PHD Oridinance AC 13and15
PHD Oridinance AC 13and15
PHD Oridinance AC 13and15
1. Preliminaries
1.1 This ordinance shall apply to Ph.D Programmes offered by this University.
All the candidates shall be admitted on full time basis. The conversion of full time to
part-time may be considered by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of DRC
after the date of registration in the department.
Vice Chancellor may also consider granting one mercy chance in addition to normal
duration under extraordinary circumstances on the recommendation of the DRC.
The eligibility criteria for admission to Ph.D programme, fee structure, academic
calendar, scheme of studies and examinations, examination schedule, sports calendar
and cultural activity calendar etc. for the academic year shall be published in the
prospectus/University website.
1.2 This ordinance shall be applicable alongwith other rules related to Re-evaluation,
Punishment rules in case of UMC, Examination rules etc. amended from time to time.
iii One Associate Professor of the Department having Ph.D. Degree on rotation
basis for a period of two years.
iv One Assistant Professor of the Department having Ph.D. Degree on rotation
basis for a period of two years.
If number of eligible teachers available in the department is less than three, the
Chairperson of DRC may co-opt Professors from outside the
Department/University to have at least three members in the DRC
b. To guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology
of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
All research students shall have to complete the specified course work as per the
academic semester schedule. The Course work shall consist of three courses of
specified credits out of which one paper of 4 credits will be Research Methodology
offered by the Department/Faculty. This course may include quantitative methods
and computer applications, research ethics and review of published research in the
relevant field. It may also involve review of published research in relevant area.
Other courses shall be advanced level courses preparing the students for Ph.D.
degree. The Departmental Research Committee, in consultation with the
Supervisor, will assign the course work. Candidate shall not be allowed to take the
subject/course already studied in university teaching departments or anywhere in
PG classes.
The credit assigned to Ph.D course work may be minimum of twelve credits.
3.1 The Pre Ph.D course work shall extend over a maximum period of two
semesters. Teaching in each academic year shall be divided into two semesters,
each semester extending to 20 weeks including practical, semester examination
and semester break. Teaching for odd semesters will normally be from July to
November and for even semesters from January to May.
3.2 At the end of the each semester, there shall be an examination wherein
candidates shall be examined in the courses studied by them in that semester.
3.3 The examinations for all semesters will normally be held in December/January
and also in May/June on such dates as may be fixed by the Controller of
Examinations as per the schedule provided by the University. The date(s) of
commencement of examination as well as the last date(s) for the receipt of the
examination forms and fees shall also be notified by the Controller of
Examinations to the concerned University teaching departments. The
concerned teacher should ensure that 100% syllabus is covered in his/her
course before the start of semester examinations.
3.4 The Courses of the study and the subjects of examinations shall be as approved
by the Academic Council from time to time. The medium of instructions and
Examination shall ordinarily be English except otherwise decided by the
Academic Council. The question paper will be set in English, except otherwise
decided by the board of studies concerned and approved by the Academic
Council. Every candidate shall be examined in the subjects as decided by
Departmental Research Committee. The credits for each subject as also the
contact hours per week will be mentioned in the scheme of studies approved by
the Academic Council.
3.5 Normal duration of Pre-Ph.D course work is one semester only. The course work
should be completed in maximum of two semesters after admission in the
university/Pre-PhD course work, failing which his/her admission shall be
cancelled. No mercy chance shall be considered in any circumstances
Questions papers for the end semester examination shall be set by paper
setters appointed by Controller of Examinations from a panel of
examiners submitted by the Chairman of the Board of Studies duly
approved by respective BPGS&R In case a question paper is not
received in time from a paper setter CoE shall get the paper set from an
alternate examiner who is otherwise competent to do so. The
evaluation of answer scripts shall be done as per procedure laid down
by the University.
Every student has to appear in both the minor tests. If a student does
not take a minor test, he/she shall be awarded zero marks in that test.
The marks obtained in sessional of practical/theory are to be submitted
to the Examination wing duly signed by the Chairperson of the
department on or before the close of semester examination or marks
can be uploaded on the examination portal before a date fixed by the
COE. The examination wing shall convert the marks in to equivalent
grades as per the grading procedure.
(i) has attended regularly the prescribed courses of studies for the relevant
semester examination in the departments recognized by the University
for the Pre Ph.D course work.
(iii) has attended not less than 75% of the total classes held in each theory /
lab. This requirement shall be fulfilled separately for each subject of
study. A deficiency up to 10% may be condoned by the Chairperson of
the department. A further condonation of 5% in attendance may be
allowed in severe/ Compassionate circumstances by the Dean. It is
further clarified that the candidate sent by the university to
participate/attend an event shall be treated as present during the days of
event including journey days, if any, subject to the condition that the
candidate must have attended atleast 50% of the classes. However, it
may not be treated as a matter of right by the students. (In case a
student fails to fulfill the necessary requirement of the attendance in
any subject(s) in any semester, he/ she shall not be promoted to next
semester and will have to repeat that academic semester in the next
academic session along with regular students.)
3.9 If a candidate, after attending the classes for the course of studies in the
Department either not appeared or having appeared in first semester
examination has failed in one or more paper(s) for that examination, he/she
can appear for such paper(s) at second semester. However, clause 3.5 shall
3.10 The minimum passing marks/grade for passing any semester Examination
shall be:
3.11 The result of a student at the end of semester Examination and after
completion of course work shall be declared on the basis of the SGPA.
3.12 At the end of semester examination, the COE shall publish the result. Each
successful candidate shall be issued a Detailed Marks Card of the result on
having passed the semester examination.
Scholarship may be awarded to students as per the terms and conditions stipulated by the
funding agencies. However, it should be mentioned in the prospectus
Each subject (component) has a certain number of credits which reflect its weightage
and is normally decided on the basis of effective contacts hours. It is mentioned in
the scheme of studies and examinations.
5.1 The marks/grade awarded to a student in any particular subject will be based on the
performance of the student evaluated throughout the semester. The syllabus of the
minor tests will be what is covered in that particular term. The Semester
Examination will be based on the entire syllabus.
5.2 The marks/grades will be displayed on the notice board of the department before
forwarding it to the Examination Wing.
5.3 The Chairperson of the department shall forward the awards/grades to the
Examination Wing within a week after the semester ends and examination process
starts. The evaluated answer sheets of minor tests are to be kept by the course
Co-ordiantor/subject teacher for at least one year. The Examination Wing will keep
the evaluated answer sheets of the semester examination for at least nine months.
For the award of grades in a subject, all component-wise evaluation shall be done in
marks. The marks would be converted to grades as per the guidelines given below:
The University will follow system of grading for all (irrespective of no. of students)
based on absolute marks (after applying moderation if any) as given below:
Range of Marks (%) Grade
90 to 100 A+
80 to 89 A
70 to 79 B+
62 to 69 B
55 to 61 C+
Less than 55 F
(i) While calculating percentage of marks to award grades, 0.5 or higher fraction may be
raised to the next higher whole number.
(ii) The awards/grades shall be submitted by the teacher to the Chairperson of the
department. The awards/grades should be finalized within 7 days of the semester
Outstanding A+ 10
Excellent A 9
Very Good B+ 8
Good B 7
Average C+ 6
Very Poor F 0
Absent G -
‘F’ Grade
This grade denotes poor performance, i.e. failing a subject (or subject component). A
student has to reappear in the semester examination only, in which he/she obtains ‘F’
grades, until a passing grade is obtained, within the stipulated time of completion of
that programe.
‘G’ Grade
If any student, who is otherwise eligible for appearing in the semester examination as
per the ordinance, but he/she is unable to appear in the semester examination then he
/she will be awarded ‘G’ grade. The candidate will be allowed to take up the
examination next time along with regular students and he /she will be awarded the
grade as per grade system explained above.
The SGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades, obtained in the semester.
(Course credits x Grade point) for courses with pass grade except audit courses
(Course credits) of courses with pass grade except audit courses
Point secured in this semester in passed courses {Total of column (6)} = 130
8.1 Only full time regular Professor of the university teaching departments with at least five
research publications in refereed journals (UGC listed journals) and any fulltime regular
Associate/Assistant Professor of the university teaching department with a Ph.D. degree
and at least two research publications refereed journals (UGC listed journals) may be
recognized as Research Supervisor.
8.2 In case of topics which are of inter-disciplinary nature, where the department
concerned feels that the expertise in the department has to be supplemented from
outside, the department may appoint a co-supervisor from outside the
department/faculty on such terms and conditions as may be specified and agreed upon
by the consenting institutions/colleges. DRC shall give a brief report while proposing
appointment of co-supervisor like portion of research plan where the supervision of co-
supervisor is needed.
8.3 The allocation of Research Supervisor for a selected research scholar shall be decided
by the DRC concerned depending on the number of scholars per Research Supervisor,
the available specialization among the Supervisors and research interests of the scholars
as indicated by them at the time of interview/viva-voce/presentation. DRC will
recommend the names(s) of Supervisor(s) giving due consideration to the request of the
candidate. The number of guiding supervisor allotted to a candidate should not be more
than two.
8.5 If a teacher having two years of service left at the time of approving the research plan of
research scholar then he/she may be appointed co-supervisor only.
8.6 Supervisor shall be invited to the meeting of the DRC whenever the cases of the
candidates registered with her/him are taken up.
Clause 8.7 and 8.8 added, refer amendment at p-19 & 20)
9.1 The DRC shall consider requests from student or her/his Supervisor for a change of
Supervisor /Co-supervisor. New Supervisor/Co-supervisor shall be appointed following
the normal procedure for appointment of Supervisor after seeking approval of the Vice
9.2 Change of Supervisor shall lead to change in research proposal unless the New
Supervisor agrees to the same research proposal being pursued under the supervision of
the previous supervisor. This condition is not applicable in case of change of Co-
9.4 There shall not be any change in the date of registration due to change of Supervisor.
10.1 After completing the Pre Ph.D. course work, every research student is required to
submit and present her/his research plan proposal along with the topic for
consideration of DRC in the prescribed format.
10.2 The DRC will evaluate the research plan proposal and her/his academic preparation
and potential to carry out the work in the research proposal. DRC may constitute a
subcommittee for student specific (SSC) out of DRC member with a outside expert, if
needed. (Amended, refer P -19)
10.3 DRC/SSC, if satisfied shall communicate it to the BPGS&R for approval.
10.4 In case the proposal and presentation are found unsatisfactory, DRC/SSC will suggest
modifications in the research plan proposal. The research student will incorporate the
necessary modifications in consultation with her/his supervisor(s) and will resubmit
his/her plan to present before DRC/SSC for fresh evaluation (within three months).
The research plan presentation cannot be considered before successful completion of
prescribed course work. In case the research plan proposal is not approved within 18
months of admission in the university it shall lead to the termination of admission to
Ph.D programme. A mercy chance may be considered by the Vice Chancellor on
DRC/SSC recommendations.
10.6 The supervisor of the student, in consultation with the Chairperson of DRC/SSC, shall
arrange for research plan presentation and give notice of at least fifteen days in
advance for the same.
11.1 At the end of every semester, a scholar is required to submit through her/his supervisor
the semester progress report (in the month of July for even semester and in the month
of January for odd semester) to the Chairperson of the DRC. Progress reports of the
research scholars duly recommended by DRC/SSC will be sent to Research
Coordinator/Dean Academic Affairs.
11.2 Continuation of Registration requires that the DRC/SSC finds semester progress report
satisfactory; all dues of university, library, hostel etc. of previous semester should be
cleared; and fee for the next semester is paid.
11.3 The research student should appear before the DRC/SSC for presentation of her/his
semester progress report. In case the progress of the research scholar is unsatisfactory,
the DRC/SSC shall record the reasons for the same and suggest corrective measures. If
the research scholar fails to implement these corrective measures in the next semester,
the DRC/SSC may recommend with specific reasons for cancellation of the
registration of the research scholar.
11.4 Minor modification in the research topic may be allowed on the recommendation of
DRC/SSC but not later than one year before thesis submission.
11.5 On the request of student duly recommend by his/her supervisor, the DRC/SSC shall
assess the work of the student through a pre-submission seminar. This shall be an open
seminar and any member of the University including students and visitors may
participate in it. The feedback and comments obtained from them may be suitably
incorporated into the draft thesis in consultation with the DRC/SSC. The date of the
pre-submission seminar shall be notified at least two weeks in advance. The
department shall ensure all the documents of the student are up to date and are in order
before allowing any student for this presentation.
A research student can submit her/his thesis only on having at least two research
papers out of her/his Ph.D. research wok published/accepted in SCI/SCIE
/SCOPUS/UGC listed journals. (Amended, refer p-19)
While submitting for evaluation, the thesis shall have an undertaking from the research
scholar and a certificate from the Research Supervisor attesting to the originality of the
work, vouching that there is no plagiarism and that the work has not been submitted
for the award of any other degree/diploma of the same Institution where the work was
carried out, or to any other Institution.
BPGS&R through her/his supervisor one hard copy and one soft copy in PDF format
on a pen/CD drive of the synopsis of the thesis in the same format as specified for the
thesis. While submitting for evaluation, the thesis shall have an undertaking from the
research scholar and a certificate from the Research Supervisor attesting to the
originality of the work. The similarity index should not be more than 30%. Plagiarism
report should also be attached.
12.2 The thesis should be submitted within 6 months after the presentation of pre-
submission seminar. In case the thesis is not submitted in the specified period, the
student may be asked to present another pre-submission seminar.
The student will submit a soft copy of the thesis in PDF format on a pen drive/CD, and
four copies with paper back (soft covers) in the prescribed format after payment of the
thesis examination fee as prescribed. Thesis should be printed on both sides of good
quality A4 size papers in Times New Roman font. At the time of submission, the
student shall also submit the examination form and a copy of the examination fee
receipt. All submissions are to be made to the Controller of Examinations through
Chairperson of the Department
13.1 The Supervisor shall also submit to the BPGS&R, under confidential cover, a panel of
eight subject experts having Ph.D. Degree and preferably of Professor rank. At least
three of the experts should be from outside the State and two experts should be from
other countries. Panel should be given on the prescribed proforma.
13.2 After approving the panel of examiners, the BPGS&R shall forward the synopsis and
the panel of examiners to the Controller of Examinations.
13.3 On receipt of the synopsis of the thesis and the panel of examiners, the Vice
Chancellor will appoint a Board of Examiners for each candidate from the panel. The
Board of examiners will consist of the Supervisor and Co-supervisor, if any, as the
internal examiners, and two external examiners, at least one may be from outside the
13.4 CoE will send a copy of synopsis to all the external members of the Board for seeking
their consent.
14.2 A copy of the thesis shall be sent to the examiners after receiving their consent.
14.3 In case a member of the board, after receiving the synopsis declines to act as an
examiner, a new examiner shall be appointed from the panel of examiners with the
approval of the Vice Chancellor.
Each external examiner will be requested to submit a detailed assessment report and
her/his recommendation within six weeks of the date of receipt of the thesis. The report
can be in the form of soft copy and/or a hard copy. Format will be sent to the
examiners. The external examiners will examine the thesis individually with a view to
judge that the thesis is a piece of research work characterized by:
a. The thesis is accepted for the award of the Ph.D. degree subject to the candidate’s
giving satisfactory answer to the queries specifically mentioned in the Examiner’s
reports, at the time of Viva-Voce examination, or
b. The candidate be asked to resubmit his/her thesis in the revised form, or
15.1 If both the external examiners give the same recommendation, i.e. acceptance, or
revision, or rejection, that recommendation shall be accepted accordingly.
15.2 If one of the two external examiners recommends acceptance and the other
recommends revision, the recommendation ‘revision’ is accepted.
15.3 If one of the two external examiners recommends rejection, and the other external
examiner recommends acceptance, a third external examiner will be appointed for
shall be accepted.
When a thesis is to be revised and resubmitted, the research student and supervisor shall be
informed by the Controller of Examinations about the comments of the examiners. The
revised thesis is to be submitted within one year, but not earlier than three months. A fresh
fee for the examination shall be paid by the student. The revised versions of the thesis will be
sent to the external examiner(s) concerned for her/his fresh recommendations and in that case
she/he can recommend either acceptance or rejection only.
17.1 On receipt of the thesis examination reports from the examiners, the CoE shall send all
the reports to the Vice Chancellor for appointment of Examiner out of already
appointed for thesis evaluation to conduct viva-voce examination.
17.2 On having been informed by the Controller of Examinations to appear in the viva-voce
examination, the student is to defend her/his work/thesis orally before a committee of
the examiners comprising one external examiner; and supervisor/co-supervisor as the
internal examiner approved by the Vice Chancellor. The Chairperson of the
department in consultation with the supervisor/internal examiner will fix a date for
holding the viva-voce examination. The questions/queries specified by the thesis
examiners in their reports shall be intimated to the candidate through her/his
supervisor at least one week before the date of conduct of the viva-voce examination.
The date of the viva-voce examination shall be adequately notified so as to enable
interested faculty, staff members and students to attend it.
17.3 In case of non-availability of the external examiner for conducting the viva-voce
examination, the Vice Chancellor may appoint alternate examiner to conduct the viva-
voce examination from the existing panel. If need be, the supervisor may suggest a
fresh panel of examiners. After the viva-voce examination, both the examiners will
prepare a detailed joint report giving one of the following three recommendations:
18.1 The student shall be provided a list of all corrections and modifications to be made in
the thesis as suggested by the examiners. The student will submit to the Controller of
Examinations, two hard copies and one soft copy of the corrected thesis along with(a)a
copyright certificate in favour of University on prescribed form (b) a certificate by the
supervisor that the necessary corrections and modifications have been made and(c) a
‘No Dues Certificate’ from all concerned in the prescribed form.
18.2 On receipt of the above, the Controller of Examination shall put up all the reports
before the Research Degree Committee (RDC) consisting of :
The committee shall examine the reports of all the examiners (thesis and viva-voce)
and decide as under:
18.3 The Controller of Examination shall notify the result as approved by the Research
Degree Committee and issue a provisional certificate to the research student, certifying
to the effect that the degree has been awarded in accordance with the provisions of
UGC Regulations 2016 dated May 05, 2016.
18.4 The award of Ph.D. degree can be withdrawn by the University on the
Ph.D ordinance approved in 13th meeting of academic council held on 18.6.2018
& Amended in 15th meeting of academic council held on 14.08.2020
19.1 A Ph.D. student during her/his stay at the University will be entitled to leave of 30
Days per year including 8 days casual leave and 10 days sick leave. She/he will not be
entitled to mid-semester break/vacation, or summer and winter vacation. Leave beyond
30 days in an academic year may be granted to a research student without
scholarship/fellowship in exceptional cases. The women candidate may be provided
maternity leave/child care leave once in the entire duration of Ph.D. for up to 240 days.
19.2 All leave is subject to approval of the Chairperson of the Department on the
recommendation of the Supervisor.
19.3 In case of the student drawing any Fellowship/Scholarship of outside funding agency,
the leave norms, terms and conditions of the funding agency/university will apply.
19.4 Research Scholar may request to do research work part time after the date of
registration in the department. Such candidates are required to stay in the department
for 15 days continuously in each semester.
20.1 If she/he absents herself/himself for a continuous period of four weeks without prior
intimation/sanction of leave.
20.2 If she/he requests for cancellation from the Ph.D. programme.
20.3 If she/he fails to deposit the fee within stipulated period.
20.4 If her/his progress is found unsatisfactory.
20.5 If she/he is found involved in an act of misconduct and/or indiscipline and a
competent authority has recommended termination. For all purpose, the
conduct/discipline rules applicable to Bachelors/Masters degree students of the
University shall apply to Ph.D. research students also.
20.6 If at any stage, information furnished by the student in her/his application is found
false or incorrect.
The following amendments / additions are considered and approved under agenda item
No. 15_29 in Ph.D Ordinance by Academic council.
If number of eligible teachers available in the department is less than three, the
Chairperson of DRC may co-opt Professors from outside the Department/University to
have at least three members in the DRC.
The Chairperson of the Department shall normally be the Chairperson of the DRC, if
qualifies being Ph.D. If the Chairperson does not qualify, the senior most qualifying
faculty member of the Department on rotation (one year at a time), who is otherwise
member of the DRC may act as the Chairperson of the DRC with the approval of the Vice
The DRC will evaluate the research plan proposal and her/his academic preparation and
potential to carry out the work in the research proposal. DRC may constitute a
subcommittee for student specific (SSC) out of DRC member with a outside expert, if
The department can constitute upto four student specific committees. A committee can
be constituted for more than one research scholar.
The comments of experts shall be taken on the progress of work of the research scholar
every time.
Expert may be called in the university during progress report evaluation of a particular
semester without paying TA/DA/ honorarium to her/him. He may joined on-line also
if committee feels. (Refer clause 11.1 to 11.4)
A research student can submit her/his thesis only on having at least two research
papers out of her/his Ph.D. research work published/accepted in web of Science
collection, which is a part of the UGC - CARE List (Group II).
Provided further that only the candidate and his/her Supervisors should be the sole
authors of such research papers.
Clause 8.7 (Added: shall be applicable to all research scholars including already
Co-supervisor may be appointed in between the period of recommendation of research
plan by DRC/SSC and Pre Ph.D seminar subject to the condition that research scholar
can not submit his/her Ph.D thesis before two years after the date of recommendation
of appointment of Co supervisor by DRC/SSC.
Clause 8.8 (Added: shall be applicable to all research scholars including already