Biodiesel Plant Design

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CHE 231






The production of biodiesel,or alkyl esters, is well known . There are three basic
routes to ester production from oils and fats.
1.       Base catalyzed transesterification of the oil with alcohol.
2.       Direct acid catalyzed esterification of the oil with methanol.
3.       Conversion of the oil to fatty acids, and then to alkyl esters with acid catalysis.

The most common way that biodiesel is produced is through a process known as
transesterification. Transesterification is a reaction which combines the compound ester and
alcohol to get another mixture of ester and alcohol. The reaction begins when an alcohol,
such as methanol, is catalyzed, by usually sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This mixture is then
added with virgin oil which is palm oil and then will be reacted in the reactor. The most
common derivatives of agricultural oil for fuels are methyl esters. These are formed by
transesterification of the oil with methanol in the presence of a catalyst (usually basic) to give
methyl ester and glycerol. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is the chosen catalyst, though others
such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) can also be used.

Oil and mixture of methanol and sodium hydroxide is entered in the reactor.
Temperature and pressure is maintained at 60 oC and 400 KPa because at this condition
reaction gives maximum conversion. 95% of oil is converted into FAME producing glycerol
as by-product. We choose the base catalyzed transesterification of the oil with alcohol
because it is the most economic for several reasons such as low temperature and pressure
processing, high conversion with minimal side reactions and reaction time and also direct
conversion to methyl ester with no intermediate steps. The process is relatively simple and it
is important to note that this is a required process in the use of biodiesel.

Biodiesel is an important new alternative transportation fuel. It can be produced from
many vegetable oil or animal fat feedstocks. Conventional processing involves an alkali
catalyzed process, but this is unsatisfactory for lower cost high free fatty acid feedstocks due
to soap formation. Pretreatment processes using strong acid catalysts have been shown to
provide good conversion yields and high-quality final products. These techniques have even
been extended to allow biodiesel production from feedstocks like soapstock that are often
considered to be waste. It is clear that more can be done to utilize domestic surpluses of
vegetable oils while enhancing our energy security.  Because biodiesel can be manufactured
using existing industrial production capacity, and used with conventional equipment, it
provides substantial opportunity for immediately addressing our energy security issues.
Pasir Gudang is an industrial town located in Mukim Plentong, Johor Bahru District,
Johor, Malaysia. The main industries are transportation and logistics, shipbuilding,
petrochemicals and other heavy industries, and oil palm storage and distribution, which is
located in Johor Port and Tanjung Langsat. Situated in an area of 5,802 hectares, its
population increased from 46,728 in 2000 to 64,400 in 2010.

COORDINATE : 1.458848, 103.924925

ADDRESS : Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor


There is an energy source that is spotted about 1 km from our location which is PMU
PGIE TNB (Tenaga Nasional Berhad). As the plant industry need the power supplement
such as electricity, the energy source will be beneficial to support the whole plant especially
for the operational process. The selected location is also near to a river which is called Kim
Kim River that provides enough amount of water supply. It will be useful for the process
industries such as washing and cooling as they need large quantities of water.

We choose this location because there are so many raw material supply that we can
obtained such as Ag Seven Palm Oil Sdn Bhd as it located about 2.7 km and it takes only 5
minutes from our selected location. Automatically, it will reduce the transportation cost for
fuels and secure the source of the materials as many supplier are available around the area.


1) Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd

 Bangunan Felda Sawit Oil, Jln Pasir Gudang, Kaw Perindustrian Pasir Gudang,
Johor, Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor
2) Alpha Palm Oil
 Lot 25, Jalan Besi 1, Pasir Gudang, Johor, Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang,
81700 Johor Bahru, Johor
3) Ag Seven Palm Oil Sdn.Bhd.
 Plo 758, Jalan Keluli 3, Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, Johor, Kawasan
Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor

For the labor supply, our location is near to the residential area so there will be many
people that might be interested to work for the biodiesel plant as there will be many job
vacancies that available there. So, we can recruit the residents that need the job especially
that have specific skills and offering suitable payment and normal working hours so that the
workers will be comfortable and satisfied with the offer. They also do not need to worry about
the transportation as their work location is nearby. Even though the plant site is located
within the industrial area, there are so many cultural facilities that will help the community
progressive such as Bukit Layang Layang Park and Tanjung Puteri Golf Resort.

Water supply and many roads connected to each other are available around the
selected location. So, suitable transportations are needed to transport the product and to get
the raw materials such as motor trucking as it can be used for both water facilities and roads.


 As it is located in Johor and have industrial surrounding, the location is neither in

extreme of hot or cold temperature. So, the cost for the construction of the
building will not be considered for this factor and it can be construct as other

 Our selected location is in the industrial area which means there are many
nearby companies that we could market or sell our finished product which is
biodiesel as well as the by-product which is glycerine that will be useful for many
products such as soap and skin care. In addition, Johor is located near to
Singapore so we can also export the biodiesel to Singapore as they also need
biodiesel to be used in many aspects.


 Our plant site have suitable soil conditions as it is not too soft as clay so any
construction will be safe enough and stable to build in that location. Besides, the
area of the location is big enough for a biodiesel plant and can be expanded if


 The history of the location on natural disaster such as flood has not been
occurred yet around the place and it is far enough from the river so in this
condition, the safety of the plant will be secure. In addition, for the fire protection
we can put a fire detector in the plant . Besides, Pasir Gudang Fire and Rescue
Station is the nearest fire department from our plant site so we can get some
assistance from the fire department if there is fire incident happen in the plant.


 For taxes and legal restrictions, The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) is
one of the main revenue collecting agencies of the Ministry of Finance. It is
established to give it more autonomy especially in financial and personnel
management as well as to improve the quality and effectiveness of tax
administration. So, it is responsible to implement effective, fair and equitable tax
management system.

 Treatment and management of biodiesel wastewater

Biodiesel wastewater is a viscous liquid with an opaque white colour (Jaruwat et

al., 2010). A high pH, high level of hexane-extracted oil and low nitrogen and
phosphorus concentrations make this wastewater difficult to degrade naturally
since these conditions make it unfavourable for the growth of microorganisms
(Srirangsan et al., 2009; Kolesárová et al., 2011) Biodiesel wastewater contains
water, glycerol, soap, methanol, FFAs, catalyst, and a portion of methyl ester.
These contaminants contribute to the high contents of COD and O&G . In
Malaysia, discharge of biodiesel wastewater into drains must comply with the
Environmental Quality Act and Regulations standard for industrial discharge. The
parameters of biodiesel wastewater are monitored according to the
Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009. The standard is
governed by Malaysia's Environmental Law, the Environmental Quality Act, 1974.
For BOD5, SS, and O&G content, Malaysia’s government requires lower limit
values . Due to the large amount of biodiesel wastewater generated during the
biodiesel production process, the wastewater treatment should be solved
effectively. One of the effective method to treat this wastewater is coagulation
followed by flocculation. The coagulation process requires rapid mixing for the
coagulant to disperse thoroughly (Veljkovic et al., 2014). The coagulant then
neutralizes the charge of the particles that are to be removed (Russell, 2006).
The coagulation is then followed by flocculation and then the mixing is slower to
enhance the formation of flocs (Veljkovic et al., 2014). The flocs are then
removed when they are allowed to sediment in sedimentation tanks (Britannica,
2017). In chemical coagulation and flocculation the chemical additive used to
coagulate the particles consist of either charged inorganic salts or inorganic
polymers (Veljkovic et al., 2014).

A simple process to convert vegetable and animal oils into an alternative and “green” fuel for
diesel engines has led to a rapid increase in the number of producers of biodiesel in the last
3–4 years, particularly amongst small companies. However, the manufacture of bio-diesel
can be hazardous if suitable precautions are not taken, as it involves the storage, handling
and use of hazardous substances. Unfortunately, a significant number of new biodiesel
producers have little or no experience of chemical processing. In addition, the benefits have
prompted some equipment manufacturers to produce kits, for converting waste oils to
biodiesel, that have become hazardous during use. A number of serious accidents and
injuries have already occurred and there is concern that, as the number of producers
continues to grow, this trend may increase.


Regardless of the scale of operation the hazards are the same: a combination of flammable,
toxic and corrosion hazards depending on the stage of the process. In particular:


This is a highly flammable and toxic liquid. It will freely burn in the open air or explode if
confined in a vessel or room and ignited. Whilst all precautions should be taken to avoid
leaks of flammable vapours into the workroom, leaks and spillages may still occur and it
is necessary to take further precautions to reduce the likelihood of their ignition. In areas
where such materials are handled, companies are required to identify the areas where
flammable atmospheres may exist, for example due to a leak, and determine their likely
extent. Such areas are classed as hazardous and should be classified into zones, depending
uponthe likelihood of their occurrence. In such areas ignition sources such as naked flames
should be excluded and only suitably protected electrical equipment should be used.
Further information is given in reference 4. It should be noted that the presence of methanol
can also render the product and any waste materials flammable, depending upon the
way the biodiesel is manufactured.

The catalyst

This is normally potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide or sodium methoxide, sometimes

in methanol solution, but often as a dry flake or prill. All are corrosive and sodium
methoxide is violently water reactive and toxic. Powdered methoxides are a dust explosion
hazard, and highly corrosive.

Feedstock oil
If clean and pure it should not be a health problem. However, if the source is unknown or
of doubtful quality, then it should be treated as contaminated. Oils are a serious slipping
hazard if spillage or contamination outside sealed vessels occurs. Oils can seep into lagging
and many can self-combust following a period of chemical degradation. All oils are
combustible and will add fuel to any developing fire.

This material is combustible (with a flash-point of 160°C). However, it may be contaminated
with methanol and caustic, with their associated hazards, including a potential reductflash-
point. Unless the initial by-product quality is reliably monitored, then prudence
dictates that it should be regarded as contaminated until it has been suitably purified.


Biodiesel is one of the combustible solvent compound in the biodiesel plant (its flash-point is
approximately 150°C). It has rather unusual solvent properties, and will attack some
common engineering polymers, including polyvinyls, natural rubber, some gasket and hose
materials and metals, including copper, tin and zinc5. The effect can increase with heating
and ageing of the biodiesel. It is also hygroscopic, and can absorb up to 1500 ppm water
from the air. If even slightly contaminated with acid or alkali, biodiesel may be hydrolysed to
fatty acids and methanol. This reaction also occurs more slowly in the absence of water, so
material stored for more than a couple of weeks may show evidence of a different flashpoint
than anticipated (which may be significantly lower). Unless this can be reliably prevented,
then the product should be used as quickly as possible after production, or reclassified and
stored and handled accordingly. Unfortunately this is not always appreciated.

Wash water
This may be contaminated with acid, alkali and methanol. It should be treated as corrosive,
toxic and flammable unless tests determine otherwise.

Reaction hazards
The main reaction hazards identified are in the preparation of the base catalyst, which can

be by one or more of the following methods:

o The direct addition of sodium or potassium to methanol: this reaction is very

and should be the subject of a rigorous risk assessment, particularly as molten
sodium is
spontaneously combustible in air and the reaction produces hydrogen as a by-
o Fortunately this route is not generally available to smaller/domestic producers.
The addition of dried hydroxide or methoxide to methanol which is also very
(heat of dilution)

A much gentler heat of reaction is produced if the catalyst is supplied in methanol solution
(although this has to be manufactured safely elsewhere!), and further diluted to the required
strength on plant. This is normally the preferred option for smaller companies.
A further reaction hazard occurs when concentrated mineral acid is mixed with
water. Addition of water to acids often results in violent boiling and ejection of the acid
from vessels. Acids should be added slowly to water with cooling and agitation.

General hazards
These include:
o Corrosion of processing equipment, building fabric, and supporting structures through
exposure to caustic and acids leading to premature weakening and catastrophic
A by-product of the corrosion process is hydrogen;

o Biodiesel can soften and dissolve a variety of polymers commonly used in safety
equipment, such as plastic aprons and rubber boots, causing premature failure.ion in
flash-point. Unless the initial by-product quality is reliably monitored, then prudence .

Precautionary Measures
• Always wear safety gear or Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) like safety glasses or a
face shield respirator, an apron, gloves
• Properly label all containers to avoid improper usage or accidental mixing of chemicals.
• Have available eye wash fountains or bottles in the work area.
• Always have sorbent on hand to immediately clean up spilled oil and prevent accidents.
• Have available a fire extinguisher.
• Note that ventilation systems are necessary in confined spaces to keep airborne
concentrations of methanol below permissible exposure limits (PEL; 200 ppm or 260

Safe Handling of Biodiesel, Methanol

Biodiesel and methanol (methyl alcohol) are 100 percent biodegradable. Biodiesel has a
high flashpoint and low volatility, so it does not ignite as easily as petrodiesel. Biodiesel
degrades four times faster than conventional diesel. It is nontoxic and is generally safe to
handle, transport, and store. Long-term storage of biodiesel should be in an airtight steel
vessel that is labeled appropriately. Biodiesel is hygroscopic, meaning it will absorb
atmospheric moisture and potentially allow microbial growth. When producing biodiesel,
falling or slipping is the largest cause of accidents and personal injury. Floors can be
slippery, so operate with caution, wear appropriate footwear, and keep floors clean.

Methanol is the most dangerous ingredient used in the biodiesel process. Methanol can
cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, and optic nerve damage, and it can also impact the
central nervous system if a person is exposed to it. Again, wear proper PPE when handling
methanol. Exposure to methanol can occur via inhalation, ingestion, or absorption. Inhalation
of methanol vapors is the most common type of exposure. Keep methanol containers sealed
at all times. This is important because methanol is odorless. If exposed to the eyes or skin,
irritation may occur. Flush eyes or the skin area with water for at least 15 minutes, and
remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Methanol ingestion can cause gastrointestinal
irritation with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or headache; it can also pose a serious threat
to life. Promptly get medical attention for anyone who has ingested methanol.

Potassium hydroxide is a good choice of catalyst for biodiesel production, and it also poses
fewer risks to the environment than sodium hydroxide. For this reason, safety
recommendations in this section are geared toward sodium hydroxide. Lye or sodium
hydroxide is a substance that dissolves easily in water and absorbs moisture when exposed
to the atmosphere. Eventually, it will absorb enough water toform a liquid solution. If skin
comes in contact with lye, gently wipe it from the skin and remove any contaminated
clothing. Immediately wash the area with water for 15 minutes becauselye can cause
chemical burns. Always wear a respirator when handling lye to avoid particle ingestion. If lye
is ingested, rinse mouth with water and drink one or two glasses of water. Do not induce
vomiting! If lye is ingested in adequate amounts, it can be fatal. Lye can cause blindness, so
immediately flusheyes with water for at least 20 minutes. Remember to remove contact
lenses, if applicable. After handling lye, remove gloves and immediately wash hands.

Biodiesel Waste Product Disposal

If a wet-wash procedure is performed on the biodiesel, the water must be titrated to

determine the pH. When the pH is brought to neutral, the water can be discarded using a
brown water drain.

Recommendations for Storage Tanks

Methanol coming in contact with most metals at ambient temperatures has no adverse effect
on the metal; exceptions include lead, magnesium, and platinum. Select mild steel tanks for
storing methanol. Tanks built with copper alloys, zinc (including galvanized steel), aluminum,
or plastics are not suitable for methanol storage as they are corroded slowly. Many resins,
nylons, and rubbers, particularly nitrile (Buna-N), ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM), teflon,
and neoprene, are used acceptably as components of equipment in methanol service. While
plastics can be used for short-term methanol storage, they are generally not recommended
for long-term storage due to deterioration effects and the risk of contamination. As a general
rule, only acquire enough methanol to use in a 2-week period, and always store all
components of biodiesel production in a cool, dry place. When grounding a large storage
tank, carbide tipped clamps (to ensure good contact through paint) and dip tube filling are
generally used to guard against potential ignition from static electricity.

Use a clean and properly labeled general gasoline container to store biodiesel. If your
biodiesel storage container is 55 gallons or larger, store the container within a spill control
basin using a double-wall tank. A hazardous materials cabinet is also recommended for
product storage. Cabinets should be labeled in eye-catching print, “Flammable—Keep Fire

Lye and caustic soda have much stronger hygroscopic properties than activated carbon or
silica gel and will readily absorb water. For this reason, lye and/or caustic soda should be
stored in an airtight resealable container and labeled appropriately. A plastic bucket with a
sealable lid will suffice. Lye and/or caustic soda may react with magnesium, zinc
(galvanized), tin, chromium, brass, and bronze to produce hydrogen gas. This is very
dangerous. Do not allow lye or caustic soda to contact these metals.

Fire Fighting Equipment

Methanol flames are almost invisible in daylight, producing no soot or smoke. They may only
be detected by the heat generated, a heat haze, or burning of materials in the immediate
area. A class B fire extinguisher should be used in all stages of biodiesel operation as it is
rated for flammable liquid fires as well as oil and grease fires. In addition to methanol vapors,
exposure to formaldehyde and carbon monoxide from ignited methanol can generate
oxygen deprivation.

Spill Response

A spill will be inevitable during the production of biodiesel. As a precautionary measure, spill
control pallets or basins should be utilized under all containers, in particular those with a
capacity of 55 gallons or more. If a spill of methanol or lye occurs, stop or reduce expulsion
of material if this can be done without inherent risk. Eliminate all potential sources of ignition.
Do not walk through the spilled product, and stay upwind. Prevent spilled methanol from
entering sewers, confined spaces, drains, or waterways. Maximize methanol recovery for
recycling, or reuse. Vapors can be knocked down using a water spray. Whenever possible,
contain land spills by forming mechanical or chemical barriers. Remove the spilled product
with explosion-proof pumps or vacuum equipment. Treat the surface with sorbent materials,
such as cat litter or activated carbon, to remove the remaining methanol. Remove the
sorbents after use. Soil contaminated with methanol should be removed and remediated.
Spills into natural water bodies (e.g., streams, rivers) should be contained using natural or
mechanical barriers. Then, remove the contained material with explosion-proof pumps or
vacuum equipment. Large quantities of waste methanol can either be disposed of at a
licensed waste solvent company or reclaimed by filtration and distillation.

Equipment selection and design

Once a plant is operating each piece of equipment should be evaluated, and all safety
precautions reviewed, to minimize chance for leaks, failure and design conditions.
Temperature and pressure should be well within operational limits. Question the vendor to
assure correct application in a biodiesel plant. The design for equipment installation and
relevant support systems must also be thoroughly reviewed. Pressure relief instrumentation
should be selected based on upset conditions versus normal plant operations alone. Relief
should be provided for overheating, over pressure, over temperature, and even upset
conditions such as fire. If fire occurs, precautionary measures should be prepared for the
tank, heat exchanger, pump and other affected areas. Control instrumentation is typically
designed for operating within normal limits and appropriate actions should be taken when
limits are exceeded. These systems should include action and/or operations notification for
processes going outside normal limits, whether it is a slow or rapid upset. Each piece of
equipment and area should be reviewed to assure correct electrical classification is met,
including proper grounding. Access for maintenance is also critical for safety.

Experience and Training of operators

One of the issues identified as a result of inspections is that practical experience and
knowledge of handling hazardous chemicals amongst operators is extremely variable, and
tends to drop with reducing scales of production. Larger producers tend to use experienced
staff that have previously worked on chemical plant. Their products are invariably sold on to
petrochemical companies for blending with various proportions of diesel derived from fossil
sources and quality control is important. However some smaller producers may be relatively
inexperienced. They include farmers, taxi drivers, and operators of small transport
companies who may have little or no training in the hazards. Many of these small producers
produce the fuel for their own use. HSE is not responsible for regulating health and safety
issues at many of these premises, instead it will normally fall to the Local Authority.

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