Preparatoria Municipal de Nuevo Laredo. "José Vasconcelos"
Preparatoria Municipal de Nuevo Laredo. "José Vasconcelos"
Preparatoria Municipal de Nuevo Laredo. "José Vasconcelos"
y sus
: Daniel
Beltrán 1
1. Dead zone of the Gulf of Mexico - Atlantic
Ocean ADVERTISING Water from farms in
Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri,
Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississipi, and
Louisiana flows into the Atlantic Ocean
producing a phenomenon called the dead zone.
with a density of 200 thousand pieces of
garbage per square kilometer in some sectors.
3. Great Pacific Garbage Island - Pacific Ocean
It is estimated that this large island has an area
that is calculated from 700 thousand square
kilometers (larger than countries such as
Afghanistan or Ecuador) to 15 million square
kilometers (the only country that exceeds it is
Russia). This island of garbage attracts waste
from the shores of North America and Asia.
4. Indian Ocean An island of garbage was
discovered in the Indian Ocean in 2010. Plastic
and chemical waste make it up and it is the
third highest concentration of garbage in the
5. Mediterranean Sea It is considered the most
polluted in the world. The United Nations
estimated that 650 million tons of sewage, 129
thousand tons of mineral oil, 60 thousand tons
of mercury, 3,800 tons of lead and 36,000 tons
of phosphates are discharged each year. It
would take 100 years for its waters to be
cleaned and renewed according to
6. Caribbean Sea Oil spills, overfishing,
pollution and climate change are killing marine
life in the Caribbean Sea.
7. Baltic Sea Its contamination has caused the
marine species in the Baltic Sea to be below
normal levels. Species such as Baltic herring
have been put on warning lists. Its consumption
can harm health. The death zone of the Gulf of
Mexico. The death zone of the Gulf of
Mexico.Trash thrown into the sea accumulates
on ever larger islands.