Generic Risk Assessment Gra-2-1-3 PDF
Generic Risk Assessment Gra-2-1-3 PDF
Generic Risk Assessment Gra-2-1-3 PDF
GRA 2.1
Rescues from confined spaces 2.1.3 trenches/pits
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GRA 2.1 consists of four intrinsic sub-parts that deal with specific activities of rescues from confined spaces : 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 sewers silos trenches/pits collapsed structures
Although trenches/pits are confined spaces this GRA examines only those hazards, risks and controls that are specific to FRS activities at incidents involving rescues from Trenches and Pits. It must be read in the context of GRA 2.1 Confined Spaces and The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, which provides information relating to FRS work in confined spaces. As with all GRAs this provides a starting point for Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) to conduct their own assessments, produce their own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and written Safe Systems of Work (SSoW) within the context of local conditions and existing organisational arrangements.
crushed by movement of soil, equipment, machinery/plant falling into open trench or pit drowning. Trench or pit collapse can result from: excessive rainfall effecting the stability of the terrain vibration from nearby heavy plant insufficient piling and bracing of the trench sides heavy plant positioned to close to trench/pit. An incident may require the removal of a quantity of soil, or in some cases the removal of machinery or plant to access trapped persons. There may be a need for metal piling, timber shoring, props, corrugated iron (trench) sheets and ladders. Typical hazards and their associated risks include:
Unstable ground
There is a serious risk of injury to anyone entering an unsupported or inadequately supported excavation when you bear in mind that a cubic metre of soil can weigh 1.25tonnes. Even a small collapse is capable of inflicting serious or fatal injury, even ifthecasualty is not completely buried. When excavations are carried out, ground conditions can vary widely, even over relatively short distances. Soil cannot be relied upon to support its own weight for any length of time. The apparent stability of vertical faces in clay or silty sands can deteriorate rapidly and collapse suddenly, without warning. Any unsupported face in excavations could collapse, unless it is adequately supported or sloped (Battered) back at a safe angle. The stability of an excavated face is influenced by factors such as: type(s) of soil height and angle of face loading at ground level adjacent to the face e.g. soil heaps, vehicles, people presence of ground water or surface water (wet soil may become more fluid) presence of buried services behind the face of the excavation presence of other buried obstructions beyond the face, such as manholes, foundations and tree roots presence of natural discontinuities in the soil behind the face, such as sand pockets, changes in strata and geological features presence of previously disturbed ground near to the trench, such as reinstated trench or foundation excavation weather conditions
length of time the excavation has been open. The movement of heavy vehicles or plant and activities such as piling or demolition in the vicinity will cause vibration and shock waves that may undermine unstable ground.
Inappropriate and/or insufficient resources to provide safe systems of work for the FRS task
There is a societal expectation that a firefighting team will arrive and achieve something. Evidence from accident investigations has shown that firefighters will attempt tasks regardless of the resources available to them risking death or serious injury.
Working at height
Trenches and pits vary in depth and size and may give little sign at surface level of the size or depth of the opening. Shallow trenches are defined as up to 1.5 metres in depth, medium trenches are between 1.5 to 6 metres and deep trenches have depths over 6metres. Personnel risk falling into the opening of a pit or trench, equipment may fall onto personnel or a casualty while they are in the trench or pit causing serious or fatal injuries. Further information on safe working at heights is contained in GRA 5.10
Presence of utilities
Underground services may be exposed or damaged during trench excavations creating an additional hazard to personnel. When digging out soil following a landslip there is a risk of inadvertently hitting and damaging the utility (a strike) causing it to discharge its contents, eg. high voltageexplosive electrical discharge, release of gas, water, sewage. Personnel entering the opening may come into contact with live electrical services or escapes from pressurised pipe systems. In the case of fluids they may dissolve/ liquefy the soil further undermining the excavation. As water conducts electricity a wet/ waterlogged trench may become live in an electrical strike.
Hazardous materials
Any trench or pit may collect flammable or toxic vapours e.g. methane, petrol/diesel fuel vapour and at industrial sites a heavier than air gas or vapour may be present.
The risk of asphyxiation, poisoning or toxic inhalation may occur to any person entering the trench or pit. Additionally the opening may contain a flammable or explosive mixture in the atmosphere. There is a risk of biological contamination/infection to FRS staff from: water borne pathogens e.g leptospirosis contaminated soil; or body fluids from casualties. Gasses trapped underground e.g. products produced by the decomposition of buried rubbish such as methane and hydrogen sulphide and those emitted by old gas works waste (hydrogen cyanide) can be released by excavations.
Personnel are at risk from slips, trips, falls and collisions within the feature and if further collapse takes place, of entrapment and being unable to make egress quickly.
Manual handling
Operational equipment will have to be positioned by the minimum number of personnel within the pit or trench, or at, surface level. Confined and restricted conditions make manual handling tasks difficult. The risk of musculoskeletal injury to personnel arises from: difficult access, egress and movement within the feature weight and size of casualty weight and size of equipment internal conditions i.e. dark, slippery, wet repeated manual handling tasks required movement of equipment and personnel within a confined space minimum numbers in the risk area to share the weight of the load.
Pre-determined response
FRSs should ensure that the operational response to an incident will be sufficient to allow relevant SSoW to be implemented. A task analysis of the various scenarios at this type of incident will enable a FRS to plan an effective response. This together with any known site specific information will provide a risk based assessment of the pre-determined response. As part of the pre-planning process the pre-determined response may also include the need for: specialist vehicles; specialist equipment, techniques and assistance from other agencies.
Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 lays down the general duties of employers to their employees. Section 2 (2) (c) of the act requires employees to provide information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees; All FRSs must ensure their personnel are adequately trained to deal with risk/ hazard associated with rescues from trenches and pits. The level and nature of training undertaken should be shaped by an informed assessment of operational and individual needs in line with the FRS guidance on the integrated personal development system; national occupational standards and any internal training plan. Training and development should follow the principles set out in national guidance documents. Training programmes should generally be structured so that they move from simple to more complex tasks and from lower to higher levels of risk. Training and development will typically cover standard operational procedures as well as ensuring knowledge and understanding of equipment and the associated skills that will be required to use it. Training programmes need to consider the need for appropriate levels of assessment and provide for continuous professional development, to ensure maintenance of skills and to update personnel whenever there are changes to procedure, equipment, etc. Training outcomes should be evaluated to ensure that the training provided is effective, current and is meeting defined operational needs as determined by the FRS Integrated risk management plan. Specific training for trench and pit incidents must be undertaken to familiarise and train operational personnel for conditions which may be encountered at such sites, signs and symptoms of collapse and the typical plant, equipment and construction practices in trenching and excavations. The level of training provided should be appropriate to the role expected of personnel responding in accordance with the PDA.
In some locations the ambulance service provide the Hazardous Area Response Team (HART). This team is capable of supporting FRSs with casualty assessment and care in the hot zone of an incident. Where appropriate FRSs should make arrangements to train with these teams. Training should practice establishing a SSoW including identification and removal or control of hazards to personnel prior to entering the trench and pit.
need to establish appropriate RV points and marshalling areas. When deciding on the most appropriate SSoW the IC needs to determine whether further assistance should be immediately requested e.g: aerial appliance (for access) specialist teams e.g. Technical Rescue, Rope Rescue more personnel to allow adequate crew rotation consider the use of USAR teams for their specialist knowledge and equipment medical professionals police.
As appliances and vehicles arrive at site the IC and drivers must be aware of pedestrians, moving vehicles, obstructions, broken ground and excavations. All vehicles must be kept well away from the trench or pit. Where practical, vehicles should remain on hard standing. Consideration must be given to vehicle marshalling and a holding area/RV point at the earliest opportunity. Personnel going on to the site must proceed with caution because of the possibility of excavations, trenches and pits not being readily visible and the presence of debris, equipment, plant and broken ground. Personnel, equipment and materials (such as spoil heaps) must be kept at a distance of at least equal to the depth of the trench to avoid overloading the surface area near the trench or pit i.e. unstable ground which is liable to collapse. This clear area must be maintained throughout the incident. Enhanced precautions and illumination will be a necessity at night. An inner cordon should be established (high-risk area) with a minimum exclusion zone of 3 metres where there is a fall potential. Only essential personnel wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) must be allowed into the inner cordon area and their entry and exit controlled. Non-essential emergency service personnel must be moved outside the inner cordon.
The trench/pit must be stabilised utilising one or a combination of the following methods: use of expert advice to direct procedures battering (digging the sides back to improve the angle of slope of the face) use of proprietary support systems shoring up alternative use of Service equipment/ plant on site, by competent persons
where possible, consider the use of suitable covering to protect crews and casualties from the elements of the weather. Note: Consideration may be given to spreading the load around the trench/excavation before any work commences by laying down sheets of wood (8x4 plywood) or similar around the trench/excavation. Any trench support must reach to the top and bottom of the trench. Personnel required to work within 3m of an unprotected trench or pit must have line restraint to control the risk of falls. Pumps should be brought into use if the trench or pit is holding water. The pump should not be placed too close to the edge of the opening due to vibration, exhaust gases and weight. Consideration should be given to utilising non combustion pumps, electrical submersible, ejector etc. The movement of heavy plant and vehicles nearby and activities in the vicinity that may cause shock waves in the ground such as demolition and piling must be stopped until the incident is concluded.
Entry into the trench or pit must be in an area where stabilisation measures have taken place (sides battered back or area protected by the support system). This should be suitably identified (consider a portable blue flashing light) and all crews briefed upon entering the inner cordon. Consider the use of a system to log personnel in and out. Controlled access and egress must be maintained at all times due to the requirement for rapid evacuation from the feature. The IC may consider the use of an aerial appliance for access/egress assistance, having taken into account any vibration and loading that may or may not be posed by its position in relation to the location of the trench. If items of debris, equipment or machinery are moved personnel must ensure that they are not placed in a position which may inhibit their rapid withdrawal and evacuation from the trench or pit.
Gas testing and monitoring should be carried out by a competent person(s). They will establish the safety of the atmosphere using suitable equipment. The atmosphere should be monitored throughout the term of the incident to ensure it remains safe. Personnel entering the trench or pit must be fully briefed on their task, evacuation procedures and hazards and controls. Personnel should wear a safety harness and line on approach to and when entering the trench. However, the line should be removed whilst in the trench to prevent entanglement with shoring equipment. Relief crews should be arranged, however, their movements during change over around the edge of the trench must be strictly monitored to ensure the stability of the trench/pit is not further compromised.
Safety Officers
Safety Officers should be appointed and fully briefed on signs of collapse (to the pit/ trench and from that of possible nearby structures that may have been undermined), ingress of water and any observed changes, which may affect stability, or the safety of personnel in, or near a trench/pit.
Safety Officers will raise the alarm with the agreed evacuation signals; this signal must be recognisable from other ambient sounds. All personnel present, including works personnel and other emergency service personnel, must understand the evacuation signal and the actions to be taken when it is sounded.
Communications are essential to the safety of personnel and management of the incident. A communication link must be established between: personnel working in the trench or pit, those at the surface, and with the IC. If flammable atmospheres are encountered or suspected then a means of intrinsically safe communication must be established. Where possible, efforts should be made to ensure a line of sight is maintained with personnel working in the pit or trench.
Casualty handling
Any debris or soil should be cleared from the casualties face and chest to enable them to breathe and for necessary first aid to be administered; resuscitation equipment should be taken into the trench/pit. Consider ventilating the trench or pit and the use of breathing apparatus for casualties. Careful selection of the appropriate tools to remove debris is needed. Sharp tools such as picks and mechanical excavators should never be used in the vicinity of buried casualties or services as their exact position is seldom known. When removing the casualty from the trench or pit manual handling should be planned and coordinated. Mechanical means and additional personnel should be considered. Where space is restrictive, individuals should make every effort to adopt good manual handling techniques.
The area at the top of a trench or pit should be well lit before personnel are allowed to enter. This may be augmented with portable lighting or hand lamps. Intrinsically safe lighting should be used, unless a competent person can determine it to be unnecessary by means of continuous testing with a suitable gas monitor.
Crew welfare
Working conditions for this type of rescue may be difficult and the nature of the tasks may be arduous, therefore the IC should make suitable arrangements for rotation or resting of crews and the early provision of relief crews. Personal hygiene arrangements must be established (e.g. for washing hands) before undertaking the provision of refreshments.
In cold/inclement weather and at protracted incidents it may be necessary for additional welfare and food to be provided.
Arrangements should be made on site to allow the cleaning/decontamination of boots, gloves and fire-kit. If items cannot be sufficiently cleaned at the incident additional/ specialist cleaning should be established in accordance with Service Decontamination procedures.
Technical references
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Home Office Guide to Operational Risk Assessment Confined Space Regulations 1997 HSE Operational Circular 334/5 Confined Spaces and the Fire Service GRA 2.1 Confined Spaces Home Office Technical Bulletin 1/97 Breathing Apparatus Fire and Rescue Service Manual Volume 2, Fire Service Operations, Safe Work at Height, 2006 Fire Service Manual Incident Command DCO/L 1/1998 Safe work in confined spaces DCO/L 1/1997 Practical Precautions at Excavations (Trench/Pit Rescues)
8 9
10 FRDG 6/97 Fire Brigade Response Options Study Final Report 11 The Fire Cover Review Report of the Task Group to the Central Fire Brigades 12 Advisory Councils October 2002 Technical paper C Response & Resource Requirements 13 2/2005 Physiological assessment of firefighting, search and rescue in the built environment 14 1/2005 Operational physiological capabilities of firefighters: literature review and research recommendations
18 Risk
FRS personnel Public Police Medical professionals Non-service personnel
Ref. No.
Further collapse with vehicles and persons falling in crush, death serious injury, loss of equipment
Ref. No.
Persons at risk
Control measures
Consider sheltering trench/pit provide lighting.
Exposure to elements
Ref. No.
Poor illumination
Ref. No.
Unstable ground
Pre planning including site inspections to identify suitable RV points, marshalling areas and appropriate PDA Establish RV point away from the site Establish marshalling area on hard standing IC to establish stable ground from site occupants/specialist Establish outer cordon a safe distance from scene of operations.
Further collapse with FRS personnel vehicles, equipment Public and persons falling Police in to trench or pit. Crush injuries, death Medical professionals Non-service personnel
Unstable ground
Comply with HSE ACOP and Guidance for confined spaces Identify inner cordon and control access and egress Establish command and control system in line with national guidance to provide appropriate control and supervision throughout Communicate evacuation plan to all Do not place plant or machinery near to trench/pit. Restrict/Control heavy plant or machinery, demolition and piling within vicinity.
Ref. No.
Before any work commences consider sheets of wood (8x4 plywood) or similarrequire to be laid round the trench/ excavation this will dissipate the weight of FF round the trench and prevent further collapse Ensure access to excavation point safe or protected by supporting system
Commit minimum personnel appropriately trained and supervised to achieve task in suitable PPE Appoint and brief safety officer, monitor for signs of collapse
Ref. No.
Persons at risk
Control measures
Establish and identify cordons Strictly monitor personnel entering cordon Clearly identify trench entry point
Working at height
Ref. No.
Ref. No.
Drowning, slips trips falls, undermining of trench/pit Ensure services isolated
Persons at risk
Control measures
Establish depth of water prior to entry Appoint safety officer, maintain contact at all times, and monitor water levels Use appropriate pump to reduce water levels Use appropriate water safety PPE Appropriately trained and supervised teams of firefighters Medical assistance Obtain weather forecast (e.g. CHEMET and Firemet) regarding predicted rainfall.
Ingress of water
Establish and maintain intrinsic safety Appoint safety officer. Regular atmospheric monitoring Position pumps and generators away from trench. (Combustion engines)
Ref. No.
Unstable/inappropriate shoring