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Hicks 1

Austin Hicks
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
10 Nov. 2016
Service Research
Dredging is an important part of the coastal waters all around the world because it has
both its bads and its goods. Dredging is good for fisherman and small fishing villages and also
for small shipping ports to grow to hold biggers boats which then can change the rate of money
flow. Dredging it bad for the environment and can destroy natural habitats for rare species and
also it can kill of some small organisms that some fish eat and then the fish cant eat and it
affects the food chain and it can sometimes lead to us
As development of South Carolinas coastline continues, erosion presents a major
problem especially on our barrier islands which support valuable residential properties and large
portion of the state's tourism industry. Beach nourishment, the placement of sand onto eroding
beaches, provides protection for beachfront property and restores the recreational value of
beaches, but its impact on coastal ecosystems is complex and varies depending on the animals
and location. Dredging results in long term negative changes in sediment characteristics, the
borrow pit filled with md and sand, and biological communities in the borrow areas.
The federal government should rethink the wisdom of spending money to renourish
beaches as the sea levels rise and and coastal property in the Carolinas become increasingly close
to the water's edge and is also causing some people to leave. Communities spend millions of
dollars renourishing beaches. After every major hurricane people feel as if they need to renourish
the beaches and put the sand back on the beaches. What people are not realizing is that the water

Hicks 2

level is rising and is one day going to wipe out all the housing and tourism ocean front. Beach
renourishment is not always good for mother nature, mother nature has its own ways of dealing
with problems and adaptation to the new buildings and houses on the beaches and river sides.
Dredging projects dig up sand from offshore, then dump it on beaches. Thats potentially
affecting the sea life and animals that live on beaches.
Thirty years of monitoring surveys and shoreline erosion studies along South Carolina
coast shows that artificial beach nourishment and the natural process of inlet shoal bypassing
have advanced the shoreline along most o f the developed beaches and barrier islands. South
Carolina inlets in shown to play an important role in preserving the littoral sand budget,
maintaining large sand reservoirs for bypassing and helping maintain the developed beaches in
the United States. Low rates of erosion in other areas, such as the Grand Strand, combined with
large scale nourishments have advanced those beaches well beyond historic conditions.
Dredging the waterways and the inlets are bad for the environment. They do a lot of
damage on the ecosystem and potentially can cut the food chains main source which is small
organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean floor. If the ocean floor and the small organisms
are destroyed then the food chain will crumble and eventually disappear. For humans that means
we could lose all suspects of the fishing environment.

Word Cited

Hicks 3, By Sammy. "Coastal Geologist Criticizes Beach Renourishment Efforts, including in
SC." Thestate. Thestate, 16 Aug. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

Traynum, Steven B., Mr. "The Physical Condition of South Carolina Beaches 1980-2010." BEACH erosion BEACH
nourishment SEA level -- Environmental aspects SHORELINES SAND bypassing BEACHES -- South Carolina.
Journal of Coastal Research. 2013 Special Issue 69, P61-83. 23p. 4 Black and White Photographs, 2 Charts, 3
Graphs, 14 Maps. Coastal Reasearch, 21 Oct. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012.

Crowe, Stacie E., Ms. "Physical and Biological Alterations Following Dredging in Two Beach Nourishment Borrow
Areas in South Carolina's Coastal Zone." Http://
direct=true&db=aqh&AN=116973215&site=eds-live&authtype=uid. Ebscohost, 21 Sept. 2016. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.

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