Little's Law*: *J. D. C. Little, A proof of the queueing formula: L = λW,
Little's Law*: *J. D. C. Little, A proof of the queueing formula: L = λW,
Little's Law*: *J. D. C. Little, A proof of the queueing formula: L = λW,
Little’s Law*
• L time average number in Line or system
• λ arrival rate
• W average Waiting time per customer
*J. D. C. Little, A proof of the queueing formula: L = λW,
Operations Research 9 (1961) 383-387.
Little’s Law EX 1 (HW2 Q3)
• Since the scientist counts both “going in” and
“going out”, the average arrival rate is
W =L/λ
= (0.0082 insects) / (0.0306 insects/hour) = 0.269 hours.
Little’s Law EX 2 (HW2 Q6)
• It is known that 100 candidates on average pass
the annual qualification exam for accountants in
Israel. An accountant works for 20 years on
average (until retirement or professional change).
L = λ W = 100 x 20 = 2000
accountants will be employed.
• Assumptions:
–λ and L will be constant till 2050.
–The edge effects cancel.
Careful Statement
Basic Definitions
• Ak arrival time of customer k (if there after time 0)
• Dk departure time of customer k
• Wk waiting time of customer k
– Wk = Dk - Ak
• R (0) number of remaining customers at time 0
– arrived before time 0
• A(t) number of new arrivals in [0,t]
– A(t) = max{k: Ak ≤ t} – R(0)
• L(t) number in system at time t;
– So L(0) = R(0) + A(0), common case is A(0) = 0
Averages over [0,t]
Time Averages:
Customer Average:
Customer Average:
Theorem (Little’s law for limits of averages)
where L=λW
(full proof in the written lecture notes.)
Theorem (Little’s law for Steady State)
If, for a stochastic model, the arrival rate λ is well
defined, and limiting distributions exist, i.e.,
L(t) → L(∞) as t →∞
Wn → W∞ as n →∞,
(where → means convergence in distribution)
Area of D = =
= x
(Equality if System Starts and Ends Empty)
How to Apply with Measurements?
Little’s Law EX 3 (HW2 Q7)
• The average sojourn time for judge j
Little’s Law EX 3 (HW2 Q7)
• The overall average sojourn time:
W = L / λ = ∑ j Lj / ∑j λ j
= ∑j λ j W j / λ
Little’s Law EX 4 (HW2 Q8)
• A hospital emergency room (ER) is organized so that all patients register
through an initial check-in process. At his/her turn, each patient is seen by
a doctor and then exits the process, either with a prescription or with
admission to the hospital.
• Currently, 50 people per hour arrive at the ER, 10% of whom are admitted
to the hospital. On average, 30 people are waiting to be registered and 40
are registered and waiting to see a doctor. The registration process takes,
on average, 2 minutes per patient. Among patients who receive
prescriptions, average time spent with a doctor is 5 minutes. Among those
admitted to the hospital, average time is 30 minutes.
1. Waiting
3. Waiting to 4. Seeing
to register 2. Being
see doctor doctor
λ1= λ2= λ3= λ4= 50/hour = 5/6 per minute
L1 = 30
W2 = 2 minutes
L3 = 40
W4 =(5 x 0.9) + (30 x 0.1) = 7.5 minutes
W1= L1/λ1= 30/(5/6) = 36 minutes
L2= λ2W2= (5/6) x 2 = 5/3 patients
W3= L3/λ3= 40/(5/6) = 48 minutes
L4= λ4W4= (5/6) x (15/2) = 75/12 = 6.25 patients (answers Q2)
Little’s Law EX 4 (HW2 Q8)
• From above, we can answer the three questions:
In summary,