Activity 2. Identifying and Prioritizing Family Health Problems
Activity 2. Identifying and Prioritizing Family Health Problems
Activity 2. Identifying and Prioritizing Family Health Problems
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Direction: List down the health problems recognized. Compute for the score of each problem, justify the
scores given and rank problem.
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B. Computing and Justifying Scores of Health Problems
Problem: Presence of Type II Diabetes in one of the family members as a health threat
Criteria Standard Score Weight Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Wellness state 3 (2/3) x 1 = Unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits as evidenced by
Health deficit 3
problem 1 0.7 lack of exercise and excessive carbohydrate and sugar
Health threat 2
Foreseeable crisis 1 intake
2. Modifiability Easily modifiable 2 (2/2) x 2 = 2 This problem is easily modifiable since the family
Partially modifiable 1
of the problem member can lessen the harmful effects of Type II
Not modifiable 0 2
Diabetes through constant exercise and improving
nutritional diet
3. Preventive High 3 (2/3) x 1 = Further complications will be avoided if this problem
potential Moderate 2 1
Low 1 0.7 will be recognized and be given a careful attention
4. Salience Needs immediate attention 2 (2/2) x 1 = 1 The family recognize this as a problem needing
Does not need immediate attention 1
Not a problem 0 1 immediate attention because it can be worsened if
preventive measures are not practiced
Total Score: 4.4
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1. Nature of the Wellness state 3 (3/3) x 1 = 1 It is a health deficit because there are instances
Health deficit 3
problem 1 wherein the member experiences difficulty in
Health threat 2
Foreseeable crisis 1 breathing when doing strenuous activities
2. Modifiability Easily modifiable 2 (1/2) x 2 = 1 This problem is partially modifiable since the member
Partially modifiable 1
of the problem 2 is compliant with her medications and she chooses to
Not modifiable 0
rest whenever she feels exhausted.
3. Preventive High 3 (2/3) x 1 = Further complications will be avoided if this problem
potential Moderate 2 1
Low 1 0.7 will be recognized and be given a careful attention
4. Salience Needs immediate attention 2 (2/2) x 1 = 1 Family recognizes this as a problem needing
Does not need immediate attention 1
Not a problem 0 1 immediate attention because it is not conducive to
Total Score: 3.7
Problem: Faulty eating habits of the members of the family as a health threat
Criteria Standard Score Weight Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Wellness state 3 (2/3) x 1 = It is a health threat because it promotes an unhealthy
Health deficit 3
problem 1 0.7 diet and could lead to gastrointestinal complications in
Health threat 2
Foreseeable crisis 1 the future
2. Modifiability Easily modifiable 2 (2/2) x 2 = 2 This problem is easily modifiable since there is high
Partially modifiable 1
of the problem 2 probability of success in enhancing wellness state if
Not modifiable 0
preventive measures will be strictly implemented
3. Preventive High 3 (3/3) x 1 = 1 By improving coordination within the family
Moderate 2
potential 1 members and planning meals in advance, one is able
Low 1
to adjust with the meal schedules on time
4. Salience Needs immediate attention 2 (1/2) x 1 = Family recognizes this as a problem not needing
Does not need immediate attention 1 1
Not a problem 0 0.5 immediate attention
Total Score: 4.2
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3. Preventive High 3 (2/3) x 1 = Further complications can be avoided if family
Moderate 2
potential 1 0.7 members will engage in physical activities in a way
Low 1
that it does not compromise their overall health status
4. Salience Needs immediate attention 2 (2/2) x 1 = 1 Family members recognize this as a problem needing
Does not need immediate attention 1
Not a problem 0 1 immediate attention since it may lead to further health
issues like developing chronic illnesses
Total Score: 3.4
Problem: Disturbed sleeping pattern related to nonrestorative sleep pattern as a health deficit
Criteria Standard Score Weight Actual Score Justification
1. Nature of the Wellness state 3 (2/3) x 1 = Caused by stress-provoking factors such as inability to
Health deficit 3
problem 1 0.7 catch up well in the new fast-paced online learning.
Health threat 2
Foreseeable crisis 1
2. Modifiability Easily modifiable 2 (1/2) x 2 = 1 This problem can be partially modified since the
Partially modifiable 1
of the problem 2 client knows how to correct her sleeping pattern,
Not modifiable 0
although chooses not to
3. Preventive High 3 (2/3) x 1 = Further complications will be avoided if this problem
potential Moderate 2 1
Low 1 0.7 will be recognized and be given a careful attention
4. Salience Needs immediate attention 2 (2/2) x 1 = 1 The family recognizes this as a problem needing
Does not need immediate attention 1 1
Not a problem 0 immediate attention since it is not conducive to health.
Total Score: 3.4
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Not a problem 0 0.5 needing immediate attention because it
Total Score: 4.2
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C. Ranking of Health Problems According to Priority
Direction: Rank the health problems of each family. The higher the score, the greater the priority which means that Priority 1 has the highest score.
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Activity 3. Formulating and Evaluating Family Nursing Care Plan
Activity Objectives:
Using the forms for preparing a family health care plan, students should be able to:
1. identify the family health problems;
2. formulate the goals and objectives of health care;
3. list planned interventions for identified problems; and
4. evaluated care provided to the family.
Direction: Prepare, together with the family concerned, family health care plans.
Methods of
Nursing Family
Family Nursing
Health Problem
Goals and Objectives Interventions Contact and Evaluation
Presence of Inability to make 1. To maintain blood glucose 1. Monitor blood sugar and make sure it is within Home visit
Type II decisions with levels within normal ranges normal ranges. Patient may have a different target
Diabetes respect to taking appropriate to the age group blood sugar level, but usually the normal ranges are
(Diabetes appropriate health within 70-180 mg/dL.
Mellitus) action due to failure 2. To monitor vital signs,
to comprehend the especially blood pressure, and 2. Make health teachings to the client about how to
magnitude of the make sure it is within normal monitor blood glucose using a glucometer and how
problem/condition ranges. to record the results. (Rationale: it is important for
the client to know how to assess himself in case of
3. Health teachings about the emergencies).
dos and don’ts when diagnosed
with diabetes 3. Monitor blood pressure and make sure it is within
normal ranges. Normal ranges are 120/80 mmHg.
4. By the end of nursing care, (Rationale: people with diabetes and high blood
the family will make necessary pressure are more at risk of having a heart attack or
measures to properly manage, stroke).
control, and lessen the risk
factors of diabetes mellitus. 4. Educate the client about maintaining a healthy
weight and keeping active. (Rationale: When you
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weigh less, it means that you are physically active
and you are eating food with proper nutrients, thus
better manage your blood glucose levels and target
blood lipid levels).
Methods of
Nursing Family
Family Nursing
Health Problem
Goals and Objectives Interventions Contact and Evaluation
Presence of Inability to make 1. To maintain blood pressure 1. Assess the client, as well as the family, of their Home visit
Hypertension decisions with levels of the client and keep it level of understanding regarding the health problem.
respect to taking within normal ranges
appropriate health appropriate to the age group. 2. Make health teachings to the client about the signs
action due to failure Normal ranges are 120/80 and symptoms of hypertension and complications
to comprehend the mmHg. that might arise due to hypertension.
magnitude of the
problem/condition 2. The client is knowledgeable 3. Discuss the risk factors with the client.
about the dos and don’ts when
diagnosed with hypertension. 5. Constantly monitor the blood pressure of the
client. Make sure it is within the normal ranges
3. The client is aware of the (120/80mmHg).
normal ranges of blood
pressure. 6.Educate the client, as well as the family, about
maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
2. Have adequate knowledge
about necessary food intake to 7. Teach client of the possible
help alleviate hypertension and outcomes/consequences of the actions taken
also to prevent the occurrence otherwise.
of complications in the future
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hypertension such as family
history, age, physical inactivity,
vices, etc.
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