Just Research Format

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Academic department

1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.0 ORDER OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1. Preface ............................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Title Page.......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Original Literary Work Declaration .............................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.4 Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.5 Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.6 List of Figures ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.7 List of Tables................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.8 List of Symbols and Abbreviations ............................................................................................... 5
2.1.9 List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Text.................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2.4 Results .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.5 Discussion..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Supplementary ................................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.1 Instrumentation ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.2 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.3 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.0 SUBMISSION............................................................................................................................................ 6
4.0 FORMAT .................................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Binding ................................................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Length.............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Paper and Duplicating ..................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Printing ............................................................................................................................................ 7
4.4.1 Printing Quality ............................................................................................................................ 7
4.4.2 Line Spacing.................................................................................................................................. 7
4.5 Margins ........................................................................................................................................... 7
4.6 Page Numbering.............................................................................................................................. 7
4.7 Footnotes ........................................................................................................................................ 8
4.9 Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 8
4.10 Figures ........................................................................................................................................... 8
5. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Units of Measurement .................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Research Ethics ............................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................. 10
An Example of the Front Cover of Research project .............................................................................. 10
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Example of the Front Cover of Research project .................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Example of the Front Cover of Research project .................................................................................... 12
References .................................................................................................................................................. 12
APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................................................. 13
An example of final report submission form .......................................................................................... 13
APPENDIX E ............................................................................................................................................. 14
An example of List of Contents .............................................................................................................. 14
An example of list figures ....................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX G ............................................................................................................................................. 16
An example of list of tables .................................................................................................................... 16
APPENDIX H ............................................................................................................................................. 17
An example of List of abbreviations ....................................................................................................... 17
In the process of completing an academic program in Jamhuriya University of Science and
Technology (JUST) and being awarded the specific degree, a candidate is required to submit a
graduation project, dissertation or a thesis, depending on the requirements of the specific program.

In view of this requirement, the academic department, Jamhuriya University of Science and
Technology has taken the initiative to provide general guidelines for the submission of research
reports, dissertations and theses. These guidelines will assist students to meet the minimal format
requirements set by the University to complete the final form of a graduation project, dissertation
or thesis. Each individual faculty may have its own additional format requirements.


The structure of the research report or dissertation is based on a standard format which contains the
following sections:

2.1. Preface
This section consists of the following:

2.1.1 Title Page

The title page is the first page after the front cover and should include the research title which has
been approved by the faculty, name of candidate according to the registration records, and the
statement “…submission of research report/dissertation/thesis for the fulfillment of the Degree of
Bachelor of …/ Master of …/Doctor of Philosophy” and finally the year of submission. Refer to
Appendix A for example of front cover and the title page.

2.1.2 Original Literary Work Declaration

This subsection is compulsory. Please refer to the format given in Appendix B.

2.1.3 Abstract
Generally, the abstract is written after the completion of the text of the dissertation/thesis. It
summarizes the structure of the whole text and the major facts it contains. It should be written in
the language of the research report/dissertation/thesis and contain no more than 400 words. The
abstract should be placed on the page immediately after the title page.

2.1.4 Acknowledgements
This is a special subsection to convey appreciation to those who have been involved in the study.

2.1.5 Table of Contents

The Table of Contents lists the chapters, topics and sub-topics together with their page numbers.
Sub-topics and topics should be labeled according to the chapter, for e.g., the first topic in Chapter 1
should be marked 1.1 and the first sub-topic, 1.1.1. The use of letters in parenthesis for e.g., (a), (b),
(c) is appropriate as a means of differentiating sub-topics of the same topic.

2.1.6 List of Figures

This list contains the titles of figures, together with their page numbers, which are listed in the text.
For e.g., figures in Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2.

2.1.7 List of Tables

This list contains the titles of tables, together with their page numbers, which are listed in the text.
The numbering system is according to chapter, for e.g.: tables in Chapter 3 are numbered
sequentially: Table 3.1, Table 3.2.

2.1.8 List of Symbols and Abbreviations

The symbols and abbreviations are required to be in accordance to international convention.

2.1.9 List of Appendices

This list is optional and contains the titles of appendices placed in the supplementary section.3

2.2 Text
Candidates and supervisors should ensure that the text follows the agreed conventions of the
individual Faculty. Normally, the text consists of the following chapters:

2.2.1 Introduction
This chapter contains the introduction to the issues in which the research is concerned, Problem
Definition, Research Question, Motivation of the study, and Objectives of the study, Significance of
the Study and Organization of the study

2.2.2 Literature Review

This chapter surveys previous literature and studies relevant to the field of study. The literature
review should be comprehensive and include recent publications.

2.2.3 Methodology
This chapter describes and explains the research methodology used in the study. The sub-topics for
this chapter include the key research questions, the research design, and the research procedures
adopted. It may also, where appropriate, indicate sampling methods, research instruments and
statistical methods employed. The purpose of this is to inform the reader on the methods used to
collect the data and generate the findings reported.

2.2.4 Results
Results are commonly presented in the form of text, figures and tables, complete with data analysis.

2.2.5 Discussion
This chapter contains the interpretation of the results. The findings of the research should be
compared and contrasted with those of previous studies presented in the literature review. The
purpose of this chapter is to discuss the findings of the research.
2.2.6 Conclusion
In this section, the findings are summarized and their implications discussed. This section may
include suggestions for future work.

2.3 Supplementary
Specific items which were not included in the main body of the text, should be put in this
Supplementary Section. Typically, this section includes the following:

2.3.1 Instrumentation
Research instruments such as questionnaires, maps or computer programs

2.3.2 Appendix
Appendices consist of additional illustration of data sources, raw data and quoted citations which are
too long to be placed in the text. The appendix supports the written text of the project
report/dissertation/thesis. Appendices can be divided into Appendix A, B, C... etc.

2.3.3 Bibliography
All works or studies referred to in the text of the project, research, report/dissertation/ thesis in the
form of quotations or citations must be included in the bibliography. The references should be
written in the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Each reference should be written
in single spacing format and a double space should be left between references. This list of references
should not be numbered.


Submission of research report/dissertation/thesis has to be done within the candidature period. The
candidate should submit One (1) soft copy of the manuscript and two (2) hardbound copies of the
manuscript together with the “Final Submission of graduation report form (Appendix G)

4.1 Binding
The soft copy and hard copies submitted should be deposited in the University academic office. The
title, author, name of the university and year of submission must be printed on the front cover. The
spine of the hardbound manuscripts should show the title, author, year of submission and type of

The cover for both soft and hard bound copies should be made from rexine and the color should be
navy blue for medical and engineering faculties and dark red for business and IT faculties and
maroon for other faculties. The letters for the Front Cover should be printed in gold of font size 15,
font type Times New Roman and in uppercase letters.

4.2 Length
The length (excluding footnotes, appendices, tables and prefaces) for a submission for
Research Report: 15,000 – 20,000 words

Approved research reports/dissertations/theses or parts of their content are allowed for publication
if they are accompanied by a statement that the work was conducted towards the fulfillment of a
particular degree. A candidate, is strongly encouraged to publish papers based on the work during
his or her course of study, and due reference must be made to the University in all such papers.

4.3 Paper and Duplicating

Manuscripts should be printed on high quality A4 paper (201 X 297 mm; 80 grams). Computer pin-
feed printout paper is not permitted. The final manuscript, in hardbound copies, must be typed and
duplicated by offset printing or good quality photocopying. All copies must be clean and neat in
order to ensure easy reading.

4.4 Printing
4.4.1 Printing Quality
Sections must be typed using Times New Roman, font size 12. For mathematical texts, the use of
Equation Editor or Latex is advisable. Script fonts are not permitted. A high-quality laser or ink-jet
printer should be used for the printing.

4.4.2 Line Spacing

The body of the text should be typed with double spacing. Single-spacing is only permitted in tables,
long quotations, footnotes, citation and in the bibliography.

4.5 Margins
The text should have the following margins:
Top: 2.0 cm
Right: 2.0 cm
Left: 4.0 cm
Bottom: 2.0 cm

Additional guidelines need to be followed:

Do not type more than one sentence after the bottom margin. If it is necessary to do so, it should
only be for a footnote or the completion of the last sentence of the chapter, topic or sub-topic or
information in a figure.
All tables and figures must be placed within the specified margins.
The last paragraph of the page should contain at least two sentences. If it does not, the paragraph
should begin on the next page.

4.6 Page Numbering

All page numbers should be printed 1.0 cm from the bottom margin and placed at the right-hand
side without any punctuation.
Font size 8 recommended for numbers.
Roman numerals (i, ii, iii etc.) should be used in the Preface section. Although the Title Page is the
first page of the Preface, no number is printed on it. Numbering begins on the second page with (ii).
Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) are used on the pages of the text (starting with the introduction page)
and supplementary sections.

4.7 Footnotes
There are differences in the use of footnotes in various disciplines. For example, footnotes are
commonly used in the Social Sciences but rarely in Science and Technology. Footnotes should use a
smaller font than the text (font size 8). Please refer to the faculty for the recommended convention
for writing of footnotes.

4.9 Tables
Tables are printed within the body of the text at the center of the frame and labelled according to
the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example, tables in Chapter 3 are numbered sequentially:
Table 3.1, Table 3.2.
The label should be placed above the table itself and has the following format:
Table 3.1: Short Title
If the table occupies more than one page, the continued table on the following page should indicate
that it is a continuation: for example: „Table 3.7, continued‟. If the table contains a citation, the
source of the reference should be placed below the table.

4.10 Figures
Figures, like tables are printed within the body of the text at the center of the frame and labeled
according to the chapter in which they appear. Thus, for example, figures in Chapter 3 are
numbered sequentially: Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2.

Figures, unlike text or tables, contain graphs, illustrations or photographs and their labels are placed
at the bottom of the figure rather than at the top (using the same format used for tables).

If the figure occupies more than one page, the continued figure on the following page should
indicate that it is a continuation: for example: „Figure 3.7, continued‟.
If the figure contains a citation, the source of the reference should be placed at the bottom, after the


5.1 Bibliography
The use of the American Psychological Association (APA) parenthetical citation system is highly
recommended by the University.

5.2 Units of Measurement

The International System of Units (SI) must be used for all scientific and laboratory data. If other
units of measurement are used, they need to be converted to SI units and placed in parenthesis.
5.3 Research Ethics
Research Ethics involves all the moral and professional issues relating to research. The most serious
breach of ethical standards in writing research report/dissertation/thesis is the offence of plagiarism:
the expropriation of the intellectual property of another. Plagiarism is defined as the use of original
work, ideas or actual texts created by others, without acknowledging the original source. Such
acknowledgement should be made by:
(i) including the source in the bibliography; and/or
(ii) including the citation by acknowledging the source in the text.
An Example of the Front Cover of Research project:








Example of the Front Cover of Research project:



Name of Candidate: (ID No: )

Name of Degree:
Title of Project Paper/Research Report/Dissertation/Thesis (“this Work”):

Field of Study:

I do solemnly and sincerely declare that:

(1) I am the sole author/writer of this Work;
(2) This Work is original;
(3) Any use of any work in which copyright exists was done by way of fair dealing and
for permitted purposes and any excerpt or extract from, or reference to or reproduction
of any copyright work has been disclosed expressly and sufficiently and the title of the
Work and its authorship have been acknowledged in this Work;
(4) I do not have any actual knowledge nor do I ought reasonably to know that the making
of this work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work;
(5) I hereby assign all and every right in the copyright to this Work to Jamhuirya
University of Science and technology (“JUST”), who henceforth shall be owner of the
copyright in this Work and that any reproduction or use in any form or by any means
whatsoever is prohibited without the written consent of JUST having been first had
and obtained;
(6) I am fully aware that if in the course of making this Work I have infringed any
copyright whether intentionally or otherwise, I may be subject to legal action or any
other action as may be determined by JUST.

Candidate’s Signature Date:

Subscribed and solemnly declared before,

Witness’s Signature Date:


Example of the Front Cover of Research project:


All works or studies referred to in the research report/dissertation/thesis in the form of quotations or
citations must be included in the references. The references should be written consistently in the
American Psychological Association (APA) format or in another format approved by the faculty.

Each reference should be written in single spacing format and a double space should be left between
references. This list of references should not be numbered.

Use Reference style.


In text format: (Angamuthu & Ramalingam, 2011)

Buchwalow, I. B., and Böcker, W. (2010). Immunohistochemistry: basics and methods. Berlin: Springer

Caamaño-Tubío, R. I., Pérez, J., Ferreiro, S., and Aldegunde, M. (2007). Peripheral serotonin dynamics in
the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C:
Toxicology & Pharmacology, 145(2): 245-255

Cakir, Y., and Strauch, S. M. (2005). Tricaine (MS-222) is a safe anesthetic compound compared to
benzocaine and pentobaritol to induce anesthesia in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens).
Pharmacological Reports, 57: 467-474.

Cameron, A. A., Plenderleith, M. B. and Snow, P. J. (1990). Organization of the spinal cord in four
species of elasmobranch fishes: cytoarchitecture and distribution of serotonin and selected
neuropeptides. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 297: 201-218
An example of final report submission form
Jamhuriya University of Science and Technology (JUST)
Final Submission for Research/Graduation project
Part I: candidate’s details
(To be filled by the candidate)
Program: ID NO:
Research/project title :( in block letters):

Part II- Supervisor’s comments:

(To be filled by the supervisor)

I have checked the candidate’s work and hereby certify that the candidate has done all the
corrections suggested by the examiners/committee.
First supervisor’s signature
Name: Date:

Part III: Head of Department’s Approval

(to be filled by the dean/head of department)

I have checked the candidate’s work and hereby certify that the candidate has done all the
corrections suggested by the examiners/committee.
First supervisor’s signature
Name: Date:

Part IV: Final submission of graduation project report/dissertation/ thesis

(To be filled by the candidate, please make sure that part II, III are filled before filling part IV)

To: VP academic
Dear Sir/madam
I hereby submit 3 hardbound copies of my graduation project report/dissertation/thesis and a soft
PDF copy in a CD which has been approved by the supervisor and the head of department
Thank you

Candidate’s signature
Name: Date:
An example of List of Contents
An example of list figures
An example of list of tables
An example of List of abbreviations

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