Department of Mechatronics Engineering UNIT TEST-IV - September-2018

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UNIT TEST-IV –September-2018
Course Code and Name: 115 and Mechatronics Engineering Year / Semester : IV / VII
Sub Code : MT6703 Class & Year : IV MTR
Sub Name : Robotics and Machine Vision System Max. Marks : 50 Marks
Max. Marks : 50 Marks
Staff In-charge : Mr. I. Muhilan Total Time : 90 Min.

Course Outcomes
CO.4: Understanding the fundamental concepts of Machine vision systems.
Question taxonomy
No: Mapping
Answer all the Questions :- Part A (5 x 2 = 10 Marks)
1 What is resolution? K1 C403.4

2 What is pixel? K1 C403.4

3 What are the basic classifications of a sensor? K1 C403.4

4 Name some typical lighting techniques used in vision sensor. K1 C403.4

5 What is edge detection? K1 C403.4

Answer all the Questions:- Part B (2 x 13 = 26 marks)

Explain the segmentation methods used in a vision system with suitable

6(a) K2 C403.4
example. Also explain the morphology operations with its types.

Explain some significant operations and techniques used to extract the
6(b) information from images for analysis. K2 C403.4

Explain machine vision system with a sketch. Give practical examples of

7(a) K2 C403.4
its applications.
What is thresholding? What is the purpose of thresholding an image?
7(b) K2 C403.4
Explain different types of thresholding?
Answer all the Questions:- Part C (1 x 14 = 14 Marks)
Explain the elements and techniques used in a vision sensor system with
8(a) K2 C403.4
neat sketches wherever necessary.
What are the different types of cameras used in industries for image
8(b) K2 C403.4
acquisition? Explain them in detail.

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