A Joint ESA NASA Multi Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) For Biomass, NISAR, and GEDI
A Joint ESA NASA Multi Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) For Biomass, NISAR, and GEDI
A Joint ESA NASA Multi Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) For Biomass, NISAR, and GEDI
Received: 31 October 2018 / Accepted: 7 May 2019 / Published online: 1 June 2019
© The Author(s) 2019
In order to help scientists in the above ground biomass community and to support the sci-
ence behind the upcoming BIOMASS, NISAR, and GEDI satellite missions, ESA and
NASA are collaborating on the Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP).
The MAAP is a jointly developed and implemented platform that will include not only data
(satellite, airborne, in situ data, and products), but also computing capabilities and sets of
tools and algorithms developed to support this specific field of research. To best ensure that
users are able to collaborate across the platform and to access needed resources, the MAAP
requires all data, algorithms, and software to conform to open access and open source poli-
cies. In addition to aiding researchers, the MAAP exercise is establishing a collaboration
framework between ESA and NASA that focuses on sharing data, science algorithms, and
computable resources in order to foster and accelerate scientific research.
* Clément Albinet
ESA-ESRIN, 00044 Frascati, Italy
Arctic Slope Federal Technical Services, Washington, D.C 20546, USA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 91109, USA
The University of Alabama, Huntsville 35899, USA
NASA-Headquarters, Washington, D.C 20546, USA
ESA-ESTEC, 2201 Noordwijk, The Netherlands
NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville 35808, USA
University of Maryland, College Park 20742, USA
1018 Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
For over 40 years, Earth Observation (EO) satellites developed or operated by ESA and
NASA have provided users access to a wealth of data. In the coming years, access to an
unprecedented amount of data will continue to grow as new missions will further extend
the routine monitoring of the Earth system at the global scale. Exponential data growth is a
significant factor in the Earth sciences and carbon monitoring community with the launch
of the several high data volume missions including the ESA BIOMASS mission (Le Toan
et al. 2011), the NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) mission (Rosen et al. 2015), and the NASA
Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) mission (Stavros et al. 2017). The data
from these missions, which expand the operational capability of global monitoring from
space, combined with data from long-term EO archives (e.g., Landsat, ERS, ENVISAT),
in situ networks, and models, will provide users with unprecedented insight into how the
oceans, atmosphere, land, and cryosphere function and interact as part of an interconnected
Earth System.
While this growing volume of environmental data from space represents a unique
opportunity for both research science and applications, it also poses a major challenge for
these communities to exploit the full potential of these data. First, the emergence of large
volumes of data (Petabytes era) raises new issues related to the discovery, access, exploita-
tion, visualization, and cost of these data with profound implications on how users conduct
“data-intensive” Earth Science (Hey 2009) research. For example, the NISAR mission will
generate around 40 PB of data per year, forcing users to consider new ways of exploiting
these data.
Second, the growing diversity and complexity of both data and users demands coop-
eration among various communities. Each community has different needs, methods, lan-
guages, and protocols in order to understand a wealth of heterogeneous data provided in
different structures and formats. Although the mission of space-based data providers is
to provide stand-alone information on bio-geophysical parameters, and there have been
some advances in terms of data sharing (Duncanson et al. 2019), further collaborations
are needed to improve those estimates. Providers/programme funding organizations should
work collaboratively to provide complementary, relevant, transparent, and validated in situ
biomass data and information (Herold et al. 2019). Uncertainties prediction in biomass
maps propagate to larger area estimates and can lead to substantial uncertainties in national
emissions estimation if not properly considered, particularly in relation to the effect of spa-
tial autocorrelation (McRoberts et al. 2019). However, whether used alone or in combina-
tion, the calibration of the products is likely to rely on pre-stratification of forested lands,
with enough reference data in each stratum, as it is unlikely that a single universal model
can be transferable across forest types and regions without biases (Réjou-Méchain et al.
2019). The researchers could easily address these current limitations of the data and error
issues with the help of a dedicated tool. In addition, bridging the gap between these vari-
ous communities of practice will be essential in order to fully exploit these valuable both
ground and remotely sensed data (Chave et al. 2019). The scientific community is eager to
address this gap and has discussed this issue of international collaboration, not seeing each
biomass mission as an individual exercise but highlighting the combination and integration
in one way or another at multiple conferences and science meetings, including the recent
Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027 1019
1.2 Proposed Solution
In light of these challenges, ESA and NASA are collaborating together to lower obstacles
related to increased data volumes and to encourage open data policies by collaboratively
developing a Multi-Mission Algorithm and Analysis Platform (MAAP) to help improve
research of global aboveground terrestrial carbon dynamics (Albinet et al. 2018). This ini-
tiative aims at capitalizing on Ground Segment (GS) capabilities and ICT technologies in
order to maximize the exploitation of EO data from the BIOMASS, GEDI, and NISAR
missions, the data which represent a highly complementary set of measurements to deter-
mine Earth’s aboveground woody biomass with unprecedented resolution and accuracy.
The capabilities envisioned for the MAAP will enable for the first time efficient and cus-
tomizable inter-comparison, cross-calibration, and fusion of data from these missions by a
broad community of scientists and other users.
The principal idea underpinning the MAAP is to bring the user to the collocated data
and processing, rather than the data to the users, thereby enabling ultra-fast data access and
processing (i.e., transferring a few megabytes of results rather than several tera/petabytes
of data to the user). Its utility has been proven by ESA and NASA with, for example, the
ESA Grid Processing on Demand (G-POD)1 environment or by private players with some
services like Google Earth Engine (GEE) (Gorelick et al. 2016) or Amazon Web Services
Leveraging collocated data and processing is a goal for many scientific users in eco-
systems research. However, the supporting infrastructure required for such research is
currently limited. In order to lower these limitations and to accelerate scientific research,
the MAAP seeks to develop a collaboration framework between ESA and NASA in order
to more easily share date, science algorithms and computer resources for both ESA and
NASA scientists.
A. Biscuso, A. Marin, A. Cuomo, J. Farres, P. G. Marchetti, S. Pinto, G. Rivolta and E. Mathot.
“ESA Grid Processing on Demand G-POD user manual”. http://wiki.services.eoportal.org/tiki-index
Amazon Web Services (AWS)—Cloud Computing Services. https://aws.amazon.com/.
1020 Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027
As stated in Albinet et al. (2018), the MAAP will meet this goal by:
1. Enabling scientists and other users to easily discover, process, visualize and analyse
large volumes of biomass relevant data from both ESA and NASA;
2. Providing data in the same coordinate reference frame in order to facilitate comparison,
analysis, data evaluation, and data generation;
3. Providing a version-controlled science algorithm development environment that lever-
ages tools, co-located data, and the provided processing resources;
4. Addressing intellectual property and sharing concerns related to both collaboratively devel-
oping algorithms and the subsequent sharing of those algorithms and the supporting data.
2 Platform Overview
2.1 Objective
The goal of this joint ESA-NASA project is to create a virtual working environment that
shall enable (Albinet et al. 2018):
• Rapid data access by avoiding the movement of large amounts of data on the network.
• Increased data usability by easing the exploitation process so that users do not spend
time on ICT matters.
• Synergistic use of different EO data sources (i.e, in situ data for validation or airborne cam-
paign data, ancillary data (Total Electron Content, land cover), Digital Terrain Models or
spaceborne data from other sensors) in order to better assess and exploit the mission data.
• Community building by fostering a spirit of resource and knowledge sharing.
• Improved science by exposing the official processing algorithm to every user and mak-
ing them fully transparent.
• Rapid benchmarking of processing algorithms (more representative validation based on
a wider dataset without having to host the data and faster validation made possible by a
scalable ICT).
• Collaborative processing algorithm repository enabling algorithm module manage-
ment, sharing, and deployment for production. This forms the basis for a processing
algorithm library for rapid and iterative development and deployment of algorithms in
the MAAP.
• A fully automated data processing framework allowing generation of products.
• Managed services providing expert support (thematic and ICT/GS) for complex exploi-
tation tasks.
• Replicability of results and traceability of workflow and processes.
• A cost-effective approach for scalable ICT resources capitalizing on economies of scale
through infrastructure pooling (generally cheaper than an “in-house” user investment);
development of new business models such as “data rental” and new pricing models
such as pay-per-use.
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Table 1 MAAP user types and data access permissions. Data access permissions are accumulative
User types Data access permissions
Five types of users have been defined for the MAAP. The first three types of users (i.e.,
EO Data Explorers, EO Specialists, and Algorithm Developers) are based on the generic
1022 Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027
All data and algorithms made available in the MAAP shall conform to ESA’s Revised
Earth Observation Data Policy4 and NASA’s Data and Information policy.5 This includes
data and algorithms from ESA, NASA, and other data providers. The MAAP promotes
the full and open sharing of all data with the research and applications communities, pri-
vate industry, academia, and the general public. The greater the availability of the data, the
more quickly and effectively the user communities can utilize the information to address
basic Earth science questions and provide the basis for developing innovative practi-
cal applications to benefit the general public. For data access, the MAAP’s data policy
includes the following:
• The MAAP commits to the full and open sharing of Earth science data obtained from
Earth observing satellites, sub-orbital platforms, and field campaigns with all users as
soon as such data become available.
• There will be no period of exclusive access to MAAP Earth science data. Following a
post-launch checkout period, all science data will be made available to the user com-
• The MAAP will make available all standard products along with the source code for
algorithm software, coefficients, and ancillary data used to generate these products.
• The MAAP will enforce a principle of non-discriminatory data access so that all users
will be treated equally.
• The MAAP will engage in ongoing partnerships with other institutions to increase the
effectiveness of the MAAP. This interagency cooperation shall include: sharing of data
from satellites and other sources, mutual validation and calibration data, and consolida-
tion of duplicative capabilities and functions.
Thematic Exploitation Platforms: Statement of Work, PGSI-GSEG-EOPG-SW-14-0034, 17 June 2014.
ESA Data Policy for ERS, Envisat and Earth Explorer missions, October 2012. https://earth.esa.int/c/
NASA’s Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) Data and Information Policy. https://earthdata.nasa.gov/
Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027 1023
• The MAAP will negotiate and implement arrangements with its international partners,
with an emphasis on meeting the data acquisition, distribution, and archival needs of
the MAAP.
3 Platform Implementation
ESA and NASA will jointly develop technical and data requirements for the MAAP. Based
on these requirements, ESA and NASA will develop and manage independent systems that
will be interoperable with each other and present users with a unified user interface. This
joint approach aligns ground system development activities without impacting each agen-
cy’s independent efforts and timelines (Albinet et al. 2018).
3.1 Phasing Approach
The development of the MAAP will consist of two phases: A Pilot Phase (phase 1) and a
Full Phase (phase 2).
The Pilot Phase will focus on the use of AfriSAR campaign data (Wasik et al. 2018;
Pourshamsi et al. 2018), other key campaign data, including INDREX-2 (Hajnsek et al.
2009), BioSAR (Tebaldini 2009), BioSAR-2 (Tebaldini and Rocca 2012), TropiSAR
(Dubois-Fernandez et al. 2012), and BioSAR-3 (Sandberg et al. 2014), and relevant ancil-
lary data. During this phase, pre-defined functionalities, including deployment of Level-2
(CEOS) algorithms for biomass based on the airborne campaign data, will be added
sequentially to the MAAP. Additionally, user requirements will be defined during the Pilot
Phase that will feed into the Full Phase of platform deployment. Initially, use of the Pilot
platform will be open only to a limited community of science users.
During the Full Phase, additional, related airborne, field, and satellite data from both
ESA and NASA will be incorporated into the MAAP. During development of the Full
platform, data from the BIOMASS, GEDI, and NISAR missions will be deployed in the
MAAP and access to the platform will be extended beyond the science users to a broader
user community.
3.2 Guiding Principles
Collaborative development of the ESA and NASA MAAP system will be based on the fol-
lowing core principles (Albinet et al. 2018):
1. ESA and NASA will develop separate infrastructures of the MAAP system according
to jointly developed requirements and interface specifications.
2. An Application and Programing Interface (API) will be used to provide interoperability.
3. The MAAP will provide an entry point for users that will enable access to the ESA and
the NASA infrastructures.
4. All data, information, and results, including satellite, airborne, field, and Cal/Val data from
Level 1A to Level 4, will be fully open and shared between the two implementations.
5. All source code will be developed as open source software. Official algorithms that are
archived by NASA and/or ESA and included in the MAAP Algorithm Store (MAS) will
be subject to the open source requirement. MAAP user-developed algorithms that are
shared and published to the MAAP will also be subject to the open source requirement.
1024 Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027
Contribution to
First algorithm
Algorithm Initial improvement of
Definition L2/L3 algorithms
by MAAP users
verification Self Validation by
and approval of MAAP users
new official dataset
6. Requirements and system architectures will be jointly developed and approved to ensure
interoperability. This includes protocols and standards between different components of
the system. Future modifications of requirements will be agreed to by both agencies.
7. Organizations, researchers, and developers will be given attribution for contributions.
8. Metrics on users, use, and performance will be captured and shared.
4 Benefits
The concept of Product Algorithm Laboratory (PAL) is a new type of governance for the
evolution of the EO mission algorithms. This concept will be allowed by the MAAP and be
experimented, at least for the BIOMASS mission.
As described in Fig. 2, the Product Algorithm library begins with a traditional initial
definition and implementation of a mission algorithm. Any user can modify this algorithm
in its working environment, generate the corresponding dataset and validate it using the
validation tools and in situ measurements provided within the MAAP. The user can then
submit the new version of the algorithm for verification and approval to ESA/NASA who
will then consider whether the algorithm will become the new baseline of the mission
The processing algorithms evolution is easier within the MAAP since the development
and implementation are made within the same environment. This rapid evolution should
allow scientists to more quickly develop stable algorithms for R&D missions by leveraging
this user cooperative approach. In addition, users outside the core science team will be able
to contribute to the product improvement cycle. Finally, this approach aims at “breaking
the wall between the world of the Science and the world of the operations.”
4.2 Benefits to Users
The goal of this analysis platform addressing EO science missions is to better address sci-
entific community needs in term of:
Surveys in Geophysics (2019) 40:1017–1027 1025
In addition, such a platform providing EO data, algorithms, processing resources, and doc-
umentation could be an incredible tool to support education through training materials,
webinars, summer schools, etc.
NASA 2014 Science Plan. https://science.nasa.gov/about-us/science-strategy#2014.
Space 4.0, ESA’s Ministerial Council, 1 and 2 December 2016 in Lucerne, Switzerland. http://www.esa.
NASA 2014 Strategic Plan. https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/files/2014_NASA_Strategic_Plan.
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R&D EO missions which focus on innovative sensors (Earth Explorers), there is a need to
further support the collaboration between remote sensing scientists. Although, the ESA/
NASA MAAP focuses specifically on the Global Aboveground Terrestrial Carbon Dynam-
ics, these efforts could help identify other geophysical areas and EO missions where ESA
and NASA could collaborate along the same concept. This could include, but is not limited
to possibly expanding to other institutions in the CEOS framework.
The NASA Earth Science Data Systems (ESDS) archives provide a long-term, continu-
ously updated global environmental record, which currently contain over 24 PB of Earth
observation data. As new missions are launched and instruments commissioned, especially
over the next 5 years, the archive is anticipated to grow to over 150 PB of data, expanding
at an annual rate of around 50 PB of data per year. This immense growth in data presents
unique science opportunities while at the same time provides significant challenges for data
management and access. To continue providing support for NASA researchers and data
users worldwide, ESDS is conducting a variety of activities, including developing proto-
type infrastructure and analysis platforms. To help further these activities, the ESA-NASA
MAAP will leverage and evaluate components and infrastructure through its development
and implementation process (Albinet et al. 2018).
5 Conclusion
The MAAP is being developed in preparation for the BIOMASS, NISAR, and GEDI mis-
sions. Prior to the launch of these missions, scientists are collecting airborne and field data
to support Cal/Val analyses and develop algorithms (e.g., the AfriSAR campaign). Initial
MAAP development activities will be focused on supporting the science teams’ prepara-
tory efforts by developing capabilities to share and evaluate airborne, field and Cal/Val
data. These early activities will help inform platform development and pave the way for an
operating platform in the BIOMASS, NISAR, and GEDI mission timeframe.
This platform will give the opportunity, for the first time, to build from a community
of user of this new Earth Observation mission around this innovative concept and explore
new concepts of data and information access by scientists across agencies without the need
to mirror data across institutions.
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Interna-
tional License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
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