Diethyl Ether Production As A Substitute For Gasol
Diethyl Ether Production As A Substitute For Gasol
Diethyl Ether Production As A Substitute For Gasol
RSCE 2017
Chemical Engineering Department, Industrial Technology Faculty, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya 60111,
Chemical Engineering Industry Departement, Vocation Faculty, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Surabaya 60111,
Abstract. Diethyl ether is one of alternative fuel that could be used as a significant component of
a blend or as a complete replacement for transportation fuel. The aim of this research is to
produce diethyl ether through dehydration reaction of ethanol with fixed bed reactor using
nanocrystalline ɣ-Al2O3 catalyst. Nanocrystalline ɣ-Al2O3 catalyst was synthesized by
precipitation method using Al(NO3)3.9H2O as precursors and NH4OH as the precipitating agent.
Dehydration reaction was performed at temperature range of 125 to 225°C. The result shows
that synthesized ɣ-Al2O3 catalyst gave higher ethanol conversion and diethyl ether yield than that
of commercial Al2O3 catalyst. The use of synthesized ɣ-Al2O3 catalyst could reach ethanol
conversion as high as 94.71% and diethyl ether yield as high as 11,29%.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 06003 (2018)
RSCE 2017
contribute to the solution of the two major problems of The surface area, pore size distribution and pore
the next century, namely global warming and depletion volume were determined using a nitrogen adsorption-
of oil reserve. desorption method at Chemical Engineering
This research was carried out the synthesis of Departement, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
nanocrystalline γ-alumina from Al(NO3)3.9H2O by Technology (ITS).
precipitation method. Then, to test the activity of
prepared γ-Al2O3, it was applied in 96% ethanol
2.4 DEE production
dehydration reaction into diethyl ether and compared its
activity with γ-Al2O3 commercial catalyst. DEE production process was performed by adsorption
process in adsorption column and followed by
dehydration of ethanol in a reactor. The dehydration of
2 Experimental
ethanol was carried out in a fixed-bed microreactor with
Some of the steps being taken in this study were γ-Al2O3 an inside diameter of 0.5 in. and length of 30 cm. In the
catalyst synthesis by precipitation method, γ-Al2O3 experiment, 10 gram of molecular sieve was loaded into
catalyst characterization, and DEE production. the adsorption column and 3 gram of catalyst was loaded
into the reactor. The liquid ethanol was vaporized in a
flowing of nitrogen at a flow rate 200 ml/min. the
2.1. Materials reaction was carried out at several temperatures (125,
The commercial Al2O3 used in this study was purchased 150, 175, 200, 225°C). The products condensed by a
from Merck Company. Aluminium nitrate nonahydrate condenser were analyzed by HP 6890 gas
(Merck), ammonium hydroxide (Sigma-Aldrich Co. chromatograph with FID using crosslinked methyl
LLC), distilled water (Sumber Ilmiah Persada), siloxane column. Helium (22.98 psi) was used as carrier
hydrochloric acid (37% from Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC), gas in GC using the temperature detector at 250°C. The
molecular sieve, nitrogen gas (PT. Aneka Gas Industri) arrangement of equipment used for DEE production is
were also employed. shown in Fig. 1 below.
MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 06003 (2018)
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Third stage
3.1.2 Effect of stirring time in precipitation process
The precipitate of boehmite crystals from the second
stage then washed with water and ethanol sequentially to The operation was performed at the varied stirring time
remove impurities in the form of anions such as nitrate (3, 4, 5, 6 hours) while the concentration of precursor
and chloride ions [10]. After that, the boehmite crystal and precipitation temperature was kept constant at 1 M
precipitate filtered, dried and then calcined at 600°C for and 80°C respectively. The solvent used was 0.5 M HCl.
6 hours. The dried precipitate of boehmite crystal is
calcined to form γ-Al2O3. The following reactions occur: 22
Crystal Diameter (nm)
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60 70 80 90 100
Temperature of Precipitation (°C)
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Diethyl ether production process in this research catalytic reactions. The catalytic test aimed to determine
combining two steps, they are adsorption process and the performance of γ-Al2O3 catalyst that was prepared in
the previous process. For this purpose, it will be chromatographic analysis of the liquid product reaction
compared the activity of γ-Al2O3 catalyst which prepared at a temperature of 175°C using PR-C catalyst (Fig. 7)
by precipitation method (PR-C) with γ-Al2O3 and REF-C catalyst (Fig. 8). From chromatogram,
commercial catalysts (REF-C). diethyl ether and residual ethanol compounds were
Adsorption process aimed to reduce the water content detected, while the water was not detected in the GC
in the ethanol feed. To determine the achievement of the chromatogram. Ethylene compounds might be formed in
adsorption process, an analysis of the ethanol feed before the gas phase products, but in this research,
entering the adsorption column and the output product of chromatographic analysis was not performed for gas
adsorption column was done. Ethanol was detected at a product. Diethyl ether was detected at a retention time of
retention time of 3.27 minutes and water was detected at 6.052 minutes, ethanol was detected at a retention time
a retention time of 3.82 minutes. Based on the results of of 5.3 minutes, and methanol was detected at a retention
the GC analysis, there is increasing of ethanol time of 4.5 minutes. Methanol formation process might
concentration from 95.3% (before entering the exist due to the reaction between methane with water
adsorption column) to 97.77% (after passing through the (Eq-7).
adsorption column). An increase in ethanol
concentration is happened because of some water in the CH4 + H2O CH3OH + H2 ∆G398.15 = 117,437.85 J
ethanol solution are adsorbed by molecular sieve. (7)
Basically, a molecular sieve adsorbent using in any
practice can adsorb sufficient water contained in ethanol Another process might happen as the effect of
[12], [13]. catalytic activity of alumina ie cracking, isomerization
In the ethanol conversion process, the reaction which and dehydration process [14]. The methanol formation
may occur is a dehydration reaction of ethanol might also occur through the reaction:
of diethyl ether compounds, and the formation of CO + 2H2 CH3OH ∆G398.15 = -2,347.41 J
ethylene compounds) [4]. Fig. 7 and 8 shows (8)
Fig.7. Chromatogram of reaction product using PR-C catalyst at 175°C of reaction temperature
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Fig.8. Chromatogram of reaction product using REF-C catalyst at 175°C of reaction temperature
Based on thermodynamics concept, the reaction can the reaction using catalyst PR-C and REF-C. The diethyl
be predicted using thermodynamic parameters. A ether yield is shown in the following figure.
chemical reaction can happen if the value of the Gibbs
energy change of a reaction at a specific operating
temperature is negative (ΔGreaction<0) [15]. Judging 94
Conversion (%)
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catalyst. That happens because PR-C catalyst has a Fig. 11 shows that the value of the Gibbs energy
higher surface area than REF-C catalyst. The greatest change (ΔGreaction) in diethyl ether formation reaction (Eq
DEE yield is 11.29% was produced by using PR-C 9) are more positive (go up) with the increase of reaction
catalyst while the REF-C catalyst produced DEE yield as temperature. It indicates that the reaction towards the
9.28%. formation of diethyl ether decreases with increasing
Fig. 10 also shows that the increasing of DEE yield is temperature, due to more minimum (more negative)
not linear to the increase of reaction temperature. This value of the Gibbs energy change (ΔGreaction) make the
suggests that the reaction occurs in the catalytic test is reaction easier take place [15]. Instead of gas-forming
not a single reaction but a multi-reaction where some reaction (Eq-10 and Eq-12) has the value of Gibbs
reactions occur other than diethyl ether formation energy change (ΔGreaction) are more negative (go down)
reaction of ethanol. Other reactions that might occur in with increasing reaction temperature. This shows that
the catalytic reaction process is dehydration reaction of with increasing temperature the reaction rate of the
ethanol to diethyl ether (Eq-9); dehydration reaction of reaction towards the formation of gas will be even
ethanol to ethylene (Eq-10); reaction of steam reforming greater.
(steam reforming) to produce carbon monoxide and
hydrogen (Eq-11); and decomposition of ethanol to
methane, carbon monoxide and hydrogen (Eq-12) [11]. 4 Conclusion
2C2H5OH C2H5OC2H5 + H2O ∆G398.15 = -57,822.3J (9) Based on this research, it may be concluded that: γ-
Al2O3 nanocrystallite can be produced by using
C2H5OH C2H4 + H2O ∆G398.15 = -4,363.3 J (10) precipitation method with Al(NO3)3.9H2O as an
aluminum precursor, NH4OH as precipitating agent and
C2H5OH + H2O 2CO + 4H2 ∆G398.15 = 77,331.5 J (11) 0.5 M HCl and distilled water as solvent. Concentration
of aluminum precursors, type of solvent, time of stirring,
C2H5OH CH4 + 2CO + 4H2 ∆G398.15 = -42,577.7 J (12) temperature of precipitation process influences the size
From some reactions above, theoretically (based on of γ-Al2O3 crystal produced. Generally, the catalyst
the value ΔGreaction) reactions which occured in this which prepared by precipitation method (PR-C) have a
catalytic reaction of ethanol is ethanol dehydration greater ethanol conversion and DEE yield than γ-Al2O3
reaction (Eq-9 and 10) and the decomposition of ethanol commercial catalysts because of its high surface area.
(Eq-12), while the steam reforming reaction (Eq-11) at The biggest conversion reaction is resulted by using PR-
the operating temperature of this research did not occur C catalyst at 225°C of reaction temperature as
which can be seen from the value of the Gibbs energy 94.8216%. The biggest DEE yield is resulted by using
changing has positive value. PR-C catalyst 175°C of reaction temperature as 11.04%.
Fig. 10 shows that the yield of diethyl ether The authors would like to thank Ministry of Research
decreased at high temperatures. This could happen Technology and Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat –
because the catalytic test process at this research which Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan –
operated at high temperature can trigger reactions to Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi
produce a larger gas product and decreasing the rate of Republik Indonesia for financial support under grant PTUPT
the reaction towards the formation of diethyl ether. This Scheme for the year of 2017 granted through Institute for
can be explained by analyzing changes in the Gibbs Research and Community Services Sepuluh Nopember
energy of the reactions (Eq-9, Eq-10, and Eq-12) at each Institute of Technology.
reaction temperature. Value of Gibbs energy change for
each reaction is shown by the following picture. References
MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 06003 (2018)
RSCE 2017