Module 1 (MEO)

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Meng 111 – Mechanical Engineering Orientation

Learning Task No. 1

My Contribution to our Community as an Engineering Student
Palconit, Sofia Mae, M.
Tuesday, Friday (4:00 pm – 5:30 pm)

As an engineering student, based on what I have observed here in our

community or town, we need to enhance the market, lighting system, roads, and
water system for us to have a better community. To solve these problems, the first
thing I need to do is to inspect the surroundings and be more cautious about it.
The market is the supplier of our needs, we buy nutritious foods for us to have
a healthy body and to avoid any kind of diseases. The problem here is, we have a
narrow space and a messy market. It has a possibility that the bacteria coming from
the market may affect the foods that is present in there. The thing that I need to do is
to revamp the market into pristine, resilient, and pulchritudinous market by taking
action to renovate our market with the help of our municipality and in maintaining the
cleanliness of our surroundings.
Some of the lighting system here in our community are not working, it seems
that light are burnt-out. Especially at the diversion road, there’s no lighting system
there and it’ll be a perilous site to the people. To address this kind of problem, it is
my duty and responsibility to mend and enhance the lighting system that will beam
lights, not just in our roads and houses but also for our safety.
The bumpy road is also one of the problems that’ll cause car accidents and
whatsoever. To steer accidents, I need to reconstruct the bumpy road into smooth
highway and I will put a sign in every corner for them to be aware of what’s ahead of
them. The only thing that they need to do is to be heedful when they are driving cars,
motorcycle, bike, and etc. for them to be safe.
Lastly is the water system. Water system is one of the issues that is
happening in our community. People are complaining about facing acute shortage of
water. To solve the problem, I will make a machine that will boost and pump more
water for everyone.
Taking everything into account, as a mechanical engineering student. It is my
commitment to repair all the broken things and create a new machinery to easily
address the day-to-day problems in our locale. I will try to patch up everything for the
best of my hometown and for everybody.
Meng 111 – Mechanical Engineering Orientation
Learning Task No. 2
The Field of Mechanical Engineering
Palconit, Sofia Mae, M.
Tuesday, Friday (4:00 pm – 5:30 pm)

1. Among those 10 famous engineers who made significant changes the world, Nikola
Tesla has a widely bright idea. He invented astounding things that’ll change the world
into better one. Tesla’s discoveries contributed to the field by glittering the world
especially x-rays. X-rays is one of his inventions. It is the most important thing we
had right now, because it helps the doctors to locate the fracture bones of a person.
It is the easiest way to locate the rift bone rather than having a massage therapy.
Tesla stan with his belief that “everything we need to understand the universe is
virtually around us at all times, but we need to use our minds to develop new world
devices”. The whole ball of wax he invented was contributed a lot to the field or
2. a. Agricultural Mechanization
-it is the machine that will boost the farm and will diminish the health jeopardy.
Through this, it has a big impact to our society by taking care of our farm. As an
outcome, farmers became richer due to high yield and they are capable on working a
large farm.
b. Airplane
- This is one of the most important things we had. Through this, we can travel
to the other nation that we want to visit. It is the easiest way for us to travel to the
other countries. Without airplane, we can’t travel all over the world. Ships are not allowed
to travel from manila to Canada. They’re both far away from each other. Airplane has a
great impact to our society by bringing us to the destination we want to explore with
the obligation of pilot and flight attendant.
c. Air conditioning and Refrigeration
- The importance of both of these are to reduce the heat. Air conditioning is to
maintain the temperature in a building, not just in a building, but to everything as well,
just like inside the houses, shops, restaurant and whatsoever. While the refrigeration
is to maintain the coolness temperature in a small place of foods and drinks. The
impact of air conditioning and refrigeration to our society are to maintain the coolness
temperature especially when we are working for us not to be irk by the heat coming
from the sun.
d. Computer Aided Engineering Technology
- The importance of CAET is to help the engineering students to perform in
order to improve the designing skills, especially when we conduct a project. It has a
great impact to our society, whenever we conduct a project, CAET is the easiest
way for us to design and all we need to do is to make it perfect for an outcome will be
pulchritudinous to our eyes.
3. Mechanical Equipment ang Machinery
Steam Engines and Turbines
- The reason for a motor is to give power, a steam motor gives mechanical
force by utilizing the energy of steam. Steam motors were the primary
effective motors fabricated and were the main momentum behind the
mechanical insurgency. Steam motor uses high constrain steam to drive a
cylinder in a chamber which moves that direct, turning around movement
into rotational movement. Steam turbine utilizes high constrain steam to
turn a progression of blades appended a pole. They have been utilized to
control the principal trains, boats, manufacturing plants, and even
- A Furnace, alluded to as a radiator or evaporator, it is a warming unit
used to warm up a whole structure. Heaters are generally utilized as a
significant segment of a focal warming framework. The name gets from
Latin word Fornax, which implies stove.
Coolers and Heaters
- Heating is the point at which you increment the temperature of something
and cooling is the point at which you bring down the temperature. Heating
and cooling can cause transforms we can see. Some of the time these
progressions are reversible and at times they are most certainly not.
- It is a mechanical device utilizing pull or strain to raise or move fluids,
pack gases, or power air into inflatable items, for example, tires.
- A Hoist is a device used to lift or move material. The lifting power is given
by a drum (or wheel) on which wraps a rope (wire or fiber) or a chain.
- Elevator is a moving stage or cage for conveying travelers or cargo
starting with one level then onto the next, as in a structure. Any of
different mechanical devices for raising articles or materials. A structure
where grain is put away and taken care of by methods for mechanical
elevator and transport devices.
- a moving stairwell containing an on and on flowing belt of steps driven by
a motor, passing on people between the floors of a public structure.
Moving ramps and walkways
- It is extremely similar to escalator, yet working as a level or somewhat
slanted surface. We can see this at airport and to the other stations. It is
intended to design to encourage development of individuals along
significant distances with greatest wellbeing and solace, either with or
without shopping or baggage streetcars.
- The basic inspiration driving this, it is setup to move objects starting with a
one area then onto another. The plan considers improvement of articles
that are extremely liberal or pointlessly hard for people to pass on by
hand. Transport frameworks spare time while conveying things starting
with one zone then onto the accompanying.
- A crane is such a machine, overall outfitted with a derrick rope, wire ropes
or chains, and packages, that can be used both to lift and lower materials
and to move them equitably. It is generally used for lifting profound things
and moving them to various spots.
Mechanical Processes, Works, Projects or Plants
Steam Plants
- A steam power plant comprises of a heater, steam turbine and generator,
and different assistants. The heater creates steam at high weight and high
temperature. The steam turbine changes over the warmth energy of
steam into mechanical energy. The generator at that point changes over
the mechanical energy into electric force.
Geothermal Plants
- Geothermal power plants are utilized so as to create power by the
utilization of geothermal energy. They basically work equivalent to a coal
or atomic force plant, the fundamental contrast being the warmth source.
With geothermal, the World's warmth replaces the kettle of a coal plant or
the reactor of an atomic plant.
Hydraulic Plants
- Hydro power is electrical energy created through the intensity of moving
water. Force got from the development of water. Hydro power plants get
energy from the power of moving water and saddle this energy for
valuable purposes. Conventional utilizations incorporate watermills.
Nuclear Plants
- A nuclear power plant is a warm force station in which the heat source is
an atomic reactor. As is normal of warm force stations, heat is utilized to
create steam that drives a steam turbine associated with a generator that
produces power.
Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation Plant
- Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) system utilized a temperature
contrast to control a turbine to create power. Warm surface water is
siphoned through an evaporator containing a working liquid.
MEng 111 – Mechanical Engineering Orientation
Learning Task No. 3
Career Opportunities in the Field of Mechanical Engineering
Palconit, Sofia Mae, M.
Tuesday, Friday (4:00 pm – 5:30 pm)

1. Engineering design, preparation of plans, specifications and projects studies or

estimates for mechanical systems. These are the best opportunities for me that’ll fit
my skills. Seeing myself 10 years from now as a successful mechanical engineer, to
make it happen, I need to explore my self for me to discover new things that will
boost our nation, not just to our nation, but also to the other nations. The most
important thing in taking up engineering is to improve our critical thinking, we need to
have a high critical thinking when it comes to designing, creating a plan or planning
about the projects and whatsoever. We need to find the things that we don’t have, for
it to unlock. Take the process seriously and at the end of the day we’re going to
realized it, that, we already developed and improve the skills that we’re going to
apply for the chosen opportunities in career.
2. Gadgets, it has a disadvantage for me using gadgets because it may cause a high
radiation to our eyes then it has a possibility that it may affect to our brain. As a
mechanical engineer

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