculation
fective enough, the type of conveyor was changed of the drive performance parameters.
from a drag chain conveyor to a belt conveyor. A DEM simulation of transport of material from
condition of the change from the drag chain con- an underground hopper using a belt conveyor has
veyor to the belt conveyor was to maintain the shown a significant reduction in resistance param-
conveyed quantity of material Q = 100 t·h-1, belt eters in the transport process. The average total
conveyor speed v = 0.85 m·s-1 and to reduce the force applied to the conveyor belt during the sim-
required power of the belt conveyor drive to max. ulation was only FT = 12000 N. After deducting
Pmax = 15 kW. The capacity of the underground the total force values from the DEM simulation,
hopper was reduced to 20 m3. Structural changes a control calculation of the required output of the
were made only in the virtual model. The sche- belt conveyor drive unit according to equation (1)
matic diagram of the underground hopper with a was again performed. The required drive power
belt conveyor is shown in Fig. 6. Subsequently, a for this type of delivery device was calculated at
new DEM simulation was performed. P = 13 kW. The calculated power meets the condi-
The theoretical design of the belt conveyor tional maximum drive power Pmax = 15kW. From
was carried out according to the ISO 5048 stan- the course of the DEM simulation, it was also ob-
dard. The standard regulates the design of the vious that with the new passive element the mate-
equipment for the smooth transport of loads, belt rial flow disturbances did no longer occur. Fig. 7
Fig. 7. DEM simulation of transport of material from an underground hopper using a belt conveyor
Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal Vol. 11 (3), 2017
shows a DEM simulation of the transport of ma- conveyor was replaced by a classic belt conveyor.
terial from an underground hopper using a belt This radical change has brought very positive re-
conveyor where the particle speed can be read at sults. The average total force in the conveyor belt
each instant of the transport process. during the simulation was only FT = 12000 N. It
During the DEM simulation, other parameters should be noted that all design modifications were
can be monitored to allow us to better understand made on a virtual 3D CAD model. DEM simula-
specific transport or storage processes. In our case, tion allows us to apply different design solutions
the mass flow rate that the belt conveyor is able to and verify process functionality. This verification
transport is monitored. Fig. 8 shows the mass flow method prevents the production of non-functional
rate dependency on time. The figure shows the av- prototype devices. Based on the results obtained
erage value of the mass flow rate, which ranges in this paper, it is possible to assume that DEM
from 95 t·h-1 to 100 t·h-1. This range fulfils the set simulations represent a very effective tool in the
mass flow rate condition of Q = 100 t·h-1. design of conveying and handling equipment in
the field of bulk materials.
This paper describes verifying the possible
use of computer DEM simulations for designing This paper was conducted within the frame-
completely new or optimising existing conveyor work of the project LO1404: Sustainable devel-
and storage devices for bulk materials. Using dis- opment of ENET Centre.
crete modelling, it has been possible to identify
problematic areas in transporting coal from an REFERENCES
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