e-ISSN: 2456-9860
Volume 4 Issue 1
All lovers that are embedded are familiar with multimeter which is a great tool for measuring
voltage, current, resistance, etc. They can be easily measured by a multimeter. But sometimes
with a normal multimeter, we need to measure inductance and capacitance that is not
possible. There are a few special multimeters capable of measuring inductance and capacity,
but they are expensive. We are already using Arduino to build Frequency Meter, Capacitance
Meter and Resistance Meter. So today we are going to use Arduino to create an Inductance
LC Meter. In this project, together with the frequency over 16x2 LCD display; we will show
the inductance and capacitance values. In the circuit, a push button is provided to switch
between the display of capacitance and inductance.
supply to opamp [4]. So we used a terminal and the battery positive stick is
backward extremity associated with a 3v associated with the ground of the rest of
battery, implying that 741 negative stick is the circuit. See the circuit outline below
associated with the battery negative for more lighting.
the high increase between the comparator's associated with the circuit, Four, will
info and yield. Whenever control (+5V) is basically compare to the resounding
first connected, the comparator's sure recurrence of the tuned circuit containing
information is held at +3.3V by the divider 1,1, C1 and any stray inductance and
framed by the two 1 00ka resistors and the capacitance that might be related with
1 00ka and 4.71S2 resistors [4]. At first, them. At the point when control is first
the voltage at the negative info is zero in connected to the circuit, the
light of the fact that the 10gF capacitor at microcontroller measures this recurrence
this information needs time to charge by (F1) and stores it in memory. It at that
means of the 47kω resistor [5]. point stimulates reed transfer RLY1,
which switches capacitor C2 in parallel
So with its positive info significantly more with C1 and in this way brings down the
positive than the negative information, the oscillator recurrence. The miniaturized
comparator at first switches its yield high, scale at that point measures and stores this
to close +5V. When it does as such, the new recurrence (F2). Next, the
10pF capacitor associated with the miniaturized scale utilizes these two
negative info starts energizing by means of frequencies in addition to the known
the 471d/resistor and the voltage at this estimation of C2 to precisely figure the
information rises. When it goes above estimations of both C1 and L1.
+3.3V, the comparator yield switches low
and the positive information is brought to Calculating Frequency and Inductance
1.67V because of the 100kfl input resistor In this task we are going to measure
pulling the 100kC2 divider low. inductance and capacitance by utilizing a
LC circuit in parallel. This circuit is a like
The low comparator yield voltage is a ring or chime which begin reverberating
additionally coupled through the 10pF info at certain recurrence. At whatever point we
capacitor to the tuned circuit shaped by apply a heartbeat, this LC circuit will
inductor L1 and capacitor C1. This makes begin resounding and this reverberation
the tuned circuit "ring" at its resounding recurrence is in type of simple (sinusoidal
recurrence. Subsequently, the comparator wave) so we have to change over it in
and the tuned circuit currently work as an squire wave. To do this, we apply this
oscillator at that full recurrence. As a simple reverberation recurrence to opamp
result, the comparator capacities as a (741 for our situation) that will change
negative obstruction over the tuned circuit, over it in squire wave (recurrence) at half
to drop its misfortunes and look after of the obligation cycle. We are now
wavering. When this wavering is built up, measuring the recurrence by using
a square rush of a similar recurrence is Arduino and we can discover the
available at the comparator's yield and it is inductance or capacitance by using some
this recurrence (Four) that is estimated by numerical estimation. We used the
the microcontroller. recurrence reaction equation given by the
LC circuit.
By and by, before whatever else is
f=1/ (2*time)
where time is output of pulseIn() function
now we have LC circuit Frequency:
f=1/2*Pi* square root of (LC)