WLA Planner Week 2-3 Term 1 2011

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Walker Learning Approach Statement of Intent Weeks 2 - 3 Term 1 2011

Early Years Children’s Communit Modificati

Developmental Learning
Framework Key Current y ons
Domain Objectives Objectives
Objectives Interests Interests
Emotional Identity Maths Literacy School Learning for
For the children to feel For the children to Life –
comfortable and interact with their peers Number Reading School
confident with their teachers and other For the children to For the children to routines &
independence. adults in a range of count, compare begin to recognise values.
contexts and order concepts of print &
Social collections of that texts and
For the children to begin Wellbeing objects up to 10. illustrations
to develop a For the children to share represent language
relationship with their humour, happiness and Space – For the that can be read and
new teacher satisfaction. children to enjoyed.
recognise and
Language Community name basic 2D Writing
For the children to begin For the children to be shapes. For the children to
to understand school introduced to the idea of develop a correct
specific language. a classroom being a new pencil grip and
community. concepts of writing
Cognitive for example writing
For the children to begin Communication direction.
to understand school For the children to
specific concepts. exchange ideas, feelings Speaking & Listening
and understanding using For the children to
Physical language and begin contributing
For the children to begin representations in play. ideas and
to find their way around information to
the Prep area. Learning discussions.
For the children to
experience the benefits
and pleasures of shared
learning exploration.

Related Learning Experiences

Dramatic Play- Writers Workshop- Collage Table/Box Block Building Explicit Teaching Sessions:
Home Corner but Letter Stamps Construction- Corner- See term planner.
change depending on Magnetic Letters Random selection Describing words
interests of objects in 2D Pictures of buildings
The Usual shapes and sizes. with 2D shapes in
Envelopes them.
Pads Labelled 2D shapes.
Post-Its Number cards 1-10
Staplers The Usual
Hole Punch Boxes The Usual
Glue Sticky Tape Mobilo
Pens, Pencils, Textas Glue Blocks
Odds and Ends Leggo
Scissors Trains
Cars (OD)
Marble Run
Stickle Bricks

Sensory Play- Science Corner- Reading

Playdough (2D Shapes) Magnifying Glasses 2D Boats
Dinosaurs & Sand shape hunt Armchair
Beach Area Water droppers Cushions
Shaving cream (OD) Light Box Numbers and Selection of non-
Carpentry PVA Wood 2D shapes fiction and fiction
(OD) Growing dinosaurs books
Waterplay (OD)
Rice with 2D Shapes
Sandpaper Letters

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