Study of Base Shear and Storey Drift by Dynamic Analysis: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Study of Base Shear and Storey Drift by Dynamic Analysis: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
Study of Base Shear and Storey Drift by Dynamic Analysis: ISO 9001:2008 Certified
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
value obtained by the seismic load in the design which recommendations. The study aims to determine and compare
considered higher mode effects. the seismic forces on buildings computed as per the last two
version of IS: 1893. Four multistory buildings, three to nine
storey heights, are considered. Seismic Coefficient, Response
Spectrum and Modal Analysis Methods are used to compute
the seismic forces on these buildings. Four multistory RC
framed buildings ranging from three storied to nine storied
were considered and analyzed. The process gives a set of five
individual analysis sequences for each building and the
results are used to compare the seismic response viz. storey
shear and base shear computed as per the two versions of
seismic code. The seismic forces, computed by IS:
1893-2002 are found to be significantly higher, the difference
varies with structure properties. It was concluded that such
study needs to be carried out for individual structure to
predict seismic vulnerability of RC framed buildings that
were designed using earlier code and due to revisions in the
codal provisions may have rendered unsafe. Bhattacharya
(2010)[4] attempted to investigate the proportional
Fig 1. Seismic Zone and Intensity map of India. distribution of lateral forces evolved through seismic action
in each storey level due to changes in mass and stiffness of
Murthy and Jain (1994) [10] reviewed the Indian seismic building. As per the BIS provisions, a multistory symmetrical
code (IS 1893:1984) provisions on the building systems. building is considered as simplified lump mass model for the
Proposals were made to upgrade the code based on some of analysis with various mass and stiffness ratios. The sway
the research findings and to bring it at par with the seismic pattern of multi storied building under seismic excitation is
codes of some of the countries with advanced seismic taken under consideration with parabolic shape functions.
provisions. Inconsistencies in some of the Indian codal The result concludes as a building structure with high mass
provisions were identified and recommendations were made and stiffness ratio provides instability and attracts huge
to overcome them. Jain and Navin (1995)[9] assessed seismic storey shear. A proportionate amount of mass and stiffness
over strength of multistory reinforced concrete framed by distribution is advantageous to control over the storey and
non linear pseudo analysis on four bay three six and nine base shear. The main objective of study was to determine the
story frames designed for seismic zones I to V as per Indian effect of the natural frequency of the moment Resistant
codes.. The dependence on seismic zone is strongest. The Frame structure under parabolic Shape Functions. Bagheri
average over strength of these frames in zones V and I is 2.84 (2012) modeled multi-storey irregular buildings with
and 12.7 respectively. The over strength increases as the 20 stories using software packages ETABS and SAP 2000
number of stories decreases moreover the over strength of v.15 for seismic zone V in India. The effect of the variation of
three storey frame is higher than nine storey frame by 36% in the building height on the structural response of the shear
zone in V and 49% in zone I. Further inferior frames have wall building is studied. Dynamic responses of building
17% (zone V) to 47% (zone I) higher over strength as under actual earthquakes, EL-CENTRO 1949 and CHI-CHI
compared to the exterior frames of same building.. Otani Taiwan 1999 have been investigated. The study also
(2004) [11] reviewed the development of earthquake resistant highlights the accuracy and exactness of Time History
design of buildings and discussed the current problem in analysis in comparison with the most commonly adopted
earthquake engineering related to design of reinforced Response Spectrum Analysis and Equivalent Static Analysis.
concrete structure. Measurement of ground accelerations The analysis of structure by using equivalent static method,
started in 1930 and response calculation was made possible in time history method and response spectrum method has been
1940s. Design response spectra were formulated in the late surveyed. The storey displacements and displacement of
1950s and 1960s.Non linear response was introduced in center of mass results have been obtained by using both static
seismic design in 1960s and capacity design was generally and dynamic analysis. Patil (2013) described seismic
introduced in 1970s for collapse safety. The study also analysis of high-rise building using program in STAAD Pro
included damage to reinforced buildings during Kolbe with various conditions of lateral stiffness system. Some
earthquake. The study emphasized that the building should models are prepared that is bare frame, brace frame and shear
satisfy on performance based engineering. As damage wall frame. Analysis was done with response spectrum
control and maintenance of building would become major method. The effect of bare frame, brace frame and shear wall
issue in future therefore new materials structures and frame was studied under the earthquake loading. The results
construction technology should be utilized. Ahirwar et al. are studied for response spectrum method. The main
(2008) [2] studied seismic load estimation for multistory parameters considered in this study to compare the seismic
buildings as per IS: 1893-1984 and IS: 1893-2002 performance of different models are storey drift, base shear,
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
story deflection and time period. The analysis would produce function), configuration (size and shape) and location
the effect of higher modes of vibration & actual distribution (climate and site conditions). Ultimately, the type and
of forces in elastic range in a better way. Test results magnitude of design loads affect critical decisions such as
including base shear, story drift and story deflections are material collection, construction details and architectural
presented and get effective lateral load resisting system. configuration. Thus, to optimize the value (i.e., performance
versus economy) of the finished product, it is essential to
II. MODELLING IN STAAD apply design loads realistically. In the present project works
STAAD is powerful design software licensed by Bentley. following loads are considered for analysis.
Staad stands for structural technique for analysis and design.
Any object which is stable under a given loading can be (i) Dead Loads (IS- 875 PART 1).
considered as structure. So first find the outline of the (ii) Live Loads (IS 875 PART 2).
(iii) Earthquake Loads by SCM (IS 1893:2002)
structure, where as analysis is the estimation of what are the
type of loads that acts on the beam and calculation of shear
In addition to the above mentioned loads, dynamic loads in
force and bending moment comes under analysis stage.
form of Response Spectrum method can also be assigned.
Design phase is designing the type of materials and its
STAAD also uses IS 1893 2002 (Part 1) parameters
dimensions to resist the load. This we do after the analysis.
mentioned below to evaluate seismic output parameters in
To calculate S.F.D and B.M.D of a complex loading beam it
form of design seismic coefficient, base shear storey shear
takes about an hour. So when it comes into the building with
and mass participation factor.
several members it will take a week. STAAD pro is a very
1. Seismic Zone Coefficient
powerful tool which does this job in just few minutes.
2. Response Reduction Factor
STAAD is a best alternative for high rise buildings. To 3. Importance Factor
perform dynamic analysis in STAAD following steps must 4. Soil Site Factor
be followed: 5. Type of Structure
i. Geometric Modeling 6. Damping Ratio (obtain Multiplication Factor for Sa/g)
ii. Sectional Properties and Material Properties 7. Depth of Foundation below Ground Level
iii. Supports : Boundary Conditions
iv. Loads & Load combinations (Dynamic) In the present study above mentioned parameters are kept
v. Analysis Specification and Design command constant and discussed in the seismic analysis results. After
assigning the primary and generated load case to the structure
(i) Geometric Modeling
the combination of loads are assigned. Table 1 shows primary
To model any structure in STAAD the first step is to
and load combination assigned to the structure.
specify the nodal co-ordinate data followed by selection of
Table 1 Primary and Load combination
elements from element library. For the present work beam Type L/C Name
elements are selected to model the structure. DL
Primary 1
(ii) Sectional & Material Properties Primary 2 LL
The element selected for modeling is then assigned the Primary 3 EQX+
properties if the element is beam the cross section of beam is Primary 4 EQX-
assigned. For plate elements thickness is assigned. After Primary 5 EQZ+
assigning the sectional property to the member it is important Primary 6 EQZ-
to assign it with member properties. Material properties Combination 7 1.5(DL+LL)
include modulus of elasticity, poissons ratio; weight density, Combination 8 1.5(DL+EQX+)
thermal coefficient, damping ratio and shear modulus `Combination 9 1.5(DL+EQX-)
Combination 10 1.5(DL+EQZ+)
(iii) Support and boundary condition Combination 11 1.5(DL+EQZ-)
After assigning the sectional and material properties,
Combination 12 1.2(DL+LL+EQX+)
boundary condition is assigned to the structure in form of
Combination 13 1.2(DL+LL+EQX-)
fixed, hinged and roller support to structure. In the present
Combination 14 1.2(DL+LL+EQZ+)
work boundary condition is assigned in form of fixed
support. Combination 15 1.2(DL+LL+EQZ-)
Combination 16 0.9DL+1.5EQX+
(iv) Load and load combination Combination 17 0.9DL+1.5EQX-
Loads are a primary consideration in any building design Combination 18 0.9DL+1.5EQZ+
because they define the nature and magnitudes of hazards are Combination 19 0.9DL+1.5EQZ-
external forces that a building must resist to provide a
reasonable performance (i.e., safety and serviceability) (v) Analysis Specification and design command
throughout the structures useful life. The anticipated loads After assigning the loads to the structure, analysis is done
are influenced by a buildings intended use (occupancy and to evaluate the shear force bending moment and dynamic
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
results in form of base shear, storey drift and lateral forces.
Plan Structure Member Size
After analysis design can be executed in STAAD as it
Area Properties BxD
includes various international codes and the structure can be (mm)
designed using these codes. After following above mentioned
steps the results obtained from the study are summarized in Beams
the next section. R1 300x450
G+3 R2 300x300
Columns 450 x 450
Slab Thickness=125mm
Using STAAD software two building plan areas having Beams
plan area 15m x 9m and 25m x15m as shown in figure 2 R1 300x450
respectively is modeled. Figure 3 shows the sectional 25m G+6 R2 300x300
properties diagram for the buildings. The two buildings are x15m Columns 550 x 550
varied in height. For the purpose of study the height is varied Slab Thickness=125mm
from 3m, 6m, 9m and 12m respectively. Table 2 and 3 shows Beams
the geometric properties for the above mentioned buildings. R1 300x450
The dynamic parameters taken for the analysis is summarized G+9 R2 300x300
in table 4. The load calculations assigned to the structure is Columns 650 x 650
also discussed. Dynamic results obtained from seismic Slab Thickness=125mm
analysis of building model by SCM are summarized as shown Beams
by table 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively. R1 300x450
G+12 R2 300x300
Columns 750 x 750
Slab Thickness=125mm
Table 2 Geometrical and Sectional Properties for 15m x9m plan
Plan Area Structure Member Size
Properties BxD
R1 300x450
G+3 R2 300x300
Columns 450 x 450
Slab Thickness=125mm
15m x9m
R1 300x450
G+6 R2 300x300
Columns 550 x 550
Fig 2 Plan areas of 15mx 9m and 25m x 9m building
Slab Thickness=125mm
R1 300x450
G+9 R2 300x300
Columns 650 x 650
Slab Thickness=125mm
R1 300x450
G+12 R2 300x300
Columns 750 x 750
Slab Thickness=125mm
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
Table 4 Seismic Load Parameters Thickness of slab=0.125m
Seismic Load Parameters Value Density of concrete= 25kN/m3
Self Weight of slab= Density of concrete x Thickness of slab
1. Zone factor 0.1 = 25x0.125
= 3.125kN/m2
2. Response Reduction factor 5 Floor Finish at floor level = 1.5 kN/m2
Total Slab Weight at floor level= 4.625 kN/m2
3. Importance Factor 1.5
Wall load calculation:
4. Type of soil strata 2 (Medium) Width of the outer wall=150mm
Width of the inner wall=115mm
5. Damping 5% Beam size=300x450mm
Height of floor =3m
After assigning sectional properties, support conditions, Wall Weight (outer) = Thickness of wall x Height of wall
static and dynamic loading along with combination of x Density of brick wall
loading following dynamic results are tabulated and = 0.23 x (3-0.45) x 20
compared. Table 5 shows the comparison of design = 7.65kN/m
horizontal seismic coefficient for different buildings where T Wall Weight (inner) = Thickness of wall x Height of wall x
is fundamental natural period, h is the total height of building Density of brick wall
measured from the base of building and d is the base = 0.115 x (3-0.45) x 20
dimension of the building measured in the direction in which = 5.865kN/m
seismic force is considered. In the present work seismic
forces are compared and measured in x directions so all the Weight of parapet wall = 0.15 x 1 x 20
calculations are made in x direction. Sa/g is the spectral = 3kN/m
2) Live load:
acceleration coefficient calculated as per clause 6.4.2
mentioned in IS 1893:2002. Ah is the design horizontal Floor load:
seismic coefficient It can be observed from the table 5 that Live Load Intensity specified (Public building) = 4 kN/m
design seismic coefficient parameters calculated by IS Live Load at roof level =1.5 kN/m
1893:2002 and STAAD match accurately. Table 6 shows the
comparison of base shear by STAAD and IS 1893:2002. It is
important to note that that table 7 shows a sample calculation After comparison of weight calculations in table 7, Table 8
of weight actually. Moreover it can be stated that the weight shows the comparison of storey shear of G+3 building for the
calculated from IS 1893:2002 exactly match with that two plan areas discussed earlier. Table 9, 10 and 11 shows the
obtained from STAAD. The load calculations are also comparison of storey shear of G+6, G+9 and G+12 building
respectively. Moreover table 12, 13, 14 and 15 shows the
comparison of storey drift of G+3, G+6, G+9 and G+12
Load Calculations:
building respectively. In the next section conclusions are
1) Dead load: discussed.
Slab Weight Calculation:
Table 5 Comparison of Design horizontal seismic coefficient Ah
Plan area Structure Time Time (sec) Ah Ah
0.09 h STAAD Sa/g Sa/g z I Sa STAAD
(sec) T IS 1893:2002 STAAD Ah
d 2R g
IS 1893:2002 IS 1893:2002
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
Table 6 Comparison of Base Shear
Plan area Structure Weight of structure Weight of structure Base Shear= Base Shear=
(W) (W) Ah x W Ah x W
(kN) (kN) VB (kN) VB (kN)
IS 1893:2002 STAAD IS 1893:2002 STAAD
G+3 8739.63 8739.63 327.74 327.74
G+6 15888.42 15888.42 595.81 595.81
15m x9m
G+9 24017.21 24017.21 648.46 648.46
G+12 33342.00 33342.00 706.85 706.85
G+3 22165.58 22165.58 831.20 831.20
G+6 40082.57 40082.57 1503.10 1503.10
25mx15m G+9 59523.39 59523.39 2077.36 2077.36
G+12 81420.87 81420.87 2222.79 2222.79
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
Table10 Comparison of storey shear G+9 Building First Floor 7.63 7.9 3.54
Ground Floor 4.14 4.32 4.35
Floor Storey Storey Shear % Increase in
Plinth level 1.15 1.22 6.09
Shear 25x15 Storey Shear
15x9 (kN)
(kN) Table 14 Comparison of Storey drift G+9 building
Ninth Floor 104.92 339.72 223.79 Floor Storey % Increase
Storey Drift
Eight Floor 143.42 465.76 224.75 Drift in Storey
Seventh Floor 115.74 375.61 224.53 (mm) drift
Sixth Floor 91.0 295.37 224.58 15x9
Fifth Floor 69.25 196.12 183.21 Ninth
Fourth Floor 50.46 163.8 224.61 Floor 28.57 36.69 28.42
Third Floor 34.64 112.45 224.62 Eight Floor 27.42 35.29 28.70
Second Floor 21.79 70.74 224.64 Seventh
First Floor 14.95 38.64 158.46 Floor 25.74 33.19 28.94
Ground Floor 5.0 16.17 223.4 Sixth Floor 23.5 30.34 29.11
Plinth level 0.62 1.88 203.23 Fifth Floor 20.76 26.83 29.24
Base shear 648.46 2077.36 220.35 Fourth
Floor 17.61 22.82 29.59
Third Floor 14.18 18.43 29.97
Floor Storey Storey Shear % Increase in Floor 10.59 13.81 30.41
Shear 25x15 Storey Shear First Floor 7 9.16 30.86
15x9 (kN) Ground
(kN) Floor 3.6 4.77 32.50
Twelfth 89.08 292.92 228.83 Plinth level 0.95 1.27 33.68
Eleventh 128.67 423.97 229.5
Tenth 109.4 260.64 138.24
Table 15 Comparison of Storey drift G+12 building
Ninth Floor 91.70 302.12 229.47
Eight Floor 75.54 248.92 229.52 Storey Storey %
Seventh Floor 60.96 200.88 229.53 Floor Drift Drift Increase
Sixth Floor 47.94 157.96 229.5 (mm) (mm) in Storey
Fifth Floor 36.48 120.14 229.33 15x9 25x15 drift
Fourth Floor 26.58 87.60 229.57 Twelfth 38.45 47.92 24.63
Third Floor 18.25 60.14 229.53 Eleventh 37.23 46.51 24.93
Second Floor 11.48 37.82 229.44
Tenth 35.64 44.61 25.17
First Floor 6.27 20.66 229.51
Ninth 33.57 42.14 25.53
Ground Floor 2.63 8.65 228.9
Plinth level 0.34 1.04 205.88 Eight 31.07 39.11 25.88
Base shear 706.85 2222.79 214.46 Seventh 28.15 35.55 26.29
Table11 Comparison of storey shear G+12 Building Sixth 24.9 31.53 26.63
Fifth 21.39 27.17 27.02
Table 12 Comparison of Storey drift G+3 building
Fourth 17.69 22.56 27.53
Storey Storey Third 13.89 17.78 28.01
% Increase
Drift Drift Second 10.1 13 28.71
Floor in Storey
(mm) (mm) First 6.46 8.35 29.26
15x9 25x15 Ground 3.22 4.19 30.12
Third Floor 7.72 8.03 4.02 Plinth level 0.81 1.06 30.86
Second Floor 6.75 7.05 4.44
First Floor 5.1 5.33 4.51 The above results are compiled in form of a spring mass
Ground Floor 3 3.15 5.00 model showing the lateral forces acting on each storey of
Plinth level 0.91 0.96 5.49 the various buildings. Figure 4 shows the lateral force
distribution of G+3, G+6 G+9 and G+12 of a building
Table 13 Comparison of Storey drift G+6 building having plan area 15mx9m whereas figure 5 show the
Floor Storey Storey % Increase in
lateral force distribution of G+3, G+6 G+9 and G+12 of a
Drift Drift Storey drift building having plan area 25mx15m.
(mm) (mm)
15x9 25x15 IV. CONCLUSIONS
Sixth Floor 20.1 20.48 1.89
In the present study, an attempt is made to compare the
Fifth Floor 18.9 19.3 2.12
Fourth Floor 16.27 17.34 6.58 results obtained from Seismic Coefficient Method (SCM)
Third Floor 14.27 14.65 2.66 specified in IS 1893:2002 using STAAD. Different models
Second Floor 11.1 11.43 2.97 of G+3, G+6, G+9 and G+12 are modeled in STAAD. The
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
seismic analysis is carried out taking into consideration 1893-2002: a comparative study, Proceedings of the 14th
that all the buildings are located in zone II i.e. Nagpur World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing,
region as per code. The base shear, lateral forces at each China, October 12-17 (2008).
storey along with the storey drift are tabulated and [3] B. Bagheri, E.S. Firoozabad, and M. Yahyaei.
compared with each model. The spring mass model shows Comparative study of static and dynamic analysis of multi
storey irregular building, World Academy of Science,
the lateral forces at each storey.
Engineering and Technology, vol.6, no.11, pp. 1847-1851,
The major conclusions drawn from the present study are 2012.
as follows:
[4] S.P. Bhattacharya, and S.K Chakraborty, Estimation of
1. It can be observed that the design seismic coefficient
storey shear of a building with mass and stiffness variation
parameters such as fundamental natural period and due to seismic excitation, International Journal of Civil and
spectral acceleration coefficient calculated by IS Structural Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 635-643, 2010.
1893:2002 match accurately by STAAD software.
2. The design horizontal seismic coefficient obtained by [5] S.A. Freeman, Response spectra as a useful design and
analysis tool for practicing structural engineers. ISET
STAAD also matches with code.
Journal of Earthquake Technology, vol. 44, no.1, pp.
3. The most important parameter for earthquake design 25-37, 2007.
i.e. base shear obtained from all models matches
perfectly with the code. [6] IS 1893, Indian Standard criteria for Earthquake Resistant
4. The weight of building is also calculated manually Design of structures Part 1: General Provisions and
and matched with that obtained by software. Buildings, Fifth Revision, Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS), New Delhi, 2002.
5. From the above study it can be stated that for G+3
building whose plan area is increases by 177.78% [7] IS 875, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads
(15mx9m=135m2 and 25mx9m=375m2) the increase (Other Than Earthquakes) For Building and Structures Part
in base shear is153.62%. 1: Dead Loads Unit Weights of Building materials and
6. For G+6, G+9 and G+12 the increase in base shear is stored materials, Second Revision, Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS), New Delhi, 1987.
by 152.28%, 220.35% and 214.4% respectively.
7. Moreover for plan area (15mx9m) and varying height [8] IS 875, Indian Standard Code of Practice for Design Loads
the base shear is increased by 81.79%, 97.85% and (Other Than Earthquakes) For Building and Structures Part
115.67% for G+6, G+9and G+12. 2: Imposed Loads, Second Revision, Bureau of Indian
8. For plan area (25mx15m) and varying height the base Standards (BIS), New Delhi, 1987.
shear is increased by 80.8%, 150% and 167.41% for [9] S.K. Jain, and R. Navin, Seismic over strength in
G+6, G+9and G+12. Thus base shear has drastic reinforced concrete frames, Journal of Structural
effect on 25x15 plan area building in comparison to Engineering, vol.121, no.3, pp. 580-585, 1995.
15mx9m building. [10] C.V. Murthy, and S.K. Jain, A review of IS 1893-1984
9. The lateral forces result for G+3 building show that provisions on seismic design of buildings. The Indian
for plan area 15mx9m and 25mx15m the average Concrete Journal, pp. 619-629, (1994).
increase in lateral force is by 149.61%.
[11] S. Otani, Earthquake Resistant Design of Reinforced
10. For G+6, G+9 and G+12 buildings it can be observed Concrete Buildings Past and Future. Journal of Advanced
that the average increase in storey shear is by Concrete Technology, vol.1, pp. 3-24, 2004.
147.75%, 212.71% and 221.19% respectively. Thus
G+12 is the most critical one. [12] S.S. Patil,, S.A. Ghadge, C.G. Konapure, and C.A. Ghadge,
11. It is interesting to note from spring mass model that Seismic Analysis of High Rise Building by Response
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lateral force of 465.76kN. [13] K. Shimazaki,. Seismic coefficient distribution of high rise
12. The storey drift results suggest that for G+3 building reinforced concrete buildings. Earthquake Engineering
the average increase in drift is by 4.69%. Tenth World Conference, Balkema Rotterdam, 1992.
13. For G+6, G+9 and G+12 the average increase in [14] STAAD-Pro, Structural analysis software, Static and
storey drift is 3.77%, 30.13% and 27.18% Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of Structures, Bentley,
respectively. USA (2008).
14. The twelfth floor of G+12 building having plan area AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY
25mx9m is drifted maximum by 47.92mm.
15. The maximum base shear is also borne by G+12 Mohd Zain Kangda, Assistant Professor at Priyadarshini Indira
building plan area 25mx9m and its value is
Gandhi College of Engineering, Civil Department, Nagpur.
REFERENCES Manohar D. Mehare, Assistant Professor at Priyadarshini Indira
Gandhi College of Engineering, Physics Department, Nagpur.
[1] P. Agarwal, and M. Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant
Design of Structures, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006. Vipul R. Meshram, M.Tech student at K.D.K. college of Engineering,
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
128.67kN 11
104.92kN 109.40kN
9 0 10
143.42kN 91.70kN 1 9
0 1
115.74kN 0 7 75.54kN 8
1 0
132.76kN 91.00kN 11 60.96kN 0 7
6 1 6 11
47.94kN 1 6
162.64kN 5 69.25kN 5 1
0 0
0 4 36.48kN 5
120.70kN 50.46kN 0 4 0
1 1 26.58kN 0 4
115.41kN 82.86kN 11 34.64kN 11 11
3 1 3 3
1 18.25kN 1 3
117.86kN 2 52.12kN 2 21.79kN 1
5 2 11.48kN
5 2
64.38kN 1 28.47kN 1 14.95kN 1 6.27kN 1
1 1 1
26.96kN G 11.93kN G 5.00kN 1
G 2.63kN G
3.11kN G 1.43kN G G 0.34kN G
P P 0.62kN P P
327.74kN 595.81kN 648.46kN
P P P 706.85kN P
Fig 4 Lateral force distributions of G+3, G+6, G+9 and G+12 building of 15mx9m plan area
ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 4, Issue 8, February 2015
0 11
260.64k 1
N 1
11 10
339.72k 302.12k
N 9 N 9
465.76k 248.92k
N 0 8 0 8
0 0
1 1
1 7 200.88kN 1 7
11 11
295.37k 157.96k
N 6 N 6
N 6
Fig 5 Lateral force distributions of G+3, G+6, G+9 and G+12 building of 25mx15m plan area