CBT mVEC User Manual: Transportation Products
CBT mVEC User Manual: Transportation Products
CBT mVEC User Manual: Transportation Products
REV 1.2
Table of Contents
1. mVEC Introduction Section ................................................................................................... 4
5.1.2. Mounting Location Selection .............................................................................................. 22
5.1.3. Electrical Connections to the Vehicle ................................................................................. 23
5.1.4. Power Connections to the mVEC: Connector Details ........................................................ 24
5.1.5. High-Side Drive (Optional) ................................................................................................. 25
5.1.6. CAN Connection ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 21. CAN connection .......................................................................................... 26
Table 17. Message ID 0x99 (Command) ...................................................................... 47 Reply Messages ......................................................................................................... 45
Table 18. Message ID 0x01 (Reply) ............................................................................. 48
Table 19. Relay State Change Failure Message .......................................................... 48
Table 20. Message ID 0x13 (Reply) ............................................................................. 49
Table 21. Message ID 0x94 (Reply) ............................................................................. 48
Table 22. Message ID 0x96 (Reply) ............................................................................. 51
Table 23. Message ID 0x97 (Reply) ............................................................................. 51
7.3.2. Proprietary B Messages ............................................................................................................ 52 Fuse Status ..................................................................................................................... 52
Table 24. Fuse Status Message ................................................................................... 53
Table 25. Fuse Status Values....................................................................................... 54 Relay Status ................................................................................................................... 54
Table 26. Relay Status Message .................................................................................. 54
Table 27. Relay Status Values ..................................................................................... 55 System Error Status ........................................................................................................ 56
Table 28. Error Messages ............................................................................................ 56
1. mVEC Introduction Section
The multiplexed Vehicle Electrical Center (mVEC), shown in Figure 1, is an enhanced version of the Bussmann
Vehicle Electrical Center (VEC) as it has a Controller Area Network (CAN) interface. The mVEC has VEC-like
features (accepts plug-in components common to power distribution such as fuses, relays, circuit breakers, diodes,
etc.) and is IP66 compliant. The mVEC incorporates the VEC ‘power grid’, an electrical component grid for power
distribution functions, and the grid is electronically interfaced with a CAN control board that monitors the state of
components and controls relays that are plugged into the grid of the mVEC.
The mVEC is a power distribution slave module that distributes power to other devices in a vehicle, and
communicates over a CAN bus. Because it is a slave module, the mVEC relies on a master CAN module to control its
relays and monitor component status messages.
The mVEC is ideal for applications across numerous markets, including heavy truck, construction, agriculture, military,
transit bus/coach, marine, recreational vehicle, and specialty vehicle applications. The mVEC is an excellent solution
for power distribution systems that require the ability to control relays and monitor fuses and relays; and a cost
effective replacement for complex, fully electronic (solid state) power distribution modules.
The mVEC’s grid can be populated with industry standard plug-in components which use “280 series” terminals,
including relays, fuses, circuit breakers, diodes, transorbs, resistors, and flasher modules. These components can be
configured in many different ways to meet your system requirements.
The mVEC can be connected to 12 V or 24 V systems, or to vehicles with both voltages. The mVEC is based off the
Bussmann VEC technology and it is possible to customize the mVEC (create a new variant) so that it is capable of
functioning with varying electrical architectures. The mVEC can be enabled (turned-on) by battery voltage through an
active-high ignition input or by ground through an active-low ignition input.
The mVEC’s CAN control board is protected against over-voltage transients and reverse-voltage conditions and its
relay coil drivers are protected from short-circuits.
The mVEC communicates with other devices on the vehicle’s CAN bus using the SAE J1939 protocol, and can be
part of a multiplexing system that eliminates the need for individual connections between switches and loads. The
mVEC works by receiving messages to turn its relays “on” and “off”, and by sending messages indicating the state of
its grid components.
2.1.1. mVEC Electrical Grid
The mVEC features the VEC ‘power grid’ (shown in Figure 3) internal to the unit. This VEC grid provides
the electrical circuit to various components with 64 connection points, which can be utilized within the
These various types of components can be placed on the mVEC electrical grid, including (but not limited
to) relays, fuses, circuit breakers, diodes, transorbs, resistors, and flasher modules. The mVEC can only
control and monitor relays; fuses and circuit breakers (type I & III) can only be monitored. Because of
this, most of the manual is dedicated to using fuses and relays. Relays that are not controlled via the
internal CAN board cannot be monitored as normal since the relay control signals are unknown. Relays
The mVEC can be populated with 4-terminal and 5-terminal relays that can switch power to loads.
These relays can be controlled via CAN commands, which signal the internal driver to energize
the relay coils by pulling one side of the coil low. (See Grid Coil Current Limit in Section 8). The
mVEC has the ability to control and monitor relays.
• For information on how the mVEC controls relays, refer to section 7.1.9. Controlling Relays
• For information on how the mVEC monitors relays, refer to section 7.2. Monitoring Fuse, Relay,
and System Fault Status.
6 Circuit Protection – Fuses & Circuit Breakers
Fuses and Circuit Breakers limit excessive current going to loads. The mVEC determines the
state of each fuse / breaker by monitoring the fuse voltage through two internal digital inputs.
The mVEC has the ability to monitor fuses / breakers (it cannot control them). Note Type II circuit
breakers may not show open status due to the internal resistive component and should not be
used in the mVEC.
• For information on how the mVEC monitors fuses / breakers, refer to section 7.2. Monitoring
Fuse, Relay, and System Fault Status.
OEMs / Integrators / operators are not able to create custom software for the mVEC. However, you can
change some of the mVEC’s software settings.
• For information on changing software settings, refer to section 7.1. CAN Software Settings.
• For information on how the mVEC controls and monitors components, refer to section 7, Programming
the mVEC.
3. Configuring the mVEC Options
There are many elements of the mVEC that can be configured. Configuration options for the mVEC fall into two major
categories, as follows:
• Hardware configuration options. All hardware configuration options must be selected early in the design process
and implemented before production.
• Software configuration options. Most software configuration options do not need to be selected until production, and
can be modified after production if needed.
Contact your Cooper Bussmann Account Representative for more details about creating a custom configuration for
your product.
3.1.2. External
E High-Side
H e Output Option
A external higgh-side outpu
ut can be conffigured into th
he mVEC. Th his output is a
available on pin #11 on the
2-pin CAN coonnector, and can be used to drive low-ccurrent loadss that are exte
ernal to the mVEC such as
elays, LEDs, or
o other syste
em loads.
3.1.3. Grid
G Outp
put Connector Options
The configurattion options fo
or the output connectors
c arre as follows:
• You can have ut connectors on your mVE
e up to four different outpu EC (refer to Fiigure 5).
• Total current for each connector is 100 amps.
• Output conne ectors can be sealed, or unnsealed (seal ed required fo or IP66 rating
• Output conne ectors can be configured inn four differen
nt colors, with
h each color hhaving a differrent keying
( for ens
suring the output connecto ors are conne ected to the coorrect harnessses).
Figure 5. Grid Co
onnector Loca
ation Diagram
3.1.4. Grid
G Pow
wer Conne
ection Op
The “Power Grrid” of the mV
VEC has two options
o for the
e incoming cu
urrent: studs o
or connectorss. The
m inpu
ut amperage for
f an mVEC is 200 amps regardless off the input con nnection type
3.1.5. Grid
G Labe
el Options
The mVEC inte ernal surface has a label with
w cut outs tto allow inserttion of compo onents in onlyy the positions
o be filled per the design. It also may ha
ave plug-in de
escriptions, aand identifierss (e.g. fuse nu
umbers, relay
dentifiers, labe
els, etc.) Forr each unique
e part numberr, the label is custom markked per the cu ustomer’s
deesign. Custom marking may m include cu ustomer/OEM M logos, part n numbering, circuit identifierrs, etc.
3.1.6. Cover Options
Additional marking is available on the mVEC cover. Custom laser etching may be made either on the
mVEC interior of the cover (underside) or on the exterior (outside) or both.
4. Externa
al Conn
System co
onnections to
o the mVEC can be classified into three groups:
• CAN Connector
• Powerr Output Connnectors
• Powerr Input Conneectors
Figure 7. Connector
C loccations
4.1. Con
ntrol CAN
N Conne
4.1.1. Overview
O w
There is one CAN
C connecto
or on the mVE
EC, as shown
n in the above
e picture.
The CAN conn nector is a Tyc
co AMP conn
nector that pro
ovides CAN ccommunicatio
on, logic powe
er, and logic
grround signals
s for the mVEC.
• The re
eceptacle contacts on the CAN
C connecto
or are each ra
ated at 10 A.
• When the CAN con
nnector is matted to the harrness, it is sea
aled to IP66
The following shows
s the diffferent parts of
o the logic (m
mating) connecctor:
Figure 8: CAN (mating) connector Top view of mVEC pin out
Pin Number Name Function
Input enable pin. Pull this input to battery level to enable the
8 IGNITION_HIGH control circuitry. Typically switched with vehicle ignition, use
either this pin or pin 7 for enable control.
Base address offset bit #2. Internally pull low (logic 0). Connect
9 ADDR_2
to PWR_REF to change the offset address to logic 1.
Base address offset bit #0. Internally pull low (logic 0). Connect
10 ADDR_0
to PWR_REF to change the offset address to logic 1.
11 HS_OUTPUT Optional high-side drive output, controlled via CAN command.
12 CAN_LO CAN bus low signal connection (CAN_L).
Note: Only one of the enable lines should to be used for normal operation. If both are
enabled simultaneously, the mVEC will enter a recovery mode application (factory use only).
Caution: The minimum recommended fuse value for the active-low ignition input is 200
mA. This protection is only needed for the harnessing to the mVEC.
The following shows a typical active-low ignition input connection:
gure 9: Active
e-low ignition connections
4.2. Active--High Ignition Input Connection
C n
The acctive-high ignition input (IG
GNITION_HIGGH) enables p
power to the mmVEC when tthe input is
higherr than ½ batttery voltage on Pin 1. A sshut-down prrocedure is acctivated when
n the voltage
on the active-high in
nput is lowerr than ½ batte
ery voltage o
on Pin 1, or w
when the inpu
ut has an
open circuit
c conditio
Caution: The
T minimum recommende ed fuse value for the active
e-high ignition
n input is 200
mA. This protection
n is only need
ded for the ha
arnessing to th
he mVEC.
The fo
ollowing show
ws a typical ac
ctive-high ignittion input con
ure 10: Active
e-high ignition
n connectionss
ollowing show
The fo ws a typical CA
AN harness a
address pin co
e 11. CAN ha
Figure arness addres
ss pin connecctions with voltage referencce.
4.2. Bus
ssman 32
2006 Se
eries Outtput Con
Bussman sells mVEC outpu ut connectors, designated 3 32006-xxx. T The –xxx allow ws choices of color (8
opptions), type of
o connector cavity,
c and seealed or unse ealed. There ccan be up to ffour output coonnectors on
he mVEC, dep pending on yoour configurattion. The outtput connecto ors are capablle of providing
g 30 A
m ontinuous currrent per terminal (maximu m 100A per cconnector)l.
of co
• Wh en a sealed output
o connec ctor is mated to the harnesss, it is sealed
d to IP66.
• All output
o connec ctor options are
a readily ava ailable throug
gh Distributionn.
• Eacch color conneector has a different keying
g feature.
4.2.1. Part
P Num
Because there
e are so many y configuration
n options for tthe output co
onnectors, theere are a lot of different
m connec
ctor possibilitie
es. Here is th
he part numb ering scheme e for the 3200
06 VEC conne ectors.
16 Terminal Position Assurance (TPA)
mVEC connectors feature terminal position assurance. Here are the part numbers depending on
your sealing configuration.
1 = For Use With Non-sealed Terminals
2 = For Use With Sealed Terminals
Table 3. 32006 Mating Terminal Reference
The chart below is for reference only, and is subject to changes by Delphi Packard. Delphi Packard part numbers are shown.
12110843 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless .35-.50 22-20
12110844 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless .80-1.0 18-16
12129424 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless 1.0-2.0 16-14
12110842 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless 2.0-3.0 14-12
12129663 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless 3.0 12
12129425 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - Tangless 5.0 10
12110846 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - Tangless .35-.50 22-20
12110847 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - Tangless .80-1.0 18-16
12129409 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - Tangless 1.0-2.0 16-14
12110845 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - Tangless 2.0-3.0 14-12
12110853 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - Tangless 3.0-5.0 12-10
12052217 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang .35-.50 22-20
12034046 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang .50-.80 20-18
12066214 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 1.0-2.0 16-14
12129494 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 2.0-3.0 14-12
12059284 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 3.0 12
12015858 280 ser. Metri-Pack Unsealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 3.0-5.0 12-10
12084201 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - w/Tang .35-.50 22-20
12077411 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - w/Tang .50-.80 20-18
12077412 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 1.0-2.0 16-14
12129493 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 2.0-3.0 14-12
12077413 280 ser. Metri-Pack Sealed Female Terminal - w/Tang 3.0 12
12015193 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Blue/Straight 3.45-4.30
12010293 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Light Gray/Straight 2.81-3.49
12015323 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Green/Ribbed 2.03-2.85
12041351 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Tan/Straight 2.03-2.42
12089679 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Purple/Ribbed 1.60-2.15
12015899 280 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal/Dark Red/Ribbed 1.29-1.70
12129381 800 ser. Metri-Pack cable seal 4.54-4.70
12010300 280 Metri-Pack Cavity plug for 32006-XX Connector
12094429 280 & 800 Ser. Metri-Pack Female Terminal Removal Tool
4.3.1. Bladed
B Po
The Bussmann n 32004 inputt connector is s one option fo
or mVEC currrent input. It mates with th
he dual-
blladed connec
ctor installed within
w the mV
VEC. There ca an be up to tw
wo input connectors on thee mVEC,
epending on your
y configurration.
• Each input connecttor is capable of providing 60 A of contin
nuous current per blade, to
otaling to 120
amps per connector. For maxim mum grid amp perage, two in
nput connecto
ors must be ussed.
• nector is mate
When an input conn ed to the harn
ness, it is sea
aled to IP66.
• 2004 is readily available th
The 32 hrough Distrib
m input co
onnectors offeer somewhat superior prottection for thee mVEC when n in corrosive
nvironments, as compared d to the studded inputs. Sttudded inputss have exposeed metal and are
usceptible to corrosion from
m contaminan nts such as ro
oad salt, etc. If the mVEC
C is to be insta
alled in an
xternal enviro
onment, blade ed connectors s are recommmended as inp puts.
1 Bussman
Figure 13. nn 32004 VEC
C Input conne
4.3.2. Studded
S Power
The studded in
nput connecto
or uses M8 orr M6 studs, an
nd is connectted to the harness with ring
g terminals.
• The re
ecommended d torque that should be ussed when atta
aching the stu
udded power connector is
10-12 ft/lbs. The maximum
m torqu
ue is 18ft/lbs..
• Bussmmann recomm mends that if thhe studded in nput is used a
and the mounting of the mV VEC is in a
on where the vehicle
v could be exposed tto corrosive cchemicals succh as road saalts, that ‘afterr
ments’ be used d to the input area includin g the followinng possible acctions:
Generous application
a of a dialectric g
grease to the entire stud asssembly (cove
er the power
input stud, the plate of th
he input area and over the e ring terminall
Use a epox xy / anti corros
sive spray co e entire stud assembly (co
oating over the over the
power input stud, the pla ate of the inpu
ut area and over the ring teerminal
The following shows
s a studd
ded power (m
mating) conne
4.3.3. Input Connector Part Numbers
Male input connector (800 Series)
32004–X X
1 = Non-sealed 2 = Sealed
A = Black B = Gray
5. V
e Installlation
Vehicle in
nstallation will vary depending on the system. Thereffore, mechanical, environm mental, and electrical
s and requirem ments that yo
ou should be aware
a ore installing tthe product have been pro
of befo ovided.
5.1. Mec
chanical Informa
It is important that
t the mVEC be installed
d so that all off the mechan
nical compone
ents are easilyy accessible.
5.1.1. Dimensio
D ons
The follow
wing diagrams
s show the dimensions of the
t mVEC in millimeters:
Figure 18. mVE
EC height with
h cover open
5.1.2. Mounting
g Locatio
on Selection
Where yoou mount the mVEC
m is com
mpletely depenndent on you r system; howwever, you must take the ffollowing
environmeental and mec
chanical requuirements into
o consideratio
on before mou unting.
If you hav
ve any questions, please discuss
d your mounting
m optiions with a Co
ooper Bussmmann represen ntative.
2.1. Environmental Requiremen
The mVEC
m is desig
gned to operaate in harsh environments.
e .
Whenn selecting an mVEC locatiion, ensure thhe following e
environmentall requirementts are respectted:
• The mVEC C is in an environment withhin its ambien
nt temperature
e range.
o Sa afe temperatuure range for the
t mVEC is – –40°C to +85
• The mVEC
C has been de esigned and validated
v to a level of IP666.
o Re ealize that this
s module con ntains power e electronics an
nd has a lid th
hat allows serrvicing of the
ug in compon nents.
o Too maintain hig gh IP rating, th
he unit must rremain with th
he cover secu urely attachedd. Any
amage to the housing or re emoval of the cover degrad des the protecction of the ho
ousing and
maay lead to eveentual failure of the module e if exposed tto moisture or other contamminants.
• Sound eng
gineering pracctice dictates placement off the mVEC in
n a location th
hat minimizess
ental impact and
a temperatu ure extremes..
Caution: Bussma ann does not recommend d mounting t he mVEC in locations wh here the mod dule may be
subjeected to presssure washin ng. The severity of a presssure wash can exceed the specificationns the mVEC
has been tested ag gainst due to water pressure, water flow
w, nozzle characteristics, a
and distance. Under
certain conditions, a pressure wash
w can cut wire
w insulation n.
22 Mechanical Requirements
When selecting an mVEC mounting location, ensure the following mechanical requirements are respected:
• It is highly recommended that it be mounted in locations that are not routinely exposed to direct and
routine water sprays. Wherever possible, the mVEC should be placed in covered, shielded, interior
locations on a vehicle.
• The mVEC and its connectors are shielded from harsh impact, debris, etc, and is not designed for other
mechanical purposes other than that of a power distribution module. It should not be placed where
someone could step on it.
• Mount the mVEC harnesses with sufficient strain relief and adequate bend radius.
• The mVEC cover can be fully opened.
• The mVEC mounting location / orientation should facilitate easy servicing of the plug-in power distribution
components (fuses, relays, etc.)
• Consider operator’s view of the mVEC labels when mounting unit.
• The mVEC should not be mounted upside-down. Best position is horizontal, but the mVEC is capable of
being mounted up to a 90 degree angle from the horizontal.
Figure 19. Overview
O of e
5.1.4. Power Co
onnections to the
e mVEC: C
or Details
The mVEC is available
a for 12
1 V or 24 V operation
o (rellay dependen
nt) without inte
ernal circuitryy changes. Its
perating volta
op age range is 9V
9 - 32V, and
d it can withstaand double battery conditio
ons up to 48 V for 5
The mVEC has
s two types of power feeds
s: grid power and logic pow
• Grid power
p - provid
des power to the VEC pow wer grid (typiccally via input connectors / studs) with
the am
mperage exitin
ng via output pins on the m
mVEC electriccal grid.
• Logic CAN power - provides po ower to the m
mVEC’s micro
oprocessor an
nd logic periph
herals, and is
deliverred through th
he CAN connector.
4.1. Grid an
nd Logic Power Conn
nection Re
It is im
mportant to tak
ke the followin
ng into consid
deration when
n connecting power:
4.2. Grid Co
5.1.4 omponent Connectio
on to Load
The grrid componen nts (relays, fus
ses, circuit brreaker, etc.) cconnect to loa
ad via the outp
put terminals
as perr the wiring sc
chematic. It iss recommend ded to distribu ute high curre
ent loads arou
und the
mVECC’s output con nnectors.
gure 20. High--side output driiving an LED
5.1.6. CAN
C Connection
The mVEC is designed
d to in
nterface to a vehicle
v Contrrol Area Netw
work (CAN) tha
at conforms to
o the SAE
1939 standard.
For a list of J19
939 connectioon considerattions, refer to the SAE J19
939 specificattions available
e through the
Society for Auttomotive Engineers. SAE J1939-11
J covvers the physiical aspects o
of the CAN buus including
able type, con
ca nnector type, and cable len
This section de
escribes the components
c and
a connectio
ons necessary
ry to create a 1939-11 indu
ustry standard
C connectioon.
Low, and CAN Shield (which connect to the corresponding CAN_HI, CAN_LO, and
CAN_SHIELD pins on the CAN connector).
o The CAN cable is very susceptible to system noise, and therefore, the CAN Shield
wire must be connected according to the following:
a) Connect CAN Shield to the point of least electrical noise on the CAN bus. It is
recommended to connect CAN Shield to the vehicle chassis.
b) Use the lowest impedance connection possible.
c) Connect CAN Shield as close to the center of the CAN bus as possible
Note: CAN Shield can only be grounded to one point on the network. If grounded
to multiple points, a ground-loop may occur.
• CAN Connectors: Industry approved CAN connectors are manufactured by ITT, Canon, and
Deutsch, and come in either “T” or “Y” configuration.
• CAN Harness: The CAN harness is the “main backbone” cable that is used to connect the CAN
network. This cable cannot be longer than 40 meters, and must have a 120 Ω terminator resistor
at each end. The 120 Ω terminator resistors eliminate CAN bus reflections and ensure proper
idle-state voltage levels.
• CAN Stubs: The CAN stubs cannot be longer than 1 meter, and each stub should vary in length
to eliminate CAN bus reflections and ensure proper idle-state voltage levels.
• Maximum Number of Modules in a System: The CAN bus can handle a maximum of 30
modules in a system at one time.
The following diagram shows a typical CAN connection using the J1939 standard:
6. A
ation Ex
The purpose of
o this section
n is to provide
e various exam
mples of how
w the mVEC c an be used fo
or different ap
Note – the
ese sections describe
d how
w the mVEC can support / pprovide CAN visibility to ba
asic power disstribution
functions. Many of thes
se features / examples
e are
e covered in e
existing (reuse
ed) mVEC de esigns, or mayy be utilized
in new custom mVEC variants.
Note: It is
i the system designer’s reesponsibility to ensure safe ation under all conditions.
e and correct vehicle opera
These examples are for illu
ustrative purposes only.
6.1. Swittched Fu
use Loa
A switched fus
sed load can be
b used in the e mVEC to prrovide power to vehicle sysstems (lampss, solenoids,
A external controller proviides the logic for switching
g the mVEC reelay “on” or “o
The following shows
s the typ
pical connections for a swittched fused lo
6.2. Indu
uctive Lo
oad Protection
W an inducctive load doe
es not include
e a suppressio on device, pro
otective comp
ponents such as diodes
an be placed on the mVEC C grid to proviide protection
n from voltage
es induced wh
hen the inducctive load is
urned “on” or “off”.
The following shows
s an exa
ample of induc ctive load pro
Figure 23. In
nductive load prrotection.
6.3. Con
ntrolling a Motorr using an
a H-Briidge
The mVEC can n provide sim
mple H-bridge circuit functio onality, and caan eliminate tthe need for ssolid state
m or relay logic.
A H-bridge is typically used to drive a DC
An D motor.
n H-bridge circ cuits, the pola
arity of the ou
utput across a load must be e reversed. TThe customer can use a
paair of relays on
o the mVEC to do this.
Loogic in an extternal module e controlling th
he mVEC can n switch the ppair of relays tto control the direction and
opperation of a motor. H-brid dge capability can be reque ested over the e CAN bus on n a relay-by-rrelay basis.
The relays can n be driven in four unique ways
w (off-off, on-off, off-on, on-on), and three separa ate modes of
opperation (brak ke, forward, and
a reverse) are a possible, as illustrated in Table 4.
Relay 1 Relay 2 Motor 1 Motor
M 2 M
Motor State
6.4. Con
ntrolling Flasherrs using
g Relays
R in the mVEC
m grid ca
an be wired too the turn sign
nal lights, con
ntrolled by an external conttroller through
C message es telling the relay
r to turn “o
on” and “off”.
The following shows
s an exaample of how the mVEC co ould be used to power turn n signals:
Figure 25. Flas
sher function ussing a relay
6.5. High
h-Side Output
O Power
P Master
The high-side output can be e connected to
t a master poower relay onn the vehicle a
and feed powwer to other
ehicle systemms, including the
t grid power connectionss. This allowss the mVEC to o control pow
wer going to
otther vehicle systems,
s and minimize the current draw
wn by the system when ignition is switchhed “off”.
W the defa
ault state of th
he mVEC’s higgh-side outpu ut is “on”, the output will turn “on” when the mVEC is
owered, withoout requiring another
a contrroller to send a command tto the mVEC to turn it “on””.
The following shows
s an exa ample of using
g the high-sidde output for mmaster powerr:
Figure 26. High
h-side output m
master power
7. PROGRAMMING the mVEC (Using J1939 Messages to Set,
Control, and Monitor the mVEC)
7.1. CAN Software Settings
A number of mVEC software settings can be viewed and changed using J1939 Proprietary A messages
(refer to section 7.1.1. Proprietary A Messages).
The software settings that can be changed include the following:
• CAN Source Address
• Parameter Group Number (PGN) for Proprietary B messages
• Population Table
• Default Relay states
• Startup delay
• CAN message count threshold and source address
Note: It is recommended that the mVEC be set-up in a stand-alone environment when working with
software settings.
Note: The default value for the source address base is 0xB0 (176 DEC).
If your system uses 8 mVECs or less, you can assign CAN source addresses using one of the
following methods:
• Method 1 - Give each mVEC in your vehicle a unique source address base by changing the
source address base value in software, and leave the source address offset (harness address
pins) the same for each. Refer to section Changing the Source Address Base for more
• Method 2 - Give each mVEC in your vehicle a unique source address offset by configuring the
CAN harness address pins in the CAN connector, and leave the source address base the same
for each. Refer to section Changing the Source Address Offset for more information.
If your system uses more than 8 mVECs, you can combine different source address bases with
different source address offsets to create more than 8 unique CAN source addresses. Viewing the Source Address Base and Source Address Offset
To view an mVEC’s source address base and source address offset
• Send message ID 0x97 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x97 (Command) for more details
about the message.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x97, which displays the current values for the
mVECs source address offset in byte 2.0 and source address base in byte 3.0. See
Message ID 0x97 (Reply).
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, which indicates if the change was a success or
failure in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
Changes made to the source address base will not take effect until the ignition power to the
mVEC is cycled.
Note: Byte 2.0 in message ID 0x90 is the PGN base value. If you wish to leave the PGN
base value as is, then use 0xFF.
The following table shows all the possible address pin states and the resulting offsets they
The PGN base value defaults to 0xA0 (160 DEC). To change the PGN you must change the PGN base
value. The PGN base can be set to any value between 0x00 and 0xF1.
The PGN offset values are not configurable, and are set as follows:
For example, if you are using the default PGN base value of 0xA0, the PGN values would be 0xFFA0
(fuse status), 0xFFA1 (relay status), and 0xFFA2 (error status).
• Send message ID 0x97 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x97 (Command) for more details
about the message.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x97, which displays the current value for the PGN
base in byte 7.0. See Message ID 0x97 (Reply).
34 Changing the PGN Base Value
To change the status PGN base value
• Set the desired PGN base value in byte 2.0 of message ID 0x90, and send the message to
the mVEC. See Message ID 0x90 (Command) for more details about the message.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, which indicates if the change was a success or
failure in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
Note: Byte 1.0 in message ID 0x90 is the source address base value. If you wish to leave
the source address base value as is, then use 0xFF.
Note: The term “connected” in this section refers to physically plugging a component into the top
of the mVEC’s electrical grid.
A population table (stored in Flash memory) indicates whether or not the components are actually
connected to the electrical grid. If a component is not connected (but should be according to the
population table), the mVEC will generate an error in the corresponding status message, indicating the
component is missing (refer to section 7.2. Monitoring Fuse, Relay, and System Fault Status for more
details about status messages).
To avoid errors from a missing component, you must send the mVEC a message telling it to stop
controlling or monitoring the component, which is done through the population table using message
ID 0x94.
• Send message ID 0x92 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x92 (Command) for more details
about the message.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x94, which diplays the current population values for
each component:
o 0 indicates the component is not controlled and monitored.
o 1 indicates the component is controlled and monitored.
See Message ID 0x94 (Reply).
Note: If the grid address you are trying to view is invalid, the mVEC responds with
message ID 0x01, and displays a value of 0 (failure) in byte 2.0.
35 Changing the Population Table
To change the population table setting for a component
• Set the desired population value(s) in the appropriate byte(s) of message ID 0x94, and send
the message to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x94 (Command) for more details about the
• The following population values can be used:
o 0 indicates the component is not populated and does not need to be controlled and
o 1 indicates the component is populated and must be controlled and monitored.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, which indicates if the operation was a success
or failure in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
Note: You cannot ‘populate’ a device that was not in the original factory configuration. You
may only alter the population settings of factory-installed devices.
• Send the message ID 0x96 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x96 (Command) for more
details about the message.
If the grid address is valid, the mVEC responds with message ID 0x96, which shows the
default relay states in byte 4.0 to byte 5.4. See Message ID 0x96 (Reply).
If the grid address is invalid, the mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, and displays a
value of 0 (failure) in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
• Set the desired default relay states in the appropriate bytes of message ID 0x95, and send
the message to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x95 (Command) for more details about the
• The following default relay state values can be used:
o 0 sets the default state to “off”
o 1 sets the default state to “on”
The mVEC responds with the message message ID 0x01, which indicates if the operation
was a success or failure in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
Note: The default start-up delay time is 1,000 ms (1 second).
• Send message ID 0x97 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x97 (Command) for more details
about the message.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x97, which displays the values for the CAN message
count threshold in byte 4.0 (LSB) and byte 5.0 (MSB), and the CAN timeout source address
in byte 6.0. See Message ID 0x97 (Reply).
37 Changing the CAN Message Count Threshold
To change the CAN message count threshold
• Set the desired CAN message count threshold in byte 1.0 (LSB) and byte 2.0 (MSB), and
CAN timeout source address in byte 3.0 of message ID 0x98, and send the message to the
mVEC, see Message ID 0x98 (Command) for more details about the message.
The following are things to consider when setting the CAN message count threshold:
• Setting the CAN message count threshold to a value of “0” will disable the CAN
timeout feature. Any value other than “0” will be the actual CAN message count
• Setting the CAN timeout source address to 0xFF will apply the same CAN message
count threshold to all modules communicating with the mVEC. If you only want the
mVEC to count messages received from one module, you must provide the CAN
timeout source address for that specific module.
The mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, which indicates success or failure in byte 2.0.
See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
• Send the message message ID 0x12 to the mVEC. See Message ID 0x12 (Command) for
more details about the message.
The mVEC responds with the message message ID 0x13. See Message ID 0x13 (Reply).
The values that are returned depend on the operating mode of the mVEC. The operating
mode is indicated in byte 1.0 of message ID 0x13.
o If the operating mode is 0 (Run), the software version number will be shown in byte 2.0
and 3.0, and the bootloader version number will be shown in byte 4.0 and 5.0.
o Operating mode is 1 is reserved.
o If the operating mode is 2 (Test Mode), the software version number will be the same
as that in mode 0 (Run).
If the grid address is invalid, the mVEC responds with message ID 0x01, and displays a value
of 0 (failure) in byte 2.0. See Message ID 0x01 (Reply).
• Message ID 0x80 - does not provide a diagnostic reply message from the mVEC indicating if
the message was a success or failure.
• Message ID 0x88 – does provide a diagnostic reply message from the mVEC indicating if the
message was a success or failure.
Note: Error messages are only sent when the mVEC experiences an error, or when there is a
specific J1939 request from another module to obtain error information (they are not sent once every
1000 ms). Once an error is detected, the error message is sent once every 1000 ms until it is corrected.
Each type of Proprietary B message is identified by a Parameter Group Number (PGN) that may need to
be changed to avoid message conflicts with other modules. Refer to section 7.3.2. Proprietary B
Messages for more information on changing the PGN Base for Proprietary B messages.
Note: You have the option of disabling the “Not Powered” fuse fault. Doing so will prevent fuses
downstream from a relay from generating error messages when the relay is “off” (because they are not
receiving power). Disabling the “Not Powered” fuse fault must be done during production at the factory,
and cannot be implemented once the product is shipped.
Note: If multiple faults occur on the same relay at the same time, only the first fault that is
detected will be reported by the mVEC.
Note: If a shorted relay coil is detected when a relay is switched “on”, the mVEC turns that relay
coil driver “off” to protect the circuit and reports the “coil shorted” error. The relay will remain “off” until the
mVEC receives a command to turn it “off” and then back “on”.
When a system error occurs, the message 0xFF02 + PGN base (defaults to 0xFFA2) is transmitted
once every 1000 ms until either the power is cycled, or CAN communication is restored, see
System Error Status for more details about the message.
Note: The mVEC will send an error message at least once after CAN communication is restored.
Command messages are sent to the mVEC by external modules. The mVEC replies to every
command message except message ID 0x80. All command messages have the following
message format:
pgn61184 – Proprietary A
Transmission Repetition Rate: N/A, received message only
Data Length: As defined below, no more than 8 bytes
Data Page: 0
PDU Format: 239
PDU Specific: Destination Address (mVEC CAN Source Address)
Default Priority: 6
Parameter Group Number: 61184 ( 00EF00 16 )
The data bytes of each command message are formatted as described in the following sections.
Byte Description Value
0 Message ID Message ID (0x12)
1-7 Reserved
Each relay state value will have one of the following bit settings:
The “Do not change” values shown above are used when multiple modules are
controlling the same mVEC to enable you to leave the state of some relays unchanged
while changing the state of others with the same message.
42 Message ID 0x88 (Command)
Message ID 0x88 is used to change the active state of relays or the high-side drive (if
installed). The mVEC responds to this message with reply message ID 0x01. Refer to
section Relay Status for the different relay state values.
The following table shows the format of the data bytes of message ID 0x88:
Each relay state value will have one of the bit settings described in Table 8. Relay State
Values listed for message ID 0x80.
Byte Size (Bits) Value
1.0 8 Source address
base. Use 0xFF
to indicate no
2.0 8 Status PGN base. Use 0xFF to
indicate no change.
Total: 3 bytes
Byte Size (Bits) Meaning
3.0 1 Fuse 9 populated
3.1 1 Fuse 10 populated
3.2 1 Fuse 11 populated
3.3 1 Fuse 12 populated
3.4 1 Fuse 13 populated
3.5 1 Fuse 14 populated
3.6 1 Fuse 15 populated
3.7 1 Fuse 16 populated
4.0 1 Fuse 17 populated
4.1 1 Fuse 18 populated
4.2 1 Fuse 19 populated
4.3 1 Fuse 20 populated
4.4 1 Fuse 21 populated
4.5 1 Fuse 22 populated
4.6 1 Fuse 23 populated
4.7 1 Fuse 24 populated
5.0 8 Reserved
6.0 1 Relay 1 populated
6.1 1 Relay 2 populated
6.2 1 Relay 3 populated
6.3 1 Relay 4 populated
6.4 1 Relay 5 populated
6.5 1 Relay 6 populated
6.6 1 Relay 7 populated
6.7 1 Relay 8 populated
7.0 1 Relay 9 populated
7.1 1 Relay 10 populated
7.2 1 Relay 11 populated
7.3 1 Relay 12 populated
7.4 1 High-side output
7.5 3 Reserved
Total: 8 bytes
Note: A default state value of 1 = on and 0 = off.
• The mapping board configuration
• The CAN source address offset
• The CAN source address base
• The PGN base value
• The CAN message count threshold
• The CAN timeout source address
The mVEC responds to this message with reply message ID 0x97.
The following table shows the format of the data bytes of message ID 0x97 (command):
47 Reply Messages
Reply messages are sent by the mVEC after it receives command messages from external modules.
All reply messages have the following message format:
pgn61184 – Proprietary A
Transmission Repetition Rate: As required, in response to command messages
Data Length: 8 bytes
Data Page: 0
PDU Format: 239
PDU Specific: Destination Address (address of node that sent command)
Default Priority: 6
Parameter Group Number: 61184 ( 00EF00 16 )
The data bytes of the reply messages are formatted as described in the following sections.
If the diagnostic reply message is in response to a Message ID 0x88, and that message failed
because it was short, contained an invalid grid address, or was trying to control a relay that is not in a
controlled and monitored location on the grid, message ID 0x01 will have additional bytes explaining
the failure, as detailed in the following table:
Byte Size (Bits) Value
4.7 1 Relay 8 unable to change state as requested
5.0 1 Relay 9 unable to change state as requested
5.1 1 Relay 10 unable to change state as requested
5.2 1 Relay 11 unable to change state as requested
5.3 1 Relay 12 unable to change state as requested
5.4 1 High-Side Output unable to change state as requested
5.5 3 Reserved
6.0- 8 Reserved
Total: 8 bytes
Byte Size (Bits) Meaning
0.0 8 Message ID (0x94)
1.0 8 Grid address (0x00)
2.0 1 Fuse 1 populated
2.1 1 Fuse 2 populated
2.2 1 Fuse 3 populated
2.3 1 Fuse 4 populated
2.4 1 Fuse 5 populated
2.5 1 Fuse 6 populated
2.6 1 Fuse 7 populated
2.7 1 Fuse 8 populated
3.0 1 Fuse 9 populated
3.1 1 Fuse 10 populated
3.2 1 Fuse 11 populated
3.3 1 Fuse 12 populated
3.4 1 Fuse 13 populated
3.5 1 Fuse 14 populated
3.6 1 Fuse 15 populated
3.7 1 Fuse 16 populated
4.0 1 Fuse 17 populated
4.1 1 Fuse 18 populated
4.2 1 Fuse 19 populated
4.3 1 Fuse 20 populated
4.4 1 Fuse 21 populated
4.5 1 Fuse 22 populated
4.6 1 Fuse 23 populated
4.7 1 Fuse 24 populated
5.0 8 Reserved
6.0 1 Relay 1 populated
6.1 1 Relay 2 populated
6.2 1 Relay 3 populated
6.3 1 Relay 4 populated
6.4 1 Relay 5 populated
6.5 1 Relay 6 populated
6.6 1 Relay 7 populated
6.7 1 Relay 8 populated
7.0 1 Relay 9 populated
7.1 1 Relay 10 populated
Byte Size (Bits) Meaning
7.2 1 Relay 11 populated
7.3 1 Relay 12 populated
7.4 1 High-side output
7.5 3 Reserved
Total: 8 bytes
Byte Size (Bits) Value
5.1 1 Relay 10 default state
5.2 1 Relay 11 default state
5.3 1 Relay 12 default state
pgn65283 – Proprietary B – Fuse Status –
Transmission Repetition Rate: 1000ms
Data Length: 8 bytes
Data Page: 0
PDU Format: 255
PDU Specific: 0
Default Priority: 6
Parameter Group Number: 65280 ( 00FF00 16 ) (depends on PGN Base setting)
The following table shows the format of the data bytes of Fuse Status message:
Each fuse status value will have one of the following bit settings:
The following table shows the format of the data bytes of Relay Status message:
Byte Size (Bits) Value
1.0 4 Relay 1 status
1.4 4 Relay 2 status
2.0 4 Relay 3 status
2.4 4 Relay 4 status
3.0 4 Relay 5 status
3.4 4 Relay 6 status
4.0 4 Relay 7 status
4.4 4 Relay 8 status
5.0 4 Relay 9 status
Each relay status value will have one of the following bit settings:
Bit Hex Meaning Option to
Value Value Disable
0110 6 Normally Open (N.O) contact is
shorted (when a N.O contact is
connected to the Common (C)
terminal, but should not be).
0111 7 Normally Closed (N.C) contact
is shorted (when a N.C contact
is connected to the Common
(C) terminal, but should not be)
1000 8 Reserved
1001 9 Reserved
1010 A Reserved
1110 E Reserved
1111 F Relay location not used
The following table shows the format of the data bytes of System Error Status message:
Byte Size Meaning Corrective Action
0.0 8 Grid address
1.0 1 mVEC contains mVEC must be
invalid re-configured by
configuration Cooper
information. Bussmann.
1.1 1 Internal electrical mVEC must be
grid identifier serviced by
values have Cooper
changed since Bussmann.
Note: Initial error may have no
effect, but functionality may
change on next power-up.
1.2 1 CAN Harness address input pin Check harness connections. If
values have changed during no result, contact Cooper
operation. Bussmann.
1.3 1 CAN Rx communication error. Adjust CAN message count
This happens when the mVEC threshold.
receives an insufficient number of Check module harnesses in the
messages. system that are sending the
mVEC messages.
1.4 1 CAN Tx communication error. Cycle vehicle power.
This happens when a message Check terminators in the
sent by the mVEC is not received harness.
by an external module. If no result, contact Cooper
1.5 1 Unexpected reset, or watchdog Check power and ground
timer reset. connections on the CAN
connector. Refer to Section 11.
for more details.
1.6 1 Over voltage Batt+ is greater than about 43v.
Reduce input voltage.
1.7 1 SPI error Internal error.
2.0 1 Short message received Erase Region command
incomplete. Check host
2.1 1 Bad FLASH address Invalid address specified for
Erase Region or Write Memory
2.2 1 Invalid length Invalid data length specified for
Write Memory command.
2.3 1 Checksum failure Invalid checksum for received
data for Write Memory
Byte Size Meaning Corrective Action
2.4 1 FLASH miscompare FLASH data doesn’t match
received data after Write
Memory command.
2.5 1 Reserved
2.6 1 Reserved
2.7 1 Reserved
8. Hardware Specifications
Environmental Specification
Characteristic Parameter Unit Notes:
Electrical Specifications
Maximum Ratings
Maximum ratings establish the maximum electrical rating to which the unit may be subjected.
Unless otherwise stated, conditions apply to full temperature range and full input voltage range.
Ratings apply to all grid configurations.
Insulation Resistance 10M Ω With 80VDC bewteen input and output grid terminals
Abnormal Conditions
Ratings apply to the external 12-pin connector. Grid connections subject to application conditions.
Transient Tests
Ratings apply to the control board and its external 12-pin connector. Grid connections subject to
application conditions.
Alternator Field Decay 14 – 90 e V V EP455 (R2008), Section 5.11.2
Mutual Coupling Power -t/(14x10-6)
14 + 200e V EP455 (R2008), Section
Mutual Coupling -t/(14x10-6)
±200e V EP455 (R2008), Section
Signal Line
ESD Package and
±15kV V SAE J1113-13 (RNOV2004), Sec. 5.0
Electro-Magnetism Compliance
Ratings apply to the control board.
0.01MHz to 1GHz, Narrow band 1MHz EP455 (R2008), Section and
Radiated Emissions
normalized SO 14982
Level 1
CW 14kHz to 1GHz, VPol
Susceptibility EP455 (R2008), Section 5.16.1
CW 30MHz to 1GHz, HPol
9. Troubleshooting
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions
Everything is connected but The mVEC is not powered • Is IGNITION_HIGH connected to power or
there is no communication IGNITION_LOW connected to ground?
Problem Possible Causes Possible Solutions
You are trying • Make sure the power supply matches the
to drive 24V relays. A 24V mVEC will communicate when
relays from a powered by 12V, but the 24V relays will not
12V supply. engage.
The mVEC resets when the Insufficient transient response • Desktop power supplies, even if they are
loads are turned “on”. from the desktop power rated for the current requested, can sag
supply. substantially when large loads are switched
“on”, a phenomenon that can be confirmed
with an oscilloscope.
Power drop or • Make sure the CAN connector power and
ground lift at a ground are not tied to the high-current power
high-current and ground studs. When large loads are
connection enabled, the voltage drop (or lift at the
point. ground) could be significant.
10. FAQ
What does mVEC stand for?
Multiplexed Vehicle Electrical Center.
Will the mVEC still function if I remove components from its electrical grid?
You must change the population table setting for components that are removed from the grid;
otherwise, the mVEC will report errors for the missing component. Refer to section 7.1.4.
Population Table for more details.
How does a system of modules identify which message is being sent by which mVEC?
Using a unique PGN base in combination with a unique CAN source address enables a system to
identify which messages are being sent by which mVEC.
How is the source address of the mVEC changed?
Refer to section 7.1.2. CAN Source Address.
What is a grid address?
The grid address identifies the component grid. At present, there are no multiple-grid mVECs, so
this is a reserved byte for future expansion. For mVECs with 1 grid, the grid address value should
be set to 0.
Do I need to fuse power going to the mVEC power studs?
Though extra fusing is not required to protect the mVEC, heavy gauge wire that is not fused running
through a vehicle is not a safe design practice.
Does the power going to the CAN connector have to be fused?
Yes; a 5 A fuse should be used.
What are the recommended mounting practices for the mVEC?
For recommended mounting practices see section 5.1.2 Mounting Location Selection.
Can the mVEC be pressure washed or immersed in water?
An unsealed mVEC should not be pressure washed or immersed in water.
A sealed mVEC can handle pressure washing, but cannot be immersed in water.
What is the maximum torque that can be applied to the studded power connector?
The maximum torque that can be applied to the power lugs is 18 ft./lbs.
Can the mVEC drive relays that aren’t actually on the mVEC’s electrical grid?
The mVEC can be configured with an external high-side output, so it is possible to drive a single
external relay from an mVEC. Additionally the mVEC relays could be used to drive other higher-
current relays or solenoids.
What is the current capacity of the mVEC?
The maximum current capacity of the mVEC is 200 A, but that is dependent on the application, type
of load, etc.
Can the relay outputs be pulse-width modulated (PWM’d)?
Relays are mechanical devices and cannot be PWM’d at the high frequencies possible with solid
state outputs; however, low frequency applications such as turn signals can be run by the mVEC.
Can the external high-side output be used to control something other than a relay?
Yes, as long as the load does not exceed 500 mA.
What are the low-side outputs protected against?
Low-side outputs are protected against short-circuits and designed to withstand electrical transient
pulse levels likely to be encountered on vehicles.
Can the grid connection inputs for fuses be used to monitor things other than fuses?
Yes, these inputs can be wired directly to output pins through the grid and can monitor active-high
digital states (all inputs are tied to weak pull-down resistors). This is not the intended use of the
mVEC, so care should be taken to ensure faults reported by the software will be interpreted
Does the mVEC need a master module on the CAN bus to control it, or can it control itself?
The mVEC is designed as a slave module, meaning it is controlled by master modules.
Can the mVEC be used as an H-bridge?
The mVEC can be used in an H-bridge configuration if two 5-pin relays are used.
Will the mVEC work on a 42 V electrical system?
No. The mVEC is designed for 12 V and 24 V systems. It is not intended for use on 42 V electrical
How far can the mVEC be from the controller sending it commands?
The mVEC is designed to communicate on a J1939 compliant CAN bus. Refer to section 5.1.6.
CAN Connection for more details about connection limitations.
How many mVECs can be in a vehicle?
30 mVEC modules can be in the same system on the same vehicle.
Is black the only mVEC color?
Should the mVEC be disconnected when welding it to a vehicle (if welding is necessary)?
Cooper Bussmann recommends that all electrical devices be disconnected during welding to avoid
potential damage to them.
The mVEC should not be subjected to environmental conditions that exceed the mVEC’s design
11. Glossary of Terms
Controller Area Network. A communication network designed for heavy equipment and automotive
CAN High
One of the wires used in the shielded twisted-pair cable. It provides the positive signal that, when connected
with CAN Low, provides a complete CAN differential signal.
One of the wires used in the shielded twisted-pair cable. It provides the negative signal that, when connected
with CAN High, provides a complete CAN differential signal.
CAN message count threshold
The minimum number of messages that must be received by the mVEC every two seconds.
CAN Shield
A shielding that wraps around the CAN High and CAN Low “twisted pair,” which completes the shielded
twisted-pair cable.
CAN source address
An address that identifies which mVEC on the CAN bus has sent a message.
command message
Messages sent to the mVEC from other modules.
A device that can be plugged into the mVEC electrical grid. Components include fuses, relays, breakers,
diodes, etc.
Connector Position Assurance
A device that prevents you from accidentally pulling-out a connector from the mVEC.
electrical grid
A grid with 64 connection points that is used as the interface for plugging components into the mVEC.
A combination of two half-bridge circuits. H-bridges are used to provide current flow in both directions on a
load, which allows the direction of a load to be reversed.
A load is any item that draws current from the module, and is typically switched “on” and “off” with outputs.
Examples include but are not limited to bulbs, solenoids, motors, etc.
Simultaneously transmitting multiple messages over one communication channel in a local area network,
which dramatically reduces the number of wires needed for switch and load connections.
Multiplexed Vehicle Electrical Center.
open load
A fault state that occurs when a load that should be connected to an output becomes disconnected, which
typically occurs because of a broken/worn wire in the wire harness or connector pin.
Parameter Group Number. In the mVEC, the PGN is used to identify which type of Proprietary B message is
being sent by the mVEC.
population table
Indicates which components are connected to the electrical grid.
Proprietary A message
A J1939 CAN message that allows you to define which module in a system is going to receive the message.
Proprietary B message
A range of J1939 CAN messages that are broadcast to all modules on the CAN bus at the same time.
Pulse Width Modulation. A type of square wave frequency signal where the ratio of “on” time vs. “off” time is
determined by the duty cycle of the signal. The duty cycle refers to the percent of time the square wave is “on”
vs. “off”. PWM signals are typically used to drive varying amounts of current to loads, or to transmit data.
reply message
Messages sent by the mVEC to other modules.
shielded twisted-pair cable
A type of cable that consists of two wires twisted together, and covered with a shield material to improve
immunity against electrical noise. This cable is used when connecting the CAN bus.
slave module
A module that relies on other devices to monitor and control it. The mVEC is a slave module.
start-up delay
The number of milliseconds the mVEC waits after start-up before receiving commands, or sending messages.
status messages
Messages sent by the mVEC to other modules once every 1000 ms indicating the status of its relays, fuses
and (if active) errors.
Terminal Position Assurance
A device that prevents you from accidentally pulling-out wire terminals from the male input and/or output
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Cooper Bussmann Cooper Bussmann Cooper Bussmann
Sure Power Transportation Products OMNEX Control Systems
10955 SW Avery St 10955 SW Avery St 74 - 1833 Coast Meridian Road
Tualatin, OR 97062 Tualatin, OR 97062 Port Coquitlam, BC
Tel: 800-845-6269 Tel: 800-845-6269 Canada V3C 6G5
Fax: 503-692-9091 Fax: 503-692-9091 Tel: 800-663-8806
Fax: 604-944-9267
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