Extra Material Unit 3

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Keep on learning!

A vocabulary & grammar

complete the crossword with words from Unit 3. 1


5 I can't stand working in an office all day long.
I want to be ... in the fresh air.
7 I need a break from my job and I'd like to write a book,
so next year I'm going to take a six-month ...
8 Paul always recycles, and he helps collect rubbish in the
forest. He really cares about the ...
1 Sue can make a tire with just sorne wood anda stone.
She learned ... skills on a learning holiday.
2 If you want to feel good and relaxed all day long, you
should do twenty minutes of ... every morning .
did a learning holiday at the zoo in Auckland . Now I'm
back, and I ... at the local zoo looking after the koalas!
'+ I' f . . . .
,: eeling a bit ... about my boring n1ne-to-flve Job. .
e always liked animals, so I might wo rk on an organic ...
Un¡t 3
Cr uis e sh ip
la connec t t he words to m ak e phrases.

1 can't st an d w or ki ng at
\ a pr ef er w or ki ng
2 nee d to b ab ou t w or ki ng
3 try to get
e th e ba r
4 imagine go in g
d li st en
s was th in ki ng
e tr av el li ng
6 you f so rn e fr es h id ea s
7 enjoy
g on a le ar ni ng ho
li da y
lb complete th e sent
en ces w it h th e ph ra se
then listen and chec s fr om la ,
k. ► 8
■ Hello?
• Hi Ben, it's me, C ar ol
in e. Do yo u ha ve a m
■ Yes, of co ur se . in ut e?
W ha t's th e m at te r?
• Look, I ju st 1 va n't
~tand wo-rkin~ at tb ~
I need to fi nd so m et hi ba-r an y lo ng er !
ng ne w !
■ Oh, po or girl!
W hy do n' t yo u 2 _ _
_ _ _ _ _ __
on th e In te rn et ? Q ui te
re ce nt ly I re ad a bl og
who ha s ha d jo bs on se ab ou t a la dy
ve ra l cr ui se sh ip s.
• Well, yo u kn ow I 3
the same on a sh ip . Y , bu t it's
ou 4 -
to people's st or ie s al l -----
th e ti m e!
■ Hmm, I se e. So
a lo t of sm al l ta lk . I kn w it ho ut
ow yo u en jo y co ok in
6 g. C an yo u
7 ? T he la dy in th e blog
of a bi g cr ui se sh ip . M in th e re st au ra nt
ay be yo u co ul d le ar n
Why do n' t yo u w ri te fr om he r!
0 to he r?
Well, I co ul d ce rt ai nl y
tr y th at . G oo d id ea ,
Tbank yo u so m uc h! Ben!

le W ha t ab ou t you?
W ou ld yo u lik e to w o rk
Why or w hy not? on a cr ui se ship?


unit 3

3 unjumbla th • questlons. Then listen and check. Flnally,

Answer the qutstlons for yourstlf below. ► 9
t dolng / an / considered / Italian / have / yo u / ever / course / ?

2 imagine/ taking / gap/ you / can/ a/ year /?

3 take / a / to/ goi ng / sabbatical / are/ you / year / next /?

4 you / would / outdoors / working / pre fe r / ?

5 getting / dirty / do / you / your / mind / hands / ?

6 learn / what /do/ you / want /to/ next /?

1 4 -----
- - - - - -- - -
2 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 5 ----

3 - - -- - - - - - 6

En g ¡ ¡sh & Gerrnan

1hate sitting in acl~ssroom.
lch hasse es1 in einem Klassenzimmer zu sitzen.
1 can't stand working outside all day.
lch kann es nicht ausstehen, den ganzen Tag drauRen zu arbeiten.

4 What are your plans in five years' time?

Write four sentences.

I' M ¡oitt~ to . . / I' M not ~oitt~ to ... I

1 M1:r,t ... / 1 Mi~hf ttof ...

Unit 3 19
R f"!ionunt IAlion
1; Ll~ttn And f'tptAt . Focus on t he underlln ed words.
~ 10
1 rm dt~ftnitcl ygol ng to go somewh ere warrn.
" MV son is at vocation al college.
~ unfo1tunatel_y I can't go on holíday this year.
4 He wants to take a sabbatica l.

~ l'm not v ery motivated at work.

e Countries & cultures

Singapore is a place w here almost everyone speaks En 1.
. g ISh B
it may not be the sort of Engl,sh you learned in schooll E ·. Ut
' tt· . 11 . ngl 1sh ,,
only one of th e country so 1c1a anguages, along w ith M
Mandarin and Tam il. Most people speak at least two langualay,
Singapore was a British colony until 1963, and Engl ish is st~~es.
langu age used in pol itics, educatio n and most workplac es. ln e
these 'offi cial ' settings, a standard form of the language , sin, ¡¡
to British English, is used. But informall y, many people speak aar
dialect called Singlish. Although Singlish is based on English, .t 1S
grammar is different and it has borrowed many words from oth er
languages. Sorne examples are kop, for coffee, auntie far any
older woman and /ah, which is often said at the end of a sente nce
or a question .
In 2000, the governm ent started a campaign to encourag e
Singaporeans to speak standard English instead of Si ng lish . Bu t
many people think Singlish is an importan t part of Singaporean
culture and identity.

D ~o:::~--------------------~
"Si ngapore" means ~ 'Jf
a country of song. b home of the lion.
e land of sunshi ne.

20 Un it 3
n l ngllsh atnunff the world
Match the En1ll1h wotd to ltt meanln1
a'nd the country lt comes from .

1 dingo ~ party Spain

2 fiesta type of wild dog Japan
3 moped type of vegetable0 France
4 bonsai . tree in a small pot Sweden
s courgette bicycle with a motor Australia

E Translating & lnterpreting

8 rranslation. Afrlend has recelved a bonsai
tree with English
instructions as a present. Write the answers to her questions.

Bonsai comes from Japanese. Bonsai is
a kind of artistic gardening which is used
to grow a very small tree in a pot.
Bonsai trees can live for years if you look afte r
them carefully. Bonsai trees prefer being
outside with fresh air, light and water - they do
well on a covered patio with indirect sunlight or shade.
Bon.sai trees don't like getting too dry or too cold.
So remember to water your bonsai regularly and avo id
leaving the bonsai outside if the weather is very cold.

1 Was ist eigentlich Bonsai?

2 Wie lange kann der Baum leben?

3 Wo soll ich den Baum hinstellen?

4 Was mache ich wenn es sehr kalt wird?

Un it 3 21
nNidln11 , nr nllf

Learn somethlng at 65?

l'Vt' íí ii vm~ Ate vc~y ~ood at ~om e thin g lik c playi n .
nwnt. eonkrn j! m smgmg, there ate sti ll parts of g ar, 1r,qt r
, Your h 11
hodv whic h vnu nccd to kee p acti ve and develo ra¡,, ar,
· P as y rl
11,ink of nll th c JHlrts of your hody and brain and , ou get rI
, 1fl r
nc" fo , cnch nn c ! Don t worry ahout being perf 1ea .
son, eth r
. ect or d . 1n ,
l'Vl' I v t hing
nt 1hc snmc t11n e. Yo u defini tely don't 0 1ng '
nn c-xpcr1. so se t you rsc lf small goals which you e neect t O
an ach l·ey 0 "'
,,,, ·
e ea,;;
1 /
\'mn nn~ers Ca n you knit ? Do you play
thc pi,rno or th c ccllo? Ali of these skills
use diff crent types of finger movem ents,
so try someth ing new. You can decide to
leam to play one piece of music well or
knit someth ing for your grandc hild.

Your mouth Learn a new languag e, even

if it is a difficult one to pronou nce, like
Chines e or Polish. Learn to -~ªY names
( of people, streets.or towns) properl y in
the languag e.

Your muscle s Start a sport like weight-

lifting to develop your muscles, and set a
goal of a certain weight you want to lift.
Or train to rup a half-ma rathon, even if
you decide not to do it after all!

Your memory Learn to play a compli cated

game like bridge or chess, where .you need
to remem ber what has happen ed already
and to plan your next move.

And always remem ber that it's the learnin g and the training which
are importa nt. Do things inside and outside . Try things you have
never don e be'fore or think you don 't like. You may be surprised!

22 Unit 3

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