Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook Answer Key 2pdf
Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook Answer Key 2pdf
Speakout Upper Intermediate Workbook Answer Key 2pdf
a submarine: flyJng n Mpa ce/
N: 1 5: 9 A: 7. 3, 4. 5. 6,7. B
SAingtisseo $ o be tiled
\ sens ibl e 2.’3z’•l ile al. d'stu ’birg, 3 T don”t agree with jrou forgetung co wr 3
4 \ agile co some ex e\t 6u r Jgng ng łriends and fzmily ł, ł
5 T”m still not convinced
lying abouz cirt+e spenc do!ng ił 3
6 You”ve goc a point there but
ver-y bad headaches 4
7 T k\4Ow what yOu mean but
aIwa)rs Ainking aóouc doing it 1
8 I”m noc *o sum
aleep probłnms 2
5 ge ed‹osxn’iu edto
6 u*ed <o.'xegoi edio
TEST 7 bud,uied o
16 2 Jc 4 Sa 6b 7a
8 c 9 a 10 b I I b 12 r 13 c
I+• Is c 16 b 17 b I e b 19 z
20 c 2I a 22 b 23 b z* a 2s
26 c 27 c 20 a 29 < 30 b
8 E: dhenKl away the ptospec ,
Mm•er uIwP, o* pms M
4A and C
I I- 2 B 3 D 4D5F6g
7 f- 80
I ha<| n spw|ng I wham here's life there's hopo Tp 2 second zhougti\s
2 had rfie vict‹m Geen raming 2 Ier’• eras* 6 at bridge when we 3 k ice ihemsc\vg s •t nrndsighc
3 ”d/had broken 5 missed ppporruniy 6 guued
4 had }•ou made 3 'notfi‹ng en ured. nothing gaif\cd’
S ”&'had Een ›inyng ¥ ever7 cJoud has a siTvt r I•ning T {anine is deed: E ean in blind
5 wfta£ gone arQund vo• ¿g arour\d 7 }anirm: by us Ing dlfferent str Ake s
6 Had S.tie ever dane
Suth aS *yz aching others” brenThing,
7 Nadnӣ Een planning 6 wh'en in Rome. do as zt e Ryans
Ie-OMng vibraticms frc'm the musi r.
8 had been maling ask‹ng okhe r performers tq $igrjal
7 OnCe bctcn. ice s/ TO frzr : Dean• by using be s@ndS
8 Whtre rfitere's smoke, chnre’s fi re he hears eg undersgnd wha £ ¡S
T had been lead ad felt
Z ¥eemed/had deemed happening
3 eer•ed
3 was explaJning
4 isea
8 only we didn’o'd•d nor a^/ve S I cent ctznd iz wfien che meat i n”t
4 have been told
6 And t.he Mr thing I have about
5 @u ii dn’U’di d Mot interrugi rr+pJ'
jrou wOuIdn”0w0+iId not inc0trup£ rh•m is the mossy uizes.
’adage a nd refiurn’ sfiory — the
chancing 6etome Hi when r err I Well. I’m not a big fafi of cravej
6 wish T@T nad rfioughc
pHr¥c crashes on a deien Island. books.
7 IhouIdn’D'shOuId nqt hive Iqsc
8 I could See son\e¢hii\g
‹oo d p_ f/
6 rd że e.u^ar Kns ł iia\+
^bout Mem i #« n sauit9e
• Remember he saying ”necessyi is
tyle n+otńer of tj's in¥an£ion.” When
re pcop e
Tzlk za a friend about You r idę .
Same ol he może yv«cessłńI ideas
3 III use 4 wi
5 will break 6 won’z keep
7 ”re/am o‹ \o lose''wił
ałcer diston
detrimenQł revoIuyton‹w
Lc'ye 2 D‹sroyer 3 Health
4 Snfety 5 ResuTrs 6 Cheap
7 Ci•ent 8 Deal 9 Best 10
H B E N J WN H ”’
I “ 8)
C \ ine) if'whezher hc should Ict tfie
I reciar on 2 iinpressions
I c) 2 e] 3 d) ‘I bł 5 0 6 z)
$ g¢vice 4 satisfac£ior\ 5 °eaccion
lA make them ac ‹ usto.
I fitde 2 kverał 3 łitde
4 A SmaTI numbet of 5 eitfiur of
an elecci-onic s shop
I fiardzy any 2 qJJ‹te a few 3 BO£h 1A
4 , large n»mber 5 enu[J 6 g few I e) 2 6) 3 c) 4 a) 5 d›
7 z large amounł 8 ali 9 any 10 •\O
T t\ad jake iJ 2 didn”r renJenJDer
3 f\ad fi d s had
5 was break ing óown 6 +anłcd
7 wOuI 0n’c 8 hDd \O
2 am unobsar¥ed 3 an experirjlen£
I wfirm I •as pvng. u\y fazher as tł*e mosc of zhe rooms are on
taughL rr e Ło wor k II Łd itiTd (co) 4 A,ną ic ri ngs Yvhe+\ yOu’re not here ’ I:Nie Power #roonó 8oOr
and ztiac's annoying./And when
2 jake ha es/h azed r+ot being abłe
to plat footbaJl because of Nie
bad ł
the big windo•ys i m••' no prłva¢y.
The gaż’s pr-obzóły dadly in na4d of
ali at he conference. qeogle are cr iing to rk, it'i
4 O Igz has suggesred going 1or a
6 I unde rszar d. bur do you
see wlnere I”m coming d nt alex (uniqucly) and
from' proba nor ło m<pne’s wsce.
Ttie flał¥ IikeĘ ro be dark and
7 /ębe you could sec ic co sitenT
when tou’re not here.''łflębe
7 The fir in dd doent xpen ‹o when 'rou’re nOt here ku could There’s łikeły to be too much
hnve £o pan Rur ile dan e. noise.
5 a) tel@ed up bf same ¢o
6 a) szicking to b) analysing
\ minc af e< imr• 2 i the nick of time 7 a) sensitiye b) sensibM
3 o kill ¢i‹ne ¥ 'm pressed for cime
wrst\g idea. bw- ... 8 a) ocdul b) asser-óxe
S cut her holid/ £horT
6 zo make up far lost imc 3 II tsx that you know often
7 once in a blue leaw Nr mobiłe on. I promise 2 ręąTi/ 2 serial
moon 8 dmggipg tfieir 4 4nd it r ings when @u”nc noc here # mb! '? źi łoc ussed 6 aggr••si•e
9 for rhe I in+n being 5 Yes. bez i\”s diswrbing ł been mean‹ng 2 hope y- don”t
1 0 A'ded iner ti when ptople are u¿ng to v•ork.
6A 6 I underyzond, bum 1 mezn, do jrou 5 Do i know/Do you see
I Tfi;y’S yomechi ng 2 I’m ahtYay S see where I”m com'ng fro m! & would you feef
3 but 4 people chink 7 Maybe jrou toUld gut¥ Get ir o
5 chink mHc h of 6 I’ve wasted sitrmt when ’re not które. I I’m ¥or-ry but I’fI halo to cut it @
8 Yt . how world you er ft abou Stjcirt as 4”m gry pręs sed kar em
1A 2 T•or ¢he p+eser+t rlme 'e•ng ł”m not
saying an ing. ł’m|est biding es
* T \ . 6 b} #. 7 c) 2. 5 d) 3