Debug Programming: Table (1) The Debug Command
Debug Programming: Table (1) The Debug Command
Debug Programming: Table (1) The Debug Command
I- Objective To study the debug program that use to write and execute assembly language programs.
II-Theory :
DEBUG is a program included in the MS-DOS operating system that allows the programmer to monitor a
program's execution closely for debugging purpose.
To begin the program works at first go to MS-DOS prompt and type the following: C:
\ DEBUG ↲ and press enter.
know the DEBUG program is ready to execute its commands. The DEBUG command are shown in table
Table # 1
U CS:0100 0110 ↲ Will display the un assembly instruction stored in location CS:0100 to 0110
U CS:0100 ↲ Will display the un assembly instruction stored in location CS:0100 with 32 bytes
3c- GO command G To execute the instructions found between the two given addresses