Basic Definitions & Terminology:: May Be

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Basic definitions & terminology:

The word fuzzy means that, in general sense when we talk about the real world, our
expression of the real world, the way we quantify the real world, the way we describe the real
world, are not very precise.

if I ask, what the temperature is today, the normal answer people would give is, today it is
very hot or hot or cool. Our expression about the world around us is always not precise. Not
to be precise is exactly what is fuzzy.
May be

May not be

Fuzzy answer Absolutely



A set of all tall people. Tall if I define, classically I would say above 6 is tall and below 6 is
not tall; that is, 5.9, 5 feet 9 inches is not tall and 6.1, 6 feet 1 inch is tall. That looks very
weird; it does not look nice to say that a person who is 6 feet 1 inch is tall and 5 feet 9 inches
is not tall. This ambiguity that we have in terms of defining such a thing in classical set, the
difficulty that we face can be easily resolved in fuzzy set. In fuzzy set, we can easily say both
6.1, 6 feet 1 inch as well as 5.9 inches as tall, but level this difference; they are tall, but with a
membership grade associated with this. This is what fuzzy set is.

High Temperature

Low Pressure

Color of Apple

Sweetness of Orange

Note: Degree of membership values lie in the range [0...1].

Crisp Set Fuzzy Set

1. S = { s | s ∈ X } 1. F = (s, µ) | s ∈ X and
µ(s) is the degree of s.
2. It is a collection of el- 2. It is collection of or-
ements. dered pairs.
3. Inclusion of an el- 3. Inclusion of an el-
ement s ∈ X into S is ement s ∈ X into F is
crisp, that is, has strict fuzzy, that is, if present,
boundary yes or no. then with a degree of

Comparison of the classical approach and fuzzy approach:

Let us say, consider a universal set T which stands for temperature. Temperature I can say
cold, normal and hot. Naturally, these are subsets of the universal set T; the cold temperature,
normal temperature and hot temperature they are all subsets of T.

The classical approach, probably, one way to define the classical set is cold. I define cold:
temperature T; temperature is a member of cold set which belongs to the universal set T such
that this temperature, the member temperature is between 5 degree and 15 degree centigrade.
Similarly, the member temperature belongs to normal, if it is between 15 degree centigrade
and 25 degree centigrade. Similarly, the member temperature belongs to hot set when the
temperature is between 25 degree centigrade and 35 degree centigrade. As I said earlier, one
should notice that 14.9 degree centigrade is cold according to this definition while 15.1
degree centigrade is normal implying the classical sets have rigid boundaries and because of
this rigidity, the expression of the world or the expression of data becomes very difficult. For
me, I feel or any one of us will feel very uneasy to say that 14.9 degrees centigrade is cold
and 15.1 degree centigrade is normal or for that matter, 24.9 degrees centigrade is normal and
25 degree or 25.1 degree centigrade is hot. That is a little weird or that is bizarre to have such
an approach to categorize things into various sets.
In a fuzzy set, it is very easy to represent them here. If the temperature is around 10 degree
centigrade, it is cold; temperature is around 20 degrees centigrade, it is normal and when
temperature is around 30 degree centigrade it is hot. In that sense, they do not have a rigid
boundary. If you say here, 25 degree centigrade, the 25 degree centigrade can be called
simultaneously hot as well as normal, with a fuzzy membership grade 0.5. 25 degrees
centigrade belongs to both normal as well as hot, but when I say 28 degree centigrade, this is
more likely a temperature in the category of hot, whereas the 22 degree centigrade is a
temperature that is more likely belonging to the set normal. This is a much nicer way to
represent a set. This is how the imprecise data can be categorized in a much nicer way using
fuzzy logic. This is the contrasting feature, why the fuzzy logic was introduced in the first
Fuzzy sets have soft boundaries. I can say cold from almost 0 degree centigrade to 20 degree
centigrade. If 10 degree has a membership grade 1 and as I move away from 10 degree in
both directions, I lose the membership grade. The membership grade reduces from 1 to 0
here, and in this direction also from 1 to 0. The temperature, As I go, my membership grade
reduces; I enter into a different set simultaneously and that is normal. You can easily see, like
temperature 12, 13, 14, 15 all belong to both categories cold as well as normal, but each
member is associated with a membership grade; this is very important.
In a classical set, there are members in a set. Here, there are members in a set associated with
a fuzzy index or membership function.
F P D C B A A+

0 35 50 60 70 80 90 100
F P D C B A A+
Fuzzy logic has become very popular; it is used in washing machine or the automated ticket
machine, anything that you have, the usual house hold appliances, the Japanese actually made
use of the fuzzy logic and hence its popularity grew.

Fuzzy logic is a mathematical language to express something.

 This means it has grammar, syntax, semantic like a language for communication.

 There are some other mathematical languages also known

• Relational algebra
• Boolean algebra
• Predicate logic

 Fuzzy logic deals with Fuzzy set

Membership function - A membership function µA (x) is characterized by µ A that maps all

the members in set x to a number between 0 to 1, where x is a real number describing an
object or its attribute, X is the universe of discourse and A is a subset of X.
X = All students in M&C
S = All Good students.
S = {(s, g) s X} and g(s) is a measurement of goodness of the student s.

S = { (A, 0.8), (B, 0.7), (C, 0.1), (D, 0.9) } etc.


X = All cities in India A = City of comfort

A={(New Delhi, 0.7), (Bangalore, 0.9), (Chennai, 0.8), (Hyderabad,

0.6), (Kolkata, 0.3)}

Fig. Fuzzy Sets with Discrete Universes

Fuzzy set A = “sensible number of children”
X = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (discrete universe)
A = {(0, .1), (1, .3), (2, .7), (3, 1), (4, .6), (5, .2), (6, .1)}--(See discrete ordered pairs)(1st

Fig. Fuzzy Set with Cont. Universe

Fuzzy set B = “about 50 years old”

X = Set of positive real numbers (continuous)
B = {(x, µB(x)) | x in X}

(2nd expression –with function that is subjective)

3rd expression of fuzzy set:

Linguistic variable and linguistic values:

Linguistic variable is a variable expressed in linguistic terms e.g. “Age” that assumes various
linguistic values like :middleaged, young, old. The linguistic variables are characterized by
membership functions.
Fig. A membership function showing support, bandwidth, core, crossover points
Support of a fuzzy set A is the set of all points x in X such that µ A(x)>0.
Support (A)= {x| µA(x)>0}
The core of a fuzzy set A is the set of all points x in X such that
µA(x)=1 core (A)= {x| µA(x)=1}
A fuzzy set A is normal if its core is nonempty. Always there is at least one x with µ A(x)=1
then it is normal.
Crossover point:
A cross over point in fuzzy set A is the x with µA(x)=0.5
crossover (A)= {x| µA(x)=0.5}
For a normal & convex fuzzy set
Width(A)=|x2-x1|, where x2 & x1 are crossover points.
fuzzy singleton:
A fuzzy set whose support is a single point in X with µ A(x)=1 is called a fuzzy singleton.
For the set given in figure we can find equivalence & write


A fuzzy set is symmetric if its MF is symmetric about a certain point x=c such that,
µA(c+x)= µA(c-x) for all x in X

Parameterization of Membership Function:

Once we talk about each member in a fuzzy set associated with membership function, you
must know how to characterize this membership function. The parameters are adjusted to fine
tune a fuzzy inference system to achieve desired I/O mapping. The membership functions
given here are one- dimensional. 2 dimensional MFs can be formed by cylindrical extension
from these basic MFs.
Where a<b<c & that are x coordinates of the corners of triangular MF

Where a<b<c<d & that are x coordinates of the corners of trapezoidal MF

Where c is the centre & a is adjusted to vary the width of MF, b controls slope at crossover
Bell membership function is also termed as Cauchy MF.

Where c is the centre & Ϭ is the width of MF.

Left-Right MF:

Sigmoidal MF:
It can be open left or open right depending on sign of a.

Fig. Membership functions a. Triangle b. Trapezoidal c. Gaussian d. Bell, e. Left f. Right

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