NC 559 Asm TF PDF
NC 559 Asm TF PDF
NC 559 Asm TF PDF
Test Results
Test J-STD-004 or Test Requirement Result
other requirements (as stated)
Copper Mirror IPC-TM-650: 2.3.32 L: No breakthrough
Corrosion IPC-TM-650: 2.6.15 L: No corrosion
Quantitative Halides IPC-TM-650: L: <0.5%
Electrochemical Migration IPC-TM-650: L: <1 decade drop
Surface Insulation Resistance 85 oC, IPC-TM-650: L: 100 M (no-clean)
85% RH @ 168 Hours
Viscosity - Malcom @ 10 RPM/25 oC IPC-TM-650: 40-52
Visual IPC-TM-650: Clear and free
from precipitation
Conflict Minerals Compliance Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) Compliant
REACH Compliance Articles 33 and 67 of Regulation May contain up to 7%
(EC) No 1907/2006 w/w of ethoxylated
NC-559-ASM-TF, No-Clean Tacky Flux
Cleaning Storage and Handling
NC-559-ASM-TF is a no-clean tacky flux that can Tacky flux should be stored at room temperature
be left on the board for many SMT assemblies. For (20-25 °C). Syringes and cartridges should be stored
applications requiring cleaning, NC-559-ASM-TF vertically with the dispensing tip down. Properly
can be cleaned using commercially available flux stored tacky flux has a 12 month shelf life.
residue removers such INVENTEC Promoclean™ and
Promosolv™ cleaning chemistries. Packaging
10 & 30cc syringes
75 & 150 gram jars
170 & 340 gram cartridges
Recommended Profile
Profile for Sn63 and Sn62 Alloys
This profile is designed to
serve as a starting point for Topside Temperature of board
to be @ 212 – 230°C maximum