Sector: Agri-Fishery: Qualification Title: Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Sector: Agri-Fishery: Qualification Title: Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Sector: Agri-Fishery: Qualification Title: Organic Agriculture Production NC Ii
Document No.
Date Developed:
Issued by:
Developed by:
Revision # 00
Characteristics of learners
Physical ability 1. Disabilities(if any)_____________________
2. Existing Health Conditions (Existing illness
if any)
a. None
b. Asthma
c. Heart disease
d. Anemia
e. Hypertension
f. Diabetes
g. Others(please specify) ___________________
Document No.
Date Developed:
Issued by:
Developed by:
Revision # 00
Note: In making the Self-Check for your Qualification, all required competencies
should be specified. It is therefore required of a Trainer to be well- versed
of the CBC or TR of the program qualification he is teaching.
Evidences/Proof of Current Competencies
Proof/Evidence Means of validating
Raise Organic Certificate of Completion Present Original Copy of
Chicken Certificate of Completion
w/ Dry Seal
Call Training Provider
Actual demonstration
Produce Organic Certificate of Completion Original Copy of Certificate
Vegetables of Completion w/ Dry Seal
Call Training Provider
Actual demonstration
Produce Organic Certificate of Completion Original Copy of Certificate
Fertilizer of Completion w/ Dry Seal
Call Training Provider
Actual demonstration
Identifying Training Gaps
Using Form No.1.4, convert the Training Gaps into a Training Needs/
Requirements. Refer to the CBC in identifying the Module Title or Unit of
Competency of the training needs identified.
Package concoctions