AP Board Class 12 Revised Syllabus Maths II B

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Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh.

Intermediate – II Year Syllabus w.e.f. 2013 – 14


Topics Page No.
Circle :
Equation of circle -standard form-centre and radius of a circle with a given line
segment as diameter & equation of circle through three non collinear points -
parametric equations of a circle.
Position of a point in the plane of a circle – power of a point-definition of
tangent-length of tangent

1. Position of a straight line in the plane of a circle-conditions for a line to be

tangent – chord joining two points on a circle – equation of the tangent at a
point on the circle- point of contact-equation of normal.
Chord of contact - pole and polar-conjugate points and conjugate lines -
equation of chord with given middle point.
Relative position of two circles- circles touching each other externally, internally
common tangents –centers of similitude- equation of pair of tangents from an
external point.

System of circles:
Angle between two intersecting circles.

2. Radical axis of two circles- properties- Common chord and common tangent of
two circles – radical centre.
Intersection of a line and a Circle.
3.1 Conic sections –Parabola- equation of parabola in standard form-different

3. forms of parabola- parametric equations.

3.2 Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the parabola ( Cartesian and
parametric) - conditions for straight line to be a tangent.
4.1 Equation of ellipse in standard form- Parametric equations.

4.2 Equation of tangent and normal at a point on the ellipse (Cartesian and
parametric)- condition for a straight line to be a tangent.
5.1 Equation of hyperbola in standard form- Parametric equations.
5.2 Equations of tangent and normal at a point on the hyperbola (Cartesian and
parametric)- conditions for a straight line to be a tangent- Asymptotes.
Integration :
6.1 Integration as the inverse process of differentiation- Standard forms –
properties of integrals.
6.2 Method of substitution- integration of Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Integration by parts.
Integration- Partial fractions method.
Reduction formulae.
Definite Integrals:
Definite Integral as the limit of sum
Interpretation of Definite Integral as an area.

7. Fundamental theorem of Integral Calculus.

Reduction formulae.
Application of Definite integral to areas.
Differential equations:
Formation of differential equation-Degree and order of an ordinary differential
Solving differential equation by
a) Variables separable method.
b) Homogeneous differential equation.
c) Non - Homogeneous differential equation.
Linear differential equations.

Topics deleted under

30% reduction of Syllabus due to COVID-19
Circles 1.5-> Relative positions of two circles including Ex 1(e) and 60 - 70
solved problems
3. Parabola 3.2-> Tangents & Normal including Ex 3(b) 117 -128
4. Ellipse 4.2-> Equations of tangents & Normal including Ex 4(b) 148 – 158

6. Intergation Evaluation of
Definite Integrals 7.1 and
7.2 -> Definite integral as the limit of the sum and limit of
the sum and related problems in exercise
7. 7(a) and 7(b) and Examples 262 – 268
283 – 286
7.6-> Application of Definite integrals to areas including ex
7(d) 297 - 308
Differential 8.17-> Formation of Differential Equations and problems 317
Equations related to it
8.2(C): Non – Homogeneous Differential Equations including
Ex 8(d)
Solution of linear differential Equations of the type dx+Px=Q,
341 - 345
Where P and Q

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