Libro Fire Engineering The Strategy of Firefighting
Libro Fire Engineering The Strategy of Firefighting
Libro Fire Engineering The Strategy of Firefighting
Vincent Dunn
Deputy Chief, FDNY (Ret.)
Copyright© 2007 by
PennWell Corporation
1421 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112-6600 USA
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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When I write about a fire operation One of my main reasons for writing this
mishap, I do not blame the firefighters. I book was to pass on information to future
blame myself, as the incident commander, fire service leaders. Every fire officer has a
and my strategy. When something goes responsibility to pass on the lessons learned
wrong, I know I am responsible and seek to the next generation of firefighters. I call
to remedy the problem. Aſter a failure, there these strategy summaries, but they are
should be a plan and a success. actually the lessons that I have learned, and
The safety of firefighters is never far I am passing them on to the 21st century
from my mind. Strategy is examined fire officers.
through a prism of safety. Firefighter safety The Strategy of Firefighting was written
is part of every strategy. Whatever the because future incident commanders
strategy, this message rings clear: Think may lack the firefighting experience of
firefighter safety! Learn—and stay alive! fire chiefs who lived through this nation’s
This book is big on information and lessons urban firestorms in the last half of the 20th
learned, not on bluster and boasting. century. Firefighting is just one of the many
What is a strategy? It’s a plan of responsibilities of an incident commander,
firefighting. This book is not about tactics, because today the fire service does more
nor is it about details. It is about strategy than fight fires. In the 21st century, chiefs
and about logical ways to solve a life hazard must have much more knowledge and a
or fire spread problem at a fire, big or small. wider set of skills and experiences. The
Strategy in this book explains a proposed one skill that we developed was firefighting
sequence of action. Strategy is an outline, a strategy, and it must not be forgotten.
design, an action plan, and a solution.
I would like to thank San Diego Battalion Chief Tom Gallinati, for suggesting this book; Jeff
Barrington, editor of Firehouse magazine, for his help with everything; Janet Kimmerly,
editor of WNYF magazine; and most important, the following photographers, for the
outstanding fire scene action photos: Herb Eysser, Chris Eysser, Don Vanholt, Tod Conner,
John Badman, Ian Stronach, Richie Kubler, Pat Dunn, Julie Manso, Steve White, Joe Berry,
Joe Hoffman, Doug Boudreau, Chuck Wehrli, Pat Grace, David Novak, Mat Daly, Steven
Spak, Warren Fuchs, Harvey Isner, Alan Simmons, and Bill Thompson.
Staging Apparatus
A fi re d e p ar t m e nt
should have a strategy for
staging large numbers of
fire apparatus responding to
a fire. At a small fire, 5–10
fire vehicles may respond to
the scene and have to park.
These parked fire apparatus
and special units create
three problems, one of
which is especially serious.
First, fire apparatus leſt
parked in the street while
firefighters battle a blaze
can create traffic gridlock.
Fig. 1–1. Establishing a command post.
rescue, and to predict where the fire will Finally, some high-rise buildings omit
spread vertically. the number 13 when designating floor
Most of the time, on arrival at a house numbers, because people who believe 13
fire, the fire floor is easy to determine. We is an unlucky number would not want to
see the smoke or flames at a window and live or work on that floor. Many hotels and
we count the stories. However, when the office building have no number 13 on the
fire is at the rear of the building, or when elevator call buttons. Whenever a firefighter
thermal double-paned windows conceal discovers the floor signs mislabeled, or the
the smoke and flame, or at night, or in a presence of a basement, or the absence
high-rise building, determining the fire of the 13th floor number on the elevator
floor requires that a firefighter enter the call buttons, that information should be
building and search for the flame and immediately relayed to the chief in charge
smoke. Aſter discovering the flame, the of the incident.
firefighter must look for the floor number
sign, usually posted in the stair enclosure,
and communicate the floor on fire to the Size-up Strategy—Inside and
incident commander downstairs, at the
command post.
Outside a Burning Building
Every once in a while, the exact A fire department should have a
floor on fire is not accurately determined strategy for conducting a size-up at a fire.
during the initial size-up, and firefighting The first-arriving incident commander at a
strategy and tactics are ineffective. There structure fire should establish a command
are several reasons why the fire floor post in front of the fire building and size
might be misidentified. First, sometimes up the fire from the outside. When a
the floor number signs in the stairways second commander arrives, this officer is
are incorrectly labeled. The first floor is designated an operations officer and is sent
incorrectly labeled the ground floor and the into the building, to establish an operations
second floor is labeled the first floor and post and size up the fire from the interior,
so on; the lowest level of an aboveground close to the action.
multistory building is the first floor, not Size-up of an incident should be
the ground floor. Also, at some row houses, accomplished both from the inside and
you have to step down several feet below from the outside of a burning building.
street level to a doorway located beneath a For example, the operations officer is in
stoop; this level is considered a basement, charge of the initial hose line and serves
and it is supposed to be designated the first as the interior search operations officer;
floor by firefighters. A basement has over he or she makes an inside size-up. The
one-half of its floor level above street level incident commander outside the burning
and is considered the first floor; a cellar, by building at the command post is in charge
contrast, has one-half or more of its floor of the entire operation and will conduct an
level below ground and is not considered outside size-up. At most fires, the incident
the first floor. A row house building with commander will request a size-up from the
a cellar, basement, and two levels above is operations officer, then make an analysis of
considered a three-story building during a the fire outside, and transmit a radio size-up
firefighting size-up. report of the operation to the dispatcher.
At the initial stage of a fire when flames For example, the chief in charge of a
are confined to one floor, the inside size-up strip mall fire must immediately determine
is more accurate and useful than the size-up the direction of fire spread in order to
made from outside the burning building. correctly determine where to order the
The operations officer inside the structure positioning of his second hose line to
is closer to the fire and obviously can see prevent fire extension. On arrival at a
more of it than someone standing outside. fire, the incident commander looks at the
However, when a fire spreads through the fire to determine the direction in which
roof, or involves two or more floors, the smoke swirling around the burning store is
outside size-up becomes more accurate. The moving. The direction of smoke spread tells
fire officer inside the building can see only the chief the direction the wind is blowing,
the fire on one floor. The operations officer and the direction of the wind tells the chief
inside cannot see the amount of fire above, the direction of fire spread that is taking
in the roof, or on the floor(s) above. Given place in the common roof space over the
the limited view inside, the operations stores. This may seem obvious, but it is an
officer may believe that the fire involves only important part of the chief ’s fire size-up,
one or two rooms on the burning floor and and it is accomplished subconsciously,
that the blaze can be extinguished quickly, sometimes without realization of the
when the entire roof or several floor above important role that wind direction plays in
may actually be involved in fire above. At a size-up.
the World Trade Center fire, aſter the planes Wind speed is also an important
crashed into the towers, firefighting inside factor during a fire. High winds cause
the towers suffered from a limited view of conflagrations. Any veteran knows that you
the incident. Fire chiefs responding from cannot fight a fire against a forceful wind
across bridges to the burning 110-story and that you cannot advance an attack
towers had a better understanding of hose line against the wind; high winds
the fire and destruction to the burning coming from an open window, blowing
buildings. Two size-ups—one inside and flames down an apartment hallway into
one outside—should be the strategy during the face of the attack hose team, will stop
every fire and emergency. the advance. Also, winds gusting over 30
miles per hour can turn small building or
brush fires into raging conflagrations. Even
Identifying the Direction large-caliber master streams will not stop a
wind-driven fire.
of Fire Spread
Wind direction is one critical factor
that an incident commander must analyze Standard Operating
to cut off fire extension and extinguish a
fire. Furthermore, wind direction is the
most important weather factor to consider A standard operating procedure is a
during the initial size-up. The incident strategy for having arriving fire companies
commander must know the wind direction perform a specific task at a specific
to plan an effective fire strategy and make location. A strategy that incorporates
correct decisions. standard operating procedures provides
accountability and control. It is a general
first responder’s plan of who does what encountered logistics problem requiring
and where. management at a fire or emergency scene.
Standard operating procedures let A planning officer may be assigned when
companies know where they should be things get hectic at a large operation. The
operating and what they should be doing incident commander designates a planning
when first arriving at a fire before the officer in order to focus on the immediate
chief gets there. For example, a standard command decision making; by contrast,
operating procedure for working a fire the planning officer can think over the
at a multistory dwelling may involve long term. Finally, when mutual aid and/or
two companies. Even if the chief has specialized outside services are called to
not yet arrived, the standard operating assist at an operation, a finance officer may
procedure allows the officers of the first- be designated to estimate, document, and
and second-arriving companies to stretch record the time and equipment use and
the first attack hose line and search for costs to the local government.
victims on arrival. The standard operating
procedure may be very simple:
The firefighters with the first-arriving Fire Ground
company stretch the hose to the fire; and
the second-arriving company performs vent
and search-and-rescue operations. This is the least understood strategy
A standard operating procedure is a in the fire ser vice. There is great
strategy for fire companies. misunderstanding about communications
flow in the fire service. Who notifies whom
of a dangerous condition during a fire or
Incident Management emergency is not clear. Company officers and
firefighters must realize they are responsible
The incident command system, now for notifying the incident commander of
called the National Incident Management hazards discovered. Unfortunately, many
System (NIMS) by the fire service, firefighters erroneously believe that the
represents a strategy for command. The five warning to get off a roof or to back out of
management or command functions are a cellar will come from the chief, who is
command, operations, planning, logistics, standing outside, at the command post. This
and finance. The incident commander may is a deadly misunderstanding that has cost
decide to perform all command functions lives in the past. The truth is, the fire chief
at an incident or may delegate some or all cannot see fire conditions inside the building
of them to incoming officers. from the command post. He or she cannot
If one command function can be said to see the crack of the rear wall. Nor can the
be delegated most oſten, it is operations. An chief evaluate the stability of the roof or the
operations officer is most oſten designated floor inside a burning building. Actually,
by the incident commander at fires and the chief is depending on the sector officers
emergencies. The operations officer and the company officers and the firefighters
sets up an operations post close to the close to the operation to tell him or her of
incident, for size-up. Next most common these dangerous conditions. The sector
is the designation of a logistics officer. officers, company officers, and firefighters
Staging of apparatus is the most frequently are the eyes and ears of the incident
commander. Nevertheless, it becomes the for a victim trapped at a window, there can
responsibility of the incident commander, be no strategy at a fire. If no fire ground
once notified of a danger, to take any action designation system is used, then everyone
necessary to protect all the officers and can be considered to be freelancing.
firefighters across the entire operation.
Aſter many tragedies, firefighters come
forward and tell of seeing warning signs
before the event; however, they did not
Fire Building Designation
report these to the incident commander, and A fire department should also have
lives were lost. Only an incident commander a strategy for defining the area inside a
who receives and acts on radio reports of burning building. When fighting a fire in a
dangers can ensure safe operations. Some house fire, if you know what floor you are
chiefs do not want to hear bad news, and on and what floor the fire is burning on,
they discourage warnings from officers and then there is usually no need to further
firefighters or do not respond to messages break down the interior floor area into
of reported dangers. However, without smaller parts or sections. However, if you
open communication channels, an incident are working a fire in a large apartment
commander may lack a complete picture of building or a building containing a row of
the fire operation. several stores where flame is spreading in
the roof space, or if you are searching in
a large-area high-rise building with many
Fire Ground Designation offices, to communicate effectively with the
command post, you must use an interior
A fire department must have a strategy building designation system. An interior
for defining the fire ground around a building designation system allows you to
burning building. The fire ground area subdivide the floor area into smaller parts
must be defined, and everyone must know and to pinpoint and communicate your
the defined area. Exposure A is the area in exact location inside the burning building,
front of the fire building. The command as well as the precise location of a spreading
post is usually located within exposure A. fire discovered during a search inside a
Proceeding clockwise from the command large-area building.
post, exposure B is the leſt side, exposure One of the most simple and commonly
C is the rear, and exposure D is the right used interior building designation systems
side of the burning building. When you give for large apartment house fires is to break up
orders from the command post or receive the apartment sections (wings) into letters
orders from fire officers working around the A, B, and C, from leſt to right—starting
building, you must use this or another fire with A at the leſt section (wing)—as viewed
ground designation system that identifies from the command post. Also, each section
the four sides of a burning building. can be further subdivided, if necessary by
It can be deadly if firefighters do not designation of front, middle, and rear. The
know where they are operating around the smaller intermediate portions connecting
outside of a burning building. Also, if the the sections (wings) of a large apartment
incident commander cannot pinpoint the house can also be designated; they can be
exact side of a burning building where a hose a core section, or a connecting section, or a
line should be stretched or where to search throat section.
strategy. Radio progress reports are a fire noncontaminated zone). These hazard work
ground commander’s internal system of zones are created to limit contamination of
checks and balances. the public and firefighters. All emergency
personnel must know what the different
hazard work zones mean, and they must
Search Strategies know which hazard zone to enter and which
hazard zone to avoid. Movement between
A fire department must have a strategy these on-scene hazard work zones is
for searching a burning building for victims. controlled at guarded checkpoints. Wooden
The strategy used to locate victims during a barricades, barrier tape, or rope must be
fire is to conduct two searches. Firefighters used to define the hazard work zones.
first make a quick primary search to look
for unconscious victims with the advance of The hot zone (contaminated area)
their attack hose line. The secondary search Firefighters should never enter the
is more methodical, a slow and careful hot zone once it has been defined, unless
search of the entire fire building and the wearing special protective HAZMAT
area around the burned-out building for clothing, and if this does happen by mistake,
victims. The secondary search is usually the firefighter must retreat to the warm
performed aſter the fire is controlled. One zone (decontamination zone) through a
of the most important radio reports given checkpoint and be decontaminated. Only
by the incident commander is the results firefighters equipped with special chemical
of primary and secondary searches. The or HAZMAT protective equipment should
incident commander must request that enter the hot zone or the warm zone; all
companies operating inside the burning other firefighters should remain in the cold
building conduct a primary search of the zone. The hot zone (exclusion zone) must
fire area and a secondary search of the entire be avoided by firefighters wearing normal
building and its surroundings. Nothing protective clothing, such as turnout gear,
indicates a poor firefighting operation more masks, hood, and helmet.
clearly than the fire department’s leaving the
scene of a fire and a victim’s being found in The warm zone
the rubble several days later. (decontamination area)
This area is located between the hot
zone and the cold zone (noncontaminated
Hazardous Material zone). The warm zone should be located at
Incident Danger Zones the scene, upwind and uphill from the hot
zone. It is established to provide an area
In the 21st century, all fire departments where on-scene decontamination takes place.
must have a strategy for hazardous material Decontamination procedures are conducted
incidents. During a terrorist chemical attack only in the warm zone. Contaminated
or hazardous material incident, an incident civilians and emergency personnel and
commander must immediately establish equipment are cleaned and decontaminated
hazard work zones. The three hazard work in the warm zone. Decontamination
zones are the hot zone (exclusion zone), the procedures, such as clothing removal,
warm zone (contamination reduction zone), showering, and monitoring, are carried out
and the cold zone (the hazard-free zone or in the warm zone.
Postfire Analysis
A fire department should
have a strategy for analyzing
fire operations, in terms of
new lessons learned and old
lessons reinforced. Aſter
every greater alarm, a postfire
analysis should be conducted.
Fig. 1–3. Tower stream positioned outside the collapse zone.
You learn something new
at every fire you respond to,
and by preparing a postfire
Firefighters positioned in a flanking zone are analysis, so can everybody else. Aſter a fire,
positioned in front of adjoining buildings, incident commanders should assemble all
away from the entire front of the unstable the firefighters who responded to the fire
wall. The hose streams will be operated at or emergency and discuss the incident.
angles from the flanking positions. The The purpose is to learn lessons and share
hose streams may be less effective owing information. All firefighters should be able
to the angle, but the firefighters will be to learn from a fire or emergency—even
safe in the flanking zones if the entire front one they did not respond to.
wall collapses. There are three parts to a postfire
analysis: (1) a fact sheet; (2), a fire
ground diagram; and (3) photographic
Corner Safe Zones documentation of significant factors
identified in parts 1 and 2. (See chap. 20
There are four flanking zones, of Collapse of Burning Buildings.) Everyone
sometimes called corner safe areas, around in a department can get information and
a burning building. If you imagine, from experience from a fire if a postfire analysis
a bird’s eye view, the walls of a four-sided is conducted. For every large or an unusual
building collapsing and covering the incident, there should be a study, an
ground with bricks, you will find four areas evaluation, and a record of the strategy and
at the corners of the collapsed building that tactics used.
fire to spread more rapidly than old, construction. The widespread use of
heavyweight materials. lightweight wood truss construction—
Lightweight construction buildings, and especially the connector used
even those designated by building codes to fasten members of this light truss
as fire-resistive buildings, allow fire to together—is a concern to firefighters.
spread from floor to floor. By fire service Instead of standard-size nails or bolts,
standards, they are no longer fire resistive. trusses are connected using so-called
The old definition of a building as fire sheet metal surface fasteners of random
resistive meant the building did not allow sizes and shapes. These sheet metal
fire to spread from one floor to the floors surface fasteners penetrate the wood
above; however, new fire-resistive building surface by only one-quarter to one-half
construction allows fire to spread to floors of an inch.
above. For example, in 1970, New York
• Wooden I beams. Another new
City had a two-floor fire in a so-called
design in building construction is the
fire-resistive building; in the 1980s, Los
wooden I beam, replacing the 2 in. ×
Angeles had a five-floor fire in a fire-resistive
8 in. solid wood raſter. This lightweight
building; and in the 1990s, Philadelphia had
beam is composition wood beam,
a nine-floor fire in a fire-resistive building.
constructed of a 2 in. × 4 in., as a top
There is no such thing as passive fire
and bottom flange attached to a piece
resistance. Buildings alone do not stop fire
of particleboard that acts as a web
spread. Every new-construction site must
member. This composition floor and
be visited so that firefighting preplans
roof support is shaped as an I beam.
can then be drawn up. These inspections
must consider not only fire hazards of the • Steel bar joist truss construction.
contents, but also the building design and The lightweight steel bar joist was
construction materials used in the structure. used to support floors in the World
Fire preplans must develop defensive Trade Center. This floor support is
firefighting strategies to compensate for another form of lightweight floor and
new and old dangerous construction; for roof construction used throughout
unusual, untested structural designs; and the country that has the fire service
for lightweight building materials. alarmed. When unprotected, lightweight
This defensive firefighting strategy bar joist beams can fail within 5–10
should replace some of our old offensive minutes of fire exposure (fig. 2–2). The
firefighting strategies. The size-up World Trade Center, constructed by
experience developed by the fire service the Port Authority, to my knowledge,
over the years no longer applies to modern was the only high-rise office building
lightweight building construction methods in New York City to use lightweight bar
and designs. The following are specific joist construction in high-rise office
examples of lightweight building materials building construction. I and many fire
and methods of fire protection and open chiefs in the Fire Department of New
interior design that are of concern to the York (FDNY) did not know lightweight
fire service: bar joist construction had been used
• Lightweight construction. One as floor supports in the World Trade
firefighter dies every 18 months in Center. Preplanning would have
the collapse of a burning building informed us of the danger presented
constructed with lightweight wood by this construction.
inspection programs, you still have to go firefighting procedures into the computer;
out and do the work. Fire officers must only you can do this. The computer program
identify the target hazard, conduct a survey may look very impressive, but remember,
of the building, and draw a preplan that can what you put into the computer is what
be used in the computer program. A target you will get out of it. It has to be relevant to
hazard is a building or occupancy that is your department—and as the saying goes,
considered hazardous and requires special “Garbage in, garbage out.”
attention, such as increased inspections,
prefire inspection, defensive firefighting
procedures, fireguards, or an order to vacate
the premises.
Fire Preplanning
A fire officer will have to know how A fire officer has to know how to
to inspect the preplan site and building conduct a prefire inspection. The inspector
and how to draw the building preplan will have to take notes and render
diagram, identifying the size, construction, drawings of the building site and all of the
occupancies, and fire protection equipment surrounding buildings. Every floor inside
the firefighters can use. Aſter this work has may need to be inspected, from the cellar
been completed, strategies and tactics will to the roof. The fire officer should inspect
have to be created on the basis of a potential and record the occupancies and hazards,
fire or emergency in the building. and show what fire protection equipment
Most important, aſter the preplan is is available.
finished, it has to be programmed into
a computer. The computer program you
purchase at the fire conference may help Identifying the building
you, but it will not do the work of creating What is preplanning? The fire service
a preplan for you. You still have to develop is criticized for being too reactive, with not
the fire preplan. A preplan consists of a fact enough planning going on. They say we
sheet, with information about the building; need to be more proactive, less reactive.
a diagram of the building or floor; and For a start, every fire department should
recommended firefighting strategy and pick out the top 10 buildings in the district,
tactics. The preplan drawing and diagram or in the community, that are considered
should be a standard type used for every one a fire challenge. Aſter identifying these
of your buildings. In additional, standard so-called target hazards, your department
symbols must be used to identify fire must draw up a fire preplan that can be
protection equipment and fire apparatus. used by all of the following personnel:
Chiefs and company officers must not be your first responder, to assist in the size
required to figure out different types of up; your incident commander, during a
drawings and symbols at a fire planning major fire; and your fire marshal, during
session or, more important, at a fire. a fire investigation. A fire preplan consists
The preplan must also reflect your of making an inspection of the premise
department’s strategy and tactics. For and filling out a fact sheet of information
example, the preplan has to incorporate about the building, then drawing the
your standard operating procedures and building or floor diagram from a bird’s
your department response assignment. eye view (or sometimes a profile view).
The salesperson will not program your Aſterward, an experienced incident
commander must devise the best method scene to evaluate the building and fill in the
of fighting strategy and tactics for a fire in strategy and tactics to be used by the first
the building. There is nothing mysterious responders and the incident commanders
about fire preplanning. in the event of a major-alarm fire. A copy
of the completed fire preplan was then sent
to the deputy chief, who also conducted a
The three parts of a fire preplan size-up inspection of the building to approve
The FDNY used to have a preplanning the battalion chief ’s strategy and tactics.
program called Tactical Information These documents were reduced in size,
of a Perilous Situation (TIPS). When photographed, and recorded on a small film
a fire officer conducting a routine fire called microfiche. A copy of the preplan was
inspection discovered a building with recorded on microfiche and was stored in
unusual hazards, it was recommended for a file box in the battalion and division car.
the TIPS preplanning program. In brief, a There was also a photo enlarger/viewer in
fire officer reinspected the premises from the chief ’s cars, to view the microfiche film
the standpoint of a fire protection and preplan during a fire. At a fire, the preplan
firefighting strategy and tactics. During this was retrieved manually from a file and,
prefire inspection, the fire officer noted the along with the photo enlarger, was brought
structure, the occupancies, and the hazards. to the command post, and the chief used
Then, the fire spread features and the fire it to assist in drawing up the strategy and
protection equipment in the building tactics. This program was discontinued in
were evaluated. the 1980s.
Aſter the site inspection was completed
and notes and rough diagrams were
compiled, the officer returned to the fire Electronic command board
house to draw up a building preplan. This McKinsey & Company, a consulting
consisted of a fact sheet on the first page, firm, evaluated the FDNY’s response
listing information about the building to the World Trade Center on 9/11 and
and its owner, and a building floor plan recommended that the FDNY replace the
on the second page, showing the relevant magnetic command boards used by chiefs to
occupancies, content or process hazards, track firefighters in a burning building. As a
and most important, fire spread features substitute, they recommended an electronic
created by the building and its content. command board, which could track the
Also included in this drawing were the fire locations of firefighters operating in a high-
protection equipment that could be used by rise building and could also be used to store
firefighters. The inspecting fire officer leſt and display preplan information.
the third page of the fire preplan blank; this Today, New York University is designing
page was reserved for a summary of strategy a computerized command board, which
and tactics, including recommendations on could replace the magnetic command
how to fight a fire, to be filled in later. boards currently used by the FDNY for
The preplan package, containing the tracking fire companies. In addition, this
fact sheet, the building floor plan, and a electronic command board would have the
blank page for strategy and tactics, was sent capability to provide the chief with a fire
to the local battalion chief. The battalion preplan. The information provided on the
chief examined the document, went to the
If you are going to
be denied the close-up
approach of going inside
a burning building for a
(micro) size-up, you can get
important (macro) size-up
information from the very
beginning of the response
and en route. When
responding to an alarm, be
Fig. 3–1. Size-up of a fire and giving orders to incoming units. aware of the weather. Put on
your turnouts outside the firehouse, on the injured by sliding and falling on the ice.
apron. Check the flags blowing in the wind. Apparatus will skid and collide with other
Are people walking in the street bundled up cars responding to the fire or emergency.
and buffeted by the wind. You may not get the full assignment of
If it is a windy day, that could spell apparatus and firefighters at the scene.
trouble. Wind spreads fire and sometimes Booster tank water may freeze, and freezing
blows fire and heat from a burning room water in gas lines will cause apparatus
back into the path of firefighters advancing to stall.
a hose line. Conflagrations occur when the Such freezing-cold weather does not
wind is blowing over 30 miles per hour. occur frequently in most places. However,
Wind affects firefighting more frequently that’s exactly the problem. Because it does
than any other weather condition. In not occur oſten, when it does happen,
addition to stopping the advance of a hose we are not prepared, and the weather
attack team, wind blows smoke and burning becomes more of a problem during a fire or
embers toward exposed buildings. A strong emergency. Cold weather is not as much a
wind also speeds up fire and smoke spread handicap to firefighters in Alaska. They have
inside a common roof space. Fire will spread experience and know how to fight fire at
across an attic or cockloſt more rapidly on freezing temperatures. The strategy is to tell
a windy day. Coordinating venting and engines to keep the nozzles cracked slightly,
hose line advance should be accorded high to keep water flowing; pump operators are
priority on a windy day. directed to spread salt or sand, to reduce
fall injuries; and ladder company chauffeurs
are directed to lower unused aerial ladders
Temperature before they freeze.
additional resources, tell the dispatcher then you should set up the command post
early, and specify exactly what you will need. at a corner, so that you can see as much
If there is a shortage of companies because of the fire building as possible. From this
there is another incident in progress, position, you can see two sides of the
additional resources may be available only building. From the command post, I would
on a first-come, first-served basis. want to see the fire and smoke coming
Is a rescue company assigned? If you from windows of the building. Sometimes,
face an incident that requires specialized a person would be at a window; if so, the
service of a rescue team, put in a special incoming ladder company could be given
call for them. specific instructions, over the radio, telling
Do I have a company assigned as a where to position the ladder. At operations
rapid intervention team (RIT)? Know which with a two-street view, you might see fire
of the responding units is the RIT. The apparatus in one street that could be used
responding company may not themselves at the side of the fire building. Also, fire
know their assignment, or the RIT team escapes on the side of a building might be
may want to work at the fire and forget to visible from the corner that could be used
tell you. for stretching hose to the upper floors of a
If the regularly assigned companies multistory building.
are not responding, are there replacements At some fires, from the corner
companies filling in the assignment? If you command post, you would see the entrance
have replacement companies that are not side and observe the coordination and
familiar with the local buildings, locating movement of the first attack hose team
a fire may take longer, and the initial attack stretching the line, while also seeing the fire
hose advance may not be as effective. side of the building. Aſter the stretch and
Is there a signal indicating an call for water, you could follow the progress
undermanned company is responding? If of the hose team as they extinguished
so, your hose stretch may take longer, or flame in room aſter room. If you set up a
you may have to team two companies up corner command post where exposures A
to get the hose line stretched. By contrast, and B meet, do not change the fire ground
if on arrival you see your incident does not designations; continue to use A as the front
require the full assignment, immediately of the building when you communicate on
tell the dispatcher which units are in service the radio.
for additional alarms. In case responding
assignments are not complete during a fire,
radio messages should be monitored closely
for signs of problems, and alarms should
Smoke Size-up
be quickly transmitted at the first sign of The first and most important fire
fire spread. size-up factor that you want to check from
the vantage of the command post is the
smoke. If you stay at the command post,
Corner Command Post outside a burning building, you must use
all your senses to size up the fire inside
If you are going to stay outside at a the building. At rare times, even the smell
command post when arriving on the scene of the smoke at the command post may
of a fire and the fire is in a corner building, indicate what type of fire is burning inside.
Fire due to a smoldering mattress, food on Black or dark brown smoke coming
the stove, or an oil burner can sometimes from a window indicates that the fire is in
be detected by the smell of the smoke in the the growing stage (fig. 3–2). When flames
street. The smell of paint and wood burning blow out several windows, the fire has
in the street near the command post would already flashed over, and you are present
indicate something more serious. during the second stage of the fire. When
If there is no smoke odor in the street, the flames change to white smoke (steam),
identify the direction the smoke is blowing. this indicates that the hose attack team is
This is another important size-up fact. In successfully moving through the building
the daytime, visible smoke movement and extinguishing the fire.
tells you which direction
the wind is blowing, and
the direction the wind is
moving is the direction the
fire will spread—inside and
outside. This information
helps determine where to
position hose lines if and
when you have to protect
an exposed building from
fire spread. The direction
smoke is moving indicates
a future exposure problem
if the initial attack hose
team does not accomplish
their mission.
The color of smoke
can also tell a chief at the
command post important
information. Aſter
firefighters vent windows
and roofs, there is usually a
large plume of smoke rising
from the building. Smoke
from a structure or content
fire is oſten brownish or
black in color. There are Fig. 3–2. Black smoke indicates fire increase.
three stages to fire growth:
first is the growth stage, in which the fire Black smoke coming from a cellar or
grows from a small area to engulf an entire basement could mean an oil burner fire.
room; second is the fully developed or active Black smoke coming from one of the
flaming stage, in which the fire engulfs the upper floors could be plastic furnishings or
entire room; third is the decay stage, in a flammable liquid used by an arsonist to
which the flaming begins to subside and the start the fire.
temperature in the room decreases.
Heavy black or brown smoke blowing flaming window; it stops; then it shoots
out windows or doorways, before or out again. Fire, coming out the window,
during forcible entry effort, suggests the turns to smoke; the stream stops. The
possibility of a smoke explosion. Smoke next time, the water stream shoots out a
coming out a doorway or window, suddenly little longer; it stops again. Then, the water
reversing direction, being sucked back stream shoots out continuously; the flaming
into the building, is a further signal of a window turns to white smoke, and the fire
smoke explosion. is being extinguished.
Smoke mixed with sporadic flashes of
flame coming out of a doorway is called
rollover. This could mean fire rolling over
the heads of firefighters getting ready with
Hose Stretching
a hose line to move into a store fire. It From the command post, an important
could also indicate that flashover is about size-up skill is to evaluate the coordination,
to occur. control, and flow of the first-responding
Active flaming from a vented storefront company, who stretch the initial attack
show window means that flashover has hose line. From that vantage, a chief can
already occurred, and the danger that verify whether the pumper is connected
firefighters will be caught in a flashover or to a water supply. Furthermore, he or
smoke explosion is lessened. Smoke and fire she can observe the hose stretch: Is it
visible from the command post, in the street, going smoothly, or is there a problem?
coming from above the roofline aſter a roof Are there sufficient firefighters involved
skylight has been vented is also be a good in the hose stretch? Four firefighters are
sign. It means that products of combustion required for a multistory hose stretch (in
are not blowing back into the path of the compliance with NFPA standard 1710 [the
firefighters inside who are advancing the two-in/two-out regulation]):
attack hose line into the store. 1. Nozzle firefighter
However, if a steady smoke or flame 2. Backup nozzle firefighter
comes out of a stripmall show window for 3. Doorway/backup firefighter
too long a time, it may indicate that the 4. Control/backup firefighter
hose attack team is failing to advance on All firefighters stretching hose should
the fire. Prolonged smoke and fire coming be working together. They should be evenly
from a store with no change in quantity spaced from one another. There should be
calls for some change of strategy. Start a a call for water over the radio by the officer
second or third hose line, if that has not when the hose is stretched. The hose line
already been ordered, and start looking should be quickly charged, with no burst
around for an aerial master stream to be lengths and no excessive hose lengths in the
repositioned nearby, for possible use at the street. When you see this from the command
downwind store. post, 90% of the fire operation has been
When one is standing at the command completed. This is good size-up information
post, the sight of a water stream by the visible from a command post. If a chief ran
advancing attack hose team shooting out the ahead of the hose stretch and went inside the
flaming window of a multistory building is fire building and a problem occurred with
a great sight. Moreover, it indicates success. the stretch, it could be a disaster. If the hose
A water stream sporadically shoots out a attack team advances on the fire without
hall side of the stair railing. They will not Conduction is the transfer of heat through
be able to get down the stairs, unless they a solid.)
quickly climb over the railing. During a Shaſt fires. In older tenements, the light
chaotic period of the fire, as when flames shaſts, dumbwaiter shaſts, and air shaſts
are pushing firefighters off a landing, still exist. In renovated multiple-dwelling
the incident commanders should ensure buildings, these shaſts may be boarded up
firefighters do not go up the stairs to the and concealed by plasterboard walls. The
floor above to escape flames spreading out most serious shaſt fire is one between two
to a hall. buildings. If the fire spreads into the shaſt,
Stairway fire spread. In a multistory two buildings are involved.
residence, flames spreading out of a Several years ago, the FDNY and the
lower-floor apartment into a hallway Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute conducted
quickly travel up the open stairway, tests in three-story row houses to study
trapping anyone in the stair enclosure. One exactly how fire spreads in these buildings.
of the first safety and survival firefighting Several of their tests involved interior shaſt
procedures we learn is to not get caught fires. In one experiment, a rubbish fire in
above a fire in a stairway. Going above an the base of the shaſt was ignited and allowed
uncontrolled fire in a multiple-dwelling to burn freely. The shaſt was between two
building is extremely dangerous. Incident buildings and open at the top. Windows
commanders must instruct firefighters to faced the shaſt. Flames spread rapidly up
never walk down a stairway from the roof, the shaſt; fire leaped several feet above
aſter venting the stair skylight or bulkhead roof level. Fire extension into the building
door. Flames, heat, and smoke spread up occurred first into the top-floor window
stairways when the door to a fire apartment opening, then the second floor, and finally
is opened. If the first attack hose line does the first floor. The highest temperatures
not quickly move in and extinguish the within the shaſt were registered near the
apartment fire, the stairway can become top of the shaſt.
a chimney. What does this mean to an incident
Of the three types of heat transfer— commander? It means that during
convection, radiation, and conduction— a shaſt fire, you must extinguish fire
convection is the most common way in simultaneously at the point of origin and at
which a structure fire spreads. Convection the top floor. At least two lines are required
currents of heat and flame spread up a at a shaſt fire.
stairway. Convection is the transfer of Cockloſt fire spread. Why do some
heat by way of a fluid. A fluid is a gas or fires that extend to a roof space or cockloſt,
liquid. Fire gases such as smoke and flame defined as the large concealed space
are the method by which convection heat between the top-floor ceiling and the
is transferred during a structure fire. For underside of the roof deck, spread with
example, as air is heated, it expands and explosive speed? There are three reasons
becomes lighter than the surrounding for unusually rapid fire spread in a cockloſt
unheated air. This lighter air (flame and of a multiple-dwelling building or a row
hot smoke) rises to the ceiling of a fire of stores.
room and up a stairway. (Radiation occurs One reason is arson. At an alarm for
at a large conflagration and is defined an odor of gasoline on the top floor of a
as the transfer of heat through space. large H-type dwelling several years ago,
a firefighter searching for a source on are subdivided into spaces of 3,000 square
the roof liſted up a vent and discovered feet or less. This compartmentalization
four open one-gallon plastic containers is designed to restrict the spread of fire
that were filled with gasoline. The cloth in a concealed space such as a cockloſt.
wick extending from the opening of one But don’t believe it. The fire stopping,
container had only partially burned and which may include fire walls and party
had self-extinguished. walls, oſten has poke-through holes that
Another reason some cockloſt fires allow fire to spread. Workers oſten break
spread unusually fast is old leaking natural through fire-stopping plaster partitions and
gas pipes. Gas piping for gas lighting even brick walls to run utilities through
fixtures and cooking stoves sometimes runs adjoining occupancies.
the gamut—from top-floor occupancy, to Parapet wall as fire division between
occupancy through the roof space above the buildings. A parapet wall is defined as
apartment, to large, old multiple-dwelling a portion of a wall extending above the
buildings. This old gas piping can develop roofline. A brick parapet wall above a roof
small leaks over the years. Leaking gas may appear to be in good condition. It may
can fill up a cockloſt. When flames from have new well-painted masonry, no missing
a top-floor fire spread to the roof space, bricks, and a new coping stone. However,
a rapid fire develops; sometimes an if you go to the floor below and pull the
explosion occurs. top-floor ceiling along the wall or cut the
The third reason for a fast-spreading roof deck near the base of the parapet
fire in a cockloſt is the tons of exposed wood and look into the cockloſt, you may find
in the roof space. Dried-out wood beams, a different wall, with missing bricks, large
bracing, the underside of the roof deck, the poke-through holes for ducts and wire, or
ceiling lath, and wood furring can feed an cracked and crumbling mortar.
explosive fire in the cockloſt. What you see above a roof is not what
Whatever the cause of a rapidly you get in the cockloſt. When builders
spreading cockloſt fire is, firefighters renovate a building, they rebuild the
must realize that a top-floor fire that has parapet wall portion of a party wall, above
extended to the cockloſt is more dangerous the roof deck. The important portion of wall
than a fire on a lower floor. Ceiling and designed to stop fire spread in the cockloſt
roof collapse can occur; in addition to below the roof deck, however, may be leſt
rapid fire spread, if there is gasoline or crumbling and unrepaired.
gas leakage, there can be an explosion. Window fire spread. If the heat of a
Incident commanders should instruct fire breaks a window or a firefighter vents
firefighters to pull a top-floor ceiling near a window and the burning room is not
the room doorway. If the fire explodes the extinguished by an attack hose line team,
ceiling downward, an escape is possible, flames coming out of the open window can
back out the doorway. spread to the floor above or to an adjoining
Concealed roof spaces that contain structure (fig. 3–4). Flames spreading from
combustible framework, such as wood window to window, called autoexposure,
roof beams, wood furring, bracing, lath, must be considered a fire spread threat and
and roof decking, are required by building a danger to firefighters. These flames can
codes to be subdivided by one-hour spread fire and trap a firefighter searching
fire-stopping. The concealed roof spaces on the floor above a fire.
Today, fire-resistive building does above, is another way in which fire spreads
not confine a fire to one floor. Passive fire throughout a fire-resistive building. To
resistance can no longer be depended on by combat fire spread by autoexposure, the
the fire chief. Fire and smoke does spread officer at the command post should order
several floors in a modern fire-resistive an aerial master stream into position to
building, despite its steel and concrete stop potential window-to-window fire
structure. In the 1970s, New York City spread. The chief at the command post may
suffered a fire that spread two floors in a choose not to use the master stream, but
fire-resistive building; in the 1980s, Los it should be in position and ready to use
Angeles had a high-rise office fire in a just in case. A water stream directed against
so-called fire-resistive building that spread the spandrel wall, if present, can slow down
four floors, from the 12th through the 16th; autoexposure fire spread. Alternatively,
and in the 1990s, the Meridian Plaza fire, if there is no spandrel wall, a fog stream
in Philadelphia, burned out the 22nd to the may be used in an attempt to cool the glass
30th floors. On September 11, 2001, the window above. An aerial stream should
World Trade Center experienced a terrorist not be directed into the flaming window if
attack. Aſter the plane crashes, smoke and firefighters are inside.
fire spread rapidly throughout many floors Noncombustible building fire spread
of the towers. The fire continued to spread size-up. Fire spreads on the roof deck of
from floor to floor and was fed not only by a noncombustible (type II construction)
the planes’ fuel but also by the contents of building. A type II building has steel or
the building. concrete walls, floors, and structural
Two avenues of fire and smoke spread framework. However, the roof covering
in a fire-resistive building are by ducts of the is combustible; it burns and spreads fire
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning along the top of the roof. The flammable
(HVAC) system, and by autoexposure, roof covering of a type II building may
flames extending vertically from window be a layer of asphalt with a combustible
to window. HVAC systems are used in felt paper covering. Another layer of
fire-resistive buildings such as high-rise asphalt may be mopped over another
office buildings and hotels. A system of layer of combustible insulation paper.
ducts acts as a network to supply warm or On top of all this may be a combustible
cool air. These ducts, unfortunately, allow insulation covering. When a fire occurs
fire and smoke to spread throughout a inside a type II building, flames rising to
fire-resistive (type I construction) building. the underside of the steel roof deck may
Some building codes require that the conduct heat through the metal and ignite
HVAC system automatically shut down the combustible roof covering above.
when a smoke detector in the building is Conduction is the transfer of heat through
activated. However, the fire chief should a solid. Once ignited, the asphalt, felt
not rely on code enforcement, so when paper, and foam insulation may burn and
standing at a command post, in front of spread fire along the roof covering. Aſter
burning fire-resistive building, a fire ground a fire has been extinguished inside a type
commander should order the HVAC system II building, the chief at the command post
be shut down. should immediately order the officer to go
Autoexposure, the vertical spread of to the roof and examine the roof covering
flames from windows below to windows directly above for fire spread. If necessary,
a hose line should be stretched to the roof the floor above it. By doing this, flame
for extinguishment. and heat can get ahead of the spreading
Ordinary construction fire spread fire and cut it off. The goal is to stop
size-up. Ordinary (type III) construction has fire from spreading to the common
been described as a “lumberyard enclosed roof space.
by four brick walls.” Ordinary-constructed
Heavy timber fire spread size-up.
buildings have masonry-bearing walls, but
Heavy timber (type IV) buildings have
the floors, walls, and roof are made of wood
masonry walls like type III buildings, but
or other combustible material. The major
the interior wood consists of large timbers.
recurring fire spread problem of type III
The lumberyard inside is much greater. One
construction is concealed spaces and
difference between a heavy timber building
poke-through holes. These voids, crevices,
and ordinary construction is that a heavy
and openings through which smoke and fire
timber building does not have plaster
can spread are found behind the partition
covering the interior wood framework. Fire
walls, floors, and ceilings. These concealed
spread in concealed spaces is not a problem
spaces are created by wood studs, floor
in a heavy timber-constructed building,
joists, and suspended ceilings. Poke-through
unless it has been renovated, and plaster
holes are created by openings for utilities.
walls and ceilings have been installed.
Today, there are even larger concealed
If a fire in a heavy timber building is
spaces and large poke-through holes.
not extinguished by sprinklers or hose
Computers and electric wiring in modern
lines, the exposed wood surface of a heavy
building require large utility closets and
timber building can create a tremendous
shaſts to run horizontal and vertical power
fire. Aſter the windows break, radiated
throughout a building. Larger concealed
heat waves can spread fire across streets,
spaces and larger poke-through holes allow
igniting adjoining buildings. The chief at a
a greater amount of fire to spread much
command post must consider sending an
faster throughout the building.
early withdrawal signal, to get firefighters
As soon it is reported that the main fire
out of the heavy timber building during
in a type III building has been extinguished,
a rapidly spreading fire. A roll call should
the fire chief should order the ceilings and
be conducted to ensure that all firefighters
walls around the fire room opened up
are accounted for, while at the same time,
with pike poles and the concealed spaces
exterior master streams are being set up to
checked for fire. Firefighters must try to
protect exposures.
cut off concealed fire. The general rules for
Prepare for the tremendous fire
cutting off fire in concealed spaces can be
with flame and radiated heat spreading
summarized as follows:
fire across streets. There will also be
• If firefighters discover fire in a floor,
wind-blown flying embers and a building
they open up the walls where the floor
collapse aſter several hours. Fire apparatus
beam ends meet the wall.
will definitely have to be repositioned away
• If fire is discovered in concealed space from the expanding fire and radiated heat
of a wall, open up the ceiling above the waves. Large water supply sources must
wall area of the concealed fire. be located, large-diameter hose lines must
stretched, and master streams must be set
• If fire is discovered in a concealed space
up in flanking positions to protect nearby
of a ceiling, open up the baseboards on
exposed buildings. The strategy should
be to let the heavy timber building burn To combat fire in a wood frame
and protect any exposed buildings from building, an officer at a command post must
fire spread. Aſter several hours of fire, the order hose lines or master streams outside
structural framing (columns and girders) the burning building, as soon as possible
will fail; then, the floors will collapse, and aſter interior lines are positioned inside
next the masonry walls will crash into the the structure. The exterior water streams
street. Thus, a collapse danger zone must are to stop fire spread on the outside
be designated. combustible surface of the wood frame
Wood frame building fire spread building. Outside streams are not used to
size-up. Both the interior and the exterior extinguish fire inside the building, as long
of a wood frame (type V) building are as firefighters are operating inside. Outside
combustible. A wood frame building is the streams will also be needed to prevent fire
only one of the five types of construction from spreading to adjoining structures
that has combustible exterior walls. There along the outer walls. The strategy of
can be interior fire spread at the same time the fire chief at the command post is to
as exterior fire spread. When sizing up position interior forces to extinguish the
a fire from the command post, the chief main body of fire, and then check for
must realize that the flames can spread extension to nearby concealed spaces; if
throughout the building in concealed fire is discovered in these voids, the flames
spaces, just as in a type III building; in should be cut off before they spread up to
addition, flames may spread outside, over the attic space.
the exterior combustible wall surfaces.
to the second floor and the bedrooms. needed to back up the first line, and if the
Flames can quickly spread from the first line extinguishes the blaze, the second
first floor—and sometimes from the hose line is repositioned above the fire to
cellar—by means of such an unenclosed stop vertical fire spread.
(open) stairway. Firefighters searching
second-floor bedrooms are sometimes
trapped above the fire by fire spreading up
an open stairway.
Window Venting
The fuel in today’s dwellings has also When primary venting of smoke and
changed for the worse. Wood, paper, cloth, heat from dwelling fires is conducted,
cotton, and wool when burning create the second-floor stair window at either
7,000–8,000 British thermal units (BTUs) exposure B, C, or D—usually located at
of heat per pound. Today’s furnishings the landing atop the stairway from the
are made mostly of synthetic materials. first floor to the second floor—is vented.
Plastic furnishings create hotter fires. This window will most effectively remove
Polyurethane yields 12,000 BTUs per smoke building up on the second floor.
pound, and polystyrene yields 18,000 It may also serve as an emergency escape
BTUs per pound. These burning plastics in route for firefighters, in case of a flashover
furnishings produce high heat, much more or a backdraſt. Which side of the dwelling
smoke, and rapid vision loss because of the this window is on can be quickly identified
oil-based black smoke, which can in turn by a size-up of the front of the 2½-story
trap occupants and firefighters. dwelling. If the front entrance door is near
the leſt side of the front of the building
(exposure A), the second-floor stair
Hose Line Strategy window will be on the B-side alley; if the
front entrance door is near the right side
The first attack hose team of firefighters of exposure A, it will be on the D-side
extinguishes most fires in America. The alley. Venting this window at the top of the
proper positioning of a hose line by the stairway is just as important as venting a
first attack hose team at a house fire saves roof skylight, scuttle cover, or bulkhead
more lives than any other single action. The door over a stairway in a multiple-dwelling
strategy is to position a hose line between building; this stair window can be
the fire and the people inside the building vented immediately.
and extinguish the fire. To accomplish Aſter the stair window has been
this, firefighters stretch hose in the front, vented, the firefighter assigned to outside
side, or rear doorway and drive the fire vent must determine which room contains
out a window that has been vented by a the fire and get to a position to perform
firefighter performing outside venting. window venting for the hose line advance.
This is a proven strategy that is used by fire The outside vent firefighter should try to
departments throughout the country. If the coordinate the venting of this window
fire is too large to extinguish, firefighters with the hose line advance. Vent the
operate the hose stream between the fire window at the same time as the hose line
and the exits and try to temporarily stop is charged and starts to advance. Timing
the fire spread while occupants escape this venting can be accomplished by radio
down the stairs. A second line may be communication with the interior hose
attack team or by watching the hose line neighbors to assist in determining who
being charged with water pressure from the may be remaining in the building in need
pumper. The hose jumps and straightens of rescue.
out as it is charged with pressure. A
ground ladder will have to be positioned
to the stairway window. A ladder may also
have to be positioned to vent for the hose
Exterior Fire Spread
team advance. Most fire spread aſter a fire department
arrives on the scene occurs inside the
burning structure—up the open stairs or
Searching for Victims in concealed spaces and spreading to the
attic. As soon as a fire is extinguished,
Firefighters searching for victims check the nearby concealed spaces and
should know the recurring locations in a then check the attic. However, sometimes
house where victims are most oſten found. there is exterior fire spread in addition to
Victims are most oſten found unconscious interior fire spread. A 2½-story dwelling is
or dead at the following locations: most oſten a wood frame structure (type V
• In the fire area or room of fire origin. construction), and this is the only one of
Search this area first. the five construction types (see chap. 3) that
can have a combustible exterior.
• In a path leading from a fire area to
The outside of the building can be
a door, a window, or fire escapes.
combustible wood, or asphalt shingle, or
Victims collapse while trying to escape
plastic siding. Flame can spread across the
the fire.
combustible exterior walls of a 2½-story
• In adjoining bedrooms, asleep in beds. dwelling, in addition to spreading on the
inside. The siding may be wood or an asphalt
• In bathrooms.
imitation brick siding. The asphalt siding is
• On the floors above the fire, overcome an oil-based material. When it is heated by
by carbon monoxide, a lighter-than-air flame, small droplets of oil rain down the
gas driſting upward during the fire. side of the building as the flames spread
upward. The incident commander must
All portions of a house or apartment
always consider the need for an exterior
must be covered in the primary and
hose line to stop exterior fire spread, in
secondary searches. However, we so oſten
addition to the interior hose attack hand
teach firefighters unusual locations where
lines (fig. 4–2). A booster line or a quick
victims may be found that we sometimes
dash with an outside master stream may
overlook the locations where victims
be necessary. The outside stream should
are most oſten found. There are usually
be used only to extinguish the siding fire;
no fire escapes on private dwellings, so
caution must always be taken to ensure
people trapped at windows of second-floor
that the exterior stream is not directed into
bedrooms may have to jump out of
burning windows, because such improper
windows. Don’t forget to search the area
use of an exterior stream could scald or
around the perimeter of the building.
burn firefighters operating inside the
When performing secondary searches,
burning dwelling.
get information about occupants from
through a plasterboard
wall into a concealed
space or void. Aſter a fire
is extinguished, first the
ceiling above the fire is
opened and checked for
fire; next, the charred
walls near the blaze are
opened, and the wall
sp ac e is che cke d for
fire extension.
Radiation heat
transfer is the transfer
of heat through space.
The transfer of heat by
radiation does not occur
as frequently as convection
or conduction. Because it is
unusual, because it happens
suddenly, and because it
is invisible, we are not as
effective in preventing
Fig. 4–2. Outside hose lines are required in addition to interior
it from happening.
hose lines.
Radiation heat transfer
occurs from one 2½-story
Radiation Fire Spread wood building to another across the space
between buildings, over an alley or driveway.
Fire (heat) can spread by convection, Burning wood buildings separated from
conduction, or radiation. Convection fire each other by a space of 20–30 feet can still
spread is the transfer of heat by a fluid (gas spread fire by radiation.
or liquid). Fire gases spread heat at a fire; Fire spread by radiation cannot be seen.
that is convection. The transfer of heat The heat transfer between buildings can be
by convection can be seen when flames felt if you walk in the space between the
blow out a top-floor window, beneath a buildings, but fire spread by radiation waves
roof overhang, and spread into an attic. of heat is invisible from the command post.
Fire spreading out a window, up to the Not so with convection fire spread; heat
underside of the roof eaves, is fire spread transfer by convection can be seen, as the
that must be stopped by an outside line; fire gases spreading heat are in the form of
otherwise, there will be fire extension to smoke or flame.
the attic. For example, while I was operating at
Conduction is the spread of fire a fire in a 2½-story building with a wood
through a solid. The most common shingle roof fully involved in flames,
heat transfer by conduction takes place radiated heat spread to an exposed building
when heat from a burning stuffed chair without notice. The adjoining building on
or mattress close to a wall is transferred the B side was approximately 10 feet from
the burning building; the building on the of balloon construction will spread to the
D side was about 30 feet away. Smoke attic. Any fire in a cellar, on the first floor,
and heat engulfed the closer building, on and on the second floor if it enters the
the B side; it was almost invisible, owing concealed ceiling space can quickly spread
to the large amount of smoke blowing in to the balloon construction wall studding
that direction. I ordered several hand lines and then to the attic. An outside fire that
into this downwind exposure building. burns through a wall can also get into the
Suddenly, I looked at exposure D, and concealed wall spaces and spread to the
noticed that all the wood window frames attic. Any fire that burns through a ceiling
of the building were smoldering. I had been can spread between the ceiling beams to an
caught off guard by the radiation fire spread outer balloon-constructed wall space and
because it was invisible. I quickly ordered spread to the attic.
a tower ladder in position to protect the To prevent fire spread in concealed
D-side building. spaces of a dwelling, you must try to cut off
To stop radiation heat transfer, position the flame with a hose stream before it gets
hose streams in flanking positions, because to the attic. The strategy to stop concealed
you cannot get between the buildings. The fire spread is as follows:
area of radiation heat transfer will be too • If fire is in the floor, open up the floor
hot to enter. First, the hose streams should beams where they meet the wall to cut
be directed to the exposed building to wet off the fire with a dash of water. You
the initial fire areas. Next, switch the stream should know the direction the floor
to the source of heat. If the water stream can beams run, as flame spreads in the
quench the fire, your problems are over. If space between the floor beams.
the fire is too large and the hose streams
• If the fire is in the wall, open up the
do not stop the flames, the strategy is to
ceiling above the hot wall and quench
concentrate the hose streams toward the
any fire.
exposure. Do not waste water by using hose
streams as a water curtain. Water curtains • If the fire is in the ceiling, get to the
are the least effective method of stopping floor above with a hose line and open
radiated heat. up the floor to cut off the fire.
Unfortunately, this fire cutoff strategy
does not work in a dwelling constructed
Interior Fire Spread of lightweight wood truss beams. The fire
will spread parallel between floor beams
Fire may spread inside a 2½-story
and also perpendicular to the floor beam.
dwelling up the large open stairway
Flames spread along the truss beams and
and in the concealed spaces of a
also through the truss web members. You
balloon-constructed wood dwelling. The
cannot cut off a fire in concealed spaces of a
exterior walls in balloon-constructed wood
truss-constructed dwelling. If it is a content
dwellings have a 16-in. concealed space
fire in a truss roof building, go ahead and
between 2 in. × 4 in. wood wall studding.
extinguish the blaze; however, if fire is in the
This creates an unobstructed vertical space
structure, get the people out and conduct a
extending from the foundation sill to the
defensive operation, because the collapse
attic. Any fire or smoke that enters this
potential is too great.
concealed wall space between the studs
Utility Shutoff is the cause of the fire. This is also the case
if a person is being electrocuted or trapped
When a serious fire occurs in a by the arcing wires or if there has been
private dwelling, the local utility company, an explosion or collapse and firefighters
electricians, and gas workers should be must search the rubble for victims. Aſter
called to the scene to assist. In some a collapse or explosion, wires will be
large cities, the utility company workers exposed in the rubble, and power must
automatically respond around the clock. be removed.
At a serious structure fire where there is
an outside attack strategy, live overhead
wires endanger firefighters. The utilities will Chimney Collapse
also have to be shut off before firefighters
start overhauling. Structural damage There are many parts of a 2½-story
can affect electric wires or gas piping. If house that can collapse during a fire.
utility companies do not respond around Collapse dangers include the ceilings, porch,
the clock, the utility company must train cornice, and chimney. Floors and roof—
firefighters to perform this lifesaving especially if the dwelling is of lightweight
function. At a serious fire, when utility truss construction—can also collapse when
companies are on the scene, the incident weakened by fire (fig. 4–3).
commander can order the
gas and electricity shut off.
A utility company worker
can disconnect the wire
at the nearby utility pole
or underground. When
extensive salvage and
overhauling are necessary
aſter a serious fire has
been extinguished, the
utilities should be shut off
before the operation starts.
By shutting off gas and
electric supply, you remove
Fig. 4–3. A peaked roof poses a collapse danger at a private-
the possibility of injury
dwelling fire.
to firefighters by electric
shock or gas explosion.
In general, during the initial stages of a One of the most overlooked and
routine house fire, the utilities are not shut most deadly of these collapse dangers is
off, because the lighting assists in search the chimney. Chimneys can be collapsed
and there may be an insufficient number by a gust of wind or with a hose stream.
of firefighters on the scene. However, A collapsing chimney top can crush
there are times when the electricity is shut firefighters, or it may send the equivalent
off immediately on the arrival of the fire of wheelbarrow of bricks showering down
department. The electric supply will be on top of the heads of firefighters stretching
immediately shut off when the electric wire a hose, with deadly consequences.
When sizing up a fire in a 2½-story stretch it to the fire building. The company
dwelling on arrival, look at the chimney. has carried out two-thirds of the hose
How high is it? Does it lean to one side? stretch by stretching to the front of the fire
Is the mortar missing between the bricks? building. Within this time, it may become
Realize that when the roof burns away, clearer to the incident commander exactly
much of the chimney support has been where this hose line is needed. If the hose
removed and you have a freestanding is stretched to the front of the fire building
brick structure. This is a collapse danger. and fire conditions improve to the point at
A leaning chimney on a house that has which there is no need for the hose line,
the roof damage due to fire should be the company can be directed to take up
approached with the same caution as a the hose line.
parapet wall at a burning row of stores.
Hose Stream Positioning (Window to Attic)
The first hose line is usually advanced One of the main objectives of the
through the front or side entrance and strategy employed at a house fire is to keep
attacks the fire. A second hose line is fire from spreading to the attic. Fire oſten
stretched to back up the first attack team. spreads into an attic of a 2½-story house
However, if there is an adjoining building when flame coming out a top-floor window
seriously exposed by flame coming from heats up the underside of an eave or
the main fire building or if there is fire cornice. (An eave is the edge of the roof of a
spreading up the outside combustible building, which usually overhangs the wall;
siding, threatening to spread into the attic a cornice is horizontal molding projecting
through a cornice or a roof overhang, then along the top of a building.) This exterior
the second hose line may be stretched to fire spread from window to attic is common
control this exposure fire. In such cases, a in house fires. It can also occur when fire
third hose line is ordered to back up the blows out of a lower-floor or basement
first line. The backup hose line is oſten window and travels up the combustible side
taken to the floor above or the attic, to cut of the building. The wood or asphalt siding
off vertical fire spread, once the incident of a 2½-story house spreads fire quickly.
commander is sure the first line can handle When the flame reaches the underside of
the main body of fire. an eave or cornice, it quickly penetrates
When a fire situation is undetermined the oſten rotting or dried-out wood boards
and conditions are fluid, a good, proactive there, or it goes through small cracks
hose-stretching practice is to have a and spreads into the attic. A fire ground
company stretch a hose line to the front of commander must always be aware of this
the fire building near the command post fire spread possibility.
and stand fast. By ordering a company to A firefighter with a booster hose line
stretch a line to the front of the building may direct a stream to prevent outside
and stand fast until you decide where the fire spread up the side of the building. An
line goes, you have made the company aerial platform positioned at the downwind
officer find a pumper with a water supply, side of the dwelling can have the ladder
locate a nozzle and sufficient hose, and available to protect an adjoining building,
be filled with smoke; if so, look inside all to play catch-up with a fire, chasing it with
the glass store windows for flame. If there metal gate forcible entry. An entire row
is no visible flame, the store that contains of stores can burn if you do not open all
the greatest amount of smoke usually is the security gates in time. At a serious fire,
the main fire store. If several stores contain where fire and smoke are already spreading
heavy smoke, look for the store with heat throughout the common roof space, one
condensation stains on the inside of the company can be assigned specifically to
glass entrance door or windows. The heat open every gate and shutter on the entire
of a fire will create condensation on the row of stores during the initial attack.
inside of a store window during a cool Opening all the steel shutters in the row
night. In storefronts covered with iron of stores will allow quick and easy access
security shutters, if the glass of the store for fire size-up, hose stretching, and ceiling
has broken from the fire, there may be heat pulling with pike poles. If the fire spread
discoloration on the steel shutters. Finally, gets ahead of forcible entry of steel shutters,
always check the cellar of the store; a store a defensive operation will be required,
fire may have started there. using master streams.
Sometimes, firefighters operating
on the roof can determine which
store contains the fire by examining
the amount of smoke coming from
skylights, roof vents, or a rear door.
A radio message from the incident
commander requesting a size-up
from the firefighter assigned to the
roof can help determine or confirm
the exact fire location in a row of
stores. When several closed stores
in the row have locked security gates
or shutters covering storefronts,
consider forcible entry of both
exposure stores. As soon as possible
aſter the fire store has been identified
and entered and the fire has been
located, open the adjoining storefront
gates and shutters, because fire in the
common roof space over the stores
can spread rapidly. Open the stores Fig. 5–2. Be proactive when opening security
on each side of the fire store, starting gates at a strip mall fire.
with the downwind store. Eventually,
these stores are going to have to be
checked for fire spread. Cellar Fires
When it comes to opening metal
security gates, be proactive; do not wait for Aſter the store of fire origin has been
fire to spread to adjoining stores to begin located, open any existing sidewalk cellar
forcible entry (fig. 5–2). You do not want entrance doors and check the cellar for
in which wind will push heat and flame The following strategies will reduce the
inside the common roof space over the chance of an explosion:
row of stores. The direction of fire spread • Vent the skylight and scuttle covers
determines which exposure store to protect immediately. This may dissipate any
with hose lines. explosive mixture building up in the
Aſter the fire store, the next store to be store from the fire.
protected is the one in the path of smoke
• Next, if there are windows or doors at
spread (downwind). Aſter the fire store and
the rear, these can be vented when the
the adjoining downwind store have been
attack hose team starts advancing from
protected, the upwind store should then be
the front of the store.
protected with a hose line. Firefighters with
hose lines in both adjoining stores must pull • At the front of the store, when beginning
open the ceilings with pike poles all along to enter the burning store and when the
the partition wall separating it from the fire amount of fire visible through the plate
store. Aſter the ceiling has been opened, glass windows indicates a potential
direct the hose stream at any fire coming explosion, the following defensive
across the common roof space above the procedures should be taken before
partition wall. forcible-entry operations are started:
The overall hose line strategy may be – Position the hose line to the side of
summarized as follows: the store, away from a possible blast
• The first line in the store is to coming out of the store. This is a
protect life. flanking position.
– Charge the hose line with water and
• The second line in the downwind store
ensure that all firefighters are wearing
is to stop fire extension.
protective equipment and face masks
• The third line in the upwind store is to and are away from the front of the
confine the fire. store, protected from flying glass and
an explosive force.
– Direct a firefighter standing to the
Explosions side of the store window to use a pike
pole to break the store windows.
Explosions occur in burning strip – Break the top half of the window
stores more frequently than in burning first, then the lower half.
residential buildings. Explosive content – Open up the hose line and direct
is oſten found in store occupancies. it into the store from a flanking
Stores contain explosive material such as position initially.
flammable liquids, paints, and propane – Let the smoke gases and flames vent
gas. When burning, the synthetic contents out the front and then make your
of fabric store occupancies can create advance. The hose stream may stop
explosive gases. Also, a flammable liquid is any explosion by breaking up an
usually the weapon of choice of an arsonist. explosive atmosphere.
Arson-for-profit fires frequently occur in
There is a general rule in the fire service:
stores during a recession. Also, a backdraſt
Do not direct a hose stream at smoke; direct
smoke explosion can occur when the store
the hose stream at fire. This rule is true
is tightly sealed up.
except when there is the danger that smoke
and gases may explode and you cannot be sent into the store below, to stop flames
vent. When there is a danger of explosion, that may seep out poke-through holes in
firefighters may direct the hose stream into the fire wall below the roofline. Firefighters
smoke and stand at a safe flanking position. in the store should pull the ceiling down
This hose stream directed into smoke may near the fire wall and determine whether
break up any explosive atmosphere. This there are any poke-through holes or
is called quenching an explosion, and it is openings in the wall through which fire
used only as a last resort. may spread.
To protect against explosions in a strip At many fires, firefighters on the roof
mall, the rule becomes venting—flanking— are attempting to make a fire stop with hose
quenching. Vent the skylight, take a flanking lines while the fire spreads through the wall
position at the front of the store when beneath them. This is very poor firefighting.
forcing entry, and aſter opening the front Always expect the unexpected. When
entrance, direct the hose stream into the making a stand behind a fire wall where fire
superheated gases to quench any explosive is spreading in a common roof space, always
heat and fire gases. check above the ceiling for poke-through
holes used for air-conditioning ducts,
electric wire, or piping through which fire
Masonry Fire Walls may spread. Don’t trust a fire wall at a strip
store fire.
During the early stage of a strip mall fire,
the incident commander must determine if
there are any masonry fire walls (sometimes Collapse Dangers
called party walls) separating the stores. The
best chance to stop a fire from spreading A suspended ceiling in a store is a
in a common roof space may be at the collapse danger. When fire spreads above a
fire wall. The incident commander should suspended ceiling and destroys the hanger
obtain this information when requesting straps holding the suspended ceiling, the
a size-up from a firefighter operating on entire ceiling and heavy framework can
the roof of the burning row of stores. It is collapse in one section. Several hundred
difficult to determine a fire wall’s location in pounds of ceiling will then crush firefighters
a row of stores from the command post, in searching or advancing a hose line.
the street. A fire wall’s exact location can be To prevent a ceiling collapse at a
best determined from the roof position by store fire, first extinguish the content fire
locating the parapet wall portion that rises before it spreads to the ceiling. Next, use
up through the roof. a pike pole and check the ceiling space
At a rapidly spreading fire, the stores for fire; realize that there may be several
separated by fire walls are where the fire dropped ceilings, so pull each one until
chief may want to make a defensive hose you get to the underside of the roof. If
line stand. The chances of stopping fire are there is fire above the ceiling, attempt to
best at this location. Hose lines may be extinguish the fire, but realize that the
sent to the roof and positioned behind the weight of water from a hose stream can
fire wall to stop the flames burning along overload a ceiling and cause it to collapse.
the roof. When making a stand behind a When fire involves the space above several
fire wall on a roof, hose lines should also dropped ceilings and cannot be controlled,
withdraw firefighters from the store and or cornice collapses, it will bring a wave of
protect exposures. death and destruction crashing down upon
A parapet wall built over the front of a firefighters operating in the doorways of
one-story strip mall is a collapse danger. A a strip mall. Firefighters operating at one
parapet is the portion of an exterior front end of a building can be crushed under a
wall that continues above the roof level. A falling cornice that starts to collapse at the
steel beam spans the large windows and other end.
supports the parapet wall above. A small When a strip mall has a parapet or
shock during a fire can topple a parapet cornice that is in danger of collapse, the
down upon a sidewalk. An explosion, the incident commander should establish a
impact of a master stream, or an aerial collapse danger zone. Firefighters should
ladder can provide the shock that causes not enter the collapse danger zone. A
a parapet wall collapse. If during a fire the minimum collapse danger zone should be
steel beam designed to support a parapet a distance from the front wall of the strip
is heated to 1,100°F and starts to expand, mall equal to the height of the front wall.
warp, twist, or sag, it can cause a parapet
wall to topple off its foundation.
A cornice is a decorative horizontal
overhang, projecting outward along
Exterior Fire Spread
the top wall of a strip mall. A cornice is The roof of a row of stores is a collapse
sometimes called an eyebrow. Whereas a danger, and in ordinary and wood frame
parapet wall is the portion of an exterior construction, it is also the main fuel
wall extending above the roof, a cornice is load. In some buildings, the roof is the
the portion of the roof extending outward only combustible portion. Starting from
beyond an exterior wall. A cornice is also the top of a roof and working down, you
a collapse danger. A cornice is a cantilever have the combustible asphalt tar roof
structure—that is, it is supported at one covering, the wood roof deck, a raised roof
end. A cornice may be constructed of framework, the wood roof beams, and wood
wood or combustible plastic, and it may furring strips.
have a wood framework inside and/or If the flames spread from the contents
wood shingles outside. A fire officer should of one store and involve the roof structure,
also be concerned about horizontal fire there will be a tremendous increase in fire.
spread from one end of a building to the On a windy night, burning embers—called
other via a cornice. flying brands or flying embers—liſted by
Flames blowing out of a window wind and heated convection currents can
of a strip mall store will spread to the be blown great distances up into the sky
cornice. Flames will then spread along and downwind. Flying brands may look
the underside of the cornice or inside its like millions of harmless small sparks flying
hollow framework, possibly to adjoining hundreds of feet into the air. Nevertheless,
stores. As the spreading flames destroy a they are not: Rather, they are actually large
cornice’s supports, it can fall away from red-hot, glowing pieces of wood. Wherever
the facade. Also, when a cornice has been they land, they can start exposure fires.
weakened by fire, it can collapse owing to a Roof fires, backyard grass fires, and car
sudden impact of a ladder or if it is struck fires a mile away can be started by even one
by a powerful master stream. If a parapet flying brand.
When fire burns through the roof of • He ig ht. Next, consider w hich
an ordinary-constructed or wood frame surrounding structure is the highest.
strip mall and flying brands start blowing This higher structure should be
through the air, ask the communications protected aſter the downwind one. The
center to send an additional fire company taller building is usually a high-value
to conduct a brand patrol. This company structure. Send a protection hose to
should size up the direction and distance this location. Not only will several
the flying brands are being blown by the hose lines operated from an exposure
wind, follow their path downwind, and several stories high protect it from fire
search the area for small fires. The brand spread, but these hose lines can also
patrol company will know it is in the right be effectively directed onto the lower,
location when firefighters see charred and one-story burning row of stores. If the
blackened pieces of wood on the ground. convection currents of heat and fire are
Also, check with the communications center rising straight upward and there is no
for fires reported in the surrounding area. downwind exposure, then the highest
adjoining building becomes the most
serious exposure. There are no strict
rules about protecting exposures.
Protecting Exposures Order firefighters to stretch hose lines
When considering which nearby to whichever exposure you decide is the
exposed buildings to protect from fire most threatened.
spread, the incident commander should • Resources. At a defensive operation
consider the following factors: where resources are limited and fire is
• Unseen exposures. First, realize that spreading rapidly in a common roof
there are four exposure sides, and space, to get firefighters positioned
you may not be able to see one of the ahead of the flames, one or two
exposure sides—usually exposure C (or partially burning stores may have to
exposure 3), at the rear of the fire—due be conceded. This could be required at
to smoke, darkness, or the height of the night when a residence is threatened
burning building. Next, if there is no and the stores are unoccupied or in
firefighter on the roof to give a size-up the daytime when the stores have been
of the surroundings, send someone to searched and evacuated.
make a quick 360° survey.
The firefighting strategy to stop fire
• Proximity. Now, determine which at a strip mall can be summarized in
adjoining structure is closest to the four steps:
burning stores and determine which 1. Protect life.
one is in the downwind path. If and 2. Prevent extension of fire.
when the fire becomes large and spreads 3. Confine the blaze on all sides.
through the roof, wind will eventually 4. Extinguish the fire.
spread smoke, flame, flying brands,
and convection currents of heat to this For example, if the fire is beyond
downwind (or leeward) side of the fire control of the companies on arrival, the
building. Order a protective hose line first line is sent to the fire store to protect
be sent to this location. life, the second hose may be positioned
into the exposed store on the downwind exposure fire spreading. The downwind
side, and the fire extension may be stopped store in a row of stores is a serious exposure
aſter pulling the ceiling. The third hose line danger. The officer in charge of the second
would then be positioned into the exposed hose line in the downwind store should
store on the upwind side of the fire store, have firefighters obtain pike poles and pull
and another hose line might possibly down the ceiling along the partition wall
be positioned to the rear, to confine the separating the exposure store from the
blaze. Aſter the fire has been confined on store of fire origin. Aſter the ceiling has
all sides, the firefighting hose streams are been pulled, the hose line should be used to
switched to extinguishment in the store of stop fire from spreading to the downwind
fire origin. However, at a smaller fire in the exposure across the partition wall. This line
same store, the first line would be sent into is stretched to stop fire spread. As soon as
the store to extinguish the fire. The action possible, notify the officer in command
of this first attack hose team, if successful, if the hose stream will be able to contain
would simultaneously complete all of the the fire or if the fire will spread beyond
aforementioned steps. the downwind store. This information will
be of great assistance in developing the
firefighting strategy.
Strategy Summary A third line should be stretched
into the upwind store. Even if there is
no indication of fire, this hose should
First attack hose line be stretched here, the ceiling should be
The destination of the first attack hose pulled, and the common roof space should
line is the store of fire origin. A first attack be examined for fire spread. This line
hose line extinguishes 95% of all fires. Aſter will confine the fire. Notify the incident
the fire has been extinguished, the ceilings commander as to whether the fire is
are pulled to determine whether the fire spreading or contained.
has spread to the common roof space. The
common roof space is a concealed space
Portable ladder
above the ceiling and below the roof. The
common roof space may extend over the A portable ladder should be raised
entire store in the building. If fire enters to the roof of a strip mall. The ladder is
this concealed space, flames may spread positioned in front of an adjoining store,
through the common roof space and away from the fire and smoke. The ladder
destroy all the stores. should be positioned on the upwind side
of the fire, as shown in figure 5–4. The
placement of the ladder upwind of the
Second attack hose line fire will ensure that the smoke and flame
The second hose line is stretched to from the spreading fire will not obscure or
the store on the downwind side of the fire cut off escape by firefighters on the roof.
store. Normally, in a multistory building, The extension ladder tip should be raised
the second line is stretched to back up the several feet above the parapet wall so it will
first line, except if there is a danger of an be visible to firefighters on the roof.
holes and defects that allow fire to spread the common roof space. For example, if a
from building to building. In actuality, firefighter tells the incident commander
porous fire divisions are worse than having that there is fire on the first floor and the
no fire division. Fire divisions that have fire is actually on the second floor, then the
holes for crawl through and missing bricks hose line will be stretched to an incorrect
give an incident commander a false sense floor, below the fire; consequently, the
of security. Years ago, the importance of fire flames may spread up to the common
divisions separating the common roof space roof space, and the incident commander’s
of each building was not known. This type strategy will fail.
of old row house with the common roof To properly identify the location of
space can be still found throughout the a fire, officers must know what to call
nation. In fact, some modern town houses the lowest level of a multistory building.
and garden-type apartments have this same The lowest floor is called the first floor,
construction defect. not the ground floor. Some buildings are
The following sections outline mislabeled ground floor, then first floor,
firefighting strategies for older-type second floor, and so on. There is no such
row houses that also apply to modern fire department term as ground floor. It is
town houses, condominiums, and the first floor.
garden-type apartments. Another instance when the floor of the
fire is not accurately determined is when
you have to step down several feet below the
Firefighting Strategy street level to a doorway located beneath a
front entrance stoop of a row house. This
The firefighting strategy for stopping level is considered a basement, rather than
fire spread in row houses is the same as a cellar, and a basement is considered by the
for stopping fire spread in strip malls. building code and the fire service to be the
Firefighters must stop the vertical spread first floor. A basement has over one-half of
before fire reaches the common roof space. its floor level above street level. A cellar, by
If the flames spread into the common roof contrast, has more than one-half of its floor
space, the strategy becomes to stop the fire level belowground and is not considered a
from spreading to the adjoining row houses. floor level when computing the height of the
With a two- or three-story row house, you building. A row house with a basement and
have more time before flames reach the two levels above is considered a three-story
common roof space than you have with a building during a firefighting size-up, not a
one-story strip mall. Sometimes you have two-story building.
two or three floors to stop the fire before In some cases, residents refer to the
fire reaches above the top floor and the second floor of a row house that has a
common roof space. large front entrance stairway leading to
the second floor as a parlor floor. Again,
there is no such thing as a parlor floor in
Locate the fire fire ground communications. If you stretch
Historically, fires in row houses have a hose up the front steps to attack a fire, tell
spread because of misidentification of the the incident commander that you have fire
floor or the adjoining building, designating on the second floor of the row house, not
the leading edge of a fire spreading up to the parlor floor.
concealed spaces, the strategy employed Several of the scientific full-scale fire
should be to get the people out and protect tests conducted by the FDNY and the
the exposed row houses with hose lines. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute in the 1970s
were shaſt fires. An important finding was
that fire spreading up in the shaſt extends
Light shaſts open at top into the top-floor windows first, even before
In some row houses, there are shaſts that the first- and second-floor windows. As
were designed with the intent of bringing the flames spread upward, they feed on
sunlight into rooms of the apartments. the combustible shaſt surface walls and are
These shaſts have windows built into the hottest at the upper portion of the shaſt.
walls, allowing rapid vertical fire spread This information confirms the strategy of
from floor to floor. Also, when fire enters stretching the second line, at an apartment
the shaſt, it may spread vertically, into the fire that spreads into the light shaſt, to the
common roof space at the top of the shaſt top floor and then stretching any additional
through the eaves (the wood framework lines to the intermediate floors as fire
around the top opening of the shaſt). Fire conditions dictate.
must not be allowed to enter the shaſt, and Note that this strategy for cutting off
if fire already is in the shaſt on arrival, it vertical fire spread in a shaſt fire is different
must be extinguished quickly. than the strategy used for cutting off
These two-foot-by-two-foot interior fire spread in concealed spaces. At a fire
light shaſts may be enclosed by four spreading in concealed spaces, the second
plaster or wood walls. The light shaſts can hose line is stretched to the floor above, not
be located in the interior of the building, the top floor. A fire in a concealed space
and they extend from the basement to the does not spread as rapidly as a fire in an
roof. In some cases, the shaſts start at the air shaſt.
first- or second-floor level and are called A common strategy mistake made
blind shaſts. In some row houses, the shaſts in combating a fire on the first floor of a
are enclosed by only three walls, creating a three-story row house, when the fire has
narrow alley between buildings that is open already entered the shaſt, is to stretch the
at the front or rear of the structure; such first line to the apartment that is on fire
shaſts extend from the street level to the and stretch the second line to the second
roof. Interior rooms have windows opening floor and then to the third floor, in that
onto these shaſts. While designed to bring order. Aſter the first line is stretched and it
sunlight and air into the interior rooms of is confirmed that fire has entered the shaſt,
the row houses, these shaſts can also bring it is good strategy to stretch the second line
flames into the interior rooms. to the top floor to cut off fire spread into
Fire may also spread into the common the top floor through the window from the
roof space from a light shaſt. There is shaſt or into the common roof space. At the
usually a rotting piece of wood framework top floor, pull the ceiling with a pike pole
at the eaves around the top of the shaſt, with and extinguish the fire. The strategy for a
plenty of spaces through which flame may shaſt fire is to stop flames from spreading
spread from the shaſt into the roof space. A into the common roof space. Remember,
firefighter working on the roof must notify the strategy is to prevent vertical fire
the incident commander whenever fire is spread and then prevent horizontal fire in
discovered in a shaſt. a row house.
Venting row house fires to vent this opening over the stairs. This
The primary venting at a row house action is so important that fire companies
includes both the windows of the fire that respond in row house districts usually
apartment, and the roof skylights or have one firefighter assigned exclusively to
scuttle covers at the top of the stairway. this duty. The firefighter goes immediately
The windows are vented as the hose team to the roof and opens the skylights and
advances on the apartment fire. This can be scuttle covers over the stairway in the row
accomplished by firefighters operating from house. The first-arriving aerial ladder,
portable or aerial ladders. In some instances, if not required for rescue, is positioned
there are rear fire escapes or balconies where on the roof, upwind from the fire, and a
firefighters can stand to coordinate window firefighter climbs the ladder to vent the
venting with the hose line advance. roof over the stairs. This firefighter does not
To stop fire from banking down on wait for permission to vent this scuttle; it is
the top floor of a burning row house and done immediately.
spreading to the top-floor apartments or the This roof venting is done even if the
common roof space, primary ventilation fire is on the first floor. When firefighters
includes removing the roof skylights or open the door to attack the fire on the first
scuttle covers at the top of the stairs. These floor with the hose line, smoke and heat
top-of-the-stair vents must immediately be will come out of the apartment, flow over
opened to expel heat and smoke from the their heads and travel up the stairs. If the
stair enclosure. When the skylight or scuttle scuttle is not open, the smoke will build up
cover at the top of the stairs is opened, heat on the top floor and mushroom out into the
and smoke coming out of any apartment on apartments and kill people on the top floor
the lower floors will quickly vent out the and spread to the common roof space. Years
roof opening. This venting will delay fire ago, before the importance of roof venting
spread to the floor and even to the common was known, firefighters would extinguish
roof space (fig. 6–3). fires on the lower floor and find people dead
The roof stairway skylights and roof on the top floor from smoke and heat and
scuttle covers must be vented immediately. fire inside the common roof space. Roof
Do not wait for the hose line operation venting saves lives.
concealed spaces
Another avenue of
concealed vertical fire
spread is provided by
sliding (pocket) doors. In
some older row houses,
rooms are separated by
sliding doors. A doorway
opening containing a
sliding door is very different
from a doorway containing
Fig. 6–3. The roof scuttle cover must be vented immediately. normal doors. A normal
doorway, containing a pull-open door, has When fire gets into the common roof
the inherent fire-stopping ability of the space, it spreads unobstructed throughout
opening between rooms—in particular, the this large concealed space. It can completely
header beam over the doorway opening involve the roof, and sometimes flames
and the trimmer beams down the side of spread over several adjoining buildings
the opening. (A header beam is the beam through this common roof space. If the fire
at the top of the opening. Trimmer beams does reach the roof space, the best strategy to
are the beams on each side of the doorway.) prevent horizontal fire spread is to cut a roof
A doorway containing a sliding door has a vent over the fire (fig. 6–4). Cut the roof deck
large concealed space in the wall, in a pocket over the fire; this action will allow convection
that contains the door when open; these currents of flame and heat to rise out the roof
may be paired, such that there are concealed space instead of traveling horizontally. The
spaces on both sides of the doorway. roof vent is designed to stop horizontal fire
Flames may spread to concealed spaces spread in the common roof space.
that contain sliding doors
and then travel upward to
the floor above or to the
common roof space if the
top floor is the fire floor. If
the sliding doors are located
on every floor in the same
location, fire may spread in
the concealed space of the
sliding doors from the first
floor up to the common
roof space. The pockets
for the doors may create
a vertical channel in the
walls leading up to the roof
space. Make sure you check
this concealed space soon Fig. 6–4. Strategy is to prevent fire from spreading to the
aſter a fire is extinguished. common roof space.
exposure B, a firefighter on the roof should row of houses leaves a concealed space in
assume that the fire in the common roof which fire can spread horizontally. Flames
space will spread in this direction. He or coming out of a top-floor window may
she might then have to go two buildings spread to the cornice. If the cornice is wood
downwind from the fire building to find or combustible plastic reproduction, the
the outer edge of the common roof space fire spread along the cornice may be rapid
fire spread and designate a cutoff building. and will have to be stopped immediately
When the outer edge of the fire spread in with an outside hose stream. If the cornice
the row of dwellings has been determined, a is metal, the fire spread will be concealed
hose line should be called for to extinguish and much slower, confined to the interior
the blaze. This decision must be made with wood framework of the cornice. Fire spread
consideration for the time it takes for the along a metal cornice can be addressed
hose team to get the hose and nozzle into aſter the top-floor apartment fire has been
the top-floor position. extinguished, unless the cornice is made of
Brick nogging. Brick nogging is a wood; then, fire spread will be rapid.
construction term describing an ineffective In many instances, the smoke issuing
brick partition wall in the roof space, from a cornice originates from a fire in
between the wood studding separating the common roof space. Extinguish the
buildings constructed in a row. It should fire in the roof space and the smoke will
not be depended on to stop horizontal fire stop coming from the cornice. The interior
spread. This partition wall of brick nogging concealed space of a cornice that extends the
was built to separate the dwellings. A entire length of 5–10 buildings is required
brick-nogging wall, from the cellar to the by law to be fire-stopped every 20 feet.
roof, provides soundproofing only, not fire However, this should not be expected.
resistance; some fire chiefs erroneously To stop fire spread in a cornice, position
consider it as fire-stopping. an aerial platform or ladder with firefighters
The problem with brick nogging is near the cornice. Then, firefighters on the
that the bricks are not cemented together ladder, using a hook or pry tool, can open
well. They fall apart or are knocked the cornice and examine it for fire. If fire
out of position, leaving a small space is burning in the cornice framework or the
through which fire can spread. Also, wood facade, a hose line can be borrowed
two-foot-by-two-foot crawl spaces are from the top-floor apartment, and the
sometimes built into the nogging wall as fire can be extinguished by the firefighter
access openings. This can occasionally be operating from the ladder.
found in the common roof space. Combustible siding. The siding on
Brick nogging can never be relied on row houses may be noncombustible brick,
as a fire-stop. There may not be mortar combustible wood siding, or combustible
between the brick, or there may be brick asphalt siding that looks like brick. A row
missing, or the brick nogging may not of houses with a wood or asphalt exterior
go to the underside of the roof. Check surface complicates the firefighting strategy.
the common roof space for fire spread by When a fire occurs in a row house, hose
pulling ceilings in adjoining buildings. lines will have to be positioned inside
Cornices. A cornice is the decorative the structure, as in any structural fire in
framework at the top of the front wall near ordinary construction, but a hose line
the roof edge. A decorative cornice on a will also have to be positioned outside the
building, to stop exterior fire spread in front of the fire building. From a bird’s-eye
the combustible siding. In addition to the view, starting at the command post and
interior hose lines, a booster line, hose line, proceeding clockwise, exposure B is the leſt
deck pipe, or aerial master stream may have side of the fire building, exposure C is the
to be put in play to stop a fast-spreading fire rear of the fire building, and exposure (D)
along the exterior of the houses. The aerial is the right side of the building.
ladder should be positioned downwind on
the A or C side of the row houses to stop
a siding fire. Fire may even spread up the
exterior siding of the building, feeding on
Fire Building Designation
wood or asphalt, to the cornice and spread When fire spreads in a common roof
into the common roof space at the cornice space over several row houses, a building
or the eaves of the building. designation system is necessary to pinpoint
Asphalt siding is actually shingles of a cutoff building, to state exactly where you
a tarlike combustible petroleum product. are operating, and to relate accurately where
When heated, asphalt shingle reverts to tar, the flames are spreading in the common
and heated tar siding will cause an explosive roof space. A building designation system
fire spread. Also, flaming drops of liquid oſten used to describe fire in a row of
petroleum will rain down the side of the dwellings is to add numbers to the letters
structure as the flames spread upward along of the exposures. For example, from the
the building exterior walls. viewpoint of the command post, row houses
located on the leſt side of the original
fire building (where the fire started) are
Fire Ground Designation designated exposures B, B1, B2, B3, and so
forth; row houses on the right side of the
To accurately communicate to the fire building are designated exposures D,
command chief the location of a victim D1, D2, D3, and so forth, proceeding away
trapped at a front or rear window where a from the original fire building.
portable ladder is needed for a rescue, you
must be able to describe over the portable
radio where the victim is located in relation
to the command post. Also, if you discover
Defensive Firefighting
fire spreading from one building to a nearby In rare situations, fire already involves
structure and you call for the placement of all floors of a vacant one-, two-, or three-
a hose line to protect exposures, you must story row house on arrival. Here, no hose
be able to inform the chief in charge of the line is stretched into the fire building. The
exact position of fire spread. To do this, you strategy may be to stretch the first line to
must use a fire ground designation system. the top floor of the adjoining downwind
Most fire departments use a fire dwelling, the second line to the top floor
ground designation system called sectors of the adjoining upwind dwelling, and
or exposures to define the area around a the third line to an aerial master stream.
burning building. Terms such as exposures The aerial platform is positioned in front
A, B, C, and D or sectors 1, 2, 3, and 4 are of the vacant building; if the building is
commonly used. The command post is fully involved and unattached, the first line
located at exposure (or sector) A; this is the could be ordered to supply an aerial master
stream, and firefighters could be withdrawn families will generate much more criticism
from a collapse zone. When a fire occurs of the local fire companies. For example,
in a row of dwellings, the end building when the large apartment house burns, the
presents the most likely collapse danger. media reports one building burned with
End buildings unsupported at one side may no loss of life; the owner of the burned-out
suffer a lean-over–type collapse. apartment building is usually an absentee
Fires in old row houses are difficult landlord (i.e., does not live in the building),
to fight because the structures have major and large professional properties generally
construction defects: concealed spaces, have fire insurance that covers most of the
combustible exterior, air and light shaſts, cost of repair and renovation.
sliding door voids, decorative cornices, By contrast, when a row of dwellings
and a common roof space that extends burns, the news reports fire spread to five
over several dwellings. It is as if the row dwellings. The five row houses are usually
house was built to burn. Thus, the strategy owner occupied, and angry home owners
employed is to stop vertical fire spread to standing at the command post can not
the common roof space, and if that fails, theunderstand why the fire was not stopped; they
strategy becomes to stop fire from spreading want answers. The owners do not understand
to adjoining buildings through the common the construction defect of their row houses—
roof space (fig. 6–5). the common roof space. Also, the home
owner policy may not cover all the fire
Fire spread in a row of dwellings creates
tremendous public relations problems for a damage. Complaints to city hall oſten follow
fire department. The department’s reputation a serious fire in a group of row houses.
suffers much more when several row house Today, we see the construction of a
burn, compared to a fire destroying a large new type of row house that has many of
apartment house. There may be 25 families the same defects—and thus are also built
burned out of the apartment house, yet a row to burn. They are called town houses,
house fire that burns down the homes of five garden-type apartments, or condominiums.
They may have changed the
name, but these dwellings
have the same fire spread
problems of the old row
houses; moreover, they
have the added problem of
the lightweight wood truss,
which provides 100% more
rapid fire spread when
a fire is in the concealed
floor or ceiling space.
There is a time-honored
saying that also applies to
the fire service: “Those who
cannot remember the past
are doomed to repeat it.”
Fig. 6–5. Fire spread throughout the row house common Good luck!
roof space.
attic or bell tower are. Hard-to-find small The firefighters ran up to the steps to the
doors and spiral stairways are common in entrance and found the heavy wood timber
these buildings. A prefire inspection will doors locked. In the downpour, while the
usually reveal a hundred-year-old building firefighters were trying to determine how
that has undergone many renovations. and where to start forcible entry, a woman
The walls and columns may look like came running up the steps, holding a ring of
stone but are usually stone imitations with keys. The firefighters opened the large doors
plaster and wood lath. The large open area and noticed a light whiff of smoke in the
or small concealed spaces behind imitation sanctuary. They spread out, trying to find
stone walls, within hollow columns, or in the stairs leading up to the burning attic. No
the attic can allow fire to spread beyond one could find the staircase, and the woman
the control of firefighters operating hose did not know this critical information. No
streams. In addition, the structure will one could locate the fire.
contain many other occupancy hazards: Suddenly, a priest ran in, shouting,
overloaded inadequate electric wiring, “Follow me!” He showed them a small
open candle flames, interior wall and stone winding stairway leading up to the
ceiling surfaces with dangerous flame spread attic. A narrow wooden walkway extended
ratings, ceilings so high that hose streams across the entire length of the attic and
cannot reach the upper levels, electric and was positioned over the top ridge peak of
kerosene portable heaters, and last but not a gothic plaster ceiling.
least, a major forcible-entry problem. If these A small p or table extinguisher
buildings were not considered sacred, most was carried up the winding stairs. The
would be shut down for violations of the fire firefighters approached and quenched the
and building codes. Furthermore, each of small fire near the eaves by using the stream
these structures would be ordered to install of the portable extinguisher. This small
immediately a fully automatic extinguishing water source gave the firefighters precious
system throughout the entire building. time, before the fire started to increase in
size, in which a hose line was stretched
up the winding stairs. The fire was fully
Problems Associated quenched by discharging a limited amount
with Firefighting in a of water from the hose line, so as not to
collapse the plaster ceiling.
House of Worship
Case study 1: Access to the fire Case study 2: Surface flame spread
A fire officer friend in a Pennsylvania While attending a service in the Saint
fire department told me a story of a church Francis Church on 31st Street in Manhattan,
fire. During a rainstorm with thunder and I noticed that the stone mosaic figures
lighting, the first ladder arrived at an old depicted on the walls and ceiling looked
town church that had a small fire in the very shiny and new as compared to my
roof eaves, evidently caused by a lightning memory of them from previous years. The
strike. The chauffeur starting to raise the gold, red, and blue mosaic pieces were bright
aerial ladder in the lightening storm was and glistening. Aſter the service, I asked the
ordered not to raise it, owing to the danger chaplain, “Did they install new mosaic walls
of another lightening strike. in the church?” He replied, “No, they just
cleaned the entire inside of the building.” streams. If a fire started when the church
Vapor given off from the burning of the was not occupied and was allowed to grow,
candles 24 hours a day, seven days a week, we could not move in from the front door
for several decades, had leſt a film of wax on or the side door owing to the large amount
everything. This illustrates one reason why of fire. One hose line can only extinguish
church fires are difficult to extinguish: if the about 2,500 square feet of fire.
ceiling is wood paneling supported by wood
trusses, it will burn even faster when there is
a wax coating on the surface. Case study 4: Attic fires
Two Valley Stream, New York,
firefighters were killed in a synagogue fire.
Case study 3: Large open space Aſter knocking down a fire in a small room
I was invited to inspect a historic, next to the main altar, heat and flames were
hundred-year-old Protestant church on quickly reduced, and firefighters assumed
New York City’s Madison Avenue, at the the blaze was extinguished. However,
request of a parishioner who was a friend unnoticed in the smoke, flames had spread
of the FDNY. Homeless people slept in the up to the attic space through a small spiral
vestibule every night. During the aſternoon staircase. In the attic, concealed by a
when we inspected the church, it was dark, recently installed ceiling, truss roof supports
and several homeless people were sleeping were burning. As firefighters were leaving to
in the pews. You could hear them snoring. refill air masks, the ceiling and timber truss
The parishioner was concerned about a roof collapsed. The collapse and ensuing fire
fire and asked what my firefighting strategy trapped several firefighters, killing two.
would be to fight a fire inside the famous In a similar incident, Memphis
old church . He did not want to remove the firefighters knew they had fire in a church
homeless people. I gave him the bad news. attic. A hose line was stretched into the
I said that all we could do would be to save building, and a portable ladder was placed
either the roof or the stained-glass windows. near a side wall. The ceiling was being
In other words, we could let the roof burn opened with pike poles to expose the fire
and not break the stained-glass windows, in the attic. Without warning, the ceiling
or we could break the windows to vent the and lightweight trusses collapsed into the
smoke and hopefully save the roof. church, trapping several firefighters. Two
I advised him further that if he really firefighters were killed.
wanted the church to last another hundred In Philadelphia, two firefighters were
years, he should install smoke detectors caught and trapped in a church fire. Smoke
connected to the central fire dispatcher heat and the unusual layout of the interior
and install automatic sprinklers throughout of a large facility were contributing causes
the building, including the attic, bell tower, of the firefighters’ deaths.
and basement. I informed him that our
hose streams have a reach of 50 feet and
could not reach fire burning in the wood Case study 5: Bell tower
trusses, since the church ceiling was 60–75 collapse, Pittsburgh
feet high. I also told him that the large Aſter several hours of fighting a fully
open floor area was so big that it could not involved church fire, a safety inspection
be extinguished by firefighters with hose was started to assess overhauling dangers.
with an aggressive
interior attack
strategy, is more
effective against
residential building
fires than those in
worship buildings.
On arrival at a
church fire, the first
officer should locate
and size up the
fire to determine
whether the blaze
can be extinguished
by a hose line; if the
fire is too big, an
exterior defensive Fig. 7–2. The first attack hose team must extinguish the fire or change
attack should be to a defensive strategy.
the initial strategy
(fig. 7–2). If the fire is extinguishable, the or failure of an interior hose line attack. A
first line is taken into the building to the company officer who has experience only in
seat of the fire, and the fire is extinguished. single-unit operations may not accurately
The largest hose should be stretched to assess whether his or her own unit will be
give the firefighter the most water power successful in controlling the fire.
and the greatest reach. You get only one Most fires in places of worship start
chance to extinguish a church fire. A in the basement and are caused by electric
second large-diameter hose line should wiring or heating units. These fires spread
immediately back up the first line. As soon up the walls and ceiling spaces to the main
as the flames are knocked down, the walls floor, and from there, they extend to the
and attic should be check for concealed fire upper reaches of the building. The ceilings
spread. If two hose lines do not extinguish a of most churches and synagogues are
fire in a place of worship, firefighters should higher than a hose stream can reach. Thus,
withdraw. Do not conduct a defensive if smoke and heat start to bank up in the
attack from the inside of a church building main service area (the nave or sanctuary)
as is done inside a multiple-dwelling or and it cannot be reached with interior hose
high-rise building. If two lines do not do streams, firefighters must withdraw. When
the job, withdraw and fight the fire from the fire at the underside of the ceiling cannot
the outside. be reached, notify the incident commander
A chief officer or a veteran incident of the need for an outside attack strategy. If
commander should be sent in to supervise smoke and heat rise to the underside of the
the interior hose line attack inside a place of ceiling, firefighters operating hose line at
worship. A chief officer who has command floor level will not sense the buildup of heat.
experience and who has supervised both A flashover or backdraſt conditions could
interior and exterior defensive firefighting develop over their heads, and when the ball
can better evaluate and predict the success of fire or explosion occurs, it will radiate fire
and heat downward, trapping them inside outside during fire evacuations, it will slow
the fully involved structure. the building evacuation and back up those
Another reason why interior inside who are still attempting to flee the
firefighting is unsuccessful in worship fire. Police should be called to the scene and
buildings is the rapid fire spread over the requested to keep the people moving away
wall and ceiling surface of the interior. from the structure.
Some have the interior surface composed Because these buildings contain holy
entirely of wood and covered by flammable and sacred objects, there is an urge to save
tapestries. The walls may wood paneling, these irreplaceable items from the fire.
and the roof underside may also be wood, This urge is especially strong when the
with roof trusses arches and purlins of wood congregation or their leadership requests
timber. The wood walls have been polished such salvage. Every effort should be made
over decades with flammable oils. Any to remove holy items from fire danger, but
fire will rapidly spread across the interior the incident commander must not risk life
surface like flameover fire. In addition to save property, even if it is sacred. The
to the polish, the wax vapor from the freelancing actions of firefighters, officers,
offering candles have deposited a coating and sometimes even chiefs in attempts to
of flammable resin on top of everything. If retrieve sacred objects can cause the entire
the incident commander arrives at the scene firefighting effort to fail, owing to lack
and firefighters are operating hose line at the of resources and lack of command and
entrance of the building, this indicates that control; worse yet, it can cause the death
the interior attack has failed. Firefighters of firefighters or officers who take unusual
should be withdrawn from the steps near risks in a dangerous structure. The incident
the front entrance, a collapse danger zone, commander should not allow unusual
and outside master streams should be set up actions, to retrieve religious items, that
around the building. unnecessarily risk firefighter’s lives.
is not a good strategy. A 4-foot-by-4-foot is where the first aerial ladder should be
opening near the ridge of a roof is not going positioned. An aerial master stream should
to vent much of the smoke and heat from be positioned in a corner safe area (where
a 5,000 square foot open floor area with the A/B or A/D sides of the building meet),
50–75-foot-high ceilings. Also, even if the and the aerial platform should be supplied
roof is vented, there may be a 10–20 foot with a large-diameter hose and raised to
attic space and floor with a ceiling below the rose window. This window should be
that could not be pushed down. This attic vented with a pike pole by a firefighter
space and floor would negate the roof vent in the raised bucket. The entire window
exhaust effects. In some modern worship should be vented. This is the one window
buildings, there is no attic. Still, the small in a church or temple that is high enough
opening would not vent combustible gases and big enough to vent smoke and heat
from such a large assembly space in a typical from the upper reaches of a burning place
place of worship. of worship. It can be vented faster than it
takes for a firefighter to cut a roof opening.
The primary venting of this rose window
Defensive operations may also allow an aerial master stream to
When the incident commander arrives discharge a heavy-caliber stream into the
at the fire scene and the first and second upper portions of the church (fig. 7–3).
hose lines have
been stretched
and supplied with
water, the strategy
is to prepare
for a defensive
master stream. As
long as you have
sufficient resources
to a dv an c e t h e
interior attack lines,
start positioning
apparatus for
the defensive
operations. The
interior attack
may or may not
be successful;
Fig. 7–3. Firefighters venting the rose window of a church.
this should not
stop the incident
commander from being proactive and The aerial master stream, shooting
planning for the defensive operation in case unimpeded 50–100 feet through a rose
the hose attack fails. window, can sometimes break up fire
If the building has a rose window (a and heat waves at the ceiling peak of the
large stained-glass window at the upper building, where the inside hose streams
reaches of the front of the building), that cannot reach. In some instances, a choir
loſt structure or pipe organ at the front of stained glass and not valuable. However,
the sanctuary or nave will block the aerial in others, the side stained-glass windows
master stream coming through the rose are extremely valuable. Unfortunately,
window. However, if there is no blockage, they must be broken. This creates a public
this single master stream may extinguish relations problem, though, because the
the fire at the upper peak near the ceiling reason for the glass venting is not always
and save the building. When inspecting understood by the public or parishioners.
a place of worship, examine the rose Parishioners sometime donate the money
window and its possible effective use for for each window and have their names on
venting and as access for an aerial master the windows.
stream; it is always worth a try. Aſter this One reason for window venting is that
aerial stream is in position, other master if you do not vent the side stained-glass
streams should be positioned around the windows and the building remains closed
structure—in parking lots and on the up, it may suffer a smoke explosion that
roofs of adjoining buildings—and used to could raise the roof and push out the
protect exposures. walls. Also, if you do not vent the side
windows, the fire may flashover when the
firefighters are inside operating the hose
Window venting lines. Furthermore, if you do not vent the
Aſter the rose window is vented, the side windows, the smoke and heat may
decision must be made to vent the side bank down on the firefighters searching and
stained-glass windows of the building, operating inside.
if they exist. The first two hose lines in Thus, during the initial stages, portable
a place of worship must extinguish the ladders should be raised to the side
fire, or they must be ordered to back out stained-glass windows near the fire and
so that a defensive outside attack may be where the firefighters are operating the
started. During the initial hose line attack, hose line inside. The first venting should be
venting may not be necessary, as the smoke limited to the windows on both sides of the
and heat will rise up to the underside of building near the fire inside. The opposite
the high ceiling. Smoke will not prevent windows should create cross-ventilation.
firefighters from seeing or approaching To vent tall windows, portable ladders
the fire during the initial attack. If the fire or aerial platforms should be placed
is extinguished by interior hose lines, the against the side wall, upwind from the
side windows may not have to be vented. stained-glass windows, and a firefighter
However, if the interior must be vented on a ladder with a pike pole should break
for the advance of the first two interior the windows.
hose lines, the windows nearest to the fire Window venting should start near the
on both sides of the building should be top of the window and work down. This is
vented first. because the smoke and heat will be near
If this venting the interior attack fails the top of the building’s interior (fig. 7–4).
and the strategy changes from interior to Care should be taken, as the smoke and
exterior attack, the decision must be made superheated gases flowing out of the vented
by the incident commander to vent all windows may suddenly ignite on reaching
of the side windows. At many churches the fresh air. Firefighters should try to be
and temples, the side windows are not upwind from the smoke and heat.
the development of an offensive strategy, in the attic, the ceiling could collapse, or
comparison is made to ordinary (type III) the truss roof beams could also fall and
construction. The inside walls, columns, trap firefighters below. If fire is allowed to
and ceiling of a place of worship may look spread unnoticed in the attic, there could
like stone. However, they may actually be be a collapse on firefighters performing
plaster with wood lath covering concealed salvage, washing down burned content,
spaces and poke-through holes. Do not and overhauling.
be fooled by this imitation stone veneer
surface. As one firefighter who survived
the Ebenezer Baptist Church collapse that
killed two Pittsburgh firefighters said,
Collapse Dangers
Beware of the house-of-worship stone
veneer. This veneer makes the structure Tower and steeple
appear to be constructed of something Structural engineers have identified
other than it is. The church had a false towers and steeples as one of the most
appearance of solid limestone blocks 1 ſt unstable features of a worship structure
by 3 ſt. This was only a facade and gave during an earthquake. The tower is the
a false sense of security to the structure. square structure rising above the roof.
We were under the impression the Sometimes there is a steeple atop the tower.
building was a lot stronger than it was The steeple is the tapered pointed structure
and there was no way it could collapse. on top of the tower. The steeple tip may
Behind a stone veneer could be a have a cross or other religious symbol.
lath-and-plaster concealed space. On a temple, the tower may have a domed
If the interior attack is successful and pointed sphere at its top. A steeple on a
the fire is extinguished by the interior tower is more unstable than a domed tower.
attack hose teams, firefighters should When the steeple is located at the front of
immediately try to open up the walls the structure, this exposure A wall must be
and ceilings near the smoldering fire. considered a collapse danger.
Check the concealed spaces for fire. If fire
spreads to the concealed spaces, it may
spread upward, to the large attic space. Side wall and roof collapse
Flames may spread to an attic through The roof of a worship structure with
the hidden voids behind the side walls, a peak is supported by the side walls. Side
through hollow imitation-stone columns, walls that run parallel with the peak ridge
and through small ceiling-level holes are the bearing walls (fig. 7–5). A bearing
around chandelier lights. In addition to wall supports a weight other than its own
opening up the concealed spaces aſter a weight—in this case, the weight of the
fire is extinguished, firefighters should roof. These side bearing walls are primary
quickly gain access to the attic space and structural members. A primary structural
check to see if fire has already spread to the member supports another structural
large concealed space. Finding the stairway member. What does all this mean to an
that leads up to the attic may take some incident commander? It means that if the
time, and climbing narrow spiral stairs roof burns and starts to collapse because
may slow the firefighters; nevertheless, it is interconnected, it could push out the
this is an important action. If the fire is side walls. Conversely, if a wall fails, the
roof would lose its support and collapse and a defensive attack using master streams
into the floor. Because of the steeple and the strategy will have to be used.
interconnection of the roof and side bearing Before the roof collapses, the ceiling
walls, exposures A, B, and D of a burning may collapse. If a large part of the ceiling
worship structure are the most dangerous collapses, it will create an explosion-like
areas during a fire. eruption inside the building that will
blow out windows and knock firefighters
off l a d d e r s . As
a large, high
ceiling collapses,
superheated air,
smoke and flame are
compressed below
the falling ceiling,
inside the building.
This compression
can blow out
windows. The
collapsing ceiling
will also create a
vacuum above the
ceiling. This instant
vacuum sucks air
into the now-open
Fig. 7–5. The side walls support the truss roof of a place of worship. attic space, creating
a flashover of the
superheated smoke
and fire gases that accumulated in the attic
Ceiling collapse before the collapse.
If the fire spreads to the attic, there is
plenty to burn. In an attic of a structure with
a Gothic plaster ceiling beneath a peaked
roof—for example, Saint Patrick Cathedral,
in New York City—there are tons of wood. An added danger of fighting a fire in
In the attic are two-foot-thick timber truss a place of worship is the emotional factor.
beams; the plank wood underside of the Many firefighters attend religious services,
roof deck; a wood lath covering bent to and some firefighters at the scene may even
the shape of the plaster Gothic arch ceiling attend the place of worship that is burning.
below; and a wooden walkway from the When a religious structure burns, it usually
back to the front of the attic space. If fire attracts the local members, and they watch
reaches the attic spaces of these buildings, it as their holy place of worship is destroyed
cannot be extinguished with handheld hose by fire. Inside the burning building, there
lines. Access to the attic space is through are sacred books, scrolls, and artifacts and
one small door, and there is no possibility to symbols with huge emotional and spiritual
vent. Firefighters will have to be withdrawn, meaning to the members. This sometimes
leads incident commanders, sector officers, firefighters must remember their priorities:
fire officers, and firefighters to take risks first priority is life hazard, including the lives
that would not be taken at an ordinary of firefighters; second priority is incident
public residence or commercial building stabilization; and property protection is the
fires. Again, even at a worship-structure fire, last priority, even in a place of worship.
stove fire that spread into the concealed duct fire is a little more difficult to quench.
space above a ceiling of the adjoining store Moreover, if the fire extends from the ducts
(fig. 8–1). While pulling tin ceilings in an and breaks out on every floor and in the
adjoining store, they were trapped aſter the cockloſt, the kitchen stove fire becomes a
ceiling collapsed. Restaurant kitchen stove major-alarm fire.
fires, exhaust hood fires, and grease duct There are many problems that arise
fires will be a common response. Restaurant during the kitchen stove fire:
kitchens use the stove seven nights a week, • Explosion of stove gas
and they may not clean the grease filters • Boilover of deep fryer oils and fats
over the stove. • Control of fans that spread fire
throughout ducts
• Tracing the ductwork
several floors throughout
the building
• Simultaneous fires on
several floors
• Getting keys (or forcible
entry) to gain access to
rooms and offices near
the ductwork
• Fire spread to
concealed spaces
• Ceiling collapse
• Evacuation of diners
from the restaurant
during their meal
Fig. 8–1. Restaurant kitchen fires usually occur in the kitchen
stove and spread to concealed spaces.
The incident
commander must make
The exhaust hoods and grease filters several quick and correct strategy decisions,
inserted into the exhaust hoods over the or such a fire will spread rapidly. The first
stove are designed to keep evaporating and most important decision must be to
fats, grease, and cooking oils from entering summon additional resources to the scene.
the exhaust duct, which is a sheet metal
ductwork extending from the kitchen to
the roof. Sometimes this exhaust duct Size-up
extends several floors from the kitchen
to the roof. If grease accumulates in the The first two size-up facts that the
duct, adhering to the inside of the ducts incident commander must determine
at corners (where it changes direction and at the scene of a restaurant duct fire
must travel horizontally before it reaches are the type of building construction
the roof), a serious blaze can take place, and housing the restaurant and whether the
if it extends out of the ductwork on several exhaust ductwork runs up the interior of
floors, the entire building can burn down. the building to the roof or whether it is
The kitchen fire is easy to extinguish, but the attached to the outside of the building. The
construction of the building determines from the hot duct to the structure is small.
the likelihood of fire spread throughout In these buildings, you worry about gas
the building and out the ductwork. If the explosion, boilover of oil, ceiling collapse,
construction is wood frame, ordinary, or and a panic of restaurant guests if the smoke
heavy timber, the chance of fire spread is quickly spreads from the kitchen.
high. If the construction is noncombustible
or fire resistive, the chances of fire spread
from the ductwork to the structure is Fire spread from a stove
low. Also, if the ductwork extends from The kitchen is usually on the first
the kitchen to the roof on the interior floor, but occasionally in the basement of a
of the structure and is enclosed by one- or two-story wood frame building, a
combustible framing, then the possibility three- or four-story ordinary construction
of fire extension from the ductwork to the building, or a renovated five-story heavy
structure is high. However, if the ductwork timber building. In any of these combustible
goes from the kitchen exhaust duct to the buildings, interior fire spread may travel
roof by attachment to an outside wall, as follows: from the stove to the grease
then the chance of fire extension from the duct, igniting the grease inside the duct
ductwork to the building is small. and then spreading out one or more floors
above the kitchen, including the common
roof space; if the exhaust duct terminates
Building construction near a window or the air intake of an
If a duct extends from the kitchen to adjoining building, flame may spread to
the roof inside a wood frame (type V), that exposed building.
ordinary construction (type III), or heavy
timber (type IV) building, you have big
problems. You have to trace the ductwork
behind walls and ceilings, and this takes
Automatic Fire Systems
time. The time that it takes to trace the In many kitchens, there is a fire-
ductwork may allow fire to spread to a extinguishing system that on sensing a fire,
concealed space. automatically discharges the extinguishing
The construction of the building product on the stove, shuts off the fans
determines the likelihood and speed of in the exhaust duct, and shuts off the
spread of a grease duct fire to the building. gas supply to the stove. However, some
Restaurants in a wood frame or ordinary kitchens do not have this auxiliary fire
construction building provide the greatest protection, so the first-arriving units at a
chance of fire extension from the ductwork restaurant kitchen stove fire should check
to the building. A heavy timber building to see if there is a fire protection system
that does not have concealed spaces has and determine if it has been discharged. If
less of a chance for serious fire spread. not, activate the control to the extinguish
Noncombustible (type II) and fire-resistive system manually. Also check to see if duct
(type I) buildings have the least danger fans are still flowing air from the stove
of fire spread from the kitchen or duct to the duct system. If the exhaust fans
fire. In noncombustible or fire-resistive are still operating, shut them off, because
buildings, the hot duct will be enclosed they may be spreading the fire from the
by noncombustible materials. Fire spread kitchen to the ducts. The fan shut-off and
Grease and
Oil Fire
The kitchen stove fire is
a class B flammable liquid
fire. If the first-arriving
firefighters have portable
carbon dioxide or dr y
chemical extinguishers,
Fig. 8–2. The stove gas must be shut off to prevent an explosion. these should be the first
choice. However, if class
B extinguishers are not
Kitchen Explosions available, a fog nozzle should be used to
extinguish oil and cooking grease fires—for
A gas explosion is a violent combustion example, to put out a fire in a deep fryer.
reaction of gas, oxygen, and heat, creating The water fog stream should not,
a rapid expansion of gases strong enough however, be directed into the deep-fat
to collapse ceilings and parts of the kitchen fryer or pots of oil. This action could
walls, break windows, and knock firefighters create a boilover. A boilover is a sudden
directing a nozzle to the ground. If aſter eruption of hot oil over the top of large
extinguishment of a stove fire there is a gas pot of oil. A boilover could occur aſter
fire fed by a broken gas pipe or from the gas water from a hose stream sinks to the
jets, do not extinguish the flame; let the gas bottom of the burning oil and is heated
fire burn. The strategy is to let the fire burn to its boiling point. As the water turns to
and shut off the source of gas supply. If there steam and expands by 1,700 times, it can
is no gas shut-off visible in the kitchen, the cause a boilover, which could spray boiling
incident commander should order a fire oil over firefighters operating hose lines in
company to shut the gas supply off at the the kitchen.
building inlet.
duct must be examined. When it is known that fire has spread from the ductwork. This
that ducts extend up the interior of the hose-stretching strategy is different from that
building and not outside, during the early employed at most structure fires. At most
stages of the fire, keys should be obtained structure fires, the first line goes to the fire
from the management, to reduce damage floor, the second line backs up the first and
from forcible entry. If the presence of smoke then goes to the floor above, and the third
or heat is indicated by a burn mark on a line goes wherever the fire is spreading. At
ceiling or wall, or if a hot spot is detected by a restaurant fire, a ground ladder should be
a thermal-imaging camera or by the touch positioned on the roof for hose stretching to
of the hand, then the wall or ceiling must be the duct termination at a one- or two-story
opened, and the partition wall enclosing the building; an aerial ladder may be extended
duct must be examined. Next, the interior of to the roof of a multistory building for hose
the duct may have to be examined through stretching to the roof. If an aerial ladder
an access panel or by cutting the duct. is used for hose line stretching, another
If the duct is attached to the exterior ladder should be called to the scene and
of the building, it will be easy to trace the positioned for possible rescue of occupants
duct to its termination, and whether fire or firefighters who suddenly become trapped
is burning inside the duct can be easily above a kitchen restaurant fire that spreads.
determined. Any hot spot may be seen from If the stove and grease hood fire is
the street or an aerial ladder if necessary. extinguished and there has not been fire
If the metal duct on the outside of the extension to the ceiling but it appears that
building is red hot and it is attached to fire is spreading in the ductwork up to
the combustible exterior of a wood frame the roof, the incident commander should
building, then the space behind the duct order for a company to stretch the second
and the building may have to be examined; hose line to the roof and the restaurant to
if necessary, a hose stream should be be evacuated (fig. 8–3). Water from the
directed to this space, and the wood second hose line should be directed down
exterior shingle may have to be removed the duct. Any burning grease attached to
to check for extension. Even if the duct is the inside of the duct will be quenched by
attached to the outside of the building, a this hose line.
hose line will be required at the
duct’s termination.
Hose Stretching
The hose-stretching strategy
at a restaurant kitchen fire that
has extended into the duct and
is burning grease in the duct is
as follows: The first line goes
to the kitchen; the second line
goes to the roof near the duct’s
termination; and the third line
goes to the floor above the fire
or any floor where it appears Fig. 8–3. This restaurant kitchen fire has spread to the roof.
area through the concealed space above a from the dining area by fire partitions, and
ceiling if the kitchen is not separated by these walls should extend from the floor
floor-to-ceiling fire partitions. When flames to the underside of the floor above, with
become visible or smoke blocks visibility, no opening.
the guests may panic, and the restaurant The kitchen area should also be
kitchen fire could become a deadly scene. protected with an automatic extinguishment
If the restaurant is crowded and the fire system. The dining area need not have this
extends to the ceiling space or duct system, protection. The stove and hoods should
the incident commander should start have a CO 2 or dry chemical system to
evacuation. Aſter the fire is controlled, extinguish a stove flash fire. Furthermore,
diners can be allowed back inside to get the controls of the system should shut
their belongings. off the exhaust fans, and when the fire
The restaurant employees should be extinguishment system is triggered, the
requested to assist with the evacuation. gas to the stove must be shut off. If the gas
If the staff are trained, they can save flame is extinguished and the gas continues
live and prevent injuries by ushering to flow, an explosion can occur. The manual
people safely to the exits. The restaurant controls to the system should also be located
employees may know of exits not visible by the door. Employees fleeing the fire and
to the diners. During the evacuation, have firefighters responding to the kitchen blaze
someone check restrooms and coatrooms should have access to these manual controls
for patrons. The simultaneous operation of the fire-extinguishing system and the
of kitchen firefighting, tracing the path of gas shut-off.
the exhaust ducts, stretching lines to the
duct’s termination on the roof, evacuation
of the restaurant, and preventing possible
fire spread to above floors requires
Delayed Alarm
quick decisions be made by the incident A large restaurant can be a place of
commander, as well as by firefighters. The assembly, and there is always concern when
incident commander should be proactive large numbers of people gather in one place.
about calling resources to the scene. Most building codes consider places of
Transmit greater alarms to reinforce the assembly as those with occupancy over 50
first responders. people. The New York City building code
declares a restaurant as a place of assembly
if it fits more than 75 occupants. In a place
Fire Protection of assembly, the capacity of the exits, the
aisle space, and a method of alerting
The fire danger in a restaurant is in the the occupants in case of emergency are
kitchen. If there is a smoke condition in a important. The occupants of a restaurant
restaurant aſter hours, check the kitchen are not as familiar with the exit paths
area around the stove, the exhaust hood, and may be late in recognizing the alarm
and in the concealed space above the ceiling. warning, and some may be intoxicated and
Most restaurant fires start in the kitchen not respond to directions. Restaurants are
of a restaurant, not the public eating area. dark by design, as patrons want subdued
Therefore, the kitchen should be divided lighting while dining.
If a fire is detected, the restaurateur not notified at the first sign of fire. The
may be reluctant to have the people leave. first-responding firefighters may find a
Consequently, the employees may try to large spreading fire in the ductwork and
fight the fire, and there may be a delayed throughout the restaurant, diners in a panic,
alarm—that is, the fire department is and severely injured kitchen staff.
plate. The most common connector is the bowling alley failed, killing five Ridgefield
split-ring metal connector. The split ring is firefighters 30 minutes aſter arrival. The
a steel ring that is embedded in prepared lesson learned from the 1966 Cliffside
depressions on the face of the timber. Its Park, New Jersey, truss roof collapse is that
purpose is to relieve the bolts connecting when a truss roof fails during a fire, it may
the truss sections from shearing stress. A cause the secondary collapse of one of the
timber truss roof can be built in a variety masonry enclosure walls.
of shapes. These examples illustrate the three ways
The bowstring timber truss is the most firefighters can die when operating at fires
common design. Its curved top chord involving timber truss roof buildings are
creates an arched roof; its bottom chord as follows:
is horizontal timber. Both chords outline • Firefighters operating on the roof above
a bow with a string attached to each end. a burning timber truss can fall into a
The wooden web members connecting fire when the roof collapses. This is
the top and bottom chords are of smaller the way the FDNY firefighters in the
dimensions; however, they are critical to the Brooklyn supermarket fire died.
overall strength of the truss section during
• Firefighters operating below a timber
a fire. When attacked by flames, the entire
truss roof, inside a burning building,
truss section may fail as soon as the smallest
can be crushed and burned to death
web member weakens. In other words,
when the collapsing truss roof falls
under fire conditions, the truss is only as
on top of them. This is the way the
strong as its weakest member.
Hackensack firefighters died.
Wood timber truss construction is used
to span the roofs of large-area buildings. • Firefighters can be killed while
When a 100-foot timber truss, 20 feet on operating outside a burning timber
center, fails, it causes 4,000 square feet of truss roof building. When trusses
the roof area to collapse. Occupancies that collapse, they may push out a masonry
require large open floor spaces use timber wall (fig. 9–2). The timber roof trusses
truss roof supports. There are no supporting can collapse and cause a secondary
columns needed with the long span timber wall collapse. The firefighters from
truss roof supports. Occupancies that Ridgefield, New Jersey, were crushed
use timber trusses include supermarkets, beneath a falling wall pushed out by
bowling alleys, garages, auto dealership the falling truss roof.
showrooms, theaters, churches, skating
The timber truss roof has leſt a record
rinks, and piers.
of death and destruction in the fire
The timber truss roof has been known
service along the East Coast. The death
to collapse suddenly during the early stages
and destruction has mainly taken place
of a fire. In 1988, a Hackensack, New Jersey,
where the buildings are older and, in some
Ford auto dealership truss roof failed, killing
instances, suffer from neglect and improper
five firefighters 35 minutes aſter arrival of
alterations. Unfortunately, the South and on
the first company. In 1978, in Brooklyn,
the West Coast are starting to experience
the roof of a Waldbaum’s Supermarket
this event as their newer timber truss
failed, killing six firefighters 32 minutes
buildings age and fall into disrepair.
aſter arrival of the first units. In 1966, the
Examples of timber truss roof collapses
truss roof of a Cliffside Park, New Jersey,
from the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s have been
wood member in
a timber truss is
four inches; the
largest dimension
in a lightweight
truss is four
inches. However,
the concern to the
fire service about
lightweight wood
truss construction
is not the size of
the wood. The
concern is the
truss connections.
Fig. 9–2. This bowstring truss roof collapsed, pushed out the wall, and During a
injured two FDNY firefighters operating a hose line outside the building. fire, a building
element usually
described already. In addition, in the fails at the connection. Sheet metal surface
1950s, two firefighters from Highland fasteners are used to connect the small
Park, New Jersey, died in a timber truss wood truss members together. Instead of
garage roof collapse; they fell into the fire thick steel plates and bolts, thin pieces of
while operating on the roof. In the 1980s, sheet metal, called surface fasteners, connect
two Valley Stream, New York, firefighters the outer half-inch surface of wood truss
died when a synagogue roof collapsed on members. The sheet metal surface fastener
top of them. In the 1990s, Los Angeles Fire is a deficient structural connection from
Captain Joseph Dupree was killed while a fire protection point of view (fig. 9–3).
operating inside a timber
truss building when the
roof collapsed.
Wood Trusses
The use of lightweight
wood truss construction
has explo ded in t his
country, and so has its
danger to firefighters. Small
wood truss construction
is used in residential
and light commercial
construction today. The Fig. 9-3. The sheet metal surface fastener connection fails
smallest dimension of a during the early stages of a fire.
The design of the small wood truss can be The sheet metal surface fastener has
defended from an engineering viewpoint, been permitted as a truss connector aſter
but no architect, building contractor, or passing a century-old furnace test and
code official would defend the sheet metal receiving the approval of the so-called
surface fastener. performance code advocates. Building
The surface fastener is a dangerous design professionals in the past have
structural connection. During a fire, the decried the restrictions of the older
points of connection are the first to fail. building code, requiring little details like
The most serious defect in the surface specific size of nails to connect structural
fastener that connects lightweight members all the way through the piece of
wood trusses is the insufficient depth of wood. The performance codes state that
penetration of the nailing points. The anything that passes the furnace test can
V-shaped nailing points enter the wood be used in construction. The sheet metal
to a depth of only a half inch. During a surface fastener passed the code test.
fire, when the outer layers of wood char, And things are getting worse. Currently,
the surface fastener loosens more quickly some lightweight truss floor and roof
than would a nail or a steel bolt, which beams have web members and top and
penetrates the entire thickness of truss bottom chords connected with glue (fig.
members. In addition, even if the fire 9–4). There is a joke in the fire service
is not of sufficient intensity to char the that the next performance code change
wood, heat from the flames can warp will allow builders to connect trusses
the thin sheet metal surface fastener and together with strips of loop or hooked
cause it to curl up and pull away from the fabric fasteners.
wood truss.
Lightweight wood trusses
are prefabricated at a factory
and shipped to the construction
site, where they are stored until
needed. If these trusses are
improperly transported or stored
at the site or if they are dropped or
handled roughly, the metal surface
fastener can pull away from the
wood surface or become loosened.
In such instances, the truss has
been weakened even before it is
installed in the building.
There is also no standard size
for the connectors. The size of a Fig. 9–4. A wood truss with glue connections.
sheet metal surface connector
varies from one and a half inches
by three inches to three inches by four The lightweight wood truss has also
inches. The variously sized sheet metal leſt a record of death and destruction in
surface fasteners have replaced the standard the fire service, from the East Coast to the
eightpenny nail. West Coast. The following firefighters from
using steel bar truss joists (e.g., see fig. 2. Poor or uneven application of the
9–5) have to be considered substandard spray-on fire retarding was discovered
by the fire protection community when during postfire investigations.
compared to solid wood beams. This
3. Variation of spray-on material during
quick failure time during fire makes the
manufacture made it ineffective.
bar truss inferior from a fire protection
point of view. Unfortunately, the trend in 4. Lack of thoroughness in covering
building construction is toward the use of the steel during application was
lightweight steel bar trusses. a problem.
On September 11, 2001, over 2,700
5. Failure to replace spray-on material
people, including 343 New York City
dislodged by other tradespeople
firefighters, were killed when the World
p e r f or m i n g w or k a ro u n d t h e
Trade Center collapsed. The two towers,
steel during the construction of
built using lightweight steel truss floors,
the building.
collapsed quickly. Once the collapse started,
the South Tower’s 110 floors of lightweight Construction of the World Trade
steel truss construction collapsed to the Center, by the Port Authority of New
street in a cloud of dust within 10 seconds. York, was begun in the 1970s. Moreover,
The North Tower, also 110 floors of the towers did not have to comply with
lightweight steel truss floors, “pancaked” the minimum requirements of the old
down in 8 seconds. or new building code. For example, the
On March 10, 1941, 13 Brockton, Port Authority did not install automatic
Massachusetts, firefighters were crushed sprinklers as requested by the FDNY. Many
to death in the balcony of the Strand of the construction features used in the
Theater when a hundred-foot-long steel World Trade Center were performance code
truss roof collapsed. One reason why steel recommendations. The more restrictive,
truss floors and roofs collapse during fire specification code recommendations
is that the fluffy spray used to fire protect were eliminated from the Twin Towers
the steel is either absent or ineffective. There to make the building lighter and to speed
was no protection on the steel truss of the up construction.
Strand Theater.
The asbestos spray-on coating applied
to the steel trusses used in the World
Trade Center towers was considered by
Early Identification
the Chief of the FDNY to be inferior to of the Truss
concrete encasement of steel. He listed The key to safe firefighting strategy
the following problems with the fluffy in any type of truss-constructed building
spray-on used as fire protection at the is early identification of the truss. Notify
World Trade Center: the incident commander when a timber
1. Failure to prepare the steel for truss, a lightweight wood truss, or an
spray-on coating adhesion. Rust and open-web steel bar truss is discovered
dirt allowed spray-on fire-retarding when searching for fire, pulling ceilings,
coating to scale and fall away from steel or cutting a roof vent. Once notified of the
during construction. truss construction, the incident commander
may take defensive actions.
Sometimes a truss roof can be identified • When there is a bowstring timber truss
when conducting a size-up of the fire roof with a high roof, the incident
building. There are three truss size-up commander may get conflicting radio
indicators an incident commander may see reports from fire officers inside and
from the command post: outside about the amount of fire in
• Rounded rooſtop the building. The firefighters inside
may report little heat and fire, because
• Large interior spaces without
the flames and heat are above their
interior columns
heads; they cannot sense the heat in
• Large-area occupancies known to the concave roof space above them.
feature truss design (e.g., theaters, However, the firefighters on the roof
supermarkets, garages, churches, will report heavy fire in the building,
piers, auto dealerships, bowling alleys, correctly gauging the amount of
and lumberyards) heat and flame burning through
the roof deck and giving the more
The firefighters may not realize the
accurate size-up.
seriousness of a fire when operating
inside a burning bowstring, timber
truss roof building. C onsider the
following situations:
• The large space created by the concave
underside of a bowstring truss roof acts
as a heat sink. This large space, created
by the upper chord of the bowstring,
allows large amounts of flame to build
up above the heads of firefighters
searching inside for fire. Firefighters
may not realize the large amount of
heat, smoke, and flame in the building,
owing to this large space above their Fig. 9–6. There is a large space where
heads (fig. 9–6). The heat floats above heat and fire builds up in bowstring
the firefighters while it may be cool truss buildings.
at the floor level inside the timber
truss building.
The size-up by firefighters inside the
• The fuel load is in the truss roof. The
building usually underestimates the fire.
building may be vacant, or there may
Firefighters searching inside a large-area
be an absence of combustible material
timber truss garage for fire can be trapped
inside, on the floor. However, with
by flashover that occurs above their heads.
a timber truss roof, there will be the
Four Chicago firefighters were killed in
equivalent of a lumberyard of wood
a garage with a truss roof when the fire
in the trusses above your head. When
flashed above while they were searching
smoke fills up the roof space, the
for the blaze. They could not escape
firefighters may not see the massive
the flashover fire and the eventual truss
timber truss roof structure overhead.
roof collapse.
must order the withdrawal of firefighters In summary, keep in mind the following
working inside the building. key points about truss building fires:
Most firefighters who have been killed • T h e k e y t o s a f e fi r e fi g h t i n g
by collapsing truss roofs and floors were operations at any type of truss
operating below the truss cave-in. The construction is early identification
strategy at a truss structural fire is life of the truss and notification of the
safety first. Once fire enters the concealed incident commander.
spaces of a building with lightweight
• Fire experience has shown that
truss construction, fire spreads rapidly.
truss construction can fail within
The hidden flames can spread parallel to
9–30 minutes aſter arrival of the
truss beams and also through the open
first companies.
web member. In other words, fire spread
in the concealed space of a truss is 100% • If the fire is a content fire, interior attack
faster than in conventional solid beam is the strategy.
construction. For example, the lightweight
• If the fire involves the truss structure
truss collapse that killed Todd Aldridge and
and cannot be extinguished by the first
Mark Benge in Orange County, Florida,
hose line, a defensive strategy should
occurred nine minutes aſter the first unit
be ordered.
arrived. The incident commander should
evacuate the occupants and firefighters • More firefighters operating hose lines
when fire spreads to the concealed spaces and searching below the burning trusses
and cannot be extinguished by the first are killed than firefighters operating on
hose stream. the roof.
Fire containment is a second priority
• Firefighters are in danger of being
of firefighting at a truss building fire, and
killed by collapsing trusses if they
property protection is the last priority.
operate inside the building below the
There should be no firefighters operating
truss or on top of the truss roof. They
above or below the burning trusses.
can also be killed by a truss collapse if
Protecting the adjoining buildings should
they operate outside the building, and a
be the strategy. Master streams should
collapsing truss roof can push out a wall
be used on the unoccupied fire building,
on top of firefighters outside, operating
and hose lines should be stretched into
around the perimeter of the building.
the adjoining buildings. There should be
no roof venting of the fire building. The • Fire in the concealed space of a building
walls separating the buildings should be containing truss construction spreads
examined for fire spread. Close attention 100% faster than in the concealed space
should be given to the cellars and the in conventional construction. Flames
attic space of the adjoining buildings. The spread along the truss members and
downwind building should be protected through the web members.
with interior hose lines first, then the
• There are certain fire size-up factors
upwind building. A thermal-imaging
regarding truss roofs that can
camera should be used to identify hot
be misleading:
spots on the walls of adjoining buildings.
– The building content may be
All possible connecting concealed spaces
noncombustible, or the building
should be checked for fire spread.
may be vacant and at first glance
push open the door to the hallway, I was the container was supposed to burn down
met with flames behind the glass hall door. to the gasoline. Then, the gasoline and the
The entire first-floor hallway was in flames. plastic container were supposed to burn and
This did not make sense. I was still thinking melt. The arsonist had hoped that as the
we had a top-floor apartment fire, and the plastic container sides melted down, it would
woman was about to jump out the window. slowly pour the flowing burning gasoline
As soon as the hose line was charged, we down the stairs. I realized how that stairway
started extinguishing flames in the hallway. fire had started several years before.
Then, we started directing the hose line up
the stairs. We moved to the second floor
in the fire and smoke, made the turn, and
then started up the stairs to the third floor.
Extinguishing Stairway Fires
I began to sense that the heat had subsided, On arrival, an incident commander
so I told the firefighter to shut down the may order for a hose team to extinguish
hose line. The steam and smoke cleared up, a stairway fire. Flames may already be
and then we could see the hallway. There spreading three or four floors up a fully
was no fire remaining in the stairs; the stair involved stairway. The stairway fire may
fire was extinguished. We quickly proceeded have been caused by an arsonist using
up the stairs to the woman’s fiſth-floor front a flammable liquid (as in the earlier
apartment. The door to the apartment was case study), or it may have started with
still open, and the rooms contained no fire. combustible material stored in the stairwell.
The smoke coming out her window when Also, a stairway fire can be caused by flames
we rolled up was coming from the stairway spreading from a burning apartment if the
fire. She had opened her apartment door to door is leſt open. If fire is coming out of
check the hallway, was overcome by a blast, an apartment, then close the door. This will
and had leſt her apartment door open. The prevent a cut off. In a vacant building or
ladder company had rescued the woman if the door is burned, the door sometimes
with the aerial ladder before we got there. may not be closeable.
Several years later, as the battalion chief The hose team must attack the
responding to an early-morning report of an apartment fire and have a backup line
odor of gas on the same street, I discovered proceed up to extinguish the stairway fire.
how that fire started. The company officer Whenever a fire threatens to cut off the hose
searching the building for the odor of gas team advancing up a stairway, the officer
called on his portable radio, “Chief, wait should call for a backup hose line. The
there. I want to show you something.” He officer in charge of the hose team fighting
came over to my car, carrying a five-gallon the stairway fire should wait for the backup
plastic container with a rag sticking out of an line or leave a firefighter at the point where
open top, and said, “I found this container fire has been passed, to warn the advancing
of gasoline on the top floor of the public firefighters of any potential fire spread and
hallway near the bulkhead door leading to cutoff. A fire officer should never allow the
the roof. The rag sticking out of the bottle firefighters to pass fire when advancing up
was partially burned.” An arsonist placed a stairway that threatens to cut off retreat. If
the gasoline-filled container in the hall on the officer cannot accomplish the assigned
the top-floor hall leading to the roof of the task because of such a fire cutoff threat, the
five-story tenement. The rag sticking out of incident commander must be notified.
The primary life hazard at a stairway a pancake collapse of several stair sections.
fire is the people trapped in the stair Portable ladders should be used to span
and hallways leading from the stair. At a weakened stair sections. Acting as a roof
stairway fire, people will be trapped in their ladder, the weight of firefighters will on the
apartments. Thus, ladders will be needed ladder spanning the floors, not the stairs. If
for rescue. When there is no rescue need, a a stairway fire is not extinguished, the stairs
portable ladder should still be positioned at will become an inferno collapse. Then, people
a window opening onto the stairs. People, will jump to their deaths from windows.
including firefighters, may need them for A stairway or a hallway can be an area
sudden escape. The aerial ladder should of refuge or a deadly space during a fire,
be used to place a firefighter on the roof to depending on how it is used. Firefighters
perform venting of the skylight and scuttle can retreat to the safety of a stairway with a
cover over the burning stairway. This venting hose line when the apartment fire spreads
keeps smoke and heat from spreading to out to the hallway. If a firefighter searching
top-floor apartments. The ladder may be a hallway becomes disoriented and trapped
repositioned for rescue and then returned in a dead-end corridor (a hallway with no
to the roof for the firefighters. exit at the end), that can be fatal. Also, if
Exterior fire spread will be from the firefighters go above a fire and fire spreads
stairway to the transoms from the stairway into the hallway from an apartment, they
to rooms. Also, if there is a suspended can be trapped.
ceiling, the fire may spread into the ceiling People trying to escape a fire oſten
space and then into the apartments by way attempt to go up a stairway to the roof for
of air-conditioning vents. Furthermore, a fire safety. There they are trapped by smoke
venting out of a scuttle cover or skylight may and heat rising up the stairs (fig. 10–2).
spread to the common roof space through Hallways have become more dangerous
the “returns” of skylights or scuttle openings. for occupants and firefighters for several
Exterior fire spread can be autoexposure reasons; for example, standpipe outlets are
from windows on the fire
floor to open windows
above. If a stairway fire is
not vented at roof level, it
will quickly spread, first to
the top-floor apartments
and then to the apartments
of successively lower floors.
The collapse danger is
the stairs. If the stairway
is made of wood, the stair
treads may burn. If the
stair treads are stone, they
may crack and shatter. The
entire section leading from
one floor to another may
collapse. A stair section
can fail and collapse down
on the lower stairs, causing Fig. 10–2. Two people died in this New York City stairway fire.
being placed in hallways instead of enclosed Most people do not realize that in a
stairways, and people and firefighters using fire-resistive high-rise building, it is safer
these misplaced standpipe hose outlets can to stay in an apartment or office than to try
be overcome by smoke in the hallway. to escape. Stairways and hallways quickly
fill up with deadly smoke during a fire.
The firefighting strategy in a fire-resistive
Extinguishing Hallway Fires high-rise residence is to defend in place.
That means that everyone stays in their
Hallways in modern multiple dwellings apartments while the firefighters extinguish
are sealed spaces without windows to vent the blaze. The key to safety in stairways and
smoke. Modern high-rise apartments have hallways during a fire is for all apartment
HVAC duct systems connecting several doors to be closed and all occupants to
floors of public hallways and corridors. If stay in their apartments (fig. 10–4). The
smoke spreads from a burning apartment apartments of a building are safer than
to a hallway, it may then spread quickly to smoke-filled hallways and stairways.
several floors above and below the floor of
the apartment fire. Public hallways have
dead-end corners and pockets in which
occupants and firefighters can be trapped.
Another reason halls are dangerous during
a fire is that the self-closing mechanisms
of apartments doors may have been
dismantled by occupants (fig. 10–3). While
this dismantled self-closing device keeps
the residents from being locked out of
their apartment, it allows smoke and heat
to spread to the hallway if there is a fire in
their apartment and they evacuate, leaving
the door open behind them.
Fig. 10–4. A closed door is an
important fire protection feature of
a building.
of lengths required on the fire floor in order Standpipe outlets are erroneously
to advance to the room of fire. place d in t he public ha l lways of
To reach a fire room in a private modern buildings, instead of in the
dwelling, you may need one 50-foot length. two-hour-protected enclosed stairways.
For a large apartment with partitions, you This is an example of poor fire protection
may need two lengths of hose to reach the design by architects and poor inspection
last room and one length for the hallway. To and oversight by the fire service. Architects
advance a hose line in a high-rise or large are responsible for fire protection design;
office building, you may need four lengths. however the fire department inspectors
For example, to stretch a hose up a must control new construction and design
stairway without an open well to a fire in an for fire protection.
apartment on the fourth floor in a building An incident commander should not
one hundred feet from the nearest hydrant, order firefighters to connect a hose line
firefighters would stretch two lengths to to a standpipe outlet that is located in the
reach the building, three lengths to reach the public hallway on the same floor as the
fourth floor (one length to get to the second fire apartment. Firefighters advancing
floor, another to get to the third floor, and a the first attack hose line should connect
third to get to the fourth floor). To these five to the standpipe outlet on the floor below
lengths would be added two more lengths the fire. Aſter all the hose lengths are
to advance into the apartment and one for connected together, then stretch up the
a long hallway. Thus, a total of eight lengths stairs to the fire floor from the floor below
of hose would be required in order to stretch and advance down the hallway to the fire
from the pumper to the fire. apartment. Subsequently, if flames from the
fire sweep out of the apartment and into
the public hallway, firefighters can retreat
Stretching Hose down the hallway to the stairway enclosure.
Firefighters can back down several steps and
from a Standpipe
You would not use a
hose from a standpipe to
extinguish a stairway fire.
You would use a standpipe
hose line at a hallway or
apartment fire. When
using a standpipe outlet to
connect fire department
hose, firefighters are advised
to carry four rolled-up
lengths of hose and a nozzle
up a stairway and connect
the hose to the standpipe
outlet on the floor below
the fire, not the outlet on
the fire floor (fig. 10–5). Fig. 10–5. Standpipe hose stretching requires four lengths of hose.
continue to discharge
water into the hallway
and regroup.
Firefighters can
then advance out of
the stair enclosure
down the hall to the
ap a r t m e nt a g a i n
when fresh firefighters
become available. The
water pressure and
volume supplied to the
attack hose line can
be safely controlled
by a firefighter from
the standpipe outlet
from the floor below
the fire. Also, if there
is too much fire in the
hallway, firefighters
directing the hose
stream can maintain
a defensive position Fig. 10–6. Connect a hose line to the standpipe on the floor below
in the stairway. If the fire.
the attack hose line
was connected to
the standpipe in the public hallway on the a window. People are expected to stay in
same floor as the fire, flames coming out the their apartments even if the building is not
apartment door could force firefighters to fire-resistive construction.
abandon the hose line owing to spreading During a fire in a single apartment,
fire and heat. Flames also could burn the people are safer if they stay in their
hose off the standpipe outlet and possibly apartment during the fire attack. The
trap smoke-disoriented firefighters in first line goes up the interior stairway,
the hallway. It is safer to connect hose and firefighters attempt to extinguish
to a standpipe outlet on the floor below the apartment fire. The windows of the
(fig. 10–6). apartment are vented as the hose team
attempts to extinguish the fire before too
much smoke fills up the stairway.
One-Stairway Buildings Simultaneously, the single stairway
must be vented at the top by a firefighter
In multiple-dwelling buildings that are who has gained access to the roof. Access
several stories high and have one stairway, to a roof can be obtained by crossing over
the firefighters must attempt to protect from an adjoining building or by placing
the hallway. This is why the first line goes a ladder on the roof. The skylight over the
up the interior stairway and not through stairway is vented, and the door leading
cannot be opened. Other stairways lead to to stay in their apartments. If the stairway
a mechanical machinery room. is not vented at the roof, smoke buildup
Furthermore, helicopters cannot land will mushroom out on the top floor. This
on the rooſtops of most buildings in the smoke can asphyxiate people in top-floor
United States. Smoke and reduced visibility apartments and offices.
can keep aircraſt away from the roof of a If people are already coming down a
burning building. Heat and smoke can stall a stairway before the hose team attacks the
helicopter engine. Even if people were taken fire, firefighters should delay the fire attack.
off a roof, it would take hours to remove just Opening the door to the fire apartment
a few of them. They would be swinging from would allow fire, smoke, and heat to enter
the end of a cable, which may present more the stairway, trapping the people descending
danger than the fire in the building. Only the stairs. However, as soon as the stairway
two or three people could be removed before is cleared of descending people, the door
the helicopter would have to take them to should be opened and the fire attack should
ground level; returning up to the roof could be started. It is critically important that the
take approximately one hour, and most fires smoke-filled stairway should be vented
are extinguished within this time. at the roof level. If occupants must be
Helicopter rescue is a fast-growing evacuated from the burning building during
urban myth. This myth is another reason firefighting, the strategy is to evacuate the
why people are dying in smoke-filled building occupants, by way of fire escapes
stairways of buildings. Stairways and and fire department ladders, not the
hallways can be deadly spaces. Aſter a fire, interior stairway.
all stairs from the fire floor level up to the
roof must be searched.
Nonattack Fire Strategy
Stair Venting It is possible that during a fire in a
fire-resistive building, flames and smoke
Most low-rise buildings have only could be beyond control of the local fire
one stair enclosure. In such an ordinary- company on arrival. People in a panic could
constructed building, this single stairway already be filling the stairways and hallways,
sometimes must be used to attack the fire, trying to escape the fire. In this situation,
to vent the fire, and if the fire cannot be the strategy would be to not attack the fire
extinguished, to evacuate occupants aſter but evacuate all the occupants. This would
closing the door to the fire apartment. also be the strategy if the occupants on
This stairway, which will be used to attack the fire floor had already been evacuated
the apartment fire, must immediately be and people trapped above the fire were
vented at the roof skylight or scuttle over coming down all the stairs attempting to
the stairs, to prevent buildup of smoke on escape a fire. In this instance, the incident
the top floor. commander’s strategy might be to not
When firefighters open an apartment attack the fire. Instead, keep all doors closed
door to advance a hose to the fire, smoke to protect people descending the stairs (fig.
and heat flow out the open door and up the 10–9). In this instance, all stairways would
stairs. Smoke and heat can fill up the entire be temporarily used by firefighters to
stairway. People above the fire are expected evacuate people from floors above the fire.
1946, where 119 people died in the upper- used to attack the fire. During most
floor rooms. They were trapped in their fires, people may safely remain in their
rooms, and some jumped from windows apartments. However, if simultaneous
because the stairs in the high-rise hotel fire attack and evacuation is necessary,
were cut off by fire. people evacuated from above a fire must
Recently, in New York City high-rise be assisted by firefighters, using fire
apartments, small rubbish fires in stairways escapes and fire department ladders to
have developed into rapidly spreading wall evacuate the building. If the fire cannot
ceiling and floor flameover fires racing be extinguished, the door to the fire
up 10–20 floors. This type of stair fire is area should be closed, and the people
caused by the buildup of many coats of oil- above the fire should be evacuated
based paint on the stairs, ceiling, and walls down the stairway, past the fire. This
over the years. This paint buildup resulted stairway, which will be used to attack
from frequent painting to remove graffiti. the apartment fire, must immediately
This combustible paint buildup allowed be vented at the roof skylight or scuttle
the flames to rapidly spread up the stairs over the stairway, to prevent buildup of
in flameover-type fires. The paint buildup smoke on the top floor. People should
is being removed by the housing authority stay in their apartments during the
to reduce the danger of flameover fire. fire attack.
• Unfortunately, many people erroneously
believe that the way to escape a fire
Dead-End Hallways in a high-rise building is to go to the
roof and wait for helicopters. What
A dead-end hallway is a corridor
actually happens is that they die in the
extension that goes beyond the exit door.
stairway above the fire on their way up
It is a pocket in which a person may be
to the roof.
trapped during an escape from a smoky fire.
Smoke filling up a hallway can disorient • Stairways and hallways can be deadly
occupants and cause them to be trapped spaces during a fire. Aſter a fire has
during a fire. If disoriented in a smoke-filled been extinguished, firefighters must
hall and crawling past an exit door, they search all stairs from the fire floor up
will be trapped in a dead-end portion of to the roof for victims.
the hallway. This is another reason halls are
• Apartment doors must be equipped
dangerous places during fires. Occupants
with self-closing spring devices. All
should be instructed to stay in their
apartment doors must automatically
apartments during a fire and not attempt
shut. This is the most important life
to enter a hallway or stairway, since it may
safety device in a high-rise apartment
fill up with deadly smoke.
building. The key to stairway and
hallway safety during a fire is to keep
your door closed.
In summary, there are four key points
in stairway and hallway firefighting:
• Most low-rise buildings have only one
stair enclosure. This stairway must be
bottom of the stair enclosure will greatly punishing at the side alley or rear yard.
increase the chance of successfully The cellar of such a building will also have
advancing a hose line and extinguishing many windows and several doors available
a cellar fire; by contrast, a cellar stairway to firefighters for ventilation. Excavation
with a door at the top of the stair enclosure during the construction of the building may
greatly increases the chance of failure in have created what appears to be a cellar at
advancing a hose line down to a cellar and the front of the building but is actually at the
extinguishing a fire. same level grade at the sides and rear.
An enclosed stairway with a door at the This type of partial-below-grade area
bottom is the safest design for firefighting, may have occupants. Thus, life hazard will
because it allows firefighters to descend be a greater possibility, and searches must
in a smoke- and heat-free environment. be conducted as soon as possible. If a fire
Firefighters descending cellar stairs of this occurs in this type of cellar, the incident
kind can take the hose line down to the commander should consider an initial
cellar through a smoke-free stair enclosure, hose line attack on the fire from a door
start water in the hose, check their masks at either side or the rear yard. From this
and safety equipment, and then slowly approach, the firefighters will not have to
open the door to the cellar. They are already descend a cellar stairway with smoke and
below the level of heat and flames banked heat blowing up at them, and the chance for
down from the cellar ceiling. If the heat is successfully extinguishing the cellar fire will
banked down to the floor and there is no be greatly enhanced.
survivable area below the flames, or if the
fire spreads beyond the ability of the hose
team to extinguish it, the cellar door can
be closed, and the firefighters can be safely
Reasons Why Interior
withdrawn from the below-grade area. Attack Strategy Fails
The attack hose team will still be inside If firefighters are able to descend a cellar
a safe stair enclosure. Firefighters will stairway and get below the heat barrier,
not have to run through flames and heat they must then advance the hose line
while ascending the cellar stairs. The door throughout the cellar to the seat of the fire.
at the bottom of the stair enclosure acts Storage materials such as boxes, cartons,
as a protective barrier for the firefighters, packages, and furniture can make the hose
keeping the cellar stair enclosure free of line advance dangerous and difficult. This
deadly flames, heat, and smoke. improper storage in a cellar creates dangers
to firefighters advancing an attack line. It
obstructs the reach of the hose stream,
Residential Cellars preventing water from hitting the flames,
and the large stacks of storage conceal the
Some cellars in residential buildings are exact point of fire origin. The safety factor
below grade at the front of the building but provided by a hose stream reach of 30 or 50
above grade at the sides and rear. It may be feet is eliminated.
good strategy to take the first attack hose line Another problem caused by storage in
through an alley to the rear of the building a cellar is collapse. When cardboard boxes
and attack the fire from this side. Access to stacked one on top of another are burning
the cellar from the same level will be less or are wet by a hose stream, they collapse.
If firefighters advance a hose stream requires stretching to the back of the store
through a narrow aisle between cardboard to an interior cellar stairway; once in the
cartons and the cartons collapse behind cellar, the firefighters advance hose to the
them, they may become disoriented or front of the below-grade area. At this type
trapped in the cellar. The hose line, used by of fire, cut the hole in the floor near the
firefighters to feel their way back to safety front of the store.
in a smoky cellar, will not be found if it Positive-pressure venting by the use
is buried beneath a collapsing stock. Close of fans can be successful at cellar fires
supervision and control is necessary during when there are sufficient openings to
a cellar fire to ensure firefighter safety. push the smoke ahead of the advancing
Firefighters who become separated from firefighters. Whenever positive-pressure
the hose line are sometimes discovered ventilation is used to vent a below-grade
face down aſter a fire, drowning in the area, the pressurized air will push smoke
water-filled cellar aſter a fire. and, possibly, fire into adjoining cellar
occupancies. Limited access and limited
areas of ventilation in a cellar are
Venting Cellar Fires reasons why the fire service requires
that automatic sprinklers be installed in
The strategy at a cellar fire is venting, below-grade areas.
venting, and more venting. Because there
are so few areas of ventilation available to
a cellar area, any type of venting must be
conducted. The perimeter of the building
Cellar Pipes and
should be searched for any doors or Distributor Nozzles
windows leading to the cellar. If the initial hose attack fails, the
Primary venting should be through next strategy is to place cellar pipes and
cellar doors and windows, then doors and distributor nozzles into use. Before using
windows on the first floor. Subsequently, cut cellar pipes and distributors, the incident
the floor on the first floor near a window commander should order that the safety
to vent the cellar fire. In some instances, a chief on the scene determine whether the
vent opening on the first floor can be cut first floor is stable and can support the
to provide smoke relief to firefighters in weight of firefighters. Before the cellar pipe
the hot smoky cellar. A floor vent opening hole is cut in a floor, all doors and windows
should be cut at the opposite end of the on the first floor should be opened to
floor area, away from the cellar entrance. vent smoke. A hole should be cut in the
Firefighters advancing a hose stream in the floor as close as safely possible to the fire
cellar must be able to push smoke and heat below—near a window if possible. Portable
away from them. ladders should be placed over the cellar
If the cellar cannot be vented, the pipe openings. The portable ladder rungs
attack may not be successful. For example, support the cellar pipe and the hose that has
at a strip mall fire, where the hose line is been positioned into the floor opening.
advanced from the outside cellar front Cutting an opening in the first floor
entrance of the store, cut a hole in the first of a commercial building for the use of
floor at the rear of the store. At some stores, a cellar pipe may be very difficult. Some
advancing the hose line into the cellar wood floors on the first floor above a cellar
are built up. When cutting a floor there may the interior attack effort. At the same time,
be several inches of masonry and one floor the incident commander should consider
laid on top of the other. Over the decades positioning master streams as a final
and many renovations, an old building may defensive firefighting strategy.
have accumulated several layers of brick,
concrete, and stone tile on top of a wood
floor deck. For example, at one fire, while
cutting a vent opening to a cellar, firefighters
Flowing the Floor
removed a half-inch tile, one a half inches Another delaying tactic that an incident
of terrazzo floor covering (marble chips commander can order during a change of
in cement), three inches of concrete, one firefighting strategy is the flooding of the
level of brick, and one and a half inches of floor above the cellar. Water from a hose
finished and unfinished floor deck. stream may be directed into doorways or
To vent a cellar, firefighters may be able windows to spread across the first floor
to prop open only one small cellar entrance above an out-of-control cellar fire. Called
door or cut a small hole in the first floor flowing the floor, this strategy is used when
directly above the fire—and this takes time. the first floor becomes too dangerous for
If the first floor is constructed with brick, firefighters, owing to smoke or collapse.
concrete, or terrazzo, it can be broken up The objective of this tactic is to cover a
and penetrated only by using heavy mauls porous floor in an old building with several
and pneumatic jackhammers—which inches of water, in the hope that the water
takes even more time. Cutting through will flow down any opening in the floor
several layers of masonry to introduce and slow down fire spread. It is used when
a cellar pipe will be very slow and very firefighters have been withdrawn from the
dangerous. The stability of the floor should building and foam equipment or outside
be closely monitored. defensive streams have not yet been put
Distributor nozzles that can be leſt in into operation.
place and that do not require firefighters to
remain in the store above the burning cellar
should be used as the first strategy. The use
of cellar pipes that require firefighters to
Floor Collapse
direct the stream is a secondary strategy. A cellar fire burning undetected for a
Cellar pipes and distributor nozzles rarely prolonged time can destroy wood beams
extinguish cellar or subcellar fires. At best, supporting the first floor, causing its
setting up cellar pipes is a delaying tactic collapse into the cellar. This hazard increases
that allows time for the incident commander when masonry has been laid atop an old
to set up a foam operation or a master wood deck floor. A terrazzo floor—highly
stream as a defensive firefighting strategy. polished marble chips set in several inches
Whenever cellar pipes are put in of cement—is a type of first-floor surface
position, the incident commander should that is found in restaurants, churches,
prepare for the next step, the use of office hallways, lobbies, and bathrooms.
high-expansion foam. Before the foam A terrazzo floor increases the dead load
unit is set up, firefighters may have to supported and can also conceal a cellar fire.
barricade some of the windows or doors Smoke and heat from the cellar fire will not
that were opened to vent the cellar during rise up through the terrazzo floor as it will
If air in a mask becomes depleted, you stairs, elevator shaſts, utility pipe openings,
cannot continue to breathe for long and air-conditioning ductwork. All vertical
periods when buried in foam. Firefighters shaſts will become chimneys for the cellar
walking in foam are susceptible to falling fire. All floors will be filled with deadly
and becoming buried in foam, losing products of incomplete combustion, and
visibility, and becoming disoriented and the front of the building will be obscured
lost in the cellar. Search ropes and portable with a cloud of smoke rising from the cellar
radios are necessary to ensure the safety of fire. The fire will spread to the upper floors
firefighters advancing a hose stream in a and eventually consume the entire building
hi-ex foam-filled cellar. if not stopped.
Certain preparations are necessary If a cellar fire is burning in a multistory
before hi-ex foam can be used against a building that has adjoining structures on
cellar fire. Ensure that the opening at the both sides, the first step of the defensive
side or rear of the cellar, through which strategy is to ensure that the fire is
foam could leak, is blocked with plastic, confined to the building of origin and
plywood, or whatever other material is does not spread to exposures on the B, C,
available on the scene before starting to fill and D sides. Firefighters should be sent
up the cellar with foam. This will conserve into adjoining buildings to search for any
the amount of foam product used and will openings between the buildings through
allow the spreading foam entering the cellar which fire may spread. This search should
to control the fire more effectively. Also start in the cellars of the adjoining buildings
ensure that there is sufficient foam product and proceed on all floors above.
on the scene for a long-term operation There may be openings in the party
before introducing the foam to the cellar. wall separating the burning cellar and the
The cellar must be maintained partially adjoining cellars. These openings might
full of foam while the hose line operates. have been used to advance hose lines into
You do not want to run out of foam when the burning cellar and may now have to
firefighters are advancing a hose line into be closed. Any door that opens through
the cellar to extinguish the remaining fire. party walls to adjoining exposures in the
cellar and upper floors should be closed to
prevent the spread of smoke and fire. The
Defensive Firefighting incident commander should be notified of
the exact location of the door, and it should
Strategy Using Master Streams be requested that a hose line be stretched
To direct a defensive cellar fire strategy, to this location. This hose line on an upper
an incident commander must know how a floor serves to prevent fire from burning
cellar fire can spread upward in a multistory through the door, rather than to advance
building of ordinary construction. If a cellar a hose line.
fire cannot be extinguished with interior When the defensive attack strategy is
hose streams, cellar pipes, or hi-ex foam, chosen, no interior attack strategy should
flames and large quantities of smoke will be used. Using both defensive and offensive
slowly spread upward throughout the entire attack makes for a poor firefighting strategy.
building. These products of combustion If there is a light or air shaſt between the
originating in the cellar will rise up to the cellar fire building and an exposure building,
upper floors, through concealed spaces, the windows and or shutters opening
onto the shaſts should be closed, and the supply hose lines (fig. 11–4). Smoke may
incident commander should be notified of be the only product of combustion visible
the need for a protective hose line. Hose in the street. Smoke may be coming
lines should be stretched to locations from every above-grade window at an
of possible fire spread in the exposure uncontrolled cellar fire. Smoke flowing
buildings, and the officer in charge of a up the front and the rear of the building
hose team in an exposed building should may obscure the entire structure. However,
keep the incident commander informed if master streams are not in position, fire
of the situation. If window openings onto will soon follow. If available, two master
shaſts have protective steel shutters, these streams should be positioned at the front,
should be closed. Any flammable curtains and two aerial master streams should be
and combustible materials nearby should positioned at the rear of the building. The
be moved to a safe distance away from the apparatus should be positioned in flanking
window, hose lines should be ready, and the positions, and streams should be operated
doors should be cooled down if necessary. outside the collapse zone in case there is a
The top-floor ceilings in both adjoining wall collapse.
buildings should be pulled down with pike Defensive operations at a cellar fire
poles, and the party wall separating the will be for a long duration. If the cellar
fire building should be exposed. Hose lines fire is not extinguished, flames will slowly
should be ready, and the walls should be consume all of the upper levels of the
examined closely for holes through which fire building. This may take several hours or
may spread. The presence of any openings— several days depending on the size of the
such as loose bricks, missing
mortar, utility openings,
and poke-through holes—
should be reported to the
command post. The incident
commander should be told
of the need for additional
hose lines on the top floor
to prevent fire spread
through the party wall. All
floors in exposure buildings
should be continually
e x am i ne d t h rou g hout
the entire defensive cellar
firefighting operation.
While hose lines are
being positioned in both
connected buildings, aerial
master streams should be
positioned at the front and
the rear of the burning
building and supplied with Fig. 11–4. Aerial master streams are the final strategy at a
water from large-diameter cellar fire that has spread to the upper floors.
building and how many master streams the cellar. Positive-pressure ventilation with
are available. The floors will eventually portable fans is effective in cellars. Ensure
collapse. Furthermore, rubble buildup of that the positive-pressure ventilation will
the collapsed floor sections could create a not cause a fire flare-up. A fan should be
lateral pressure against a front or rear wall used at one vent opening to exhaust cellar
and cause a collapse. smoke while another fan introduces fresh
air through another vent opening. If only
one fan is available, it should be used to
Salvage and Overhaul send fresh air into the cellar.
If there is a large amount of stock
Aſter defensive master stream attack that could take several days to remove
on a cellar fire that has spread to the from the cellar, overhauling should not
upper floors, there should not be interior be attempted. Instead, a watch line should
overhauling. It is too dangerous. The be posted around the clock, with a hose
building has been destroyed by fire and stream directed into the cellar. Such a fire
pounded by master streams, and tons of will smolder for days.
water have been absorbed into the content Aſter any cel lar fire has b e en
and structure. However, if the safety chief extinguished, it is not uncommon to
declares the building safe enough for discover several feet of water in a cellar.
overhauling, the incident commander Water accumulation is a serious danger to
should consider the following actions. firefighters overhauling in a below-grade
First, ensure that all utilities—gas, area. A firefighter collapsing in a water-filled
electric, and water—are shut off. Aſter cellar will drown. A dewater operation
extinguishing a cellar fire, even aſter using eductors may be necessary before
utilities are shut off, a broken gas pipe may overhauling is started.
be leaking residual gas from a pipe that is Firefighters should be protected with
not burning. If there is an odor of gas, the SCBA before entering a cellar for overhaul
cellar area should be completely vented operations. Asphyxiation deaths occur
to prevent an explosion. Explosions have oſten at the beginning of the overhauling
occurred in cellars from small amounts operation, when firefighters first enter the
of residual gas, even aſter the gas supply cellar. Even if there is little or no smoke,
was shut off. A flammable gas/air mixture deadly, colorless, odorless, invisible
confined to less than 25% of a room or carbon monoxide may be present. Carbon
cellar enclosure can cause an explosion. If monoxide gas can be generated by a
a leaking broken gas pipe is discovered in a smoldering fire even aſter the flames have
cellar, all firefighters should be withdrawn been extinguished.
from the cellar, an explosive meter should An incident commander’s strategy
be used to determine gas levels, and the must be proactive from the start of a
cellar must be vented before firefighters cellar fire operation. When the first attack
reenter to perform overhaul. hose team enters the cellar, the incident
During the performance of venting for commander should already be considering
overhauling operations, two openings are the next move. Cellar pipes and distributors
required in order to ventilate a below-grade should be called for. The unit with high-
cellar: one opening is for the elimination of expansion foam could be ordered to the
smoke, and the other allows fresh air into scene and told to stand by. A survey of
adjoining cellars and buildings should be the incident commander should evaluate
performed, to identify avenues of potential all four sides of a cellar fire building for
fire spread. The adjoining cellars could be positioning of master streams for the final
used to stretch a second hose line. Finally, defensive operation.
concealed spaces with the web section. The Brick bearing walls stopped fire spread
stairs and shaſts have various degrees of between sections. The steel columns and
fire-retarding protection. girders do not. Steel framework permits
Apartment buildings were built in wings large-area residential buildings with many
that are each less than 3,000 square feet in apartments and the coupling of several
area. One of the reasons for this subdivision building sections to form large residential
into sections is that building codes require complexes. The structural steel used in
for concealed spaces over 3,000 square apartment buildings poses three major
feet to be subdivided with fire-retarding concerns for the incident commander:
partitions. The common roof space of an 1. When heated by fire, steel columns
apartment building is a concealed space that twist, warp, sag, and fail to support a
is subdivided. However, in most apartment design load. An entire floor section
houses, the subdivisions are ineffective and may collapse if the steel columns fail.
allow fire to spread throughout the entire
2. Also, substantial elongation can occur
common roof area (fig. 12–1).
in a steel beam. A steel I beam, 100 feet
long, heated to 1,100°F,
can expand 1 foot. This
steel beam expansion can
push out a wall.
3. Steel columns, generally
in an I shape, can allow
fire, smoke, and heat
spread from the fire floor
to the floors above. This
steel column may extend
from the first floor to the
large roof space, and it is
encased in plaster walls.
Fig. 12–1. A top-floor fire has spread to the common roof When a fire burns through
area of this apartment house. a ceiling or wall and
spreads to the concealed
The apartment building uses three spaces of the apartment building near
structural elements for support: a steel column, flames may extend
• Masonry bearing walls vertically up the web section of the
• Wood beam floors and roof steel column, skipping several floors,
and break out in the large common roof
• Structural steel columns, beams, and
space. The steel column in an apartment
girders connecting and supporting
house creates a fire spread hazard similar
the large floor and roof sections of
to the wall studs in wood frame balloon
the building
construction. Fire can quickly spread up
The introduction of steel into apartment to the attic space from any lower floor.
construction had several disadvantages. The apartment building common roof
The steel framework was used in place of space must be checked for fire spread
interior supporting brick bearing walls. even if the fire is on the first floor.
this roof vent is to release heat and fire usually contains roof beams, wood roof
building up in the concealed space and slow boards, wood furring framework for the
the horizontal spread of fire. ceiling below, wood lath backing for the
If the fire spreads throughout much plaster ceiling, and connecting wood
of the roof space, the damage to many of bracing. Because this space has such large
the apartments will be extensive. Water quantities of combustible materials and is
damage will be severe on the lower floors tightly sealed, large amounts of combustible
owing to the extensive use of water streams gases can accumulate during smoldering fire.
directed into the roof space. Experience has Roof ventilation should be carried out once
shown that when the common roof space it has been determined that fire is in the roof
of an apartment building is improperly space. One or more large (four foot by four
fire-stopped at each section, the entire foot) roof cuts over the fire can sometimes
building can be destroyed by spreading fire prevent a combustible gas buildup and
(fig. 12–3). thereby prevent horizontal fire spread.
Case Study
At a fire in a 5-story,
fully occupied “H” type
apartment house in the
Bronx. The building had
a frontage of 150 feet and
was 100 feet deep. Fire
was reported on the third
floor in the “B” section
of the two section “H”
t yp e bui lding . When
units arrived at the scene,
they noted a moderate
amount of smoke issuing
from one window within
the main entrance court,
Fig. 12–3. Do not trust a fire division to stop fire spread. Fire the throat section. This
spread through this wall, where the roof beams were back amount of smoke would
to back. usually indicate a medium
fire. However, when units
Furthermore, it is also been shown reached the fire apartment, they discovered
that most serious fires that damage large that the apartment’s entire six rooms were
apartment houses are due to construction involved in fire. The first hose attack
defects of the fire divisions in the common team attempted entry into the burning
roof space, not by poor firefighting strategy. apartment. The back up second hose line
The fuel loading inside the common was ordered stretched to the apartment on
roof space of an apartment building is the floor above (fourth floor). A second
considerable. The common roof space alarm was transmitted. The firefighter
from the first arriving ladder company on the building was able to extinguish fire
the roof discovered fire had already spread in the rear portions of the “B” section.
to the common roof space. The fire had Firefighters continued to operate in the
passed the fiſth floor and spread to the roof uninvolved portion of the building, the “A”
space by way of the web space in a steel “I” wing, top floor pulling ceilings and using
beam. A third alarm was sounded. The first hose streams preventing fire extension to
battalion chief assigned as operations chief this section of the building. The fire was
was directed to command the fire floor. declared under control one hour and 42
When the second assigned battalion chief minutes aſter the initial alarm.
arrived, he was assigned to supervise roof
operations already underway. All civilians
were evacuated from the structure. A
large opening was quickly cut in the roof Strategy for
over the fire. When this operation was Apartment Fires
completed and the fire was venting through
the vent opening, there was a noticeable
reduction in the horizontal spread of
Hose stretching
the fire in the common roof space. Hose An offensive firefighting strategy in a
lines were stretched to the fiſth floor of large apartment building will require that
the “B” wing and then to the top floor of many hose lines be stretched. The first
the uninvolved section, the “A” wing as a hose line is stretched into the burning
precaution. This hose line in the “A” wing apartment. The second hose line is
was positioned there to cut off any fire stretched as a backup and may be sent to
spreading to this section of the building the floor above to cut off vertical fire spread
through the common roof space. Ceilings to the common roof space. At an apartment
were pulled, the roof space was examined, fire, many hose lines may be required,
and fire was confined to the “B” section. because there may be many rooms in
Two additional hose lines were sent to the each apartment and many apartments on
top floor of the “A” wing to stop the fire each floor. If flames spread vertically, each
spread in the roof space. apartment on each floor may require a hose
During the initial stages of the line for extinguishment.
fire, the first arriving aerial platform Only the first three hose lines can be
was placed directly in front of the fire stretched up the interior stairs. Aſter three
building when it arrived on the scene. hose lines go up one stairway, it becomes
The bucket was raised and positioned in clogged with hose. Alternative methods of
the throat of the building. This is standard stretching hose should be considered. To
operating procedures in the Bronx. The avoid hose congestion aſter three lines have
apparatus was supplied with water, and been stretched up a stairway, hose lines
aſter firefighters were withdrawn from should be stretched up aerial ladders or
section “B” due to a partial collapse, the fire escapes. Hose lines can also be hoisted
aerial master stream was directed at visible outside the building to the upper floors
flames in the “B” section. A second tower by firefighters lowering ropes from a stair
ladder had been positioned in the rear and window. With the nozzle and prestretched
it too was ordered supplied and put into hose attached to the rope at street level, the
action. This aerial platform at the rear of hose can be quickly hauled up the outside
of the building. The hose is hauled up the into the common roof space and then
outside of the building to a window in the extend horizontally.
public hallway on the floor below the fire. Once fire enters the common roof
This hose is then stretched up the interior space, the firefighting strategy changes.
stairway to the fire floor. The strategy now is to stop horizontal fire
Training with hose-hauling rope is spread in the common roof space before
necessary to perfect this hose-stretching it reaches the adjoining wing(s). If fire is
operation; however, when done properly, in the roof space, the venting strategy is to
it has the following advantages. It reduces cut a roof vent over the fire apartment and
the chances of entangling the hose up a push down the ceiling. This roof venting,
stairway. Sometimes, the stairway wraps together with one or more hose teams
around an elevator shaſt. In this situation, operating in the top-floor apartments,
stretching hose up the outside of the pulling ceilings and directing water into
building considerably reduces the amount the burning roof space, will reduce the
of hose needed for the overall operation. chances that the fire will spread to the
Most important, it reduces the time it takes adjoining wing.
for a unit to get water on the fire.
Positioning ladders
Hose line placement The first-arriving company officer
Heat rises, so at a fire in an apartment should position the ladder directly in
building, flames and heat extend in a vertical front of the fire building if there is no one
direction. Fire can burn to the apartment trapped at a window. The ladder bucket
above through a collapsing ceiling and up should be raised and placed at the center
through a radiator pipe recess, bathroom of the H-type structure, the so-called
water pipes, and electric wire conduits. The neck or throat of the apartment building.
offensive attack comprises extinguishing From this position, all the windows of
the fire and stopping the vertical spread both wings, including those at the inner
of fire to the apartment above. This is throat section, can be reached for rescue
best accomplished by positioning hose or possible use of the aerial master stream.
lines in the fire apartment and the floor This is particularly important as the spread
above as quickly as possible. If there is no of fire can be extremely rapid, making
fire spread to the floor above, this hose is the possibility of encountering a trapped
sent back down to the fire floor. Because occupant or firefighter very real. This
these buildings are so large and hose ladder should be supplied with water in
stretches so long, start a backup hose preparation for a defensive exterior attack
line as soon as possible. Primary venting on the fire, just in case the interior attack
constitutes removing the windows of the fails. This is a proactive strategy assuming
fire apartment, so that firefighters can move the worse. A second ladder should be
in and extinguish the blaze. However, if positioned on exposure B, C, or D of the
this is a top-floor apartment, the interior apartment house, depending on the need
fire spread of flames will be upward for potential rescue and the location of
through the concealed spaces, holes in the fire. A ground ladder should be placed
ceilings, or the web space of a steel column at fire escapes to assist evacuation of
reaching the roof space. The fire will spread occupants and hose stretches.
fire spread in the common roof space. may be started (fig. 12–4). The incident
The trench cut must not interfere with the commander must order all firefighters to
creation of the thermal updraſt produced by the floor below, to the adjoining wing, or
the roof venting. Do not cut a trench before out of the building, depending on how long
cutting a vent over the fire. Hose lines must the master streams will be used. Ceiling
be positioned above and below the trench collapse is a danger owing to water buildup.
cut to stop the fire. Multilevel floor collapse in an entire section
If fire spreads throughout the common may occur when steel columns buckle from
roof space of a section of the H-type the heat.
building, smoke and flames
will bank down into the
apartments. The same
ceiling cracks, poke-through
holes for pipes, and electric
lights that allow fire and
smoke to spread upward
will allow fire and smoke to
spread downward. Primary
searches must be conducted
in all top-floor apartments.
C o l l ap s e of t op - fl o or
ceilings is a danger when
large quantities of water
are used in a common roof
space to stop fire spread. As
Fig. 12–4. Master streams are necessary for extinguishment
fire spreads throughout the
when fire enters the common roof space.
common roof space and
descends into apartments,
firefighters will be using pike poles to open Floor collapse may trigger a wall
ceilings, and hose lines will attempt to collapse. If the master stream is used
contain the common roof space fire from for a quick knockdown, firefighters
the top-floor apartments. may be ordered to the floor below. If
the master stream is to be used for a
prolonged defensive attack, firefighters
Defensive strategy at H-type must be ordered to the adjoining sector
apartment buildings or completely out of the building. The
Aſter some time, if the interior hose aerial master stream in the neck or throat
attack on the common roof space fire from area should be ready to operate in the
top-floor apartments is not successful, top-floor apartments aſter the operations
the incident commander may order the chief informs the incident commander that
withdrawal of firefighters to a safe area all firefighters have been moved to safety.
and start a defensive strategy. Once the Other aerial master streams prepositioned
sector officer confirms that all firefighters around the burning wing of the apartment
have been withdrawn to safety, a defensive building should also be used to extinguish
strategy using aerial master streams the fire. When the initial hose line attack
Sprinklers are more effective than during a fire. They sometimes panic
firefighters using hose streams. In fact, and make deadly mistakes, leaving their
firefighters cannot extinguish serious fires apartments and dying in a smoke-filled
in high-rise office buildings. The firefighting hallway or stairway. Residents may leave
strategy in large high-rise office floors is the safety of their apartments to descend
called controlled burns: the firefighters a smoke-filled stairway, head up to the
maintain control of the stairs, so that all roof to wait in vain for helicopters and
the occupants above can escape, while all die in burning stairways above the fire,
the contents of the floor burn out. Sprinkler tie bedsheets together and climb down
protection—and partition walls to restrict balconies only to fall to their deaths, panic
the spread of fire in case the sprinklers and jump, open fire-resistive apartment
fail—is the best fire protection. High-rise doors and windows and die as smoke and
residential buildings have partitions walls fire fills up the rooms.
separating apartments, but they rarely have
sprinklers in the apartment. Hotels have
automatic sprinklers in rooms, but only
lately are we seeing high-rise residential
Evacuation Plans
buildings with automatic sprinklers There is great misinformation about
in apartments. what to do during a fire in a high-rise
apartment building. People are supposed
to stay in the apartment. Even if in the
Communications Systems apartment adjoining the fire apartment,
they should stay there. It is safer than
When a fire occurs in a high-rise the smoke-filled hallway. The building is
residential building, the incident supposed to be fire resistive, so the walls
commander cannot give people trapped separating the apartments should resist fire
in apartments advice, because there is no for two hours.
communications system. In a high-rise Because there is no communications
office building, a public-address system is system, evacuation of people during a
used to give instructions during the fire; a high-rise residence fire is usually chaotic.
pubic-address system can transmit advice to Some people leave, and others stay in
people on all floors and in the hallways and apartments; still others even try to use
stairways about when to leave and when to the elevator during the fire. Some elderly
stay put. Unfortunately, there is generally individuals leave their apartments and are
no public-address system in a residential unable to make it down the stairs. They are
building, and hundreds of people will call found sitting in the stairs resting.
the fire dispatcher, asking for help. There The strategy question for the incident
is no way for the incident commander commander at an apartment building fire
to communicate with the people in the is, should you evacuate the building during
apartments—above, below, and on the fire a fire, or should you tell the people to stay in
floor—during a fire to tell them to stay their apartments? The evacuation strategy
there. There can be no lifesaving advice for a fire in a high-rise apartment building
given by the fire officer. is no evacuation. Aſter a fire in a high-rise
B e c aus e of t his l ack of voic e residential building in which people have
communications, people become isolated died in the stairways and hallways, the
question asked by the lawyers will be, of an apartment in a high-rise residence can
what were the instructions of the incident resist fire for one to two hours.
commander? The answer should be, “The To reiterate, the safest action for
strategy is to defend in place.” That means occupants during a high-rise residence fire
everyone should stay in their apartment is to stay in their apartments. Many people
during a fire except the person(s) in the die in smoke-filled stairways and hallways
apartment that is on fire. during a fire. The local governments, the
Firefighters extinguish the blaze while fire service, and the building management
everyone stays in their apartments (fig. must do a better job of educating occupants
13–2). If there were a communications of high-rise residential buildings about how
systems in the building, the incident to react in case of fire.
commander would tell the building manager
to announce the following instructions over
the voice system: “Everyone should remain
in their apartments; keep doors and windows
Standpipe Hose Hookup
shut and turn off window air-conditioners if Standpip e outlets in high-ris e
smoke is being drawn into the apartment residential buildings have always been
through the air vent.” The walls and doors located in the enclosed stairway or the
smoke-proof tower stairway. The stair
enclosure door to the public hallway
is kept closed while firefighters
connect their hose and nozzle to the
standpipe outlet on the floor below
the fire. Firefighters can make a
quick search of stairway above the
fire for people descending from the
floors above, as the stair door stays
closed during the hose hookup.
When the hose hookup is
completed and a check of the
stairs above shows no descending
occupants, firefighters stretch the
hose up the stairway to the fire
floor, open the door to the public
hallway, advance the charged hose
to the apartment on fire, open the
apartment door, enter the apartment,
and extinguish the blaze. When the
standpipe outlet is located in the stair
enclosure, it protects the firefighters
during the hose hookup. However,
Fig. 13–2. The evacuation strategy during a fire in
in some new high-rise residential
a high-rise residential building is for everyone to stay
buildings, the location of this very
in their apartment except for the resident(s) of the
important built-in fire protection
apartment of fire origin.
equipment has been changed.
The standpipe outlets have been the hose and retreat to the stair enclosure.
incorrectly relocated in the public hallway, When discovering the standpipe outlet in
instead of the enclosed stairway. This is the public hallway, firefighters must go to
poor design by someone unfamiliar with the floor below the fire and connect to the
fire safety. Locating the standpipe outlet standpipe outlet in the public hallway on this
in a public hallway endangers occupants level and stretch the hose up the stairway
who may try to use this auxiliary fire to the fire floor. Then, firefighters open the
protection equipment before the arrival of door to the public hallway and advance
the fire department, and it endangers the down the hall to the burning apartment.
firefighters who must use this equipment
to extinguish fire. The crazy justification
for locating standpipe outlets in the public
hallway, instead of the enclosed stairway,
is that the firefighters could connect the Apartment Doors
standpipe outlet in the public hallway, and Most building codes require apartment
the door to the public hallway would remain doors in high-rise residential buildings to
closed and the stair enclosure smoke free be equipped with self-closing devices (fig.
so that people could descend the stairway 13–3). This device automatically closes the
during the firefight. Evidently, the designer door aſter it is opened. This is an important,
did not know or did not care how, if the lifesaving piece equipment. A door in a
door to the burning apartment is opened, high-rise residential building has a minimum
smoke, heat, and flames come out and fill fire resistance rating of one hour.
up the hallway. Moreover, the designer did A self-closing door opened by a person
not know that the people should not leave fleeing a burning apartment confines the
their apartments to evacuate the building fire inside the apartment because the door
during a fire. High-rise apartment buildings automatically closes aſter the person leaves.
that have standpipes in the public hallway The closed door to the fire apartment keeps
require that firefighters connect hose in a the hallway free of smoke and heat. Also,
smoke- and heat-filled public hallway. In a the closed door protects neighbors in
fire, the public hallway would be an inferno, adjoining apartments who may or may not
but the stairway would remain smoke free. leave their apartments.
This design of placing standpipe outlets in Unfortunately, a self-closing door
the public hallway is impractical. sometimes accidentally locks a person
Standpipe outlets have to be located out of his or her apartment, when picking
in the stair enclosure. If a fire company up a delivery in the hallway outside the
arrives at a high-rise apartment fire and apartment. As a result, people sometimes
finds the standpipe outlet located in the purposely disable the self-closing device on
public hallway, they should operate as their apartment door. Disabling the lifesaving
follows: Do not connect to the standpipe self-closing device can lead to disaster. This is
in a public hallway on the same floor as the one of the main reasons people are dying in
fire apartment. This public hallway could smoke-filled stairways and hallways during
quickly fill up with smoke and heat if the high-rise residential building fires. In 2005,
fire apartment door is leſt opened. If the this action contributed to two deaths in the
hall becomes filled with smoke and heat, smoke-filled hallways at a fire in the Dolphin
this would force firefighters to abandon Cove high-rise apartments, in Clearwater,
Elevator Failure
During a fire in a
34-story New York City
high-rise apartment
building, three elevators
failed. A firefighter was
operating the elevator that
took the first attack hose
team to a floor below the
fire. Operating on phase
II firefighter service aſter
discharging the firefighters,
the firefighter operating the Fig. 13–4. An eight-year study of 179 major high-rise buildings
elevator started to take it in New York City revealed 59 elevator failures.
brick and masonry walls, and during a fire, with their masonry walls, floors, ceilings,
hose streams can demolish these flimsy fire and stair enclosures.
walls (fig. 13–5). This means that fire walls Today, the term passive fire resistance
in modern high-rise residential buildings is considered a joke in the fire service.
are less effective than masonry fire walls Buildings do not stop fire spread
for resisting fire spread. Furthermore, anymore. There is very little passive
because of combination of the increase fire protection created by construction.
in size (height and area) of high-rise fire Firefighters using hose streams—that is,
residential buildings, the increase in the active fire protection—and sprinklers
number of people housed in high-rise are required in order to stop fire in
residential buildings who do not know how high-rise residential buildings. Modern
to react during a fire, the hotter fires fueled high-rise residences should be called
by synthetic furnishing, large windows that semicombustible construction, rather
allow wind to blow through apartments, than fire proof or fire resistive. Fire
and disabled self-closing apartment door and smoke can spread throughout the
devices, the transmission of major alarms hallways, stairways, rubbish chutes, and
to combat fires in high-rise residential poke-through holes.
buildings has become common.
Wiring in
Public Hallways
The United States
is becoming wired. The
hallways of high-rise
residential buildings now
contain wiring for all types
of communications—
especially, cable television
and computer Internet.
Wire is being strung along
the corners of hallways
in high-rise residential
Fig. 13–5. During a fire, plasterboard walls fail when struck
buildings. Hallways with
with a hose stream.
wires in corner conduits and
wires in concealed spaces
In the 1950s and ’60s, a fire in a above a dropped ceiling are entrapment
high-rise housing project rarely required dangers (fig. 13–6). If these wires burn
a greater alarm assignment because they and fall, firefighters can be entangled and
were constructed entirely of masonry. trapped in a burning hallway.
These first-generation high-rise residential Hallways are part of an exit. Hallways
buildings were a credit to the term passive should not be used as a conduit for wiring
fire protection. These truly fire-resistive and piping. These wires may be covered
buildings could stop the spread of fire by metal and synthetic conduits and
in high-rise residential buildings, to give floor is marked with the floor number. If a
occupants instructions during a fire. door that you are about to use to escape a
In addition, there should be a qualified fire is marked B12, it means you are entering
fire safety manager on the premises 24 stair enclosure B on floor 12. As you
hours a day, seven days a week. This fire descend the stairway, on the inside of every
safety manager should be responsible for door there should also be a marking—B11,
notifying the fire department when there B10, B9, and so forth—as you descend.
is a fire in the building and ensuring that Most high-rise residential buildings do
there is no premature evacuation before the not have every stair enclosure marked with
firefighters arrive on the scene. The building a letter and floor number on the inside and
management must also ensure that doors outside of every stair door. This marking
to apartments have self-closing devices in may not seem important; however, it is
operating order. right up there with sprinklers and smoke
detectors as far as life safety in high-rise
residential buildings is concerned. People
Stair and Door Marking trapped in stairs must be able to tell the
firefighters exactly where they are located
Every door and stairway in a high-rise in order to be rescued. If the inside of the
office building is marked with a number stair door does not have the enclosure letter
or a letter (fig. 13–7). Stair enclosures are and floor number indicated, firefighters
marked with designating letters, and each will have to search every stair enclosure
and floor systematically before the victim
is found.
Stair and door marking is also important
for firefighting strategy. Firefighters must be
able to identify the floor and the stairway
in which they are operating hose lines and
searching. Without stair and door marking,
it is impossible to conduct an effective
high-rise firefighting strategy.
Public Hallways
A public hallway is a corridor that
connects the stairs to the apartments. The
public hall becomes involved in fire when
a burning apartment door is leſt open by
an occupant who flees a fire. The public
hallways in some modern buildings are
windowless spaces. When a hallway fills
up with smoke and heat, it traps people in
their apartments. A smoke-filled hallway
Fig. 13–7. Each stair door must be labeled with does not allow any other occupant on the
the floor number and the stair enclosure letter. floor to leave. This is one reason for the
total defend-in-place strategy. It is safer for opened their apartment doors, smoke
occupants to remain in their apartments poured into the apartments, and they
during a fire. If they attempt to leave and quickly shut their doors. More important,
become trapped in a smoky hallway, they though, firefighters could not enter the
could become disoriented and/or trapped public hallways of these eight floors to
and could die. search because of the smoke being spread
The design and layout of hallways in by the central air ducts.
high-rise residential buildings has also have The incident commander should
an effect on firefighter safety. For example, determine if the halls have a central air
a White Plains, New York, firefighter took system. If so, order building personnel
an elevator to the fire floor and was killed to shut down the hallway HVAC system
in a hallway in a high-rise residence that to prevent the spread of smoke in
filled with fire and smoke; two Memphis the hallways.
firefighters became disoriented and trapped
in a hallway of a high-rise residence; and
three FDNY firefighters were trapped Summary of Safe
in hallways in high-rise fire-resistive
residence buildings.
Take the elevator to two or more floors
below the fire and walk up the stairs the rest
Hallway Central Air Systems of the way. Aſter locating the fire apartment,
note the location of the stair enclosure and
At a fiſth-alarm fire in a 34-story its relation to the fire apartment, in case a
high-rise fire-resistive apartment building, retreat becomes necessary.
I was receiving radio reports that the fire Connect a large-diameter hose line
had spread to the floor above. Another to the standpipe on the floor below the
report said that fire had already spread fire. Start a second hose line and have it
four floors above the fire. I thought, connected to the standpipe outlet in the
“This is supposed to be a fire-resistive stair enclosure two floors below the fire.
building. How could this fire be spreading Bring another length of hose. If the fire
so rapidly?” What I discovered aſter the has already spread into the hallways, this
firefighters fought their way down the line may be required to back up the first
40-foot burning hallway with two hose line and to advance side by side down the
lines and finally extinguished the blaze smoke- and heat-filled hallway leading to
in the apartment was that the occupant the apartment fire.
who fled this apartment fire had leſt a Attempt to get access to an adjacent
door with a disabled self-closing device open apartment for a refuge before starting
open. Consequently, the fire spread to forcible entry. Size up the hallway layout. If
the hallway, and even though there were it suddenly fills up with smoke, you could
no windows in the hallway, there was a become disoriented and trapped.
central air system with ducts providing Check to see whether the attack hose
fresh air to the hallways of eight floors; team is ready to advance the hose line on
thus, fire was pumped throughout the the fire.
hallways of eight floors by this central Control the door during forcing and
air system. When people on these floors aſter it is forced open. Use a six-foot
hook or rope with a slip knot on one end Wind blowing through a window
that is tied around the doorknob. This broken by the fire’s heat or through a
may prevent the door from suddenly sliding glass door to a balcony leſt open
flying inward from the impact of the by a fleeing occupant can turn a one-line
forcible-entry tool. Aſter entry through the fire into a major-alarm fire with fatalities.
apartment door has been forced, if fire is If there is a strong wind blowing, the
severe and the hose team is delayed, close strategy may be to have the hose team
the apartment door, to stop flames, smoke, advance the hose line without venting.
and heat from coming out into the hallway. When the decision is made not to vent
At a serious fire, wait for the hose line’s owing to wind, the fire officer must notify
arrival and search behind the safety of the the incident commander of this decision.
advancing hose stream. If wind prevents the advance of an attack
At a small fire where heat and smoke hose team down a hallway and into an
are not severe, one firefighter may be apartment, the following actions should
assigned to remain in the public hallway be taken. The incident commander should
to control the door while a team searches order the firefighters back to safety and the
inside. Firefighters inside the apartment door to the apartment or stairway closed.
may be called back to the door by this When all firefighters are in a safe position,
firefighter if fire conditions deteriorate. the strategy is to use an outside master
Aſter all occupants and firefighters have stream or a hose team advancing from
been accounted for and evacuated, the a ground ladder through the apartment
door should be closed. This may prevent balcony or window. This fire-extinguishing
the hallway from filling up with smoke advance will be from the upwind side of
and heat. the burning apartment. The master stream
Venting of a fire in a high-rise may be used to stop autoexposure from to
residential apartment building can usually a window above, by directing the stream at
be performed only by a firefighter on the the spandrel wall.
floor above the fire by reaching down with Public hallways in high-rise residence
a tool that breaks the windows of the fire buildings can be 100 feet long. If the fire
apartment below. This firefighter, venting extends out of an apartment into the public
the window from above, must assess the hallway and the hall surface has many
wind blowing into the apartment window. layers of paint buildup over the years or if
If the window about to be vented is on a combustible wallpaper lines the walls and
the upwind side of the building and there ceiling, there could be a flameover in the
is a strong wind blowing, the venting hall. Flameover is when flame spreads along
could cause wind to blow through the the combustible surface of the walls and
fire apartment and force the firefighters ceiling of a hallway. Firefighters advancing
searching and advancing a hose line to back a hose line down a hallway may be encircled
out of the apartment. If the apartment door by flames spreading over their heads and
is not closed, the smoke and heat can force around them.
firefighters to back out of the hallway into Hallways in high rise apartments are
the stair enclosure. Wind blowing into the oſten L-shaped or T-shaped passageways,
path of advancing firefighters stops most and large portions of these hallways can
fire extinguishment efforts in high-rise be dead-end areas where occupants and
residential buildings. firefighters can be trapped. A dead-end
hallway is an extension of a hallway beyond in the public hallway on the same floor as
the exit. This forms a pocket in which an the fire apartment. Smoke and heat could
occupant or firefighter disoriented by fill up this area when the apartment door
smoke can become trapped. Since there is is opened. The hose might have to be
only one exit, flame and heat coming from a abandoned. When a high-rise residential
burning apartment’s doorway may prevent building has the standpipe riser outlets in
escape. This can occur when the flaming the public hallway, firefighters should still
door is situated between the exit and the connect the hose to the standpipe on the
dead-end portion of the hallway where the floor below the fire and stretch the hose line
occupant or firefighter is trapped. When up the stairway to the fire floor. To do this,
inspecting buildings, fire officers should the self-closing doors to the stairway on
train firefighters to note dead-end portions the floor below and the on fire floor would
of hallways. have to be opened to allow the hose line
Running electric wires for cable through; therefore, smoke and heat would
television and air-conditioning above a still enter the stair enclosure. Locating the
panel ceiling in the hallway of a high-rise hose outlet in the public hallway is poor fire
residential building can create a ceiling void protection design.
in which fire may spread over the heads of At a high-rise fire, stairways have to be
firefighters. In some instances, poke-through designated as either attack or evacuation.
holes from an apartment to a ceiling void for The firefighters use the attack stairway.
air movement or electric wire can allow fire This stair will fill up with smoke. People
spread from an apartment to the hallway. in the building should be directed to
Before the apartment door is opened, if stay in their apartments. The firefighting
there is a panel ceiling in the hall, push up strategy is total defend in place (fig. 13–8).
a ceiling tile to check for fire in the ceiling Firefighters can search the floors above by
space. If spreading fire in the void space using the designated evacuation stairway.
above weakens the ceiling supports, the High-rise residential buildings should have
lightweight metal frame and electric wire public-address systems accessible from
may collapse down like a steel net over the the lobby to instruct residents to stay in
heads of firefighters in the public hallway. their apartments.
You have a hallway fire in
addition to an apartment
fire. Do not enter the
apartment, and close the
apartment door. You must
extinguish the hallway
fire before attacking the
burning apartment.
If the standpipe outlet
is in the public hallway
instead of inside the
stair enclosure, do not
connect the hose. It is too
dangerous to connect a Fig. 13–8. The woman at the window is safe as long as she
hose line to a standpipe stays in her apartment.
high-rise buildings in the country. Just like Evacuating large numbers of employees
the high-rise buildings of today, those heavy from a textile mill will be more orderly
timber buildings imposed two important than the evacuation of people from public
strategic conditions on the local fire chief: assembly and residence occupancies. This is
First, some floors were beyond the reach of because workers in textile mills are trained
ladders. Thus, outside rescue and outside in procedures of evacuation. Fire drills are
hose attack were not options. Second, rescues conducted each year, and some employees
and firefighting on the upper floors were are given roles to organize, coordinate, and
limited to interior actions of the firefighters. control a total evacuation of the building
There could be no window ladder rescues of during a fire. Employees are assigned fire
people trapped on the upper floors. Victims safety duties in addition to their normal
had to be reached from inside by firefighters factory duties. These duties are listed on
battling smoke and flames. If the firefighters a fire organization chart. Workers are
could not crawl through the dense smoke assigned as follows:
and fire to reach them, victims trapped at • Fire wardens. Employees trained to
burning windows had to choose between coordinate the evacuation of workers
jumping and burning to death. on each floor
Like today’s high-rise office buildings,
• Fire brigades. A trained group of
heavy timber factory buildings had large,
employees ready to respond to and
open floor spaces of up to 30,000 square
extinguish small fires
feet. If engulfed in fire, this large interior
space is beyond the extinguishing capability • Searchers. Men and women who check
of firefighters’ hose streams. Automatic dressing rooms and restrooms to ensure
sprinklers are necessary to protect such that those areas do not contain workers
large-area occupancies and people unaware of the emergency evacuation
working inside.
• Fire alarm box runners. Workers
who transmit a fire call to the fire
Life Safety • Door holders. Employees who assist
Many people work in heavy timber people leaving a floor by holding the
factory buildings used as textile mills. door open and, most important, closing
Hundreds of women and men working the door when all people are out
machines in a factory will have to be
Firefighters should encourage the
evacuated during the initial stages of
efforts of these employee fire evacuation
a fire. Firefighters should assist in this
personnel whenever possible. Fire
evacuation and fight the fire, if present in
evacuation employee organizations and
sufficient numbers at the scene. If, however,
evacuation fire drills in heavy timber
there are too few first responders on the
factory buildings in New York City were
scene, the evacuation of workers should
first required by the New York State labor
take precedence over firefighting. In
law enacted aſter 146 women died in the
firefighting, life safety is the number-one
Triangle Shirtwaist fire in 1911. Such
priority, and fire containment and property
organization of employees for evacuation
protection are the second and third
and control in case of fire is still required,
priorities, respectively.
and fire drills are held routinely. The law is third and fourth supply lines should double
now the legal basis for the requirement that up the first two lines supplying the standpipe
fire safety organizations be established in and sprinkler systems’ siamese inlets.
high-rise office buildings. A pump operator must understand
that the first line goes to the standpipe to
protect firefighters, but the supply to the
Sprinklers and Standpipes sprinkler may be more effective in the
initial fire extinguishment effort. When
The construction of heavy timber the sprinkler head or heads have initially
factories and textile mills in the 1860s fused, the system delivers water from
and ’70s brought about the invention the storage tank supplied by the factory
of all types of automatic fire protection. roof tank. The water tank has a limited
Automatic sprinklers allowed the structures supply, so if the fire continues to spread,
to grow in height and area throughout the the sprinklers must be augmented by
United States. Sprinklers saved lives and fire department pumpers. The sprinkler
extinguished fires even when local fire heads will have already opened and will
companies did not have the resources to be operating, discharging water on the fire
quench a fire. Small fires were extinguished before firefighters arrive on the fire floor.
by sprinklers, and then company employees The pumper, fed by a hydrant, can provide
were organized into a fire brigade that would a continuous supply to the sprinklers. In
mop up the smoldering content. Sprinklers most instances, sprinklers control a fire
allowed large numbers of people to work even before firefighters arrive.
safely in factories and textile mills during Sometimes, water problems occur
the Industrial Revolution. Over the years, during a fire owing to insufficient supply
additional fire protection measures, such as or low pressure when both the sprinkler
fire alarms and hose standpipe systems were system and firefighters’ hose streams are
designed to provide fire protection to these operating. The water supply demands of a
castles of commerce. burning heavy timber building are great,
Today, when firefighters respond to and a chief sometimes must choose between
a fire in a heavy timber building, the first the sprinkler system and the standpipe
hose lines should supply the standpipe and supply to hose streams. If the hose streams
sprinkler systems. Many old heavy timber cannot extinguish the fire and supply is
mill buildings are vacant or in disrepair, and continued to the standpipe and the sprinkler
the fire protection standpipe and sprinkler supply line is shut down owing to limited
systems have been shut down and are out water availability, the fire department can
of service. In such cases, when the fire has be held liable by the building owner and
gained considerable headway, defensive the insurance company. For example,
firefighting tactics are employed simply to if sprinkler discharge causes smoke to
protect exposures, allowing the structure stratify on a floor and a sprinkler supply
to burn. If, however, the fire protection is shut down to allow smoke to liſt and let
systems are in service, the standpipe system firefighters locate the fire and the fire spread,
gets the first supply line. This is to protect the actions of the chief could be challenged
the firefighters searching and entering with in court. If the incident commander has to
hose to use with the standpipe. The second choose between using the sprinkler or the
supply line goes to the sprinkler system. The standpipe system because of limited water
supply, the sprinkler should be supplied hose team can advance. Firefighters should
with water, and firefighters should be take the attack hose, in rolled-up or folded
withdrawn to safety. lengths, up to the floor below the fire, where
they will connect the hose to the outlet.
Firefighters should then stretch up the stairs
First Attack Hose Line to the fire floor, open the door, and attack
the fire. Four lengths of hose should be with
Large-diameter lines should be the first attack team. A large open factory
stretched from hydrants to pumpers or floor can be 200 feet deep and 100 feet
hose manifolds positioned near a burning wide. One 50-foot length is required for the
heavy timber building. The first line stairway up to the fire, and 150 feet of hose
stretched inside the building to attack a fire is needed for advancing on the fire floor.
in a heavy timber building should be the One advantage to heavy timber
largest hose available. If 2½-inch hose is construction is the absence of concealed
on the apparatus, it should be used as the spaces that allow hidden fire spread. The
attack hose, even if it takes more time; in interiors of these buildings are not finished,
other words, stretch the big stuff. A large so the interior walls could be exposed
hose will be needed to produce a large brick and the ceiling an exposed open joist
amount of water to quench a large fire in under the floor. Heavy timber columns and
an open factory floor of the heavy timber girders usually are bare wood. If firefighters
building (fig. 14–2). Also, the hose stream can see the fire, they can hit it with hose
must be able to reach from the stairway to streams. Ninety-five percent of fires in
the far corners of the open factory floor. the United States are extinguished by the
Firefighters probably will not be able to first attack line. Therefore, if firefighters
make a close approach in a large open floor can drag the nozzle of the first attack hose
owing to the large flame front on arrival. to the seat of the fire, they have a chance
to extinguish the fire and
save the building. Knowing
this fuels the optimism of
all firefighters entering a
burning building.
Second Attack
Hose Line
The second hose line
automatically backs up
Fig. 14–2. A large open floor area in a heavy timber building. the first line. Exposures
are not a problem during
the initial stage of a fire
There will be no partition walls to shield that is confined to one floor in a heavy
firefighters advancing for a close-up nozzle timber factory. Fire spread to nearby
stream attack, so the line may have to be exposures will become a major problem
operated from the stair enclosure before the if the fire is not extinguished. During
the initial attack, all the water power the building is fully engulfed in spreading
available is required at the fire floor. fire, it is unlikely that vertical fire can be
Heavy timber factory buildings, stopped. Flames and smoke will quickly
high-rise office buildings, churches, bowling break out on the top floor and start to
alleys, piers, and supermarkets all require bank down. The surface area of interior
firefighters with two large-diameter attack combustible wood floors, ceilings, timber
lines to extinguish a fire. This is because the columns, girders, and floor beams will
large open space can allow a large body of add dramatically to the fire spread. The
fire to develop, possibly beyond the control general rule of thumb is that the fire on
of one attack hose line. Two attack lines the fire floor and on the floor above must
will be needed to put out the fire in the be extinguished; otherwise, all firefighters
open space. One line will be required to should be withdrawn from the building,
extinguish the fire, and the second line will and an outside defensive attack should be
protect the firefighters advancing the attack quickly ordered.
hose. Even if the fire is not large, these
buildings oſten contain sewing machines
and large tables where fabrics are laid out
and cut. Beneath these tables, fabric or
flammable materials are stored, and fire The heavy timber mill or factory is
smoldering beneath the tables may not usually an isolated structure. An aerial
be fully quenched by the first attack hose ladder will be needed to gain access to the
stream or the sprinkler discharge. While the roof for venting. The first responders must
first line advances and extinguishes the fire vent at roof level to reduce the smoke and
near the ceiling level, the second line puts heat flowing up the stairs and open shaſts
out small fires in these sheltered areas. and to prevent fire from accumulating on
the top floor and then banking down on
lower floors to trap firefighters. Going to
Third Attack Hose Line a roof of a burning heavy timber building
is dangerous, owing to rapid vertical fire
In a heavy timber–constructed factory, spread from floor to floor, which can lead
warehouse, or textile mill, there will be to entrapment on the roof. By the time a
large vertical openings between floors, firefighter climbs an aerial to the roof and
such as open elevator shaſts, conveyor vents the roof openings (stair bulkheads,
belts, or shaſt or glass openings to allow in skylights, and tops of shaſts that terminate
light from an upper-floor skylight. More on the roof ), flames and radiated heat
important, these vertical openings are issuing from the windows near the ladder
positioned one on top of another, such that could prevent him or her from going
flames spreading vertically will travel to back down.
the upper floors quickly. Because of these If roof venting is attempted but the
shaſts and floor openings, fire in a textile ladder is not required for rescue, it should
mill can spread much faster than hose lines be positioned on the upwind side of the
can be positioned. building away from the fire. The roof vent
As soon as possible aſter the first and firefighter should have a portable radio, and
second lines are put in operation, the floors another firefighter should be stationed on
above must be checked for fire spread. Once the turntable with a portable radio to warn
the firefighter working on the roof of the wood wainscoting on the walls, the wood
danger of an approaching flame front from surface of the columns, wood girders, and
windows near the ladder. The firefighter on the wood underside of floor above. All of
the roof should quickly remove skylights this exposed wood is not covered by plaster
over all stairs, chop open the bulkhead as in ordinary construction.
doors, and force open all scuttle covers and A heavy timber building is said to have
the skylight over the elevator and vertical a low surface-to-mass ratio. This means it
shaſts. As soon as venting is complete and is difficult to start a fire because of the large
the incident commander is notified that dimensions of its wood structural members,
the mission has been accomplished, the such as girders and columns. However, a
firefighter should leave the roof. heavy timber building has much exposed
Venting top-floor windows from wood surface, and this causes tremendous
the roof and conducting a search of the heat and flames. The heat and flames radiate
upper floors via a fire escape or leaning out of the windows and spread across large
over the roof parapet is not an option distances. It is not unusual at a seriously
when fire is spreading rapidly in a heavy burning heavy timber building fire for
timber building. Flame spreads too quickly exposed building 80–90 feet away from the
throughout the open floors because there main fire to be ignited from radiated heat
are few partition walls to restrict extension. waves (fig. 14–3). Another problem in a
Roof venting of stairways and shaſts is the textile mill or factory building can be floors,
primary venting mission at a fire in a heavy which have been soaked with the oil and
timber building. Window venting should combustible liquids used in machines over
be conducted, to assist in the advancement decades. These oil-soaked floors will add to
of the attack hose lines. Portable ladders the fire and heat. Also, a 19th century heavy
and aerial ladders may be positioned for timber building will have many unprotected
window venting. openings that allow vertical fire spread
throughout, from the cellar to the roof.
Interior Fire
Fire spreads rapidly
in the interior of a heavy
timber building because
of an unusual construction
feature not found in other
types of buildings—a
large amount of exposed
wood surface area and the
lack of partition walls to
restrict fire spread. Interior
fire spread on one floor
can be rapid owing to the
exposed wood surfaces in Fig.14–3. Fire apparatus must be repositioned to prevent damage
the heavy timber design: from radiated heat, rapid fire spread, and collapsing walls.
There may be open elevator shaſts, open timber (mill) construction. However,
stairs, open conveyor belts, open package when fire spread by radiated heat occurs,
chutes that were used to move merchandise it is undetectable. Radiated heat spreads
from upper to lower floors, and even a large suddenly, in all directions, and it is invisible.
skylight in the center floor opening. When The chief will not recognize that it has
searching for victims or fire spread inside a happened until the exposure starts smoking
burning large-area heavy timber building, or ignites in flames.
firefighters can limit interior fire spread by Radiation fire spread does not occur
closing fire doors, wire-glass windows, and oſten. An incident commander will
outside metal window shutters. Many heavy experience radiation fire spread once or
timber factory buildings have fire-rated twice in a career.
doors, windows, shutters, and floor coverings
serving as interconnections between building
sections. Firefighters should not overlook the Convection
importance of closing fire-rated enclosures Convection fire spread is a common
through which fire could spread. This action type of fire spread. Fire chiefs will inevitably
can sometimes be more effective in limiting encounter convection fire spread. It can
fire spread than a hose stream. be seen as flames spread from window
to window.
burning building. These airborne burning well as floor and wall collapse. During
embers must be considered a serious fire an uncontrolled fire, first the cast-iron
spread problems. structural framing (columns and girders)
When a windblown (convection fails; this triggers the floors to cave in, and
currents) hot wooden ember lands on then the falling floors cause the walls to
a roof and ignites wood shingles, the collapse (fig. 14–4).
spread of fire to the roof
can be considered heat
transfer by conduction. The
fire ground commander
must consider fire spread
to nearby buildings by
burning embers landing
on roofs, porches, and
decks. Even if there are no
surrounding buildings, the
fire spread to wooded areas,
leading to wildfires, must
be considered. Dispatchers
should be directed to send
units for brand patrol, to
check out surrounding areas
for spot fires. This must
be part of the firefighting
strategy at a serious fire in a
heavy timber building.
chiefs to new chiefs states that if fire is on outside, it can be seen that the fire has
two or more floors and the hose lines are spread to one or two floors above. The
not making headway, an outside attack officers inside cannot see the fire on the
strategy should be considered. Veteran floors above their position. They will not
fire chiefs knew they could not employ an be aware that flames have spread above
inside firefighting strategy in a 100-year-old them. Rapid fire spread several floors above
building that has large open floor areas, the initial attack hose team will change the
cast-iron columns, and large amounts of size-up’s effectiveness. The size-up inside
combustible content. To quote from the the burning building is incomplete and
Board of Inquiry report on a 23rd Street incorrect. The size-up of the fire chief
fire in which 12 firefighters were killed by a outside, at the command post, is now the
floor collapse, the FDNY states, most complete and correct.
It is our policy not to press interior In this situation, the incident
attack once the fire extends beyond our commander may order that forces inside
immediate control or we are in doubt withdraw, and the firefighters inside may
about the effects that the fire may have not understand why the chief is ordering
had on structural supports. All officers them to back out. They may question the
are instructed not to rely solely on the chief ’s order to withdraw, thinking they
normal criteria for imminent collapse, have the better size-up situation awareness.
such as cracks in walls, sagging beams, “Chief, we’ve almost got it!” they might
or smoke issuing from mortar spaces, but respond to the order to back out.
rather to regard every building on fire as Fire officers must realize the best
a potential hazard at all times. vantage for size-up of a fire can change from
inside the burning building to outside very
quickly. The inside size-up is more accurate
Size-up Considerations at 95% of fires. However, at the other 5%,
when flames spread to two or more floors or
To stay aware at a heavy timber involve one floor and the roof, the outside
building fire, you must continually size up size-up becomes the best. To ensure fire
the fire from the inside and the outside. ground safety, two size-ups of a fire must
At most fires, during the early stages, be conducted: an inside size-up and an
the inside size-up is the most accurate. outside size-up. To do this, there must be
The fire officer inside can see more than an operation officer inside, sizing up the
the incident commander who is outside, interior fire, and an incident commander
at the command post. However, things outside, sizing up the exterior fire from the
change rapidly at a heavy timber building command post.
fire. When flames spread throughout a
20,000- or 30,000-square-foot floor area,
when fire spreads to two or more floors or
up a vertical shaſt, or when fire spreads to
Protecting Exposures
a window above, the size-up from outside A fire in a heavy timber building
is more accurate. will be extinguished by the first-arriving
At this stage of a fire, the officers firefighters, or the firefighters will be
inside may erroneously think they have withdrawn as the blaze becomes a major
the extinguished the fire, when from the conflagration. A fire in a brick-enclosed
wood structure will quickly become a an order to move the rig, the chauffeur
conflagration, spreading fire by radiated told the chief that he was hooked up
heat and airborne burning embers to to a hydrant and could not disconnect
nearby buildings. Abandoned drums and the hydrant connection because of the
tanks of industrial chemicals may explode. radiant heat coming from the building. In
Moreover, the building may eventually other words, it was too hot: the radiated
collapse. If the initial attack fails, the heat from the building made the space
primary strategy will be to evacuate any between the pumper and the hydrant
occupants and firefighters and protect unbearable. The high-ranking chief
nearby exposures. also was responsible for purchasing and
The first exposures to protect will be maintaining the entire fleet of apparatus
the fire department’s apparatus. Apparatus for the fire department. The chief, seeing
parked around the burning heavy timber one of his new apparatus smoldering,
building will have to be moved away shouted at the firefighter, “Get in the cab of
from the growing fire. As soon as the that truck and drive it away from hydrant
decision is made that the fire cannot be anyway.” The driver jumped in the cab
extinguished and the firefighters must and gunned the motor, tore the hydrant
withdraw, an order should be given for connection apart, and saved the pumper.
all chauffeurs to return to the street and Later, the chief thanked the firefighter and
reposition apparatus. As the fire spreads, had a blistered fire truck equipped with
the radiation heat problem in the streets a new 4½-inch suction inlet. The spot
around the perimeter of the building where the pumper was removed from
will quickly become severe. It may even the street was covered with brick from a
prevent chauffeurs from reentering the collapsing wall.
cabs of their apparatus to drive them
away from the flaming building and the
potential wall collapse. Burned-out fire Exterior defensive tactics
trucks and apparatus crushed under tons Defensive strategy at a burning heavy
of bricks are a common sight around a timber building will involve firefighters
smoldering heavy timber building. Fire operating large-caliber hose streams
trucks should be repositioned while from flanking positions, directing water
you are setting up defensive streams to on buildings to break up radiation heat
protect exposures. waves spreading fire. There can be so
There is a story of an FDNY fire ground much radiated heat that aerial master
commander at a rapidly spreading heavy streams may have to be positioned at the
timber building fire who repositioned street intersections and streams directed
fire trucks. The chief ordered a change of long distances, alternating between
strategy—from interior to defensive—at the burning building and the exposed
a rapidly spreading fire and told the buildings. The street between buildings
firefighters to move fire apparatus away will be too hot to enter. When preventing
from the burning building. From the fire spread from a fully involved heavy
command post, the chief saw a brand-new timber structure radiating heat to another
pumper near the building where flames structure across a 60-foot-wide street,
were coming out a window and blistering aerial master streams must be positioned
a side of the truck. Aſter the chief shouted in a flanking position.
There are two ways to direct an aerial from the conflagration. Firefighters and
master hose stream between buildings when equipment must come from the rear yards
radiated heat is spreading from one to the and back alleys of the exposed buildings.
other across a street: order the firefighters The radiated heat will make entering the
to direct the stream onto the fully burning street between the burning building and
building and try to stop the fire coming the exposure impossible. The front siding
from the windows; or use the stream on the of the exposed buildings may be burning.
exposed building. In this instance, the hose Hose lines should be taken into the
stream wets down the roof and wall surface building from the rear yards. In this case,
of the nearby threatened buildings. If the firefighters are using the exposed buildings
fire generating the radiated heat is small, as a shield from the radiated heat in the
the strategy is to direct large-diameter hose street front. This radiated heat will ignite
streams at the burning building, to easily wooden window frames and roof eaves of
push the fire back into the windows. You nearby ordinary construction buildings.
should continue directing the streams at The firefighters with hose lines stretched
the burning building radiating the heat and from the rear must prevent this surface
extinguish the blaze. However, at a burning fire from entering the building. When
heavy timber building, there will most firefighters stretch hose into an exposed
likely be little or no effect on the fire and building across from a burning heavy
heat when you direct a master stream in a timber building and prevent interior fire
flaming window. When this is the situation, spread, the hose streams may be applied
you should change strategy. on the burning building across the street
The new strategy should be to wet from the exposed building. The strategy
down the surface of the nearby exposed will change from defensive to offensive.
building and direct the stream at the When stretching a hose line into an
spandrel section of the wall (the wall exposed building from a backyard to protect
surface between windows) and the roof the building from fire spread, there is a
cornice. Let the water run down the surface special way the hose should be stretched.
of the exposed building. Use a fog stream Hose stretched into an exposure building
if possible to avoid breaking windows. must have sufficient number of lengths to
The firefighter directing the master be able to reach all points on every floor
stream should try not to break windows. and the roof. Radiated heat may ignite
In all situations, when a nearby building wooden windowsills in a brick building;
is threatened, order for hand lines to be the wood eaves or cornices may also
stretched inside the exposed building from spontaneously ignite from heat radiation
the rear yard, just in case fire has spread and fire entering the top-floor roof space;
into the interior. and flying brands and embers from the
heavy timber building may be landing on
the roof, igniting it. Firefighters inside an
Interior defensive tactics exposed building must continually check
When radiated heat is igniting the entire building for fire extension, from
buildings across a street from a burning the cellar to the roof. Radiated heat may
heavy timber building, hose lines and ignite a lower-floor window frame, the roof
portable deluge nozzles will also have to be cornice, and any combustible part of the
stretched into the exposed buildings across facade in between.
When the hose is stretched, the place, and firefighters have a greater chance
nozzle stream must be able to reach the of being caught by the unusually rapid
entire building. For example, to protect a fire spread that is possible in a burning
four-story building in the path of a fire from heavy timber building. Unusually rapid
an adjacent one-story building, stretch six vertical fire spread up through large
lengths of uncharged hose with a sufficient and numerous routes—elevators, light
number of lengths to cover the roof and the and air shaſts, conveyor belts, and open
top floor. However, the nozzle and several multi-floor chutes for moving stock, and
lengths could be taken back down to the large open windows—can trap firefighters.
first or second floor facing the fire when Also, large open floor spaces and open
there is a greater risk of fire entry here. and/or nonoperational automatic doors and
The uncharged excess hose is played out windows allow rapid horizontal fire spread
up the stairs to the top floor. Once it has that can trap firefighters.
been confirmed that there is sufficient hose The collapse danger of a heavy timber
to reach the roof, the hose is taken down factory building does not present as great a
the stairway, nozzle first, to discover fire or danger during the second (fully developed
a point of possible entry of radiated heat. flaming) and third (decay) stages of a fire,
If flames enter on any floor or the roof, the because radiation heat generated from
hose could be repositioned and extinguish the fire is so great that firefighters do not
minor spreading fires at any location. The get near the building when walls start
entire building could be protected by one collapsing. The deadliest fire in a heavy
hose line. timber building in modern times occurred
Firefighters assigned to protect an in New England, where such construction
exposure near a burning heavy timber originated. In December 1999, in Worcester,
building must continually monitor all Massachusetts, six firefighters died aſter
floors and the roof of an exposed building becoming trapped by fire inside a heavy
in the path of flames. Windows facing the timber structure, the Worcester Cold
fire should have any outside shutters closed. Storage Warehouse. Contributing factors
All open windows facing the burning of the firefighter fatalities were a fire set
building should be closed, and curtains or by homeless people in a partially vacant
combustible furnishings near the closed building, delayed alarm notification to
windows should be removed. the Worcester Fire Department, rapid fire
The greatest danger presented by a spread up an open elevator shaſt, dense
burning heavy timber factory building black smoke buildup due to burning cork
occurs in the early stages of the fire. That and plastic insulation on the walls, and a
is when initial search and attack are taking maze of freezer compartments.
collapse cut off the escape of the firefighters column failed and caused an unprotected
back to the front entrance. As the floor steel girder to fail, leading to the collapse of
collapsed, it crushed large drums of the unprotected first floor steel beams over
flammable liquid in the basement, and this the burning cellar workshop.
caused a large fireball to erupt, rocketing up Today, public, residential, and
to the first floor, trapping four firefighters of commercial building construction in
Hilltop Hose Company Number 3. Killed the United States is changing. Most new
by the floor collapse and fire were First buildings on Main Street are noncombustible
Lieutenant Rick Frantz, David Emanuelson, steel and masonry structures. This type of
Firefighter Michael Cielicki Burns, and construction is more economical. This
Firefighter Frank Veri, Jr. change from ordinary (type III) construction
This concrete and steel noncombustible to noncombustible (type II) construction
structure contained no combustible is very significant to U.S. firefighters. The
material. The high hazard content of the open web bar joist used for roofs and floors
wood furnishings and flammable liquids in noncombustible construction is replacing
created a tremendous fire. A postfire the solid wood roof beam normally used in
analysis revealed the series of events that ordinary construction on Main Street. This
caused the collapse. Heat from the cellar steel roof and floor construction change
fire buckled the front unprotected steel applies to strip malls and shopping malls
column. This caused a girder to twist and where we encounter store fires. Lightweight
move, in turn causing the steel floor beams steel bar joist supports, steel sheet roof
supporting the front portion of the masonry decking, and a suspended lay-in ceiling are
floor to collapse (fig. 15–1). The masonry replacing wood joists, plywood roof decks,
floor crushed metal drums of flammable and tin or plaster ceilings. This change in
liquid. This created an explosion, sending the roofs of a noncombustible building has
a ball of fire up to the first floor and killing advantages and disadvantages. The main
the firefighters operating the third hose advantage is that there is less to burn in
line. The cause of the firefighter deaths was the roof structure. The main disadvantage
the floor collapse. An unprotected steel is that steel web bar joist will collapse fast
under fire conditions.
versus Fire
Noncombustible does
not mean the same as fire
resistive. If noncombustible
steel columns, girders,
and open bar joist are not
covered with fire-retarding
Fig. 15–1. The steel column twisted and pulled the girder back, material, they cannot resist
which pulled the floor beams away from the front wall. fire and can collapse quickly
when heated by a fire. Steel is not fire covering and the synthetic covering for
resistive; it is noncombustible, and when electric wiring. Besides the burning content,
heated by fire, it fails and can collapse a smoke spread from the insulation in a type
building. The steel does not burn when II burning building will be the primary
heated, but it expands, warps, twists, bends, combustion product. Again, the fire
buckles, loses its tensile and compressive protection advantage of such a building is
strength, and does not support the building its noncombustibility.
loads it was designed for.
The lighter the steel, the
faster it fails during a fire.
It is well documented that
noncombustible open
web steel bar joists not
covered with fire-retarding
material can collapse
within 5–10 minutes of fire
exposure. Steel columns,
girders, and beams in a
fire-resistive building (type
I construction) will be
covered with fire-retarding
m at e r i a l . S t e e l i n a
noncombustible building
Fig. 15–2. A noncombustible building under construction.
need not protected by
fire-retarding material and
can fail rapidly during a fire. Except for electric wire insulation and
the roof deck, noncombustible construction
does not add much fuel to the fire in the
Noncombustible cockloſt. The old ordinary construction
Construction strip malls and shopping malls had a large
amount of combustible materials in the roof
The materials used in a noncombustible structure: wood beams, wood roof deck,
building are steel, masonry, plasterboard, wood bracing, and ceiling furring strips.
synthetic ceiling panels, and several layers Furthermore, there was the common roof
of asphalt and plastic for a roof covering. space shared by adjoining stores. Aſter
The typical modern strip mall or shopping burning through the ceiling, the large
mall will have a structure of steel columns, spreading fire in an ordinary-constructed
steel girders, steel bar joist, steel wall studs, store was oſten fueled by the lumberyard
and a steel corrugated roof deck covered of the roof above the ceiling. This cannot
with a tar and plastic (fig. 15–2). Inside the occur in a noncombustible steel roof
stores, there will also be synthetic ceiling support system; the electric insulation and
panels and plasterboard partitions. The only the asphalt and plastic insulation on the roof
combustible material in a noncombustible deck surface may burn and create a smoky
building, besides the content, should be fire, but there is no lumberyard of built-in
the asphalt and plastic insulation roof fuel loading as in an ordinary-constructed
strip mall. However, the noncombustible hose line is stretched into the store upwind.
steel and concrete building presents a The rear (exposure C) of a strip mall usually
collapse danger. has a large truck-loading space and is not
a severe exposure problem.
If it becomes an exposure
Fire spread potential Collapse potential
threat, then send a hose
small Type I. Fire resistive Type I. Fire resistive
line there for protection. If
Type II. Noncombustible Type IV. Heavy timber
the first and second lines
Type III. Ordinary Type V. Wood timber
extinguish the fire and the
Type IV. Heavy timber Type III. Ordinary
fire has conducted through
great Type V. Wood frame Type II. Noncombustible
the roof and ignites the roof
covering, the third line is
The main disadvantage of the new, type sent to the roof, and the roof-covering fire
II construction to firefighters is the collapse is extinguished (fig. 15–3).
danger. The fire protection
engineers tell us a thin
½-inch unprotected steel
bar joist truss roof and floor
can collapse within 5–10
minutes of fire exposure.
The firefighter’s collapse
size-up learned over many
years of firefighting and
used at burning strip malls
cannot be used at a fire in
a noncombustible strip
mall. The roof and floor can
collapse faster than anything
we have experienced at
other fires.
Fig. 15–3. After a fire is extinguished in a noncombustible
building, check the roof covering for fire conducted through
Firefighting the steel roof decking.
steel roof or floor support system if there structure. The fire will not spread as fast in
is a danger of collapse. The water from the the cockloſt of a noncombustible building as
second hose stream cools the steel open it does in an ordinary-constructed building.
web bar joists. This line is intended to When sufficient firefighters arrive, the third
prevent a roof or floor from collapsing on line is sent to the downwind store to protect
the firefighters advancing the first attack this exposed store. The interior fire spread
hose line. The second line can also prevent problem in a noncombustible store is the
heat from conducting through the steel conduction of heat through the underside
roof deck and igniting the asphalt/tar roof of the roof deck. Heat conducted through
deck above. the metal roof may ignite the asphalt roof
The purpose of the second backup covering above.
hose line sent into a burning
store of a noncombustible
building is the same as
any backup hose line. The
firefighters operating the
second line protect the
firefighter using the first
line in case the line bursts
or there is an explosion,
flashover, or ceiling collapse
or in case there is too
much fire and two lines are
needed for extinguishment.
The backup hose line at a
noncombustible building
has an additional purpose. Fig. 15–4. The second hose line is directed at the steel
It is used to cool off the roof supports.
steel bar roof or floor joists
when there is a danger of collapse. Any A ground ladder should be placed
type of steel roof or floor joist can fail on the upwind side of the building, and
when the temperature of the steel reaches a firefighter should be sent to the roof to
1,000–1,100°F. This temperature is common examine the asphalt roof covering for
in a structure fire. Directing the hose stream fire spread. If fire is discovered spreading
from the second line at the steel roof or across the roof covering, a hose line should
floor joist may stop the expansion, warping, be sent to the roof on the upwind side of
twisting, sagging, of steel when being heated the building. An aerial master stream
by the content fire (fig. 15–4). The water should be positioned for possible use on
from the hose line may even freeze a failing the downwind side of the burning roof. A
steel joist about to collapse. At a fire in a fast-moving asphalt roof-covering fire can
noncombustible one-story row of stores, be stopped by the aerial stream.
the justification of the strategy of sending Firefighters should be positioned on
a second hose line with the first hose line the roof upwind of a roof-covering fire.
and not in the downwind exposure is that The smoke and gases from an asphalt roof
there is less combustible material in the roof deck fire are flammable and can suddenly
department and the fire department must BTUs per square foot. Examples:
conduct another inspection to evaluate the warehouses and bulk storage buildings.
fire protection.
There are certain occupancy types
that are considered low hazard, such as
offices, banks, and schools. However, Protecting Steel
if the quantity of combustible material
There are three common methods of
inside such a building becomes excessive
protecting steel. They are encasement, direct
or flammable liquid is introduced, the
application, and membrane ceiling.
occupancy is no longer low hazard, and
the fire protection of the noncombustible
structure must be upgraded. Thus, you Encasement
can have a high-hazard office, bank, or There is a method of filling tubular
school storage room containing tons of steel with water. However, it is rarely used
papers, desks, and computers or flammable anymore owing to cost. Builders most oſten
liquids. Moreover, you can even have a used the encasement method before World
high-hazard schoolroom if flammable War II. Steel was encased with one or two
liquids are introduced to the subject matter. inches of masonry or plasterboard.
Recommended changes in fire protection to
accompany and change in hazard from low
to high include a fire-retarding covering Membrane ceiling
on the steel, the installation of automatic The membrane method of fire retarding
sprinklers, and subdivision of rooms into is another common low-cost method of
smaller areas so that firefighters using hose protecting II noncombustible lightweight
streams can extinguish a fire. steel buildings. The membrane system of
The following classification system of fire protecting steel is a suspended ceiling.
content hazards is widely used (Source: A suspended ceiling divides the occupied
National Fire Protection Handbook of space below from the roof support steel
Fire Protection): above by a ceiling barrier. A suspended
• Low hazard. The occupancy (content) ceiling with a fire-retarding ceiling panel
when consumed by fire does not exceed acts as a one-hour fire barrier to protect
an average of 100,000 BTUs of potential the steel from a fire in the occupancy below.
heat per square foot. Examples: offices, For the membrane ceiling to be effective,
restaurants, hotels, hospitals, schools, however, the ceiling panels have to be
museums, and libraries. firmly in place. Fire and heat may spread
• Moderate hazard. The occupancy through the ceiling to the steel roof or floor
(content) when consumed by fire on and cause it to fail if all the panels are not in
average generates between 100,000 place correctly.
and 200,000 BTUs of potential heat per To be an effective fire barrier, the
square foot. Examples: retails shops, lighting fixtures in the ceiling must be
factories, and workshops. fitted with a fire-retarding frame, and
there should be no air-conditioning ducts
• High hazard. The occupancy (content) penetrating the ceiling. Finally, all the
when consumed by fire generates on ceiling panels must be firmly in place for
average between 200,000 and 400,000 the membrane fire-retarding effect to be
effective and protect the steel roof or floor the fully spray-on was first three-quarters
tresses above. of an inch thick. Then, aſter tests in the
1980s, the thickness of the fluffy spray-on
Fluffy spray-on (direct application) was increased to 1½-inch thickness. The
The direct method of protecting steel thickness of the 1½-inch fluffy spray-on was
structures became popular aſter World War said to provide fire-retarding protection to
II owing to its speed of application and low the steel bar joists supporting the floors for
cost. Direct application entails spraying a two hours. During an investigation aſter
fire-retarding mineral fiber (fluffy spray- 9/11, no fire-testing documentation was
on) or liquid masonry product directly found to justify the ¾-inch thickness or
on the steel. The fluffy spray-on is cheaper 1½-inch thickness to provide a two-hour
and faster than the application of concrete fire rating. The fluffy spray-on fire retarding
or terracotta encasement. A lightweight was difficult to stick to the steel round
asbestos (banned today) or mineral fiber bar web members. In 2004, the FDNY
is sprayed on steel to protect it from fire. prohibited the use of open web steel joists
A vermiculite or volcanic rock or mineral in nonresidential high-rise buildings until
wool is mixed in a liquid and sprayed appropriate fireproofing standards are
on the steel to provide fire retarding. developed and promulgated.
This method of fluffy
spray-on fire protection
of steel has been fought
by the fire service since its
introduction because of the
following problems:
• The steel is not prepared
properly to allow the
spray-on material to
stick properly
• The spray-on slurry
(mixture of vermiculite
and liquid) is oſten not
mixed properly
• Wo r k e r s d o n o t
apply the spray-on
Fig. 15–6. Fluffy spray-on fire retarding can be removed from
material evenly
steel by air movement in a plenum (due to an HVAC system) or
• O t h e r w o r k e r s by subsequent work.
performing subsequent
tasks nearby easily remove the critically
important fire protection (fig. 15–6)
The exact thickness of the fluffy When fighting a fire in a noncombustible
spray-on has been recently brought into concrete and steel structure, it must be
question aſter the collapse of the World anticipated that roof and floor collapse is a
Trade Center towers. The thickness of real and distinct possibility. The following
key points should be kept in mind when • The fire service should take a closer
fighting noncombustible building fires: look at firefighting strategy using an
aggressive interior attack for long
• An unprotected lightweight steel bar
periods in lightweight steel–constructed
joist can fail within 5–10 minutes of
buildings. Today, firefighters are sent
fire exposure.
into burning buildings to operate for
• The experience gained by a fire officers four or five hours, when the buildings
over the years in assessing the stability have fire-rated floors of one or two
of a solid wood beam roof during a fire hours and the collapse potential
cannot be used today to predict the is unknown.
stability of a steel roof or floor.
• The fire service must conduct more
• Open unprotected steel web bar joists prefire inspections of new and renovated
will fail more rapidly during a fire than buildings. Every construction site
will solid wood 3-inch-by-12-inch should be visited, so that fire preplans
beams spaced 16 inches on center. can be drawn up. These inspections
must consider unsafe large open floor
• It is very important for firefighters to
designs and dangerous lightweight
keep abreast of the construction and
construction materials such as the steel
occupancy changes that are never
bar joist truss (and lightweight wood
ending in building construction and
trusses). Fire preplans must emphasize
design. Knowledge of construction
defensive methods of firefighting to
and content of a building means safety
compensate for the new and unusual
in firefighting.
building designs and material. This
• The century-old fire furnace testing defensive firefighting must replace the
used by the construction industry to too-oſten-used offensive firefighting
rate steel fire resistance is questionable. tactics when necessary.
The furnace tests only small samples.
There is no full-scale testing that
simulates an actual fire. For example,
the National Institute of Standards and
Technology 9/11 study revealed that of
a 17-foot piece steel and concrete floor
passed the required fire resistance test,
but a 35-foot piece of the same steel and
concrete failed. Size matters when it
comes to fire testing. In the World Trade
Center, they used 60-foot unsupported
steel floor supports. Testing is for fire
resistance ratings. There is no testing for
collapse owing to flames and heat when
a new floor assembly is fire tested.
The Use of
If the fire is below the Fig. 16–2. The officer should select the floor destination of the
seventh floor, walk up to elevator two floors below the fire.
the floor of fire origin. Thus, if you take brought down to the lobby. The firefighter
the elevator only one floor below the fire, operating the elevator must be equipped
you could become trapped in the elevator with a portable radio. When firefighters
on the actual fire floor. Remember that require this elevator to pick them up on
an elevator is a dangerous confined space the upper floor or intermediate floors, they
during a fire. If there are several elevators, should contact the (firefighter) elevator
use the one that has a firefighter service operator by radio. When large numbers
(phase II) system. of firefighters arrive at the command
An important action when using post from the apparatus staging area, the
an elevator at a high-rise fire is to return firefighter operating the elevator should
it to the lobby for reinforcements aſter be instructed by the incident commander
taking it to the fire. Do not keep the to take firefighters and equipment up to
elevator unattended at the fire. Have a personnel and equipment staging (two or
firefighter return it to the lobby. If there are three floors below the fire). This elevator
sufficient firefighters on the scene, assign should never go up to the fire floor, nor
one to operate the elevator during the should it go to a floor above a fire when the
entire operation. The firefighter operating blaze is not under control.
an elevator should do so continuously When firefighters are assigned above
throughout the fire. Precautions must be an uncontrolled high-rise fire, they should
taken in case it malfunctions. use an aerial ladder or climb the evacuation
To improve elevator safety, the stairway. They sometimes may use another
firefighter operating the elevator must elevator in a blind shaſt—that is, one that
be equipped with a portable radio to does not have an opening to the fire floor.
request help. A set of forcible-entry tools For example, a 30-story building may have
must be kept in the elevator in case the two banks of elevators; one bank serves
car becomes stuck and the firefighter has floors 1 to 17, and the other houses an
to force a way out of the car and shaſt. express car to floor 18 that then serves
During each ascent, the controls—even in each floor up to 30. If fire breaks out on the
phase II service—must be checked. Stop 15th floor and it is critical to get firefighters
the car every several floors to determine above the fire for life saving, the incident
whether the controls respond to your commander could order the use of the bank
command. If the elevator does not stop of elevators that serves floors 18–30 to reach
at an intermediate floor aſter you set the the floors above the fire.
key controls to do so, assume that it has Caution must be used when using
malfunctioned. Abandon the elevator a blind shaſt to go above a fire. A master
car and notify the officer in command. stream shooting water in a window striking
Another elevator car or the stairs must the elevator shaſt wall can collapse the
then be used by firefighters. enclosure wall of a blind elevator shaſt.
As stated above, during a high-rise fire, Going above a fire in a high-rise building
one firefighter should be assigned to run an is extremely dangerous. It should be
elevator. Aſter the fire floor is confirmed, attempted only when there is a confirmed
the elevator is used to take firefighters up life hazard or when the fire is under control.
to the staging area and must never be leſt Three Philadelphia firefighters died while
unattended. When there is no need for searching above a fire in the Meridian Plaza
the elevator during the fire, it should be building fire.
Radio Transmissions
Evacuation of Occupants Fire department portable radios oſten
If one of the two stairways in a fail at high-rise fires owing to height or the
high-rise office building is a smoke-proof steel and concrete in the structure. Five
tower, this should be designated the substitutes for properly operating portable
evacuation stairway. A smoke-proof tower radios at high-rise fires may be attempted:
has an intermediate vestibule containing • Set up the command post outside the
a smoke shaſt which is designed to draw building, in the street, instead of in
smoke into the vestibule shaſt and away the lobby.
from the stair enclosure. A smoke-proof
• Move a lobby command post near
tower should not be used for hose line
the elevators. This can sometimes
attack because the smoke shaſt located
improve communications.
in the vestibule can act as a chimney and
draw heat and smoke into the stairway. • Set up a relay communications system
If the smoke-proof tower is used to on intermediate floors in the building
connect hose and advance on the fire, and use a relay system to transmit
smoke will be drawn into the path of the messages between command and
advancing firefighters. operations at the fire.
HVAC Systems
HVAC systems can
spread fire and smoke during
a large building fire, so the
incident commander should
Fig. 16–3. Removal of the pressure-reducing valve. order it shut down. Oſten
the HVAC system shuts
down automatically when
The standpipe control valve should be a smoke detector is activated. However,
opened until pressure on the nozzle is because this is not always the case, on
sufficient. If the firefighters do not have a arrival, order the building personnel to shut
pressure gauge designed for the standpipe it down, to be sure. The fire service must
outlet, the water pressure and the volume never forget the lesson of the high-rise fire
supplied to the nozzle from the standpipe at the MGM Grand, in Nevada, in which
can be controlled by a firefighter opening an HVAC system pumped smoke through
and closing the handle on the standpipe the hotel killing 85 people. Nor should the
control valve, depending on radio fire service ever forget the First Interstate
reports from the officer in charge of the Bank building fire in Los Angeles, in which
hose stream. fire spread from the 12th floor to the 27th
floor through an air-conditioning shaſt in
an HVAC system.
Standpipes and Sprinklers An HVAC system houses shaſts and
ducts that puncture holes in walls, floors,
Some high-rise buildings have both and partitions. An HVAC system can make
standpipe and sprinkler systems. During a honeycomb of holes and voids in a high-
a serious fire, the supply of the sprinkler rise building, through which fire, smoke,
system may be overlooked. At some fires, and heat can spread. Some HVAC systems
supply hose is stretched from the pumper are required by law to have smoke detectors
to the standpipe, but not to the sprinkler in the return shaſts; if smoke is detected
siamese. The officer in charge of a high-rise in a return duct, the HVAC system shuts
fire should always determine whether the down automatically. Many HVAC systems,
building has a standpipe and/or a sprinkler however, do not have such smoke detectors,
system; if it has one or both, make sure so at a high-rise fire, to be safe, order the
a supply hose has been stretched to all person in charge of the building to ensure
siamese inlet. A sprinkler system is more that the HVAC system is shut down. Don’t
effective than a hose team of firefighters. depend on the smoke detector.
who remain inside. Still, the people who system and that the stairs are marked
remain in a high-rise building during a with floor numbers and stair enclosure
fire are alone and want guidance. Every identification. This stair identification
big building should be equipped with a should be on the inside and outside of
public-address system, and this system every door.
should be used to guide people inside a
high-rise building on fire. The incident
commander at a high-rise fire should order
a building employee to give the following
Containment of Fire Spread
messages over a public-address system Sometimes, a high-rise building’s
during a fire: construction helps the fire chief by
containing the fire for a period. At other
• Notify the people that there is a fire in
times, a building’s construction will hurt the
the building and the fire department is
chief by letting the fire quickly spread from
on the scene.
the point of origin. Incident commanders
• If fire is in a high-rise fire-resistive and fire officers must know the different
residential building, order everyone ways in which fire can spread throughout
to stay in their apartments. It is safer high-rise construction in order to save
in the apartments than in smoke-filled lives and reduce the fire damage. Different
hallways. If the fire is in a high-rise types of building construction spread fire
office building and a partial evacuation and smoke in different ways. The following
is the strategy, announce the floors to sections give examples of high-rise
be evacuated and the stairway to be fire spread:
used. Notify all other people to remain
in place. The defend-in-place strategy
is used because stairs are not designed Autoexposure
to allow all people in a high-rise Most large buildings use glass as
building to leave at the same time. The curtain-enclosing walls or access to
stair width considers one floor being balconies. Flames lapping out of a large
evacuated and then the next floor aſter broken glass window and entering a
that. Also, it may take too much time window directly above is the most common
and too many firefighters to conduct a avenue of fire spread in high rise building.
full-scale evacuation of all occupants of If conditions permit, companies assigned to
a high-rise building. search the floor above a fire should close
windows, move combustible furnishings
• When the fire is under control, notify
away from incoming fire, and stretch a
all people in the building. Tell them the
hose from a standpipe (if available) and
fire has been extinguished.
use it to extinguish spreading fire. Notify
If there is no public-address system the incident commander of the fire spread
and the stairs are not identified by floor or extinguishment. In some instances, an
number and stair enclosure, no orderly aerial master stream may be positioned
evacuation is possible. When a high-rise to stop autoexposure. When using an
building is constructed in your community, outside master stream, communication
the fire department plans inspector should and coordination between the incident
require that there is a public-address commander and the interior commander is
• Firefighters’ radios
still cannot transmit
lifesaving messages in
some high-rise building.
New radios in use since
9/11 allow commanders
to communicate
more effectively.
• High-rise buildings are
not fire resistive. Smoke
and fire can spread from
floor to floor. In the
1970s, New York City
had a fire that spread
two floors in a so-called
fire-resistive building; in
the 1980s, Los Angeles
experienced a fire that
spread five floors in a
fire-resistive building;
and Philadelphia had
a high-rise fire that
burned nine floors to a
crisp, and the building
was demolished
because it was declared Fig. 16–4. Nine floors burned in this fire-resistive building.
structurally unsound
(fig. 16–4).
Although the World Trade Center fires and real estate people—no longer works
were sparked by terrorist-driven airplanes, at high-rise fires. The defend-in-place
the buildings survived the impact of the strategy the design professionals told
plane crashes. The ensuing fire, not the us to use depends on three factors: first,
plane crashes, caused the buildings to that the building is fire resistive and
collapse. The World Trade Center building will confine a fire to one floor; second,
fires showed us up close the worst-case that the firefighters can extinguish a fire
scenario of a high-rise fire: uncontrolled in a high-rise building; and third, the
fire spreading from floor to floor; people occupants will comply with the lobby
realizing there was no chance of rescue commander’s instructions. All three of
and jumping to their deaths, building these factors on which the defend-in-place
collapse, and massive deaths of occupants strategy is based are no longer true. The
and firefighters. buildings are not fire resistive, and they
T h e d e f e n d - i n - p l a c e s t r at e g y do not confine fire to one floor. The
imposed on the fire service by design firefighters cannot extinguish a fully
professionals—architects, engineers, involved 10 or 20 thousand square foot
floor area; they built rentable floor space place while we defend them. However,
too large for manual firefighting. Finally, until the fire service comes up with a
aſter the 9/11 World Trade Center disaster, better strategy than the current defend in
the occupants will no longer listen to the place, the incident commander must use
lobby commander’s instruction to stay in this plan of action at a high-rise fire.
mountainside in one steady burn. These area of a brush fire may be several sections
flames spread in spurts. Fire flares up in one of unburned shrubs or trees. These are
area and then dies down. It may flare up called pockets. The blackened area in
in another distant area and then die down some instances has what are called fingers.
again. It may suddenly race up the side of These are strips of long, thin sections of
a mountain. Brush fire spreads erratically fire that extend outward from the main
and unpredictably. A gust of wind oſten area of blackened earth. Some distance
changes a small ground fire into a sudden, downwind from the main fire (and the
ranging inferno of flaming brush—a fingers extending therefrom) can be found
flare-up. Firefighters trying to make their isolated pockets of small spot fires. These
way through thick brush are sometimes spot fires are caused by airborne burning
caught in a flare-up and burned to death. embers, which the wind has blown ahead
Fires where firefighters are trapped and of the main fire. These embers land on the
burned in flare-ups oſten appear innocent vegetation and create patches of fire.
just before the flash. In some instances, One of the most important size-up
firefighters have been killed by flare-up in factors an incident commander can assess
the mop-up stage of the fire. on arrival is the wind direction. Brush fires
are wind driven. The incident commander’s
firefighting strategy should be to attempt to
Fire Ground Designations control the head of a brush fire. This can
be accomplished by flanking the fire and
of a Brush Fire developing a pincer movement toward the
At a structure fire, the fire ground head of the fire from both flanks. Firefighters
designation pinpointing the area around the must not attempt to stop a brush fire by a
fire is exposure A, the front of the building; frontal assault or by a defensive stand at
proceeding clockwise, the other sides are the head (downwind side) of a fire. An
designated exposure B, exposure C (the rear onrushing wall of flame at a brush fire can
of the fire), and exposure D. Fire ground overcome the extinguishing effects of the
designation is different at a brush fire. An largest master stream any department can
aerial view of most brush fires will reveal assemble (fig. 17–2).
a large blackened area with
flames at the perimeter
edges where fresh shrubs
provide fuel. The leading
edge of a moving brush
fire is called the head of
the fire. The opposite side
of the head of a brush fire is
called the rear. Looking at
the fire from the rear of the
blackened area, the leſt side
is the leſt flank; the right
side of the blackened area
is called the right flank.
Inside the large blackened Fig. 17-2. Determining wind direction is one of the most
important size-up factors.
Direct Attack
Firefighting Strategy The safest position from which to attack
for Brush Fires any brush fire is either flank. If the strategy
is to stretch a hose line, the first attack hose
The attack of a brush fire at the head by should be stretched from the upwind side
firefighters using hand tools and portable of the blackened area, alongside a spreading
extinguishers controls 90% of most small brush fire (fig. 17–3). Firefighters should
blazes. The head of a small
brush fire can be approached
safely from either the
burned-out blackened area
or from the flanks of the
fire. Positioning firefighters
on a road or firebreak area
in front of a fast-moving
brush fire can be extremely
dangerous and should be
undertaken only to protect
life. An escape route or
refuge must be available
to firefighters when this
strategy is used. Fig. 17–3. Approach a grass fire from the upwind side.
avoid the head of the spreading fire. If a areas around a brush fire that have roads.
decision is made to stretch a second hose, Aerial ladders can be sent to houses in the
this line should be stretched along the other path of a spreading brush fire. The officer of
flank. The two hose lines can operate in a the ladder company may evacuate people if
pincer strategy and cut off the spreading the brush fire is too severe. Alternatively, if
fire. The hose teams from both sides come a water supply is ensured and there is a life
together at the head. Another safe area from hazard that cannot be moved, position the
which to attack the head of a moving brush ladder to protect a dwelling. If possible, the
fire with a hose line is the blackened area. aerial master stream should be used from
In the blackened area, all the combustible a flanking position to attack the oncoming
brush has already been consumed by fire. brush fire spread. The water stream should
A safe, close approach to any part of be used to wet down any structure in the
the fire can be obtained from this area. path of the fire. Instead of venting a house
If the wind suddenly changes, there is threatened by an oncoming brush fire, the
no fuel to burn; there is no danger that a strategy is no venting. In fact, the building
firefighter will be caught in a flare-up or should be closed up. The vent strategy is
blowup. However, there are hazards that to seal up all the openings. Close doors,
a firefighter should be aware of when shutters, and windows; remove or shut
operating a line inside the burned-out area off air-conditioners; close and cover vents
of a brush fire: There is a collapse danger of air-conditioners in walls; and close
at a brush and woodland fire; sections of garage doors.
burned and decaying tree trunks and falling The interior fire spread of a building in
large branches collapse suddenly, long aſter the path of a brush fire occurs in the attic
a brush fire has been extinguished. Smoke space. Fire from a spreading brush fire will
from smoldering ground fire, tree trunks, most likely enter the attic by the radiation
and leaves permeates the area; the scorched of heat waves through the roof area. Roof
fire ground area will be obscured by a thick overhangs, open attic windows, roof
haze of smoke, which will reduce visibility skylights, and falling hot embers burning in
and increase the danger of tripping and roof gutters are the area of entry by flames.
falling. Heat from the charred earth inside Portable ladders should be placed on
the blackened area of the
brush fire increases the
danger of heat exhaustion.
Flanking Attack
The firefighting hose
team approach to the head
of a brush fire from one or
both flanks to cut off flames
spread is from the upwind
side (fig. 17–4).
Aerial ladders and
pumpers are limited to Fig. 17–4. A flanking or pincer firefighting strategy.
rooſtops. The ladders will allow firefighters the structures from the oncoming
access to roofs. Booster or house hose lines brush fire. Sometimes these firefighters
should be used by firefighters on the roof also extinguish blazes inside homes
to wet down shingles when an aerial ladder aſter they are ignited by the spreading
does not have a water source. Firefighters brush fire.
should wet down the roof and the eaves.
3. Other firefighters are assigned to
The interior fire spread problem will occur
smaller fire trucks that drive through
in the attic. Continually check the attic for
the woods and extinguish spot fires.
fire spread.
These hand crews are directed to
In 1995, a large fire in Suffolk County
extinguish small brush fires near the
(New York) at the urban/wildland interface
perimeter of the conflagration.
spread beyond the control of the firefighting
forces of the entire county. The U.S. Forest 4. Construction companies are brought
Service came to their assistance. The Forest in to clear woods and brush and create
Service firefighters responded to Long firebreaks with heavy equipment. The
Island and organized the county firefighters heavy equipment removes brush, grass,
into a multiphase attack on the burning and dried-out pine needles down to the
6,000 acres. The overall firefighting strategy dirt, so that no fire can pass over the
was organized by the U.S. Forest Service, but open area. Firebreaks are designed to
it was carried out by firefighters of Nassau remove fuel by cutting roadlike strips of
County and Suffolk County. Incident clear spaces and possibly stop the spread
commanders of all fire departments must of fire. The firebreaks cut through the
know the overall U.S. Forest Service strategy Long Island woods were initially several
used for wildfire conflagrations. Mutual aid feet wide and were increased up to the
requests from the federal government may final firebreak of 150 feet wide.
require that an incident commander from
5. Inaccessible wildland preserve forests
any fire department responds, becoming
and remote or dangerous areas where
an integral part of the overall firefighting
firefighters cannot enter are the
strategy. The U.S. Forest Service firefighting
general targets of wildfire aircraſt. A
strategy used in Suffolk County in 1995
water-carrying aircraſt can drop up to
and throughout the nation each year is
6,000 gallons of plain water, “wet” water,
as follows:
viscous water, or fire-retardant water.
1. Companies with pumpers are limited
Plain water is capable of extinguishing
to areas of brush that contains roads.
an ordinary brush, grass, or forest
That is because heavy engines are not
fire. Wet water is plain water with a
designed to enter woods or swamp
chemical additive to make it penetrate
areas. They can quickly become stuck
porous surfaces; the added chemical
in soſt ground or mud.
reduces the surface tension of water, so
2. Firefighters assigned to pumpers that when wet water is dropped from
are directed to respond to houses an aircraſt, it can reach a bog fire or a
threatened by windblown flames ground fire that has burrowed below
of brush and woodland fires. The the ground surface. Another type of
firefighters on these high-risk missions chemical added to water creates what
evacuate people from homes threatened is called viscous water; viscous water
by fire and, in some instances, protect can be dropped from an aircraſt on very
Inspecting Vacant
Fig. 18–1. The vacant building where Lieutenant
John Clancy died when a floor collapsed. Vacant buildings require fire
department inspection, because
experience has shown that this is
A vacant building is an easy target where fires are going to happen. If there is
for an arsonist for several reasons. First, one vacant building in your community,
it provides easy access. An unlocked a fire will probably occur there. Fire
door or missing and broken windows department inspections of vacant buildings
allow an arsonist to gain entry to start a are different from inspections of occupied
fire. Second, it provides concealment of buildings. There is no life hazard, and there
the crime. The arsonist can spread the is not property to safeguard.
flammable liquid and start the blaze in The purpose of a vacant-building
the unoccupied building hidden from inspection is to record and document
view. Third, there is plenty of fuel in a the building as fully vacant and to let fire
vacant building. Sometimes, the structure officers become familiar with the building’s
provides the fuel, and at other times, interior and any hazardous content leſt
there is clothing, furniture, and stock behind. During a fire, when the building is
leſt in the building aſter the people leave, filled with smoke, knowledge of the layout
which provides combustible material for a of rooms, stairs, fire escapes, and hazards
fire. Finally, aſter the arson fire is started, inside will be important firefighting
it grows undetected. There is usually a information. During an inspection, the
structural stability and hazards in hallways, government funding in the 1980s and
stairways, and fire escapes can be assessed. ’90s, they were renovated and reoccupied
Holes in floors created by scavengers and by people moving into the city. New
scrap metal dealers and overhauling at York City has experienced an explosive
prior fires must be noted. Firefighters increase in its immigrant population, and
are injured and killed during fires inside these vacant abandoned buildings have
burning vacant buildings by falling been reoccupied.
through these floor openings located in Demolition of vacant buildings is not
hallways, corridors, and stairways leading effective in a built-up urban area. The
to the roof areas; trapped by fast-spreading nearby houses could be weakened by the
fires; and crushed by collapsing walls and demolition blast. Also, many people in
floors. Outside a vacant building, broken a community will be against it because
fire-escape steps, railings, and ladders; they see vacant buildings as a future job
unstable parapet walls; and rotted and resource. Vacant buildings create potential
weakened floors must be noted. jobs for local residents. Unfortunately,
Aſter an inspection, written notification neither funding nor a demand for housing
of the hazards discovered should be sent to becomes reality, so the buildings remain
nearby fire companies, who respond to a vacant for many years. Some communities
fire in the building. This notice should warn have buildings vacant and deteriorating
them of hazards discovered. The number for decades.
of vacant buildings in your community Boarding up vacant buildings until
should be monitored, as well as the interior deciding what to do with the building was
and exterior deterioration. If the number the strategy used in New York City. In
of vacant buildings is increasing in your the city, we still have boarded-up vacant
community, so will the number of fires and buildings, but not as many. However,
so will the number of firefighter injuries. these boarded up-buildings, vacant for
When a large number of vacant buildings 30 years or more, have become extremely
starts to appear in your community, the dangerous. The board-up process has
top city officials should be notified, and prevented intruders in some instances.
one of the following recommendations However, the interiors of these vacant
should be made: buildings have become so weakened by lack
• Have the building renovated aſter of maintenance, exposure to the elements,
finding an occupant for the residence and numerous fires that they have become
or business very unstable. Aſter a heavy rainstorm, the
boarded-up structures have been known to
• Have the building demolished
suddenly collapse; for example, strong winds
• Have the building boarded up until you brought down a vacant 100-year-old frame
decide what to do with it building in Brooklyn. Demolition workers
are oſten killed and injured when tearing
• Have it burned down in a controlled
down these deteriorated vacant structures.
fire super vised by the local
Controlled burning of the vacant
fire departments
buildings was never permitted in New
In New York City, most of the vacant York City. However, most of them were
buildings were residential buildings, eliminated by uncontrolled burning.
and with the help of state and federal
each bathroom, leaving holes throughout fire spread problem. A vacant building is
the ceilings of the entire building. Metal, more dangerous to firefighters than a fully
copper roofing, utility pipes, electric wire, occupied building. Safety officials tell us
fire escapes, and industrial machinery workplace disasters happen most oſten
are sometimes removed, creating more when we do not perceive danger and when
structural damage. we are performing a routine operation. This
When a building is vacant for some happens at a fire in a vacant building.
time and it is stripped of its interior doors Safety officials also tell us that the first
and windows, flame and smoke from an step in risk management is to accurately
arsonist’s fire spread rapidly throughout identity the workplace danger. Only
each floor in the building. There is no then can we manage the dangers and
compartmentalization leſt in the vacant reduce them. Some fire departments have
building to stop fire or smoke spread. not identified the vacant building as a
Unheated deteriorating vacant buildings firefighting danger. The vacant building
exposed to the elements experience must always be considered a dangerous
additional hazards. Ceilings and wall plaster work environment. Today’s incident
coverings have already been stripped from commanders may not know this, or
the interior. With the interior sheathing veterans may not have correctly passed this
missing, any fire started inside will quickly message along to the present generation
involve the structural members, such as of fire officers. The lessons learned by
columns, girders, beams, and trusses, and incident commanders in the 1970s was
any fire can cause a rapid collapse. that the vacant building is a major-alarm
Vacant buildings leſt open sometimes fire, requiring a defensive firefighting
become dumping grounds for large strategy using master streams, and that
amounts of rubbish: used tires, abandoned it kills firefighters. Today’s firefighters
cars, oil drums, hazardous materials, must be reminded of the dangers of
flammables, and anything that costs vacant buildings.
money to discard will instead find its In December 1999, six Worcester,
way into a vacant building at night. Fuel Massachusetts, firefighters died in a fire
from previous unsuccessful arson fires or in a vacant building. Homeless people
from old industrial processes that took started the fire. As is typical of an arson
place inside the building before it became fire, there was a delayed discovery of
vacant may have soaked the floors, creating the fire. Fire and smoke rapidly spread
vapors for explosions, flashover, and rapid throughout the building. Six firefighters
development of smoke conditions during were caught and trapped.
a fire. A vacant residential building is
dangerous, but a vacant storage building is
even more deadly. One lesson learned from
Size-up this tragedy should be that certain buildings
are more dangerous than others. Each year,
Some incident commanders view a the annual death statistics show firefighters
vacant building fire as a training session. die battling these three dangerous fires:
But watch out: a closer look reveals a • Fires in residential buildings
very different story. A vacant building is • Wildland fires
a dangerous place and presents a complex • Store and office fires
However, if you look at the death firefighter to the next landing, which
statistics in terms of firefighter death also collapsed.
per fire, instead of total firefighter death,
• A parapet wall collapsed on top
you will see a different picture. Actually,
of firefighters operating in a tower
a residential building is not the most
ladder bucket.
dangerous occupancy, even though most
firefighters die battling blazes inside • A battalion chief was trapped on the
them. A 10-year National Fire Protection roof above a fully involved top-floor
Association study of firefighter death fire that was due to the absence of fire
statistics showing the rate of death doors in the vacant building.
reveals the real dangerous occupancies.
• A firefighter fell through a prior
Vacant buildings and buildings under
roof vent in a top-floor fire and was
construction or demolition are considered
severely burned.
special-occupancy buildings. Annual
statistics show that 4 firefighters die • On December 1, 1995, Lieutenant
for every 100,000 fires in residential John Clancy, FDNY, was killed when
buildings; 8 firefighters die for every a section of floor in a vacant building
100,000 fires in commercial buildings; and collapsed beneath him as he entered
11 firefighters die for every 100,000 fires the burning structure. He fell into the
in special-occupancy buildings. A vacant burning cellar. Homeless people had
building is considered a special-occupancy started the fire to keep warm.
building. Vacant buildings and buildings
• In December 1999, six Worcester,
under construction or demolition are the
Massachusetts, firefighters died as they
most deadly buildings in which to fight
were caught and trapped in a spreading
a fire.
fire in a vacant cold storage warehouse
During the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s,
(fig. 18–3).
firefighters were seriously injured
while fighting fires in vacant buildings.
For example,
• Six New York City
firefighters died when
the wall of vacant
factory collapsed.
• Nine Boston firefighters
d i e d fi g ht i n g fi re
in a vac ant hotel
under renovation.
• A New Jersey firefighter
was killed when a fire
escape collapsed.
• A n i n t e r m e d i a t e
landing of a stairway Fig. 18–3. Six Worcester, Massachusetts, firefighters died in
collapsed, dropping a this vacant building.
firefighting strategy. One or two companies are common in burning vacant buildings.
may have to be assigned to the venting Delayed discovery allows flashover to
operation. Smoke and heat building up in occur, and flammable vapors are exuded
the vacant building may be tremendous. from the fuel used to start an arson fire.
Removing bricks, plywood, and sheets of Natural gas explosions happen during
tin from windows and doorways will be a fires in vacant buildings because the
high priority. utilities—gas and electric—are rarely
shut off even though the building is
empty. Sometimes during an arson, fire
Search may spread downward, below firefighters
There is no life hazard in a vacant operating a hose line. Delayed ignition of
building. However, homeless people, who flammable liquids dripping and flowing
sometimes start these fires, may be found down a stairway, shaſt, or concealed space
trapped by the fire and smoke in a vacant can suddenly ignite on the floors below,
building. A primary and secondary search in trapping firefighters.
a dangerous vacant building may be delayed
until aſter the fire has been extinguished. A
slow, safe, and methodical search can then Exterior fire spread
be performed. Owing to the danger of the Because the building is unoccupied,
vacant building and the low probability when the fire starts, there is no one to
of a finding a victim in a vacant building, call the fire department. There is oſten a
firefighter safety becomes the primary delayed alarm, so fire may be spreading
life hazard. Vacant building dangers are a from window to window on arrival. For a
valid reason for delayed discovery of a fatal vacant town house or garden apartment,
fire victim. the common roof space is a large concealed
space and is a common area for an arsonist
to start a fire. An arsonist drills a hole in the
Interior fire spread roof, pours flammable liquid in the space
The interior fire spread problem in a below the roof and above the ceiling, lights
vacant building is severe. Flames may spread a fire, and the entire top floor becomes
through doorways and windows because involved in flames. The arsonist escapes by
the normal compartmentalization of an walking across to the adjoining roof and
occupied building will be missing. Doors, walking down the stairs.
windows, and sometimes even partitions, Check the common roof for concealed
which all normally restrict the spread of fire spread as soon as the fire is extinguished.
flames, can be missing. Flames spread In vacant unattached buildings, fire
up stairways to top floors, autoexposure spreading out several windows of a
allows fire spread from window to delayed-discovery vacant building may
window, and two or three apartments may spread flames to adjoining buildings
contain fire due to broken partition walls across alleys on both sides. When several
between apartments. building are burning on arrival, protect the
A flammable liquid may have been exposures first and let the vacant building
used to start the fire, so fire spread can be burn. The first attack hose line should be
explosive. Flashovers, flammable vapor sent to the exposure downwind. Where
explosions, and natural gas explosions the smoke and flames are spreading must
be checked first. Then, a hose line should and check for cracks and unstable walls
protect the upwind exposure. If the vacant surfaces. The parapet, the portion of front
building is a row dwelling and the fire is on wall above the roof, should be surveyed for
the top floor, send the first line to the top weakness. Parapet walls have collapsed,
floor of the downwind exposure. Pull the showering tons of bricks on firefighters in
ceiling of the adjoining building on the side the bucket of aerial platforms while they
of the building near the vacant building and are extinguishing fire in vacant buildings.
stop any fire spread collapse danger. Sometimes the bucket is ripped from the
The collapse dangers of a vacant aerial ladder boom owing to the impact of
building are many. According to a 10-year the falling brick.
study of collapse, floor collapse is the most The master stream should start
common type of collapse, followed by roof extinguishing fire at the top-floor windows
collapse. The study found three times more and work downward, extinguishing fire and
firefighters operating below a roof are killed checking the building facade for stability as
than firefighters operating on top of the firefighters proceed downward. Before the
roof. If there is a report of a weakened roof, defensive aerial attack begins, the ladder
the incident commander should withdraw truck should be placed away from the
firefighters operating below the roof, as front wall. When the bucket is raised for
well as firefighters on top of the roof. Wall fire extinguishing, the firefighters and the
collapse is the third-most-common type of bucket should be kept out of the collapse
collapse at a structure fire. When there is zone. Firefighters up in the bucket operating
a danger of wall collapse, set up a collapse aerial master streams are in danger of wall
zone around the burning building. collapse, as are firefighters in the street.
Suspended ceilings are the fourth To keep the bucket away from an unstable
common collapse danger at a structure wall, firefighters should use the 75–100-foot
fire. If fire spreads into the space above the reach of the master stream and should stay
ceiling and the ceiling hanger strips are out of the collapse zone.
weakened, the ceiling may collapse. When The incident commander should expect
firefighters use a hose stream to extinguish the worst at a fire in a deteriorating burning
fire in the ceiling space, the weight of the vacant building. For example, if the strategy
hose stream water can collapse a ceiling. is an offensive attack and firefighters are
Before entering a store or renovated building extinguishing fire with interior attack
where there is a danger of suspended-ceiling hose streams, realize that a firefighter may
collapse, check the ceiling space at the suddenly appear at a window, trapped
doorway by pulling down a small part of by fire. The incident commander should
the ceiling with a pike pole. If there is fire order raised ground ladders placed to
or water pouring down, use caution. When windows on the fire floors. At a defensive
a suspended ceiling collapses, the entire outside attack, when one or several master
framework comes with it. It is the heavy streams are used to extinguish fire in a
framework of the suspended ceiling that fully involved burning vacant building,
traps firefighters. the incident commander should prepare
When a master stream is used at a fire for a multilevel floor collapse and a wall
in a vacant building, the firefighters in the collapse. Firefighters and apparatus should
bucket of the aerial ladder should survey be outside the collapse danger zone or in
the front wall of the burning building flanking positions.
What actions can we take when a ownership of the building, issue notices
building in our community becomes vacant, to board up and/or demolish to the
and how can we safeguard the community local government.
and responding firefighters from its dangers
• Warning signs. When vacant buildings
when the city officials do not address the
are not sealed up or demolished and
problem? Here are some suggestions:
have deteriorated over many years,
• Seal up or demolish. First, inspect the firefighters must protect themselves.
building. If it is sealed up, that is good. Firefighters in New York City have
However, if it has been vandalized and developed a system of marking
is accessible to arsonists, notify the dangerous vacant buildings (fig.
owner to seal up the building. If the 18–4). These markings near an entrance
owner does not seal up the building, doorway made by inspecting firefighters
notify the local building department are 12-inch squares of reflective yellow
that the structure has become a hazard paint that glows in the dark and
to the community and request that the indicates to firefighters the hazards
building be demolished. inside the building.
• Familiarization inspections. During the
inspection of a vacant
building, firefighters
who respond to the
area should conduct
a familiarization
i nsp e c t i on of t he
i nt e r i o r. Ha z a r d s
i ns i d e t he v a c ant
building should be
noted and recorded.
T h i s i n f o r m at i o n
should be transmitted
to all adjoining fire
companies that respond
to the vacant building.
• Cyclical inspections. If
Fig. 18–4. A yellow marking on this building indicates that the
aſter several months,
building is vacant. One diagonal line in the box indicates that
the building has not
hazards exist in the building. Two diagonal lines in the box
been demolished or
indicates that there are several hazards, and an exterior attack
sealed up, conduct
strategy may be recommended.
inspections at regular
intervals to observe
new hazards created by fires, vandals, • Defensive strategy. The presence of a
and salvage workers. Record the hazards box with an X (skull and crossbones)
and notify all responding firefighters. inside gives the first-arriving incident
Reissue a seal-up notice to the owner; commander permission to fight the
if the local government has assumed fire from the outside. If it is more
collapse search-and-rescue,
and firefighting operations
aſter the IED explodes.
The firefighting strategies
described in this chapter can
be used for fire operations
where IEDs are suspected or
have detonated.
Assisting Police
at a Bomb Incident
Fig. 19–1. A defensive firefighting operation is the initial
strategy at a terrorist attack. When a call is sent to
the fire department for
assistance with a suspected
that can be stuffed into a bag, pipe, bottle, bomb incident, only one chief and a
can, package, or 55-gallon drum. pumper should respond. This small
A fire response to an explosion caused response offers the advantages of better
by an IED can result when teenage boys control, coordination, and safety at an
try to make a pipe bomb. At one incident, incident where there is a real danger of
boys filled up a section of pipe with match explosion, collapse, and fire. The chief
heads. While screwing the last end of the should report to the police commander and
cap onto the pipe, the compression caused first get a briefing about the specifics of the
the bomb to explode. Both boys had serious incident—who, what, when, where, why,
injuries. Most terrorist IEDs are much more and how. Next, the incident commander
deadly; these have been built and used by must size up the construction occupancy
urban rioters and domestic or international and available fire protection. For example,
enemies of the United States and are used to the building’s contents and the construction
kill or injure people. must be considered to estimate the
IEDs are the number-one weapon of possible fire and type of collapse. The
terrorists. This is the most probable response height of surrounding exposures must
fire and police will encounter. Therefore, be observed. Adjacent higher buildings
the fire service must have a strategy for fire will be at greater risk during a fire than
department operation in case an IED is low buildings or buildings of equal size.
suspected or has already exploded, causing Water supplies, sprinklers, standpipes, and
a fire and collapse. hydrants to be used should be identified.
Firefighters arriving first at a terrorist A staging area must be upwind, uphill,
bomb or IED incident will be required to and out of the range for an explosion
take lifesaving action. Police sometimes and possible contamination from a dirty
request the assistance of firefighters when bomb. Prearranged locations and spaces
searching for bombs or IEDs. In the past, for apparatus placement in the danger area
when searching for an IED, local officials and must also be determined during the size
police have requested the fire department’s up, as well as the best location to position
assistance for evacuation, forcible-entry, an aerial platform for master stream use.
Any firefighter asked to enter police lines The incident commander may have to
must be equipped with the same standard remind public officials who appear to
protective equipment used by police at such be unfamiliar with emergency rescue
an incident, such as helmet, face shield, operation principles.
bulletproof vest, and shield of armor. If Evacuating people near a suspected
this equipment is cannot be obtained, full hidden bomb site is different from
protective clothing plus SCBA and eye evacuating people from a burning building.
shields should be worn by firefighters. The evacuation procedures are based on
All other firefighters at the scene should the fact that police may expand the bomb
use distance and shielding for protection search and eventually have to search this
from a possible explosion. Control of all area aſter the people leave. First, before the
firefighters at the scene is a must during an evacuation starts, a specific stairway should
IED response. be designated for evacuation. People
leaving the building should be requested to
leave by way of this exit. A prior search of
Evacuating Nearby Buildings the entire stairway—including lobby and
stair corridor—should then be conducted
Firefighters may be requested to before the evacuation commences. There
assist police in evacuating adjoining should be large holding areas where people
buildings near a bomb. Firefighters leaving the building should be instructed
should protect exposures and evacuate go once outside. People should not
people from nearby structures outside linger outside the building; this will slow
police lines. When a bomb explodes, one the evacuation.
of the greatest causes of death and injury During the evacuation, people asked
is flying glass. Windows may blow out to leave a building should be told to take
to the street. All firefighters inside and all belongings, clothing, and packages with
outside during an evacuation procedure them, so that there will be fewer items to
should be ordered to have eye shields search for the hidden explosives. Also,
in place. During an explosion, jagged people should be directed to leave open
glass pieces will fly through the air with their desk drawers and lockers. This will
hurricane force. All protective clothing— reduce the property damage; desk locks
especially eye shields—should be used to and closet doors will not have to be broken
protect firefighters. by bomb searchers. Windows and doors
The minimum number of firefighters should remain open. These openings will
should be used to evacuate a nearby become vents and release destructive
building, and firefighters in teams should pressures during an explosion. Leave the
operate with a supervising team fire lights on: the searches may not get to the
officer. The strategy at the scene of a area until darkness, so this measure will
suspected bomb is still life safety first, and improve their visibility. Shut off office
this includes firefighters. Public officials machines such as computers, fax machines,
and some police commanders may not and coffee makers. The noise from electric
be aware that incident stabilization is and mechanical devices may be mistaken
the second priority at any emergency for a bomb.
scene, and property protection comes Buildings are not automatically
third, according to fire service guidelines. evacuated when there is a reported bomb
nearby. Sometimes the terrorist gives a completed, no bomb had been found. The
report that there is a bomb in a truck, in local government was sued by one of the
a parked car, on a windowsill, or in the companies whose employees were ordered
street. If a bomb is reported to be outside, to leave the building. The company’s CEO
it may be safer to keep the people inside the claimed that because the building was
building and take them to the basement or evacuated and some employees did not
an interior windowless room. When the come back to work aſter the bomb search
decision is made to evacuate people from proved negative, the company lost money.
a building, they may be taken out a rear He further stated that the loss was due to
doorway if the suspected bomb is placed in the order given to evacuate the building
the front of the building. during the bomb search.
The decision to evacuate or not
to evacuate is not always the incident
commander’s. It is the decision of the
building manager whether to evacuate
Firefighting Strategy
the occupants. For example, if there is an Firefighters should respond to a
anonymous telephone call that a bomb has reported IED explosion scene from the
been placed in a building, it is the decision upwind side of the incident and from
of a building manager or a school principal uphill, so that any contaminated runoff
whether to order the building evacuated. water from hose streams does not spread
The fire commander at the scene may assist to firefighters and apparatus. The initial
in the evacuation. However, if a building fire attack at a terrorist bomb blast site is a
manager or a school official asks an incident defensive operation using master streams
commander, “Chief, what do you think? equipped with large-diameter nozzles. A
Should we evacuate the building?” the fire nozzle of 1½ inch or 1¾ inch diameter
officer may offer advice, but it should be from a deck pipe or aerial stream, supplied
made clear that the decision whether to by large-diameter hose with 100 pounds
evacuate occupants is that of the person in nozzle pressure, can produce a stream that
charge of the building. reaches 90–100 feet. These large-diameter
For example, there was an incident in streams from portable deluge nozzles,
which a bomb was reported in a school deck pipes, snorkels, and/or aerial master
and the principal decided not to evacuate streams can provide safety to firefighters
the students. She was initially criticized by leaving a large distance between them
by parents. Then she defended her actions and the contaminated explosive area.
by stating that the caller was not familiar Increasing the distance from the danger
with the school, so she decided the call was area, limiting the time of entry near the
a prank. In her defense, she reminded the danger area, and shielding (taking cover
parents of a reported incident in which a behind fire apparatus and buildings) may
school was evacuated and the shooter was be the only protection against a blast and
waiting outside and killed several children windblown contamination from a dirty
with a rifle. bomb IED (fig. 19–2). If aſter arriving
In a n ot h e r c a s e , a n i n c i d e nt at the scene, there is a report of another
commander ordered a building evacuated explosion or chemical, biological, or
because of a reported bomb placement. nuclear contamination, firefighters should
Aſter the evacuation and the search were be withdrawn.
Lifesaving searches
The strategy of limiting
exposure time and using
the shielding of nearby
buildings and fire apparatus
provides admittedly poor
protection at a terrorist
incident; however, this
is all that is available to
many fire departments
today. Interior assignments
should be for rescue only.
Firefighters assigned into
teams should be equipped
Fig. 19–2. Limiting exposure time, increasing distance from the with all available protective
incident, and taking cover behind shielding objects are defensive equipment. In addition, they
tactics used by firefighters responding to a terror attack. must have radios, masks,
forcible-entry hydraulic
tools, portable extinguishers,
Whenever firefighters are committed to and monitoring and sensing devices to detect
firefighting operations at a suspected IED chemical, nuclear, or biological hazards.
explosion, the incident commander should The protection of time can be used
consider the possibility that the bomb might by limiting firefighters’ exposure risks in
be contaminated by nuclear, biological, a danger area. For example, the incident
or chemical materials. In addition to the commander can order a time limit of 15
incident commander’s ordering firefighters minutes or less for operations at the scene
to use the protection of time, distance, and of an outside explosion and/or a search in
shielding, a verification of the surrounding a low-rise building and a search time of
area for contamination or reports of a dirty 45 minutes or less in a high-rise building.
bomb should be obtained from officials on Of this total high-rise exposure time, only
the scene and the dispatcher. The priorities 15 minutes is for entry on the floor of the
of a terrorist response are life safety terror incident; 30 minutes is provided as
first—and this includes the lives of the reflex time getting to the high-rise incident
responding firefighters. Chemical experts floor and returning to the command post.
should be called to the scene to analyze the Also, the use of protective HAZMAT
atmosphere. If contamination of the area suits and shielding provided by protective
has been confirmed, a hazardous material equipment, along with monitoring devices
incident should be declared. for the detection of radioactive and chemical
If firefighters must continue to materials, should be required for all
operate due to life saving factors, the time firefighters entering a contaminated area.
firefighters spend at the explosion site Master streams operating at terror
should be controlled and limited by timing incidents should not have firefighters
and rotating members. All potentially positioned at the tip of the ladder. For
exposed firefighters should be quarantined example, aerial platforms with fixed nozzles
and sent to a decontamination area. can be raised at low angles to increase distance
from the blast. They may be operated by trapped victims, spreading fire, parts of the
firefighters on the turntable. Ground-based building that are in danger of secondary
portable deluge nozzles should be tied to a collapse, and avenues of access into the
substantial object and leſt unattended. demolished building. The size-up should also
If there is no life hazard and it is note the location of any sprinkler siamese
suspected that the fire and explosion is the inlets serving the building. An indirect attack
result of a dirty bomb, let the fire burn. on a collapsed burning building by use of
More contamination may result from hose master streams and sprinkler systems should
stream runoff and fire kept smoldering by a be the first choice for fire suppression during
defensive attack. A standard procedure for a an explosion due to a terrorist device.
fire in a pesticide plant is to let the fire burn; On arrival of the first responders aſter a
this may be the preferred tactic for a dirty terrorist’s bomb detonates, bystanders will
bomb that has caused a fire. have already rushed to the aid of surface
victims. It will be a chaotic scene. These
civilian rescuers and the victims buried
Collapse search and rescue in the rubble may become contaminated
The aſtereffects of any type of explosion, by a biological, nuclear, or chemical
including a terrorist’s IED, will be smoke, contaminant. Fire lines must be set up, and
fire, dead and injured bystanders, and people everyone at the scene must be segregated
trapped inside a collapsed burning building, and restricted from leaving the scene.
calling for help. The first responders to an Set up a HAZMAT-type operating
explosion should first quickly size up the procedure. Rope off the hot area
scene and follow the collapse rescue plan. (contaminated), the warm area (for
The collapse rescue plan has five steps: segregation and decontamination), and
the cold area (safe), and request that police
1. Safety size-up
restrict entry and exit from all three areas
2. Removal of surface victims at the HAZMAT scene. The incident
commander’s preliminary report should
3. Search of voids and crevices for
state the following clearly: “This is a possible
trapped victims
terrorist bomb, and fire responders should
4. Tunneling and trenching report to a staging area uphill and upwind
and not report to the command post.”
5. General rubble removal
Hazmat and decontamination units should
However, only the first three steps should be called to the scene. Civilians and rescuers
be carried out immediately at an explosion will have already pulled surface victims from
and collapse due to a terrorist devise. the collapse rubble. Rescuers and victims
The first action at a explosion site where both may be contaminated and should be
a terrorist device is suspected should be to segregated and not allowed to leave.
size up the entire scene. Conditions at the During the size-up, one of the first
rear or sides could be worse than the front actions of the incident commander
of the bombed-out building site. Omit the should be to shut off the utilities serving
survey on the downwind side of the collapse buildings in the explosion site. If possible
area if there is the danger of windblown the gas, electric, and water supply to the
contamination from a dirty bomb. The bombed-out building should be shut off.
objective of the safety size-up is to look for Leaking gas can cause another explosion;
electric wires in the collapse rubble may commander should ensure that firefighters
ignite the leaking gas. If the electricity take cover. Sometimes a bomb is placed in a
is not shut off, it can electrocute victims parked car or truck at the sidewalk around
and rescuers who are digging in the the building. Other times the IED is placed
rubble. Shutting off the water supply to on a windowsill. Consequently, firefighters
the collapsed building many prevent the outside will be exposed to the blast. While
drowning of people who have taken refuge police are searching for a bomb, firefighters
in the below-grade areas. Utility companies should be positioned a safe distance away
should be called to the scene to assist in this from the building. The incident commander
important lifesaving action. should order firefighters to position apparatus
Collapse search-and-rescue operations around the corners of the building, out of the
will include only the first three steps of direct blast danger zone. Firefighters should
a collapse rescue plan: safety size-up, not be positioned near glass windows that
removal of surface victims, and search of may shatter during an explosion. Taking
voids and crevices for trapped victims. cover behind a building or around a corner
The fourth and fiſth steps, tunneling and will protect firefighters from the direct blast
trenching and general rubble removal, are and shock waves of an explosion. However,
not carried out at a collapse and explosion shock waves of an explosion and flying
due to a terrorist device until the site is shrapnel can ricochet, bouncing off buildings
declared safe from another explosion and traveling around corners; thus, protective
and/or contamination. Prior experience at equipment (especially eye protection) should
collapse search-and-rescue operations has be worn at all times, even when out of direct
shown that 75% of the survivors will be path of the bomb area.
saved by the application of the first three Firefighters generally are not requested
steps of the collapse search-and-rescue plan. to search for IEDs; however, during these
Aſter these three actions are completed at a early, undefined stages in the War on Terror,
collapsed-building operation, the risks (i.e., if there are insufficient police officers
danger to firefighters) exceed the benefits of on the scene and the fire department
finding live victims. At a terrorist incident, has personnel available with protective
the danger is even greater. The final collapse equipment, the incident commander from
search-and-rescue steps should be delayed the fire department may be requested by
until the site is declared free of chemical, community leaders and/or federal, state, or
biological, and nuclear contamination. local officials to have the firefighters search
A second bomb could be located near a for a terrorist’s biological, nuclear, chemical,
command post or on a roadway used to or explosive device. IED searching by
transport victims to a hospital. untrained firefighters is not recommended.
However, if it is a life-and-death situation
and many community members’ lives are
Firefighter Safety during at risk, considering the priorities of incident
a Police Bomb Search management during size-up of the situation:
life safety of community residents first,
On arrival in response to a suspected incident stabilization second, and property
bomb placement and on arrival, firefighters protection third. The fire commander might
will be requested to stand by for orders be ordered to commit firefighters to search
while police are searching. The incident for a terrorist device or to assist police in the
search. The following are some guidelines • Unusual looking or misplaced mailing
for IED searching that you may use. containers leaking oil or having wire
poking out
Bomb-seeking strategy • Bags hanging on hooks inside
restroom stalls
Searching for IEDs is different from
fire searching. Searching begins outside Firefighters sometimes accidentally
the building. First, vehicles parked in the come upon stockpiles of stored IEDs during
street around the building are examined. fire prevention inspection of buildings and
Owners are requested to move vehicles. Any when searching buildings for fires and
vehicle not identified by a local resident and alarm malfunctions. Firefighters should
not moved must be considered a potential be able to identify a bomb. Being able to
vehicle bomb. Next, the outside sidewalk identify a bomb may save a live. When
around the perimeter of the building is any of the following explosive devices are
examined for the bomb. Windowsills discovered, the police bomb squad should
on the first floor are oſten the site of a be immediately notified; the device should
package bomb. Then the building’s interior not be disturbed until the people in the area
is searched, starting in the cellar and have been evacuated.
working upward. Pay attention to areas Explosive material placed in a pipe
where a bomber could gain access inside (pipe bomb). Explosive material is packed
the building and easily place an explosive into a pipe and capped on both ends. Nails or
package and set a timing device unnoticed. sharp objects may be attached to the outside
Bathrooms, stairways, refuse containers, of the pipe. This is a fragment bomb; it kills
storage areas, and supply closets are places and injures by exploding pieces of flying
in which a bomb may be hidden. metal. Do not touch a pipe bomb discovered
Most important, if a suspected bomb at a fire; pipe bombs are sensitive.
is discovered, do not touch or disturb it. Explosive materials placed into a
Note the location, floor, and room. Report bottle (bottle bomb). The most common
this to the incident commander. Do not bottle IED is called a Molotov cocktail,
use portable radios that may trigger an named aſter a Russian government official.
explosion during search. It was a World War II antitank weapon and
According to the manual Emergency is the weapon of choice of urban terrorists
Response to Terrorism (pp. 4–39), the following acting out at civil disturbances. This type
are indicators of a bomb’s presence: of IED can be identified by a liquid-filled
• Abandoned vehicles that do not appear bottle with a piece of cloth at the opening. A
to belong in the area bottle filled with gasoline and sulfuric acid,
capped and wrapped in a sock soaked with
• Strong chemical odors
potassium chlorate and sugar, is a common
• Any unusual or out-of-place container IED. When thrown, the bottle breaks, and
the mixing of the sulfuric acid and the
• Obvious bomb-making pieces such as
potassium chlorate causes the explosion
blasting caps, wire, or clock timers
and resulting fire. Bottle bombs have been
• Any unusual device attached to a discovered on roofs of multiple-dwelling
pressured or flammable container residences by firefighters conducting
or cylinder building inspections. They are thrown off
the roof onto police and fire trucks in the uneven packaging, excessive postage or
streets below. foreign mail, airmail or special-delivery
Explosive material placed into a small indicators, or a missing return address. The
can with a spark plug (car bomb). This type Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, killed 3 and
of IED is a canister usually placed inside injured 17 over 23 years by sending package
the motor compartment of an automobile. bombs to people associated with airlines,
The lid of the canister is closed and sealed. universities, and corporations.
This type of IED would be identified by Explosive material placed in a
examining a car’s engine and observing flashlight (flashlight bomb). The explosive
the spark plugs. A spark plug is installed material can be inserted where the flashlight
through this sealed canister lid. The wire of batteries would normally fit. The flashlight
spark plug 1 is removed from the engine IED can be carried or placed in a bag and
spark plug and is attached to the bomb not create suspicion. This type of IED can
spark plug. When the car is started, the be identified only by examining the batteries
bomb explodes. The car bomb is sometimes of the flashlight. When searching baggage,
used by organized crime to assassinate battery compartments should be checked to
a mobster. The car bomb is also used in ensure that explosives have not been stowed
revenge killings by deranged persons. in place of batteries.
Explosive material placed into a The same action of not disturbing the
backpack (satchel bomb). This is a satchel explosive and notifying a supervisor applies
or bomb IED. Several sticks of dynamite whenever firefighters are working inside a
placed in a shoulder-strap bag with one burning building and discover a military
or two small liquid propane cylinders can grenade, artillery shell, or bullets. At one
create a tremendous explosion and fire. sad incident several years ago that involved
Any type of bag leſt unattended must be a weapons discovery in the Bronx, this
considered a potential IED. This type of procedure was not followed. Firefighters
bomb can be thrown into a window or leſt were overhauling aſter a bedroom fire and
in a crowded area. The cylinder of liquid discovered a gun beneath a mattress. The
natural gas is added to create a fireball firefighter finding the gun jokingly picked
during the explosion. A satchel bomb can up the gun and pointed it at another
be thrown, planted on a train, or hung on firefighter, and it accidentally discharged,
a hook inside a restroom stall or inside a shooting the firefighter in the heart and
locker in a train or bus station. Eleven killing him instantly.
people where killed and 86 were injured Explosive materials used to make
at LaGuardia Airport in 1975 by a satchel IEDs. There are three classifications
bomb placed in a locker. of explosives used to make IEDs: high
Explosive material placed in a postal explosives, low explosives, and blasting
package (mail bomb). The so-called mail agents. Don’t let this classification scheme
bomb is most oſten found in small packages fool you. There is no difference between high
sent through the mail. A letter (package) explosives or low explosives and blasting
bomb oſten kills or injures the wrong person. agents when they explode. The explosive
The spouse, relative, or coworker of the power of all three agents is the same. The
intended victim may open the mail bomb. only difference is the degree of heat or
A mail bomb can sometimes be identified shock it takes to detonate each one. Low
by excessive weight, oil stains, lopsided or explosives take more heat and more shock
to detonate than high explosives; blasting glass, windows, doors, and partition walls of
agents (e.g., ammonium nitrate is classified nearby buildings. As a result, there may be a
as a blasting agent by the Department of vacuum—causing an implosion.
Transportation) takes more heat and shock Glass and parts of building facades
to explode than low explosives; however, it collapse down into the street. One of the
is just as powerful as a high explosive when major causes of injury during an explosion
it is detonated. Blasting agents were used at is cuts and lacerations. An explosion creates
the Oklahoma City terrorist bombing and at a hurricane of broken window glass. Cuts and
the first World Trade Center attack in 1993. lacerations will be the major injury type. Eye
(Jet fuel was the explosive material used by and face protection is very important. Even
the 9/11 terrorist hijackers.) when first responders start operations aſter an
It is also very important for firefighters explosion, there will still be a severe danger of
to realize that the fire service considers all falling objects. Glass and parts of the facade
three—high explosives, low explosives, and will fall from the upper floors of damaged
blasting agents—to be explosive materials. buildings. Glass shards, parapet walls, and
The fire service and the National Fire curtain wall facing will fall to the street. Head
Protection Association’s standard operating protection will be very important during
procedure for fighting fires involving search and rescue. The only person killed
such materials is as follows: “No attempt during the search and rescue at the Oklahoma
should be made to fight a fire involving City bombing was a nurse named Rebecca
explosive materials.” Firefighters may Anderson. She was struck on the head by an
attempt to control a fire that is spreading object falling from an upper floor.
toward a structure that contains explosive
material; however, if the fire spread
appears unstoppable or the flames have Recommendations
already involved the structure or magazine Fire departments should identify
containing the explosives, firefighters should terrorist targets in the community. Then,
not attempt to fight the fire. Firefighters preplans should be established. Some
should evacuate the people in the area and possible targets are as follows:
themselves to a distance of at least 2,000 feet • Places of transportation, such as train
(610 meters). stations, airports, bridges, tunnels,
and ports
• Sports facilities
Explosion effects • Utility plants and fuel pipelines
The explosion from an IED is the same as • Government buildings
that from any explosive material. An explosion • Finance centers
is a violent expansion of gas. Accompanying The Department of Homeland Security
an explosive blast are heat, flames, noise, shock should train police, fire, and local officials
waves, and shrapnel. When an explosion in a unified incident command system and
happens, first there are powerful shock waves hold interagency operations at these terror
from the explosion. These shock waves targets for prebomb and postbomb blast
spread outward, upward, and down into the procedures, such as location of water supply,
ground. Carried along with the shock waves stretching hose line, and supplying sprinklers
are fragments of the explosive container. and standpipes. Preplan the positions for a
Then the blast creates secondary fragments: command post, and determine the staging
Frontal Attack
Fig. 20–1. Most fires are extinguished by the advance of the
A direct, head-on frontal
first attack hose team to the fire origin.
attack is the first, most oſten
used, and most successful
attack strategy at a fire. Firefighters drag a will get into position, and venting will
hose line straight into the path of a fire (fig. be effective; sufficient personnel will be
20–1). They come face to face with the fire available for laddering, and examination for
and extinguish it. For a room-and-content fire spread will be performed safely above
fire in a house or apartment, the first attack the fire. Rescues of trapped victims will
hose line is stretched by firefighters through proceed with less danger to firefighters.
a front, rear, or side doorway. The hose However if the first attack fails, other
stream nozzle is positioned and used to hose lines will have to be stretched. The
drive heat, flame, and smoke from inside to first hose attack team’s hose line already
outside through a vented window or other stretched will confine itself to the task of
doorway or through an opening created protecting life. The other hose lines will
by a firefighter assigned as an “outside have to be positioned at different locations
vent firefighter.” Ninety-five percent of where flames are spreading to confine and
fires in America are extinguished with extinguish the blaze.
this strategy. The priorities of hose line positioning
When this frontal attack is properly are as follows, in the order given:
positioned, this single action saves lives, • To protect life (place the hose line
prevents fire extension, extinguishes the fire, between the flames and the people
and reduces property damage. If the first trapped in the building)
attack hose team is successful, every other
• To prevent the fire from spreading to the
firefighting tactic will go smoothly. The
upper floors or to nearby buildings
searches will proceed quickly, firefighters
At a response to a high-rise fire, the building aſter all interior firefighters have
drivers of the first and second ladder been removed to safety.
companies must position their apparatus An aerial master stream can also be
for a possible rescue and/or outside aerial used to stop flames from spreading by
stream. There is always a chance that autoexposure, from window to window (fig.
the frontal attack, the flanking attack, 20–3). When the stream is directed at the
and even the interior defensive attack spandrel wall of a high-rise building, flames
may fail and an outside master stream lapping out a window from autoexposure
attack must be used. If the ladder is can be stopped or slowed. A properly
raised for an outside defensive attack, it placed 100-foot aerial ladder can reach
should be positioned at a 75° angle from the 15th floor of a high-rise building and
the horizontal. extinguish fire in an outer office room or
Many fi res on l owe r fl o ors of possibly prevent fire spread from window
high-rise buildings are located in outer to window.
rooms or offices that cannot be reached
by interior attack hose teams owing to
heat and flames over a large floor area.
If the interior attack is unsuccessful,
the incident commander may order an A non-attack strategy where rescue
exterior aerial stream attack to extinguish and evacuation of people from above the
a fire in an outer office. In this situation, serious fire may take precedence over all of
the stream does not need deep penetration the hose line positioning strategies already
into the floor area. The fire may be described. For example, if people are at
confined in an outer office. The outside an intermediate landing and descending
aerial stream may extinguish a fire near a stairway and flames are threatening to
the outer perimeter office of a high-rise blow out from a burning apartment or
office occupancy while a hose company is
about to open a door and
attack the blaze, the incident
commander should order
a temporar y nonattack
strategy. Until all persons
have safely been taken
down the stairs, the door to
the fire apartment should
not be opened. Aſter it is
confirmed that all persons
have descended the stairs,
then the fire is attacked.
A nonattack strategy
may be used by firefighters
at a stairway in a high-rise
building when there is a
Fig. 20–3. These aerial master streams stopped fire spread serious fire on the occupancy
by autoexposure. side of a stair door and
people coming down the stairs would be attack the fire from another stairway.
burned if the door to the fire apartment was The command post should be notified of
opened. The strategy is to delay the hose line these conditions and the decision to use a
attack until people in the stairs are brought nonattack strategy.
down below the fire or, alternatively, to
buildings, the shaſt has only three walls and stores or a shopping mall, hose lines are
creates a narrow alley between buildings sometimes positioned on a roof behind a
that is open at the front or the rear of the parapet wall in an attempt to save a portion
structure. These (alley) shaſts will extend of a building. The party wall, which is a
from street level to the roof. Interior rooms common wall between two buildings or
have windows opening onto these shaſts. two sections of a large building, acts as
These shaſts are designed to bring sunlight a fire barrier. A party wall may support
and air movement into the interior rooms roof beams of two adjoining buildings or
of the row houses, but they also spread spaces. The brick wall may be 8 in. thick
fire from window to window and to the and extend above the roof by 3 ſt. Several
common roof space. Fire in an interior hose lines positioned behind this brick
room may burn through a window opening wall may breed overconfidence. Party
onto the shaſt, and then flames sweeping walls oſten have poke-through holes
into the shaſt may spread up the interior concealed below the roof and above the
enclosure and out above the roof. Fire ceiling of the occupancy below. Always
may also spread into any of the windows order firefighters to the store below to pull
opening onto the shaſt. Fire may also the ceilings. Examine the wall from below
spread into the common roof space from (fig. 21–3). Fire may already be spreading
a light shaſt. by way of poke-through holes in the brick
Aſter the first line is stretched and party wall. There may be large openings in
it has been confirmed
that fire has entered the
shaſt, a good strategy is
to stretch the second line
to the top floor to cut off
fire, preventing spread
into the top floor through
the window opening onto
the shaſt. Next, order
firefighters to pull the top
floor ceiling with a pike
pole, and with the hose line,
stop the fire from spreading
to the common roof space.
Remember, the strategy is to
prevent vertical fire spread
and then prevent horizontal
fire in a row house.
Fire Walls
During a defensive
firefighting operation in Fig. 21–3. The fire spread through small spaces in this party
a large one-story row of wall where roof beams were recessed in the wall.
a wall for air-conditioning ducts and pipes, To stop fire spread in a cellar that
or there may be spaces created by mortar cannot be reached with an attack hose line
cracks or missing bricks through which fire advanced down the cellar entrance, the
could spread. following actions can be taken:
What you see above the roof is not
• Have a company examine the adjoining
what you get below the roof. When
cellars and the rear of the building for
workers renovate a building containing a
access to the fire and to prevent fire
row of stores, they may rebuild the party
spread. Position hose lines at these
wall section above the roof where it is
points. Continually monitor for fire
visible, but the important portion below
extension and carbon monoxide
the roof is oſten leſt unrepaired. When
(CO) buildup.
you position defensive hose lines on a roof
behind a party wall, make sure you check • Cut a hole in the floor over the fire
the store below. or as close as safety permits and pour
high-expansion foam, or water from
a cellar pipe if foam is not available.
High-expansion foam will not fully
Cellar Fires extinguish the fire, but if it reaches the
blaze, it will cool the cellar temperatures
Because they are inaccessible, cellar
to a point where a hose line can advance
fires are difficult to extinguish and to
down the cellar stairway and fully
prevent from spreading. Some cellars may
quench the fire. Openings in the cellar
be considered concealed spaces. There are
must be temporarily sealed for the foam
few doors or windows leading to a cellar;
to work.
flames and heat rising through these few
cellar openings make advancement of an • Prepare for a floor collapse. Withdraw
attack hose line down to the seat of the firefighters from the first-floor area, and
fire impossible. If the attack team cannot vent all windows and doors on the first
extinguish the fire, the incident commander floor (fig. 21–4).
must realize that three
things may happen:
• The fire may spread to
adjoining cellars
• The first-floor beams
may burn and weaken,
causing the first floor
to collapse into the
burning cellar
• Flames may spread up
concealed spaces to the
upper floor, engulfing
the entire building
Alley Fires Convection currents of heat are the
most common type of fire spread. Flames
between Buildings lapping out a window, spreading up a
At wood frame (type V construction) stairway, or shooting through a roof are
buildings, firefighters must oſten operate convection currents of heated gas. Flame
hose streams in narrow alleys between is the gas of combustion that transfers the
buildings to break up radiated heat waves heat. Convection currents rise upward. As
spreading fire. When preventing fire spread air is heated, it becomes lighter than the
from one structure to another, hand lines, surrounding unheated air and rises. Flames
portable deluge nozzles, and aerial streams usually rise upward in the atmosphere when
are oſten positioned in yards, alleys, or there is no wind.
streets to stop fire spread.
When the hose is stretched by the fourth floor. This way, if flames enter on
firefighters to a taller exposed building, any floor or the roof, the repositioned hose
it must protect the entire building. For could quickly reach it. The entire building
example, to protect a four-story building in could be protected by one hose line.
the path of a fire from an adjacent one-story During the fire, firefighters must
building, stretch the uncharged hose to the continually monitor all floors and the
top floor; then fold it back down to the roof of an exposed building in the path
second floor. The nozzle should be taken to of flames. Windows facing the fire should
the window closest to the fire on the second have outside shutters closed, all open
floor, facing the fire, where the greatest windows should be closed, and curtains
chance of fire entry exists. The uncharged or combustibles near the closed windows
excess hose is played out up the stairs to should be removed.
Years ago, opposing hand lines were a serious exposure problem, the second or
a common fire ground problem. Lacking third hose line may be sent around to the
portable radios with which to coordinate back of the building.
operations, firefighters oſten unknowingly The hose line positioned at the rear of
directed opposing hand lines against each the building does not attempt to advance
other for long periods. Each company from an opposite direction to the first
thought the fire was preventing their attack hose team. Instead, it may be used at
advancement when actually the superheated the rear of the burning building to prevent
gases each hose line was pushing against fire from spreading to a nearby building, to
the other was preventing advancement stop flames from spreading up the surface
and fire extinguishment. Today, no excuse wall of a wood-shingle frame dwelling, or to
can be made for the operation of opposing prevent flames from entering the attic space
hand lines. Incident commanders, company by burning through the cornice or eaves.
officers, and some firefighters are equipped This hose line may also stop autoexposure
with portable radios, so opposing lines by being directed against the spandrel wall.
should not be a fire ground problem. In fact, However, this hose line is not directed
at some fires, it is good strategy to position into a flaming window when the first line
hose lines at opposite sides of the burning is advancing from the opposite side and
building (fig. 22–2). It is not, however, good extinguishing the main body of fire; it is
strategy to have both of them directed at intended to prevent fire spread. It does not
each other or to advance them into the advance on the fire, unless directed by the
building from opposite directions. incident commander. This may happen, but
only in rare circumstances.
An example of such a
rare circumstance would be
when the first hose line is
prevented from advancing
on the fire from the front of
the burning building. Then,
the hose line positioned at
the rear might be ordered
by the incident commander
to advance and extinguish
the fire. This is not a
common strategy; only in
unusual conditions will
this happen. It is not good
Fig. 22–2. Opposing hose streams can be used safely given
practice for an incident
good communications.
commander to constantly
vary the avenue of hose line
attack to extinguish routine
The first hose line oſten advances fires. However, this must be considered as
through the front entrance, and the second a alternative strategy to be used when the
line backs up the first line or goes above in wind blowing through a window prevents
a multistory building. However, if there is the advance of an attack hose line.
(This will take a strong interior sector When wind blows 30 mph or more, a
commander and a forceful order. The fire chief should anticipate problems in
firefighters will clearly not want to retreat, advancing an attack hose line. In this
but a well-trained, disciplined firefighting instance, venting windows opposite the
company with an effective officer in charge hose line advance may not be as effective
will comply.) Next, close the front door to as venting side windows or skylights.
prevent the fire from spreading back into Tall stacks of storage material and
the hallway. Only when all of this has been stock also may prevent advancement.
accomplished is the order given over the Room partitions and material piled up to a
portable radio to advance the hose line ceiling in a store will block a hose stream.
from the opposite direction to extinguish Some mentally ill people, over many years,
the fire. save miscellany such as papers and rags
that obstructs firefighters’ hose stream.
It is impossible to advance an attack hose
Reasons for a change in strategy line to the seat of a fire in these structures.
Heat is the major reason why Water from a 30- or 40-foot hose stream
firefighters are unable to advance a hose will be prevented from hitting the fire.
line. Superheated gases and steam in a Firefighters are justifiably fearful of
dwelling or store sometimes bank down advancing too deeply into such a cluttered
to floor level and engulf firefighters fire area.
pushing a hose line forward. In this If the piles of stored material collapse
instance, they may be forced to back out or if a flashover occurs, the chance of
of the fire area when intense heat descends escape is small. Firefighters can easily
from the ceiling. Venting windows, become disoriented and lost in smoke-
doors, and skylights just before the hose filled mazelike fire areas. Excess hose coiled
line is advanced can dissipate built-up up in several rooms, snaking in and out of
superheated gases and steam in a fire area. the fire area, cannot be used to get back
Until the fire is vented, firefighters will be safely. Thus, firefighters cannot find their
prevented from extinguishing the blaze way to the outside even by following the
using an inside attack. hose line.
Wind also can prevent the advance of
the hose attack team. Even if the fire area
is vented, a strong wind blowing through a
fire area toward firefighters attempting to
High-Rise Buildings
advance an attack hose line will drive heat The most frequent reason to require
and flames into their path. A hose stream a hose line to advance on the fire from
operated from an entrance doorway cannot the opposite direction of the initial hose
extinguish a fire burning several rooms line advance is wind (fig. 22–3). Wind
back. Windblown fire gases mixing with blowing into the fire area will push flame
air and turning to flames at the entrance and heat into the path of the firefighters
doorway will be reached by the hose advancing the first attack hose line. At
stream, but it will not reach the seat of the fires in high-rise buildings, wind blowing
fire. To extinguish any fire with water, it through broken windows into the path of
must be discharged directly on the burning firefighters also prevents advancement of
material, not on the convection currents. the initial attack hose line. Unfortunately,
vented, this could allow flames from below venting of a window or door may spread
to enter and spread to the floor above. fire or increase its size. Also, the incident
A central air (HVAC) system can commander may decide not to vent a
also forcefully move smoke up and down smoke- and heat-filled room when there
several floors of a building. If the HVAC is a firefighter inside searching for victims
system remains on during a fire, the smoke and the venting could cause a flashover
is moved through the system’s air ducts by and entrapment. Another example when
pressurized air. This mechanical venting venting is not recommended is when the
must be stopped. The HVAC system must smoke- and heat-filled room appears to
be shut down when arriving at a fire. be about to flashover or explode and,
Finally, another reason not to vent is again, there is no hose line ready. The
the stack effect. This is a natural movement incident commander may decide not to
of air in a sealed high-rise building. The vent a burning building when people are
stack effect is caused by the difference in descending a ladder or a fire escape and
pressure and temperature inside and outside venting a window would block their passage
a tightly sealed building. This natural air with flames. Furthermore, an incident
movement, called stack effect, can move commander may decide not to vent a roof if
air 10–20 floors up stairs, elevator shaſts, the flames coming from the roof vent would
and utility closets. During a fire, it will also spread to an exposure.
move smoke the same distance. Because of The incident commander may decide
the stack effect, the strategy when fighting not to vent windows if the wind blowing
a fire in a high-rise office building with an through the vented windows would stop
HVAC system is not to vent windows. the advance of the hose team. In this
High-rise residential buildings are built instance, the strategy may be to close or
differently than high-rise office buildings. cover a window that has already been
The windows of high-rise residential vented. The incident commander may
buildings can be vented. The stack effect decide not to vent a roof skylight or scuttle
in a high-rise residential building is not cover when the roof beams are lightweight
as great as in a high-rise office building wood truss construction, steel bar joists,
because the buildings are not sealed. The or a timber truss and there is a danger of
apartments have unit air-conditioners, collapse and injury to a firefighter on the
rather than a central air system with ducts roof. The incident commander may decide
penetrating floors and walls. Also, windows not to order venting of the windows of a
are openable, and apartments are limited in high-rise building when the stack effect
floor area. The many apartment and stair could cause the smoke to move in a harmful
doors and partitions limit the stack effect. and/or unpredictable manner throughout
During a fire in a low-rise building, it the building. The incident commander may
is not always a good strategy to vent. There decide not to vent when the falling glass
are times when the incident commander’s would injure people in the street below.
decision not to vent actually helps the The incident commander may decide not
advancement of the hose line and searching to vent a window when autoexposure would
firefighters. For example, the incident spread fire to the floor above.
commander may decide not to vent a Despite all these examples in which
burning building when the hose line team nonventing is the strategy, at most fires, the
is not ready to advance, and premature best strategy is to vent heat and smoke from
At a mu lt istor y
building, for firefighters
to reach the windows,
they must climb a ground
ladder, aerial ladder, or fire
escape. In some instances,
venting should be timed
with the advance of the
hose attack team; if venting
is carried out before the
hose team is ready, the fire
may spread or firefighters
inside a superheated room
conducting a search may
Fig. 23–3. When the building has two stairways, designate be burned by a flashover.
one for evacuation and one for fire attack. The strategy of venting for
a hose line creates exhaust
openings in the room or fire
fire occupancy should be opened from the area away from the advancing hose team.
designated evacuation stairway. Steam and superheated smoke and air are
Venting a fire area is oſten necessary pushed ahead and out of the room by the
for hose stream application. Hose streams advancing hose stream. This will assist the
directed by firefighters have an effective hose attack team to advance on the fire.
reach of 30–50 feet. Oſten, partition
walls and building contents obstruct
the reach of a hose stream. Effective Venting to
extinguishment from an interior attack Prevent Explosions
hose team requires firefighters to closely
approach a fire to direct water on the Venting can prevent backdraſt or smoke
point of origin. Firefighters with SCBA explosions and can reduce the deadly
are no longer prevented from closely blast effects of other types of explosions
approaching a fire owing to toxic or (fig. 23–4). Smoke explosions, natural or
irritating gases; however, poor visibility bottle gas explosions, and BLEVEs (boiling
caused by dense smoke and a highly liquid expanding vapor explosions) occur
heated atmosphere still keep firefighters in strip mall and shopping center fires.
away from the fire source, preventing Explosions sometimes blow out front
a quick fire extinguishment. Venting plate glass windows into the faces of
windows and doors in a fire area on the advancing firefighters.
opposite side, away from where the hose The objective of explosion venting as a
stream is being directed, lets firefighters firefighting strategy is to release explosive
approach a fire quickly and extinguish it gases before they build up and explode and
safely. At a one-story building, venting to release the blast in a safe direction if the
can be accomplished at the front or rear explosion occurs. Early removal of a glass
from the ground level by opening doors skylight or scuttle cover by a firefighter on
and windows. the roof during a serious fire in a strip mall
victim in a concealed location such as in The standard time required for victim
a closet, under a bed, or outside in the recovery in a dwelling could be 30
bushes. However, the secondary searches minutes, assuming that the response time
must find the fire victims, no matter their is 15 minutes.
location. When conducting searches, the Search standard times in a high-rise
incident commander should interview buildings are even longer, mainly due to the
neighbors and family members. Their input size of the buildings. There can be 150 small,
as to whether there are missing persons smoke-filled perimeter offices, cubicles,
can be used by the incident commander stairways, elevator lobbies, and storage areas
to determine if anyone is missing at a fire. that need to be searched. Also, there may be
However, even if neighbors say no one is several floors above and below the fire that
home, primary and secondary searches are filled up with smoke. A high-rise office
should still be conducted. building designed with an HVAC system
can spread smoke 5–10 floors through the
ductwork, even if the air system has been
shut down. Elevator shaſts will allow a
Search Standard stack effect (natural air movement inside
of Performance a high-rise building due to the difference
in temperature inside and outside) to move
There should be a time standard of smoke 10 floors and then mushroom out
performance for searching. The time on a remote office floor. Also, in a high-rise
standard is a reasonable time in which aſter a serious fire, when doors are opened
responding firefighters can locate a by firefighters or by occupants fleeing the
fire victim on the basis of the number blaze, 10–15 floors of the stairwell can
of firefighters at the scene, the size of be full of smoke. Stairs must be searched
the building, and the size of the fire on for victims. In all, it may take ½–2 hours
arrival. This time standard of search-and- aſter a fire is under control to complete a
rescue performance is necessary because secondary search.
victims burned and overcome by smoke When establishing standards of
have a limited survival time before they performance for search times, there
must receive medical care. For example, must be an understanding that special
a performance standard of search time in conditions of any fire or any building
an urban residential area, where ladder can delay the search time. If fire victims
companies are available to search on are not discovered with these standard
arrival simultaneously with the hose line performance times, there could be a
attack, might be 15 minutes aſter arrival logical explanation for the delay. For
at the scene. However, in a community example, a smoke-filled high-rise, a
where there are no ladder companies and collapse in a residential building, a difficult
response time is 15 minutes or more and forcible-entry operation that delays entry,
when firefighter can perform a search only or an intense fire that takes hours to
aſter fire extinguishment, a standard of extinguish before a thorough search can
performance for discovering a victim would begin, will all result in an extended search
be longer. time. At a fiſth-alarm fire in the Empire
A standard should be based on the past State Building, I used four battalion chiefs,
experience of the local fire department. six engine companies, and six ladder
A secondar y search is usually Most fire victims will be found close to the
completed when the fire is placed under point of fire origin. The closer you are to
control. However, at a major-alarm fire the smoke and fire, the more likely you will
where there is a possibility of victims, be injured.
the secondary search does not have to be Fo r e x a mp l e , at o n e s e r i o u s
completed before the fire is under control. early-morning fire in a multiple-dwelling
A fire may be extinguished and the blaze apartment building, a neighbor in the street
declared under control while the secondary told the incident commander that an old
search continues for hours. man lives in the apartment. The chief at the
At some fires, the destruction to the command post immediately announced
building is so great that there is a danger over the portable radio that there was a
to searching firefighters and little possibility report of an elderly man in the burning
of anyone surviving inside the burned and apartment. All firefighters heard the chief ’s
collapsed structure. In this situation, if in radio report. As soon as the flames were
the opinion of the incident commander a knocked down, firefighters fanned out and
secondary search cannot be completed, started searching for the reported victim.
a report should be sent to headquarters They searched everywhere—in every closet,
over the radio, stating that the secondary in all the dark corners of the rooms, under
search cannot be completed owing to a every piece of furniture in every room, in
collapse danger. A written entry about the hallway, and in the bushes outside the
the incomplete search and the reason for building. No victim was found.
the search ending should be made in the The search results reported to the chief
company record book and on the fire were negative, but the neighbor insisted
report. This documentation is necessary in that an old man lived in the apartment.
case of possible legal action in the event that Another secondary search was ordered by
a buried victim is later discovered. the chief. Firefighters again searched every
corner of the burned-out apartment. Every
square foot of the blackened and charred
Common Areas apartment was methodically searched
of Victim Discovery again. The results of this second secondary
search again were negative. Finally, the chief
Many ar t icles you re ad ab out and the firefighters decided that the man
conducting a search for victims aſter a fire must have leſt the apartment that night.
emphasize the unusual or out-of-the-way They began to overhaul the burned-out
places to search, where victims may be bedroom. As they began to remove the
found hidden from view. Examples include charred and burned bed to discard it out
in closets, under falling clothes; under the window, they discovered the small body
a bed; wedged between a bed and a wall; of the elderly man, burned to a crisp and
behind radiators; in bathrooms; in the sunken into the large mattress.
bushes, around the perimeter of the house;
at the bottom of light and air shaſts.
While that is good training information, Fire victim study
when searching, do not forget the obvious During the 1970s and ’80s, a fire-fatality
areas in which victims are most likely to be study was conducted in the Bronx. The
found—especially the point of fire origin. FDNY, 7th Division, had experienced a
in a high-rise office building, the strategy and injured but able to walk. First aid must
is a partial evacuation, and in a high-rise be administered when needed, and medical
apartment house, the strategy is that no one personnel should be immediately called for.
leaves except the person whose apartment is In all cases, an examination is conducted.
on fire. The building management should Only a medical professional can officially
announce over a public-address system the pronounce a person dead.
fire chief ’s instructions to occupants during
a fire.
At a high-rise office-building fire,
the area of fire origin must be searched Transportation
before the surrounding areas—that is, of Fire Victims
move outward from the fire origin when
searching. The outer-perimeter offices are When a victim is discovered, first aid
areas where victims will be found dead should immediately be administered to
and injured. They are seeking shelter ensure breathing, control bleeding, and
from a fire in an open floor area. Victims prevent shock (fig. 24–3). A resuscitator
will try to get to a window and signal should be immediately summoned and
for help. Unfortunately, the windows in used aſter CPR. The victim should not be
most modern high-rise office buildings carried physically by firefighters.
are sealed. The bodies of
fire victims may be found
slumped below the sealed
windows in the perimeter
office. If a w indow is
broken in an outer office,
notify the incident
commander and check the
set-back balcony below (if
one exists) or the street for
possible jumpers.
Discovering a
Fire Victim Fig. 24–3. Firefighters must care for victims removed from fires.
When a seriously
injured or dead fire victim is discovered Photographs show unconscious
during a search, the incident commander victims being carried out like sacks of
should be immediately notified. The potatoes—one firefighter carrying a
apparent condition of the victim should person’s shoulders, another firefighter
accompany this radio notification. There are holding the legs. This is not considered
three conditions of a fire victim discovered proper transportation of the injured. I
during a search: obviously dead; seriously learned a lesson as a rookie firefighter one
injured and unconscious from smoke burns; day in a smoky cellar, when a fire victim
section represents the arms. Another number inside the rectangle. A pumper is
important factor that must be indicated usually positioned at a hydrant, and a hose
on the diagram is whether the victim line is shown coming from the pumper
was found lying faceup (supine position) to the fire by a solid line, with an arrow
or facedown (prone position); this is depicting the nozzle. A portable deluge
indicated on your drawing by placing the nozzle can be shown on the diagram by
letter S (for supine) or P (for prone) next an oval or half-circle also containing the
to the cross. If facedown, the victim may unit number of the company operating
have been escaping the fire; if faceup, a the master stream. An aerial ladder is
sudden blast of heat may have driven the designated by a rectangle containing the
victim backward. unit number and a ladder shown extending
All details of the immediate fire from the rectangle.
area should be shown in a drawing of a The fire diagram is accompanied
search-and-rescue operation or a fatal by a written report. This report must be
fire. Diagonal lines again show the flaming thorough, conveying all the available
area; the point where the fire originated is details. It should be the equivalent of a
designated by a triangle. The floor of fire police detective’s report of a shooting
origin may be different from the one on victim. A fire ground drawing or diagram
which the rescue is conducted or where the can convey information or provide
victim is found, so the floor number of the dramatic emphasis that cannot be
floor of origin is placed inside the triangle. achieved in text. Many of the questions
The path of entry and exit by the firefighter presented by a spreading fire or a fire
is depicted by a solid line. A small dashed death can be answered with reference to
line without an arrowhead at the end shows the layout of the burning building. The
the escape path that the firefighter takes size and construction of a structure and
when removing the victim. Fire escapes, the size of the flaming area shown in a fire
porches, windows, doors, and interior ground drawing are vital to any inquiry
partitions of the fire occupancy should be or investigation.
included in all diagrams. Room sizes to the
nearest foot must also be shown. When
two diagrams are prepared, the northerly
direction must be indicated on both, so
that they can be related to each other and The radio report of a secondary-
easily analyzed. search completion must include the area
In some fatal-fire reports, it may be searched and the company or firefighters
necessary to show apparatus positioning. conducting the search. This is necessary
There are many sets of symbols used on for accountability. An incident commander
a fire diagram. The Sanborn map symbols must order searches made to specific areas
listed in the Handbook of Fire Protection, if necessary and must determine the results
published by the National Fire Protection of such searches as soon as possible aſter the
Association. are widely used. Other fire is extinguished.
symbols used to denote fire apparatus
are as follows: for an engine company,
a rectangle is used, with the company
blaze while the ladder company firefighters decide to evacuate people from a fire
perform search and rescue and evacuation and not conduct fire extinguishment
at the same time. operations at the same time. This could
This strategy can be accomplished when occur if on arrival, people are trapped
the burning building is a private dwelling at windows and about to jump. In this
or a low-rise ordinary-constructed building instance, the incident commander’s
and there are not many people to be strategy could be to rescue the people and
removed. People who are closest to the fire delay firefighting operations.
are removed and evacuated
first. Aſter people on the fire
floor and directly above are
removed from harm’s way,
during the initial hose line
attack by firefighters at a
routine fire that looks like
it will be readily controlled,
it is better for occupants
several floors above to
stay in their apartments
than go into the hallway
or stairway. However, if
the fire is not controlled
by the firefighters and it Fig. 25–2. A large fire department can fight a fire and
appears to be spreading, the evacuate occupants at the same time.
incident commander must
change strategy. Now all the occupants As soon as more firefighters arrive, the
are evacuated from the burning building. fire-extinguishing operations should start,
Ladders and fire escapes must be used because there may be more people trapped
to remove all the people. People are not inside the burning structure that cannot
taken down the main stairway, in which be seen during an outside size-up. For a
the firefighters are battling the fire. If the fire department to be capable of occupant
firefighters cannot stop the fire and the removal and firefighting simultaneously,
building is not fire resistive, it cannot be they would require three things:
depended on to stop spreading flame or • At least 15 firefighters at the scene
smoke. A defend-in-place strategy is not
• A good water supply
an option, and all people must be removed
from the burning building. • At least two fire apparatus: an engine
company and a ladder company
(fig. 25–2)
Evacuating People T h e Nat i on a l F i re Prote c t i on
and Not Fighting the Fire Association’s Firefighting Response
Standard calls for a minimum of four
An incident commander of a small firefighters on a fire engine or ladder
rural department that does not have the truck. And this four-person minimum
advantage of unlimited resources may response on the initial alarm is expected
to arrive by 6 minutes aſter the alarm was evacuating all the people in a fire-resistive
transmitted. Within 10 minutes of the high-rise building, firefighters fight the
alarm transmission, the standard calls for fire while people stay inside the building.
15 firefighters to be on the scene. This is Defend in place is necessary in a high-rise
necessary for a full attack on a typical house building containing hundreds of people;
fire. Included in the 15-firefighter standard the alternative takes too much time and
are the following personnel:
• An incident commander
• A water pump operator
• Two firefighters on each
of two hose lines
• Two support persons to
help lay each hose
• Two people for search
and rescue
• Two people to cut a
hole in the roof or to
vent windows to let
out the deadly smoke
and gases Fig. 25–3. Removing an occupant from a burning building
takes firefighters away from firefighting duties.
• One person to operate
the aerial ladder
requires a number of firefighters that even
• Two people standing by to rescue any
the largest fire departments could not
trapped firefighters
muster. Designers of these tall buildings
In a small rural department with a have told the fire service that evacuation of
single-pumper response manned by two the entire building would take hours and be
or three firefighters, if there is no hydrant impractical and that the building will resist
system, on arrival at a structure fire beyond the spread of fire. This defend-in-place
the control of a single hose line, the strategy strategy was not a fire chief ’s idea. It
may have to be to evacuate people without was imposed on U.S. fire chiefs by code
fighting the fire. All three firefighters may officials and design professionals of
rescue people until reinforcements arrive to high-rise buildings.
start a fire hose stream attack (fig. 25–3). To maximize the amount of rental space
and minimize the cost of construction in
the cities and suburbs, high-rise office
Fighting the Fire and Not and residential buildings are built as
Evacuating the Building high as possible to house as many people
as possible. Thus, during a high-rise
Builders of high-rise buildings have building fire, hundreds of people cannot
imposed a defend-in-place firefighting be evacuated from the burning building.
strategy on the U.S. fire service. Instead of In some buildings, it would take several
hours. At the 1993 bombing of the World while most of the people remain inside the
Trade Center, it took five hours for both burning building. This strategy requires the
towers to be emptied of all occupants. At incident commander to evacuate the people
a fire in a high-rise building, the incident closest to the fire—those on the fire floor
commander’s strategy must be to fight and on the floor above. They are removed
the fire while some people remain in to safety below the fire. The commander
the building. then orders that all other people remain in
A nonattack strategy was employed at the building unless smoke is entering their
the World Trade Center fire on 9/11. Once floor. If people are instructed to remain in
the incident commander decided this fire the building, notify the chief that smoke is
was beyond control of the firefighters at the entering their floor by way of the HVAC
scene and there were thousands of trapped system air ducts; that floor will also be
occupants already in the stairs descending to evacuated, and firefighters will be sent
the street, the strategy became a nonattack to assist.
operation, concentrating on search and To use a partial-defend-in-place
rescue and evacuation of occupants. When firefighting strategy, the building must be
units arrived, they were ordered not to structurally sound—not about to collapse.
fight the fire but concentrate on search Most important, the building must be fire
and rescue of people trapped in elevators, resistive. You cannot order people to stay in
offices, and floors above the fire. All stairs place during a fire if the building will resist
were designated to evacuate people. fire spread. The definition of a fire-resistive
In some instances, a temporary building is a structure that will contain
nonattack strategy like this is used in a low- fire on one floor and is subdivided with
rise building when people are coming down partition walls to confine fire and smoke
the interior stairway and if the door to the spread to small manageable proportions.
fire apartment were opened, the people in Fire must be confined to areas small enough
the stairway above the fire would be burned. for firefighters to extinguish with handheld
In this instance, the door is closed, and the hose streams. Floors and walls inside a
people are safely taken down the stairway fire-resistive building must contain fire and
and past the fire. As soon as the people are create areas of refuge in the building where
below the fire, the fire attack begins. occupants can remain during a fire.
Since the collapse of the World
Trade Center towers and the revelation
Defend-in-Place Strategies of weaknesses in high-rise fire-resistive
construction—for examples, the spread
In a high-rise commercial building, of smoke through the central air system
the evacuation strategy is partial defend in ducts—the partial-defend-in-place
place. In a high-rise residential building, strategy for commercial buildings is now
the evacuation strategy is total defend questionable. Fire-extinguishing strategy
in place. in high-rise commercial buildings depends
on several conditions; the building must
confine smoke and fire to one floor,
Partial-defend-in-place evacuation and the fire must be a size that can be
During a high-rise office-building extinguished by firefighters. This means
blaze, the fire service must fight the fire that the burning area must be less than
2,500 square feet. Firefighters cannot defend in place is still the state-of-the-art
extinguish fire involving spaces over 2,500 strategy, agreed on by most experts in the
square feet with one attack hose line. A fire service as the only available evacuation
further condition is that the people in the strategy for high-rise office-building fires.
building must comply with the instructions
ordered by an incident commander.
Instructions for a partial-defend-in-place Total-defend-in-place evacuation
evacuation strategy must be delivered The strategy for evacuating people from
by the building management over a a residential high-rise is different than the
public-address system. strategy for evacuating people from an
It is the opinion of many in the fire office high-rise. During a fire in a high-rise
service, myself included, that many of these residential building, the fire must be fought
conditions necessary for the partial-defend- while all people in the building remain in
in-place firefighting strategy are not met the apartments. No one is assisted to leave
in modern high-rise buildings. Today’s by firefighters. Unlike the office building, in
high-rise office buildings with central air a residential high-rise fire, everyone stays in
systems are not fire and smoke resistive. Fire place. No one leaves his or her apartment
and smoke will spread throughout several during a fire.
floors in the air-conditioning ducts of a The evacuation strategy in a residential
high-rise. Also, firefighters cannot extinguish high-rise is a nonevacuation strategy. It is
fires in today’s large open floor areas of 10–20 called a total-defend-in-place strategy.
thousand square feet by use of handheld Everyone stays in the apartments except
hose streams. Finally, unless the occupants for the people in the fire apartment. If a
are highly trained in building evacuation high-rise extends above the reach of the
procedures, they will not comply with the tallest fire department ladder, the building
chief ’s instructions to stay inside a building must be made of fire-resistive construction.
during a fire. Since the 9/11 disaster, the The definition of fire resistive construction
public has lost confidence in the fire service. is that the apartment walls and floors will
They will attempt to immediately leave the resist the spread of flames and smoke for up
burning high-rise building, without regard to two hours.
to instructions to leave or stay. In a high-rise residential building, there
Despite these problems associated with is no large open floor area: each apartment
defend-in-place evacuation, the incident is subdivided by fire partitions, and if the
commander must proceed with this strategy. door to the fire apartment is closed aſter
There is no alternative. The incident the person leaves the burning apartment,
commander’s strategy must assume that the flames and smoke should be confined to the
building is fire resistive, that the firefighters apartment of fire origin. Flames and smoke
will contain the fire, and that the occupants will not spread throughout the entire floor
will comply with directions to stay or leave. as they would in an office building with a
Aſter a fatal fire, the public and the lawyers large floor space. Thus, during a fire in a
may realize that a building is not really fire high-rise residential building, the incident
resistive, as it did not restrict fire and smoke commander orders that all people remain
to one floor and the floor areas were larger inside their apartments while the fire is
than the extinguishing capability of the extinguished. Unfortunately, there is no
fire service. Despite its weaknesses, partial way to do this. There is no communication
Definition of a
Master Stream
What exactly is a
master stream? A fire Fig. 26–1. A master stream delivers water at a rate of over
department master stream 300 gallons per minute.
There are two types of master streams: lines: life safety first. Flank the fire and do
ground master streams and aerial master not expose firefighters to the downwind
streams. Ground master streams include side. Next, stop the spread of the fire on
deck guns mounted permanently on top of each side, and eventually confine it on all
apparatus and portable deluge nozzles that four sides. Finally, extinguish the fire.
can be operated from atop an apparatus or In some instances, the burning building
positioned on the ground, closer to a fire. is one of several in a row, and there is no
Aerial master streams are master streams space around the building. Here, the first
mounted on top of ladder pipes, snorkels, master stream is positioned in front of
and aerial platforms. the building. The second master stream
is positioned at the rear of the fire. When
the apparatus to be used for a master
Positioning Master Streams stream is positioned in front or rear of the
building, and there is a danger that a wall
When the decision has been made by may collapse and fall outward, the incident
the incident commander to use a master commanders should order that the master
stream, it is important to position the stream apparatus be positioned outside the
apparatus correctly, so that the large- collapse zone or in a flanking position. That
caliber water streams are used for greatest means that the officer should position the
effectiveness. The first consideration for apparatus on the side of burning building,
positioning a master steam is access to the away from the entire wall of the burning
fire. The master stream must be positioned building. If a portable deluge nozzle or
where firefighters can hit flames with an aerial platform is placed in front of an
the water. adjoining building, the range of the stream,
When access to the fire is not a which is operated at an angle and directed
consideration and the burning building at a window, doorway, or rooſtop of the
stands alone (i.e., there is space around all burning building, may be limited; however,
four exposures), the first apparatus should the firefighters operating the stream will
be positioned at a flanking exposure near be in a safe flanking position. Also, when
the downwind side, so that the large stream there is a danger of wall collapse, the aerial
can stop the spread of fire. The second streams should be operated above the wall,
apparatus to be used for the master stream so that the firefighters in the raised bucket
should be positioned on the other flank, will be above the collapse danger.
near the downwind side, to stop fire spread Aerial streams operated by firefighters
and contain the fire. The third master above the roof and directed downward
stream should be set up at the upwind side at the fire will also be less effective, but
of the fire, for further encirclement. When firefighters in the bucket at the tip of the
the heat, fire, and smoke conditions permit, ladder will be safely above the collapse zone
the fourth aerial master stream is positioned of a weakened wall. Sure, when there is no
at the downwind side of the blaze. All danger of wall collapse and aerial master
four exposure sides are now covered, and streams are needed to control a large body
all streams are directed to extinguish the of fire, the firefighters may operate the aerial
burning building. platform bucket nozzle close to the flaming
The strategy for positioning master windows of the building for effective
streams is the same as positioning hose penetration of the master stream (fig. 26–2).
The priorities of
positioning apparatus are
life safety first, including the
lives of firefighters, and fire
containment second. That
rule never changes.
Master Stream
There are two strategies
for master stream use. One
is using a master stream for
Fig. 26–2. Operating close to a window is effective for deep a temporary knockdown of
penetration of a master stream. a large body of flame. In this
strategy, firefighters inside
However, conducting a close-up approach the burning building are withdrawn and
into a window, beneath an unstable wall in then reenter to conduct interior firefighting
danger of collapse, should not be done; an when the master stream is shut down. The
effective fire extinguishment operation can second strategy is to use an exterior master
never supersede firefighter safety. stream attack during the entire operation;
At one of my last major fires before no firefighter is inside the burning building
retirement, a fire in a row of stores in the during the master stream attack.
Bronx, a parapet wall collapsed into a bucket During the first master stream
of an aerial platform, seriously injuring strategy, a temporary knockdown, the
several firefighters. The wall collapsed on incident commander must confirm that
the tower ladder bucket, containing two all firefighters have withdrawn to a safe
firefighters. The ladder was getting into position before the master stream is used.
position to use the aerial master stream at Interior forces must be withdrawn to the
a fiſth-alarm fire. The apparatus had been floor below or outside the building, before
repositioned in front of the fire building, the large-caliber stream is directed into the
and the chauffeur positioned the ladder burning building. It is not enough simply
truck outside the collapse zone. However, to order all companies to withdraw; the
the bucket was raised from the bed and chief must wait for the officer directing
lowered to the sidewalk, inside the collapse operations inside the building to confirm
zone, so that two firefighters could climb the safe withdrawal before ordering the
into the bucket. Right before it was to be master stream into use.
raised so the stream could be used, the When master stre ams are put
wall collapsed. The two firefighters had just into operation for long-duration, total
opened the swinging door and stepped into extinguishment of a fire, not just for a quick
the bucket when the wall came crashing knockdown, the force of the high-pressure
down on them. One firefighter suffered a streams and the weight of the water poured
concussion, and the other had a broken into the building over a long period
collar bone and a dislocated shoulder. may weaken the structure. The incident
commander must prepare for eventual the bucket torn from the apparatus boom,
collapse of the building. The chief must or have the ladder tipped over on its side
not only withdraw all firefighters operating by the weight of a collapsing wall. Aerial
inside the building before using the master master streams and tower ladder buckets
streams but also order those working must be operated outside the same collapse
around the perimeter of the building to danger zone from which firefighters
move beyond the collapse zone. The collapse on the street operating hand lines have
zone is a distance away from the unstable been withdrawn.
wall equal to the height
of the wall. A collapse is
more likely to occur during
the long duration use of a
master stream.
Close-up Stream
When an aerial master
stream is to be used for
a quick knockdown, the
master stream nozzle is
most effective when placed
close to the window of the
Fig. 26–3. When there is a danger of wall collapse, operate
building. This close-up
the aerial master stream from above the unstable wall.
position can give the stream
deep penetration and its
widest horizontal range inside the floor
area. The large, burning open-floor area Strategy Change
of a supermarket or factory floor can
sometimes be quickly extinguished when Before any type of master stream is put
the master stream is positioned near the into operation, the incident commander
window opening and the stream sweeps should ensure that the powerful stream will
the floor. not injure any firefighters inside. A master
The close approach of an aerial stream stream delivering into a burning apartment
is an effective operating procedure, can create steam that can burn firefighters
unless the front wall of the fire building operating hose streams inside. A master
appears to be unstable. When there is a stream can puncture an eardrum or knock
danger of structural collapse, no part of firefighters down a stairway or off a roof.
the aerial stream bucket and/or nozzle The safe transition from an interior
should be positioned where it could be hose line attack to a defensive, exterior
struck by a falling wall (fig. 26–3). When master stream attack requires four
this fire ground precaution is not heeded, critical elements:
firefighters in the bucket of an aerial • Effective communication between the
platform can be buried with bricks, have incident commander in the street and
The order from the chief was to bucket lifesaving rescue. However, if there
drive the flames back into the window is no immediate rescue need and there is a
below the people on the fire escape. large fire on arrival, it is likely that an aerial
When water came out of the nozzle, the master stream will be used.
firefighter, unfamiliar with the difficulty If there is a danger of future wall
of maneuvering a large master stream, collapse, the ladder truck should be placed
directed the water stream up the face of outside the collapse zone at the start of the
the wall, alongside the flaming window, operation. At a multistory large mill fire or
across the top of the wall above the flaming church fire, where a collapse zone would
window, then down the side of the wall, place the apparatus too far away from the
next to the flaming window. Then, the burning building, the ladder driver should
water supply ended. He completely missed consider positioning the truck in a corner
the flaming window. Needless to say, the safe area. (The corner safe areas are at the
chief was upset. Fortunately, the interior four corners of a building.) If you could look
hose stream extinguished the fire coming at the burning building from a bird’s-eye
out the window, and the people were safely view and imagine all the four enclosing
removed from the fire escape. walls falling straight outward in a 90°-angle
All firefighters should be trained in collapse, you would see that the four corner
the control and direction of large-caliber areas of the building have fewer bricks on
aerial and ground stream nozzles. I used to the ground. At the corners there will be little
wonder what was the purpose of the contest, collapse rubble. The law of probability states
held each year on Firefighters’ Day, in which there is less chance that the ladder truck will
a tire is suspended in the air by a rope and be buried by a collapsing wall if the rig is
fire companies take turns operating master parked in one of the four corner safe areas.
streams to see which company can get the The aerial platform stream tip could still be
stream inside the tire for the longest time. operated close to the fire building near the
Now I know. corner and have a stream directed into the
front windows.
Positioning Apparatus
When responding to an initial alarm
for a structure fire, only one engine and Firefighters operating streams elevated
one ladder should enter the street. All high above street level are usually the first
other apparatus should remain at the to detect hazards such as water buildup
intersection to avoid apparatus congestion on a floor or a roof. Firefighters in the
in front of a fire building. When they are bucket atop an aerial platform have a
needed, the chief should call them onto greater overall view of the fire scene than
the block. During this so-called level I personnel working on the ground. They
staging, the first-arriving ladder should should immediately notify the incident
take a position in front of the fire building commander of any water accumulation.
so that the best use may be made of the Roofs surrounded by parapet walls on the
aerial ladder or tower bucket for lifesaving four sides of the building are especially
rescue. Naturally, the ladder truck has to be prone to water buildup. If drains are clogged
positioned correctly for use of the ladder or and several ground-level master streams are
operating, a roof area may fill up with water visibility in the street to zero, the incident
quickly and collapse on firefighters inside commander must rely on the sounds of the
the building. master stream to determine its effectiveness.
The hollow area inside a marquee or For example, when a master stream strikes a
canopy attached to a building is another brick wall hidden in smoke, a “splattering”
place where water accumulates. The sound is made by the stream; when it
weight of water buildup inside the void of strikes the side wall of a wood building, a
a marquee whose drains are clogged can “drumming” sound is made by the stream;
make the marquee collapse and also bring when it enters a window, the sound of the
down the front facade wall to which it is master stream is reduced, and only a distant
fastened. When any of these dangerous rumble is heard.
conditions are discovered, notify the
incident commander. Firefighter safety
responsibility depends on teamwork,
not on any one individual. The incident
Strategy for a Collapse Zone
commander is expecting fire ground Some incident commanders utilize
hazards to be reported to the command an unusual firefighting strategy when
post. Remember, the incident commander operating at major fires. When the wall
cannot see inside the building; the of a building is in danger of collapse
incident commander cannot see the and all firefighters working at ground
rear of the building, and the incident level are ordered to withdraw from the
commander cannot see conditions on the perimeter of the building and establish
roof. Firefighters and fire officers are the a collapse danger zone, sometimes the
eyes and ears of the incident commander. aerial platform is positioned within the
Report what you see. same collapse danger zone by the chief.
When an incident commander establishes
a collapse zone for firefighters operating
Wall Collapse at ground level, in the street, it should
be understood by sector officers and
When a master stream is redirected company officers that the same order
from window to window on a burning applies to those operating aerial master
masonry building, it strikes the brick wall streams in buckets.
between openings at close range. If the This precaution is imperative because,
cement bonding between the finished stone in recent years, an increasing number of
or brick veneer and the back wall to which building collapses have killed or seriously
it is attached has lost its adhesive qualities injured firefighters operating aerial master
over the years, the impact of the stream streams in the bucket of aerial platforms.
can cause large sections of stone or brick The tip of the aerial ladder or platform
veneer to collapse into the street below. bucket should be kept away from a
A master stream continuously directed at weakened wall, at a distance several feet
a brick wall or wood-shingle wall at close more than the height of the wall above the
range can blast away the wall and throw aerial stream bucket floor. This additional
fragments of the wall into the air. During distance is required because there will be a
a nighttime fire or where smoke reduces curve outward if a collapse occurs.
indicates that the incident commander fire containment is the second priority,
understands the priorities of firefighting. and property protection should be the last
The priorities of firefighting are worth consideration of the incident commander
reiterating: life safety is the first priority, during any fire or emergency.
Definition of
an Explosion
Fire protection engineers
define an explosion as a
sudden violent expansion of
gases. Some deadly effects Fig. 27–1. A smoke explosion is a sudden violent expansion
that accompany an explosion of fire gases.
be no ensuing explosion of the water. A more deadly will be the blast. Following
propane cylinder BLEVE (boiling liquid are the destructive effects caused by
expanding vapor explosion) would be a explosion pressures:
physical/chemical explosion; there would
be a physical explosion—a rupture of the Effect of Destructive
cylinder, then an instant chemical explosion Explosion Peak Pressure
of the flammable propane. A smoke
Glass shattering 0–5 psi
(backdraſt) explosion would be classified as
Firefighter knockdown 1 psi
a chemical explosion (fig. 27–1); the smoke
Wood partition collapse 1–2 psi
and gas would react with oxygen and heat
Cinder block wall collapse 2–3 psi
in a burning room.
Brick wall collapse 7–8 psi
The chemical reaction and explosive
Firefighter lung damage 15 psi
ingredients present in a smoke explosion
Threshold for fatalities 35 psi
(backdraſt) are the same as in any ordinary
50% fatalities 50 psi
combustion explosion: fuel, oxygen, and
99% fatalities 65 psi
heat. The fuel in a combustion engine
explosion driving an automobile is gasoline.
The fuel in a gas explosion is methane
gas, and the fuel in a smoke or backdraſt
explosion is smoke; the explosive smoke Elements of an explosion
is carbon monoxide (CO). CO has an The third fact that the incident
explosive range of 12–74% when mixed commander should know is that there are
with air. several phases of an explosion. First is the
There are three important facts an original shock wave blast of the explosion;
incident commander should know about next is the flying shrapnel of the exploding
any type of explosion. container; then, depending on the pressures
of the blast, parts of the enclosing building
are carried along with the blast, such as
Explosive atmosphere walls, doors, windows, and suspended
First, for an explosion to occur in a ceilings. A pressure vacuum in the street
room or fire area, only 25% of its space during a blast can implode parapets and
needs to contain the explosive mixture. If windows into the street. For example,
the explosive mixture is in one corner of in the street, aſter a manhole explosion
a large smoke-filled room, the entire area between buildings, when the shock waves
could explode when firefighters enter of the blast rise between buildings, a
to search and allow fresh air to enter vacuum and an implosion into the street
with them. can occur. This happens when, during
the blast, the atmospheric pressure inside
nearby buildings becomes greater than
Effects of shock wave pressures the atmospheric pressure in the street,
Another fact is that it does not take and as a result, the glass from windows is
much explosive pressure in a confined blown out into the street, instead of into
space for an explosion to cause death the apartments.
and destruction. The higher the peak A final effect of an explosion can
pressure developed by the explosion, the be secondary fires. Aſter an explosion,
ground shock waves may break gas, ceilings must be opened to examine for
water, electric, and sewer pipes. Subway hidden fire spread, gas pipes and electric
tunnels and building foundations are wires will be exposed. If the gas and electric
sometimes affected. supply to the building is shut off, this limits
the danger of explosion due to leaking gas
and electric spark ignition.
Reducing Injury
and Death by Explosions BLEVE
A BLEVE may occur during a fire
near a burning propane cylinder. Incident
General warning signs commanders should order firefighters to
First, some explosions happen cool the vapor space of the cylinder, shut
suddenly, and they are unpredictable. off the gas by the control handle if possible,
Explosions are a constant part of a and if the flow of burning gas cannot be
firefighter’s deadly uncontrolled work shut off, allow the propane gas to burn, aſter
environment. However, warning signs of withdrawing to a safe distance.
backdraſt or smoke explosions may be
detected by an incident commander, and
precautions should be taken. Warning Explosive investigation
signs include reversal of air pulling smoke Aſter a fire has been extinguished
back into a smoke-filled doorway, black and explosive or flammable liquid
smoke pushing out around a closed door or residue leſt by an arsonist is discovered
window frames, and glass windows stained in the burned-out rubble, the incident
with smoke condensation and pulsating commander should order firefighters
from the pressure of the fire. not to disturb the area—to withdraw,
cease overhauling, and notify the fire
investigators to respond. If an investigator
Firefighting strategy determines that the blast was not the
When fighting gas fires, the strategy is result of a broken gas pipe, a BLEVE,
to shut off the supply. Firefighters must be or the flammable vapor residue of an
trained not to extinguish a gas fire with a arsonist, then the incident commander
hose stream. They must be trained to let the can state that the cause of the explosion
gas fire burn and protect exposures from was a backdraſt.
fire until the gas can be shut off.
Occupancy-specific warning signs
Overhauling Incident commanders should be able
Aſter a fire is extinguished and before to identify the occupancies in which
overhauling begins, the strategy is to have there is an associated risk of explosion.
the gas and electric shut off. During a Explosion occurs in store occupancies
serious fire, gas pipe joints may fail and more oſten than in residential
leak explosive gas, and a spark of electricity occupancies. Store occupancies, unlike
could cause a blast. When performing residence occupancies, are more likely to
structural overhauling where walls and contain explosive and flammable solids,
liquids, and gases. Paint stores, hardware feet the air and shatter nearby windows.
stores, woodworking shops, motor vehicle Incident commanders should direct drivers
garages, restaurant kitchens, construction not to park fire apparatus in the street near
shanties, flower and garden shops, other manhole covers. Nearby cellars are
stores under renovation, and buildings checked for fire and smoke spreading to
illegally storing propane cylinders are or from the manhole through electric or
all occupancies with an elevated risk of gas conduits. The utility company is called
explosion. Fire inspections should require to the scene, and firefighters await electric
that fire suppression systems be installed supply shut-off.
in these occupancies. Also, like truss
construction, these dangerous occupancies
should be subject to fire preplanning Car fire explosions
and notification of the first-responding When extinguishing a vehicle fire,
firefighters; first-responding incident firefighters use the reach of a hose stream
commanders should be notified of the and stand away from fuel tanks and
explosion danger and the preplan when explosive bumpers.
responding to that location (fig. 27–2).
Bomb discovery
When an explosive
is found at the scene, the
i n c i d e nt c om m an d e r
should order firefighters
not to disturb the device.
Firefighters should instead
be directed to evacuate
the people, withdraw to
a safe area, notify the
bomb squad, and stretch
a hose line and prepare
for an explosion, collapse,
and fire.
Fig. 27–2. Use a defensive exterior attack when fire involves
compressed gas cylinders illegally stored in a building. Defensive actions
At an explosion, flying
fragments such as glass, brick,
Manhole explosions and shards of splintered wood
When a manhole cover is emitting cause most injuries. Shrapnel should
smoke and popping off the street, be foremost in the minds of firefighters
firefighters stretch a hose and stand a safe operating at the scene of a potential
distance away from that and other nearby explosion. The incident commander should
manhole covers. There is a great chance instruct firefighters to place eye shields
that a violent explosion in the manhole down and to use apparatus and buildings
will blow the heavy metal cover a hundred as a blast shield.
Admittedly, some of these strategies smoke and heat fill the room and approach
are half-measures. However, during a fire, the floor, most of the oxygen is consumed.
when lives civilian lives are threatened, Now, the incomplete combustion process
it may be all we can do. As incident of the oxygen-starved fire (stage 3, the
commanders, to protect lives, we must decay phase) starts, and carbon monoxide
direct firefighters to work inside and close and other combustible gases are given
to burning buildings. If we do not, more off. As the fire continues to smolder, the
lives will be lost, and the fire will grow and burning room contains a mixture of heat,
spread to adjoining buildings and become fuel (carbon monoxide), and insufficient
even more dangerous to the community oxygen. Only two of the three ingredients
and firefighters. Actually, we would have of the fire triangle now exist in the burning
more explosions if we did not aggressively room—fuel and heat.
fight fires and instead let the buildings burn. As the firefighters arrive, open up
The incident commander must remember the room, and crawl into the smoke-
that explosion protection of last resort is filled room to search for the fire, they let
a firefighter’s full protective gear: helmets, fresh air into the room. The entrained air
eye shields, hoods, gloves, boots, bunker (oxygen) brought in by the firefighters may
pants, coat, and face mask. Protective fire mix with the carbon monoxide (fuel) and
gear may be hot and cumbersome and may burning embers (heat) and cause a smoke
slow firefighters down, but if caught in an explosion (backdraſt). Air triggers a smoke
explosion, it may determine whether they explosion. This explosion has combustible
survive the blast and if so, the seriousness smoke as a fuel and burning embers and
of their injuries. Ensure that all firefighter sparks from the room’s furnishings as the
wear protective clothing. heat source; the sudden gust of fresh air
brought in by the searching firefighters
provides the missing part of the fire
Backdraſt Investigation triangle, oxygen.
This traditional theory of a smoke
The traditional fire service theory of (backdraſt) explosion leads to two
how a smoke (backdraſt)
explosion develops is as
follows: A fire starts in a
confined space. The fire
grows (stage 1, the growth
phase) undetected. Flames
rise up to the underside
of the room, then spread
along the ceiling to the
outer walls. Confined by the
walls, smoke and heat start
to descend in the room. The
fire may flashover and go
through the fully developed
burning stage (stage 2) in Fig. 27–3. A backdraft explosion occurred on the sixth floor of
a sealed-up room. As the this building.
conclusions: first, t he
explosion occurs in the room
of fire origin; and second,
the fire is in the third stage
of development, the decay
stage. Scientists tell us that
theories are models used
to explain some unknown
event. Theories allow us
to communicate; however,
theories are approximate
and incomplete, and
most important, theories Fig. 27–4. This explosion blew out double windows on the
change when new evidence floor above the fire.
is discovered.
Assistant Chief Frank
Fellini and I conducted an investigation apartment on the sixth floor, the floor above
into a backdraſt explosion that occurred the fire, onto the street. The next morning, a
in an apartment in a seven-stor y postfire investigation was conducted of both
multiple-dwelling ordinary-constructed apartments, with the following findings:
building, at Box 1514, at 129 Street and
• This was definitely a smoke explosion.
Lenox Avenue on June 12, 1990 (fig. 27–3). The fire in the fiſth-floor area of fire
The findings of our investigation challenge origin was burning in stage 3, the
the aforementioned two assumptions of the decay stage, and it generated carbon
traditional theory of backdraſt explosion: monoxide, which served as fuel for
first, that backdraſt explosions occur in the blast. The investigation found no
the area of fire origin; and second, that the leaking natural gas pipes or meter.
backdraſt explosion occurs during the third This was not an arson fire. An elderly
stage (decay) of a fire. This investigation woman lived in the apartment, and
drew the following major conclusions: the fire was declared accidental. There
the backdraſt explosion occurred in the were no signs of a ruptured container
apartment above the fire (fig. 27–4); and or cylinder.
at the time of the blast, the fire was in the
first stage of development, the growth • The fire on the fiſth floor burned
stage, not the third stage. As a result of this undetected for several hours aſter
investigation, firefighters should realize the woman leſt to go to work. New
that backdraſt explosions can occur in double-paned thermal windows kept
occupancies adjacent to the main fire and the heat, fire, and smoke in the tightly
that the blast may occur when the fire in the sealed apartment. The fire burned
adjoining occupancy is in the growth stage. through stages 1 and 2. During stage
This information is important for the safety 3, the decay stage, before the arrival of
of firefighters. the fire department, the plasterboard
The chief in command said that an ceiling burned away in the fiſth-floor
explosion suddenly blew out the entire apartment, and flames burned the
window and metal frame from the underside of the floor above, the
apartment on the sixth floor. During generated carbon monoxide and other
the fire, smoke under pressure took explosive gases. Aſter the plasterboard
the path of least resistance to the ceiling of the fire apartment burned
apartment above and seeped through away and the floorboards above the
the burned floorboards. In the missing ceiling were charred through,
sixth-floor apartment and the room these combustible gases and heat were
where the explosion occurred, traces pushed upward into the sixth-floor
of paint blistering on the molding of apartment. Aſter smoke filled the
the doorway revealed the only signs apartment above the fire, the pilot
of flame. This area of burning revealed flame burned through the floor. In the
the presence, just before the explosion, sixth-floor apartment, two stages of the
of a small pilot flame of smoke and fire triangle existed; there was heat from
heat coming from the fire apartment the pilot flame, and there was fuel in the
below. The fire in the apartment on the form of carbon monoxide gas. When
sixth floor, where the blast occurred, the firefighters entered the apartment
was just entering stage 1, while the above the fire, they brought in fresh air,
apartment below was in stage 3. Carbon the third side of the fire triangle, and
monoxide gas was pushing up from the the apartment exploded.
fire burning on the fiſth floor into the
apartment on the sixth floor through
the floorboards.
• At the time of the explosion, the
Explosion Investigation
sixth-floor apartment rooms The fire service does not adequately
were two-thirds full of smoke; the i nvest i gate and do c u ment smoke
bottom third of the apartment was (backdraſt) explosions that occur during
clear. As firefighters entered the fires. We see it happen during fires; we talk
smoke-filled apartment to search about it in the firehouse; if we are lucky,
for reported trapped victims, they someone photographs it. But that’s it.
brought with them fresh air. When Unless there is an injury or death, we do
one firefighter passed the smoldering not investigate.
room, fresh air followed. Just then, a When we do investigate an explosion
room in the apartment exploded. The that occurs at a fire, we usually find it is
double window and metal frame blew not a smoke (backdraſt) explosion. Most
out into the street. One firefighter was explosions at fires involve leaking natural
burned around the mask face piece; the gas, vapors from an arsonist’s accelerant,
other shaken firefighter was rescued or a BLEVE caused by the heating of a
from a window. sealed propane container. For example,
during a fire, an explosion results from
• The fire originating in the tightly
the ignition of a natural gas pocket
sealed fiſth-floor apartment with new
flowing from a broken gas meter; or there
energy-efficient windows progressed
may be a reignition of flammable liquid
from the growth stage through the fully
vapors leſt over from an arsonist’s spill;
developed stage to the decay stage. In
or a small propane tank or pressurized
the decay stage, the smoldering, or
household spray may cause a BLEVE
so-called incomplete combustion,
that appears to be a smoke explosion.
19th century factory and warehouse defect in the cast-iron column can
building columns and facades. When cause other collapse problems. At
cast iron collapses, it shatters and one cast-iron column collapse, it was
the floor suddenly fails. There are no discovered that the columns were
warning signs except for the presence unevenly cast; the round columns had
of unprotected cast iron. Thus, the a thinner iron dimension on one side
presence of this structural material than the other.
in a building must be
considered a collapse
danger. When cast iron
is used as a column,
it is a key element in
the structural frame.
A column is a primary
structural member. The
definition of a primary
structural member is a
structure that supports
anot he r st r u c tu r a l
m e m b e r. W h e n a
pr imar y st r uc tura l
member fails, it causes
the collapse of other
structural members.
When a cast-iron
column fails, the floor
and the entire building
may collapse. Cast
iron is also used as the
decorative front of a
building. When the cast Fig. 28–3. Heavy floor loads and cast-iron columns are
iron of the facade fails, collapse warning signs.
the entire building front
can collapse into the street, burying • Regardless of the defect, unprotected
firefighters operating hose streams. cast iron must be considered a collapse
There are two theories of why cast danger, and the officer in command
iron fails during fires. One theory is must be notified of its use inside a
that cold water from a hose stream can building (fig. 28–3). When cast iron
cause a heated cast-iron column to fail. collapses, it fails suddenly, usually
Cast iron can be described as a brittle causing other parts of the structure to
metal. If a burning building starts to fail and the deaths of firefighters.
shiſt during a fire, the cast iron cannot
bend or flex. The cast iron breaks and • Water accumulation is a collapse
collapses. When it fails, it shatters. warning sign. A heavy-caliber stream
Another theory states that a structural discharging 750 gallons of water per
to an increase in fire beyond the control reach of the hose streams was blocked by
of the forces on hand. For an emergency the boxes at the underside of the ceiling.
withdrawal to be carried out, there must Piled stock should have a three-foot space
be a prearranged emergency signal known between the stock and the underside of
by all members of the department. An the ceiling for hose streams to reach a
emergency withdrawal signal may be fire. Eventually, flames entered the ceiling
long-term use of all apparatus: air horns or concealed space and spread upward
a portable radio frequency tone. When the throughout the walls of the building.
emergency withdrawal signal is sounded, all The incident commander withdrew the
firefighters must be trained to immediately firefighters from the cellar and changed to
exit the burning building and leave heavy a defensive strategy. Outside aerial master
tools and hose behind. streams were used to control the blaze.
Fire spread to the upper floors, but it was
confined to the one structure of origin.
Managing the Danger Scene Adjoining, buildings on exposures 2 and
4 were searched, evacuated, and protected
Discovering and reporting a collapse with interior hose lines.
warning sign is just part of the total During the day-long defensive outside
safety picture. Aſter the collapse danger attack using master streams, the floors
is identified and safety actions have been collapsed. The front brick wall held.
ordered by the incident commander, the However, the front wall looked like it could
danger scene must be controlled. This is the collapse next. The incident commander
hardest part of the incident commander’s assessing the building’s stability saw that
lifesaving actions. This was confirmed at a this century-old structure’s wall had several
conference at which a chief relayed a story collapse warning signs. In addition to the
about the difficulties of managing and interior floor collapse, which created an
controlling a fire scene aſter the building outward pressure on the wall, there was
had burned and partially collapsed. He a mansard roof. This indicated that the
relayed the following story: building was over a century old, since
Firefighters responded to an old five- not too many residential buildings leſt in
story ordinary-constructed tenement Midtown Manhattan have mansard roofs.
building in a high-rent, high-value district (A mansard roof is a roof with two slopes
of Midtown Manhattan. There were stores on each of four sides; the lower slope is the
on the first floor and apartments for steeper slope. The lower, sloping roof raſters
low- and medium-income residents on the of a mansard wall acts as the sloping hip
upper floors. Fire started in the cellar. raſters of a bowstring truss roof. The roof
On arrival fire companies stretched raſters can push out the wall if the roof
two attack hose lines to the cellar. The collapses.) The building was very old and
cellar storage area was overloaded with not maintained very well. The front brick
stock. Boxes were stacked up to the ceiling, wall had several cracks; there were metal
with limited access throughout the cellar plates holding the wall to the floors; a
by way of narrow aisles. Piles of cartons rusted old fire escape hung on the front of
were collapsing in the aisles, blocking the the structure. Also, there were large display
firefighters’ future withdrawal. Smoke was show windows on the second floor. Incident
building up in the below-grade area. The commanders know the more openings there
are in a wall and the greater the size of the when many buildings collapse. At this stage
openings in a wall are, the weaker the wall of the fire, the burning building has been
will be. destroyed by fire, has been pounded by
This fire was reported to the fire master streams, and has soaked up tons of
department at 1000 hours. It burned for water. Now it can collapse.
seven hours and was declared under control
at 1700 hours. No firefighters were injured.
This was a successful firefighting operation Maintenance of
in a dangerous building.
At the change of tour, the chief arrived
Safety Measures
on the scene. He was briefed by the incident The next several hours were spent
commander and assumed command of conducting hydraulic overhauling with an
the watch line that had been set up. No aerial master stream and supervising the
firefighters remained in the building fire ground. The chief had his hands full,
overhauling; hydraulic overhauling was the trying to manage the scene, and ensuring
strategy being used. An aerial master stream no one got too close to the obviously
was wetting down the still smoldering unstable front wall of the building in case
building, pouring tons of water—going it collapsed.
from window to window, floor to floor, First, the housing people showed up.
for hours. They said the building was sound, and it
In light of this strategy, the chief would be rebuilt. They wanted to enter and
enlarged the danger zone around the inspect. This building was under city and
building, because it could collapse. Police state government jurisdiction because it
barricades were moved farther from the housed low- and middle-income residents.
burned-out building, enlarging the collapse The official said it could not be demolished.
danger zone. It was required by law to be renovated and
The chief had identified the potential reinhabited by low- and middle-income
collapse danger. As he said later to me, residents of New York City.
“Identifying the collapse potential and My friend said, “This is still a fire scene,
setting up safety zones was only the and I have declared the building unsafe.
beginning. That was the easy part.” He knew Aſter we leave the scene, you can do as you
that many deadly building collapses occur wish. But until then you cannot enter.”
in the third and final stage of a fire, like this Next, a fire company arrived at
mop-up operation. the change of tour, moved the wooden
The Hotel Vendome in Boston was barricade, and started to drive the ladder
the most famous collapse that occurred truck into the collapse danger zone to
in the overhauling stage. Nine firefighters get a closer approach with a tower ladder
died. In New York City, on October 2, hose stream. The chief told them, “Back
1962, six FDNY firefighters were killed the ladder away from the building. Set up
beneath a collapsing metal canopy during behind the police barricades.”
the overhauling stage of a fire. There are Then, firefighters who worked the
three stages of a fire: the growth stage; the fire that day came back. They wanted to
fully involved, flaming stage; and the decay enter and look for missing tools. They
stage. My friend the chief knew the third were turned back and told to submit
stage of a fire, the decay stage, is the period a lost-property report.
Con Edison’s utility people arrived and commander. Then the incident commander
asked to shut off the utilities inside the must take action and manage the scene
building. “Sorry, that will have to wait,” to ensure safety. However, the real lesson
said the chief. learned at the fire described above was that
Later, fire marshals showed up and it’s easy to identify a collapse danger, and it’s
tried to enter and investigate the cause. even easier to establish or manage the scene
The chief informed them, “Do not enter aſter the collapse risk has been identified.
the building. Tell your supervisor it’s by However, it is much more difficult to control
my orders.” the scene and maintain the safety measures
Finally, a television news crew wanted aſter they have been established.
to film a close-up of the burned-out Interestingly, the person who owned
building for the 11 o’clock news. The advice the building was at the scene that night
they received from the chief was, “No good. when it suddenly collapsed. Immediately
Stay away. Use the telescopic lenses.” aſter he saw the building crash down into
the street, he jumped up, shouted with joy
and clapped his hands. Later, my friend
Collapse asked why he was so happy to see his own
building collapse into a pile of rubble, to
At 8:30 p.m. that night, without which he received the following reply: “I
warning, three hours aſter the fire had been own the land and the building; however, the
extinguished and declared under control, the building was under city and state control.
entire building suddenly collapsed into the The rents I could charge were limited by
street. The walls, floors, mansard roof, and law. As long as the four walls remained,
metal fire escapes crashed down. Everyone the government could renovate it. Once
was safely behind the barricades. There were the building collapsed, they lost their
no firefighter deaths or injuries. jurisdiction over it. I now have property in
The best strategy when there is this extremely high-value area of Midtown
the danger of a building collapse is to Manhattan. I have become a very wealthy
identify the danger and notify the incident person because of that collapse.
steps of the collapse rescue plan. The safety trapped victims and rescuers. Modern
survey (fig. 29–3) and the utility shut-off buildings are a maze of electrical wiring. If
will be overlooked by firefighters rushing to a rescuer gets a metal tool entangled with
rescue their trapped comrades, especially if the live wire, he or she could be slowly and
there are cries for help. quietly electrocuted, unknown to other
rescuers around him.
Water is another utility
that must be controlled
during a collapse rescue.
Firefighters trapped below
grade will oſten be the
last to be rescued. Broken
water pipes or long use of
master streams may cause
water accumulation in
below-grade areas. Water
from hose streams is oſten
needed to keep flames from
trapped firefighters; however,
long-term use of water must
be considered a danger
to trapped victims. Water
supply to the building must
be shut off. Water removal
Fig. 29–3. The second step of a collapse search-and-rescue operations may have to be
plan is to survey the area. started at a collapse.
cameras, inflation bags, portable jacks, and operation and an incident commander
spreading bars must be made available at assigned to the firefighting operation, both
the scene. Medical personnel must have first working under an overall commander at
aid equipment ready beforehand to stabilize the scene. The standard collapse rescue plan
victims discovered buried in the rubble. should be followed when firefighters are
Stretchers, resuscitators, and bandages will trapped in a collapse. Initially, a site survey
be required. The support team should have of the remaining structure should be made if
all of these essential items and bring them possible. Make a 360° survey of the collapse
to the rescue site. Behind every successful and look for secondary collapse dangers,
rescue operation are many unheralded trapped victims, fire spread, and avenues of
firefighters who supplied the rescue team access to the collapsed structure that might
with everything they need. be used during the tunneling stage.
Victim Tracking
One of the most important and
Fig. 29–7. The seventh step of a collapse complex tasks facing rescuers at a collapse
search-and-rescue plan is to tunnel and rescue operation is locating and identifying
trench to specific locations where victims are victims. Most victims will escape the
determined to have been trapped. collapse by their own efforts. However,
some victims will be buried in the collapse
General-debris removal is the last rubble. A victim-tracking officer is assigned
stage of a collapse rescue plan. Even if all to determine the exact number, the names,
firefighters are accounted for, general-debris and the locations of buried victims.
removal should be performed. There may be The victim-tracking officer is one of
a person buried in the collapse who no one the most important personnel in a collapse
reported missing. At this stage of rescue, search-and-rescue operation. This officer
there is little chance of survivors. gathers information, analyzes the building
5. Use a surveyor’s transit telescope also, heavy rainfalls may cause concrete
to measure any movement of walls, to absorb water weight and collapse
columns, or floors of the collapse on rescuers.
structure. If movement is discovered,
11. Assign sector officers to critical areas
remove rescuers, shore up the structure,
of the collapse site. Sector officers
or remove the unstable structure.
could also be assigned to each of the
6. Establish a command system for the four sides of the building. A sector
collapse rescue operation to improve safety officer should be assigned to
coordination and organization. any dangerous area of a collapse
Designate an interagency operations rescue operation.
officer and notify all police, fire,
12. Ensure that all required rescue tools are
emergency medical services, and
brought to the collapse scene:
construction rescue workers of who
• Circular saws and chains are the
is in the charge of the collapse rescue
workhorse tools for collapse rescue
phase of the operation. All rescue
operations in wood or ordinary-
workers report to this interagency
constructed collapsed buildings.
operations officer.
• For collapsed buildings of reinforced
7. Set up fire lines around the collapse site
concrete and steel, shovels, buckets, and
to prevent injury to media or sightseers.
steel bar cutters are the workhorse tools.
Allow only fire, police, medical, and
Collapsed pieces of a masonry structure
construction personnel inside the
cannot be removed and placed in
fire lines.
buckets or liſted by cranes until the steel
8. For the safety of rescuers, restrict the reinforcement bars (rebars) are cut and
use of mechanical equipment such as the concrete is broken up. Tunneling
cranes near the location where they and trenching to specific locations
are hand-digging. Place an officer in requires mostly steel bar cutters and
charge of the use of cranes, payloaders, concrete-breaking and -liſting tools.
and dump trucks for coordination Eventually, firefighters will use tools
and safety. for hand-digging and for placing small
chunks of broken concrete in small
9. Use search dogs in dangerous areas
buckets and passing them along in a
for inspecting voids or crevices where
human chain.
victims may be trapped. All rescuers
handling dogs must be informed of • Video search cameras are used to search
the training signal exhibited when a small voids and crevices. A 12-foot
victim is discovered: when a search probe with a light and lens at the tip
dog discovers a live buried victim, it is is inserted into small voids; connected
trained to bark and scratch the ground; at the other end is a firefighter with a
when a dead victim is discovered, small television set suspended by a sling
some dogs are trained to sit quietly at around his neck. If victims are seen, up
the location. close observation of the video camera
probe, monitoring for breathing and
10. Temporarily suspend collapse rescue
eye movements, can sometimes reveal
when severe weather conditions exist,
whether a victim is alive.
such as lightning strikes or tornadoes;
command chief. The RIT should not be all operations in the fire area. However,
used for firefighting unless there is sudden a the incident commander can realistically
life hazard. If used for rescue of an occupant communicate with and supervise only the
of a burning building, the RIT must be sector officers. The sector chiefs, the chiefs,
replaced immediately, in case a firefighter or the company officers in charge of parts
becomes trapped or missing. of a fire ground are accountable only for
Some incident commanders call two companies in their sector, and the company
RITs to a working fire; that way, if a civilian officer is accountable for firefighters in the
life is suddenly discovered to be endangered, company. Most important, each firefighter is
one RIT can be used to save lives, and the accountable to the officer of the company.
second will still be available for a trapped A guideline for assisting accountability
firefighter. On the rare occasions when during a fire is that firefighters must
RITs are used for firefighter entrapment— operate within sight or hearing of the
when a firefighter is involved in a collapse, company officer unless equipped with a
explosion, or fire entrapment—another portable radio. To ensure accountability
RIT is most oſten required as a backup during a fire, the incident commander
or for support of the initial team. Thus, needs the assistance of sector officers,
a proactive incident commander should company officers, and firefighters. The
consider having two teams standing by at incident commander cannot do it alone.
the command post when resources allow. The incident commander needs the help
of sector officers and company officers to
share the accountability. Accountability
Accountability systems help, but we must realize we create
accountability, not the system.
An incident commander should have
a system of accounting for firefighters
operating at a fire. An accountability
system—tags, riding lists, computerized
tracking system, electronic chips, or GPS— The incident commander at a fire should
is designed to assist an incident commander establish an outside command post in front
with command and control and to prevent of the fire building and size-up the fire.
firefighters from becoming lost or trapped However, there should also be an operations
during a fire. commander for an inside size-up. Size-up
The accountability system helps strategy should be accomplished both from
supervise the movements of everyone inside and from outside a burning building.
operating at the incident. Accountability The operations officer could be the fire
prevents freelancing, which can lead to officer in charge of the initial hose line or
unnecessary reports of missing or lost the officer of the interior search operation.
firefighters. However, chiefs, company These officers oſten make an inside
officers, and firefighters must understand size-up and report conditions to the incident
that you cannot delegate accountability to commander outside the burning building,
a system. Everyone has accountability. at the command post, who will make the
Everyone at a fire has a responsibility outside size-up. The incident commander
to be accountable. For example, the officer will request a size-up from the inside
in command is ultimately accountable for operations officer, and then make an analysis
of the fire and transmit a radio status report are increasing beyond the control of
of the operation based on both size-ups. the hose line will come from the chief
At most fires, during the initial stage of standing outside, at the command post.
a fire, when flames are confined to one floor, This is a major misunderstanding. This
the inside size-up is more accurate. The fire misunderstanding has cost lives. The
officer inside the structure is closer to the truth is, the incident commander standing
fire and obviously can see more of it than outside, at the command post, cannot
someone standing outside. However, when a see fire conditions inside the building.
fire spreads through the roof or involves two The chief cannot see the crack of the rear
or more floors, the outside size-up becomes wall or evaluate the stability of the roof.
more accurate than the inside size-up. The Actually, the incident commander is
fire officer inside the building can see the depending on the firefighters, fire officers,
fire only on one floor and cannot see the and sector officers—who serve as the eyes
amount of fire burning above, in the roof of the incident commander—to report these
or on the floor(s) above. From the officer’s dangerous conditions. Once the incident
limited viewpoint inside, he or she may commander is notified of the danger,
believe that the fire involves only one or two safety action must be taken to protect
rooms on the burning floor and that the the firefighters at the scene. Aſter many
blaze can be quickly extinguished, when, tragedies, firefighters, company officers,
actually, the entire building is involved in and sector officers come forward and tell of
fire above the officer and there is a danger seeing warning signs before the event that
of collapse. A good safety strategy at a fire they did not report to command. Sometimes
is to conduct two size-ups—one inside and lives were lost as a consequence.
one outside—during a fire. Remember that fire ground hazards
are discovered by firefighters and company
officers operating in and around the burning
Communications building, not by the incident commander
standing outside the burning building, at
A fire chief must ensure that firefighters the command post. Fire ground warning
are equipped and trained to transmit fire communications come up the chain of
ground communications. This means that command, not down the chain of command.
every officer in charge of a company must During a fire or emergency, danger
have a portable radio to transmit messages warnings come up the chain of command,
to the command post. In addition, every while safety actions come down the chain
firefighter who works out of sight or hearing of command. The incident commander can
of the company officer must also be equipped transmit an order to safeguard firefighters
with a radio. The hard part of managing fire only aſter the danger has been reported to
ground information is training firefighter to the command post.
use the radios correctly. Company officers
and firefighters are responsible for notifying
the officer in command of structural Fire Ground Designation
hazards discovered.
Firefighters sometimes erroneously The fire ground area must be defined,
believe the warning to get off a roof or and everyone must know the defined area.
back out of a cellar when fire and smoke Exposure A is the front of the fire building.
The command post is usually located at divided into divisions, groups, or sectors. A
exposure A; proceeding clockwise when division, on the one hand is the subdivision
viewed from the command post, exposure of the fire ground into geographic areas. A
B is the leſt side of the fire building, exposure group, on the other hand, is the subdivision
C is the rear of the burning building, and of the fire ground into functions such as
exposure D is the right side of the building. vent, extinguishment, or search. A sector is
When you give orders from the command an assignment given to a chief or company
post or receive orders from fire officers officer that includes both a geographic area
working around the building, you must and a function.
use this or another fire ground designation
system that identifies the four sides of
a burning building. It is very unsafe if
firefighters do not know where they are
Collapse Dangers
operating around the outside of a burning Establishing a collapse danger zone is a
building. Also, if the fire chief cannot relay a safety strategy that an incident commander
message on the portable radio that pinpoints can use when there is a danger of wall
the exact side of a burning building where a collapse. This is the most deadly area on
hose line should be stretched or a where to the fire ground. Firefighters should not be
search for a victim trapped at a window, there allowed inside the collapse danger zone
can be no command and control at a fire. once it has been declared (fig. 30–2).
If a fire ground designation
system is not used by the
chief and firefighters, then
everyone can be considered
to be freelancing.
Sectoring is the
subdivision of a fire ground
into smaller, manageable
proportions. Sectoring
increases supervision at a
large or complex fire area Fig. 30–2. The firefighters are outside the collapse danger zone.
where large numbers of
firefighters are operating. A sector officer The collapse zone is defined as the
is assigned to a sector of the fire area. For ground area that a falling wall would covered
example, a sector can be a chief or company with bricks or other materials during a
officer assigned to exposure 3, the rear of collapse. The collapse zone occupies that
the burning building. Alternatively, a sector distance from the foot of the unstable wall
officer can be assigned to a roof sector or an and extends out for a distance equal to the
interior sector for fire suppression. height of the wall. When a brick or wood
According to the incident management wall collapses in a 90°-angle collapse, it
system, the fire or emergency area can be will kill any firefighter operating near the
F l a n k i n g a fi re i s
another safety strategy that
can be employed when a tall
structure is involved with fire
and there is danger of a wall
collapsing or explosion. At
such a fire, the establishment
of a collapse zone could
require firefighters to be
positioned so far from the
front of the building that
the hose streams do not
reach the fire. The reach
of the average hose stream
operated by firefighters is Fig. 30–3. The aerial master streams are flanking the fire.
50 feet. During a fire inside Firefighters in buckets are operating on each side of the
a church or heavy timber building frontage.
five-story mill burning
building, for example, a
collapse zone might require hose streams
to be operated 70–80 feet away from the
Positioning Apparatus
burning building to protect firefighters These are areas of survival when there is
from a falling wall or explosion. In such an a danger of wall collapse during an outside
instance, instead of establishing a collapse attack in a burning tall building. Sometimes
zone, a fire chief may order the positioning establishing a collapse zone will position
of firefighters’ hose streams in a flanking firefighters too far from the front of a
position. The chief would order that the burning. A hose stream has a reach of 50
hose stream be operated by firefighters from feet. A 60–70-foot-high building in danger
a position in front of the adjoining buildings of collapse will require a collapse zone (a
on each side of the burning building. The distance away from the building wall equal
hose stream range and effectiveness will be to the height of the building) greater than
reduced, but the life safety of the firefighters the reach of the hose streams. This will be
will be ensured, even if the unstable wall falls the case with church and heavy timber
outward beyond the collapse danger zone. mill buildings.
When we look at the fire ground around directed at the front entrance, where the hose
a tall burning building from a bird’s-eye has been taken. Lights can also be directed
view, we see that there are only four areas in at structural defects, such as dangerously
which to park apparatus and operate master leaning chimneys, cracks in brick walls,
streams—the four corner safe areas (fig. and cornices that have partially collapsed.
30–3). If all the walls of a tall burning building Spotlights may be directed at specific areas
collapse outward simultaneously (which is on a burning building. Floodlights, which
very unlikely), fewer bricks would land in the disperse the light waves, should be used in
four corners of the fire ground. These are the addition to spotlights.
four corner areas.
Probability of survival
is greatest in the four corner
safe areas. When there is
danger of collapse, a safety
strategy used by an incident
commander is to position
aerial streams, portable
deluge nozzles, and deck
guns on pumpers inside the
four corner safe areas.
During a nighttime fire,
the incident commander
should order the area lighted
for increased observation of
hazards and structural defects,
as well as for increased
visibility in the vicinity of
the fire ground. A pump
operator or ladder chauffeur
should, when time permits
a break from other duties,
quickly direct apparatus
spotlights on critical areas of Fig. 30–4. The front of the building has a spotlight at a
the fire ground (fig. 30–4). window and each floor laddered.
For example, a spotlight may
be directed on a window where a ladder Floodlights are more effective at a fire
is positioned, so that firefighters moving scene. Floodlights will light up the entire
from the ladder into the window can see area and will provide good visibility in
during this maneuver. Another light may be general. Today fire apparatus have a lighting
directed at a window where smoke or flames tower, a telescoping vertical tower that is
are escaping, and yet another light may be either manually or electrically raised 10–20
feet above ground level and shine lights also observes the condition of stair treads
downward. Lights shining from above do and landings and estimates the weight of
not blind firefighters as do lights placed accumulated water that has been absorbed
on the ground. Ground lights are directed into broken and burned plasterboard that has
upward into the eyes of firefighters. They fallen to the floor and estimate that has been
sometimes blind firefighters coming down absorbed into storage materials. Based on
front steps and firefighters climbing out of these factors and other safety conditions, the
windows onto ladders. investigating officer may recommend that the
chief in command prohibit firefighters from
reentering the building for overhauling.
Safety Inspection
The incident commander may order
a survey of a burned-out building by a
Hydraulic Overhauling
safety chief before overhauling begins. When a safety inspection determines
Aſter a fire building has being destroyed by that the building is too dangerous to have
flames, pounded with master streams, and firefighters reenter to conduct salvage
deluged with tons of water (that has since and overhaul, the chief can use hydraulic
been absorbed into the dried-out wood and overhauling. The term surround and drown
plasterboard walls), a sudden collapse could describes the long-term use of master streams
occur during overhauling operations, aſter to quench smoldering or spot fires aſter a fire
the fire has been declared under control. has been declared under control. Water from
A safety inspection should be conducted deck pipes, an aerial stream, and a portable
before firefighters are sent in to overhaul deluge nozzle can be used to put out a fire
such a dangerous burned-out building. completely and prevent a rekindle, instead of
The phase of a fire when collapse danger is sending firefighters inside to turn over and
greatest is during the overhauling stage. pull apart smoldering rubble (fig. 30–5).
The safety officer can
be requested to inspect the
building’s structural interior
stability to determine the
destructive effects from the
fire, the powerful master
stream, and the accumulated
water. The safety chief and
another firefighter or officer
conduct the survey. The safety
inspector notes the following
dangers: floors containing
storage of heavy machinery,
excessive vibration of floors,
and charred and weakened
floor decks (which could
disintegrate when stepped Fig. 30–5. Firefighters conduct hydraulic overhauling (defensive
upon). The safety inspector overhauling) with a master stream.
The outside master streams must the partial withdrawal of firefighters. They
be positioned outside the collapse zone. withdraw to a safe location inside the
Water from master streams will soak down building as interior firefighting continues.
through smoldering content and structural This strategy can be followed only when
material. Hydraulic overhauling is oſten the construction of the building is known
effectively used on a vacant or burned-out in detail—and when the fire spread or
structure that has become too dangerous. collapse danger is not life threatening. For
The fire chief and firefighters must have example, this can be done when a ceiling
patience. It will take some time, but the collapse is possible or when the building
smoldering ashes will be quenched without has a stairway enclosed by a masonry wall
endangering firefighters. and the stair landings are known to be
independent of the occupancy landing.
Firefighters can be withdrawn to the safety
Watch Line of the stair enclosure before the ceiling
collapse occurs.
A watch line is an overhauling strategy Some structures are divided into
in which the chief leaves one engine or sections that are separated by fire walls.
ladder company on the scene all night or This design allows the roof of one section
several days, to wet down the smoldering to collapse without affecting the integrity
building with an aerial stream or a hose or stability of the fire wall. In this situation,
line. Firefighters do this and watch the a fire company could be withdrawn from
fire to see that it does not rekindle. If it one section of the burning structure
does, they notify the chief, and he calls and continue interior firefighting from
the companies back to the scene. During a horizontal opening in the fire wall in
cold or unusual weather conditions, the safe section of the structure. When
firefighters who are on duty at the watch this action is taken, ceilings of the safe
line over night can be rotated every three section should be opened up to check for
or four hours. poke-through holes in the wall. Flames
The usefulness of a watch line is oſten oſten spread through fire walls and party
overlooked. It can prevent risk taking walls when workmen punch holes in them
during overhauling. It also absolutely to run air ducts or electric wire.
prevents the possibility of a rekindle, There is one caution. A fire chief
because we do not leave the scene. Instead must realize all walls dividing section
of rushing and taking risks to put out the of a building are not true fire walls.
spot fires in a dangerous building, leave a For example, a party wall (a bearing
small number of firefighter on the scene wall supporting roof or floor beams of
to maintain a fire service presence—a adjoining buildings) is not a true fire wall.
watch line. It is tied into the roof or floor on each side.
Collapse of a roof or floor on ether side of
a party wall may affect the stability of the
Partial Withdrawal other side of the wall. A fire wall is not a
bearing wall; it is independent from the
When a company officer reports an rest of the structure. Moreover, it will not
increase of fire beyond control or a collapse affect one side of the building when the
danger, the incident commander may order other side collapses.
Concealed spaces in the vicinity of a window frame molding is pulled from the
fire must be carefully examined during wall. A clear view of the concealed space
overhauling for smoldering fire. The most around the window will be available. Water
common concealed spaces to be opened from the hose stream should be directed
up and examined for hidden fire during into the now-opened concealed spaces
overhauling are the ceiling above a fire and a around the window. In some instances,
window frame. Aſter a chair or mattress fire there may be a deep-seated smoldering
is extinguished, the first piece information fire in a rotting windowsill, and that too
a fire chief wants is whether the fire and may have to be removed to prevent a
heat have spread to the ceiling space above rekindle. This requires an sharp axe to cut
the burned furnishing. It is opened with a the center of the thick windowsill. Then,
pike pole. Firefighters must open up the the two severed sections can be pushed out
plaster ceiling until they reach a space the window opening.
where there is no sign of char or burning. Grease inside a kitchen exhaust duct can
A thermal-imaging camera is a useful continue to burn and rekindle when hose
tool when overhauling. Hot spots behind streams are directed from the roof above
plasterboard ceilings and walls can be down through the duct or when the stream
detected. The thermal-imaging camera can directed upward from the kitchen does
prevent excess damage when overhauling. not reach and fully cool down the burning
When a room-and-content blaze grease. A rekindle in a grease duct oſten
becomes so large and hot that it has melted takes place at the point where a vertical
the glass and flames flow out of the window, sheet metal duct changes direction and
chances are great the fire has spread into becomes a horizontal section of ductwork.
the cracks around the window frame and If this horizontal section of kitchen duct is
into the concealed space around the top and not cleaned properly, large accumulations
sides of the window. This concealed space of grease can build up in its horizontal
may contain combustible material and sections. If there is no opening for cleaning
smolder. Inside the concealed space around the duct at this point, feel the sheet metal
a window, there may be combustible rope for heat, use a thermal-imaging camera, or
attached to weights for the up-and-down cut open up the duct and examine if fire
mechanism. Also found smoldering in this is suspected.
concealed space may be wood shavings, Cellar oil fires from defective burner
paper, or combustible insulation. This units can be easily extinguished with foam
material may have caught fire from the or a fog nozzle, but aſter firefighters leave
flame burning out the window and it could the scene, a more serious fire may occur in
smolder inside this concealed space aſter the apartments above, due to a rekindle. The
the fire is extinguished. When the window heat and flames may have spread undetected
frame is charred and this is suspected, into the ceiling space between the cellar
the inside framing around the window is and the first floor of the structure. Unless
removed during overhauling to expose the ceiling above the oil burner is opened
any hidden fire. This is called trimming up with pike poles or a concrete ceiling is
the window. carefully examined above, there could be a
Using a pike pole from inside the rekindle in the beam above the oil burner,
room, a firefighter first removes the top which could spread throughout the building
molding over the window. Then, the aſter firefighters leave the scene.
One of the most difficult overhauling there is not any smoldering fire. Aſter a
operations that I undertook, aſter a fire room-and-content fire in a structure has
was extinguished one night while I was been extinguished, pieces of wood and
a battalion chief, was a cellar oil fire that rubble may be discarded in the shaſt,
heated the concrete ceiling above and rather than leſt in the apartment. It is
spread fire to the floor above. Aſter the easier for the building management to
oil burner fire was easily extinguished, remove the rubbish from the shaſt bottom
we discovered that the fire had heated the through the cellar than from an apartment
concrete floor and ignited the wood furring several floors up. However, before this is
strips of the first floor. We began to cut done, the bottom of the shaſt must be
open a finished oak floor and the subfloor. examined to ensure that there is no fire
Smoke was seeping up through the wood that will be buried by the material thrown
as we cut. Fire had spread to two-by-two into the shaſt. If there is rubble burning in
strips of wood embedded in the concrete the shaſt and overhauling debris is thrown
above the oil burner. The wood strips on top of it, aſter firefighters leave the
were the framing underflooring for the scene, a rekindle in the shaſt will occur.
oak floor. We had to extinguish the fire During overhauling, any material thrown
and pulled up the wood furring strips into the shaſt must be continually wet
embedded in the concrete floor separating with a hose stream. And before leaving
the cellar from the first floor. The more of the scene, double-check the shaſt. It must
the oak floor we cut open, the more fire be thoroughly examined for any sparks
and smoke we discovered. Aſter hours of or smoldering.
cutting a beautiful oak floor and subfloor, The cellar of a commercial building
we finally extinguished the fire. Aſter that containing a large amount of stock is
experience, I never failed to examine the another area prone to rekindle aſter a
ceiling and the floor above during an oil fire. During overhauling in a cellar, a
burner fire. smoldering fire in tons of paper, boxes, or
Material discarded in an air shaſt clothing will be difficult to extinguish. The
during overhauling in a multistory row confined cellar may not have space to pull
house can fuel a rekindle fire. One of the apart the smoldering stock for quenching
first lessons a new fire officer learns during by a hose stream. While overhauling
the salvage and overhauling operation is smoldering material in a cellar, you cannot
to check the bottom of the air shaſt aſter throw the stock out a window or down a
a fire is extinguished. Sometimes, victims shaſt. You may not be able to use a large
trying to escape fire jump out a window amount of water because it may fill up
and are found at the bottom of a shaſt. the cellar if there are no drains. During
You do not want to bury a fire victim overhauling in a cellar fire, the tons of stock
with rubbish thrown into the shaſt during may have to be carried up to the street
overhauling. During the initial search, and spread out and wet down. During
check the bottom of the shaſt for victims overhauling aſter a long, serious fire in
who have jumped out a window to escape a cellar that contains a large amount of
the fire. stock, the tendency of exhausted company
If all persons are accounted for aſter officers and firefighters will be to take a
a fire, before overhauling begins, check chance and not remove the stock. This
the bottom of the air shaſt to ensure that decision will increase the risk of a rekindle.
The incident commander should specially coordinated and organized if the following
call fresh units to the scene to overhaul or strategies are put into effect.
consider mutual aid companies to relieve
exhausted firefighters.
Controlled fires in old and historic Crowds of firefighters
town house fireplaces are another serious Aſter fire or emergency operations,
rekindle hazard. During the holiday season, large numbers of exhausted firefighters
fireplaces are used for long periods. Fire will suddenly appear in the street or lobby
sometimes conducts through the hearth of the fire building. They will not go away
floor or the back wall of the fireplace to without orders. Instead of waiting for
wood floors or wall beams. Fire can spread company officers to randomly come to the
through cracked bricks or missing mortar command post requesting to take up, the
in the fireplace structure. incident commander should have a strategy
The smell of wood burning when of what companies leave and when. To do
firefighters arrive at a call may be mistaken this, a list of all companies at the scene
for a residual odor of burning logs; instead must have already been completed at the
of causing damage to the house by opening command post for reference.
plasterboard walls and baseboards in the The incident commander must have
apartment below during a holiday, when a strategy to downsize the operation.
the house is full of guests, the inexperienced Firefighters who performed the most
fire officer may decide not to examine the exhausting work should be the first ordered
structural wood around the fireplace. This to return to quarters. However, in general,
decision could lead to a more serious the rule for leaving the scene should be as
rekindle fire when the guests are sleeping. follows: first-arriving companies should
The best decision a fire officer can make be the first to go home, and last-arriving
is to check for hidden fire in a concealed companies should be the last to leave. When
space. If you have a thermal-imaging companies are ordered to leave the scene,
camera, this is a perfect job for it. If not, the commander should order unused hose
open up the ceiling below the fireplace. and equipment to be picked up before units
Examine the wood beam and framework leave. Company officers must account for all
around the fireplace hearth. It is best tools and equipment. Lost fire department
for everyone. property must be reported to the incident
commander before leaving the scene.
silent service, because we are reluctant to will take. As soon as possible aſter a fire is
tell our story. Don’t let this happen to your under control, the incident commander
fire department. should request that officers send chauffeurs
Before you speak to a reporter, think of aerial ladders and pump operators to
about the fire and what you will say. Most the street to reposition fire trucks to open
interviews are routine. The reporters will ask streets to traffic. Intersections should be
how many alarms have been transmitted, cleared first. If a roadway cannot be opened
whether any deaths or injuries resulted, to traffic because of continued use of fire
whether the fire is under control, and how apparatus, consider opening up half of
many firefighters are at the fire. It’s best to the roadway to traffic by repositioning fire
have the answers to these questions before trucks closer to the curb.
the interview.
Traffic Congestion
Aſter a fire where automobile traffic is Outside Agencies
delayed, the incident commander will be
requested to move apparatus that are not Aſter extinguishment, the incident
being used. The chief will also be asked to commander must oſten request assistance
estimate how long the overhauling operation from other agencies. Utility companies
will be asked to restore gas or electric that
Dangers at
the Scene
The incident
commander should ensure
that the area is safe before
leaving the scene. There
may be collapse dangers,
open sidewalk cellar doors,
fire escape drop ladders,
and counterbalance stairs
that need to be reset and
a burned-out shell of
Fig. 31–2. Plastic salvage cover is placed over the ventilation a structure into which
roof cut to protect the top-floor apartment from the elements. children may wander. Ice
or glass may cover a road
or sidewalk. Before leaving
was turned off by firefighters. Firefighters the scene, the incident commander should
should not turn on gas or electric order firefighters to safeguard the area. Fire
supply aſter it has been shut off; if there escape access ladders should be returned
is a mishap with the gas or electric, the to their original positions. All sidewalk
fire department will be held liable. All openings should be closed or covered.
doors forced open should be reported Entrance doors should be relocked, and
to the police officer in charge. The fire firefighters who are the last to leave should
department should not leave a building exit through windows and down ladders.
unprotected aſter a fire, because looters Tape or rope indicating “Do not enter”
may take valuables aſter we leave. If there should surround the danger area near
is a question of the burned-out structure’s collapsed or weakened structures. Police
stability or if there is a danger of collapse, may set up barricades. At every fire, the
the building department should be premises are turned over to police for
requested to send a structural engineer security. The officer’s name and rank are
to evaluate the building. When there is recorded in the fire report.
a large amount of burned rubble in the The ending moments of any event
street, the sanitation department should can have a lasting impact. An incident
be notified for a bulk pickup of this debris. commander must realize that the salvage
If water mains or fire hydrants have not overhauling and demobilization stages of a
worked properly, the water department fire operation are very important because
should be called. If flames and smoke they leave the greatest impression of the
have contaminated food products for sale entire firefighting effort with everyone
in a store, the Board of Health should in the community. The firefighters could
be called to determine whether the food have saved lives and made a great fire
can be sold or should be destroyed. The stop, but if the last part of the firefighting
Environmental Protection Agency should strategy—salvage, overhauling, and
be called to the scene if waterways or demobilization—is not done well, all the
sewers are contaminated. heroic efforts may be forgotten.
we returned our efforts to the building of inside with the engine company. Aſter many
fire origin for an entire day. My officer later years, even though this was not effective
explained why we temporarily stopped command and control, everyone came to
fighting the big fire and extinguished accept this. This worked for many years
the small fire in the exposure building. because he was lucky enough to always
He stated that if we did not prevent work with good firefighters who learned
the fire from spreading to the building how to command and control a fire from
across the alley and if the fire had spread the outside, at the command post.
throughout that building, we would have The procedure in the FDNY and most
been firefighting the blaze for two days. I fire departments is for a chief to stay at the
later learned the objectives of firefighting command post to give orders to incoming
strategy: first, protect life; second, prevent units and, when the higher-ranking chief
fire extension; third, confine the fire; and arrives to transfer command, relate the
fourth, extinguish the blaze. I have never strategy being used. Aſter this face-to-face
forgotten those. transfer of command, the higher-ranking
chief has the option of sending the chief
wherever there is need. An incident
Strategy Error at commander should not leave the command
the Command Post post. If there is an urgent need to go inside
the burning building, the incident command
Staying at the command post as an must tell his aide to remain at the command
incident commander is difficult for a new post and must convey the destination of the
chief. As a company officer, I was used interior visit; the incident commander must
to being inside the building, close to the return as soon as possible.
action. Over the years as a battalion chief During a fire, there should be a
and deputy chief, I slowly learned how to size-up from inside the burning building
conduct firefighting strategy and size up a and a size-up from outside the burning
fire from the command post. However, a building. The outside size-up is usually by
friend of mine never learned this. My friend, the incident commander at the command
when promoted to chief, kept going into the post. The size-up from inside the burning
fire building and moving in with the first building by an operations officer. During
attack hose team. Instead of staying at the the initial attack, the interior size-up is
command post, he would leave his driver most effective when the fire is on one
outside to give incoming companies orders floor. However, if the fire spreads to the
while he was inside with the firefighters roof or to two or more floors, the size-up
advancing the hose and searching for by the incident commander outside, at the
victims. Even aſter many years, this did command post, becomes more accurate.
not change. Everyone knew where my In this situation, the operations officer
friend, the chief, was during a fire—inside inside cannot see the fire above and has a
with the hose attack team advancing the limited view of the overall fire spread. The
line. When my friend wanted a greater incident commander must stay outside, at
alarm transmitted, he ordered his driver to the command post; must rely on size-up
transmit an alarm. When a higher-ranking information from the operations officer
chief arrived he would ask where the chief inside; and must not go inside unless there
was. The firefighter would say that he was is a life-and-death problem.
Utility Shut-off
S e ve r a l ye ars ago,
while I was standing at the
command post during an
overhauling operation in a
tavern fire aſter the blaze was
knocked down, a firefighter
in distress came out of the
Fig. 32–1. When sufficient firefighters are on the scene, not building, staggered over, and
having a prestretched hose line by a company standing fast collapsed on the back step
in front of the fire building can be a strategy error during a of a fire apparatus. I quickly
fast-moving fire. went over an asked how he
was. He said, “Chief, I was
This is the time to have firefighters almost electrocuted!” While pulling the
stretch a hose line to the front of the ceiling, his metal tool had become entangled
building and then stand fast. When you in the electric wire in the ceiling. Sharp jolts
do this, you are being proactive with your of electric current shot through his wet
hose line placement (fig. 32–1). If there gloves, into his arms. Unable to let go of
is a sudden need for a hose line to cut the tool and unable to untangle it from the
off spreading fire in a building and the wires, the steady waves of electricity moved
firefighters are already at the front of the from his hands, down his arms, through his
building standing fast with the line, they chest, and down both legs to the wet floor.
can quickly take it inside the building. This The firefighter realized he was being slowly
is because the stretch has already been electrocuted. The electric current kept his
completed. The advantage of stretching wet, gloved fingers wrapped tightly around
a hose to the front of the building and the metal tool. He tried to shout for help,
but he could not. His jaw was locked shut Normal current in a residential
by the jolts of electricity flowing through building can kill firefighters. During
his body. He began to black out. He lost structural overhaul, walls, ceilings, and
consciousness. As his body crumpled to the floors are oſten opened in order to search
floor, his hands were pulled away from the for hidden fire. Metal tools can come in
metal tool, and he regained consciousness. contact with electric wires behind these
Getting up from the wet floor, the firefighter walls and ceilings. Firefighters standing on
staggered outside and stumbled over to the a wet floor in a burned-out room can get
fire apparatus. a metal tool entangled in a live wire. This
I realized that as the incident can cause the firefighter to be electrocuted
commander, I should have had the electric or severely shocked. Thus, aſter a fire
power shut off before the overhauling is extinguished and before extensive
began. I quickly called over the radio, overhaul is started, electric power
“Command to operations! Stop the should be shut off. There are also times
overhauling! Send a firefighter to the when electric power should be shut off
basement to shut the power off.” Aſter the immediately on arrival. Electric power
firefighter was taken to the hospital and should be shut off immediately whenever
the electricity to the store was shut off, the electricity is the source of the heat causing
order was given to continue the salvage and the fire. Here power must be immediately
overhauling operation. cut off before extinguishment. Also, if there
This was a strategy error on my part, is no fire but a victim is being electrocuted,
and I was very lucky that the firefighter power must be immediately diverted from
was not electrocuted to death. Back at the wire or appliance threatening the
headquarters, I thought, What should be trapped person.
the strategy for shutting off power? When Power should also be shut off on arrival
should I order the electric and gas shut at explosions and structural collapses. An
off during fire operations? Generally, at a explosion and a collapse can rip open
structure fire, electric power should remain walls, ceilings, and floors of a structure
on for as long as safety permits. Electricity and expose live wires. Also, live electric
provides power for lights, which assists wires will be threaded throughout collapse
search-and-rescue operations. It keeps fire rubble, hanging dangerously in midair or
pumps running for fire extinguishment laying around the ground. Firefighters may
and elevators operated by firefighters for come in contact with a wire. One of the
evacuation. However, there are certain most important actions aſter an explosion
times during a fire or emergency operation or a collapse damages a building is to shut
when electric power should be immediately off all the utilities—gas, water, and electric.
turned off to protect firefighters and Shutting off electric power can save the
trapped victims. I sent out a standard lives of searching firefighters and trapped
operating procedure to every company, victims in the collapse rubble. To handle
as follows: Electricity should be cut off this type of operation, firefighters must
before structural overhaul starts. It may be trained to safely shut off electricity to
not be shut off for overhauling when only residential buildings. Utility companies
the content is burned, but when breaking must be called to the scene when needed,
open walls or ceilings near electric wires, but many times they cannot respond
the power should be shut off. quickly enough to do the job.
below the roof. Many times, the wall above or missing bricks or mortar. However,
the roof looks good, but the wall below the despite the condition of the walls, the
roof has holes, loose and missing bricks, ends of the roof beams of the fire building,
and unauthorized openings for pipes resting in the party wall, were back to back
and ducts. with the ends of the roof beams of the
When using a party wall as a fire exposure building.
barrier, order firefighters into the store During the defensive master stream
below to pull the ceilings and examine the attack, fire burned the beam ends of the
wall from below the roof. Fire may already fire building and spread fire through the
be spreading through holes in the brick eight-inch-thick party wall to the exposure.
party wall. There can be large openings in I mistakenly relied on the positive report
a wall for air-conditioning ducts and pipes, of the battalion chief ’s assessment of the
or there may be spaces created by mortar wall’s condition. I should have sent a hose
cracks or missing bricks through which fire line up to the top floor of the exposure and
could spread. What you see above the roof had the ceiling pulled and the area below
is not what you get below the roof. When the roof where the beam came through
workers renovate a building containing a the wall checked, in addition to the top
row of stores, they may rebuild the party condition of the party wall. Never trust a
wall section where it is visible above the party wall.
roof, but the important portion below the
roof is oſten leſt unrepaired. The strategy
mistake and lesson learned is that whenever
you position defensive hose lines on a roof
behind a party wall, make sure that you A company in my division transmitted a
check the store below. Mayday signal. I responded and investigated.
The worst strategy error in my At this fire, when the first company arrived,
entire career involved a party wall. This a building manager, who had discovered
party wall supported roof beams of two a fire and transmitted an alarm, assured
adjoining buildings. Fire burned through them that it was a small fire and took them
an eight-inch-thick brick party wall where up to the fire floor in the elevator. When
wood roof beams from both buildings the elevator car door opened, the lobby
abutted. Fire spread to the entirety of contained a roaring fire. The firefighters and
exposure D, and it became a major-alarm building manager ran for their lives through
fire. I was the incident commander directing the fire and fortunately escaped to the safety
a master stream defensive attack in a of a stairway.
large, vacant six-story H-type building in Never take an elevator up to the fire
the Bronx. Exposure D was a similar but floor even if the building manager tells you
much larger H-type building separated by the fire is small. Never let anyone else press
a party wall. the floor destination button for you. As
I sent a chief to check out the party wall an officer, you should press the button for
dividing the buildings. He reported that the the selected floor. When using an elevator
party wall looked very good. It did, aſter the during a fire, determine the lowest floor
fire, we both checked it out. There was new where the fire has been reported and then
capstone on top of the wall. The mortar take the elevator two or three floors below.
between bricks was perfect: no cracks Leave a firefighter in the lobby to inform
arriving companies and the chief of the during a high-rise fire, even one with a
reported fire floor, the elevator being used, phase II (firefighter service) mode. First,
and the company in the elevator. Aſter accurately determine the location of the
firefighters get off the elevator, they should fire floor on arrival. Be aware that a person
send the elevator back down to the lobby reporting a fire from the 12th floor of a
with a firefighter operating the controls and building may have seen smoke and flame
walk up the stairs to the fire floor. Do not outside the window rising from below, on
keep the elevator on the upper floors. Send the 11th or the 10th floor.
it down for reinforcements. Even when a building employee tells
Firefighters must always use the you the floor where the fire has been
firefighter service when taking an elevator reported, check the computer or video
during a fire. If not, the elevator may take terminal for a smoke detector signal. The
firefighters directly to the fire floor. In floor on the alarm ticket, the floor on the
addition to the aforementioned strategy alarm panel, and the floor reported to you
failure, there are several additional ways by the person in charge of the building
an elevator that is not used in firefighter must all be the same. When they are
service mode can malfunction and bring a not, or when several floors on the alarm
firefighter up to the fire floor and almost panel indicate that smoke detectors have
certain death: activated, assume that the lowest floor is
• A person on the fire floor who has the fire floor.
escaped a fire pushes a corridor call Use an elevator that has a phase II
button and then decides to leave by the (firefighter/emergency service) mode,
stairs because the smoke and heat in but realize that this system may fail. Take
the corridor become too severe. the elevator two or more floors below the
reported fire. If the fire is located on the
• A firefighter can be brought up to a fire
sixth floor or below, walk up the stairs
floor in an elevator during a high-rise
instead of using the elevator.
fire if the corridor (mechanical) call
button and wiring become deformed,
deteriorated, and/or melted by the heat
of the fire. Hose Placement
• During a high-rise fire, elevators
In a multistory building, the first hose
are called to the fire floor when the
line is usually stretched up the interior
electronic touch button (immovable,
stairway to the fire floor, and the second
touch sensitive) is activated by
hose line is stretched as a backup. If the first
exposure to dense smoke. Note that
line extinguishes the fire, the backup line is
electronic call buttons do not operate
usually sent to the floor above, to stop any
by heat from a person’s finger. This is a
minor fire spread.
misconception. Electronic call buttons
Once, I did not follow these hose
are activated by the completion,
placement guidelines during a fire, and
through the person touching it, of a
it almost became a disaster. The fire
circuit to the ground. Dense smoke can
occurred on the second floor of a four-story
complete this circuit.
multiple-dwelling building of ordinary
The following safety and survival tactics construction. An inexperienced firefighter
must be employed when using an elevator was assigned to perform forcible entry.
On arrival, flames were blowing out one 2. The first hose line goes to the seat of
window, which led directly to a fire escape the fire, attacks the fire from a door,
on the front of the building. The first hose pushes the fire outward, and protects
line had already been stretched up the the interior stairway.
interior stairs and charged with water. You
3. The second hose line should back up
could hear the firefighters’ tool-pounding
the first hose line and if necessary goes
attempts to force the door; we did not
to the floor above.
have the rabbit tool then. Aſter I ordered
a second hose line, flames broke out of a 4. A hose line should not pass the fire.
second window and began to spread into
5. When a door is forced open, it is
an open window on the floor above. An
important to control the door and
unusual radio report from inside stated
not let it swing open into the flaming
that they could not force open the heavily
apartment. A gloved hand or a six-foot
padlocked apartment door.
hook can sometimes reach in and close
As firefighters stretching the second
a door, or a rope tied to the doorknob
hose passed in front of me, I redirected
during forcible entry can be used to
them to stretch up the fire escape and
control the door.
advance in on the fire through the fire
escape window. As a young incident 6. It is not always good to think
commander, I used to pride myself as outside the box during life-and-death
being able to quickly “think outside the emergency operations.
box,” as they call it today. I also ordered
the hose team inside to bring the hose
up to the apartment above to stop the
autoexposure fire spread. As the firefighters
Hose Stretching
advanced through the burning apartment I responded to a second-alarm fire, and
from the fire escape, disaster struck! The on arrival, there seemed to be a problem.
forcible-entry team suddenly forced open Everyone was yelling, and several hose
the door to the second-floor apartment. lines were being stretched. A 2½-story
The firefighters advancing the hose from private dwelling had flames coming out
the fire escape drove flames out into the the front, side, and rear doors. The incident
public hall and up the interior stairs. commander at the scene had firefighters
Now I had fire spreading up the interior stretching three hose lines simultaneously.
stairs and a fire company with a hose line When I arrived, which was several minutes
trapped on the floor above the fire. Aſter aſter the second alarm was transmitted and
several Maydays, the firefighters who took 10 minutes aſter the initial alarm, none of
the initial hose line up the interior stairway the hose lines was charged with water and
fought their way back down with the hose, operating on the fire. People were shouting
and the firefighters advancing the hose on each side of the burning building for the
from the fire escape window extinguished firefighters to attack the fire from a different
the fire in the second-floor apartment. Aſter location around the building.
the fire was out, I realized what an error of When I arrived, I said to the incident
hose placement I had made. The following commander, “Let’s have all the firefighters
lessons were demonstrated: stop what they are doing and work
1. Forcible entry is of extreme importance. together to get one hose line in operation.”
cornice separating the second floor from down, the firefighters may be temporarily
the attic. The firefighters are directing a removed to safety on a floor below.
1¾-inch hose stream in the attic. At the However, if the defensive attack is to be
same time, a tower ladder master stream the final strategy, all firefighters must be
is attempting to extinguish fire in the removed from the burning building and
building’s roof near where the firefighters positioned outside the collapse zone. The
are standing on the cornice. The water lesson dramatically shown in the video is
stream comes dangerously close to the that an incident commander should not
firefighters standing on the cornice, use an offensive attack and a defensive
operating with the hand line. As the aerial attack using a master stream at the same
stream strikes the building, it appears to time. The firefighting strategy should be an
be liſting the roof away from the building offensive attack or a defensive attack, not
with the force of the stream. Suddenly, the both together.
cornice, with the firefighters standing on
top, collapses. The cornice, firefighters,
and hose line crash down onto a porch
roof below.
When Your Strategy Fails
Aſter the video ends, we discuss the What does an incident commander do
strategy errors. There is a strategy error if the firefighting strategy fails completely?
of too many firefighters on the cornice, as What does an incident commander do if
well as a strategy error of the firefighter’s the fire is so unusual that there is no known
directing the master stream in such a way strategy? What can an incident commander
as to weaken the roof and pull it away from do when there are insufficient resources to
the cornice. But the strategy error everyone control a situation? How can an incident
in the class agrees on is the simultaneous commander employ firefighters to combat
use of an offensive strategy and a defensive a disaster for which there is no precedent?
strategy. The incident commander’s error Here is how: The incident commander must
was to have a defensive master stream use the priorities of firefighting to make
operating and an offensive 1½-inch hand strategy decisions.
line in operation on the fire at the same The priorities of firefighting are moral
time. An incident commander could use and legal ways of making strategy decisions.
either an offensive attack or a defensive These priorities never change. The first
firefighting strategy—but not the two priority of firefighting is to protect life at
strategies, offensive and defensive, at the the scene. This includes the lives of the
same time. firefighters at the scene. Thus, if there are
Most fires are extinguished by an no civilians at the scene or occupants of a
offensive attack. However, when the burning building in danger, you take every
incident commander changes to a defensive measure and make every decision solely
strategy, he or she is required to withdraw to protect the responding firefighters.
firefighters to safety. When master streams The priorities of firefighting require you
are used, firefighters engaged in an offensive do not unnecessarily risk the lives of
attack with a hand line must be withdrawn firefighters. As the risk managers state, do
to safety. If the defensive attack is to be not sacrifice good life for bad (dead) life; do
temporary and the offensive attack will be not sacrifice life for property. If you do not
restarted aſter the master stream is shut have a strategy, take steps to safeguard the
firefighters until you decide on a strategy. confined, take all steps to protect property.
You may make any decision that you believe Firefighters take an oath to protect life and
is best to safeguard life. If there is no known property in their community. However, we
strategy, do whatever it takes. If there is no are not an insurance company; we are a
strategy, there is no precedent. Make sure fire department. Property protection is
everyone gets back to the firehouse safely. important, but it is not more important
The next step in the priorities of firefighting than the lives of the people in the
is fire containment. Aſter you ensure that community and the firefighters’ own lives.
the civilians and firefighters are safe, then Nor is property protection as important as
control the fire. fire containment. For example, we must
Fire containment is the second priority. sometimes force open doors and damage
Fire containment is not as important as the property to gain access to a burning house
lives of the civilians and the firefighters. to save lives. Also, we must sometimes
Aſter an incident commander has protected break windows and damage property to
the life hazard, then make whatever decision vent smoke and heat, allowing firefighters
you believe is best to control the fire. Let to contain a fire. Sometimes we must
the fire spread if you have to save lives. The break open a plasterboard ceiling or wall
lives of the people come first. There is no to check for hidden smoldering fire that
exception to this: life first; fire containment could spread unnoticed aſter we leave
second. This is a moral and legal obligation the scene.
of firefighting strategy. Fire control, the In conclusion, when an incident
second priority, starts with preventing its commander does not have a firefighting
extension. Flank the fire if the spreading strategy to use at a fire, all strategy
edge is too rapid for a frontal attack. Next, decisions must be made according to these
surround the blaze, and aſter it is confined, priorities of firefighting: life safety first,
either let it burn out or move in and fire containment second, and property
extinguish the fire. protection third. This is the foundation
Finally, the third priority of firefighting of firefighting. If you can remember only
is property protection. Aſter you ensure one firefighting strategy in this book, this
that all lives are safe and the fire has been is the one.
T he firefighting
strategies in this book
are primarily for large fire
problems. In addition to
strategies for large fire
operations, there are small
problems that crop up at
fires that require secondary
or small strategies. An
incident commander must
know small plans to solve
these small problems that
arise at fires. If enough
of these small problems
arise during a fire and
they are not controlled by Fig. 33–1. The strategy to control autoexposure is to have an
the incident commander, outside hose stream directed at the spandrel wall, above the
they may interfere or flames, not in the window.
delay the accomplishment
of the overall firefighting
strategy. The following are what I call fire spread by autoexposure is to order
secondary or small strategies for small fire outside stream directed at the spandrel
ground problems. wall between windows (fig. 33–1). Do
not direct the outside stream into the
flaming window if other firefighters are
Autoexposure Firefighting operating inside. If it has been confirmed
that all occupants and firefighters are
Autoexposure is defined as the not inside the building, a hose steam can
spread of flame from one window to the be directed into the flaming window to
window above. A strategy used to prevent stop autoexposure.
burning building toward a fire. Firefighters Most fires in the United States are
advance a hose line directly into the path of extinguished by the first attack hose line.
the raging fire. Firefighters using a frontal The first attack hose line should be stretched
attack strategy confront the fire, heat, and through the front, rear, or side door and
smoke head-on. The firefighting strategy drive the flames and heat to the outside
used by most fire departments throughout through a window, doorway, or other
the country is an interior attack using a ventilation portal. The second hose line
small-diameter hose stream. This strategy usually back ups the first attack hose team
extinguishes all content and some structure unless there is a serious exposure problem.
fires in a building. The second hose line backs up the first line
for the following reasons: to protect the
firefighter operating the first line in case of
Group Think flashover, explosion, or collapse; in case the
first hose line suffers a burst length of hose;
Group think is a mode of thinking and in case there is too much fire for one
found in cohesive, highly disciplined hose stream to extinguish. Furthermore,
teams. Group think occurs when the group this hose line can be repositioned to the
strives for unanimity in action and when attic or floor above the fire.
all member of the group concur with the
objectives they are striving to accomplish.
Most highly disciplined organizations,
like the fire service and the U.S. military,
Interior Defensive Attack
demonstrate this type of thinking during This is sometimes called a controlled-
emergency operations. burn firefighting strategy. This is the
This mind-set has both good and strategy when an interior defensive hose
bad effects. At most (99%) emergency line is operated by firefighters in a stairway
operations, group think in the fire service enclosure for an extended period. The hose
is good. It helps us to accomplish objectives line keeps the fire from entering the stair
during dangerous emergency conditions enclosure. Smoke may enter the stairway,
efficiently. To be successful, all members of but fire will not be allowed to spread up the
the fire service must understand and work stairway. This strategy gives firefighters time
toward the same objectives. Nevertheless, in to make aerial ladder rescues and searches
some rare (1%) instances, group think can of the upper floor from other stairways. An
be deadly. Group think can have negative interior defensive operation can only be
results when firefighters, striving for carried out when the stability of the building
unanimity of action, let it override a realistic is assured. When the building stability is in
awareness of the situation. In this instance, question, an outside defensive attack or a
group think may stop us from considering nonattack strategy is more effective.
an alternative course of action. In fire department jargon, jumpers
refers to people who have jumped from
windows to avoid the flame heat inside a
Hose Line Placement burning building. People sometimes jump
from rear windows that do not have access
Hose line placement is the most for firefighters’ ladder and rope rescues.
important action in a firefighting operation. Before leaving the scene of a residence
a rekindle of a fire, aſter the department openings are vented and an explosion
leaves the scene. From a health hazard occurs, part of the blast will be diverted
point of view, overhauling is one of most out these roof openings.
dangerous stages of a fire. Solid particles of Flanking is a safe operating procedure
dust and smoke are inhaled when masks are firefighters can use when there is the
not used during overhauling. danger that an explosion will blow out of
a doorway or a window opening. When
flanking a door, firefighters position
Priorities of themselves on each side of the doorway,
away from any potential blast or shock
Firefighting Strategy waves that may come through the doorway.
The priorities of firefighting strategy, Hose streams operating in a flanking
on the basis of which all firefighting position at a doorway should be operated
decisions can be made, are as follows: at angles that allow the water stream to
Protect life first; this includes the lives of enter the doorway and keep firefighters
firefighters. Incident stabilization is the out of the path of any blast that may come
second priority of firefighting. Property out of the doorway or window of the
protection is the third and last priority burning store.
of firefighting.
System Analysis
Quenching, Venting, A system analysis is a method of
and Flanking analyzing the problems indigenous to
structural firefighting. Any one of the
There are three strategies that parts (problems) of the system can disrupt
firefighters can use for protection against a firefighting operation. The 13-point
backdraſt smoke explosions. They are size-up used by some in the fire service
quenching, venting, and flanking. Directing is a systematic analysis of firefighting. A
a hose stream through a doorway or system analysis of a structure fire includes
window into a room containing a possibly the following: size and location of the
explosive atmosphere is referred to as fire, construction of the fire building,
quenching. The water stream directed into the occupancy of the burning building,
the explosive smoke and heat atmosphere the area of the building, the height of
may interrupt (quench) a developing the burning building, the life hazard, the
explosion. When a door or window adjacent exposed buildings, the apparatus
appears to have an explosive atmosphere on scene, the personnel who responded
developing, by directing a hose stream into with the apparatus, the water supply, the
the superheated smoke, you may break auxiliary appliances available for use,
up the explosive atmosphere and prevent the time of the fire occurrence, and the
an explosion. weather conditions.
Venting roof skylights and scuttle
covers can act as a relief valve for an
explosive atmosphere. If these roof
Utilities Shut-off
There should be a prearranged signal
The fire ground commander should for withdrawal of firefighters. This signal
order the following utility control during a may be an electronic signal on a portable
fire or emergency: radio or an audible signal from apparatus.
• Firefighters should shut off gas and Four blasts on the apparatus air horn or a
electric before overhauling, which continuous sounding of sirens is a common
involves opening up plasterboard walls emergency withdrawal signal used by many
and/or ceilings. fire departments. All firefighters should
• When there is a structural collapse be trained to leave equipment and leave
or an explosion, gas, electric, and a building when the withdrawal signal is
water supply to the building should heard. The use of the term Mayday over
be shut off to protect people trapped the radio is not effective as an emergency
and rescuers. withdrawal signal.
Everyone must get as much information as controlled and coordinated by the incident
you can before, during, and aſter making a commander and must not direct hose
decision. If you do not receive necessary streams at each other.
radio reports from firefighters and company
3. During a fire, you can always depend
officers inside a burning building, you must
on the incident commander to tell you
request it.
when to withdraw if there is a danger
You must ask the right questions
of collapse.
and get the most complete answers you
can get. The key to life-or-death decision Don’t believe it. The chief standing at
making is the ability to ask questions, the command post cannot see inside the
listen to answers, and then say what you burning building. He or she cannot see the
want accomplished. roof conditions or know about the stability
of the rear wall of a burning building.
2. Never use an opposing-hose-lines
Actually, the incident commander standing
strategy where firefighters may operate
at the command post is expecting you to
hose streams against each other.
tell him or her of any collapse danger. The
This may have been true years ago, incident commander expects the fire officers
before fire officers had portable radios working inside, on the roof, or at the rear
that gave us the ability to coordinate and of the burning building to relay reports of
control fire companies at a fire. In the any danger requiring safety precautions.
1960s, having hose teams positioned at The firefighters in and around the burning
opposite sides of a building oſten resulted building are the eyes and ears of the chief.
in hose streams being directed against each Firefighting is a team effort. Aſter receiving
other, injuring firefighters and delaying information advising of a collapse danger,
the extinguishment of fire. Today, you the incident commander can issue orders
can position hose teams at opposite sides to safeguard all firefighters at the scene:
of a burning building or a fire area and firefighters inside the burning building, on
coordinate their actions with the use of the roof, and at the rear.
radio communications. As the first hose
4. It is best not to use a proactive strategy
team advances from the front of a building,
to call resources to a fire because you
the hose team at the rear can be ordered
may look foolish and transmit an
to protect exposures and not direct the
unnecessary greater alarm.
hose stream into the path of the advancing
first hose team. However, if the first hose He who hesitates is lost. An incident
team cannot advance owing to heat, fire, commander should transmit the alarm or
or wind, the incident commander, using call the mutual aid companies as soon as
portable radios, can order the first team to the need exists, even if they are not used at
back out and close the door. When assured the fire but just stand by ready for action.
that this has been done, the commander It is best to have reserve forces at a fire or
may order the second hose team at the emergency. At a serious working fire, there
rear to advance on the fire. Having hose should be one engine, one ladder company,
teams positioned in opposite positions and one ambulance standing by at the scene.
actually gives the incident commander two This is in addition to the RIT.
avenues to attack a fire. It can be a safety Decision makers use the term being
backup. Still, the two hose teams must be proactive. Your emergency decision
making should be proactive; it should the fire service as a “veteran” chief, aſter 42
not be reactive. Remember that most years, I still I didn’t know enough. I was still
firefighters are sitting in the firehouse trying to know more about the fire service
listening to the radio reports of the fire by experience and book learning. What
and want to respond. They want to get I did finally realize at this time was that
the experience. Moreover, you want to when you think you know enough about
get the experience of handling a large firefighting, you had better retire, because
number of personnel. I have been in you are going to kill yourself or somebody
command of fires where I had too many you work with. Keep learning from
firefighters at the scene, and I have been experience and from books; it is best to feel
in command at fires where I had too you do not know enough about firefighting
few firefighters. Believe me, having too in order to survive.
many firefighters makes you feel much
6. The only size-up of a fire required is
better. Also, the former situation gives
a close-up size-up conducted by fire
you the most confidence and helps you
officers inside the burning building.
make better decisions. You can always
use fresh firefighters during the salvage This is a half-truth. At most fires, the
and overhauling stage and send exhausted inside size-up is the most important, and it
firefighters back to quarters. In making is the most accurate size-up. You cannot see
any decision, it is better to make an error much standing outside a burning building at
of commission than omission. the command post. At most fires, the chief
usually requests a size-up report from the
5. Experience is the best teacher of
officer inside the burning building, which
firefighting strategy. Book learning is
is close to the fire. This is the best size-up
not as good as learning by experience.
at most fires. However, the real truth is that
This is true, but it can’t be done. You this is the best size-up only when the fire is
must get experience from both actually confined to one floor.
doing the job and reading books on If a fire spreads to the common roof
how to do the job. You can’t possibly space or if the fire has quickly spread to
get all your knowledge by experience. several floors above the original fire floor,
You must read and learn from books, the inside size-up becomes less accurate.
fire service magazines, and department The firefighters inside see the fire only on
firefighting procedures. their floor. They cannot see the flames in
Another point about learning in the the roof cockloſt or the fire on the floors
fire service is that you will never feel that above them. When the fire has spread to
you have enough experience. When I was the roof space or several floors above in a
a rookie, I thought that when I became building, then a size-up from outside the
first grade, I would know enough to “feel” building is more accurate than the size-up
experienced. It did not happen, and when conducted from inside.
I became first grade, I believed that once In summary, the best size-up of a
I had 10 years in the fire service, surely fire confined to one floor is from inside.
I would feel like a veteran. Nope. It even When a fire involves a floor and the roof or
became more complicated because I was several floors, the outside size-up from the
promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and command post is more accurate. At every
I became a rookie fire officer. When I leſt serious fire, you should have an operations
officer perform the inside size-up and the chimneys, marquees, cornices, and canopies
incident commander outside perform the descend on firefighters. Even people
outside size-up. jumping out windows fall on firefighters.
All these dangers kill and injure firefighters
7. Firefighters can escape death from a
outside a burning building.
collapsing wall by outrunning it or by
The perimeter around the outside of
jumping into a doorway.
a burning building is a deadly area. Some
These are deadly myths. Firefighters incident commanders erroneously believe
can’t outrun a collapsing wall. It’s too late that operating outside a burning building
already when you hear the shout, “Watch is not as dangerous as operating inside a
out!” The wall is on top of you. burning building. Firefighters killed and
As far as jumping into a doorway injured “by wall” are operating outside a
to escape a falling wall goes, this is also burning building. Firefighters operating
untrue. Yes, there have been collapses where outside buildings have been killed by
walls have fallen outward and firefighters collapsing marquees, canopies that cave
standing in front of a door or window in on top of them, parapet walls that
opening have miraculously survived. But crash down on top of them, and burning
what actually happened was sheer luck. cornices that peel off building facades
They were standing in a spot where there like deadly waves. All of these collapses
was an opening. And the falling wall passed kill firefighters operating outside the
around them. They did not jump into the burning building.
doorway or move to escape. A professional
9. An aerial master stream should not
fire department does not recommend
have the stream directed at flames
miraculous escapes as a substitute for safe
from above coming through the roof.
fire ground procedures.
The best strategy is to let the fire
When a wall is in danger of collapse,
vent itself.
incident commanders should order a
defensive strategy. Order firefighters to This is true sometimes. Other times,
withdraw beyond the established collapse it is not. I learned a lesson one night at a
zone. Moreover, if a roof causes a secondary multiple-alarm fire in a row of stores in a
wall collapse, pushing it outward, and a large shopping mall. On my arrival, the
firefighter jumps into the doorway to escape battalion chief had an aerial master stream
the falling wall, he or she may be crushed to operating from above, into a store where
death by the roof collapse. the flames had burned through the roof.
Believing it was ineffective, I changed the
8. Defensive firefighting strategy outside
strategy. I directed the aerial streams shut
a burning building is not dangerous.
down, lowered, and repositioned to operate
This is false. Operating outside a into the windows and doors around the
burning building is still dangerous. store. I reasoned by allowing the heat and
Operating outside and around the flames to self-vent by flowing through the
perimeter of a burning building can be just roof, I could sweep the fire, knock down
as dangerous as working inside a burning the blaze more quickly, then move the hand
building. Outside a burning building, walls lines into the stores.
collapse on firefighters; explosions blow out Aſter the strategy change, I received
windows, doors, and walls; falling glass, the following progress reports from sector
officers around the fire. First, from fire there are many partitions, you cannot
officers operating in a nearby four-story sweep the master stream throughout the
residential building, I received a report entire area. Fire burning in concealed
that smoke from the roof fire was spreading partitions cannot be extinguished.
into the building, requiring the evacuation Directing master streams from above in
of occupants. I ordered the windows a surround-and-drown operation with
closed and the building evacuated. Next, master streams may not be very effective
I saw a flying-brand problem developing. at extinguishing fire quickly, but it is a safe
A firestorm of burning embers from the surround-and-drown operation.
store fire began to blow onto the rooſtops
10. A fire in a vacant building is not a
of several nearby buildings. I directed
dangerous fire.
several fire companies to perform brand
patrol. Then, I surveyed the fire ground Some incident commanders do not
and saw that my strategy of extinguishing believe that a fire in a vacant building is as
the fire with streams directed into windows dangerous as a fire in an occupied building.
below the roof had placed firefighting This is wrong. A vacant building fire is
companies and aerial platform buckets more dangerous than a fire in an occupied
under a dangerous-looking parapet wall building. Some dangers inside a vacant
that might collapse. That’s when I changed building that kill and injure firefighter
the strategy back to the battalion chief ’s that are not usually found in occupied
original strategy. buildings are:
That night I learned a lesson. • Holes in floors—particularly in
Sometimes it is good strategy to operate entrances to buildings in hallways
aerial ladder streams or hose lines from an
• Missing treads and landings
above, directed at flames burning through
in stairways
a roof. At this fire, aſter I changed the
aerial master streams to direct streams into • Absence of doors and windows,
the burning store from above, it stopped allowing rapid fire spread and
the smoke from going into the residence trapping firefighters
building. It stopped the flying brands, and
• No electricity for lights, making entry
I improved fire ground safety by backing
and search hazardous
the firefighters away from the dangerous
parapet wall. • Boarded-up windows and doors,
In defense of directing master streams making the venting of smoke from the
into windows from below instead of from building more difficult
above, this strategy can be effective if the
Beware of the vacant building.
store is one large area and there is a large
window area in which to maneuver the 11. F i r e fi g ht e r s a f e t y i s n o t t h e
stream. Provided that the wall is not in re spon sibilit y of the inc i d e nt
danger of collapse, an aerial master stream commander. Firefighters are paid for
directed into the store window openings the risks of firefighting.
can be very effective and quickly knock
This used to be true, but it is no longer.
down a fire. However, at this fire, there
The incident commander is accountable
were several stores subdivided by partitions
for the safety of all firefighters at the scene.
blocking the streams’ effectiveness. When
all firefighters at a fire. However, sector 15. Speed is most important when
officers are also responsible for firefighters responding to a fire.
operating in their sector, and company
This is a prevalent misconception in the
officers are responsible for safety of
fire service. Speed is never as important in
firefighters in their companies. Even
emergency response as is dependability.
firefighters must take responsibility for
Dependability of arriving at the scene
their own actions.
and controlling the fire or emergency has
Firefighter safety is a team responsibility,
always been the hallmark of the fire service,
not the responsibility of one officer standing
not how fast you do it. As a citizen, when
outside, at the command post. The legal
I call for a fire company, I want to know
and moral responsibility of the incident
that you will arrive at the scene to help
commander for firefighter safety is shared
me 100% of the time. A quick response is
by sector officers and company officers. For
important, but dependability of arrival is
example, if you have firefighters who are
much more critical. If you speed to a scene,
freelancing, company officers who do not
get into an accident, and do not arrive at the
have control over the firefighters in their
emergency, then you have failed. One of the
command, and sector officers who do not
reasons fire departments dispatch several of
understand that they are responsible for
the same type of units to the scene of an
the safety of fire companies in their sector,
emergency is to ensure dependability of
then the incident commander is not going
arrival. One of the reasons citizens call the
to be effective.
fire company instead of other emergency
services is our dependability.
attack hose line through a doorway, rather hose line stretched follows the path of the
than directing it through a window, is that first line up the interior stairway or to the
unconscious, trapped victims are oſten side or rear entrance. The advantages of
found in the doorway or in the hallway, having a backup hose line stretched into
between the doorway and the fire. An the burning building right behind the first
analysis of fire victims trapped and killed line are as follows:
in burning buildings revealed that most fire • This is a safety action to protect
victims are discovered near the fire area. firefig hters op erat ing t he first
The next location in which fire victims attack hose line in case of flashover,
are discovered is in hallways or corridors explosion, collapse, or a radio Mayday
leading to an exit. They were trying to escape transmission, indicating that a
the flames and were rendered unconscious firefighter is trapped.
by smoke, heat, or toxic gases in the path
• If the first hose suffers a burst length
to the door. Firefighters advancing the
or a broken nozzle, the second hose
first attack line through a doorway oſten
team can move into position and attack
come across these victims on the way to
the blaze.
extinguishing the fire (fig. 35–1).
• If there is too much fire
for one hose attack team
to extinguish, two hose
lines working side by
side may be successful.
• If there is no need for
the second hose line
and the first hose attack
team can handle the
room-and-content fire,
it is important to get the
second hose line up to
the floor above, the attic,
or an adjoining room to
cut off spreading fire.
Fig. 35–1. When conducting a postfire investigation, the officer 3. Where should I place a
should ask where the first attack hose line was deployed. portable ladder?
Portable ladders are
2. Where does the second hose line go?
most oſten raised and placed
If there is an exposure problem, such at fires in 2½-story private dwellings. If
as flames spreading to a nearby structure, there is a person trapped at a window, the
the second hose line goes there; flames portable ladder is placed directly below
coming out a window are not an exposure the window, and the firefighter climbs it
problem if there is no nearby building. At for a rescue. Oſten there is no visible life
most building fires, there are no visible hazard. In this case, a portable ladder
outside exposures. The exposure problem is is raised to the second floor window at
most oſten an inside exposure. The second the B or D side of the house. This target
window is the opening at the top of the Next, the rear doors serving the burning
stair landing. The purpose of this ladder is store should be vented. The advancing
to allow an outside vent firefighter to vent hose team will be able to push heat and
the second-floor window at the top of the smoke out the vent openings of the roof
stairway and relieve smoke buildup in the skylight and open rear doors. This venting
second-floor bedrooms. Also, this ladder will lessen the chance that the hose team
may be a lifesaver for a searching firefighter firefighters will be scalded or burned from
who needs to escape out the window in case a heat buildup.
of a flashover or flame cutting off retreat The large front glass windows of a
down to the first floor. burning store are vented when the hose
Another part of a 2½-story residence team starts their advance into the store.
where a portable ladder is positioned Aſter the hose lines are charged with
is at the front porch roof. This ladder is water and firefighters are in full protective
placed to allow firefighters to operate from equipment, the front store glass door or
the porch roof. From here, firefighters window is broken. The hose team should
may enter the second floor through a be safely out of the path of any potential
window for an interior search. If the initial explosive blast when the front store
heat and smoke conditions inside the windows are vented.
second-floor bedroom off the porch are Venting at a multiple-dwelling building
severe, firefighters may vent windows from should be conducted on the roof and the
the porch roof. windows of the fire apartment. On the
roof, the scuttle cover or skylight over the
4. Where do I vent the fire?
interior stairs must be immediately vented.
If the location of the fire is known, a This will prevent smoke and heat buildup in
firefighter is assigned the duty of outside the top-floor apartments. If the fire is on the
vent firefighter and will assist the advance top floor and the apartment has a skylight,
of the first attack hose line by window this too should be vented.
venting. If the fire is at the second floor, Window venting of the fire apartment
a portable ladder should be placed at the at the rear will have to be accomplished by
side of the window, and a firefighter with a firefighter operating from a fire escape or
a pike pole coordinates window venting of leaning over from the roof. Windows at the
the burning room with the advance of the front of the building can be reached and
attack hose team. vented with a ladder.
At a burning strip mall, the firefighter
5. Where should I position the
assigned to the roof, if roof stability allows,
aerial ladder?
should immediately locate the store with
the fire and vent all the roof skylights and The aerial ladder should be positioned
scuttle covers that serve the smoke- and so as to allow rescue of any person trapped
heat-filled store. If fire is burning in the in a burning building. A person in danger
common roof space over the store, cut and trapped at a window, out of reach of a
pull the roof deck as close as possible over portable ladder or interior searching
the fire and push down the ceiling. This firefighter, should be the first consideration
store roof vent cut is designed to prevent when positioning an aerial ladder. If there
horizontal fire spread in the common roof are no victims trapped at the windows
space to adjoining stores. and there is a possibility that a firefighter
the walls into the concealed space between has spread to floor and ceiling concealed
the wall studs. spaces of a building with lightweight wood
When you start to open up plaster truss construction. This is because flames
walls, first use a thermal-imaging camera spread parallel between the beams and
if available; this will reduce damage by also perpendicular through the truss web
pinpointing exactly where the fire has members. Fire spread in floor and ceiling
spread in the concealed spaces. If there is concealed spaces of a building constructed
no camera, aſter the ceiling above the fire with lightweight wood construction is
has been opened up with a pike pole, make 100% faster than convention solid beam
a small hole in the ceiling and the wall near construction. Get the people out and use a
poke-through holes in the plasterboard. defensive firefighting strategy.
First, make a small hole with the pike pole
8. Where is my exposure problem?
around any ceiling eclectic light fixture, and
then open up around radiator pipe recesses. At a normal store or house fire,
Then, check any electric wall opening for adjoining buildings over 30 feet away are
heat with your hand. If it is too hot to relatively safe from fire spread. However,
touch, open up the wall. If fire is found in there are two exceptions: windblown
any concealed space, try to cut it off before burning embers could land on a roof up to a
it spreads further. For example, if fire is half-mile away from a fire; and radiated heat
found to be spreading in a floor, follow the may spread fire across a 90-foot-wide street.
space between floor beams and open up Most fire spreads to exposures by convection
near a wall. Wet this cutting edge of fire currents of flames and heat. Flames leaping
with a hose stream. If fire is in the wall, from a window usually spread fire to nearby
open up the ceiling above and wet this area buildings separated by narrow alleys. The
with a hose stream. If fire is found in the flames need not come into direct contact
ceiling, follow the ceiling beams, open up with the nearby building. The radiated heat
the ceiling until there is no visible charring, from the flames blowing out a window may
and get someone up to the floor above to be severe enough to ignite combustible
check for vertical fire spread. If the fire is siding on a nearby building.
in the wall concealed space, check the attic. If two buildings are an equal distance
Balloon construction will allow any fire in from the burning building, the exposure
an outer wall space to spread to the attic. problem will be downwind. The wind will
If fire spreads past the plasterboard wall, blow any burning embers mixed with the
it could travel in the concealed spaces of fire downwind, and if the smoke turns
walls, ceiling, and floors. to flame, the flame will also be heading
A building that has been renovated downwind; thus, protect the downwind
has more and larger concealed spaces. Fire exposure first. This is not to say that other
may skip a floor and break out in remote nearby buildings need not be protected. The
locations when it enters a concealed space strategy of firefighting, aſter protecting life
of a renovated building. Autoexposure, hazard, is to prevent fire extension. Aſter
from a window on one floor to a window you have protected the downwind building,
above or from a window to the eaves, is protect the other sides around the burning
another form of fire spread that must always building if needed.
be checked. An incident commander must Aſter the downwind exposure has
realize that you cannot cut off fire that been protected, the following should be
considered when stretching a hose line. a smoke- and heat-filled room can
If one building is closer to a fire building, completely stop a flashover.
this building should be protected. Aſter – Vent the fire. By venting windows of
this building has been protected, consider a burning room, you release smoke
stretching a hose line into the tallest exposed and heat in the room. This slows
building. Aſter all the four exposures are down the buildup of heat that is
protected with hose lines, you have the fire necessary for flashover to occur, in
confined. Extinguishment is the next phase addition to improving visibility in a
of the fire strategy. smoke-filled room.
– Delay venting of the fire. At some
9. What is the collapse danger?
fires, by not venting and instead
The common collapse dangers at a having firefighters close the door
house fire are the ceiling, the chimney, to the burning room, you can delay
truss construction, and the porch. The flashover. By not venting, you starve
reoccurring collapse dangers at a burning the fire of oxygen, which slows down
strip mall are the parapet wall, a canopy the combustion rate, which in turn
or marquee attached to the parapet wall, a slows down the buildup of heat in
suspended ceiling, and the roof. Machinery the room. This may be done when
may cause the roof beams to fail. Truss there is a delay in stretching a hose
construction may make roof venting line and all persons are out of the
too dangerous. The common collapse burning room.
dangers at row houses are the decorative
• Explosion. There are three strategies
cornice, apartment ceilings, and stairways
that an incident commander can use
overloaded with firefighters; in addition,
when there is a danger of explosion:
there is the danger of total lean-over
– Venting a roof skylight over a burning
collapse, in which an entire corner row
store is one of the most effective
building collapses into the street.
methods of protecting firefighters
10. What are the worst catastrophes that from a natural gas blast or a smoke
could happen at this fire, and what explosion (backdraſt). When roof
should the incident commander do if conditions permit, the quick removal
in case any of these happen? of a glass skylight by firefighters can
vent a smoke-filled store and break
Flashover, explosion, collapse, and
up an explosive mixture. The rear
Mayday transmission are all catastrophes
of the building should be vented as
for which the incident commander should
well. Even if the explosion occurs,
be prepared:
the blast will be diverted upward out
• Flashover. There are three defensive
of the roof vent opening or through
procedures that can reduce the risk of
the rear doorways and windows,
death and injury from flashover:
away from the firefighters advancing
– Use a hose stream to cool the
the hose line.
fire. The discharge of a portable
– Quenching the superheated confined
extinguisher can cool the heat down
fire area is another strategy that an
in a burning room temporarily and
incident commander can use when
delay flashover. The discharge of a
there is a danger of explosion.
typical 1¾-inch hose stream into
Before firefighters enter a doorway
Access stairs: Open stairs between floors, officers; the sector chiefs, chiefs, or
allowed in some office buildings and in company officers in charge of parts
duplex apartments. Such unprotected of a fire ground are accountable for
stairways provide access to offices companies in their sector; the company
or apartments on different floors. officer is accountable for firefighters in
Access stairs are a major avenue the company; and most important, each
of fire spread. Any firefighter who firefighter is accountable to the officer
discovers an open stairway during a of the company.
fire must immediately report this to the
Active fire protection: Fire protection
incident commander.
provided by sprinklers and firefighters’
Accountability system: Tags, riding lists, hose streams.
command computerized tracking
Apartment house: Ordinary (type III)
system, electronic chips, or GPS devices.
construction four to six stories in
The accountability system is intended
height and divided into two or more
to help supervise the movements of
sections, or wings. The most common
everyone operating at the incident.
apartment house has two sections and
Accountability prevents freelancing,
is called an H-type apartment building.
which sometimes leads to unnecessary
The living units are generally located in
reports of missing or lost firefighters.
the sections or wings, and the elevators
However, chiefs, company officers,
and a large entrance lobby are usually
and firefighters must understand that
found in the center connecting part
you cannot delegate accountability to
of the apartment house. This center
a system. Everyone has accountability.
connecting area of the apartment
Everyone at a fire has a responsibility
building is identified as the neck or
to be accountable. For example, the
the throat during firefighting radio
officer in command is ultimately
communications. Apartment houses
accountability for all operations in the
were first constructed during the 1920s
fire area. However, realistically, the
and 1930s in inner-city areas and the
incident commander can communicate
surrounding suburbs.
with and supervise only the sector
Brush fires: Fast-moving fires that ignite below the street level, directly below
grass, shrubs, bushes, scrub oak, the cellar.
chaparral, marsh grass (cattails), and
Chancel: A space reserved for clergy. The
grain fields.
chancel includes the altar and the front
Buttress: Masonry built against a church choir area.
wall to give additional support.
Class A fire: A fire that requires water
Carbon monoxide: A colorless, odorless, for extinguishment.
explosive gas that is a toxic product
Class B fire: A material fire of oils, cooking
of incomplete combustion. During
grease, and flammable liquids. This type
a structural fire, there is usually
of fire requires carbon dioxide or dry
insufficient oxygen for complete
chemical extinguishers or fog streams
combustion to take place. The
for extinguishment.
uncontrolled smoldering of a fire
generates carbon monoxide. There Class C fire: A material fire of electrical
may be gases in a fire area that are more equipment. To extinguish a class C fire,
toxic than carbon monoxide, but it is use the same carbon dioxide and dry
produced in large quantities that can chemical extinguishers as on flammable
be deadly. When mixed with air at low oils and grease. Shut off the electric
concentrations, 10,000 parts of carbon power at the same time. Do not use
monoxide per million of air can cause water on an electrical equipment fire.
death when inhaled for one minute.
Class D fire: A fire that involves
Cellar: A story that has more than half combustible metals and requires a dry
of its level below ground and is powder extinguisher.
not considered a floor level when
Cockloſt: A common roof space. The
computing the height of the building.
cockloſt is defined as the large
The cellar is a below-grade floor level
concealed space between the top-floor
in a building. Firefighters die in cellars
ceiling and the underside of the roof
from carbon monoxide accumulation
deck. Fire may spread with explosive
owing to incomplete combustion,
speed inside the cockloſt.
from oxygen depletion owing to flash
fires, from drowning in water-filled Collapse: Any portion of a burning
cellars, from breathing heavier-than-air structure that collapses owing to fire
gases that accumulate there, and from damage. Firefighters outside burning
flammable gas explosions during fire. buildings, as well as those inside, are
Some cellars are more dangerous than killed by structural collapses. Unlike
others. A cellar that is completely the other leading causes of firefighter
below grade, without windows, is deaths, when a building collapses
more dangerous than a cellar that is during a fire, large numbers of
only partially below grade or one that firefighters die in a single event. New
has windows to provide ventilation. York City lost 343 firefighters when
Cellars in high-rise buildings do not the World Trade Center collapsed
have windows. Subcellars, the most on 9/11; Chicago lost 21 firefighters
dangerous type of below-grade area, at a single structural wall collapse
have no windows and are two stories during a fire; Philadelphia lost 14 in
Exterior defensive attack strategy: A attack line. (2) Prevent fire extension
procedure for conducting exterior (downwind) with the second hose line.
defensive attack. A general rule passed (3) Confine the fire (upwind) with the
down from veteran chief to new chief third line. (4) If the rear of the building
states that if fire is on two or more is spreading fire, stretch a line to this
floors and the hose lines are not making location. (5) Extinguish the fire with all
headway, an outside attack strategy lines confining the fire. At most fires,
should be considered. the first hose attack team stretches
one hose line, extinguishing the fire
Exterior defensive hose line attack: A
and performing all five firefighting
strategy used when other strategies are
strategies simultaneously.
considered ineffective or too dangerous
and all occupants have been evacuated Fire resistive: Material that will resist fire for
from the building. All interior forces a designated period of time, such as one,
are withdrawn to safety. This can be two, three, or four hours. Steel columns,
a temporary strategy, with firefighters girders, and beam in a fire-resistive
returning inside the building with (type I construction) building will be
hose lines, or a final strategy, such as a covered with fire retardant.
surround-and-drown operation.
Flame: The luminous zone of combustion
Falling objects: A leading cause of deaths on when one gas burns in another. Flame
the fire ground. They are any materials temperatures are between 2,500 and
that fall from, are thrown out of, or 3,500°F. Along with gases, heat, and
break off a fire structure or exposed smoke, burns are a leading cause of
structure during a fire—for example, death on the fire ground. The best
smoldering pieces of furniture thrown protection a firefighter has against flames
out of windows during overhauling, is water from an attack hose stream.
window air-conditioners, falling tools The insulation of protective firefighting
that have slipped out of the hands of gear and mask will protect a firefighter
firefighters overhauling window frames, from more serious injury when exposed
broken glass from windows vented to the flames of flashover, flash fire, or
from inside a burning building, and reflash fire, but nothing can protect a
even people jumping out of buildings to firefighter from prolonged exposure to
escape flames. The most likely place to be flames. Flame is the most deadly and
struck by a falling object is the perimeter most common hazardous material a
of a burning building. To avoid injury by firefighter will ever encounter.
falling objects, get inside the building or
Flameover: A fire described by the National
stay away from the perimeter.
Institute of Standards and Technology
Fingers of a brush fire: Strips of long, thin as a fire that rapidly spreads along the
sections of fire that extend outward from surface of a wall, ceiling, or floor. The
the main area of blackened earth. flameover fire was first reported at the
Winecoff Hotel fire, in Atlanta, Georgia,
Firefighting strategy: The steps of
in 1946, where 119 people died in the
firefighting strategy at a row house
upper-floor rooms.
or strip mall: (1) Protect life with the
first hose and sometimes a backup
strategy is used when the first floor Ground fires: Slow-spreading, smoldering
becomes too dangerous for firefighters fires that burn in dried, decomposed
owing to smoke or collapse. leaves, twigs, or pine needles that have
fallen from the trees to the ground.
Flying brands: Windblown pieces of
These are also called bog fires.
burning wood embers. Flying brands
are another exterior fire spread Ground floor: A common and confusing
problem created at heavy timber mill misnomer. The lowest floor is called the
fires. During a nighttime fire in a heavy first floor, not the ground floor. Some
timber building, flying brands will buildings are mislabeled as having a
light up the sky. During the daytime, ground floor, then a first floor, a second
they may be overlooked in the smoke floor, and so forth. There is no such fire
issuing from the burning building. department term as ground floor; it is
These airborne burning embers the first floor.
must be considered a serious fire
Group think: A mode of thinking found
spread problem. When a windblown
in cohesive highly disciplined teams.
(convection currents) hot wooden
Group think occurs when the group
ember lands on a roof and ignites
strives for unanimity in action and
wood shingles, the spread of fire to the
when all members of the group concur
roof can be considered heat transfer
with the objectives. Most highly
by conduction.
disciplined organizations, like a fire
Frontal attack strategy: Firefighters service and the U.S. military, exercise
advancing an attack hose line inside this type of thinking during emergency
a burning building toward a fire. operations. This mind-set has both
Firefighters advance a hose line good and bad effects. At most (99%)
directly into the path of the raging emergency operations, group think
fire. Firefighters using a frontal attack in the fire service is good. It helps us
confront the fire heat and smoke accomplish objectives during dangerous
head-on. The firefighting strategy used emergency conditions efficiently. To
by most fire departments throughout be successful, all members of the fire
the country is an interior attack using service must understand and work for
a small-diameter hose stream. This the same objectives. However, in rare
strategy extinguishes all content and (1%) instances, group think can be
some structure fires in a building. deadly. Group think can have negative
results when firefighters, striving for
Frontal hose attack: A frontal hose line
unanimity of action, let it override a
attack strategy by the first hose team of
realistic awareness of the situation. In
firefighters. This is the most common
this instance, group think may stop us
hose placement strategy used by the fire
from considering an alternative course
service. The frontal attack is successful
of action.
at 95% of fires.
Hazardous material: Any chemical,
Gothic church: Architecture of the 12th
biological, or nuclear substance that can
century, featuring a pointed arch.
cause death or disabling injury during
or aſter exposure. The most common
hazardous materials that a firefighter
will encounter are the byproducts of than three inches in thickness and
ordinary structural fires. Combustion covered with one-inch flooring laid
byproducts kill more firefighters than sideways). I have never seen a factory or
any other known hazardous materials. mill building with a floor that satisfies
the last requirement.
Hazardous material work zones: The three
hazard work zones: (1) The hot zone, or Hell’s Hundred Acres: Name given to an
exclusion zone; (2) the warm zone, or area in New York City that has heavy
contamination reduction zone, and (3) timber constructed buildings. Many
the cold zone, or hazard-free zone or firefighters were killed by burning
noncontaminated zone. building collapses there in the first
half of the 20th century. The collapse
Header beam: A header beam is the beam
danger of these heavy timber buildings
at the top of the opening.
is a multilevel failure of the structural
Head of a brush fire: The leading edge of a framing, floor, and wall collapse.
moving brush fire. During an uncontrolled fire, first the
cast-iron structural framing (columns
Head of a wildfire: The fast-moving leading
and girders) will fail, triggering the
edge along which a grass fire, brush fire,
floors to cave in; then, the falling floors
or treetop fire (crown fire) is advancing.
cause the walls to collapse.
It is the most dangerous area of the fire
ground. Firefighters have been trapped High ceilings: Ceilings of more than 10 feet
and killed by the rapid spread of flame above floor level. High ceilings are a
at the head of a wildfire. danger to firefighters. A high ceiling in
a commercial building provides space
Heat: One of the products of combustion.
for dangerous heat and flame buildup
Heat is associated with the natural
above the heads of firefighters searching
motion of molecules: the faster the
in smoke. In a smoke-filled room in
molecules in a material move, the hotter
a residential building with a ceiling
the material becomes. Firefighters’
between 8 and 10 feet above floor
protective clothing and breathing
level, a firefighter sizes up the flashover
equipment cannot protect them from
danger by how low he or she must
the heat of a fire. Dry-air temperatures
crouch to crawl under the heat banking
above 280–320°F will cause extreme
down from the ceiling. In a commercial
pain to unprotected skin. Exposure to
building with 15- to 20-foot ceilings,
a temperature of 160°F for 60 seconds
however, this conventional forecaster
will cause a second-degree burn; 180°F
of flashover danger is insufficient; the
for 30 seconds and 212°F for 15 seconds
flashover danger may exist well before
will do the same.
the heat reaches the firefighters. Failure
Heavy timber construction: A structure to recognize this could be a fatal error
that has masonry walls and interior in judgment. To size up flashover
structural framing wood columns with danger, look for sporadic flaming in the
dimensions of at least eight inches by smoke, or communicate with members
eight inches, girders at least six inches above the fire floor to find out if they
thick, and four-inch-thick floors feel heat where they are operating.
(tongue-and-groove planks, not less
of opening the door to attack the fire Overhauling: The firefighting operation
with a hose line, when the stairway is undertaken aſter a fire is under control.
crowded with people descending past Overhauling is intended to prevent the
the fire, the door is kept closed, and the rekindle of a fire aſter the department
hose team does not attack the fire. In leaves the scene. Its dangers oſten are
this instance, the fire officer keeps the underestimated; many firefighters have
door shut until all people pass below the been killed and injured during this
fire. Then, the door is opened and the stage. Building collapses, falls into open
fire is attacked. A nonattack firefighting shaſts, carbon monoxide accumulation
strategy is also used when a serious fire in below-grade areas, electrocution,
is beyond control of firefighters’ hose and stress from the physical exertion
streams and people are being evacuated of pulling down ceilings to examine for
from the floors above in a high-rise hidden fire and gas explosions are some
structure. The nonattack strategy was common hazards during overhaul.
used at the World Trade Center terrorist
Parapet wall: A freestanding wall that
attack and fire on 9/11. The incident
continues beyond an exterior wall
commanders, realizing the fires were
above the roof level. A parapet wall
too great for manual firefighting, sent
is waist high and encircles the roof.
firefighters into the high-rise towers
Decorative-front parapet walls
equipped with masks and tools to
suddenly collapse during fires. There
perform search and rescue of trapped
are three classifications of brick
victims. The nonattack strategy can be
walls: freestanding, nonbearing, and
implemented for a short duration in a
bearing. The freestanding parapet wall
narrow tenement hallway, until several
is the least stable. A brick parapet wall
people are removed down below the
extending over large display windows
fire, or it can be implemented for a long
of a one-story commercial building
duration at a high-rise office fire beyond
is supported by a steel I beam. If the
control of an attack hose team.
windows are vented during a fire and
Noncombustible: Materials that when not flames flow out, the heat can distort the
covered with fire retardant cannot resist steel I beam, causing the brick parapet
fire. Noncombustible does not mean the wall above it to collapse.
same as fire resistive. If noncombustible
Partial defend in place: An evacuation
steel columns, girders, and open bar
strategy. During a fire in a high-rise
joist are not covered with fire-retarding
office building, the fire service must
material, they will not resist fire and
fight the fire while most of the people
will collapse quickly when heated by
remain inside the burning building.
a fire. Steel is not fire resistive; it is
This strategy requires the incident
noncombustible. When heated by fire,
commander to evacuate the people
it fails and can collapse a building. The
closest to the fire—those on the fire
steel does not burn when heated, but it
floor and the floor above. They are
expands, warps, twists, bends, buckles,
removed to safety below the fire. The
and loses its tensile and compressive
commander then orders all other
strength and does not support the
people to remain in the building unless
building loads it was designed for.
smoke is entering their floor. If people
react to one of the worst emergencies deaths each year in the United States.
that can happen on the fire ground—a Apparatus rollovers, intersection
missing or trapped firefighter. accidents, and rear-end collisions are
very real dangers of firefighting. Two
Rear of a brush fire: The opposite side of
factors present during death or injury
the head of a brush fire.
at an accident are speed and failure to
Reflash fire: The sudden ignition of use seat belts.
flammable gases or smoke inside
Rollover: The sporadic ignition of
a smoldering kitchen fire that has
combustible gases at ceiling level
just been extinguished by a portable
during the growth stage of a fire.
extinguisher or a hose stream. Aſter a
Rollover precedes and is an indicator
fire has been knocked down and the
of possible flashover (in addition
hose stream has been shut down, there
to high heat and smoke banking
still may be sufficient heated gases
down to half the height). Firefighters
and smoldering embers in a room to
without the protection of a hose line
suddenly reflash if oxygen enters the
should consider withdrawing from a
area. Reflash fires oſten trap firefighters
smoke-filled room when rollover starts
making a quick primary search aſter the
to occur. Rollover will be visible near
fire has been extinguished.
ceiling level or, mixed with heat and
Rekindle: A blaze that reignites aſter a fire smoke, will flow out of the top portion
company leaves the scene of a fire. A of an open doorway or window.
rekindle describes a situation in which,
Rose window: A large round window at
aſter a salvage and overhauling have
front of a Gothic church.
been completed and a blaze is officially
declared extinguished, firefighters Satchel bomb: Explosive material placed
go back to the firehouse and are later into a backpack or satchel. This is
called back to the burning building to an IED. Several sticks of dynamite
fight the reignited fire. Sometimes the placed in a shoulder-strap bag with
second fire is much worse than the one or two small liquid propane
original fire, and worse yet, sometimes cylinders can create a tremendous
the second fire kills people who explosion and fire.
assumed the fire was extinguished.
Secondary search: A methodical search
A rekindle is an indication of a poor
for victims, following primary search.
firefighting operation.
A quick primary search is made first
Residential building: The occupancy in to look for unconscious victims while
which the most fires occur and the the attack hose line is advanced. The
most firefighters are killed and injured. secondary search is a more methodical,
This refers in particular to one- and slow, and careful search of the entire
two-family houses. Wildfires and store fire building and area around the
and office fires are second and third, burned-out building for victims. This
respectively, on the list of incidents in search will include the same area as
which firefighter deaths occur. the primary search plus adjoining
bedrooms, the floors above and below
Responding to and returning from alarms:
the fire if necessary, and the area outside
The cause of 25% of the firefighter
Spandrel wall: The exterior wall between Steeple: The tapered pointed structure on
the top of one window and the bottom top of church tower.
of the window above.
Strategy: Planning and directing large
Specification building code: A code numbers of firefighters, apparatus,
specifying the type and size of and equipment during a fire. The word
material to be used in construction strategy is synonymous with plan;
of walls, floors, and other thus, a firefighting strategy is a plan
building components. of action—in other words, how to
extinguish a fire. A fire chief ’s strategy is
Spot fires in a brush fire: Isolated pockets
an organized way of proceeding during
of fire some distance downwind from
firefighting. An example of an extensive
the main fire and fingers.
firefighting strategy (plan) is as follows:
Stages of fire: The three stages of fire protect life safety first, prevent fire
growth: (1) In the growth stage, the fire extension, confine fire, perform fire
grows from a small area to engulf an extinguishment, salvage and overhaul,
entire room. (2) In the fully developed prevent rekindle, and secure the area.
or active flaming stage, fire engulfs the Firefighting strategies are flexible:
entire room. (3) In the decay stage, they change and have alternatives. By
the flaming begins to subside, and the contrast, firefighting tactics are fixed—
temperature in the room decreases. constant and unyielding.
Staging, level I: Staging procedure at the Stress: The physical and psychological
early stages of a routine fire: Only exertion and pressures caused by the
the first-arriving engine and ladder demands and dangers of firefighting.
should enter the street where the fire Stress from firefighting can cause
or emergency takes place. This should cardiac arrest, stroke, or aneurysm.
automatically be performed by first Firefighters between 51 and 66 years
arriving units. of age are those most oſten killed by
the physical and psychological stress
Staging, level II: Staging procedures when
of firefighting.
it appears likely that a major incident
will occur: A chief responding to Subcellar: A floor level below a cellar level,
a major fire or emergency should sometimes found in a commercial
designate a location as the staging area building. Unless cellar and subcellar
and a staging officer. If there is a known fires are detected in the early stages, it
empty space or parking lot nearby, this is rare that an offensive hose line attack
area can be designated as the staging strategy will be successful.
area by the chief. This is critical during
System analysis: A method of analyzing
a large incident.
the problems indigenous to structural
Standard operating procedure: A strategy firefighting. Any one of the parts of the
for having arriving fire companies system (i.e., problems) can disrupt the
perform a specific task and at a specific firefighting operation. The 13-point
location. Standard operating procedures size-up used by some in the fire
provide accountability and control. service is a system analysis. A system
analysis of a structure fire includes the
following: size and location of the fire, floor steel bar joist system that may fail
construction type of the fire building, within 5–10 minutes of fire exposure.
the occupancy of the burning building,
Total defend in place: An evacuation
the area of the building, the height of
strategy. The strategy for evacuating
the burning building, the life hazard,
people from a high-rise residential
the adjacent exposed buildings, the
building is different than the strategy
apparatus on scene, the personnel who
of evacuating people from a high-
responded with the apparatus, the water
rise office building. During a fire in a
supply, the auxiliary appliances available
high-rise residential building, we must
for use, the time of the fire occurrence,
fight the fire while all people in the
and the weather conditions. An incident
building remain in their apartments. No
commander will not consider all of
one is assisted to leave by firefighters.
the systems, just the ones that present
Unlike a fire in an office building,
a problem at a fire or emergency and
in a fire in a residential high-rise,
require action to resolve.
everyone stays in place. The evacuation
Tactics: Operations of fire companies strategy in a residential high-rise is a
at a fire or emergency. For example, nonevacuation strategy called a total
hose stretching and ladder raising are defend in place, wherein everyone stays
firefighting tactics. Firefighting tactics in the apartments, except for the people
lead to accomplishing the firefighting in the fire apartment. If a high-rise is
strategy. Tactics are fixed (constant higher than the reach of the tallest fire
and unyielding), whereas strategies department ladder, the building must
are flexible. be fire-resistive construction.
Target hazard: A building or occupancy that Tower of a church: The square structure
is considered hazardous and requires rising above the church roof. Sometimes
special attention, such as increased there is a steeple constructed atop
inspections, prefire planning, defensive the tower.
firefighting procedures, fireguards, or
Transept: A space that runs at a right
an order to vacate the premises.
angle to the nave and the chancel in
Taxpayer: Another term for a strip mall a church.
store. The cheaply built taxpayer
Transit: A surveyor’s tool. By looking
of yesteryear was ordinary (type
through the telescope, firefighters
III) construction; an associated
can monitor a collapse danger from a
construction defect is a common roof
distance. A transit can detect a building’s
space that allows fire to spread rapidly
shiſt or the widening of a crack that is
over all the stores once flames extend to
not visible to the human eye.
the roof space. Today, the new taxpayer
also is a low-cost building; it is a Trench cut: Used when fire is already
noncombustible (type II construction) spreading in a common roof space. A
structure: the so-called steel building. trench cut is not a substitute for cutting
There may or may not be a fire spread a vent opening directly over a fire in a
problem caused by a combustible roof space. Roof vent cutting over a
common roof space; however, with fire is to prevent horizontal fire spread
type II construction, there is a roof and by releasing heat and fire vertically. A
roof vent cut should always be done the truss, and outside the truss roof
before a trench cut. If a roof vent cut building. When a timber truss roof
is successful, a trench cut will not be collapses, it can cause the collapse of an
necessary. Cutting a trench takes time outside bearing wall.
and a large number of personnel, so
Unabomber: Domestic terrorist Ted
if necessary, a roof trench opening
Kaczynski. The Unabomber killed
should be cut several stores away from
3 and injured 17 over 23 years by
the fire. Before the trench is cut, a hose
sending package bombs to people
line should be positioned below and on
associated with airlines, universities,
the roof, to stop the fire spread. At most
and corporations.
trench cut operations, the hose lines
stop the fire, not the trench cut. Uncontrolled environment: A dangerous
smoke-filled, collapse-prone, or
Triangle Shirtwaist fire: A fire in New
explosive atmosphere area in which
York City in 1911. Fire drills in heavy
firefighters work. Combat soldiers and
timber factory buildings in New York
firefighters operate under the most
City were first required by the New
dangerous, uncontrolled environments
York State labor law enacted aſter 146
of any occupations. Coal miners must
women died in the Triangle Shirtwaist
have lighting, fresh air, and structural
Company fire in 1911. The law is now
supports in the mine before they go
the legal basis for requirement that fire
to work; firefighters, when they crawl
safety organizations be established in
into a smoke-filled room, have no
high-rise office buildings.
such safety guarantees. They must
Triforium: A middle story of a church bring their safety equipment with
(side balconies). them, including flashlights, protective
breathing equipment, and a powerful
Trimmer beams: The beams on each side
hose stream.
of the opening.
Urban firestorm: The rapid rise in fires
Truss: A structural composition of wood
occurring in the Northeast and Midwest
or steel, joined together in groups
in the 1970s. The urban firestorm was
of triangles, arranged in a single
fueled by vacant buildings. As people
plane, so that loads applied at points
fled the cities and crime in the 1970s,
of intersecting members will cause
they leſt thousands of vacant buildings.
only direct stress, such as tension or
When the Bronx was burning, it was in
compression. The groups of triangles
the thousands of empty buildings in the
are fastened together by metal bolts,
Bronx leſt behind by the people moving
sheet metal surface fasteners, or welds.
to the Sunbelt. The urban firestorm of
Truss construction is a dangerous roof
the 1970s should have been called an
or floor design when exposed by fire.
arson/vacant building firestorm.
The large surface-to-mass ratio of the
truss and many small, interconnecting Venting: The planned, systematic removal
members make it vulnerable to early of smoke, heat, and fire gases from
collapse. Truss roofs kill firefighters a burning building. There must be
working below the truss, on top of purpose to venting a fire. If venting
is not controlled, it can have adverse woods. Strong wind affects structural
effects on the firefighting strategy. firefighting more frequently than any
other weather condition. In addition
Watch line: A similar strategy to hydraulic
to stopping the advance of a hose
overhauling or defensive overhauling.
attack team, wind also blows smoke
A watch line is an overhauling strategy
and burning embers toward exposed
in which the chief leaves one engine
buildings. A strong wind also speeds up
or ladder company on the scene all
fire and smoke spread inside a common
night or for several days to wet down
roof space.
the smoldering building with an aerial
stream or hose line. X marking of vacant buildings: A strategy
to warn firefighters of dangers in a
Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse:
vacant building. A vacant building can
The deadliest fire in a heavy timber
be marked near the entrance door by
building in modern times. The fire
drawing a box 12 inches square, using
occurred in New England, where such
a fluorescent paint so as to be visible
construction originated. In December
at night. A single diagonal line drawn
1999, in Worcester, Massachusetts, six
from one corner of the box to another
firefighters died aſter being trapped by
indicates that there is a firefighter
fire inside a heavy timber structure, the
hazard in the vacant building. Two
Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse.
diagonal lines forming an X inside the
Factors contributing to the firefighter
box indicates that there are multiple
fatalities were a fire set by homeless
hazards in the building and that an
people in a partially vacant building,
exterior defensive firefighting operation
delayed alarm notification to the
should be considered.
Worcester Fire Department, rapid fire
spread up an open elevator shaſt, dense Yard hydrant system: Equipment consisting
black smoke buildup owing to burning of hydrants, hose, nozzles, and monitor
cork and plastic insulation on the walls, deck guns installed in industrial plants,
and a maze of freezer compartments. such as oil depots, lumberyards, and
large factories. Yard hydrant systems
Winds: A risk factor when suddenly
are not designed for initial use by
changing direction or gusting during
firefighters. Yard hydrant systems
a fire. Wind changes have injured and
are designed for use by a private fire
killed firefighters. A sudden gust of
brigade. Firefighters may take over use
wind can cause a wildfire to flare up
of hose lines and monitor nozzles being
and trap a firefighter who is operating
used by members of a fire brigade on
in high brush. Wind that suddenly
arrival. However, if members of a fire
changes direction and blows into a
brigade are not present, firefighters
flaming window can drive fire and heat
should not depend on the yard hydrant
into the path of advancing firefighters
system. The arriving firefighters stretch
who are searching or operating an
their own hose and pumper and use the
attack hose line. High winds can cause
public water supply, not the private yard
a treetop (crown) fire to spread over the
hydrant system.
heads of firefighters operating in the
fire retardant (steel protection), 15, 96, 161, 36–37, 152–154; wood dwelling, 39–43,
166–168: application, 15, 96, 161, 166–168; 45–46; strip mall, 49, 54–55, 58; row house,
testing, 168 62–67; horizontal, 65–67; church/worship
fire spread (row house), 62–67: light shafts building, 70–71, 77–78; restaurant kitchen,
open at top, 63; venting, 64; sliding-door 83, 86–87; control/containment, 179–180,
concealed spaces, 64–65; horizontal fire 221–228, 240–241; utility closets, 180;
spread, 65–67 grass/brush, 184–185; vacant building,
fire spread (wood dwelling), 39–43, 45–46: 194–195, 198–199. See also Autoexposure.
interior, 39–40, 43; exterior, 41–42; fire walls, 33, 53, 58, 224–225: strip mall, 53; fire
radiation, 42–43; window to attic spread, 224–225
autoexposure, 45–46 fire wardens, 148
fire spread containment (high-rise office firefighter assignment (high-rise office building),
building), 179–180: autoexposure, 179–180; 172–173
curtain wall space, 180; utility closets, 180; firefighter protection (explosion), 277–278:
access stairs, 180; floor cracks, 180 venting, 277; quenching, 277; flanking, 277;
fire spread control, 179–180, 221–228, collapse zone, 277–278
240–241: high-rise office building, 179–180; firefighter safety (police bomb search), 210–214:
concealed spaces, 221–222; windows of bomb-seeking strategy, 211–213; explosion
nearby buildings, 222–223; downwind effects, 213; recommendations, 213–214;
roof space, 223; shaft fires, 223–224; fire firefighter safety, 85, 92, 98–100, 210–214,
walls, 224–225; cellar fires, 225–226; alley 277–278, 346, 348–351: falling, 85, 92; truss
fires between buildings, 226; fire spread building, 98–100; police bomb search,
methods, 226–227; adjoining building 210–214; explosion, 277–278; incident
exposure, 227–228; venting, 240–241 commander responsibility, 349–351
f ire spread metho ds/avenues, 30–37, firefighting basics, 1–12: command post,
39–40, 42–43, 45–46, 49, 58, 65, 2; staging apparatus, 2–3; accounting
77–78, 152–153, 163, 179–180, 222–223, for firefighters, 3–4; locating fire, 4–5;
226–227, 236–238, 337: size-up, 30–37; size-up, 5–6; fire spread direction, 6;
inside building, 30–34, 39–40, 43, 49, 58, standard operating procedures, 6–7;
77–78, 152–153; convection, 32, 42, 65, incident management, 7; fire ground
153, 226; radiation, 32, 42–43, 153, 227; communications, 7–8; fire ground
conduction, 32, 42, 163, 227; autoexposure, designation, 8; fire building designation,
33–35, 45–46, 153, 179–180, 222–223, 8–9; progress reports, 9–10; search, 10;
236–238, 337; construction types, 34–37 hazardous material incident danger zones,
fire spreading, 6, 30–37, 39–43, 45–46, 49, 10–11; explosion withdrawal distance, 11;
54–55, 58, 62–67, 70–71, 77–78, 83, 86–87, collapse danger zones, 11–12; flanking
152–154, 162–163, 179–180, 184–185, hose streams, 11–12; corner safe zones, 12;
194–195, 198–199, 221–228, 240–241, postfire analysis, 12
356–357: direction, 6; methods/avenues, firefighting problems, 70–72, 178–179: church/
30–37, 39–40, 42–43, 49, 58, 65, 77–78, worship building, 70–72; high-rise office
152–153, 163, 226–227; inside building, building, 178–179
30–34, 39–40, 43, 49, 58, 77–78, 152–153; fire-resistive buildings, 34–35, 160–161,
concealed space, 30–31, 221–222; hallway, 181: fire spread, 34–35, 160–161, 181;
31–32; parapet wall, 33; construction noncombustible building, 160–161
types, 34–37; heavy timber factory, 34,
first-attack hose line, 56, 150: heavy timber hallway/stairway fires, 31–32, 101–112, 114–115,
factory, 150 139–142, 173: fire spread, 31–32; stairway
flameover, 143 fire case study, 101–102; extinguishment,
flanking attack, 11–12, 187–189, 215, 217, 277, 102–104, 173; extinguishment, 104; forcible
307, 339, 342, 359–360: hose streams, entry and stairs, 105; stretching hose in
11–12; brush/grass fires, 187–189; hose stairway, 105–106; stretching hose from
placement, 215, 217; explosion, 277; fire standpipe, 106–107; one-stairway buildings,
ground safety, 307 107–108; two-stairway buildings, 108–109;
flare-up (brush/grass fire), 189 fire deaths, 109–110; stairway venting,
flashback/reflash fire (restaurant kitchen), 84 110; nonattack fire strategy, 110–111;
flashlight bomb (terrorism), 212 high-intensity, 111–112; dead-end hallways,
flashover hazard, 358 112; cellar, 114–115; high-rise residence,
floor collapse (cellar fires), 117–118 139–142, 173; central air systems, 142
floor construction, 16 hazard classification (building contents), 166
floor cracks (fire spread), 180 hazard notification, 193
flowing the floor (cellar fires), 117 hazardous materials (danger zones), 10–11:
fluffy spray-on application (steel protection), 96, hot zone/contaminated area, 10; warm
166–167 zone/decontamination area), 10–11; cold
forcible entry, 48–49, 74, 105, 205–206: church/ zone/noncontaminated area, 11
worship building, 74; stairs, 105; terrorism heat transfer, 30–37, 42–43, 226–227
explosion, 205–206 heavy contents (building), 285–287
freezing temperature, 24, 319: equipment, 319 heavy timber building (fire spread), 34,
frontal attack, 215–216, 339–340: hose 36–37, 152–154: interior, 152–153; exterior,
placement, 215–216 153–154
heavy timber factory fires, 34, 36–37, 77–78,
147–158: fire spread, 34, 36–37, 152–154;
G life safety, 148–149; sprinklers, 149–150;
standpipes, 149–150; first-attack hose line,
glossary, 361–382 150; second-attack hose line, 150–151;
grass/brush fires, 183–189: definition, 184; fire third-attack hose line, 151; ventilation,
spread, 184–185; fire ground designation, 151–152; interior fire spread, 152–153;
185; wildfire types, 186; strategy, 186–189; exterior fire spread, 153–154; strategy
direct attack, 186–187; flanking attack, change, 154–155; size-up considerations,
187–189; high-voltage electric wire hazards, 155; protecting exposures, 155–158;
189; summary, 189 defensive tactics, 156–158
grease/oil fire (restaurant kitchen), 84–85 Hell’s Hundred Acres, 154
ground fires (wildfire), 186 high expansion foam (cellar fire), 118–119
group think, 340 high-rise building fires, 2, 133–145, 169–182,
232–233, 237, 248–249: residences, 133–145;
offices, 133, 145, 169–182; opposing hose
H lines, 232–233; smoke venting, 237; search
strategy, 248–249
hallway central air systems (high-rise high-rise office-building fires, 133, 139–142, 145,
residence), 142 169–182: stairways, 139–142, 173; locating
fire, 169–170; elevator use, 170–171;
firefighter assignment, 172–173; stairway positioning, 40, 45, 51–52, 61, 215–220,
firefighting, 173; stairway evacuation, 173; 229–233; wood dwelling, 40, 45; strip
hose attack, 174; occupant evacuation, 174; mall, 51–52; row house, 61; frontal attack,
communications, 174; radio transmissions, 215–216; flanking attack, 215, 217; interior
174–175; water supply, 175–176; standpipes, defensive attack, 215, 217–218; exterior
176; sprinklers, 176; heating, ventilation, defensive attack, 215, 218–219; nonattack
and air conditioning systems, 176; strategy, 215, 219–220
delegation of command, 177–178; search hose stretching, 27–28, 87–88, 105–107,
and rescue, 178; defend-in-place strategy, 127–128, 326, 331–332: size-up, 27–28;
178–179; containment of fire spread, restaurant kitchen, 87–88; stairway,
179–180; firefighting problems, 180–182 105–106; standpipe, 106–107; apartment
high-rise residence-building fires, 133–145: building, 127–128; backup line, 326
sprinklers, 133–134; communication hot zone (contaminated area), 10
s y s t e m s , 1 3 4 ; e v a c u at i o n p l a n s , H-type apartment building, 123, 126–128,
134–135; standpipe hose hookup, 135–136; 130–131
self-closing apartment doors, 136–137; HVAC system, 176, 237: high-rise office
elevator failure, 137–138; plasterboard walls, building, 176; smoke venting, 237
138–139; public hallways, 139–142; wiring hydrant system, 205, 344: pumper hookups, 205
in public hallways, 139–140; firefighting hydraulic overhauling (fire ground safety), 289,
strategy, 140–145; stair and door marking, 309–310
141; hallway central air systems, 142
high-voltage electricity hazards (brush/grass), 189
horizontal evacuation, 261
horizontal fire spread (row house), 65–67:
brick noggin, 66; cornices, 66; combustible improvised explosive devices (IED), 203–214:
siding, 66–67 bomb incident assistance, 204; hydrants for
hose attack, 114, 174: cellar fires, 117; high-rise pumper hookups, 205; decision making,
office building, 174 205; forcible entry, 205–206; evacuating
hose hookup (standpipe), 135–136, 142 nearby buildings, 206–207; firefighting
hose line placement/positioning, 40, 45, strategy, 207–210; firefighter safety during
51–52, 61, 114, 128, 150–151, 174, bomb search, 210–214; explosive materials,
215–220, 229–233, 235–236, 330–331, 212–213; fire cause, 214; discovery after fire,
340, 346, 353–354: strategy, 40, 45, 51–52, 214; area search/evacuation, 214
61, 215–220, 229–233; hose stream attack, incident commander, 346, 349–351: dependence,
40, 45, 51–52, 61, 215–220, 229–233; wood 346; responsibility, 349–351; accountability,
dwelling, 40, 45; strip mall, 51–52; row 350–351
house, 61; apartment building, 128; frontal incident management system, 7, 294
attack, 215–216; flanking attack, 215, 217; incident management, 7, 30, 294, 346, 349–351:
interior defensive attack, 215, 217–218; system, 7, 294; command post, 30; incident
exterior defensive attack, 215, 218–219; commander responsibility, 349–351
nonattack strategy, 215, 219–220; opposing, injury/death (explosion), 275–276, 349–351:
229–233, 346; advancing, 235–236; warning signs, 275–276; firefighting
deployment, 353–354 strategy, 275; overhauling, 275; BLEVE,
hose stream attack (strategy), 40, 45, 51–52, 61, 275; explosive investigation, 275; manhole
215–220, 229–233: hose line placement/ fire, 276; car fire, 276; bomb discovery, 276;
defensive actions, 276; incident commander 84–85; venting, 85; firefighter falls, 85; fire
responsibility, 349–351 spread, 86–87; ceiling collapse, 86–87; hose
inside building fire spread (size-up), 30–34: stretching, 87; fan housing, 88; evacuation,
concealed spaces, 30–31; hallways, 31–32; 88–89; fire protection, 89; delayed alarm,
stairways, 32; shafts, 32; cocklofts/roof 89–90
space, 32–33; parapet walls, 33; windows, knockdown, 265
inspection (building), 13–22, 98, 192–193, 200,
309: prefire, 13–22, 192–193, 200; truss
building, 98; vacant building, 192–193, 200;
fire ground safety, 309 ladder positioning, 57, 128, 163, 354–356:
inspection (prefire), 13–22, 192–193, 200: aerial ladder, 57, 355–356; portable ladder,
lightweight construction, 13–14; wooden I 354–355
beams, 14; steel bar joint truss construction, ladders, 56–57, 128, 163, 354–356: positioning,
14–15; sheet metal C beams, 15; fire 57, 128, 163, 354–356
protection of steel, 15; large-area/open- large-area/open-floor design, 15, 71
floor design, 15; floor construction, 16; life hazard, 57, 148–149, 238–239: heavy timber
scissor stairs, 16; preplanning computer factory, 148–149; venting, 238–239
programs, 16–17; fire preplanning, 17–22; light shafts open (row house), 63
proactive transmission of preplans, 20; light/lighting (fire ground safety), 63, 308–309
preplan example, 20–22; vacant building, lightweight construction, 13–14, 93–95, 124:
192–193, 200 wood truss, 93–95, 124
interior attack (church/worship building), locating fire, 4–5, 47–48, 60, 169–170, 332: strip
72–77: search and rescue, 74; forcible entry, mall, 47–48; row house, 60; high-rise office
74; venting, 74–77; defensive operations, building, 169–170
75–76 low-rise building fires, 2, 112, 237, 259: smoke
interior attack, 72–77, 115–116, 197, 215, venting, 237
217–218, 340–341: church/worship
building, 72–77; defensive attack/
operations, 75–76, 217–218, 340–341; cellar
fires, 115–116; vacant building, 197; hose
placement, 215, 217–218 mail bomb (terrorism), 212
interior fire spread, 30–34, 39–40, 43, 49, 58, manhole fire (explosion), 276
77–78, 152–153: size-up, 30–34; wood masonry walls, 53, 123–124
dwelling, 39–40, 43; strip mall, 49, 58; master streams, 119–121, 199, 212, 263–272,
church/worship building, 77–78; heavy 341, 348–349: cellar fires, 119–121;
timber factory, 152–153 definition, 263–264; positioning, 264–265,
268–269; strategies, 265–267, 270; stream
direction, 266, 268–269, 348–349;
K close-up, 266; strategy change, 266–267;
impact, 267; control, 268–269; positioning
keep-it-simple strategy (KISS), 341 apparatus, 268–269; repositioning, 268;
kitchen fires, 81–90: size-up, 82–83; automatic reconnaissance, 269–270; wall collapse,
fire systems, 83–84; explosion, 84; 270; collapse zone strategy, 270; during
reflash/flackback fire, 84; grease and oil fire, overhauling, 271–272
portable ladder, 56–57, 354–355: positioning, 19; future, 19–20; preplan transmission, 20;
354–355 preplan example, 20–22; church/worship
portable radio, 175 building, 69–70; truss building, 98; vacant
positioning apparatus, 57, 128, 264–265, building, 201
268–269, 307–308, 334, 354–356: ladder, press interview (postfire strategy), 319–320
57, 128, 354–356; master stream, 264–265, pressure-reducing valve, 175–176
268–269; fire ground safety, 307–308 preventive suggestions (vacant building),
positive-pressure venting, 241 200–201: seal-up, 200; demolish, 200;
postal package bomb, 212 inspection, 200; warning signs, 200;
postfire investigation/analysis, 12, 353–360: defensive strategy, 200–201; police
fact sheet, 12; fire ground diagram, 12; assistance request, 201; defensive
photographic documentation, 12; first preplanning, 201
hose line deployment, 353–354; second primary search, 243–246: strategy, 246
hose line deployment, 354; portable ladder primary venting, 57
positioning, 354–355; venting location, private dwelling fires, 29, 39–46, 259: fire spread,
355; aerial ladder positioning, 355–356; 39–40; hose line strategy, 40; window
search/searching, 356; fire spread, 356–357; venting, 40–41; searching for victims, 41;
exposure location, 357–358; collapse danger, exterior fire spread, 41–42; radiation fire
358; catastrophes and response, 358–360 spread, 42–43; interior fire spread, 43;
postfire strategy, 313–321: rekindling, 313–318; utility shutoff, 44; chimney collapse, 44–45;
smoldering, 315–318; material types, hose stream positioning, 45; autoexposure
315–318; taking up/demobilization, (window to attic), 45–46
318–319; sanitation and relocation, 319; fire progress reports, 9–10
origin, 319; fire cause, 319; press interview, property protection (postfire strategy), 320
319–320; money/valuables discovered, 320; public education, 248–249
traffic congestion, 320; salvaging/property public hallways, 139–144: wiring, 139–140
protection, 320; outside agency assistance, pumper hookups, 205: hydrants, 205
320–321; dangers at scene, 321 pumper trucks, 188, 205
prefire inspection, 13–22, 168, 192–193:
lightweight construction, 13–14; wooden I
beams, 14; steel bar joist truss construction,
14–15; sheet metal C beams, 15; fire
protection of steel, 15; large-area/open- quenching, 277, 342: explosion, 277
floor design, 15; floor construction, 16;
scissor stairs, 16; preplanning computer
programs, 16–17; fire preplanning, 17–22;
proactive transmission of preplans, 20;
preplan example, 20–22; vacant building, radiation (fire spread), 32, 42–43, 153, 227:
192–193 wood dwelling, 42–43
preplan (fire), 17–22, 98: parts, 18; transmission, radio transmissions, 28, 174–175, 181: size-up,
20; example, 20–22; truss building, 98 28; high-rise office building, 174–175;
preplanning (fire), 16–22, 69–70, 98, 201: portable radio, 175
computer programs, 16–17; identifying rapid intervention team (RIT), 25, 303–304, 360
building, 17–18; preplan parts, 18; recommendations (bomb), 213–214: fire caused
electronic command board, 18–19; past, by IED, 214; discovering IED after fire,
214; search/evacuation of suspected IED fire ground designation, 67; fire building
area, 214 designation, 67; defensive firefighting,
reconnaissance, 30, 269–270: size-up, 30; master 67–68
stream, 269–270
reflash/flashback fire (restaurant kitchen), 84
refuge area, 12, 261
rekindling (postfire strategy), 313–318
relocation (victims), 319 safe area/zone, 12, 261: corner, 12
report/reporting, 9–10, 28: progress, 9–10; safety inspection (fire ground), 309
radio, 28 safety measures (collapse zone), 289–290
rescue operations safety (collapse incident), safety strategies (truss building), 98–100:
300–302 inspection, 98; documented preplan, 98;
rescue, 74, 172–173, 178, 209–210, 214, defensive firefighting, 98–100; contents fire,
291–302, 338: church/worship building, 98; structure fire, 98
74; high-rise office building, 178; terrorism salvaging, 121–122, 313–321: postfire strategy, 320
explosion, 209–210; collapse incident, sanitation (postfire strategy), 319
291–302; operations safety, 300–302. See satchel bomb (terrorism), 212
also Search/searching. scissor stairs, 16, 260
residence building fires, 61, 115, 123–131, sealing (vacant building), 193, 200
133–145, 253–261, 350: cellars, 115; search (collapse), 291–302: securing collapse
apartments, 123–131, 133–145, 253–261; area, 292–293; roll call order, 293;
high-rise residence building, 133–145 supervisory help summons, 293; collapse
resources, 297, 323–324, 346–347: collapse rescue incident management system,
incident, 297; insufficiency, 323–324; 294; collapse rescue plan, 294; conditions
strategy, 346–347 on arrival, 294–295; secondary collapse,
restaurant kitchen fires, 81–90: size-up, 82–83; 295–296; shoring, 296; accountability, 296;
automatic fire systems, 83–84; explosion, support personnel, 296–297; resources,
84; reflash/flashback fire, 84; grease and 297; utility shutoff, 297–299; surface
oil fire, 84–85; venting, 85; firefighter falls, rescue, 297–299; debris removal, 297–299;
85; fire spread, 86–87; ceiling collapse, victim tracking, 299–300; safety for rescue
86–87; hose stretching, 87; fan housing, operations, 300–302
88; evacuation, 88–89; fire protection, 89; search performance standard, 245–246
delayed alarm, 89–90 search/searching, 10, 41, 74, 148, 172–173,
risk management, 1 178, 208–210, 214, 243–251, 291–302,
roll call (collapse incident), 293 338, 356: strategies, 10; wood dwelling,
roof cutting (venting), 51 41; church/worship building, 74; high-rise
roof space/cockloft (fire spread), 32–33, 50–51, office building, 178; vacant building, 198;
223: strip mall, 50–51 terrorism explosion, 208–210; primary
roof venting, 29, 51, 129–130, 164–165, 350: search, 243–246; secondary search,
strip mall, 51; apartment building, 129–130; 244–247; standard of performance,
noncombustible building, 164–165 245–246; victim discovery areas, 247–249;
row house fires, 29, 59–68, 339: firefighting victim discovery procedure, 249; victim
strategy, 60–61; locating fire, 60; one-story, transportation, 249–250; fire fatalities
61; two-story, 61; three-story, 61; hose line investigation, 250–251; accountability,
positioning, 61; fire spread problems, 62–67;
251; collapse incident, 291–302. See hose stretching, 27–28; radio reports, 28;
also Rescue. standard operating procedures, 28; alarm
secondary collapse incident, 295–296 transmission, 28–29; communications from
secondary search, 244–247: strategy, 246–247 command post, 29; incident management
secondary strategies, 337–344: autoexposure, from command post, 30; reconnaissance,
337; backdraft, 338; collapse search/rescue, 30; fire spread avenues, 30–37; restaurant
338; concealed space, 338; defensive kitchen, 82–83; heavy timber factory, 155;
firefighting, 338–341; exterior defensive noncombustible building, 165; vacant
attack, 339; row house, 339; strip mall, 339; building, 195–197; collapse incident,
flanking, 339, 342; frontal attack, 339–340; 283–290; fire ground safety, 304–305;
group think, 340; hose line placement, requirements, 347–348
340; interior defensive attack, 340–341; skylight opening (venting), 51
keep-it-simple strategy, 341; master stream, sliding-door concealed spaces (row house fires),
341; overhauling 341–342; priorities, 342; 64–65
quenching, 342; venting, 342–343; system smoke (size-up), 25–27, 48
analysis, 342; tactics, 343; utility shutoff, smoke explosion, 239–240, 273–282
343; withdrawal, 343; vacant building smoke venting, 235–241: advancing hose line and
marking, 343; yard hydrant system, 344; venting, 235–236; strategies for not venting,
danger zones, 344 236–238; autoexposure, 236–237; HVAC
second-attack hose line, 56, 150–151: heavy system, 237; stack effect, 237; high-rise
timber factory, 150–151 building, 237; low-rise building, 237; wind,
sector officers, 129, 306: apartment building, 237; saving lives, 238–239; preventing
129; sector subdividing, 306 explosion, 239–240; fire spread control,
securing collapse area, 292–293, 300–301 240–241; positive-pressure venting, 241
security gates, 48 smoke-proof stairways, 259–260
self-closing apartment doors, 112, 136–137 smoldering (postfire strategy), 315–318
shaft fires (fire spread), 32, 223–224 software (preplanning), 16–17
sheet metal C beam construction, 15 spark plug bomb, 212
shock wave pressure effects (explosion), 274 sprinklers/sprinkler system, 83–84, 133–134,
shoring (collapse incident), 296 149–150, 176, 333: water supply, 33;
side wall collapse, 78–79 high-rise residence, 133–134; heavy
size-up (collapse incident), 283–290: collapse timber factory, 149–150; high-rise office
warning signs, 283–287; collaps e building, 176
safety strategy, 287–288; collapse zone stack effect (smoke venting), 237
management, 288–289; safety measures staging apparatus, 2–3
m a i nt e n a n c e , 2 8 9 – 2 9 0 ; c o l l ap s e stair types (evacuation strategy), 114–115,
incident, 290 259–261: priorities, 259–261; smoke-proof
size-up (restaurant kitchen), 82–83: building stairways, 259–260; enclosed stairways,
construction, 83; fire spread from 260; scissor stairways, 260; access stairways,
stove, 83 261; area of refuge, 261; horizontal
size-up, 5–6, 23–37, 82–83, 99–100, 155, 165, evacuation, 261
195–197, 283–290, 304–305, 347–348: stair/door marking (high-rise residence), 141
strategy, 5–6; weather conditions, 23–24; stairway evacuation, 114–115, 173, 258–261:
temperature, 24; alarm assignment, 24–25; strategy, 114–115, 259–261; high-rise office
corner command post, 25; smoke, 25–27; building, 173
stairway/hallway fires, 31–32, 101–112, 114–115, 229–233; strip mall, 56–58; row house,
139–142, 173: fire spread, 32; stairway 60–61; truss building, 98–100; hallway/
fire case study, 101–102; extinguishment, stairway, 110–111; nonattack, 110–111;
102–104, 173; forcible entr y and failures/errors, 115–116, 323–336; H-type
stairs, 105; stretching hose in stairway, apartment building, 123, 126–128, 130–131;
105–106; stretching hose from standpipe, apartment building, 127–131; high-rise
106–107; one-stairway buildings, 107–108; residence building, 140–145; heavy timber
two-stairway buildings, 108–109; fire building, 154–158; noncombustible
deaths, 109–110; venting, 110; nonattack building, 162–164; high-rise office building,
fire strategy, 110–111; high-intensity, 178–179; defend in place, 178–179,
111–112; dead-end hallways, 112; cellar, 181–182, 256–258; brush/grass, 186–189;
114–115; high-rise office building, 139–142, vacant building, 197–201; terrorism,
173; central air systems, 142 207–210; explosion, 207–210, 275; bomb
stairways, 16, 114–115, 139–142, 173, 180, seeking, 211–214; opposing hose lines,
238–239, 259–261: scissor, 16, 260; cellar, 231–232; not venting smoke, 236–238;
114–115; high-rise office building, 139–142, search/searching, 243–249, 370; evacuation,
173; access, 180, 261; smoke-proof, 259–260; 253–261; master stream, 265–270; collapse
enclosed, 260; area of refuge, 261 safety, 287–288, 370; postfire, 313–321;
standard operating procedures, 6–7, 28: secondary, 337–344; priorities, 342; types,
firefighting strategy, 6–7; size-up, 28 345–346; resources, 346–347
standpipes, 106–107, 135–136, 149–150, 176: stream direction (master stream), 266, 268–269,
hose hookup, 135–136; high-rise residence, 348–349: close-up, 266
135–136; heavy timber factory, 149–150; stretching hose, 27–28, 87–88, 105–107,
high-rise office building, 176 127–128, 326, 331–332: size-up, 27–28;
steel bar truss construction, 14–15, 95–96, restaurant kitchen, 87–88; stairway,
160–161, 164–165, 168: open-web, 95–96, 105–106; standpipe, 106–107; apartment
160–161, 164–165 building, 127–128; backup line, 326
steel construction, 14–15, 95–96, 124, strip mall fires, 29, 47–58, 333, 339: locating
160–161, 164–168: steel bar, 14–15, 95–96, fire, 47–48; cellar fires, 48–49; interior fire
160–161, 164–165, 168; fire protection, 15, spread, 49, 58; venting, 50–51; common
96, 166–168; noncombustible building, roof space, 50–51; hose line strategy, 51–52;
166–167; testing, 168 explosions, 52–53; masonry fire walls,
steel protection (noncombustible building), 15, 53; collapse dangers, 53–54; exterior fire
96, 161, 166–168: fire retardant application, spread, 54–55, 58; protecting exposures,
15, 96, 161, 166–168; encasement, 166; 55–56; strategy, 56–58; first attack hose
membrane ceiling, 166–167; testing, 168 line, 56; second attack hose line, 56; third
steel web bar joist, 160, 164–165 attack hose line, 56; portable ladder, 56–57;
strategies, 1–12, 40, 45, 47–58, 60–61, 98–100, primary venting, 57; aerial ladder position,
110–111, 115–116, 123, 126–131, 140–145, 57; primary life hazard, 57; interior fire
154–158, 162–164, 178–179, 181–182, spread, 58; exterior fire spread, 58; collapse
186–189, 197–201, 207–220, 229–233, hazard, 58; worst-case scenarios, 58
236–238, 243–249, 253–261, 265–270, subdividing (fire ground safety), 306
275, 287–288, 313–321, 323–347, 370: supervisory help (collapse incident), 293
firefighting basics, 1–12; hose line/hose support personnel (collapse incident),
stream 40, 45, 51–52, 61, 215–220, 296–297
surface flame spread (church/worship building), 161; timber truss roof systems, 91–93, 100;
70–71 lightweight wood truss construction, 93–95,
surface rescue (collapse incident), 297–299 124; truss identification, 96–100; firefighter
synthetic materials, 40 safety strategies, 98–100
system analysis, 342 truss identification, 96–100
two-stairway building, 108–109
two-story dwelling, 61
Tactical Information of a Perilous Situation U
(TIPS), 18: preplanning, 18
tactics (small problems), 343 U.S. Forest Service, 183
taking up/demobilization (postfire), 314, urban firestorm, 191
318–319: firefighters, 318; overhauling, utility closets (fire spread), 180
318–319; medical personnel, 319; freezing utility shutoff, 44, 295, 297–299, 313, 326–327,
equipment, 319 343: wood dwelling, 44; collapse incident,
temperature (size-up), 24 297–299
tenement fires, 29
terminology, 361–382
terrazzo floor, 117–118
terrorism explosions, 203–214: improvised
explosive devices, 203–204; bomb incident vacant building fires, 191–201, 343, 349:
assistance, 204; hydrants for pumper building inspection, 192–193; arson, 194;
hookups, 205; decision making, 205; fire spread, 194–195, 198–199; size-up,
forcible entry, 205–206; evacuating nearby 195–196; firefighting strategy, 197–201;
buildings, 206–207; firefighting strategy, size-up, 197; interior attack, 197; exterior
207–210; life-saving search, 208–209; attack, 197; strategy change, 197; venting,
collapse search and rescue, 209–210; 197–198; search, 198; interior fire spread,
firefighter safety during bomb search, 198; exterior fire spread, 198–199;
210–214 preventive suggestions, 200–201; building
thermal imaging, 87 marking, 343
third-attack hose line, 56, 151: heavy-timber vacant building marking, 343
factory, 151 venting (smoke), 235–241: advancing hose line
three-story dwelling, 61 and venting, 235–236; strategies for not
time standard (search/searching), 245–246 venting, 236–238; saving lives, 238–239;
top-floor fires (apartment building), 29, preventing explosion, 239–240; fire spread
129–130 control, 240–241; positive-pressure
total evacuation, 257–258 venting, 241
tower collapse, 78 venting (strip mall), 50–51, 57: skylight opening,
traffic congestion (postfire strategy), 2, 320 51; roof cutting, 51; trench cuts, 51
training, 214, 347 venting/ventilation, 29, 40–41, 50–51, 57, 64,
transportation (victim), 250 74–77, 85, 110, 116, 143, 151–152, 164–165,
trench cutting (venting), 51 197–198, 235–241, 277, 342–343, 348–349,
truss building fires, 14–15, 91–100, 124, 161, 355: strip mall, 50–51, 57; row house, 64;
284, 350: steel bar trusses, 14–15, 95–96, church/worship building, 74–77; restaurant
kitchen, 85; cellar fires, 116; heavy timber wind, 24, 143, 163–164, 189, 223, 237: smoke
factory, 151–152; vacant building, 197–198; venting, 237
smoke, 235–241; explosion, 277 window venting, 40–41, 76–77: wood dwelling,
victim discovery areas (search/searching), 40–41; church/worship building, 76–77
247–249: fire victim study, 247–248; windows (fire spread), 33–34, 45–46, 153,
commercial building strategy, 248; 222–223: attic, 45–46
high-rise building strategy, 248–249; victim wiring in public hallways (high-rise residence),
discovery, 249 139–140
victim discovery, 247–250: common areas, withdrawal (fire ground), 310–311, 343: fire
247–249; discovery procedure, 249; ground safety, 310–311
transportation of victim, 250 wood dwelling fires, 39–46: fire spread, 39–40;
victim tracking (collapse incident), 299–300 hose line strategy, 40, 45; window venting,
victim transportation, 250 40–41; searching for victims, 41; exterior
fire spread, 41–42; radiation fire spread,
42–43; interior fire spread, 43; utility
W shutoff, 44; chimney collapse, 44–45; hose
stream positioning, 45; autoexposure
wall collapse, 78–79, 270, 283–284, 286, 348, (window to attic), 45–46
359: cracking, 283–284, 286; collapse zone wood frame building, 34, 37, 59–60: fire spread,
strategy, 370; escape, 348 34, 37
wall cracking, 283–284, 286 wood truss construction, 93–95, 124
warm zone (decontamination area), 10–11 wooden I beam construction, 14
warning signs (explosion), 275–276: general, woodland fires, 184–185
275; occupancy-specific, 275–276 World Trade Center, 14–16, 18, 96, 181–182,
warning signs, 200, 275–276, 283–287: vacant 213, 292–293
building, 200; explosion, 275–276; collapse, worship building/church fires, 69–80:
283–287 preplanning, 69–70; firefighting problems,
watch line (fire ground safety), 310 70–72; fire access, 70; surface flame spread,
water hydrants, 205, 344 70–71; large open space, 71; attic fires, 71;
water pressure, 175–176 bell tower collapse, 71–72; dangerous areas,
water supply, 33, 175–176, 333: sprinklers, 33; 72; interior attack, 72–77; collapse dangers,
high-rise office building, 175–176 72, 78–79; protecting exposures, 77; interior
weather conditions (size-up), 23–24 fire spread, 77–78; conclusion, 79–80
wildfire types, 186: ground fires, 186; brush fires, worst-case scenarios (strip mall), 58
186; crown fires, 186
wildfires, 183–189: definition, 184; fire spread,
184–185; fire ground designation, 185;
types, 186; strategy, 186–189; direct
attack, 186–187; flanking attack, 187–189;
high-voltage electric wire hazards, 189