Seismic Analysis of Multistorey Building With Floating Column by Using Tabs

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International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research

ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Seismic Analysis of Multistorey Building with Floating Column

by using Tabs

Kandukuri Sunitha1, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy2

PG student of structural engineering, Department of civil engineering, RGM college of engineering and
Technology,Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Assistant professor, Department of civil engineering, RGM College of engineering and technology, Nandyal,
Andhra Pradesh, India.

In present scenario buildings with floating columns are of typical feature in the modern multi storey construction prac-
tices in urban India. Such types of constructions are highly undesirable in building built in seismically active areas. This
paper studies the analysis of a G+4,G+9,G+14 storey normal building and a G+4,G+9,G+14 storey floating column
building for external lateral forces. The analysis is done by the use of ETABS. The intensities of the past earthquakes i.e.,
applying the ground motions to the structures,from that displacement time history values are compared.This study is to
find whether the structure is safe or unsafe with floating column when built in seismically active areas and also to find
floating column building is economical or uneconomical.
Index Terms – Etabs,Floating column building, storydrift,displacement

Many urban multistorey buildings in India today have open first storey as an unavoidable future.This is pri-
marily being adopted to accommodate parking or reception lobbies in the first storey. Whereas the total seis-
mic base shear as experienced by a building during an earthquake is dependent on its natural period, the seis-
mic force distribution is dependent on the distribution of stiffness and mass along the height. The behavior of
a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry, in addition to how the
earthquake forces are carried to the ground. The earthquake forces developed at different floor levels in a
building need to be brought down along the height to the ground by the shortest path; any deviation or discon-
tinuity in this load transfer path results in poor performance of the building. Buildings with vertical setbacks
(like the hotel buildings with a few storey wider than the rest) cause a sudden jump in earthquake forces at the
level of discontinuity. Buildings that have fewer columns or walls in a particular storey or with unusually tall
storey tend to damage or collapse which is initiated in that storey. Many buildings with an open ground storey
intended for parking collapsed or were severely damaged in Gujarat during the 2001 Bhuj earth-
quake.Buildings with columns that hang or float on beams at an intermediate storey and do not go all the way
to the foundation, have discontinuities in the load transfer path.

1.1 Earthquake Related Terminology Focus: It is also termed as hypocenter. The point on
Earthquake: An earthquake is a spasm of ground the fault where the slip starts is focus. The depth of
shaking caused by a sudden release of energy in the focus from the ground is called focal depth.
earth’s lithosphere (i.e. the crest plus of the upper Epicentre: The point on the earth’s surface verti-
mantle).This energy arises mainly from stresses cally above the point in the crust here seismic rup-
built up during tectonic processes, which consist of ture begins.
interaction between the crust and interior of the Epicentre distance: The distance of the epicentre
earth. In some parts of the world earthquakes are from the place of observation and recording.
associated with volcanic activity.

933 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Intensity of earthquake: Intensity is a qualitative higher energy released. It is measured in Richter’s

measure of the actual manifestation of earthquake magnitude.
shaking at a location during an earthquake. The in- Modal mass: It is that mass of the structure which
tensity at a place is evaluated considering three fea- is effective in one particular natural mode of vibra-
tures of shaking – perception by people, perfor- tion.
mance of buildings, and changes to natural sur-
Seismic weight: It is the total weight of the build-
roundings. It is denoted in a roman capital numeral.
ing plus that part of the service load, which may
There are many intensity scales. Two commonly
reasonably be expected to be attached to the build-
used ones are the Modified Mercalli Intensity
ing at the time of earthquake shaking. It includes
(MMI) Scale and the MSK Scale. Both scales are
permanent and movable partitions, permanent
quite similar and range from I (least perceptive) to
equipment and apart of the live load.
XII (most severe)
Seismic mass: It is seismic weight divided by ac-
Magnitude of earthquake: Magnitude is quantita-
celeration due to gravity.
tive measure of total size of earthquake. It is a num-
ber. It is defined as logarithm to the base 10 of the Centre of stiffness: The point through which the
maximum trace amplitude expressed in microns. An resultant of the restoring forces of a system acts.
increase in magnitude by 1.0 implies about 10 times Static eccentricity: It is the calculated distance be-
higher waveform amplitude and about 31 times tween the centre of mass and the centre of stiffness.
1.2 What Is Floating Column

A column is supposed to be a vertical member

starting from foundation level and transferring the
load to the ground. The term floating column
is also a vertical element which (due to ar-
chitectural design/ site situation) at its lower level
(termination Level)rests on a beam which is a hor-
izontal member. The beams in turn transfer the
load to other columns below it.
There are many projects in which floating columns
are adopted, especially above the ground floor,
where transfer girders are employed, so that more
open space is available in the ground floor. These
open spaces may be required for assembly hall or
parking purpose. The transfer girders have to be
designed and detailed properly, especially in earth
quake zones. The column is a concentrated load on
the beam which supports it. As far as analysis is
concerned, the column is often assumed pinned at
the base and is therefore taken as a point load on the
transfer beam. STAAD Pro, ETABS and SAP2000
can be used to do the analysis of this type of struc-
ture. Floating columns are competent enough to
carry gravity loading but transfer girder must be of
adequate dimensions (Stiffness) with very minimal
Here are some examples of floating column build-
ings. Fig.3.Palestra in London, United Kingdom

934 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Fig.2.Housing tower one

1.3. Method of Seismic Analysis
Seismic analysis is a subset of structural analysis response, given the natural frequency of building.
and the calculation of the response of a building The applicability of this method is extended in
structure to earthquake .It is a part of the process of many building codes by applying factors to account
structural design ,earthquake engineering or struc- for higher buildings with some higher modes, and
tural assessment in region where earthquake is are for low levels of twisting. To account for effects
prevalent. A building has the potential to ‘wave due to “yielding” of structure, many codes apply
back and forth during an earthquake (or even a se- modification factors that reduce the design forces
vere wind storm). This is ‘fundamental mode’ and (example force reduction factors).
is the lowest frequency of building response .most 1.3.2. Time History Method A linear time history
building, however higher modes of response, which analysis overcomes all the disadvantages of modal
are uniquely activated during earthquake. response spectrum analysis, provided non-linear
1.3.1. Linear Static Method This method defines behavior is not involved. This method requires
a series of forces acting on a building to represent greater computational efforts for calculating the
the effect of earthquake ground motion, typically response at discrete time. One interesting advantage
defined by a seismic design response spectrum. It of such procedure is that the relative signs of re-
assumes that the building responds in its fundamen- sponse qualities are preserved in the response histo-
tal mode. For this to be true, the building must be ries. This is important when interaction effects are
low-rise and must not twist significantly when considered in design among stress resultants.
ground moves. The response is read from a design


A G+4,G+9, G+14 storied building with floating In model 4 floating column building with shear
column and building without floating column locat- wall,
ed in zone III of India as per code IS In model 5 floating column building with bracings
1893(Part1):2002 were taken for the investigation. on sides,
In this study, first a normal building without float- In model 6 floating column building with shear wall
ing column is modelled as model1. at middle,
In model 2 floating columns located at ground floor, In model 7 floating column building with shear wall
In model 3 floating column building with bracings on sides.
at centre,

935 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Modeling and analysis was carried out in ETABS


2.2 LITERATURE REVIEW RC Building with Internal and External Floating
columns. The Authors Concluded that: Provision
Nikhil1 & Pande, (2014):In this paper the author
of Case 2 (External Floating columns) may Increase
has analyzed the building with all architectural com-
displacements at various nodes.  With the provi-
plexities for all conditions including earthquake
sion of Case 4 (External and Internal Floating col-
load. The building chosen was 16.8 m high building.
umns) and case 3(Internal Floating Columns) may
To study the effect of various loads in various
increase Axial Force Fx and Shear in z direction (Fz)
Earthquake zone the building was modelled as per
at all floors.  It is observed that case 4 (Internal
plan and the plan was re-modified in four different
and External Floating columns) Increases the Mx
ways so that total number of cases are four namely
and Mz Values at all floors for All zones.
 Normal RC Building without any floating col-
umn. RC Building with External floating col-
umns.RC Building with Internal floating columns.
P.V.Prasad&T.RajaSekhar(2014):The authors over analysis is adopted because this analysis will
have studied behaviour of multistorey buildings yield performance level of building for design ca-
with floating columns under earthquake excitations. pacity (displacement) carried out up to failure, it
Finite element method is used to solve the dynamic helps determination of collapse load and ductility
governing equation. In this paper entitled study of capacity of the structure. To achieve this objective,
behaviour of seismic analysis of multi storied build- three RC bare frame structures with G+4, G+9,
ings with and without floating column is carried out G+15 stories respectively will be analyzed and com-
on floating column and other columns affected due pared the base force and displacement of RC bare
to floating column. A four storey two bay 2D frame frame structure with G+4, G+9, G+15 stories in dif-
with and without floating column are analyzed for ferent earthquake zones like Rajkot, Jamnagar and
static loading using the present FEM code and the Bhuj using SAP 2000 14 analysis package. Authors
commercial software STAAD Pro. Following con- concluded :In existing G+4 building, First storey
clusion was drawn The static and free vibration re- made with soft storey and Floating column shows its
sults obtained using present finite element code are performance in Immediate Occupancy(IO) range. In
validated. The dynamic analysis of frame is studied existing G+9 building, First storey made with soft
by varying the column dimension. It is concluded storey and Floating column shows its performance
that with increase in ground floor column the maxi- in Immediate Occupancy (IO) - Life Safety (LS)
mum displacement is reducing and base shear varies range In New G+15 building, First storey made
with the column dimensions. [3]Siddhartha with soft storey and Floating column shows its per-
Shah(2015): Made an attempt to reveal the effects of formance in Immediate Occupancy (IO) - Life Safe-
floating column & soft story in different earthquake ty (LS)range.
zones by seismic analysis. For this purpose Push

3. METHODOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL In model 3 floating column building with bracings

PLANNING at centre.
A G+4, G+9, G+14 storied building with floating In model 4 floating column building with shear
column and building without floating column locat- wall.
ed in zone III of India as per code IS In model 5 floating column building with bracings
1893(Part1):2002 were taken for the investigation. on sides.
In this study, first a normal building without float- In model 6 floating column building with shear wall
ing column is modelled as model1. at middle.
In model 2 floating columns located at ground floor. In model 7 floating column building with shear wall
on sides.

936 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

3.1. Project statement: Column sizes=0.450x0.450meters

Salient features: Beam sizes=0.230x0.350meters
Utility of the building : Residential Column sizes=0.550x0.550meters
Beam sizes=0.250x0.400meters
Type of construction : R.C.CFramedStructure
Slab thickness=0.115meters
Feature : Floating column building Number of bays along X-direction=5
Number of bays along Y-direction=5
Material Properties for Regular and Irregular Storey height=3meters
Configuration Plinth height=3meters
Grade of concrete=M25 Depth of foundation=1.5meters
Grade of steel=HYSD415 Bay width along X-direction= 5 meters for regular
G+4: configuration
Column sizes=0.350x0.350meters Bay width along Y-direction=5meters
Beam sizes=0.230x0.350meters for regular configuration

Fig: 4 model 1: normal Building – plan view Fig.5 model 2: Floating column Building – plan view

Fig.6:Model3 floating column building with bracing sides fig.7: model4 floating column building with
shear wall

937 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Fig8.model5 floating column building with bracing centre fig9.model6 floating column
Building with shear wall at centre

Fig10.model7 floating column building with shear wall at sides

Earthquake Live Load on Slab as per clause 7.3.1 Vertical Distribution of Lateral Load,
and 7.3.2 of IS 1893 (Part-I)- 2002 is calculated as: w h

IS: 1893-2002 Equivalent Static method f i  VB n i i

 wj hj 2
j 1
Design Spectrum
Zone – III
Zone factor, Z (Table2) – 0.16 3.2. CALCULATIONS
Importance factor, I (Table 6) – 1
Response reduction factor, R (Table 7) – 5.00
Natural periods and average response accelera- =0.57sec
tion coefficients: .
For medium soil sites, Sa/g = (Because 0.55 ≤
For five – Storied building with Setback:
T ≤ 4.00
Fundamental Natural period, Ta = 0.075*h0.75 (For .
Bay Frame) =0.075*150.75 = . = 2.38

938 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Design horizontal seismic coefficient, .

Ah = 1.41 = 0.022
Z I Sa
Ah  x x For G+15 storied building:
2 R g Fundamental Natural period, Ta = 0.075*h0.75 (For
. Bay Frame) =0.075*450.75
Ah = 2.38 = 0.038
=1.30 sec
For G+9 storied building: .
For medium soil sites, Sa/g = (Because 0.55 ≤
Fundamental Natural period, Ta = 0.075*h0.75 (For
Bay Frame) =0.075*300.75 T ≤ 4.00)
=0.96sec = = 1.04
For medium soil sites, Sa/g = (Because 0.55 ≤ Design horizontal seismic coefficient,
T ≤ 4.00) Z I Sa
. Ah  x x
= 1.41 2 R g
Design horizontal seismic coefficient, .
Ah = 1.04 = 0.016
Z I Sa
Ah  x x
2 R g
The values of storey drift that is the inter storey dis-
placement for two consecutive floors are corre-
spondingly compared with the help of graphs. As
the zone intensity increases, storey drift increases.
The storey drift in any storey due to the minimum
specified design lateral force, with partial load fac-
tor of 1.0, Shall not exceed 0.004 times the storey
height. This limit is not exceeded in any storey un-
der any seismic zone for both regular and irregular
structures. X – Direction Storey Drift in MM
Y-Direction No of Floors

Table 2 story drift for G+9 for building

Table1 story drift for G+4 building

Fig11 storey drift v/s height for G+4 building

Fig12 story drift v/s height for G+9 building

939 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Table4 lateral displacement for G+4 building

Table 3 storey drift for G+14 building

Fig14 lateral displacement v/s height for G+4 build-


Fig 13 story drift v/s height for G+15 building

The deformation of a cantilever column under lat-
eral loads usually consists of two parts: the bending
deformation and the shear deformation. The bend-
ing and the shear deformations can be represented
with different shape functions along the column
height. Assuming that the entire frame structure Table5 lateral displacement for G+9 building
behaves like a shear beam.

940 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017


In this present study, we made use of Nepal Earth-
quake data, and quote out the responses, method
adopted was linear time history analysis.

Fig15 lateral displacement v/s height for G+9 build-


Table7 displacement for G+4 building

Fig17 displacement v/s height for G+4 building

Table6 lateral displacement for G+14 building

Fig16 lateral displacement v/s height for G+14 Table8 displacement for G+9 building

941 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

Fig18 displacement v/s height for G+9 building

Table10 time period v/s three modes

Fig20 time period vs three modes

Table 9 displacement for G+14 building

Table 11 time period for G+9 building

Fig19 displacement v/s height for G+14 building

Here are the time period obtained from the models
in respective three modes, based on modal partici-
pation factor. Fig 21 time period v/s three modes

942 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research
ISSN 2394 – 3386
Volume 4, Issue 8
August 2017

4. Visually shear wall building shown best

behavior in all the cases as per safety, but installa-
tion of shear wall in buildings having lesser height
won’t be recommended as of economic note.
5. It is clearly shown the building with bracing
system worked well in case of smaller height than
in high rise building; difference is stated in higher
stories of the building. Although was also a good
6. It is observed that bending moment in col-
Table 12 time period for G+14 building umns are greater in the top stories and lesser in the
bottom stories. Bending moment varies in each
model for every corner column, internal column and
peripheral column.

[1] IS 1893 (Part 1):2002 Criteria for Earthquake Re-
sistant Design Of Structures
[2] IS: 456:2000, “Indian Standard Code for Plain and
Reinforced Concrete”, Bureau of Indian Standards,
New Delhi.
[3] International Journal of Emerging Technology and
Fig 22 time period v/s three modes
Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459)
4.5.CONCLUSION: [4] Eng. D.S. Joshi and Eng. R.L. Nene, Eng. M.D. Mul-
ey, Eng.Suresh Salgaonkar, “Design of Reinforced
The Following conclusions are made from the pre-
Concrete Structure for Earthquake Resistance”, Indi-
sent study an Society of Structural Engineers,pp.32-37.
1. The behavior of multi storey building with [5] International Journal of Engineering and Innovative
and without floating column is studied under differ- Technology (IJEIT)
ent earthquake excitation.. The static analysis is [6]. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
done and It is concluded that by the maximum dis- (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-
placement and storey drift values are increasing for 334X, Volume 11, Issue 6 Ver. I (Nov- Dec. 2014),
PP 45-52
floating columns.
[7]. Bureau of Indian Standards:IS-875,part (1)
2. By checking the drift ratios , we can clearly 1987,Dead loads on Buildings and Structures, New
state by increasing the height of the building the Delhi, India
deflections and story drifts are drastically changed [8]. Bureau of Indian Standards:IS-875,part (2) 1987,
3. The axial forces are increasing in the col- Live loads on Buildings and Structures, New Delhi,
umns other than floating columns due to transfer of
[9]. Bureau of Indian Standards:IS-1893, part (1)
loads of the floating columns to the conventional 2002,Criteriaof Earth quake Resistant Design of
columns. Structures: part 1 General provisions on Buildings,
New Delhi,

943 Kandukuri Sunitha, Mr. Kiran Kumar Reddy

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