Unit Overview Content Area: Science Grade Level: 1 Grade

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Saint Francis University

Education Department

Physical Science

Standards-Aligned Unit Planning Process-Domain I

1. Unit Overview Content Area: Science
Grade Level: 1st grade
1a. Brief description of the unit of study Physical Properties help us to understand the world. In this unit students will learn and begin to
understand the physical property changes during matter. We will spend time going over the
Properties and the States of Matter. The students will be hands on learning during most of the
lessons and will be asked to get involved and participate.
1b. Grade level standard(s) to be addressed in 3.2.1.A: Observe and describe the properties of liquids and solids. Investigate what happens
this unit of study when solids are mixed with water and other liquids are mixed with water.
 Explain, record, and/or illustrate comprehensions of all matter has physical
 Explore, observe, and record various combination of substances (ice in water, oil
in water, salt in water)
 Observe, describe, and classify (compare and contrast) matter by properties (e.g.
size, shape, color weight, solid, liquid, other attributes)
 Use simple equipment to observe, describe, and classify matter (plastic tub, cups,
magnifying lens).
o Properties of Matter Cracker Experiment
o Five Senses
o Water Mixture Lab
 Hands on learning
 Direct Instruction
 Questioning
 Think-Pair-Share
3.2.1.A.5: Recognize that everything is made of matter.
 Identify solid, liquid, and gas when presented with real objects.
 Recognize matter takes on different shapes depending upon its type (e.g.
solids have shape, liquids take the shape of container, gas lacks shape)
 Sort materials based on type of matter (Solid, Liquid, and gas)
o Mystery matter bags
o States of Matter Interactive Sheets
o Making and melting ice (States of Matter)
3.2.1.A.3: Identify how heating, melting, cooling, etc. may cause changes in the properties of
 Conduct investigations to explore the physical properties of matter ( e.g.
heating, melting, cooling, freezing.)
 Make a prediction
 Compare Predictions to the actual results
 Identify the cause-and-effect relationships and describe the process
o Root Beer Floats
o Ice Cub Lab
o “Soda” lighted about matter experiment
 Direct instruction
 Learning centers
 Modeling
 Hands on learning

3.2.1.A.3: Observe and describe what happens when substances are heated and cooled.
Distinguish between changes that are reversible (e.g. melting, freezing) and not reversible
(baking a cake)
 Conduct investigations that explore irreversible changes in substances
(freezing ice cream, baking a cake)
 Distinguish between changes that are reversible and irreversible.
 Make a prediction
 Compare predictions to the actual result
 Journal results of the investigations.
o Root Beer Floats
o Ice Cub Lab
o “Soda” lighted about matter experiment
 Direct instruction
 Learning centers
 Modeling
 Hands on learning

1.2.1.A: Identify the main idea and retell key details of text
 The learner will identify the main idea.
 The learner will know the details of a text can be used to support a topic or main
 The learner will provide relevant details from a text to support the main idea
2. Learning Targets - Domain I/III
2a. Concepts and Competencies for all students 2a.Concepts and competencies for all students

 Collaborative Discussion
 Vocabulary
 Text Analysis
 Sources of Information
 Focus for Writing
 Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in grade level text including
multiple-meaning words.
 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events.
 Informational: Identify and write about one specific topic
 Hands on learning: Making a prediction before and then comparing it to what happened.

Resources and Resources Needed

 Lab documents
 Journaling paper
 Interactive boards
 Book: Matter by Abbie Dunne OR Matter by Darlene Stille
 Different crackers for the cracker lab
 Vanilla Ice Cream, Root beer cups (Root Beer Float Experiment)
 Ice cub trays

2b. Key vocabulary for all students 2b. Prioritized key vocabulary and ideas for all exceptional learners
Matter: anything that has mass and takes up space
Solid: hold their shape
Liquid: flow and take on the shape of the container
Gas: does not take on a shape, but expands
Properties: a special quality or characteristic of something
Texture: the way that something feels
Melt: to change from a solid to a liquid usually because of heat
Freeze: to become a hard substance because of cold
3. Instructional Process - Domain III
Universal Design for Learning Principles:
Multiple Means of Representation, Expression and Engagement
Instructional BEFORE identifying barriers, consider options and multiple pathways Accommodations and
Components for ALL students as they access the general curriculum. Consider: the Modifications
modes in which instruction and materials are presented, how students
will interact, respond, and demonstrate what they know, and ways to
adjust levels of challenge and maintain engagement. Barriers to Access
Instructional Materials, Resources Assessment
Practices and Tools
Use read aloud  Informal  Reading level  Provide text in
 Questions and  Books
activities and anchor observation of too high digital form
discussions  Worksheets
charts to introduce student  Complexity of  Record lesson
new topics. Two  Direct explicit  YouTube
conversations material on Zoom.
anchor charts were instruction videos
between each  Requirement  Upload
presented. One was  Read Aloud  Computer
other of written and recorded
for Properties and one stories  Pencils
 Crayons  Informal verbal videos each
was for States of  Anchor Charts
observation of
Matter  Worksheets  Anchor charts students while responses day.
Use of videos to  YouTube  Markers completing  Students will  Provide text in
introduce new topics videos  Ice cube trays SMART board rely on formats that
on the states of  Hands-on  Water games presentations include audio
Matter: Solid, Liquid activities:  Skillet  Information and or text-to-
and Gas Taste testing  Root beer observation of supplemental speech features
 Teaching  Ice cream students information. and
examples/non-  Cups completing  Students will illustrations
Provided vocabulary examples  Straws worksheets have to  Enlarge all text
during instruction.  SMART board  5 different individual and complete  Provide
activities/game types of as a class several fine vocabulary in a
crackers  Informal motor skills: digital form
Provided hands on
 Brown bags observation of cutting, gluing,  Provide
activities for the
 Mystery items students shaking, exposure to the
students to partake in
to put in bag completing picking up same text and
like the root beer float
states of matter and  Pasta hands-on objects, and material
crackers for  Tape activities of the writing.  Provide
properties.  Bouncy ball states of matter  Tasks with materials that
 Eraser and properties multi-step have been
 Tissue directions already cut out
Provided worksheets
 Shaving cream  Requirement or special
to be done
 Popcorn of relying on scissors. (left
independently and as a
group to help enhance  Stapler visual aids and hand scissors)
learning. illustrations  Upload all
 Requirement materials
of listening to online fore
the teacher blended
speak and learners
listening to  Additional
videos for time to
about states of
matter and
properties.  Repeat
multiple times
 Providing the
written step-
 Mask breaks
 Changing the
activity every
ten to fifteen
 Graphic
 Sound will be

4. Individualized Student Planning

Student Standards-Aligned IEP Goals Student-Specific IEP Goals Individualized Student Supports
Aligned to prioritized learning
Not Applicable
A Not Applicable Not Applicable

B Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

C Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

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