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Pranhita-Godavari basin is an important Palaeozoic-Mesozoic structural feature on the Indian

shield and is developed along the present day drainage of the river Godavari and its tributory
Pranhita. It occupies a linear trace trending NW-SE and covers an area of about 30,000 sq km
(Fig.1). The basin is filled with about 6000m of Early Permian to Cretaceous detrital
sediments and is a major coal producing area. It extends northwest ward under the Deccan trap
and appears to merge with Satpura Basin. It extends southwest ward and merges with Krishna
Godavari Basin. To the east and west it is bounded by Archean/Proterozoic outcrops.

This Basin is analogous to the petroliferous Cooper basin of Australia, where large reserves of
gas have been established from Gondwana sediments. Barakar and Bellampalli formations of
Lower Gondwana sequence hold moderate to high prospects for natural gas.

The basin has been mapped by both Geological Survey of India (GSI) and Oil and Natural gas
Commission (ONGC). The entire basin has been covered by Gravity-Magnetic surveys.
Seismic refraction and reflection surveys to the extent of 176 LKM and 2046 LKM respectively
have been carried out. An exploratory well (Aswaraopeta-1) has been drilled upto 2955 m (in

One block was already offered in NELP-III for exploration of conventional hydrocarbon.


The Pranhita Godavari basin trending NW-SE and extending to a length of about 450 km is a
fairly wide valley, along Godavari river. In general the topography is of the first order. The
Lower Gondwana outcrops have low relief and depict rolling topography with gentle dip
slopes and steep lee slopes. The general drainage direction is eastward. The hills rise to about
1000m with intervening valleys and the elevation varies between 200-1000m. The Satmala
hills in the northwestern part form the water-divide between the Godavari River and its
tributary Pranhita. The area is drained by the main river Godavari and network of tributaries
namely Pranhita, Indravati, Wardha, Penganga, Dudhna etc. from north and Maher, Manar and
Manjra etc from south which, originate on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats. (Fig. 2)

The climate in the region is tropical and humid with annual rainfall of about 75cms.
Widespread rains with occasional cyclonic storms occur during June to August due to
southwest monsoon and during October to December due to northeast monsoon. Mean
temperature varies between 350C and 430C during summer and between 250C and 300C during
winter. Occasionally mercury shoots upto 480C in the month of May.

The capital city is Hyderabad. Other important places in and around the basin area are
Bhadrachalam, Rajahmundry, Khammam, Warangal and Vijaywada etc. The area is well
connected by roads. National Highway-5 connects Rajahmundry with localities along the east
coast. Warangal is on the main railway track connecting Hyderabad with New Delhi.
Kakinada and Vishakhapatnam are the seaports; Rajahmundry and Hyderabad are the airports
(Fig. 2).


The earliest work in the basin dates back to late nineteenth century. King (1881) was the first
geologist to have produced a regional geological map outlining basic stratigraphic and
structural elements.

Oil & Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) India started systematic geological mapping in this
basin in 1966. The latest work by ONGC has been supplemented by detailed photo-geological
studies, ground checking, sedimentological and palynological studies. The Geological map of
Pranhita-Godavari basin is presented as (Fig.3). Whereas Lower Gondwana sequence is
widespread all over, Upper Gondwana sequence is restricted to central part of the basin. Two
basement ridges are present one near Asifabad and another near Bhadrachalam.

Pranhita-Godavari basin has been completely covered by gravity-magnetic (GM) survey.
About 176 LKM of refraction and 2065 LKM of reflection seismic surveys have been carried
out for exploration of conventional hydrocarbon. (Table-1)

The Bouguer Anomaly map (Fig. 4) has distinctly brought out:

a) Nearly E-W trending basement ridges near Asifabad and Bhadrachalam. Major
synclinal axis running almost ESE-WNW through Sironcha.
b) A depression around Aswaraopeta.
c) A gravity high east of Gangapur.
d) A gravity high south of Chandrapur and west of Asifabad ridge.
e) A gravity low around Khanapur.
f) Gravity lows west of Chandrapur.

Seismic refraction surveys carried out in Bhadrachalam-Aswaraopeta have brought out that
depth to basement lies in the range of 100-3000 m (Fig. 5). Seismic reflection surveys have
brought out that discrete seismic events occur between 0.3-1.6 sec two way time (Fig. 6).

As on 01.04.2017 only two exploratory wells have been drilled for exploration of conventional

One exploratory well Aswaraopeta-1 (ASP-1) has been drilled in this basin in 1991 to a depth
of 2955m, (Fig. 7A). The interval 1560-1750m in Lower Gondwana was tested by open hole
DST. No indications of hydrocarbons were noticed. The interval 1560-1750 m was tested by
open hole drill stem testing and the zone was water bearing.

Another exploratory well ASPC-C-AA was drilled with in NELP -3 block PG-ONN-2001/1 to
explore sands within Barakar,Lower Kamti and fractured basement upto depth 3393m. During
drilling a quite good number of hydrocarbon shows were recorded in interval from 2326m to
2935m with in Barakar/Kommugudem formation. MDT pre tests were carried out in the
interval from 2010m to 2435mindicating water gradient and the MDT sample collected at
2595m yieldd water only. Thick sand layers encountered at Lower kamti formation are also
devoid of hydrocarbon. Lithostratigraphic coloumn of the well is depicted as Fig 7B

Details of exploratory inputs in Pranhita Godavari basin are given in Table 1.


Pranhita-Godavari basin is a composite of half & full grabens divided longitudinally into three
sectors, (Fig. 8), by two major basement ridges partly exposed, one near Asifabad in
northwestern part and another near Bhadrachalam in the southeastern part of the basin. These
sectors are Northwestern sector, Central sector and southeastern sector. The north western
sector lying northwest of Asifabad ridge is a full graben, faulted on both sides with the
basement ridge in the axial zone. The Central sector is a composite of full and half grabens,
asymmetric towards northeast. The southeastern sector is in contrast a half graben asymmetric
towards southwest.

The above basement ridges appear to be physical continuation of protuberances of the

basement rocks into the graben. The faulted inliers of Archean and Purana rocks around
Chinnur are themselves aligned along a basement ridge. The Gondwana sediments overlie the
basement. In the deeper parts of the basin, the sediments are homoclinal and affected by faults.
There is a complex pattern of folds and faults. The fold axes trending NW-SE (Dharwarian
trend) are present all over the graben and conform to the basin axis. The folding in the
southeastern sector around Aswaraopeta is generally oriented ENE-WSW. In the northwestern
sector around Chandrapur area over the Asifabad ridge the fold axes are radially disposed.

Pranhita-Godavari basin is traversed by a number of tensional, reverse & strike slip faults. The
initial phase of rifting was followed by mild inversion of structure when compressive forces
had come into play.

A complete Gondwana sequence about 6000m thick consisting of Lower Gondwana and Upper
Gondwana sediments (Early Permian to cretaceous) is present in this basin, which
unconformably overlies the Pre-Cambrian

basement consisting of Archean and Proterozoic metasediments. The Lower Gondwana
sequence comprises the Talchir, Barakar, Bellampalli, Potamadugu, Jaipuram, Khanapur,
Maner and Kudurepalli formations and the upper Gondwana sequence comprises the Maleri,
Tarvai, Kota, Gangapur and Chikiala formations. The Upper Gondwana sequence is present
only in the central sector of the basin. (Fig. 9), (Table-2). Disposition of different formations
in the subcrop is illustrated in geological sections (Fig.10, 11 &12).
Lithological description of the various formations is given below.


Talchir Formation
Talchir Formation is characterised by green shale, massive splintary claystone, thin
bedded siltstone, fine grained, red and green sandstone and diamictite. The
lenticular bodies-comprising pebbles of varying sizes and shapes (diamictite) derived
from quartzite, limestone, granite, phyllite more often embedded in clayey and less
often in sandy matrix occur along the western-fringe. These also occur in narrow strips
within faulted blocks in the central part of the basin. Talichir formation accupies a
wide area in an anliclinial nose near chandrapur. Talchir Shale with Early Permian
palyno fossils signify marine influence. It lies directly over the Archean/Protozoic
basement. Upper contact with Barakar is not exposed in the area. But the borehole data
suggest a gradational and conformable contact. Thickness is about 400m.

Barakar Formation
This formation consists of fine to coarse felspathic sandstone, at places pebbly with
dark grey shale and coal seams. This formation does not occur in outcrop and has been
recorded entirely in the subsurface. It appears to have truncated against the younger
Bellampalli Formation. The thickness of this formation varies from 200 to 300 m.

Bellampalli Formation
The formation consists of thick sandstone, medium to coarse grained, white to light
coloured, cross bedded, felspathic, occasionally pebbly with little ferrugeinous cement
and lies unconformably over the Barakar Formation and is overlain by the Kamthi
Group sediments. It is interbedded with carbonaceous clay/shale and thin coal bands.
Average thickness is about 600m.

Potamadugu Formation
It is well developed throughout the basin. It consists of hard sandstone (fine to medium
grained) quartzose, well sorted and well cemented (mainly ferruginous and at places
silicious). Colour of the sandstone varies from white to light pink to deep purple at
places. In the Northwestern part this formation is more clayey and comprises thick
sandstone-claystone alternations. Presence of coal seams at the base indicates that
swampy environment existed at the initial stage of the deposition which later changed to
coastal mud flat and lagoonal with supply of clastic material. This formation is around
350 m thick in the Central and southeastern sectors and above 900 m thick in
northwestern sector.

Jaipuram Formation
It is exposed on the right bank of Godavari River near Manthani. It is essentially a
clayey sequence with minor sandstone. Claystone is massive, brown to grey and
occasionally white in colour. The thickness of the formation is about 250m.

Khanapur Formation
It is exposed as a thin strip only on southwestern side of the central sector of the basin.
It comprises alternating sandstones and claystones. The Sandstones are medium to
coarse grained, grey, felspathic, massive and cross-bedded. Individual sandstones beds
range in thickness from 10 to 15 m. Claystone beds vary in thickness from 5 to 10 m.
The sandstone-claystone alternations show fining upward in nature and are considered
to have been deposited in fluvial regime. This formation is about 200 m thick in the
central sector and attains a thickness of about 1200 m in the northwestern sector.

Maner Formation
The formation is well exposed on the bank of river Maner near Manthani. It is
extensively developed in different structural blocks of the basin and comprises mainly

thick ferruginous sandstones. Strong enrichment of iron as iron ore (Haematite) at
places is the most characterstic feature. A purple coloured sandstone- claystone bed
appears persistently at the base of this formation. The sandstone is medium to coarse
grained, quartzose, pebbly at places and earthy to yellowish brown in colour. Also at
places sandstone is fine grained. The thickness of this formation is about 600m.

Kudurepalli Formation
Kundurepalli Formation consists essentially of sandstone which is fine to medium
grained, white to brownish yellow, in colour, well bedded soft to moderately hard,
deposited under fluvial regime. At places it is brown in colour and very hard due to
ferruginous cement. It is widely exposed in the central sector of the basin. The
thickness of this formation is about 150m.


Maleri Formation
The Maleri Formation represents a dominantly shaly sequence. It is widely exposed in
the central sector of the basin and comprises thick beds of red coloured claystone, and
lenticular white to grey, cross bedded sandstone with calcareous cement. It is a
terrestrial deposit with good fossil records of fish, amphibians and aquatic to sem-
aquatic reptiles. The thickness of this formation is about 1200m.

Tarvai Formation
The Tarvai Formation occurs in a wide belt in the central part of the basin and extends
from north of Bhadrachalam ridge to northwest of Sironcha It consists of thick clayey
sandstone, thin bedded, to laminated. Sandstone is mostly fine grained, white to purple
in colour with cream to white claystone fragments, interbedded with a few silty bands
of Kaolinitic claystone. The thickness of this formation is about 900 m.

Kota Formation
This formation occurs in a linear strip on the north-eastern edge of the central sector of
the basin extending from Wardha River in the northwest to Bhadrachalam ridge in the
southeast and consists of a series of thick sandstone alternating with red coloured
siltstone and claystone. A prominent limestone bed occurs towards the base and several
limestone bands, white to grey in colour interbedded with sandstone-shale seqence

occur in the lower part of the formation. Maximum thickness of limestone bed is about
20m. Some limestone bands can be traced laterally for as much as 35 Km on aerial
photographs. Base of Kota is marked by an impersistent pebbly sandstone with
occassional conglemeratic lenses exposed at several places. Kota sandstone is fine
grained, grey in colour, quartzose in composition.

Presence of fossil tree trunks upto 50 cm in diameter and upto 10m in length in the
basal part of Kota Formation and fossil Dinosaurian remains in claystones suggests
terrestrial origin of the clastic facies. Limestone beds were probably deposited under
short lived marine transgression. High Boron and low Galium in clay and presence of
gypsum and dolomite and authigenic chert indicates marine influence. The thickness of
this formation is about 600m.

Gangapur Formation
It is exposed in a narrow strip just south of Asifabad ridge and forms a hill scarp north
of Gangapur. The Formation is dominantly sandy with minor clayey interbeds. The
sandstone is mostly medium grained with pebbly layers, white to yellow in colour, thick
bedded and highly cross-bedded. The claystone is silty, yellow and brown in colour.
There is a lateritic horizon towards top of the formation. Presence of cross-bedded
sandstone and plant fossils suggests a fluvial origin. The thickness of this formation is
about 200 m.

Chikiala Formation
It occurs along the northeastern edge of the basin lying close to the northeastern
boundary fault between Asifabad ridge and Bhadrachalam ridge. Towards north it is
present in a continous strip between Wardha and Pranhita rivers for a length of about 60
The formation comprises alternations of conglomerate and sandstone with minor
claystone lenses. Individual conglomerate beds are 0.5 to 5m thick while sandstone
beds are upto 30m thick. Conglomerate is dark brown in colour consisting of pebbles of
quartzite and slates, angular to rounded set in coarse grained sandy matrix. Sandstone is
medium to coarse grained, grey to light brown in colour, pebbly and frequently cross-
bedded. Claystone occurring as lenses, 1-2 m thick is silty and dark red in colour.
Chikiala formation appears to have been deposited as piedmont fan at the foothills
exposing Purana group of sediments. The thickness of this formation is about 200m.

The Gondwana tract of the Pranhita-Godavari valley shows two prominent NW-SE trends the
Dharwarian and Gondwana coinciding with two distinct phases of basin development during
Paleozoic-Mesozoic time. In the southeastern sector of the basin the Proterozoic sediments
also show folding along the NE-SW trend of Eastern Ghats. Thus the eastern part of the basin
represents a trijunction of the three prominent trends.

Based on available information a four stage tectonic evolution is envisaged as illustrated in Fig.

a) Middle Proterozoic stretching of upper sialic crust, due to a strong tensile regime,
gave rise to NW-SE (Dharwarian) trend to Godavari rift valley for the deposition of
Pakhal Group of rocks in marine environment.
b) Late Proterozoic upheavel of the Eastern Ghats in an intense shear regime of NE-SW
trend caused folding of Pakhals and brought up the Dharwarian promontories in the
southern part of Godavari Valley.
c) Late Paleozoic reactivation of stretching of the sialic crust in the NW-SE trending
Godavari Valley in an isostatic regime gave rise to Gondwana basin separated in
parts by Dharwanin promontories.
d) Late Mesozoic taphrogenic fragmentation of the low lands on the southeastern part of
Eastern Ghats belt in a mantle upwelling regime gave rise to coastal marine

During the first phase of rift activity several structurally weak linear depressions
parallel to different regional trends of Archaean, were formed as a result of stress. The
Godavari valley represents one such linear depression 320 km in length and 100 km in
width north of Bhadrachalam parallel to the Dhawarian trend, which received Pakhal
sediments. Discontinuous lenses of basal conglomerate – along the western margin of
Pakhal outcrops suggest that this might represent the approximate basin margin at the
beginning of Pakhal sedimentation. The dominant dolomite-shale facies of Pakhal is
suggestive of tectonically inactive nature of the provenance. However, presence of a
number of lenses of arkose at the different stratigraphic horizons indicates periodic
reactivation of the source area and shallowing up of certain parts of the basin. Prior to
the onset of Sullavai sedimentation, the Pakhal sediments were deformed,
metamorphased and eroded.

Second phase of rift activity gave rise to Sullavai basin which extended to 200 km with
an average width of 70 km. Relative to Pakhal there had been a northeasterly and
northwesterly shift in Sullavai basin. The Paleocurrent data in Sullavai sandstones
suggests a southeasterly provenance.

The third phase of rift activity, a tectonically more intensive phase during the late
carboniferous, had led to the evolution of Lower Gondwana basin during which the
Singareni and Kamthi group of rocks were deposited. The depression which evolved
as a result of block faulting within the Pakhal basin, along lineaments parallel to the
original rift was relatively narrow with an average width of 55 km. On the northeastern
side, the scarp had delimited the basin whereas the southwestern margin could have

been a little further west of present Sullavai – Talchir contact. On the southeastern side,
the tectonic intensity prevailing during this phase of block faulting had resulted in
extending the limit of the depression farther beyond the Pakhal Basin on to the
Archaean basement by cutting across the Eastern Ghats trend. This extended for a
length of about 450 km in the north westerly direction. The southeastern limit of the
basin could have been controlled by a fault developed parallel to the Eatern Ghats trend.

The fourth and final phase of rift activity at the close of Paleozoic brought about, once
again a structural reorganisation of the area, leading to the evolution of a narrow linear
Upper Gondwana Basin, within the confines of the pre-existing Lower Gondwana
Basin. The eastern margin of Lower Gondwana remained unmodified without any
lateral shift and continued to delimit the Upper Gondwana Basin. Relative to Lower
Gondwana basin there had been a major northwesterly shift in the southeastern margin
which may be attributed to a renewed phase of uplift of the Eastern Ghats. The upper
Gondwana extends for a length of about 135 km with an average width of about 20 km.
The present distribution pattern of upper Gondwana suggests a progressive increase in
the width of the basin towards north. This implies that there had been a gradual
westerly shift of the southwestern margin in the northerly direction due to an en-echelon
arrangement of the basin margin faults with sinistral shifts.

The dominantly arenaceous character of the Upper Gondwana together with its Paleo
current data suggests derivation of the sediments from the same tectonically active zone
which contributed to the Lower Gondwana sedimentation. The characteristic feature of
the Upper Gondwana is the presence of fanglomerate all along the eastern margin of the
basin. The pebble lithology of the fanglomerate suggests that it was derived from the
denudation of the northeastern uplifted block.


Hydrocarbons have been discovered in a number of Gondwana basins in Australia,

Africa, Argentina and Brazil. The Gondwana rocks of Cooper Basin, Australia, contain
large reservoirs of gas (about 6.4 Tcf.). The Cooper Basin is a Permo-Triassic basin
which hosts atleast 750 m of Triassic and 1400 m of Permian sediments. The
continental Patchawara and Toolachee Formations of Permian age containing coal
seams are the main source rocks, while the adjacent interfingering sandstomes are the
reservoir rocks (Table-3). The Pranhita Godavari Basin hosts a considerable thickness
(6000m) of Gondwana sediments in the rifted full & half grabens. The Lower

Gondwana sediments of Permian age have all the favourable elements source, reservoir
and entrapment and are about 3000 m thick. The sandstones-shale-coal cyclic
sedimentation pattern similar to that of Patchawara and Toolachee formations of Cooper
Basin, Australia are present in the Barakar and Bellampalli formations of Gondwana
rocks of Pranhita-Godavari Basin.

Further, the homotaxial equivalents of Barakar Formation namely Mandepeta and

Kommugudem are known to be having commercial accumulations of hydrocarbons in
the Mandepeta and Endamuru gas fields in the adjacent East-Godavari sub-basin.

Pranhita Godavari Basin has, thus, a good potential for striking hydrocarbons (gas)
particularly in the southeastern sector. However, extensive exploration is warranted for
commercial discovery.


The Gondwana rocks are rich in coal and carbonaceous matter. There are ample evidences
from various parts of the world for petroleum having been generated from sediments having
coaly and carbonaceous matter. Barakar and Bellampalli sediments in Pranhita-Godavari
Basin appear to have very good source rock capabilities. The Barakar Formation has a fixed
carbon percentage of 49-76% and contains type III Kerogen with VRo of 0.5-0.7%.

The Talchir-Barakar-Bellampalli sequence offers good reservoir rocks in the sandstone.
Additionally, fine to medium grain sandstone of the Potamadugu Formation (350 m), is
a suitable reservoir in the central and southeastern sector of the basin.

The shale beds within Lower Gondwana sequence are the potential Cap rocks. Claystones of
Kamthi Group Khanapur & Jaipuram Formation are also the likely Cap rocks.
It is considered that the maturation of organic matter in Pranhita-Godavari Basin occurred after
the deposition of Maleri Formation (Triassic) when the overburden of about 2000-2500 m was
In Pranhita-Godavari Basin hydrocarbons generated appear to have excellent conditions for
preservation and accumulation due to rapid deposition of source rocks in completely enclosed
depressions with no outlet and contemporaneous subsidence.

The expected play types are

· Drape structures over Paleohighs
· Broad folds in the vicinity of major faults FIG.14
· Truncations of Barakar Formation against Bellampalli Format


Apart from Conventional Oil and Gas resource the basin also possess possibility of having
Unconventional hydrocarbon resources making this basin more interesting from investment
point of view. Details of the unconventional Hydrocarbon resources prospectivity around the
vicinity of the basin mentioned below:


The term refers to methane adsorbed into the solid matrix of the coal. It is called 'sweet gas'
because of its lack of hydrogen sulfide. The presence of this gas is well known from its
occurrence in underground coal mining, where it presents a serious safety risk. Coalbed
methane is distinct from a typical sandstone or other conventional gas reservoir, as the methane
is stored within the coal by a process called adsorption. The methane is in a near-liquid state,
lining the inside of pores within the coal (called the matrix). The open fractures in the coal
(called the cleats) can also contain free gas or can be saturated with water.

Details about nearby Godavary valley coal field mentioned below

Coal fields of Godavary valley-

Pranhita – Godavari basin defines a major NNW – SSE trending Gondwana basin belt on the
Indian Pre Cambrian Shield (Fig. 15). It extends over a length of 450 Km from east coast of
Andhra Pradesh to Boregaon in Central India in the state of Maharashtra. The geographical area
with a strike length of 350 Km falling in the state of Andhra Pradesh is designated as Godavari
Vallley Gondwana basin, the adjacent part further northwest occurring in the state of
Maharashtra is known as Wardha Valley Gondwana basin. This basin belt is the largest depo-
centre of Gondwana sediments in peninsular India and preserves a varied sequence of essentially
terrestrial sediments of more than 5000 metres thickness in the deeper part of the basin. This
master Gondwana basin is segmented into Godavari, Kothagudam, Chintalapudi and coastal
Krishna – Godavari sub-

basins. Of these, Godavari sub-basin covering an area of 12350sq.km is of interest for the present
study as the coal seams of economic value are largely confined to Godavari sub-basin.

The coal bearing Barakar Formation is well exposed in linear stretches mainly along the
western margin of the Godavari Valley Gondwana basin. Limited exposures of Barakar coal
measures are noted in Chera – Manuguru area along the north eastern margin of the basin. The
Barakar Formation is often offset by cross faults and thus forms different coalbelts in several
fault bounded segments. Currently, mining activity is carried out in such mine coal belts in the
Godavari coalfield. This coalfield has witnessed mining activities for more than a century and
catered to the requirement of coal of South India. With such a long history of mining, the
coalfield has a large number of mines where coal is extracted presently from a maximum depth
of about 300 metres.

In the underground mines of the coalfield, there has been no record of emission of gas and the
seams mined so far contain coal of low to moderate rank. Accordingly, no effort was made
earlier to ascertain the gassiness of coal seams of this basin. In recent years, some data have been
generated which show that the seams at depth store some amount of desorbable gas. This
provided the impetus for carving out a prospective block for CBM exploration / exploitation
during earlier CBM round in the down dip side of the working collieries located in Dorli –
Bellampalli, Somagudem – Indram and Ramagundam coal belts where coalbed methane
resources is proposed to be harnessed from several seams occurring in the depth range of about
500 to 1200 m and even beyond. In short, this exercise aims at exploring coalbed methane
resources in a pilot block in the deeper part of the largest Gondwana basin of the country and if
found to be encouraging, may be extended to other areas of this master basin in future.

Geographical location –
The Godavari coalfield covers an area of about 17000sq.km in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The
coalfield is bound by latitudes 16 0 38’ and 190 32’ and longitudes 790 12’ and 810 39’. The
coalfield stretches over a length of 350 km and has an average width of 55km with some local
General Geology
Amongst the Gondwana basins of Peninsular India, the Godavari Valley is unique as it
preserves about 5000m thick sediments deposited in the time span of about 200 million years
i.e. from early Permian to Late Cretaceous period (Fig. 16). The Gondwana sediments of this
basin rest over basement of varying age ranging from Archean to Proterozoic. The basement in
the Chintalapudi sub-basin and Krishna-Godavari coastal basin is represented by Khondalite
and grannulite of the Eastern Ghat sequence. The Proterozoic Pakhal and Sullvai rocks form

the basement for Godavari sub-basin, Dharwar schists and migmatite occur at the base of
Gondwanas around Kothagudam and Palancha. In fact, the Godavari Valley Gondwana basin is
often described as a successor basin which has a pre-history of rifting and sedimentation during
the Proterozoic period.

Much of our basic knowledge of the Gondwana sequence of the Godavari Valley owes to the
pioneering work of King (1881), who subdivided the Lower Gondwanas into Talchir, Barakar
and Kamthi groups and the Upper Gondwanas into Maleri, Kota and Chikiala groups in the
main basin, and the Upper Gondwanas of coastal Krishna-Godavari into Gollapalli sandstone,
Raghavapuram shales and Tirupati sandstones. This subdivision provided the basic frame work
for the subsequent studies of the stratigraphy of Gondwana sequence. The recent studies on the
Godavari Valley Gondwana basin backed up by some deep borehole data have revealed that
there is need for reappraisal of the stratigraphic framework of Permian Gondwana sequence.
King included the entire sedimentary sequence overlying the ‘Barakar Group’ and underlying
the ‘Maleri Group’ into ‘Kamthi Group’. Based on recent studies, it is now possible to classify
the ‘Kamthi Group’ of King into a basal Barren Measures (500m), middle Raniganj Formation
(700m) and upper Kamthi Formation. The Kamthi Formation is again subdivided into a Lower
Kamthi (400-500m) and Upper Kamthi members (400-5000m). Similarly King’s ‘Maleri
Series’ has been subdivided into four lithostratigraphic units – Yerrapalli member, Bhumaram
member, Maleri and Dharmaram members in ascending order.
The revised geological sequence of the main Godavari Gondwana basin is given in Table -
below and also shown in Fig.17.

Age Formation LITHOLOGY
thickness (m)
Holocene - 25+ Alluvial sands and clays
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Up.Cretaceous Deccan Trap 65 Basaltic flows
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Up.Jurassic to Lr. Chikiala / Ferruginous sst. with conglomerates and clay
Cretaceous Gangapur Sst beds.
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Lr. To Early Mid.
Kota 675 Sandstones with clays and limestone bands
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Alternate sandstones and clay beds, lime
Mid. To Up.
Maleri 1000 pellet rocks, sst. with clay galls, mud-stones
with calc. Bands.
Coarse grained ferruginous sst, white to
Up.Permian to Lr.
Upper Kamthi 400-500 greenish grey, with siltstone. Green clays,
grey white calc. sst. etc
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Alternate sequence of med grained sandstone
Up. Permian Lower Kamthi 400-500
and shale with green clays.
Med to Coarse grained calcareous Sst., shale,
Up. Permian Raniganj 700
coal seams
Medium to Coarse grained greenish grey to
Up. Permian Barren Measures 500 white feldspathic sst. with subordinate clays
and silt-stones
Up. Part of Lr. Medium to Coarse grained white feldspathic
Barakar 300
Permian sst. with subordinate shales and coal seams
Fine grained Grayish green sst. clays/ shales,
Lr. Permian Talchir 350
pebble beds and tillite.
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Medium to Coarse grained white to brick red
Up.Proterozoic Sullavai 545
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Grayish white to buff quartzites, grey shales,
Lr. Proterozoic Pakhal 3335
phyllites and marbles
- - - - Unconformity - - - -
Archaeans Penganga - Granites, Gneisses, Schists, etc.


Proterozoic rocks
The Pakhal and Sullavai group of rocks constitute the basement for Gondwana sequence in the
Godavari sub-basinThe Pakhal Group consists of grayish white to buff quartzite, gray shales,
phyllites and marbles. The Sullavai Group, which rests over the Pakhal are composed of medium
to coarse grained brick red sandstones and mottled shales.

Talchir Formation
The formation is consists of rhythmites, light green sandstones etc. The rhythmites are
represented by alternating layers of shale and siltstone. Palyno-fossils from the rhythmites
indicate a Late Carboniferous to Early Permian age.

Barakar Formation
This is the main coal bearing unit in the Godavari Valley Gondwana basin. The exposures of
Barakar Formation are noted as discontinuous linear patches along the western basin margin
above the Talchirs with a gradational contact. The exposures of Barakars are again found around
Kothagudam-Ansethipalli. In Chinnur area, the formation crops out due to a major fault.
Exposures of this formation are recorded in Cherla – Manuguru area in the north eastern margin
of the basin. Outliers of these rocks are seen in Yellandu and Kamavaram.

In major part of the basin, the Barakar Formation consists of a thick pile of sandstones, shales
and a few workable coal seams. The formation shows variation in thickness around 300m in
Kothagudam, 270-310m in Ramagundam and 200-250m in Khairaguda area. It is usually divided
into a Lower member of 70-120m thickness and an Upper member with a maximum thickness of
200m. The Lower member is composed predominantly of coarse clastics viz, coarse grained
sandstone and lenses of conglomerates with occasional shale bands. The upper member exhibits
cyclic repetition of sandstones, shales and coal seams. Most of the coal seams are confined to
upper member. The workable coal seams vary in number from two to as many as eight in certain
places, but in general, 3 to 4 coal seams are usually developed in Barakars.

Barren Measures
The formation consists of cross bedded medium to coarse grained greenish gray to grayish white
arkosic sandstone with subordinate proportion of shales and variegated clays. The notable feature
is the absence of workable coal seams, though at places, thin bands of coal are recorded.

Raniganj Formation

This formation overlies the Barren Measures with a gradational contact and extends in a linear
belt all along the western part of the coalfield. The formation attains considerable thickness in
Bellampalli – Shantikhani, Indaram and Ramagundam areas, where the thickness of the
formation is computed to be 700m (BH GGK20 and GGK27). The lower member of this
formation is composed of gray-white, calcareous, medium to coarse grained sandstone with a
few coal seams and occasional shale bands. In Bellampalli, Indaram, Ramagundam and
Peddapur sectors, a coal seam of economic thickness designated as Sondila seam, is recorded in
this unit. The Upper member comprises fine to coarse grained, greenish gray sandstone, sandy
shale and black micaceous shale. The Upper member is devoid of any coal seam.

Kamthi Formation
The Lower member consists of friable sandstones calcareous siltstones and shales and occupies
low undulating ground in the northern part of the coalfield. The Upper member is defined by
coarse grained sandstones, conglomerate, violet clay stones. The palynological studies show that
Permo-Triassic boundary straddles through the Lower member of Kamthi Formation.

Maleri Formation
The formation comprises reddish brown to greenish gray clays, siltstone, argillaceous sandstones
and lime pellet rock.

Kota Formation
The Kota Formation consists of conglomeratic sandstone, cross-bedded sandstones, variegated
clays and limestone.Age of Kota Formation is considered to be of Jurassic.
Chikiala/ Gangapur Formation
It is represented by pebbly sandstones, white argillaceous sandstones, buff siltstones,
carbonaceous shale and claystones. The plant fossils remains suggest Neocomian-Aptian age of
the formation.


The Godavari Gondwana basin is considered to be an intracratonic rift. This basin can be
described as a successor basin where the protorift dislocation commenced in Proterozoic period.
The architecture of the Godwana rift was shaped by the pre existing Proterozoic rift systems.

The Gondwana sediments of the Godavari Valley shows a broad open synclinal structure in the
Godavari sub-basin with a north westerly plunge. Closure of this syncline is noted in Manuguru

Eastern limb of this syncline is truncated by NNW-SSE boundary fault. In Chintalapudi sub-
basin, the Gondwana sediments are folded into a doubly plunging syncline. It is interesting to
note that most of the folding are recorded in the Permian strata whereas the younger Upper
Gondwanas do not depict major evidence of folding.

The Godavari Gondwana basin shows a distinctive pattern of faulting. The fault plane strike rose
diagram shows a prominent NNW-SSE to NW-SE trend. The other sets have a preferred NE-SW
trend. The most prominent of NNW-SSE set of faults is the north eastern boundary fault which
marks the contact of the Gondwana rocks with Pakhal/Gneisses. Along the southwestern
margin, locally a border fault defines the basin boundary.

A series of NW-SE trending faults are located in the western part of the Godavari sub-basin.
These faults have been studied in underground workings and have steep dip of 60 0 - 800. A most
prominent fault is known as Bellampalli Chinnur fault which passes from Bellampalli in the
north west to west of Chinnur. This fault accounted for the Pre-Cambrian inlier around Chinnur.
Another important transbasinal fault is described as Julapalli- Khammampalli fault which has
terminated the south eastern strike continuity of Ramagundam coal belt. Kinnerasani fault
denotes a major strike fault along Lingola. A NE-SW trending fault cuts across the regional
strike of the Gondwanas.

It is observed that NW-SE trending faults are offset by NE-SW faults indicating the later are
younger in age and the movement along NE-SW direction is responsible for generation of step
faults modifying the morphology of existing grabens.

Tectonic History:
Based on synthesis of data, a four stage evolution of the Godavari graben is envisaged.
1) Middle Proterozoic stretching of the Upper sialic crust giving rise to NW-SE
(Dharwarian) trend of the Godavari rift during the deposition of Pakhals.
2) Late Proterozoic deformation causing folding of Pakhal and Sullavai rocks.
3) Late Paleozoic reactivation of stretching of sialic crust in the NW-SE trending
Godavari Valley giving rise to Gondwana basin.
4) Late Mesozoic taphrogenic fragmentation on the southeastern part of the basin
giving rise to coastal Gondwana sedimentation.

During the first phase of rift activity, structurally weak linear depressions parallel to regional
trends of Archaean (Dharwarian) were formed as result of stress. The Godavari depression
received Pakhal sediments at that stage. Discontinuous lenses of conglomerate along the western
margin of Pakhal outcrops suggest that this might represent the basin margin at the beginning of
Pakhal sedimentation. The presence of a number of lenses of arkoses at different stratigraphic
levels of Pakhal sequence indicates periodic activation of the source area. Prior to deposition of
Sullavai, the Pakhal were deformed and metamorphosed.

Second phase of rifting gave rise to Sullavai basin, which had a more restricted outline with
north easterly shift of Sullavai basin.
The third phase of rifting took place in Upper Carboniferous period which led to the evolution of
Gondwana basin in which Lower Gondwanas were deposited. The depression that evolved in
response to block faulting within the Pakhal basin was relatively narrower than Pakhal
depression with an average width of 55km.
On the southern side the tectonic intensity, prevailing during this phase of block faulting, had
resulted in extending the limit of the Godavari Gondwana depression further beyond the Pakhal
basin on the Archaean basement by cutting across the Eastern Ghat trend.

The fourth phase of rift activity at the close of Palaeozoic brought about once again a structural
reorganization of the area leading to the evolution of the narrow linear Upper Gondwana basin
within the confines of the pre-existing Lower Gondwana trough.

The dominantly arenaceous character of some of the Upper Gondwana rocks together with the
palaeo-current data suggests derivation of sediments from the same tectonically active zone
which contributed to Lower Gondwana sedimentation. The characteristic feature of coarse units
of Upper Gondwanas is the presence of fanglomerates along the eastern margin of the basin
which suggests that it was derived from the denudation of the northeastern uplifted block.

The last phase of rifting must have taken place in L. Cretaceous period when the coastal
Gondwana basin in Godavari – Krishna area evolved due to major distension in the crust.

Coal Seams:
The Godavari Valley Gondwana basin is the only storehouse of coal in South India. Due
emphasis has accordingly been given in the last few decades to explore the coal resources from
several blocks in this coalfield. A synthesis of available data on coal seams shows that by and
large, the data on the pattern of coal development is available in respect of the areas which are
peripheral to several mining belts mainly along the western margin of the basin. Very limited

information exist about the nature of coal seams occurring below the cover of Raniganj and
Kamthi formations. Nevertheless, voluminous data are available about the coal seams of several
mining belts, which provide an insight into the regional pattern of coal development in this basin.

The coal seams of economic value occur in the Barakar Formation. Raniganj Formation in
Ramagundam – Ramakrishnapur area is also known to contain a few coal seams. In the Godavari
sub-basin, from Khairagura in the north western extremity to Ramagundam, the Barakar coal
measures are exposed continuously , though the strike extension is broken at places due to
faulting. This coal bearing stretch is divided in four major coal belts as Meripalli – Kaghaznagar,
Dorli – Bellampalii, Somagundam – Indaram and Ramagundam coal belts (Fig.18). Further
south, the coal belt forms a narrow linear belt in Mulug area. The Barakar coal measures is
exposed in Chinnur belt as an inlier in the heart of the Godavari basin. Along the north eastern
margin of the basin, lies Manuguru- Chera coal belt. In Kothagudam sub-basin, coal mining
operation is carried out in Kothagudam coal belt.

In the Godavari Valley coalfield, it has not been possible to adopt a common nomenclature of
coal seams of different coal belts. Different nomenclatures are in vogue for these coal seams
which pose problems for inter-regional correlation.However, in general, the important coal
seams are serially numbered from top to bottom as I, II, III, IV etc. in a descending order. The
local seams occurring above a particular seam are designated affixing ‘A’ ‘B” in an ascending
order to the respective seam. Apart from this, the seams are often named in honour of eminent
personalities like ‘King’ seam in Yellandu and Kothagudam, ‘Ross’ and Salarjung seams of
Bellampalli area (Fig. 18). A general account of the coal seams of the different coal belts is
given below:

Meripalli – Kaghaznagar Coal Belt

This is the northern most coal belt in Godavari sub-basin. Occurrence of 6-7 coal seams in
Barakar Formation is established. The younger coal seams are impersistent and interbanded.
Here the basal seams III and IV are important. The coals have high moisture (3.3 – 14%) and
moderate to high ash (12 –41.2%).

Dorli – Bellampalli
Numerous boreholes have been drilled around the operating mines which show significant
variation in thickness and splitting tendency of seams. The seven coal seams of Barakar
Formation in ascending order are described as Ross (IV), Salarjung (Top & Middle III), IIIA,
IIIB, II, I, IA. In the north western part of the coal belt, the top seams are shaly and interbanded,
whereas towards south east in Shantikhani – Boipalli area, the seams are better developed. The
lower most Ross seam (IV) is a consistent workable seam (1.0 – 5.6m). The moisture and ash
content varies from 3.6 to 52% and 12 – 37% respectively. The overlying Salarjung seam (III) is
the most important seam (4-9m). The seam shows splitting in Shantikhani and Khairaguda areas.
The seam has 3.3 – 14% moisture and 17.5 – 34% ash. Seam II is the third workable seam (1.0 –
6.3m) of this coal belt, though, it exhibits lateral variation in thickness. The dip wise extension of
the seams has been proved upto 650m depth in this coal belt.

Somagudem – Mandamari – Ramakrishnapur - Srirampur – Indaram Coal belt

The coal measures of Bellampalli belt cut off by Bellampalli – Akhanpalli fault is again traced
from Somagundem in the north to Indaram in the south. The presence of as many as eleven coal
seams is recognized, which are numbered as IA, I, IIB, IIA, II, IIIB, IIIA, III, IV, V & VI in
descending order. Some of these seams are impersistent and are of local interest. Seams III and
IV are important and are co relatable with Salarjung and Ross seams respectively. The seam III
shows wide variation in thickness from 0.9 to 8.6m. However, between Somagudem and
Ramakrishnapur, the seam has workable thickness of 2 to 4m. It increases to 8.6m in
Ramakrishnapur area. The seam has 2.4 to 9.0% moisture and 13.6 to 36.3% ash. The other
prominent seam is seam IV, which has also variable thickness of 1.5 to 5.7m. In the north-
western part of the belt, around Somagudem, the seam is 3.1-3.7m thick whereas in
Ramakrishnapur area in the south-west, the thickness varies between 2m to 2.2m. The seam
contains 4.8 – 7.2% moisture and 12.5 to 31.7% ash.

Ramagundam Coal Belt

This forms the most important coal belt of the Godavari Valley Gondwana basin in view of the
persistent development of some seams of workable thickness over a wide area. Eight coal
horizons numbered IA (0.5 – 7.0m), I (2.4 – 7.0m), II (0.9 – 6.5m), IIIB (0.3 – 2.5m), IIIA (0.3 –
3.0m), III (2.0 – 12.0m), seam IV (2.0 – 4.0m) and V (0.8 – 4.0m) from top to bottom are found
to be developed in this area. In the southern part of the area, the seam III merges with seam IV to
form a combined seam of 9.50 – 18.3m thickness. Generally, seams III and IV tend to increase in
thickness from north to south. The seam IV has 5.3 – 6.6% moisture and variable ash content of
11.9-47.3%. The moisture and ash content of seam III is 4.7 to 6.4% and 15.8 to 24.5%

Mulug Coal Belt
The coal bearing sequence crops out in a narrow linear belt from Karimpalli in the north west to
Lingala on the south east over a stretch of 80 km. The Barakar Formation shows development of
4 to 5 seams varying in thickness from less than 1-6m. The seams show wide variations in
thickness and quality.

Chinnur Belt
This coal belt occurs as an inlier in the central part of the basin. 5 coal seams 1A (shaly coal), I
(0.7 – 5.85m), II (0.5 – 4.6m), III (0.9 – 3.50m) and IV (0.45 – 3.0m) are proved over a stretch of
20 km. Most of the seams are split into a number of coal bands.

Kothagudam Belt
This is an important mining belt in the southern part of the coalfield. Two important seams –
Queen seam (6.7 – 13.5m) and King seam (4.2 – 8.4m) are extensively mined in this area. The
seams have 6.8 – 9.9% moisture and 10.2 to 27.1 ash%.

Manuguru – Cherla Belt:

This belt is located in the south-eastern margin of the Godavari Gondwana basin. Here, a thick
seam is conspicuously developed in the Barakar Formation. This seam usually attains a thickness
of 15 to 20m. This seam shows a splitting tendency towards north where it splits into three to
four sections. The seam contains 2.2 to 6.5% moisture and usually 34 to 38% ash.

Coal Seams of Raniganj Formation

The deep drilling operation in the north western part of the Godavari coalfield has proved the
occurrence of coal in Raniganj Formation. These coal seams occur in Indaram – Jaipuram,
Ramagundam, Chelpur – Pasra area and Manuguru coal belts. Of particular interest is a
persistent coal horizon proved in Indaram and Ramagundam areas. This seam, named as Sondila
seam, occurs 60m above the base of Raniganj Formation. The intervening parting between this
seam and the top most Barakar coal seam is proved to be 566m in one borehole (GGK 20). The
seam shows wide variation in thickness from 2.55 to 13.50m. The seam has average moisture of
4-6% and ash of 40-50%. The seam is intercalated with a number of carbonaceous shale, and
clay bands. The upper section of 1.3 to 2.8m shows better quality with ash + moisture content to
be around 35 to 40%.

Quality of Coal Seams
The coals are of low to moderate rank with high volatile content. There appears to be a trend in
regional variation of moisture content of coals which is generally less in the southern part (3.5 –
7.0%), gradually increasing in the northern part (maximum upto 14%). This trend shows that
coals are more mature in Manuguru – Kothagudam area in comparison to that of Chinnur – Golet
areas in the north. The ash content is highly variable as is evident from the quality data of well
studied seams of Ramagundam area. The broad quality of the Seams are shown in Table below :
Coal Quality Godavari Valley Coalfield (At 60% RH 400 C)

Seam Moist. % Ash % UHVe (K.Cal/Kg.) Avg. Grade

IA 4.05 – 7.65 18.74 – 32.22 3787- 5774 E-B D
I 3.14 – 7.15 24.33 – 40.82 2813 – 4767 F-D E
II 3.15 – 7.04 22.00 – 49.15 2471 – 5077 F-C D-E
IIIA 3.25 – 6.60 19.60 – 39.73 3120 – 5130 F-C D
III 3.16 – 7.27 19.42 – 45.34 3448 – 5576 E-C D
IV 3.68 – 6.78 12.98 – 39.00 3427 – 6617 E-A C
5.54 – 6.20 21.90 - 26.11 4534 – 5022 D-C D
V seam 4.65 – 5.93 28.35 – 31.12 4345 – 5033 D-C C
The ultimate analysis of coal ( on dmmf basis) shows that lower seams have 34 to 40% volatile
matter, whereas the upper seams have more than 40% volatile matter. Thus, the coals largely
correspond to high volatile bituminous ‘B’ to ‘C’ rank. Locally, the lower seams have attained
high volatile bituminous ‘A’ rank.
The ultimate analysis of selected seams is given in the following table:

Ultimate Composition of Important Seams, ( on dmmf basis)

Belt Seam Carbon % Hydrogen % Oxygen %
Salarjung 80.4 – 82.5 4.6 – 5.4 10.1 – 12.6
Ross 79.7 – 83.2 4.5 – 5.1 9.8 – 14.2
II 81.5 – 83.9 4.6 – 5.1 9.7 – 11.7
III 81.8 – 82.0 5.0 – 5.4 10.7 – 11.7
III 80.2 – 82.4 3.0 – 5.3 11.7 – 12.7
IV 79.4 – 81.4 3.3 – 5.8 11.0 - 14.4
Kothagudam King 84.9 – 85.7 4.3 – 4.5 8.8
Yellandu Queen 81.5 – 82.2 5.4 12.0 – 12.6

Manuguru Thick 78.4 – 83.5 4.2 – 4.7 13.2 – 15.0

Coal Petrography
The Petrographic character of the seams has been studied around the working collieries.
Petrographic studies of samples from Ross and Salarjung seams in Bellampalli show that Ross
seam is composed of mostly dull coal with bright and semi bright coals at regular interval. The
bright bands have well-developed cleat (Fig. 19), which are often filled with clayey matter.
Specks and incrustations of pyrite are very common. The Salarjung seam is mostly composed of
dull coal. Bands of bright/ semi-bright coal some times alternate with dull coals. The King seam
of Kothagudam area shows fine banding of vitrinite, intermediates and durite. The coal in
general corresponds to vitro-fusic to fuso-victric type. The maceral composition of coals, as
given in the table below, show that inertinite is the dominant maceral. Next in abundance is
vitrinite, followed by liptinite group.

Maceral Composition on Volumetric basis of Important Coal Seams
Vitrinite Liptinite Intertinite Mineral VRO
Area Seam
% % % matter %
I 23.8 10.5 47.0 18.9 0-56
II 25.4 9.75 44.5 20.55 0.51
III 25.4 13.07 48.6 13.57 0.62-0.72
IV 31.4 11.33 40.97 16.83 0.51-0.61
Salarjung 8-45 7-26 25-56 11-30 0.53-0.57
Ross 17-24 12-35 31-47 18-29 0.54-0.57
Bellampalli General
24-52 8-24 28-52 6-23 0.45-0.65
Mean 37 13 35 15

The thick seam of Manuguru has vitrinite reflectance of 0.59% and Queen seam of Kothagudam
gives a value of 0.50%. Misra (1994) opines that Godavari coal has low vitrinite reflectance
gradient of 0.031/ 100m as against 0.05 – 0.18/ 100m in Jharia basin. The low reflectance
gradient of the Godavari coals show that the seams have been soaked to relatively lower
palaeogeothermal gradient. In fact, the present geothermal gradient in Bellampalli, Ramagundam
and Kothagudam is low, varying from 15 to 200 C/ Km.

Rank of CoaL
The coal samples studied around working mines within a depth range of 300m usually show low
rank of high volatile bituminous C to B. However, coal seams have locally been found to attain
High Volatile A rank. The rank of the coal has been ascertained from the following parameters
as given in the table below :
Rank Parameters of Coal, Godavari Valley Coalfield
Carbon % on VRO
Area Seam No UVM % unit Coal
basis %
Salarjung 32.3 – 43.1 77 - 82.7 0.53 – 0.57
Ross 30.0 – 37.3 75.2 – 83.2 0.54 – 0.57
I 29.4 – 43.6 76.5 – 81.8 0.56
II 31.6 – 41.5 80.9 – 81.0 0.51
III 31.9 – 39.3 80.2 – 82.4 0.62 – 0.72
IV 31.2 – 41.0 80.8 – 81.5 0.51 – 0.61
Manuguru Thick seam 35.1 – 42.0 78.4 – 83.5 0.59 – 0.70
The detailed study of the vitrinite reflectance of the entire seam section, however, often exhibits
marked vertical variation is reflectance values. For example the seam I in borehole 732 (located
2.5 km NNW of Kannal Village) shows reflectance values between 0.53% to 0.72%.

Cleat Pattern In Coal Seams And Permeability
In Godavari coalfield, the fault pattern shows a distinct bimodal distribution in NW-SE and NE-
SW directions. The NW trend is dominant, whereas the subordinate NE trend is parallel to the
Eastern Ghat trend and reflects the second-generation tectonics in the basin. At microlevel,
similar picture emerges in the cleat orientation analysis. The cleats are well developed in bright
coal bands. In Ramagundam area, the predominant face cleat trends NW-SE with a subordinate
trend in E-W directions (Fig. 20a). The easterly trend of face cleat becomes more obvious in the
upper seams. The face cleat orientation of Somagudam-Indaram area is predominantly in NNE-
SSW direction with orthogonal set of butt cleats (Fig. 20b). This trend is common in all the coal
seams except in IA seam where it is aligned in NNW-SSE. In adjacent Dorli-Bellampalli area,
the predominant face cleat direction is NE-SW and the butt cleats trend NW-SE (Fig. 20c). In
Manuguru area in the southeastern limb, the coals show a preferred face cleat orientation in NE-
SW direction with NW-SE trending butt cleats. The density of cleats varies around 2/3 per cm.
and is primarily restricted to vitrain bands. The petrographic study shows that some of the cleats
are filled with carbonates and clay minerals.

The Godavari coalfield shows a moderate stress regime where the coal measures are folded in
broad synclinal structure. The coal seams occur mostly beyond 300m depths and continue up to
deeper levels of 1200-1500m. At such depth, the permeability may go down to a level of below
1md as is usually noted in other Gondwana basins in India. But Godavari basin, being an ideal
rift, may have high fracture density in the Godwanas lithic fill due to the tensional regime. This
may result in some improvement of permeability even in deeper coal seams.

Coal Resource
Within the vast expanse of the Godavari Valley Gondwana basin, the coal measures are well
developed in the northwestern margin of the basin and in Manuguru area in the south eastern
periphery. All the mines and exploration blocks in virgin areas are confined to the peripheral part
of the basin. In these mines/explored blocks, the Barakar coal seams occur within a maximum
depth of 600m. Beyond these belts, occur vast stretches of Gondwana rocks, which are yet to be
explored systematically by deep drilling operations to assess the resources of coal in deep-seated
coal seams. However, a few pilot boreholes drilled from Barren Measure and Raniganj
formations have indicated the continuity of Barakar coal up to 900m depth. Thus, the reserves of
coal in seams occurring in the depth range of 600-1200m estimated on very limited input data,
are classified under ‘indicated’ and ‘inferred’ categories. No effort has been made so far to
estimate the coal resources beyond the depth of 1200m due to lack of supporting borehole data.
The depth wise and category wise reserves as per Indian Standard Procedure estimated by GSI, is
given in the table below:
Depth-wise & Category-wise Reserves of Coal in
Godavari Valley Gondwana Basin
Depth (m) Proved (mt.) Indicated (mt.) Inferred (mt.) Total (mt.)

0-300 4973.47 495.83 122.20 5591.5

300-600 2121.35 1872.44 824.74 4818.53

600-1200 - 945.51 1981.73 2927.24

Total:- 7094.82 3313.78 2928.67 13337.27

Gassiness of Seams
Compared to the large spread of the Godavari Gondwana basin, the data on gas content of the
coal seams is absolutely meagre. As the operating coal mines had no record of significant gas
emission, no effort was earlier made to generate data on gassiness of coal seams. Of late, PK 1,
PK 2 and PK 3 mines of Manuguru coal belt are classified as Degree II gassy mines where
methane emission is between 1 to 10m 3 per tonne of coal produced. All other underground mines
are categorized as non-gassy mines. The occurrence of gassy seams in Manuguru underground
mines prompted HOEC to carry out desorption studies on coal core samples from the depth of
670 to 720m in a borehole (729A) drilled in Manuguru shaft block III. The gas content was
found to be quite meagre (0.08 to 0.24m 3 /tonne). This discouraging result in Manuguru area did

not provide further incentive for assessment of CBM potentiality in the Godavari Valley
coalfield for a few years.

In recent time (1998), ONGC has taken up further study on the CBM potentiality of the different
coal belts of the Godavari Valley in collaboration with SCCL. Critical parameters viz., coal
resources in different coal belts, maximum depth of coal occurrence of relatively higher rank of
coal, vitrinite reflectance, estimated gas content of seams etc. have been weighed as per GRI
numerical ranking system. Based on this evaluation, Ramagundam and Somagudem areas are
found to be the most potential for CBM exploitation.

The qualitative attributes of the Godavari Valley coals, which are crucial for evaluation of
gassiness of seams, show that the coals have moderate to high moisture content (3-14%), high
ash content (15 – 50%) and UVM of 31.2 to 43.6%. The coals largely correspond to sub-
bituminous C to high volatile C in rank. Better rank coal of high volatile bituminous B is known
from Ramagundam and Somagundam areas. Even high volatile Bituminous A rank in some
seams have been worked. Further, the coals in the mines and those proved in the explored
blocks show usually a low maturity with vitrinite reflectance values ranging from 0.53 to 0.62%.
Occasionally, some sections of seam record a higher reflectance value up to 0.72%. These
reflectance values are recorded from the seams occurring in the depth range of 200 to 550m. A
reflectance gradient of 0.031% per 100m depth is reported based on the preliminary study. If this
trend persists at depth, the seams occurring at 1000m depth will have an average vitrinite
reflectance of 0.75 – 0.80%. In short, the deeper coal seams are likely to attain the threshold of
thermogenic methane generation. Using the standard graphs of reflectance versus gas content of
Tang and others (1991), the deeper coals (beyond 600m depth) of Ramagundam-Somagudam
area with projected vitrinite reflectance range of 0.60% to 0.75% are likely to contain a
maximum of 5 to 6m3 /t. of gas. The gas content in seams may marginally increase in the depth
of 1000 to 1500m.

The adsorption isotherm curves (Fig. 21) which are generated on coal samples of Ramagundam,
Somagudam and Bellampalli mines shows the following sorption capacity of coal seams as given
in the Table-

Sorption Capacity of Coal Seams, Godavari Valley Coalfield

Moisture equibrated gas
Area Seam Pressure (atm)
content m3 /t.

Ramagundam I 57.1 6.1

66.6 6.5

77.0 6.7

57.1 7.2

Somagudam Salarjung 66.6 7.5

76.9 7.7

57.1 6.8

Bellampalli Salarjung 66.6 7.2

76.9 7.6

Thus the gas storage capacity of seams in the depth range of 600m – 800m is between 6.5 to 7.7
m3 /t. The above data when viewed in conjunction with the limited desorption data generated on
coal samples in two boreholes show significant under saturation of coal up to 600m depth.
Samples from two boreholes drilled by SCCL, viz., Borehole No.R/GDK-10A/1014A drilled in
Ramagundam area and Borehole KK 107 drilled in Mandmari area of Somagudem show the
following gas-in-place values as given in the table below:

Desorption Data of Coal Seams, Godavari Valley Coalfield

Lost gas Desorbed Residual Total

Area Seam Depth
m3 /t gas m3 /t gas m3 /t gas m3 /t

III 570-573 0.30 1.22 0.49 2.01

Ramagundam IV 576-579 0.03 1.45 0.44 1.92

IV 579-582 0.045 1.03 0.46 1.535

III 0.07 1.23 0.40 1.70
III 0.12 1.41 0.25 1.78

The results of the above desorption studies may however, be viewed with caution, as the study
could not possibly calibrate the lost gas component properly and, therefore, the values estimated
could be lower than the actuals. However, even accepting a little higher value of gas content of
seams than that indicated by preliminary desorption studies, there is almost 50% under saturation
of gas in coal seams occurring within a depth of 600m as seen from adsorption curves. Similar
trend of undersaturation of gas in coal seams occurring in shallower depth has been recorded
even in gassy areas like Amlabad in Jharia coalfield. It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that
seams will be progressively gas saturated with deeper burial in the Godavari Valley basin. In
other words, the coals will sorb larger quantity of methane at deeper basin position.

Babu Rao and Sharma (2001) made an assessment of the gassiness of seams in the Godavari
Valley Gondwana basin. Their study indicated that average gas content of seam of
Ramagundam, Somagudam and Indaram area is of the order of 5.5cc/gm and for Dorli-
Bellampali the average value is 4.5cc/gm.

Keeping all the factors in view, the inertinite rich coals of Godavari Valley coalfield are likely to
be only moderately gassy. Vitrinite, in addition to its gas generating capacity has greater
proportion of micropores and hence more surface area and higher adsorption capacity. The
relatively lower Vitrinite content of coal of this area may reduce the sorption capacity to some
extent, though no consistent trends regarding the role of maceral composition on the adsorption
capacity is yet established. To sum up, it will be realistic to assume an average gas content of 4
m3 /t for Dorli-Bellampali area and 4.5 m 3 /t for Ramagunda &, Somagudam sectors keeping in
view the basin history of the area, the diffusive loss of gas and the under saturation on account of

Pre-Kamthi uplift. Hence, a conservative average figure of 4-4.5 m 3 /t of gas in seams will be
consistent with depositional environment and basin history.

The area is a gently sloping terrain and undulatory plains that are dotted with hillocks. The
Godavari river and a number of its tributaries drain the area. Overall, there is a dendritic pattern
of drainage. The ground water flows in response to the inclination of strata and regional
hydraulic gradient. The overall flow of ground water is towards the southeast.

The Barakar sediments show as many as 26 sandstone horizons separated by aquicludes like
clay, shale and coal seams. The sandstones are poor aquifers because of its compact, dense and
cemented nature. Therefore, vertical gravity drainage is of very low order. An examination of the
mines of the Godavari Valley coalfield reveals that a major part of seepage is from the
immediate roof of the coal seams. This seepage is not uniform all over the developed area but is
concentrated along faults, fractures and some bedding planes.

From an inventory of the existing open wells and bore wells, it is observed that depth to water
level during January ranges from 4.5 to 10.0m, while it fluctuates from 0.5 to 3.0m in monsoon
and from 4.5 to 10m in summer. The piezometric head in several areas ranges widely from free
flow conditions to 33 m below the ground level. The data indicate the presence of potential
artesian conditions in Dorli-Bellampalli and Somagudam area. It is inferred that the aquifer
system is of leaking type under unsteady state of flow. The hydraulic parameters of the aquifer
system is as follows :

Hydraulic Parameters of Aquifer System, Godavari Valley Coalfield

Ramagundam Area Somagudam Area

Transmissivity 2.10 – 40m2 /day 17.13 m2 /day

Hydraulic conductivity 1.23 x 10-1 to 6x10-2/day 1.42 x 10-1/day

Storativity 1 x 10-3 to 1.6x10-4 1.46 x 10-1

The inflow of water in different mines is given in the following Table:

Inflow of Water in Different Mines, Godavari Valley Coalfield
Dorli-Bellampalli Somagudam Ramagundam

970 m3 /d (GDK 10A
1080 m3 /d to incline)
3 3
613 m /d to 2045 m /d
4050 m3 /d To 4550 m3 /d
(GDK 1 incline)

The quality of ground water is assessed to be of potable quality and all the constituents of water
are within the norm

Previous Exploration Work

In view of the geological and economic importance of the Godavari valley Gondwana basin, it
has been mapped and studied by a number of apex organizations like Geological Survey of India,
Oil and Natural Gas Commission Singareni Coal Co. Ltd., (SCCL) etc. The Pioneering work in
this basin was carried out by W.T. Blanford, T.N.H. Hughes and William King (1859-1880). The
geological map of King still provides the basic knowledge on stratigraphy and structural
framework of the basin.

After a lapse of several decades, investigation for coal was taken up by Arogyaswamy (1942-44),
Narayanaswamy (1946) etc. of Geological Survey of India. Raja Rao (1982) described in detail
the stratigraphy, structure and coal seam occurrences of this basin. ONGC carried out
geophysical studies of the Godavari basin, prepared a tectonic map of this area and drilled a
parametric well. Besides, several workers studied stratigraphy and structure (Sastry et al. 1979,
Lakshminarayana et al. 1992), tectonism (Bandopadhyay and Mitra, 1977, Srinivasa Rao, 1987)
and coal occurrences of this basin (Ramanamurthy and Babu Rao, 1992). Ramanamurthy made a
comprehensive study of the geology of this basin, some of which were published in the IX
International Gondwana Symposium proceedings. The geological and structural map of this
coalfield was also compiled using the remotely sensed data (Rao et. Al 1994). The SCCL
geologists have contributed in proper appraisal of coal resources of this basin. The palynological
study of Gondwanas was carried out by the scientists of Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotony

Geophysical Information
The entire Godavari Valley Gondwana basin has been covered by gravity magnetic surveys.
Seismic refraction and reflection surveys have been conducted in Chintalpudi basin in the
southern part of this coalfield.

Gravity Survey

The Bouger anomaly maps clearly show well developed linear depressions (gravity low) and
high. The values of the contour vary from -10 mgal to –95 mgal (ONGC 1972-75) Fig. 22.
Broadly four sub-basins, viz, Godavari, Kothagudam, Chintalapudi and costal Krishna-Godavari
are identified based on the regional gravity survey. The Godavari sub-basin is the largest,
covering an area of 12350sq.km over a length of 220km. The contour values of gravity anomaly
vary from -40mgal to -95mgal in Godavari sub-basin and there is a general trend of gradual
deepening of the basin to the north east.

This depression is segmented into two basinal lows due to the presence of gravity high around
Chinnur inlier. In the Chinnur high, older Archaean and Pakhal rocks are exposed. The
considerable longitudinal extension of this gravity high in north-west south-east direction
suggests the existence of a buried ridge. The Paloncha ‘neck’ located in the southern part of
Godavari sub-basin owes it existence due to the basement high to the west of it. The
Kothagudam sub-basin is located between Godavari sub-basin in the north and Chintalapudi sub-
basin on its south. Gravity survey brought out a well-defined northwest –

southeast trending depression around Aswaraopet which has been described as Chintalapudi sub-

Seismic Survey
Seismic reflection and refraction data in Chintalapudi sub-basin has brought out that the velocity
boundaries at 2.4/3.3 km/sec, 3.3./4.0 km/sec and 4.0/5.8 km/sec and that depth to basement
varies from 100m to 3000m. The parametric well drilled in Aswaraopet in this sub-basin
intersected Lower Gondwanas comprising Talchir, Barakar, Raniganj and Kamthi formations
and touched the basement at a depth of 2935m.

Present Exploration status

During CBM round-III one block was awarded to a consortium of Coal Gas, DIL and Adinath in
Godavari North area and another block was awarded at KG(east) area to a consortium of
RIL,PRNL, Geopetrol. Exploration work is yet to be started in both the blocks


The Wardha Valley Coalfield lies in the north-western extremity of the Pranhita-Godavari
Valley master Gondwana basin. In fact, the part of this large Gondwana basin falling in the State
of Maharashtra is designated as Wardha Valley coalfield (Fig.23). The architecture of NW-SE
trending basin of the Wardha Valley coalfield is controlled by a number of sub-parallel faults
which have segmented the area into several horsts and grabens. Four fault bounded troughs are
delineated in this coalfield. Of these, the eastern trough covering Gauri-Sasti, Hindusthan-Lalpet,
Durgapur, Majra, as well as Mugoli, Niljai, Kolar-Pimpri, New Majri, etc. form an extensive
coal belt with variable thickness of Gondwana rocks. Accordingly, a CBM block has been carved
out in the eastern part of the Wardha Valley coalfield which is likely to have sizeable resource

Over a large part of the eastern coal belt of the Wardha Valley, a thick coal seam is developed in
the Barakar Formation. The seam is likely to extend at depth beneath the thick cover of Motur
and Kamthi rocks. It is presumed that

the thick seam buried below a thick pile of younger sediments may attain somewhat higher rank
and as such, may be a favourable target for CBM exploration/exploitation.

Earlier, very little attention was paid to study the gassiness of coal seams as underground mines
exploiting the thick seams did not record any significant evidence of emission of gas possibly
because of shallow depth of mines. But, the recent studies on petrology of the coal alongwith
adsorption isotherm curves generated for coal samples show that the seam/seams may store
moderate amount of gas

The Wardha Valley Coalfield is bounded by Latitudes 19 o 30' & 200 27' and Longitudes 780 50'
and 790 45' covered by Survey of India Topo-sheet Nos. 55 L, P & 56 I, M in the districts of
Chandrapur and Yeotmal in Maharashtra State (Fig.23).

General Geology And Stratigraphy

Gondwana sediments of the Godavari Valley extend towards north-west into the drainage area
of the Wardha river and its tributaries in the State of Maharashtra which is designated as Wardha
Valley – Gondwana basin. The Wardha Valley basin, however, does not display the complete
sequence of Upper Gondwana rocks as developed in the Godavari Valley. The Wardha basin,
thus, appears to be comparatively shallower than the adjoining Godavari Valley basin of Andhra
Pradesh. The basin fill in the Wardha Valley is formed of mainly Lower Gondwana sequence
comprising Talchir, Barakar, Motur and Kamthi formations. (Fig.24, 25) The generalised
geological sequence in the Wardha Valley Basin is given in Table-below and shown in Fig.26.

Stratigraphic succession of Wardha Valley coalfield
(After GSI)
Age Formation Lithology (Thickness)
Black cotton soil, sandy soil,
Recent Alluvium
kankar, laterite, etc. (20 m)
Upper Cretaceous
Deccan Trap Basalts (100 m)
to Eocene (?)
Limestone, Cherts and Silicified
Cretaceous Lameta
sandstone (50 m)
Maleri (only in the south-eastern Fine to medium grained sandstone
Upper Triassic
extremity) and red shales (100 m)
Red, brown and variegated
Upper Permian to sandstone, reddish siltstone and
Lower Triassic variegated shales, thin coal bands
Medium to fine grained variegated
Middle Permian Motur sandstone, variegated clays, and
shales (300m)
Light grey to white sandstones,
Lower Permian Barakar
shales and coal seams (400 m)
Greenish to dark grey shale and
Carboniferous (?) Talchir
sandstone (200m)
to Lower Permian
White to light brown, fine to
Sullavai coarse grained sandstone,
Vindhyan sandstone conglomerates (thickness not
Proterozoic estimated)
Pakhal Grey, bluish, pinkish limestone
limestone (thickness not estimated)
Archaean Metamorphics Gneisses & schists
Archean Formation
The Archean metamorphics are comprise predominantly granite gneisses and impersistent bands
of quartzite.

Vindhyan Group

Pakhal Limestone
The formation consists of limestones displaying a wide array of colours. The massive variety has
a characteristic bluish hue and shows elephant skin weathering. The bedded variety is usually
pink and thin bedded.

The Sullavai Sandstone

The Sullavai Sandstone is mainly quartzitic in nature and comprises whitish to light brown, fine
to coarse grained sandstones. The sandstones show a greater degree of metamorphism than the
overlying Gondwana sediments. Interstratified with the sandstones are thin bands of
conglomerate with pebbles of vein quartz, jasper, hematite, etc.

Talchir Formation
Talchir Formation comprise predominantly thinly laminated green shales and cross bedded, fine
to medium-grained sandstones .The basal tillite overlying the limestone bed rock is composed of
clasts of limestones, granites, quartzites, jasper and shales.

Barakar Formation
The coal bearing Barakar Formation rests conformably on the Talchir Formation in the Wardha
Valley. Compared to the large areal extent of this Gondwana basin, the exposures of Barakar
beds are rather few and the outcrops are found in only narrow disconnected patches in widely
separated areas. In northwestern extremity of the basin, a narrow strip of Barakar Formation is
exposed in the Chinchala area. The exposures in the area comprise essentially sandstones which
are generally felspathic and coarse-grained. At places, pebbles (0.5-2 cm in size) are dispersed in
coarse-grained sandstones. The ferruginous nodules, which are subrounded in outline, are
frequently associated with the sandstones.
Subsurface information from the borehole data shows that the Barakar Formation comprises
mainly medium to coarse grained sandstones with intercalations of grey and carbonaceous
shales, sandy shales and coal seams. The sandstones are usually felspathic and light grey to
greyish white in colour. The lower portion of Barakar Formation is mainly composed of fine
grained grey sandstones with shale and occasional coal bands. The middle part of this formation
shows conspicuous development of coal seams. The upper part of the formation is composed
predominantly of medium to coarse grained sandstones with some shale and clay inter-bands.
Exploratory drilling has proved that a part of Upper Barakar Formation as well as the overlying
Motur Formation is often denuded off during the pre-Kamthi erosion. As for example, in
Ghugus Colliery area, only a maximum of 26.7 m of strata of top Barakar Formation above the
composite coal seam have escaped denudation, while in Ballarpur area, 124 m to 194 m thick

strata above the main coal seam is preserved. In Ghugus area, this erosional contact is defined by
a zone of weathering, leaching and ferrugination. The Barakar coal measures have been
overlapped by Kamthi beds due to unconformable relation more conspicuously on the up dip side
and over a wide stretch from Durgapur to Ballarpur no coal seam is exposed on the surface due
to the Kamthi overlap. The subcrop of the seam is encountered below a column of Kamthi beds
varying in thickness from 20 m to 100 m. At places, Kamthi Formation completely overlaps the
Barakar Formation and rests over basal Talchir sediments. In short, the pre-Kamthi erosion has
removed the records of upper-most part of Barakar Formation and the overlying Motur sequence
to a large extent especially near the western periphery of CBM Block.
In the eastern part of the coalfield, a composite seam, which is 17 m to 20 m thick, is developed
in the middle part of the Barakar sequence. A maximum thickness of 200 m of strata is recorded
above the main seam. These are composed of mostly fine to coarse grained sandstone with a
number of shales and a few thin coal and carbonaceous shale bands. Below the coal seam
another 200-250 m of strata have been proved in the boreholes and these are composed of mostly
fine to medium grained sandstones. In Rayatwari Colliery, the strata overlying the coal seam are
eroded and Middle Barakars are overlapped by Kamthi Formation on the up dip side. Further
south in Ballarshah(Ballarpur) area, a good section of Barakar Formation is exposed along the
banks of the Wardha river. A total thickness of about 150 m of strata is found here. The bottom
part of this contains carbonaceous shales and ferruginous sandstones.
In the southeastern extremity of the belt, outcrops of Barakar beds are again found in the vicinity
of Wirur. The outcrops mostly comprise whitish, felspathic sandstones. Further south, in
Antargaon area, they are fawn coloured and are sometimes confused with the Kamthi sandstones.

Motur Formation
This formation comprises dominantly of plastic mottled clays of variegated colours and fine to
coarse grained chloritic sandstones. The top and bottom portions of Moturs are composed of
clays while the middle portion shows alternation of sandstones and shales. A few carbonaceous
shales with thin bands of clay are also developed at places in the lower part of the formation.

Kamthi Formation
The nature of Barakar-Kamthi unconformity is of crucial importance not only to the
stratigraphers but also for coal exploration. This hiatus occurred in the Upper Permian period
when parts of the record of Motur and Barakar sedimentation was eroded due to basinal uplift
and sub-aerial weathering.

Major part of Wardha Valley coalfield exposes the beds of Kamthi Formation. Usually, the
sandstones are dull brownish yellow to brownish red in colour and medium to coarse-grained.

Locally, granules and pebbles of quartzite are also dispersed in these sandstones. The sandstones
are usually porous and friable and better sorted than those of Barakar Formation. Some flaggy
sandstones are micaceous in nature. The Kamthi sandstones are inter-bedded with variegated
shales showing a wide range of colours as red, grey, cream or even white. Some of the clays are
slightly bentonitic, while a few clay bands are silicified and stand out as prominent ridges in an
otherwise flat terrain. Kamthi Formation has yielded plant fossils, particularly from the silicified
sandstones. They include Phyllotheca indica, Vertebraria indica, Glossopteris indica,
Glossopteris stricta, Gangamopteris cyclopteroides and Taeniopteris, etc. A very important
fossil locality is in the neighbourhood of Mangli, in the northern extremity of Wardha Valley
basin, 56 kms NW of Chandrapur. It was the quarries of Mangli, which furnished to Rev. Hislop,
the first Labyrynthodont Amphibian fossil "Brachyops Laticeps" which was discovered, from a
horizon about 200 m above the base of Kamthi Formation. Mangli quarries have also yielded
estherids named Estheria mangliensis. Based on vertebrate fauna and the estherids in Mangli
beds, the upper unit of Kamthi Formation is tentatively correlated with Panchet Formation (Lr.
Triassic.) It is therefore, obvious that Kamthi Formation in Wardha Valley spans in age from
Upper Permian to Lower Triassic.

Maleri Formation
These sandstones are whitish in colour and calcareous in nature. Inter-bedded with sand stones
are reddish to deep brown shales with calcareous concretions.

Lameta Formation
This formation comprises predominantly marls and limestones. The marls are white, red or
brown in colour and are earthy looking. The limestones are bluish in colour and have a few
nodular structures.

Deccan Trap
The Gondwana sediments of the Wardha Valley are overlain by Deccan Trap flows in the north
western margin of the basin. They comprise mainly basalt flows with occasional inter-trappean

The overall structural setting of the Wardha Valley Gondwana basin depicts typical rift structure
with a mosaic of sub-parallel horsts and graben structures. The major basinal trough is located in
the eastern part of the rift zone. Three other narrow linear fault-bounded strips of Lower
Gondwana rocks occur to the west of the main trough (Fig.24)

In the main trough located to the east (Fig.2) the Gondwana sediments show a NNW plunging
regional anticlinal structure. The core of the anticlinal structure is occupied by basement rock and
overlying Talchir Formation. The trend of the Barakar Formation is governed by the anticlinal
structure in this part of the Wardha Valley Coalfield. Barakar Formation with one thick seam viz;
Composite seam occurs in both the eastern and western limbs of the anticlinal structure.

Since the major part of the coalfield is overlain by the younger formations viz;, Kamthi Formation,
Deccan Trap and Alluvium, the structure of the basin has been deciphered mainly on the basis of
subsurface data. The general trend of Barakar Formation in the eastern limb of the anticline is
NNW-SSE with an easterly dip except in the part of Bhandak area in the north where, the trend
takes an east-west swing, following the outcrop of Talchir. The southern extremity of the eastern
limb of the anticline exhibits a major swing and abuts against older formations due to faulting.
The general dip in this limb is 8 o to 14o towards east. However, the dip is much shallower i.e. 2-4 o
in the localized anticlinal swing around Ballarpur-Sasti-Gauri. Wirur-Chincholi coal bearing area
further to the south is separated from Gauri-Sasti sector of the eastern limb by a zone of tectonic
disjunct. A marked contrast in structural setting of these two adjacent segments of the basin may be
related to some basement protuberance with complex fault pattern. The structural setting of
Barakar strata further south in Wirur-Chincholi block is similar to that of the adjacent Godavari
Valley Coalfield with NNW-SSE trend which shows a discordance in the structural style of
Gondwanas with that of Sasti-Gauri area further to the north.

Recent exploration in the dipside of the eastern limb indicated the presence of major faults
resulting in the occurrence of coal seam at relatively shallow depths due to large up-throw.
Agarzari and Lohara are two such upthrown blocks in the dip-side of the eastern limb. Lohara
block is characterized by a NE - SW to E-W strike with southerly dip whereas Agarzari block
has WNW-ESE trend with easterly dip.

A general idea of the pattern of development of Gondwana sequence and the lay and disposition of
Barakar coal seam in the eastern part of the Wardha basin can be made from Fig.27.

The western limb of anticlinal structure has been proved from New Majri in the north through
Kolar Pimpri – Niljai – Ghugus to Mugoli in the south where it terminates against the
Precambrian rocks. The general trend of beds in the western limb is NNW-SSE with westerly dip
of 5 – 18o.

It is apparent from the sub-surface data that the anticlinal structure widens in southern part of the
main basin and probably due to faulting, terminates against older formation. However, in the
northern part of the anticlinal structure, the two limbs come closer because of northwesterly plunge
and continue further northwards beyond the known limit of the coalfield below the Deccan Trap.

Three separate narrow coal bearing grabens are recorded further west of the main trough of the
Wardha Valley Coalfield. The trend of these grabens is broadly NW-SE sub-parallel to the main
trough. These grabens are separated from each other and from the main trough by uplifted Pre-
Cambrian horsts. These subsidiary grabens are (i) Rajur-Chinchala (ii) Ghonsa-Kumbarkhani
and (iii) Marki-Mangli from east to west. The Barakar Formation in Rajur-Chinchala and Ghonsa-
Kumbarkhani grabens has NW-SE to NNW-SSE trend with westerly dips. The Marki-Mangli
graben consists of small isolated sub-basin with varying strike and dip. All these three narrow
grabens are limited in extent towards south while extending further north below the Deccan Trap.

The Wardha Valley Gondwana basin displays evidence of extensional tectonism which has
resulted in the formation of NW-SE trending sub-parallel fault system. Some intra-basinal NE-SW
and E-W trending faults are also recorded.

Sequence Of Coal Seams

The Wardha Valley Coalfield has large areal extent but only limited areas have been explored to
assess the coal potentiality. Because of structural setting of the coalfield, the exploitability of
coal seams of Barakar Formation is further restricted to shallower sub-crop region of the coal
seam upto a maximum depth of around 300 m. Very little information is available on the pattern
of development of coal seams in the areas covered by thick Kamthi rocks.

The coal seams in the Wardha Valley are disposed in four linear troughs viz.: Main trough
comprising of eastern and western limbs of an anticlinal flexture and three NW-SE trending
grabens viz. (1) Rajur-Chinchala, (2) Ghonsa-Kumbharkhani, and (3) Marki-Mangli. The coal
bearing Barakar Formation of the Wardha Valley Coalfield is overlapped mostly by younger
Formations like Kamthi Formation, Deccan Trap, Alluvium etc. and the coal seams do not
outcrop on the surface. The information available regarding coal seams is entirely based on
borehole data.

Main Trough
The structural setup of the main trough shows a broad anticlinal structure and the Barakar coal
measures are developed on the either limb of the anticline. The eastern coal bearing limb
stretches from Gauri-Sasti block in the South to Belgaon block in the north and the western coal

bearing limb extends from Mugoli Block in the south to Yekona block in the north. The main
trough is characterized by the presence of a single Composite seam with thickness ranging from
15 m to 24 m. This Composite seam which occurs in the middle portion of Barakar Formation is
divisible into 2-3 coal rich sections in the eastern limb and 2 sections in the western limb.
Generally, the middle and lower sections of the Composite seam are rich in coal layers whereas,
the upper part is intercalated with shale and carbonaceous shale bands. (Fig. 28, 29)

The Composite coal seam of main basin has attained maximum thickness in the central part of
the area. Towards north, gradual thinning and splitting of coal seam with increase in the
thickness of intervening partings between coal rich section (Majra-Belgaon blocks) have been
noticed. In the southern part of the area from Wirur-Chincholi to Rajura sectors, the sequence
and disposition of coal seams is more akin to that of the Godavari Valley coalfield. The sequence
of coal seams in the main trough is furnished in the Table below

General sequence of coal seams in the Main trough of Wardha Valley coalfield
General thickness range (m)
Eastern limb Western limb

Composite Seam

i) Top Section 0.6-7.2 2.3-13.2

ii)Middle Section 3.5-12.2 -

iii)Bottom Section 1.3-11.2 3.3-11.5

As mentioned above, the southernmost part of the Wardha Valley Coalfield shows the continuity
of coal seams of the Godavari Valley. Thus, the sequence of coal seams in this area is different
from that of the northern part of main trough. Here, several thin coal seams are developed. The
generalized coal seam sequence in this area is given in Table below

Generalised coal seam sequence in Wirur-Chincholi area,

Wardha Valley coalfield
Seam Thickness range (m)
Seam-X 0.07
Parting 22.84
Seam-IX 0.30-1.37
Parting 11.01-22.60
Seam-VIII 0.10-2.13
Parting 15.86-22.38
Seam-VII 0.11-2.11
Parting 12.25-29.83
Seam-VI 0.07-1.71
Parting 18.61-29.24
Seam-V 0.06-2.27
Parting 31.36-46.28
Seam-IV 0.10-3.37
Parting 0.86-8.41
Seam-III 0.12-2.62
Parting 7.62-16.27
Seam-II 0.05-1.38
Parting 19.89-20.90
Seam-I 0.09-0.33
The proximate analysis of coal seams of the Wardha Valley shows that the seams are high in
moisture (5-11%), have variable ash content (22-33%). The Bottom section of the composite
seam is relatively better in quality while Top and Middle sections are of high ash content. The
analytical data are furnished in the Table below

Proximate analysis of coal seams
in the main trough of Wardha Valley coalfield
At 60% RH and 40 oC
Seam Easterm Limb Western Limb
M% A% VM% M% A% VM%
Composite Seam
i) Top
4.9- 9.4 21.5-40.6 23.7-30. 4.5-10.6 19.4-37.9 22.5- 28.0
ii) Middle
5.7-11.9 16.2-28.5 24.9-31.5 - - -
iii) Bottom
5.5-11.9 14.0-35.4 25.1-31.5 3.6-9.2 16.9-35.6 21.9- 30.1

Rajur-Chinchala Graben
Rajur-Chinchala graben is located to the west of Main trough. It is linear coal bearing NW-SE
trending belt. The coal-bearing area proved in this graben extends from Chikalgaon block in the
SE to Pisgaon block in the NW. This graben is characterized by the presence of two coal seams
viz. Major Seams (divisible into 4 sections) and Minor Seam. The sequence of coal seams in the
Rajur - Chinchala graben is furnished in the Table-below.

Generalised sequence of coal seams in the Rajur-Chinchala graben of

Wardha Valley coalfield
Coal Seam/Parting Thickness Range (m)
Major Seam
Section- I 0.16-3.70
Section -II 0.12-3.66
Section -III 0.93-3.30
Section -IV 0.64-4.26
Parting 10-15
Minor Seam 0.23-3.84

The proximate analysis of seams indicate the following quality parameters:-

Proximate analysis of coal seams in Rajur-Chinchala graben

of Wardha Valley coalfield
Seam At 60% RH & 40oC

M% Ash% VM%

Major Seam

Section-I 5.4-10.9 22.5-48.4 23.7-28.4

Section-II 6.6-9.9 16.6-42.9 19.7-29.3

Section-III 6.6-9.9 13.7-37.6 24.1-30.4

Section IV 6.7-11.2 13.0-33.6 24.1-33.1

Minor Seam 4.6-10.9 9.3-48.3 22.3-29.5

Ghonsa-Kumberkhani Graben:
Ghonsa-Kumberkhani graben represent linear coal bearing trough lying to the west of Rajur-
Chinchala graben. Two coal seams viz: Seam-I & Seam-II have been found to have developed in
this graben. The generalized sequence of the seams is given in Table below.

Generalised sequence of coal seams in the Ghonsa-Kumberkhani graben of

Wardha Valley coalfield
Coal Seam/Parting Thickness Range (m)

Seam-II 2.8-6.3

Parting 10-15

Seam-I 0.85-3.50

The proximate analysis of seams indicate the following parameters-

Proximate analysis of coal seams in Ghonsa-Kumberkhani graben of

Wardha Valley coalfield
Seam M% Ash% VM%

Seam-II 7.7-9.4 19.1-29.3 25.9-28.2

Seam-I 6.3-10.6 14.3-37.1 22.8-29.4

Marki-Mangli Graben
This is the westernmost faulted graben in the Wardha Valley coalfield. It is characterized by the
presence of two seams viz. Seam-I and Seam-II. This graben is characterized by several small
isolated shallow coal deposits. Thickness of Upper Seam viz. Seam-II varies from 0.47 to 3.95 m
whereas, the Lower Seam-I has thickness to the range of 0.30 m to 4.05 m. These two seams are
separated by a parting upto about 4 m.
The Proximate analysis of seams is given below :-

Proximate analysis of coal seams in Marki-Mangli graben of

Wardha Valley coalfield
Seam At 60% RH & 40oC

M% Ash% VM%

Seam-II 6.1-9.5 21.9-37.8 24.0-31.6

Seam-I 6.3-8.7 18.7-40.0 22.0-30.0

Petrological Character of Coal

Strategies of exploration of CBM require an understanding of the factors leading to accumulation
of methane in coal seams. Coal type and rank are the most traditional factors in determining the
gassiness of seams. During the later stages of coalification (e.g. formation of high Volatile
bituminous rank), methane generation begins in a significant manner. The methane yield is also
influenced to some extent by maceral composition of coal. Successful methane exploration
programme therefore, requires a proper understanding of the petrological character of coal. For
this purpose, limited data available on maceral composition and vitrinite reflectance of coals
from this basin are presented in the table below.

Coal petrographic composition (volume %) and vitrinite reflectance values of coal seams of
Wardha Valley coalfield
Mineral Ro%
Colliery Vitrinite Liptinite Inertinite
Matter (max.)

Rayatwari 34-48 6-10 39-46 7-10 0.5-0.66

17-40 5-8 42-56 10-22 0.52-0.62

Ballarpur 31-47 6-7 42-48 6-15 0.6-0.7

Sasti 34-52 4.8-21.6 23.8-29.7 13-20 0.51-0.53

Majri 28 3-6 50-53 14-19 0.54-0.62

Ghugus 22-42 13-18 44-48 10-15 0.55-0.6

Durgapur 20-70 6-23 4-38 11-30 0.5-0.7

In Durgapur Opencast mine where detailed petrological studies has been carried out, the
Composite seam splits into Top, Middle and Bottom sections shows variable vitrinite content of
20-76%, liptinite content of 2-27% and inertinite content of 4-38%. The Sasti mines samples
record 42-60.2% vitrinite, 5.5 to 27.0% liptinite and 30-34.3% inertinite. The coals correspond
to vitric to mixed type in maceral make-up. The coals are richer in Telocollinite with subordinate
amount of Desmocollinite. Sporinite and lipto-detrinite are the main constituents of the liptinite
group of macerals. Inertinites comprise mostly semi-fusinite, fusinite sclerotinite, inerto-detrinite
and micrinite. Visible mineral matter is mostly composed of clay minerals. Thus, the coals of the
Wardha Valley are likely to have suitable capacity for methane sorption as seen in the Bowen
basin in Eastern Australia.

Rank Parameter
A few vitrinite reflectance data of the seam samples from different mines show that seams at
shallow depth or in the subcrop zone contains coals of low to moderate rank with vitrinite
reflectance varying from 0.50 to 0.66%. Occasionally some sections of the Composite seam
record high reflectance value of 0.70%. The coals by and large correspond to high volatile
bituminous 'C' rank locally increasing to high volatile bituminous 'B' category as evident from
the following table.
Rank of Wardha Valley coals in different mines
Rank parameters
Colliery Carbon %
depth range(m) UVM% Ro (max)

Rayatwari 40-250 38-41 79-81 0.50-0.66

40-280 38-40 80-81 0.52-0.62

Ballarpur 35-270 38-41 79-82 0.6-0.7

Sasti 35-240 38-41 79-81 0.51-0.53

Durgapur 40-300 38-42 78-81 0.50-0.70

Note : The above depth range is for mine working as precise depth of sampling point is not

As the onset of thermally generated methane begins at about a mean vitrinite reflectance of
0.60% (R.C. Johnson and R.M. Flores, 1998, Developmental Geology of Coal bed methane
from shallow to deep in Rocky Mountain basins and in Cook inlet – Matamuska basin, Alaska,
USA and Canada, International Journal of Coal Geology 35, p.241-282), the coals occurring
even in shallow depth have attained the threshold of thermogenic methane generation. With
deeper burial, the coal seams will attain a higher rank than recorded near the sub-crop zone and
will have the potential for generation of significant amount of thermogenic methane.

Resources of coal
The Geological Survey of India has estimated resources of coal of the Wardha Valley Coalfield
taking into consideration the data of regional and detailed exploration. These resources have
been estimated upto a maximum depth of 600 m though the coal seams are likely to continue
beyond this depth. The reserves estimated by the G.S.I. in Wardha Valley Coalfield upto 600 m
depth is 5094.60 Mt (as on 01.01.2002).

Gas Content
The Wardha Valley Gondwana basin shows development of a thick Composite Seam in the
Barakar Formation which is being exploited at shallow depths by a number of operating mines.
However, substantial reserves of coal occur in the deeper part of the basin which may not be
mined in foreseeable future. It is, therefore, felt appropriate to explore the possibility of
extracting methane from the deep-seated coal seams particularly in the eastern part of the
Unlike the coalfields of the Damodar Valley basin, Wardha Valley Coalfield has no record of
emission of gas in underground mines. Nor are there any evidence of seepage of gas from fault,
fissures or from abandoned boreholes. As such, no tests were conducted earlier to test the
gassiness of coal seams of this basin. Therefore, to ascertain the gas content of seams occurring
in deeper part of the basin, one has to rely on indirect evidences as rank, sorption capacity of
coal, etc. These studies, no doubt give an idea of how much gas the seams can hold but provide
no direct clues on gas-in-place resources under the present day reservoir conditions.

At the very outset, it can be observed that the coals of Wardha Valley correspond to high volatile
bituminous B to high volatile bituminous C category and are generally of moderate to low rank.
The vitrinite reflectance of coals within 150 m depth normally vary from 0.5 to 0.7%. Such coals
fall normally in the early thermogenic methane generation field.]

Further, it is now established that in coals rich in desmocollenite and liptinite (as observed in
Wardha Valley coalfield), methane generation commences at vitrinite relfectance level of 0.6%.
It is, therefore, not unlikely that the coals of the Wardha Valley have attained the threshold of
thermogenic methane generation.
The adsorption isotherm of a sample from one working colliery depict moderate sorption
capacity of the seam (Fig.30). The moisture equilibrated gas sorption capacity of the seam is 5.1-
5.7 m3/t at 66.8-80.7 atm pressure.
The coal seams of the Wardha basin show well developed cleat system in orthogonal sets
(Fig.31). This may have an important bearing on CBM productivity.

In making the estimation of gas content of coals of the Wardha Valley, the burial history of Gondwana
sediments in this basin is to be kept in view. A major unconformity is recorded between Barakar and
Kamthi formations in this basin. At this phase, there is record of uplift and erosion. It is quite likely that
coal seams might have desorbed gas during this phase of upliftment and accordingly become unsaturated
to some extent. It is not possible to quantify the degree of under-saturation in the absence of desorption
data from this coalfield.

Hydrogeolgy of Wardha Valley Coalfield

The Wardha Valley coalfield comprises semi-consolidated stratified, sedimentary rocks of
Gondwana group. Amongst these formations, Kamthis and Barakars contain mostly sandstone
where as Moturs and Talchirs are predominantly clay/shale with thin sandstone bands. Normally
the sandstone horizons serve as aquifer material and impervious clay/shale beds act as
aquicludes. The Kamthi and Barakar formations possess moderate porosity (primary). However
the secondary porosity plays significant role in ground water occurrence and movement.
Ground water exists under both confined/semiconfined and unconfined conditions. The
unconfined aquifer is mostly in soil/detrital mantle whereas the confined /semiconfined aquifer
lies at greater depths in Kamthi, Motur and Barakar formations. The unconfined aquifer
generally extends up to a depth of 20m below ground level and is tapped by dug-wells. Depth to
water table in this aquifer ranges form 1.0 m to 19.0m bgl in pre-monsoon season. The elevation
of water table varies form 230m (north western part) to 160m (south eastern sector) above MSL
with an average hydraulic gradient of 3.6 x 10-3

The ground water flow is towards the river Wardha and its tributaries thereby confirming the
effluent nature of the river. The peripheral area of the coalfield is

the recharge zone where as the discharge belt is in the area of hydraulic lows and natural drains.
The recharge in this coalfield is computed to be around 10% of normal rainfall. The potentiality
of the unconfined aquifer is poor to moderate. The hydraulic conductivity generally varies form
2.0m/day to 6.0m/day.

The semi-confined nature of the deep aquifer is established in major part of the coalfield in view
of the leakage form the overlying formation/aquifer with or without impervious clay bed in
between the two aquifers. The aquifer in Lower Barakars is also expected to be under confined
condition in the dip side due to overlying composite coal seam. The semi-confined aquifer in
Kamthis possess better ground water potential in comparison to Upper Barakars. The highest
potential is observed in Kamthis in the eastern limb of the Wardha Valley coalfield around
Lohara, Durgapur and Bhatadi villages where the hydraulic conductivity ranges from 18m/day
to 32m/day. The ground water potential in general is poor to very poor in Lower Barkars with
some exceptions where, the Kamthis directly overlap and recharge the Lower Barakars. The
Moturs have little/no hydrogeological significance as potential aquifer expect acting as a
separating medium between Kamthis and Barakars.

The ground water potential and parameters of the semi-confined aquifer in different formations
in the coalfield are furnished below.
Transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and storage co-efficient of different aquifers in
Wardha Valley coalfield
Aquifer Transmissivity Hydraulic conductivity in Specific yield/Storage
in m2/day m/day coefficient
Source bed 3.65-15 0.15 0.003-0.007
Kamthi 7.7-1257 0.18-31.82 0.001-0.047
Barakar 57-242 0.81-4.75 0.003-0.015
Barakar 11.9-107.7 0.15-3.53 0.002-0.023
Upper Barakar 2.41-120 0.02-2.12 9.8x10-5-7.7x10-2

Coal* 0.13-0.44 0.01-0.03 7.2x10-5

Lower Barakar 0.71-22.4 0.009-0.19 2.3x10-4-2.0x10-2
* Aquiclude
It may be relevant to highlight here that the hydraulic conductivity values of aquifers are higher
near to the sub-crop zones and diminish with distance and depth of the aquifers, the reason being
the loose and fragile natures of the formations near the sub-crop zone and increase in
compactness of the rock with depth.

Exploratory work carried out

The Wardha Valley coalfield has largely been covered by gravity, resistivity, seismic refraction
and magnetic surveys by Geological Survey of India(GSI). The Bouguer anomaly map (Fig.32)
of the coalfield shows negative values ranging from -30 to – 65 mgal. The general trend of
contour follows NNW to NW direction which is also the regional geological strike as well as
tectonic trend with some interruption by E-W trends of local nature. The negative closures of
the gravity anomalies indicate five well defined sedimentary sub-basins centred around (i) Itoli
(ii) Sawari (iii) Bhalar (iv) Kolampad and (v) Khambad

The thickness of sediments in Itoli sub-basin upto the Pre-cambrian basement is estimated to
be greater than 2 km. while in Sawari, Bhalar and Kolampad, it ranges between 1.5 and 2
km. Based on the indications available from a few regional boreholes drilled by GSI, it can be
postulated that coal seam may occur at a depth of 300 - 1200 m in this sub-basin.

The Bouguer gravity picture clearly brings out eastern boundary fault as evident from the close
contour intervals near the basin periphery.

The residual separation of gravity data reveal that some of the existing coal mines lies in the
western margin of Itoli low which is less steeper than the eastern margin. The deepest Barakars -
basement contact could be expected near east of Kothari village corresponding to Residual
anomaly of - 10 mgal in Itoli sub-basin.

The resistivity survey indicates that the cumulative thickness of Kamthis and underlying Lower
Gondwana sediments may be 1.1 to 1.3 km. near Junana areas which confirms the presence of
Barakars at greater depth in central part of Itoli basin. The Kamthis directly overlies Talchir at
Kelzar in the east while in the

south near Aksapur, the Kamthis directly overlie Pre-Cambrians. This shows significant
overlap of Kamthi rocks near the eastern basin periphery. Seismic velocity interpreted over
surface exposures in the area in respect of Quaternary, Deccan Trap, Kamthi, Barakar, Talchir
and Vindhyan ranges from 300-1000, 4800-5200, 2500-2900, 2800-3200, 3500-3800, and 2400-
6000 meter per second respectively. Magnetic surveys were conducted in parts of the Wardha
basin. The magnetic method has not been useful probably due to presence of highly magnetic
Deccan Trap & ferruginous material in Lower Gondwanas to confirm the structural pattern of the
basin as deciphered by Gravity survey. The study of geophysical borehole logs of the Wardha
Valley coalfield clearly illustrates the presence of carbonaceous horizons as evident from
prominent low on SP, Natural Gamma and Neutron logs while relatively high values on
Resistance, Resistivity, Gamma - Gamma and Acoustic logs. Owing to the low density of coal,
Gamma - Gamma i.e. density log, is an ideal parameter for delineation of coal and evaluation of
seam quality.

Present CBM Exploration Status

One CBM block was offered to ONGC during second CBM round at wardha valley. Two core
holes were drilled in that block.


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Well completion Reprt. (Chennai)

Directorate General of 2005 Information Docket, Godavari Valley coal

Hydrocarbon field,Andhra Pradesh CBM round- III

Directorate General of 2003 Information Docket, wardha Valley coal

Hydrocarbon field,Maharashtra CBM round- II


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