ChatLog 200819 171247

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[10:18:50] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3.

7-R3 {FFFFFF}Started
[10:18:53] Connecting to
[10:18:55] Connected. Joining the game...
[10:18:55] {00b300}GreenStone City: {FFFFFF}Bun venit pe server, asteapta cateva
secunde pana se incarca..
[10:18:58] Connected to {B9C9BF}GreenStone Romania - Acces doar de pe launcher!
[10:19:05] Welcome back, Allah!
[10:19:05] Daily Login: {FFFFFF}Vei primi de doua ori mai multi bani si puncte de
respect la urmatorul payday.
[10:19:05] Daily Quests: {FFFFFF}Pentru a vedea ce misiuni ai in aceasta zi,
foloseste /quests.
[10:19:05] (PIN): {FFFFFF}Pentru o securitate in plus poti adauga (/addpin).
[10:19:05] {00b300}Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 40 jucatori
conectati si consta in 30 Gems.
[10:19:09] (( GiftBox: Chempes a castigat $150,896 din giftbox! ))
[10:19:32] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Chempes opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,947,143{A9C4E4}. ))
[10:19:54] Ti-a fost pus un checkpoint catre job-ul Tirist. Distanta: 3992.22m
[10:20:06] Ai inchiriat un BMW X5 pentru 10 minute si ai platit $1000.
[10:20:06] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/lockrentcar {ffffff}pentru a-l incuia.
[10:20:06] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/locaterentcar {ffffff}pentru a gasii
masina daca ai pierdut-o.
[10:20:06] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/unrentcar {ffffff}pentru a parasii
masina inchiriata.
[10:20:06] Audio stream:
[10:23:00] * Allah stops the engine of his BMW X5.
[10:23:05] Audio stream:
[10:23:09] * Allah starts the engine of his BMW X5.
[10:23:10] * Allah stops the engine of his BMW X5.
[10:23:16] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum Agricultor.
[10:23:25] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Du-te si culege mere.
[10:23:33] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[10:23:37] {00b300}* {ffffff}Transporta merele in hambar!
[10:23:52] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Ai primit 1150$ pentru 8kg de mere.
[10:23:52] {00b300}Intoarce-te in livada pentru a mai culege mere!
[10:23:52] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 2 puncte de experienta
(total 2). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:24:08] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Foloseste /carradio pentru a asculta radio in
[10:24:10] Ai demisionat de la locul de munca
[10:24:15] Audio stream:
[10:24:16] * Allah starts the engine of his BMW X5.
[10:25:25] * Allah stops the engine of his BMW X5.
[10:25:33] Audio stream:
[10:25:48] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum Tirist.
[10:25:48] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Pentru a incepe sa muncesti, ai la dispozitie comanda
[10:25:55] Nu esti in zona unde poti incepe munca, du-te la checkpoint setat de
[10:26:00] {00b300}[JOB]{ffffff} Daca doresti sa vezi mai multe informatii
folositoare de la job, o poti face prin comanda (/hud > Informatii job).
[10:26:00] This Dacia 1310 (ID 55) is owned by King.Alin[.] | days 0 | Odometer: 2
km | Insurance: $3,000 (points 5) | Colors: 1, 1
[10:26:06] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Pentru a face acel transport ai nevoie de skill
[10:26:17] Audio stream:
[10:26:17] * Allah asculta acum Radio Taraf Romania.
[10:28:35] Audio stream:
[10:28:35] * Allah asculta acum Kiss FM Romania [Audio Plugin].
[10:28:45] Audio stream:
[10:28:45] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[10:28:47] Audio stream:
[10:28:47] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[10:29:15] (( AdmBot: AndreiRBT a castigat vehiculul Limuzina Mercedes din giftbox!
[10:29:15] (( AdmBot: Mai sunt 59 vehicule disponibile. ))
[10:29:23] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[10:29:27] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[10:30:24] Nu mai ai un vehicul inchiriat!
[10:31:02] AdmCmd: Dmitry_Medvedev was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK fara /sleep
mai mult de 60 minute.
[10:33:51] Audio stream:
[10:33:51] * Allah asculta acum Kiss FM Romania [Audio Plugin].
[10:34:01] Audio stream:
[10:34:01] * Allah asculta acum Radio Zu Romania [Audio Plugin].
[10:34:09] Audio stream:
[10:34:09] * Allah asculta acum Radio Popular.
[10:34:26] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, nu ezita sa folosesti
comanda (/n) iar un helper te va ajuta in cel mai scurt timp.
[10:34:32] Audio stream:
[10:34:32] * Allah asculta acum Radio Taraf Romania.
[10:35:46] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 4 puncte de experienta
(total 6). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:35:46] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Tirist: 1/30 (29 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:35:59] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand rolls royce super
pret repede
[10:37:10] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[10:37:13] * Ai demisionat de la locul de munca.
[10:37:23] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum Stivuitor.
[10:37:23] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Pentru a incepe sa muncesti, ai la dispozitie comanda
[10:37:26] Nu esti la locul unde poti incepe munca. Ti-am pus un checkpoint, du-te
la el!
[10:37:40] {00b300}[JOB]{ffffff} Daca doresti sa vezi mai multe informatii
folositoare de la job, o poti face prin comanda (/hud > Informatii job).
[10:37:40] Audio stream:
[10:38:18] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 8 puncte de experienta
(total 14). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:38:18] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Stivuitor: 1/30 (29 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:39:16] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 6 puncte de experienta
(total 20). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:39:16] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Stivuitor: 2/30 (28 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:40:02] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 8 puncte de experienta
(total 28). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:40:02] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Stivuitor: 3/30 (27 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:40:53] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 5 puncte de experienta
(total 33). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:40:53] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Stivuitor: 4/30 (26 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:41:29] Punctul rosu a fost sters cu succes.
[10:41:29] Job esuat!
[10:41:56] Ti-a fost pus un checkpoint catre locatia importanta aleasa de tine!
[10:43:40] Poti inchiria un vehicul intre 5 si 60 minute.
[10:43:46] Ai inchiriat un Volkswagen Golf 4 pentru 5 minute si ai platit $500.
[10:43:46] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/lockrentcar {ffffff}pentru a-l incuia.
[10:43:46] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/locaterentcar {ffffff}pentru a gasii
masina daca ai pierdut-o.
[10:43:46] {00b300}* {ffffff}Scrie {00b300}/unrentcar {ffffff}pentru a parasii
masina inchiriata.
[10:43:46] Audio stream:
[10:43:46] This Dacia 1310 (ID 55) is owned by King.Alin[.] | days 0 | Odometer: 9
km | Insurance: $3,000 (points 5) | Colors: 3, 1
[10:43:56] Ad by LaviniaDIA (phone: {FFFFFF}1999{00D900}): vand Passat B6 VIP+ cu
150kk si Limuzina cu roti vip
[10:44:16] (( GiftBox: Mr_Gaby a castigat $258,954 din giftbox! ))
[10:44:21] {AFAFAF}King.Alin[.]: {FFFFFF}Salut
[10:44:39] * Allah stops the engine of his Volkswagen Golf 4.
[10:44:46] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Foloseste /carradio pentru a asculta radio in
[10:44:49] * King.Alin[.] stops the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[10:46:31] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 Gems din partea server-ului
[10:46:31] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 45 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 RPoints
[10:46:33] (( GiftBox: AnDrw a castigat $278,934 din giftbox! ))
[10:46:34] (( GiftBox: AnDrw a castigat $130,434 din giftbox! ))
[10:47:08] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- AnDrw opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$5,327,812{A9C4E4}. ))
[10:48:00] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Acest vehicul nu mai este in stock.
[10:48:05] Felicitari! Ai cumparat un Dacia 1310 pentru 650,000$.
[10:48:05] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 51 puncte de experienta
(total 84). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:48:05] (Achievements): {FFFFFF}Felicitari! Realizarea 'Achizitioneaza un
vehicul' a fost deblocata.
[10:48:05] [+] RPoints and gift points was modified: +43 (total: 43) / +7 (total:
[10:48:26] This Dacia 1310 (ID 76) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 0 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[10:48:27] * Allah starts the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[10:48:56] Nu mai ai un vehicul inchiriat!
[10:49:22] Audio stream:
[10:49:22] * Allah asculta acum Radio Taraf Romania.
[10:49:39] Punctul rosu a fost sters cu succes.
[10:49:44] Ti-a fost pus un checkpoint catre job-ul DHL Curier. Distanta: 323.02m
[10:49:46] Ad by Mr_Gaby (phone: {FFFFFF}12708{00D900}): Vand subaru wrx nos/roti
vip 28kk negociabil
[10:49:59] Punctul rosu a fost sters cu succes.
[10:50:09] (( GiftBox: Sincronic a castigat $212,046 din giftbox! ))
[10:50:14] (( GiftBox: Sincronic a castigat $285,150 din giftbox! ))
[10:50:18] * Allah stops the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[10:50:21] * Allah starts the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[10:50:22] * Allah stops the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[10:50:32] Ai demisionat de la locul de munca
[10:50:33] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum DHL Curier.
[10:50:33] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Pentru a incepe sa muncesti, ai la dispozitie comanda
[10:50:36] Nu esti la locul unde poti incepe munca. Ti-am pus un checkpoint, du-te
la el!
[10:50:40] {00b300}[JOB]{ffffff} Daca doresti sa vezi mai multe informatii
folositoare de la job, o poti face prin comanda (/hud > Informatii job).
[10:50:41] * Allah stops the engine of his Mercedes Vito.
[10:50:42] * Allah starts the engine of his Mercedes Vito.
[10:50:55] Audio stream:
[10:50:55] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[10:53:18] {00b300}[HUD]{FFFFFF} FPS and Ping was updated. New status is
[10:53:20] {00b300}[HUD]{FFFFFF} Job Info was updated. New status is
[10:53:25] Optiuni HUD actualizate!
[10:53:29] {00b300}[HUD]{FFFFFF} Job Goal was updated. New status is
[10:53:35] {00b300}[HUD]{FFFFFF} Level Progress was updated. New status is
[10:53:43] {00b300}[HUD]{FFFFFF} Bank Money Textdraw was updated. New status is
[10:54:20] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand sau schimb rolls
royce astept oferte pretul de vanzare este 95kk
[10:55:07] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Doresti sa iti vizualizezi statisticile?
Foloseste comanda (/stats).
[10:56:33] (( GiftBox: Nike19 a castigat $172,778 din giftbox! ))
[10:57:05] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Nu ai coletul! Pentru a-l lua, du-te in spatele
vehiculului si apasa Y.
[10:57:14] Colet ridicat!
[10:57:55] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 8 puncte de experienta
(total 93). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:57:55] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job DHL Curier: 1/30 (29 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:58:06] Returning to class selection after next death
[10:58:09] Audio stream:
[10:58:22] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- SebyPlayRo opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$3,219,974{A9C4E4}. ))
[10:58:33] (( GiftBox: SebyPlayRo a castigat $203,682 din giftbox! ))
[10:58:35] (( GiftBox: SebyPlayRo a castigat $235,529 din giftbox! ))
[10:59:07] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Nu poti livra coletul dintr-un vehicul!
[10:59:15] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Nu ai coletul! Pentru a-l lua, du-te in spatele
vehiculului si apasa Y.
[10:59:17] (( GiftBox: thomas200@ a castigat $209,975 din giftbox! ))
[10:59:19] (( GiftBox: bogdanius161 a castigat $155,926 din giftbox! ))
[10:59:19] Audio stream:
[10:59:27] Colet ridicat!
[10:59:33] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 4 puncte de experienta
(total 97). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[10:59:33] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job DHL Curier: 2/30 (28 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[10:59:47] Audio stream:
[11:01:14] (( GiftBox: gBK a castigat $258,006 din giftbox! ))
[11:01:20] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[11:01:24] GiftBox: {FFFFFF}Trebuie sa ai minim 200 gift points pentru a folosi
aceasta comanda
[11:01:24] GiftBox: {FFFFFF} In acest moment ai 7 Gift Points.
[11:01:30] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Aceasta comanda nu exista.
[11:01:31] Allah[26] | Playing hours: 0.00 | Warns: 0/3 | Money: $180.049 | Bank:
$200.000 | Phone: 0 (0 credit)
[11:01:31] Level: 3 | Experience: 97/500 | Premium Account: No | Vip Account: No |
Gems: 70
[11:01:31] Crimes: 0 | Arrests: 0 | Drugs: 0 | Materials: 0 | Freq: Disabled | Rob:
0/10 | Escape: 0/20 | Hiddens: 0
[11:01:31] Faction: None | Faction Warns: 0/3 | Faction Punish: 0/30 | RolePlay
Points: 0 | Tigari: 0
[11:01:31] Rare Crates: 0 | Epic Crates: 0 | Legendary Crates: 0 | Vouchers: 0 |
RPoints: 43 | Gift Points: 7/500
[11:01:31] Propieters: Vehicles: 1
[11:02:01] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Sincronic opened a box and won 91 Exp
Points. ))
[11:02:11] (( GiftBox: CostiUrsaru a castigat $151,153 din giftbox! ))
[11:02:13] (( GiftBox: CostiUrsaru a castigat $232,642 din giftbox! ))
[11:02:56] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- CostiUrsaru opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$2,621,902{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:03:10] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- CostiUrsaru opened a box and won 136
Gems. ))
[11:03:24] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- CostiUrsaru opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$2,385,646{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:05:28] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Nu poti livra coletul dintr-un vehicul!
[11:05:28] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Pentru a afla detalii despre contul premium
foloseste /premium.
[11:05:29] Colet ridicat!
[11:05:30] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 4 puncte de experienta
(total 101). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[11:05:30] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job DHL Curier: 3/30 (27 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[11:05:34] Audio stream:
[11:06:11] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 RPoints din partea server-ului
[11:06:11] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 50 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 Gems
[11:07:29] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- PRIMITI opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,265,115{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:07:44] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- PRIMITI opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,671,031{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:08:00] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- PRIMITI opened a box and won 164 Exp
Points. ))
[11:08:37] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- PompieruDorel opened a box and won 65
Exp Points. ))
[11:08:53] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- PompieruDorel opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$1,374,386{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:09:16] Colet ridicat!
[11:09:19] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 5 puncte de experienta
(total 106). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[11:09:20] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job DHL Curier: 4/30 (26 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[11:09:31] Audio stream:
[11:09:47] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand rolls royce 60kk
sau schimb astyept oferte
[11:09:59] Comenzi disponibile: /buy.
[11:10:03] Ti-ai cumparat un telefon iar numarul tau este 12909.
[11:10:05] Ti-ai cumparat o agenda telefonica. Foloseste comanda /number pentru a
vedea numarul unui player.
[11:10:07] Ti-ai cumparat o cartela de credit de 25$ pentru suma de $500.
[11:10:31] Audio stream:
[11:12:41] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- StarLight opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,636,291{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:12:56] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- AndreiRBT opened a box and won 57 Exp
Points. ))
[11:14:21] {00b300}EROARE:{FFFFFF} Nu poti livra coletul dintr-un vehicul!
[11:14:23] Colet ridicat!
[11:14:29] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 5 puncte de experienta
(total 111). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[11:14:29] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job DHL Curier: 5/30 (25 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[11:14:32] Audio stream:
[11:14:50] * Allah stops the engine of his Mercedes Vito.
[11:15:50] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Foloseste /carradio pentru a asculta radio in
[11:16:34] (( GiftBox: Dmitry_Medvedev a castigat $236,114 din giftbox! ))
[11:16:39] (( GiftBox Dmitry_Medvedev a castigat 61 Gems din giftbox! ))
[11:16:55] Job esuat! Ai stat AFK timp de 2 minute.
[11:17:27] Daily Login: Ai primit de doua ori mai mult Exp si bani pentru primul
tau Payday de astazi.
[11:17:27] Salariul tau a sosit! Viziteaza banca pentru a retrage banii.
[11:17:27] Ai primit 0.89 ore jucate. (53 minute)
[11:17:27] Paycheck: $9,710 | Tax: -$48 | Rent: -$0 | Old Balance: $201,224
[11:17:27] Interest rate: 0.1 | Interest: $40 | New balance: $202,264
[11:17:27] [+] RPoints and gift points was modified: +20 (total: 113) / +20 (total:
[11:17:37] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 Gems din partea server-ului
[11:17:37] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 55 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 RPoints
[11:20:06] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): schimb rolls royce cu
bmw e46 nos+jante plus o mica dif
[11:21:17] (( GiftBox: uriasu a primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore! ))
[11:21:20] (( GiftBox: uriasu a castigat $260,212 din giftbox! ))
[11:21:23] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Dumitras opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,374,601{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:21:53] (( GiftBox: Dumitras a castigat $157,346 din giftbox! ))
[11:22:10] (( GiftBox: foxychello a castigat $252,955 din giftbox! ))
[11:22:14] (( GiftBox: foxychello a castigat $292,917 din giftbox! ))
[11:22:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- NO0B4EV3R opened a box and won 117 Exp
Points. ))
[11:24:05] (( GiftBox: adyb24 a castigat $163,359 din giftbox! ))
[11:25:31] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- adyb24 opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,687,120{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:25:51] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- adyb24 opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,079,585{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:26:14] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Forumul serverului GreenStone City este forum.g-
[11:30:16] (( GiftBox King.Alin[.] a castigat 56 Gems din giftbox! ))
[11:30:19] (( GiftBox: King.Alin[.] a castigat $219,884 din giftbox! ))
[11:36:20] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 RPoints din partea server-ului
[11:36:20] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 60 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 Gems
[11:40:23] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand rolls royce 45kk
[11:43:17] (( GiftBox: Shaggy a castigat $285,712 din giftbox! ))
[11:43:20] (( GiftBox: Shaggy a castigat $175,008 din giftbox! ))
[11:44:43] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Shaggy opened a box and won 74 Gems. ))
[11:46:07] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Han1ball opened a box and won 120 Exp
Points. ))
[11:48:50] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 Gems din partea server-ului
[11:48:50] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 65 jucatori conectati si
consta in 80 Gift Points
[11:49:34] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand rolls royce 25kk
[11:56:12] (( GiftBox: El3ktrozZ a castigat $211,787 din giftbox! ))
[11:57:29] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Daca ai probleme sau nelamuriri foloseste
[11:57:59] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- KosuL opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,567,468{A9C4E4}. ))
[11:59:00] (( GiftBox: AndreiD a primit toate licentele pentru inca 250 de ore! ))
[11:59:01] (( GiftBox: AndreiD a castigat $131,937 din giftbox! ))
[12:00:19] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 80 Gift Points din partea server-ului
[12:00:19] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 70 jucatori conectati si
consta in 80 Gift Points
[12:01:32] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- thomas200@ opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,604,689{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:01:42] (( GiftBox: AndrewTheBest a castigat $290,305 din giftbox! ))
[12:01:46] (( GiftBox: AndrewTheBest a castigat $153,551 din giftbox! ))
[12:02:11] {00b300}Popa GreenStone:{ffffff} Un nou divort are loc in acest moment
pe server intre Mr_Gaby si Fox_23.
[12:02:54] Ad by Kripto. (phone: {FFFFFF}16439{00D900}): Vand golf 5 | Stage 1\3 |
Rainbow | 5 Days | 267 Km | Roti vip | Nos |
[12:03:49] (( GiftBox: AnDrw a castigat $216,095 din giftbox! ))
[12:05:09] (( GiftBox: Sincronic a castigat $235,658 din giftbox! ))
[12:06:32] (( GiftBox: Dmitry_Medvedev a castigat 95 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[12:07:51] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Dmitry_Medvedev opened a box and won
skin 228 [Epic]. ))
[12:07:56] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Ai ramas pe jos in pustietate? Poti chema un
taxi folosind comanda (/service taxi) iar un taximetrist te va ajuta.
[12:09:52] (( GiftBox: _HEEIST_ a castigat $252,648 din giftbox! ))
[12:10:09] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Dmitry_Medvedev opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$2,186,633{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:11:21] (( GiftBox Dragos a castigat 56 Gems din giftbox! ))
[12:13:27] (( GiftBox: Iulian234 a castigat $112,394 din giftbox! ))
[12:13:33] (( GiftBox: Iulian234 a castigat $165,387 din giftbox! ))
[12:13:44] (( GiftBox: Mihe a castigat $223,956 din giftbox! ))
[12:13:45] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- uriasu opened a box and won 428 Exp
Points. ))
[12:14:00] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Iulian234 opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,198,609{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:14:51] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Iulian234 opened a box and won 89 Exp
Points. ))
[12:15:25] (( GiftBox: Kripto. a castigat $186,704 din giftbox! ))
[12:15:52] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Kripto. opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,539,826{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:16:00] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Dragos opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,173,657{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:16:07] (( GiftBox: PompieruDorel a castigat $154,885 din giftbox! ))
[12:16:20] Allah[26] | Playing hours: 0.89 | Warns: 0/3 | Money: $283.643 | Bank:
$202.264 | Phone: 12909 (25 credit)
[12:16:20] Level: 3 | Experience: 174/500 | Premium Account: No | Vip Account: No |
Gems: 170
[12:16:20] Crimes: 0 | Arrests: 0 | Drugs: 0 | Materials: 0 | Freq: Disabled | Rob:
1/10 | Escape: 1/20 | Hiddens: 0
[12:16:20] Faction: None | Faction Warns: 0/3 | Faction Punish: 0/30 | RolePlay
Points: 0 | Tigari: 0
[12:16:20] Rare Crates: 0 | Epic Crates: 0 | Legendary Crates: 0 | Vouchers: 0 |
RPoints: 163 | Gift Points: 107/500
[12:16:20] Propieters: Vehicles: 1
[12:17:49] Job Goal: {FFFFFF}Felicitari! Ai primit 297 RPoints pentru ca sa umplut
[12:17:49] Job Goal: {FFFFFF}Goalul a fost resetat automat! (+10.000.000$)
[12:18:23] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Ai vazut un codat? Foloseste comanda (/report)
iar un admin se va ocupa de el.
[12:19:13] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Fl4vius._. opened a box and won skin 248
[Epic]. ))
[12:19:14] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Vand Rolls Royce c
100kk un ds e 175kk
[12:19:42] (( GiftBox: AmEryKaNu a castigat $222,761 din giftbox! ))
[12:20:00] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Iulian234 opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$461,849{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:20:25] GiftBox: {FFFFFF}Trebuie sa ai minim 200 gift points pentru a folosi
aceasta comanda
[12:20:25] GiftBox: {FFFFFF} In acest moment ai 107 Gift Points.
[12:21:23] Ti-a fost pus un checkpoint catre job-ul Tractorist. Distanta: 4469.22m
[12:21:36] Salariul tau a sosit! Viziteaza banca pentru a retrage banii.
[12:21:36] Ai primit 0.01 ore jucate. (1 minute)
[12:21:36] Paycheck: $9,840 | Tax: -$48 | Rent: -$0 | Old Balance: $203,377
[12:21:36] Interest rate: 0.1 | Interest: $40 | New balance: $204,417
[12:21:36] [+] RPoints and gift points was modified: +20 (total: 480) / +20 (total:
[12:23:50] * Allah starts the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[12:24:04] you have spawned your Dacia 1310 which is located in Ganton. /findcar to
track it.
[12:24:07] [Spring Quest] El3ktrozZ a terminat de colectat toate obiectele pierdute
si a castigat premiul special!
[12:24:50] Ai demisionat de la locul de munca
[12:24:50] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum Pizza Hut.
[12:24:50] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Pentru a incepe sa muncesti, ai la dispozitie comanda
[12:24:53] Nu esti la locul unde poti incepe munca. Ti-am pus un checkpoint, du-te
la el!
[12:24:55] Audio stream:
[12:24:55] This Dacia 1310 (ID 42) is owned by JeanMilitaru | days 0 | Odometer: 5
km | Insurance: $3,000 (points 5) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:24:56] * Allah stops the engine of his PizzaHut.
[12:25:02] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- AndreiRBT opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$671,857{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:25:05] * Allah starts the engine of his PizzaHut.
[12:25:08] * Allah si-a pus casca pe cap.
[12:25:22] * Allah si-a scos casca de pe cap.
[12:25:24] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- AmEryKaNu opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,952,497{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:25:27] Ai demisionat de la locul de munca
[12:25:41] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- AmEryKaNu opened a box and won 141 Exp
Points. ))
[12:25:46] Audio stream:
[12:25:46] This Dacia 1310 (ID 94) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 1 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:25:50] Audio stream:
[12:25:50] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[12:25:55] Audio stream:
[12:25:55] * Allah asculta acum {00b300}Radio GreenStone.
[12:26:05] Ti-a fost pus un checkpoint catre job-ul Tractorist. Distanta: 2883.36m
[12:26:18] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- AmEryKaNu opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$419,155{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:26:18] (( GiftBox: Han1ball a castigat $222,324 din giftbox! ))
[12:26:25] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- AmEryKaNu opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$780,953{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:26:34] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Han1ball opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,773,333{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:26:41] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- AmEryKaNu opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,176,229{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:26:44] (( GiftBox: rares05 a castigat $212,647 din giftbox! ))
[12:27:01] Audio stream:
[12:27:01] * Allah asculta acum Trap.FM.
[12:27:07] Audio stream:
[12:27:07] * Allah asculta acum Radio Taraf Romania.
[12:27:12] Audio stream:
[12:27:12] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[12:27:36] Audio stream:
[12:27:36] * Allah asculta acum Radio Zu Romania [Audio Plugin].
[12:27:54] Audio stream:
[12:27:54] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[12:28:31] Audio stream:
[12:28:31] This Dacia 1310 (ID 94) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 2 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:28:51] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Ai vazut un codat? Foloseste comanda (/report)
iar un admin se va ocupa de el.
[12:31:04] *Felicitari! Noul tau job este acum Tractorist.
[12:31:04] {00b300}* {FFFFFF}Pentru a incepe sa muncesti, ai la dispozitie comanda
[12:31:12] Nu esti in zona unde poti incepe munca, du-te la checkpoint setat de
[12:31:23] Audio stream:
[12:31:23] This Dacia 1310 (ID 94) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 4 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:31:25] * Allah stops the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[12:31:26] * Allah starts the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[12:31:46] * Allah stops the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[12:31:54] * Allah stops the engine of his Tractor.
[12:31:57] Audio stream:
[12:31:57] * Allah asculta acum Pro FM Romania.
[12:31:57] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- AmulyAJR opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,194,321{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:31:58] * Allah starts the engine of his Tractor.
[12:32:00] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- StarLight opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,731,422{A9C4E4}. ))
[12:33:16] Ai primit 23 kilograme de faina. Du-te la ferna pentru a vinde faina.
[12:33:16] Ti-am setat un checkpoint la cea mai apropiata ferma.
[12:33:39] Audio stream:
[12:33:39] This Dacia 1310 (ID 94) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 5 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:33:41] * Allah starts the engine of his Dacia 1310.
[12:33:48] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 80 Gift Points din partea server-ului
[12:33:48] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 75 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 Gems
[12:33:54] Ad by Kenzy17 (phone: {FFFFFF}11302{00D900}): Cumpar masina de 4kk
[12:34:21] (( GiftBox: RuKuTuKu a castigat $297,806 din giftbox! ))
[12:34:40] (( GiftBox: Lawwr a castigat $287,130 din giftbox! ))
[12:34:42] {FFFFFF}[ {00b300}Experience {FFFFFF}] Ai primit 6 puncte de experienta
(total 241). Ai nevoie de 500 puncte pentru a avansa la level 4.
[12:34:42] {00b300}[JOB] {ffffff}Progres job Tractorist: 0/30 (30 necesare pentru
urmatorul skill)
[12:34:43] (( GiftBox: Lawwr a castigat $159,551 din giftbox! ))
[12:34:47] (( GiftBox: AmEryKaNu a castigat $207,618 din giftbox! ))
[12:34:54] (( GiftBox: AndreiRBT a castigat $245,786 din giftbox! ))
[12:35:07] Audio stream:
[12:35:07] This Dacia 1310 (ID 94) is owned by Allah | days 0 | Odometer: 5 km |
Insurance: $3,000 (5 points) | Colors: 1, 1
[12:35:09] Ad by Sincronic (phone: {FFFFFF}16447{00D900}): vand 200 de gems la 5kk
[17:12:37] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Lawwr opened a box and won 82 Exp
Points. ))
[17:12:37] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Lawwr opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,636,556{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:37] Taxi Driver RuKuTuKu is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:37] Ad by Sincronic (phone: {FFFFFF}16447{00D900}): vand 200 de gems la 5kk
[17:12:37] (( GiftBox: Kenzy17 a castigat $271,292 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:37] (( GiftBox: QFrosty a castigat $100,914 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:37] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, nu ezita sa folosesti
comanda (/n) iar un helper te va ajuta in cel mai scurt timp.
[17:12:37] (( GiftBox: PaunCriss a castigat $174,752 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:37] Ad by Skiz (phone: {FFFFFF}12832{00D900}): Vand casa 112 la Tara, zona
frumoasa, aer curat, casa traditionala atat la exterior cat si interior.
[17:12:37] Ad by Skiz (phone: {FFFFFF}12832{00D900}): Vand casa 112 la Tara, zona
frumoasa, aer curat, casa traditionala atat la exterior cat si interior.
[17:12:37] Offline: Dumitras a primit mute de la Deus pentru 30 minute, motiv:
limbaj vulgar
[17:12:38] Ad by AndreiRBT (phone: {FFFFFF}13596{00D900}): vand bmw e30 nos+jante
la un pret decent
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Mr_Gaby a castigat $253,117 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] Ad by Skiz (phone: {FFFFFF}12832{00D900}): Vand casa id 112 la tara,
zona deosebita, traditionala atat la interior cat si exterior.Fac si schimb
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver RuKuTuKu is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] Ad by Skiz (phone: {FFFFFF}12832{00D900}): Vand casa id 112 la tara,
zona deosebita, traditionala atat la interior cat si exterior.Fac si schimb
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Mihe opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$431,920{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: LevoP a castigat 108 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] * IDoWRK intreaba: Nu exsta mapa cu locatiile pt spring quest ?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Nu, momentan nu avem mapa pentru quest.
[17:12:38] * Sincronic intreaba: cand voi putea cumpara vouchere
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Se v-a anunta pe discord cand veti putea
[17:12:38] * AmEryKaNu intreaba: avem munte pe harta?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Da, avem munte.
[17:12:38] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Din ora in ora, te asteptam la primarie sa iti
ridici cadoul mult dorit [/hourgift].
[17:12:38] * Dennys intreaba: imi place serveru
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Multumim de sustinere.
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Skiz a castigat $238,865 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce cu nos si un golf 4 cu roti vip si nos pe un mercedes e63
[17:12:38] * AmEryKaNu intreaba: Unde-i situat ca zona muntele?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: In apropiere de [/findbiz 9].
[17:12:38] * DaniiPK. intreaba: Cel mai bun Sever facut in Romania <3 Respectt !!
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Multumim de sustinere!
[17:12:38] * alindelaliceu5 intreaba: cum pot sa fiu lider
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Ai nevoie de o aplicatie pe forum cand sunt
aplicatiile deschise.
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau un Rolls Royce cu
nos si un golf 4 cu roti vip si nos pe un mercedes e63
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver RuKuTuKu is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Nike19 opened a box and won 98 Exp
Points. ))
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau un Rolls Royce cu
nos si un golf 4 cu roti vip si nos pe un mercedes e63
[17:12:38] * Andreikr19 intreaba: Cand vom putea circula si un orasu de sus,de pe
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Cea de sus este fosta mapa si nu o sa se circule
pe acolo.
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau un Rolls Royce cu
nos si un golf 4 cu roti vip si nos pe un mercedes M4
[17:12:38] * JeanMilitaru intreaba: cum pun nos pe o masina?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Ai nevoie de un cont vip pentru a face acest
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- Alex_BOY opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,106,496{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau un Rolls Royce cu
nos si un golf 4 cu roti vip si nos pe un mercedes M4
[17:12:38] * Exu intreaba: cum pot da sms la admin?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Poti da /report pentru a vorbii cu un admin.
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver El3ktrozZ is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Ai aptitudini speciale in manuirea armelor?
Atunci dovedeste asta in arena de paintball. (/gps)
[17:12:38] {00D900}(( C.E.O. Deus:{FFFFFF} Va reamintesc, ora 14:30 - lictatii la
Primarie! {00D900}))
[17:12:38] {00D900}(( C.E.O. Deus:{FFFFFF} Se liciteaza CarColor, KFC si MegaImage.
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: TMW a castigat $271,715 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: TMW a castigat 115 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won 95 Exp
Points. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,282,628{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$2,726,572{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- alindelaliceu5 opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$1,211,020{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,851,210{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won skin 285
[Legendary]. ))
[17:12:38] (( {e52222}Transcendent Crate {A9C4E4}- TMW opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$9,184,157{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Ai nevoie de o licenta? Foloseste comanda
(/service instructor) iar un instructor te va ajuta!
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver El3ktrozZ is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 50 Gems din partea server-ului
[17:12:38] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 80 jucatori conectati si
consta in 80 Gift Points
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Da4y08 a castigat $137,882 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] Ad by PompieruDorel (phone: {FFFFFF}15263{00D900}): Vand BMW e30 | 350KM
| 5Days | RAINBOW | STAGE : 2/3 | Roti vip si Nos | Pret in SMS/CALL |
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Gaitza a castigat $261,339 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] AdmCMD: Jucatorul AlexGonzo a fost bagat in inchisoare de Adminul
ionutmarian pentru 15 minute, moti
[17:12:38] ... v: Comportament non rp
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] {00b300}AdmCMD:{ffffff} ionutmarian i-a confiscat lui AlexGonzo licenta
de condus pentru 1 ore, motiv: Comportament non rp
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Daca ai probleme sau nelamuriri foloseste
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Mihe a castigat $140,998 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] * foxychello intreaba: de unde iau undita sa pescuiesc...
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Pentru a cumpara undita mergi la [/findbiz 27].
[17:12:38] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Ai primit 80 Gift Points din partea server-ului
[17:12:38] Server Bonus: {FFFFFF}Urmatorul bonus va fi la 85 jucatori conectati si
consta in 50 RPoints
[17:12:38] * Hoker intreaba: Cum pun geamuri fumurii pe o masina
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Nu poti face acest lucru.
[17:12:38] * davyehusa intreaba: unde gasesc un pns sa imi tunez masina?#
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Nu poti tuna masina, doar stage si neon.
[17:12:38] Ad by Andreikr19 (phone: {FFFFFF}19069{00D900}): Dau la schimb un Rolls
Royce+nos si un golf 4+nos+roti vip pe un E63 amg sau M4
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: davyehusa a castigat 108 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: davyehusa a castigat 92 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: RuKuTuKu a castigat $193,120 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] * alin11ppt intreaba: cum ma uit in frigider
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Nu poti face acest lucru.
[17:12:38] * PaunCriss intreaba: cum ma sinucid?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Pentru a face acest lucru trebuie sa te arunci
de pe o cladire sau sa te scufunzi in apa.
[17:12:38] * elky99 intreaba: cum comand un taxi ?
[17:12:38] * ionutmarian raspunde: Foloseste comanda [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] Job Goal: {FFFFFF}Felicitari! Ai primit 84 Gift Points pentru ca sa
umplut golul.
[17:12:38] Job Goal: {FFFFFF}Goalul a fost resetat automat! (+10.000.000$)
[17:12:38] Nu ai primit niciun Hour Point pentru ca ai deja 2.
[17:12:38] Salariul tau a sosit! Viziteaza banca pentru a retrage banii.
[17:12:38] Ai primit 0.21 ore jucate. (13 minute)
[17:12:38] Paycheck: $7,914 | Tax: -$48 | Rent: -$0 | Old Balance: $205,531
[17:12:38] Interest rate: 0.1 | Interest: $41 | New balance: $206,572
[17:12:38] [+] RPoints and gift points was modified: +20 (total: 500) / +20 (total:
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- Mr_Gaby opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$5,640,303{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- DaniiPK. opened a box and won 97 Exp
Points. ))
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver El3ktrozZ is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- DaniiPK. opened a box and won skin 167
[Rare]. ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: StarLight a castigat $143,651 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: StarLight a castigat 129 EXP Points din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: PaunCriss a castigat $152,833 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: AndreiD a castigat $197,752 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Andreea17 a castigat $172,376 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Andreikr19 a castigat $268,078 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- AndreiD opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,211,193{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- AndreiRBT opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$1,372,384{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: QFrosty a castigat $179,044 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Rare Crate {A9C4E4}- QFrosty opened a box and won {50DB6F}
$580,012{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] {00b300}SERVER: {FFFFFF}Daca ai nevoie de ajutor, nu ezita sa folosesti
comanda (/n) iar un helper te va ajuta in cel mai scurt timp.
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- NO0B4EV3R opened a box and won 101 Exp
Points. ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- Fox_23 opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$5,511,424{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Seitaridis a castigat $211,635 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: MasS a castigat $234,471 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: MasS a castigat $201,927 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Legendary Crate {A9C4E4}- MasS opened a box and won skin 306
[Legendary]. ))
[17:12:38] Taxi Driver El3ktrozZ is now on duty for $500, use [/service taxi].
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: Cristi24 a castigat $234,376 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: AmulyAJR a castigat $272,402 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox Cristi24 a castigat 62 Gems din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: AmulyAJR a castigat $170,051 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( {F09E05}Epic Crate {A9C4E4}- Dmitry_Medvedev opened a box and won
{50DB6F}$1,382,418{A9C4E4}. ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: PompieruDorel a castigat $226,985 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] (( GiftBox: El3ktrozZ a castigat $141,197 din giftbox! ))
[17:12:38] AdmCmd: Allah was kicked by AdmBot, reason: AFK fara /sleep mai mult de
60 minute.
[17:12:38] Server closed the connection.
[17:12:43] Returning to class selection after next death

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