Department of Education
Region VII – Central Visayas
Schools Division of Bohol
District of Calape
Grade Level 11
PLAN Quarter 3RD
Teaching Dates and Time January 06-10, 2025
Date: January 06, 2025 -Mojave (10:00-12:00) January 08 , 2025 Mojave (10:00-12:00)
January 07, 2025- Jelly (10:00-12:00) January 09, 2025 Jelly (10:00-12:00)
January 08, 2025- Éclair (1:00-3:00) January 10, 2025 Éclair (7:45-9:45)
I. Objectives Learning Competencies & Code: Determine if a molecule Learning Competencies & Code: Relate the polarity of a
is polar or nonpolar given its structure. (S11/12PS-IIIc-15) molecule to its properties.(S11/12PS-IIIc-16)
Objectives: Objectives:
At the end of the 2-hour class, the learners are expected to: At the end of the 2-hour class, the learners are expected to:
(cognitive objective) (cognitive objective
Differentiate polar molecule from non-polar molecule. Define polarity and identify polar and nonpolar molecules.
Solve for electronegativity; (psychomotor objective)
(psychomotor objective) Explain how molecular polarity influences physical and
Determine whether the bond between atoms is polar, chemical properties such as solubility, boiling point, and
non-polar, or ionic based on electronegativity
intermolecular forces.
(affective objective) (affective objective)
Relate polarity to one’s attitude towards Apply their knowledge to predict the properties of
decision-making. unknown substances based on their molecular polarity.
II. Subject
Topic Polarity of molecules
PPT Slides, Whiteboard or projector, Markers or pens Whiteboard or projector
Instructional Handouts with molecular structures (e.g., H2O, CO2, CH4, Markers or pens
Materials NH3) Periodic table
Periodic table Molecular models (if available)
Handouts with molecular structures and properties
Lab equipment (if applicable for lab activities)
References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OzQl860tA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDX7xa5imnQ
Religioso, T.F., & Cordero-Navaza, D. (2017). You and the Santiago, K. S., & Silverio, A.A. (2016). Exploring Life Through
Natural World- Physical Science. Quezon Science-Physical Science. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. City: Pheonix Publishing House, Inc.
Values Teamwork and Respect for Diverse Perspectives Foster Collaboration and Communication
Greetings (The teacher greets the learners.)
Prayer (1) A learner will lead the opening prayer, (if necessary).
Awareness Have you experienced mixing water and oil? Begin by asking students to brainstorm what they already know
(3) ‐If yes what happened? -‐ about molecules and their properties.
Ans: The two substances did not mix together because they "What is a molecule?"
are both non-‐polar molecules, they both repel each other, "What factors can influence the properties of a substance?"
there is no attraction occurred. "Have you ever heard of "polar" or "nonpolar" before?"
How do we identify if the molecules are non-‐polar or polar?
Application Group Activity: Divide students into small groups. Provide each group
(30) Now, let us see if you fully understood our discussion. I want you with a set of molecules (structures can be provided on handouts).
to try answering the exercises below.
Identify which molecule is polar and which is nonpolar given the Have them determine the polarity of each molecule, justifying their
Lewis structure and molecular shapes of the following molecules answers.
Ask them to predict the likely physical and chemical properties of
each molecule (e.g., solubility in water, boiling point, melting
Ender (2) "Mastering molecular polarity is not just about memorization, it's "Just as our personalities shape our interactions, a molecule's
about developing a keen eye for the subtle dance of electrons." polarity governs its relationships with the world."
1. Evaluation Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
(20) the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What do you call the relative ability of a bonded atom to
attract shared electron pairs? 1. Which of the following IMFAs is considered as the weakest?
A. Electron affinity A. H-bonding C. Dipole-dipole
B. Ionization energy B. Ion-dipole D. London forces
C. Electronegativity 2. Which of the following substances will dissolve most likely in
D. Metallic property water?
2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Oil C. Vinegar (CH3COOH)
A. Polar covalent bonds can be present in a nonpolar B. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) D. Hexane (C6H14)
molecule. 3. ______ refers to the energy required to increase the surface
B. A polar covalent bond is present if the electronegativity area by a unit amount.
difference between atoms is equal or less than 0.4. A. Viscosity C. Vapor pressure
C. Polarity of bonds and molecular geometry are the two B. Surface tension D. Density
factors that affect the polarity of molecules. 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonpolar
D. Polar bond form when electrons are unequally shared by molecules
two atoms in a compound. A. Have high boiling point C. Have low surface
3. From the given Lewis structure of NH3, how many tension
nonbonding pair/s of electron B. Have high melting point D. Have low vapor
are around the central atom? pressure
A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. 3
4. Which of the following molecules is tetrahedral?
A. H2O C. CH4
B. SF6 D. BF3
2. Remarks
3. Reflection
No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
caught up with
the lesson.
No. of learners
who continue
strategy the
worked well
Grade Level 11
PLAN Quarter 3RD
Teaching Dates and Time December 16-10, 2025
Date: December 16, 2024 -Mojave (10:00-12:00) December 18 , 2024 Mojave (10:00-12:00)
December 17, 2024- Jelly (10:00-12:00) December 19, 2024 Jelly (10:00-12:00)
December 18, 2024- Éclair (1:00-3:00) December 20, 2024 Éclair (7:45-9:45)
IV.Objectives Learning Competencies & Code: Determine if a molecule Learning Competencies & Code: Relate the polarity of a
is polar or nonpolar given its structure. (S11/12PS-IIIc-15) molecule to its properties.(S11/12PS-IIIc-16)
Objectives: Objectives:
At the end of the 2-hour class, the learners are expected to: At the end of the 2-hour class, the learners are expected to:
(cognitive objective) (cognitive objective
Differentiate polar molecule from non-polar molecule. Define polarity and identify polar and nonpolar molecules.
Solve for electronegativity; (psychomotor objective)
(psychomotor objective) Explain how molecular polarity influences physical and
Determine whether the bond between atoms is polar, chemical properties such as solubility, boiling point, and
non-polar, or ionic based on electronegativity
intermolecular forces.
(affective objective) (affective objective)
Relate polarity to one’s attitude towards Apply their knowledge to predict the properties of
decision-making. unknown substances based on their molecular polarity.
V. Subject
Topic Polarity of molecules
PPT Slides, Whiteboard or projector, Markers or pens Whiteboard or projector
Instructional Handouts with molecular structures (e.g., H2O, CO2, CH4, Markers or pens
Materials NH3) Periodic table
Periodic table Molecular models (if available)
Handouts with molecular structures and properties
Lab equipment (if applicable for lab activities)
References https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5OzQl860tA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDX7xa5imnQ
Religioso, T.F., & Cordero-Navaza, D. (2017). You and the Santiago, K. S., & Silverio, A.A. (2016). Exploring Life Through
Natural World- Physical Science. Quezon Science-Physical Science. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. City: Pheonix Publishing House, Inc.
Values Teamwork and Respect for Diverse Perspectives Foster Collaboration and Communication
C. Preliminarie
Greetings (The teacher greets the learners.)
Prayer (1) A learner will lead the opening prayer, (if necessary).
Awareness Have you experienced mixing water and oil? Begin by asking students to brainstorm what they already know
(3) ‐If yes what happened? -‐ about molecules and their properties.
Ans: The two substances did not mix together because they "What is a molecule?"
are both non-‐polar molecules, they both repel each other, "What factors can influence the properties of a substance?"
there is no attraction occurred. "Have you ever heard of "polar" or "nonpolar" before?"
How do we identify if the molecules are non-‐polar or polar?
Analysis 4. What did you feel while doing the activity? 3. Why do salt and sugar dissolve in water?
(7) 5. What did you learn about the activity? 4. Why does candle wax melt easily while salt does not melt
6. The teacher will let the learners hypothesize why easily when put into heat?
certain combinations mix better than others.
The teacher will let the learners group the samples together
according to how well they mix. They should recall simple
chores they do at home such as washing out oil from pans.
These substances can be classified as polar and non-‐polar
substances. The difference in polarity explains why certain
combinations mix and not others.
Abstraction The teacher will introduce the two factors that determine Key Points
(40) the polarity of molecules. These are: 1) The polarity of the
bonds between atoms which can be studied based on Polarity means having dipoles, a positive and a negative end.
electronegativity, and 2) The geometrical shape of the Based on polarity, molecules can be polar or nonpolar.
molecule, which can be, predicted via the valence shell
electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory. Polar molecules have dipoles. Their dipole moments do not add
up to zero (or do not cancel out).
Nonpolar molecules do not have positive or negative ends. Their
•Polarity in molecules determines whether or not electrons
dipole moments add up to zero (they cancel out).
in that molecule are shared equally.
•The molecule is non-‐polar if each bond in the molecule is In general, you can tell if a molecule is polar or nonpolar based
non-‐polar and there are no unbonded electron pairs. And on the shape of the molecule and the polarity of the individual
each bond in the molecule has the same polarity and there bonds present in the molecule.
are no unbonded electron pairs on the central atom. •There
is no net dipole moment (all moments cancel out)
Using the electronegativity chart determine the difference in
electronegativity for each bond.
•0—0.4 = Non-‐polar •0.5—1.7 = Polar
(The teacher will let learners explain the importance of the
polarity of molecules by citing how many biological
processes rely on polarity like proteins and phospholipids as
examples. The teacher will ask the learners to come up with
other applications of polarity in their daily living.)
Application Group Activity: Divide students into small groups. Provide each group
(30) Now, let us see if you fully understood our discussion. I want you with a set of molecules (structures can be provided on handouts).
to try answering the exercises below.
Identify which molecule is polar and which is nonpolar given the Have them determine the polarity of each molecule, justifying their
Lewis structure and molecular shapes of the following molecules answers.
Ask them to predict the likely physical and chemical properties of
each molecule (e.g., solubility in water, boiling point, melting
Ender (2) "Mastering molecular polarity is not just about memorization, it's "Just as our personalities shape our interactions, a molecule's
about developing a keen eye for the subtle dance of electrons." polarity governs its relationships with the world."
4. Evaluation Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
(20) the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper. chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What do you call the relative ability of a bonded atom to
attract shared electron pairs? 1. Which of the following IMFAs is considered as the weakest?
A. Electron affinity A. H-bonding C. Dipole-dipole
B. Ionization energy B. Ion-dipole D. London forces
C. Electronegativity 2. Which of the following substances will dissolve most likely in
D. Metallic property water?
2. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. Oil C. Vinegar (CH3COOH)
A. Polar covalent bonds can be present in a nonpolar B. Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) D. Hexane (C6H14)
molecule. 3. ______ refers to the energy required to increase the surface
B. A polar covalent bond is present if the electronegativity area by a unit amount.
difference between atoms is equal or less than 0.4. A. Viscosity C. Vapor pressure
C. Polarity of bonds and molecular geometry are the two B. Surface tension D. Density
factors that affect the polarity of molecules. 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about nonpolar
D. Polar bond form when electrons are unequally shared by molecules
two atoms in a compound. A. Have high boiling point C. Have low surface
3. From the given Lewis structure of NH3, how many tension
nonbonding pair/s of electron B. Have high melting point D. Have low vapor
are around the central atom? pressure
A. 0 C. 2
B. 1 D. 3
4. Which of the following molecules is tetrahedral?
A. H2O C. CH4
B. SF6 D. BF3
5. Remarks
6. Reflection
No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
No. of learners
who require
activities for
Did the remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
caught up with
the lesson.
No. of learners
who continue
strategy the
worked well