Prerequisites: Version 7.1 Service Pack Fix

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Version 7.1 Service Pack Fix

MIMIX version 7.1 service pack must be installed on your system before
installing this fix.

Important changes
The Product Change Requests (PCRs) provided in this service pack fix are marked with
icons, which signify important information or additional action that may be required.
These icons indicate:

A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation
programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service

A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the
change, but no action may be required.

New function or an enhancement in the indicated software.

Installation instructions
The following topics provide instructions associated with installing this service pack fix.
“Before installing” on page 2 - required for all installation methods.
“Installing the service pack fix” on page 2 - it is recommended you use the MIMIX
Installation Wizard.
“After installing” on page 2 - required for all installation methods.

MIMIX® is a registered trademark of Vision Solutions, Inc. MIMIX Availability Manager, iOptimize, MIMIX Enterprise, MIMIX
Professional, and MIMIX Global are trademarks of Vision Solutions, Inc. AIX, AS/400, DB2, eServer, i5/OS, IBM, iSeries,
OS/400, Power, System i, and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks
are the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 1
Installation Instructions
Before installing
Perform these steps before you install the service pack fix.
Special before installing instructions may be provided for any given service pack. Ensure you perform
these special instructions as necessary by reviewing the Readme documentation provided with the
prerequisite service pack.
Do the following to end MIMIX products:
1. Use the following command on the management system to end all system managers, journal
managers, collector services, application groups, data groups, active audits and recoveries, the
master monitor and all MIMIX monitors:
installation-library/ENDMMX ENDOPT(*CNTRLD)
Note: Based on your environment and the parameters you specified, it may take some time for the
ENDMMX command to complete. Ensure that all your jobs are ended before continuing. For
optimal availability, do not end the remote journal links as part of ending MIMIX.
2. Repeat Step 1 for each additional MIMIX installation.
3. Use the following command on any system that is hosting an instance of MIMIX Availability Manager:
4. Use the following command on all systems to end the MIMIX subsystem:

Installing the service pack fix

MIMIX Installation Wizard recommended: Vision Solutions strongly recommends that you use the
MIMIX Installation Wizard to install service pack fixes. The MIMIX Installation Wizard provides a simple
method for downloading, distributing, and installing fixes on a single Power™ System or to multiple
Power™ Systems simultaneously. See Support Central for more information.
If you cannot use the MIMIX Installation Wizard, topic “Checklist: fix installs” in the Using License
Manager book provides secondary install procedures and supporting information for installing products
using the 5250 emulator.

After installing
Perform these steps after successfully installing the service pack fix on all systems.
Special after installing instructions may be provided for any given service pack. Ensure you perform
these special instructions as necessary by reviewing the Readme documentation provided with the
prerequisite service pack.
Do the following:
1. Use the following command to start the MIMIX subsystem on all systems:
2. Ensure that your communications servers are started on all systems. Use the command
WRKACTJOB SBS(MIMXSBS) to confirm that jobs have been started by any autostart jobs. If
necessary, start the servers. For example, use the following command for TCP: © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 2
After installing

installation-library/STRSVR HOST(system) PORT(nnnnn)

where system is the host name or address and nnnnn is the port number or alias defined in
the transfer definition for the system on which you are running this command
3. For each installation, use the following command on the management system to start all system
managers, journal managers, collector services, application groups, data groups, monitors
including the master monitor, the MXAUDITSCD job, and the MXCOMMD job
4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each additional MIMIX installation.
5. As needed, make any known configuration changes on any installation that was upgraded.
6. If necessary, start the Vision Solutions Portal server using the command:
7. Check your MIMIX status using the information provided in the MIMIX Operations book. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Highlights version 7.1 Service Pack Fix
New Product Change Requests (PCRs) are identified by a change bar (|) in the left

Service Pack

MXHA-10703 Newly created IFS objects journaled and replicated correctly

In environments that replicate journaled IFS objects, newly created *STMF objects now
have their journaling status set to *YES and the *STMF data is replicated.

This service pack fix supersedes the following fixes:
NONE © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

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