Assignment: Name-Manansh Ram Thakur Roll No-19135055 Branch - Mech
Assignment: Name-Manansh Ram Thakur Roll No-19135055 Branch - Mech
Assignment: Name-Manansh Ram Thakur Roll No-19135055 Branch - Mech
ln σ =ln k + n ln ε
For n, the slop of this line
−1−(−4 )
Strain hardening exponent in the first case is .5
For finding k
k ¿ e 6.3
k ¿ 544.57 units
For average flow stress till 36.7879%
ε ε
Ý =∫ σ d ε=∫ k ε n d
0 0
Do note this is an approximation it would have correct if we took the average by considering hooks law till the yield
point and this power law after that but since the difference is not much it is a good approximation
k εn
Ý =
Ý =544.57 ¿ ¿
Ý =220.175units
Hence the average flow stress is 220.175 units
ln σ =ln k + n ln ε
For n, the slop of this line
−1−(−4.4 )
Strain hardening exponent in the first case is .41176
Value of new k,
k ¿ e 6.312
k ¿ 551 units
After one pass (process is first loading and causing deformation and then unloading, but since deformation is after
elastic region permanent deformation is caused) k value increases whereas the value of n decreases
Due to plastic deformation the dislocation density increase (which should have increased the ease of deformation)
but this increased number of dislocations interfere and impede each other movement which makes it harder to
deform the material this phenomenon is known as strain hardening
It causes two effects, first it becomes difficult to further deform a material (as instantaneous flow stress required
keeps on increasing exponentially according to power law) after elastic deformation region
And second it becomes difficult to deform a material which was already deformed plastically (like in this case n
decreases and k increases after one pass)
After one pass the material strain hardens and its structure changes (as after 1 Pass the material has permanently
deformed) due to strain hardening (as dislocation movement is impeded) it becomes difficult to cause the same
strain (i.e. a larger value of stress is required to cause the same strain) ,this is reflected in the value of n (which is less
than before) ie, the material has become harder and stronger after permanent deformation
The blue line is for the deformed metal after 1 pass n=.411 and k is 551 units
The red line is for as received metal n=.5 and k is 544.47 units
Clearly for the same strain larger stress is required for the already deformed (strain hardened) (blue) material
Also, in both these graphs the instantaneous stress required to continue deformation increases with more
deformation (slope positive)