Community Guidelines Against Covid 19

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1.1. Reduce vulnerability of all members of the community to COVID19

1.2. Reduce transmission of COVID19 within the community.

1.3. Reduce physical contact and introduce new social behaviors

1.4. Addressing COVID19 infection


2.1. In reducing vulnerability to infection, the basic health practices should be observed:

a. Healthy Diet
b. Regular Hydration
c. Regular Exercise
d. Sufficient Sleep
e. Mental and Spiritual Health Activities

2.2. Programs or activities for each of the enumerated practices above should be
implemented by designating a person-in-charge for each health practice area to
ensure its proper observance.


In reducing transmission of COVID19, the rule of thumb should be to follow what the
national and local governments require from all citizens, be it at work, at home or in any
other place.

Guidelines observed at the workplace should also be observed by everyone in the


3.1. Ensure that frequent and proper hand hygiene and disinfection is observed at all
3.2. Observe coughing and sneezing etiquette.

a. Use of disposable tissue paper

b. Covering nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing.
c. Move away from people when sneezing or coughing.

3.3. Elderly community members and those with comorbidity should be discouraged from
performing outside activities.
3.4. Wash used clothing separately from other members following proper laundry /
washing procedures.
3.5. Have separate footwear used outside and inside the house or rooms.
3.6. Take a bath immediately upon returning from any outside activities.
3.7. Disinfect any object that you brought from outside and wash your hands afterwards.

3.8. Follow triage procedures when entering the compound (refer to Annex A for

a. Wear fresh (new disposable or washable) face mask daily.

b. Perform temperature check and step on the disinfection footbath.
c. Rub hands with 70% alcohol solution.
d. Answer the Health Declaration Form.
e. Wash hands at the hand wash stations.
f. Pass through the misting tent before entering the workplace or any other
building in the compound.
g. Temperature of or above 37.5°C or those with “yes” answers in the Health
Declaration Form should not enter the workplace buildings and notify the
designated health protocol officer of the community.

3.9. Face masks are not to be removed once outside of your room / house.
3.10. Members of the community are not allowed to cross over from one compound or
building to another (i.e. pastoral to seminary or vice-versa) except if absolutely
necessary such as in an emergency.
3.11. Avoid face-to-face transactions / contact as much as possible. Transactions that may
be performed over the phone or through messenger or other electronic means
should be practiced.
3.12. Ensure proper ventilation of common rooms. Enclosed spaces are of high risk to
corona virus transmission through aerosols circulating inside the room. Open
windows and doors to allow air to flow instead of circulate.
3.13. Use separate personal items including glass and utensils.

3.14. In Public Transportation and Public Areas

a. Wear your facemask properly whenever in public.

b. Wear additional protective equipment if necessary, such as face shields and
c. Avoid overcrowded areas and observe proper physical distancing (at least one
meter distance).
d. Avoid touching your face when outside.
e. Avoid using your mobile devices outside if not necessary. Sanitize hands after
f. Sanitize devices upon return to home.
g. Observe sneezing and coughing etiquette.
h. Disinfect hands before and after touching surfaces.


4.1. Do not shake hands.

4.2. All meetings shall be done via Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Facebook
Messenger Rooms. If physical meeting is necessary, observe physical distancing during
one-on-one meetings. Physical distance should be at least one to two meters apart.
4.3. Face mask is to be worn whenever there are other people in the same room.
4.4. Physical office gatherings and staff meetings shall not be allowed. However, If such
physical gathering is necessary, physical distancing shall be observed with no physical

4.5. Avoid crowding in the refectory area. When eating meals, physical distance shall be
observed (one meter apart and no face-to-face).


5.1. If you feel any symptoms of COVID19, remain in your room and call for a nurse-in-
charge or doctor. Always have the local emergency numbers ready.

b. Temperature above 34C

c. Headache
d. Cough
e. Colds
f. Diarrhea
g. Weakness
h. Loss of taste and/or smell
i. Sore throat
j. Difficulty in breathing / Shortness of breath

5.2. If you feel any symptoms while working or outside, immediately proceed to a
designated quarantine or isolation area and notify the person-in-charge.
5.3. If you observed a fellow community member exhibiting symptoms such as frequent
coughing or colds, immediately direct the person to the quarantine or isolation room
and notify the person-in-charge.
5.4. Always have enough clothes and personal necessities ready in a bag, accessible to any
designated individual, in case you need to be quarantined or isolated immediately.
5.5. Any symptoms arising should not be taken lightly and persons-in-charge should be
notified immediately.


In the interest of public health and safety, as well as to ensure immediate containment of an
infectious disease agent like COVID19, all must observe the following:

1. Community members must go on quarantine for a minimum of seven (7) days each time
he is exposed to a person with COVID19 or has visited a facility (such as a hospital)
where COVID19 positive individuals are isolated or quarantined.
2. Visits to patients on quarantine and/or isolated for COVID 19 should be limited to once a
3. Testing is mandatory when symptoms arise.

Any personnel who shall test positive or have exhibited any COVID19 like symptoms as determined
by a qualified medical professional shall immediately be quarantined / isolated and required to
undergo the appropriate confirmatory tests.

The following protocol shall be considered as the minimum standard to be followed when there are
probable and confirmed cases of COVID19 in the compound:

1. The section of the building where the positive individual frequently stays shall immediately
be vacated and cordoned-off.

2. Immediate disinfection with 10% Sodium Hypochlorite solution (bleach) of all floor surfaces
and with 70% alcohol all tables and above floor surfaces as well as commonly touched
surfaces like door knobs, light switches, faucet handles, etc.

3. UV light exposure shall be done for 12 hours or overnight and the area must be quarantined
for a minimum of 2 days.

4. The personnel who tested positive shall immediately be led to the isolation room and asked
to stay there until transfer via ambulance to a COVID isolation and testing facility is

5. Next of kin or trusted friend of the personnel who tested positive shall be notified so that all
clothes and personal effects good for 14 days quarantine shall be brought to the personnel.

6. All close contacts shall be identified and notified immediately to go on quarantine in a

quarantine facility.

7. All contacts shall be monitored for symptoms of COVID19, once they develop symptoms,
they can undergo swab test after 2 days of onset of illness. If positive they will be referred to
a COVID Isolation Facility.

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