Geothermal Potential in Bangladesh - Results From Investigations of Abandoned Deep Wells
Geothermal Potential in Bangladesh - Results From Investigations of Abandoned Deep Wells
Geothermal Potential in Bangladesh - Results From Investigations of Abandoned Deep Wells
Keywords: Tectonic frame, litho-stratigraphy, temperature, subsidence in the west, and rapid subsidence in the central
thermal gradients part with active folding in the east. The volume of
accumulated sediments is over 4 million cubic kilometres
ABSTRACT with a present estimated rate of deposition of about 2.5
billion metric tons per annum (Khan 1991).
Temperature data for a large number of abandoned deep
wells, once drilled for oil and gas exploration, have been The foredeep formed south of the Main Boundary Thrust
collected, together with results from other sources for (MBT) of the Eastern Himalayan Ranges due to the
geothermal conditions. These depend on the ongoing subsidence of the Indian Shield, occupies the north-western
tectonic activity in parts of Bangladesh. Rapidly filling part of Bangladesh, where basement is reached at 2500 m
deep sedimentary basins represent volumes with low depth at Salbanhat well in Tetulia. The Shillong Plateau
thermal gradients (ca 20 K km-1), while rising regions with consisting of Garo-Khasi-Janitia-Mikir Hills of Meghalay
shallow crystalline rocks represent volumes with (India) with about 2000 m elevation, form the north-eastern
considerably higher thermal gradients. Several deep drill boundary of Bangladesh. In contrast the down faulted
holes in the SE slope of the Rangpur Saddle have gradients Surma Basin / Sylhet Trough contains up to 20 km of
of ca 35 K km-1. This region is currently under further sediments. The major tectonic elements of Bangladesh thus
investigation with respect to the hydraulic conductivity of include the following units – see Figure 1.
their deep stratigraphic formations. In the central part of the
Rangpur Saddle local high groundwater temperatures are
observed, especially in connection with graben structures in
the crystalline basement where Gondwana age coal
containing sedimentary units make up the graben fill. At the
base of the coal beds the groundwater temperature is in
excess of 50 oC. Further studies are planned in order to
determine the thermal gradient, the stress and the fracture
status of the rising crystalline basement. A third geothermal
target region is the fold belt in the SE part of Bangladesh,
where locally warm springs occur. A geothermal map of
Bangladesh is presented here for the first time.
Bangladesh located at the head of the Bay of Bengal, is
formed by the successive delta systems developed by the
two great rivers of the Ganges (Padma) and the
Brahmaputra (Jamuna). The Himalayan mountain ranges
were uplifted as a result of the collision with the northward
drifting Indian Plate after the break-up of the Gondwana
Continent starting in Upper Jurassic / Lower Cretaceous
Guha et al
have basement outcrops containing gneisses, schists and of Plio-Pleistocene age. It is evident from seismic data
granites. acquired by the Oil and Gas Development Corporation
(OGDC) during 1963-64 in the Rangpur - Dinajpur
The Bengal Foredeep occupies the vast area between the districts, that both the northern and the southern slopes of
Hinge Line and the Arakan Yoma Folded System and plays Rangpur Saddle are quite gentle. In the southern slope, the
the most important role in the tectonic history of Bengal basement plunges gently from Madhyapara towards the
Basin. The Bengal Foredeep can be divided into two major south east up to the Hinge Zone, an area known as the
regions: a Western Platform Flank and an Eastern Folded Bogra shelf. Figure 2 shows an extention of the Tectonic
Flank. The Western Platform flank is further subdivided map of Bangladesh covering NW Bangladesh with some
into the Faridpur Trough, the Barisal-Chandpur High, the further structural features added. Figure 3 shows a
Hatiya Trough, the Madhupur High and Sylhet Trough. generalised thermal section across the Rangpur Saddle.
The Arakan-Yoma Folded System: Only the western
marginal part of the Arakan-Yoma Folded System has been
shown in the tectonic map (Fig.1). The oldest rocks
exposed in the Araka-Yoma belong to the axial system of
Triassic age which are highly folded and thrusted and
consist of dark shales, sandstones and limestones. A wide
belt of Cretaceous and Eocene rocks stretches from the
Assam-Myanmar border west of the upper reaches of the
Chindwin River along the inaccessible mountainous tracts
of the Arakan-Yoma down to Cape Negaris. This vast area
of Tertiary folding represents a sub-meridional trending belt
of uplifts composed of Pre-Cambrian, Paleozoic and
Mesozoic rocks.
to English Bazar in Malda. These two faults that form the Traps extends to the east and south east below the Gangetic
eastern and western margin of Garo-Rajmahal Gap enclose plain. They mark the beginning of the break-up of east
the Rangpur Saddle. Gondwanaland from the Southern Super Continent. The
sequence comprises of 500-700 m of bedded basalts or
In the western part of the Rangpur Saddle, a number of dolerites with 35 m thick inter-stratified sedimentary beds
graben and half graben structures have been found with (inter- trappean beds) of siliceous and carbonaceous clays
Gondwana sediments, some of which contain coal seams. and sandstones. The shales have turned procellanoid-like
The Gondwana sandstone sequence below the coal seams in due to heat while in contact with the basalt flows. The
Barakupuria coal mine has a temperature of 50 oC at a Rajmal Stage consists of 15 lava flows and 11 inter-
depth of 400 m. The coal seams together have an insolating trappean beds in the type locality (Shah 1974). An early
effect resulting in increased temperature in the basement Cretaceous (Albian) age (100-105 Ma) has been assigned
below. based on results of K-Argon dating concurrently with
paleomagnetic measurements (Mc Daugall 1970).
At Thakurgaon warm water, up to 36 oC, has been observed
(Rahman 2006) in irrigation wells at depths of ca 80 m.
Here Madhupur Clay (ca 20 m) is acting as an insolating
layer, resulting in the observed increased temperatures
below. Figure 3 shows a compilation of some observed
shallow temperature profiles with their respective litho-
Guha et al
Stanvac Oil Company (SVOC) carried out aero-magnetic Formation is shown in Figure 6. The coverage with
and seismic surveys in the mid-fifties followed by two reflection seismic lines is in the near surroundings of the
wells at Kutchma and Bogra. Seismic contours of the top of two Bogra deep wells gives a rather detailed picture of
Eocene Limestone (Bogra Limestone) show regional dip of faults that may restrict lateral permeability.
2-3 degrees besides revealing a number of NE-SW trending
faults of which the Bogra fault is the most prominent. The
attitude of the Sylhet Limestone most possibly conforms to
the basement surface. Four deep wells have been drilled in
the Bogra slope at distances of 22 – 26 km: Singra to the
southwest, Bogra to the northeast and Kuchma in between.
The litho-stratigraphic correlation between these wells is
shown in Figure 5.
The geothermal gradients observed at Singra, Kuchma and and is about 150 km wide, covering an area of 35 000 km2
Bogra are very similar, up to 35 K km-1, see Figure 7. In of on-shore area. A large number of narrow, elongated S-N
this region, potential geothermal energy resources are in the trending folds of the eastern part of Bangladesh, Tripura,
Sylhet Limestone, the Cherra and Gondwana sequences. southern Assam, Mizoram and the Myanmar territory
adjacent SE of the Chittagong Hill Tracts occupy the
2.4 Deep Sedimentary Basin Folded Belt west of the Arakan Yoma Folded System. The
folds are characterized by ridges, box-like in cross section
The Hinge Zone is a tectonic element of regional
with variable width and high amplitude, oriented en-
importance and has played a major role in the development
echelon with the adjacent structures. The elevation of these
of the Bengal Basin. It is a narrow zone trending SSW-
elongated anticline folds ranges from 100 to1000 m in
NNE from Sylhet-Mymensingh-Panba-Calcutta and further
Bangladesh. Some of the structures are faulted and thrusted
to the southwest along the coastline of Orissa. It is bound
and the intensity of folding increases gradually from west to
by the Bogra Shelf (or south slope of the Rangpur Saddle)
east. Consequently the structures of the eastern part are
by the seismic depth of 3500 m to the top of the Eocene
tightly folded, faulted and thrusted with narrower synclines
Sylhet Limestone, the most prominent sedimentary reflector
between them. The Neogene sedimentary sequence
in Bangladesh and West-Bengal. The seismic depth of 5000
developed here are largely un-fossiliferous and consists
m of the Sylhet Limestone is the south-eastern boundary of
mainly of the alteration of shales, clays, claystones,
the Hinge Zone, also known as the Hinge Line. The dips
siltstones and sandstones with occasional intra-formational
increase from 3-5 o in the shelf monocline to 15-20 o in the
conglomerates which an be subdivided into 9 formations on
Hinge Zone as evident from Sylhet Limestone. The Hinge
the basis of lithology (Kitovani and Guha 1965) as in Table
Zone is possibly tectonically related to a deep seated
basement fault that probably started with the break up of the
eastern Gondwana continent. The Sylhet Limestone The Palaeocene sediments are subsided to greater depths
reflector can be traced into the basin clearly up to 6500 m and have not been encountered in any well except in
depth and flattens below 5000 m depth. In the northeast, Atgram IX which penetrated 860 m of Renji and 260 m of
Hinge Zone is connected with the Dauki Fault by a series of Jenam sequence of Barail (Reiman 1986). The depth of
west–east trending faults. basement is not known but can be of the range of ca 20 km.
The Faridpur Trough situated adjacent to Hinge Zone and The Folded Belt is sub-divided into a Western Zone and an
is characterized by a general gravity low and the Eastern Zone according to the intensity of folding and other
development of Neocene sequences. The Sylhet Limestone structural features.The Western Zone consists of a large
is 6500 m depth in area south of the confluence of the number of relatively simple anticline structures with 27
Padma and the Jamuna rivers. known structures in Bangladesh,10 in adjacent regions of
India and 3 in Myanmar. The Western Zone is the most
The Barisal-Chandpur High is a tectonic zone of uplift.
important and prospective oil and gas province of
Located between the Faridpur Trough and the Hatiya
Bangladesh with 12 fields from Kailas Tila in the north to
Trough of the Bengal foredeep, the Barisal-Chandpur High
Semutang in the south.
is characterized by general gravity maxima with SW-NE
trend. The width of the zone is about 60 km and
corresponds to an uplift of the sedimentary cover. Table 1. Stratigraphic units and lithologies in the upper
sequences of the Fold Belt.
The Hatiya Trough represents the deepest trough of the
Bengal Basin and has received the highest accumulation of Group Formation Rock types Thickness
clastic sediments. The axis of the Bengal Foredeep runs (m)
through the apex of the Hatiya Trough. Shahbazpur
(Bhola), Kutubdia, Sangu and a number off-shore Dupi Dupi Tila Sandstone (SSt.) 150 - 1000
anticlinnal structures are located here, of which Sangu is Tila and Clay
under hydrocarbon production while Shahbazpur and
Kutubdia are awaiting development. Tipam Girujain Clays with SSt. 100 - 300
The Madhupur High is a Pleistocene terrace separating the
Faridpur Trough from the Sylhet Trough (Surma Basin). Tipam SSt. with shales 400 – 1 200
Here the basement is relatively uplifted as evident from Sandstones (Sh.)
gravity and aero-magnetic data. Morphological studies
Surma Upper Boka Shales 300 - 400
reveal a pronounced recent morphological upheaval east of
Madhupur. The Nagarpur dome and the Nandina high are
regarded as protrusions from the basement without
Middle Boka SSt. and Sh. 700 - 900
deforming the sedimentary sequence overlying these
Bil alternation
Lower Boka Shales 300 - 400
In the deep sedimentary basin the average geothermal
gradient is about 20 K km-1, and less, see Figure 7, which is
rather low and therefore of limited interest for geothermal
Upper SSt. and Sh. 1 200 – 1
resources, unless the abandoned wells are extremely deep.
Bhuban alternation 500
Hot springs have been observed at Barbarkund and in near future. Bangladesh has started mining of coal for
Gobaniya Chara in the Sitakund anticline with temperatures power generation at Barapukuria, but the mine is yet to
of up to 35 oC. (Guha and Henkel 2005). In the Sitakund attain its production target which is reduced by water
well 5, the geothermal gradient is 25 K km-1. In the flooding and very high temperatures. Open pit mining is
sedimentary sequence to 2.3 km depth, consisting of mainly being resisted by the people of the Fulbari area and hence
shales, the gradient is slightly higher, indicating a lower coal has a very limited role to meet the huge energy
thermal conductivity and hence an insolating effect to demand. The scope for hydroelectricity is also very limited
warmer and deeper formations. In the Bakhrabad well 1, the as the only hydroelectric project of the country at Kaptai is
geothermal gradient has been found at 30 K km-1 (Kabir running much below is installed capacity. In this context it
2008). The geothermal gradient for Sitakund-5 is seen in is high time that Bangladesh harnesses renewable energy
Figure 7. resources like solar, wind and geothermal energy. Solar
energy has limitation for large scale production due to high
The Eastern Zone includes the more steeply folded and per unit cost of generation of electricity. Wind power is yet
faulted anticline structures where 11 are known in to make a positive impact as it is only at experimental stage
Bangladesh and 21 in the adjacent parts of India. due to the weak and seasonal nature of wind speed.
The anticline structures can turn out to be of significance The rapidly rising demand for electricity is related to
also regarding geothermal energy prospects as there are irrigation needs in the rural areas and air conditioning in the
many dry wells reaching to relatively higher depths and urban areas. The rural demand could be covered by local
thus high temperatures. production of geothermal electricity from deep abandoned
wells. However the urban demand should be reduced by a
combination of adequate building methods and the use of
the subsurface geological formations for both geothermal
cooling and heating. This can be accomplished using
efficient heat pump systems producing both the required
cooling for indoor climate conditioning and heating for
warm water production.
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