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MOMENT OF THE PROCESS IT SYMBOLISES Time of consolidation, concreteness, achievement

The ruling planet of Capricorn is:


Capricorn is the sign that is visually "on top" of the zodiac. Our whole psychology is conditioned by
achievement: "You have to reach a place and stay there", but what is profound about the zodiac is
that it is a circle, this implies that it is constantly moving, that it is not natural to reach a place and
want to stay there " forever ”, but the cyclical structure implies a permanent movement where
goals, achievements, are reached and then released to give space to a time of clearing out for a new

Capricorn (like Leo) is another one of the signs that humans highly value. This "attaining an
achievement" and admiring those who set goals and achieve them.

It is a feminine sign, in the sense that the energy here is concentrated, introverted.

It is an earth sign: it refers to weight, consistency, patience. It is sign number 10. The number of
perfection, of completion, of achievement.

It is the third sign of the earth element and is linked to the activity of making something concrete,
perseverance and material achievement. The image of the mountain links Capricorn with the
consolidation of firm structures. It is the sign of wisdom through experience, of personal maturity
resulting from sustained effort over time.

The Sun is in Capricorn between 22nd December and 21st January approximately.

Purpose of energy: to seek the highest realization of Being from the greatest unity found in the
previous phase. To carry out, achieve, make concrete within the limits and defined possibilities of
this Being.

Capricorn involves a change of dimension where what is important is the "frame", the structure that
is behind what is concrete. What is characteristic of this energy is to go to the essence of reality: only
the most purified essence matters, and this is also what is most unadorned and simple because it is
what is at the core of everything that exists. This involves a stripping away of everything that could
be superfluous so that the only thing that remains is that which sustains what IS.

Capricorn tells us that there are fundamental elements in everything that exists that "maintain
everything else." Geometry, structure, laws. Capricorn considers, seeks structure, the basis of what
exists. There are levels of reality that have to remain unchanged for the rest to vary. That is the
structure, it is the constant, what does not change. What remains stable so that everything else can

Capricorn is the "energy of law", but it is the "law of reality". Thus, Capricorn is not interested in
"the apples that fall" but rather in the law of gravity, the colour, size, etc., of the apples is not
important, what is important is that they all fall according to a law. From this point of view,
Capricorn is the world of law, the world of what essentially is and can never be breached. The only
thing that can be done is to understand the law and act according to it.

It is not concerned with human law, because this could be modified, but rather it is concerned with
the “law of nature”. For example, one sees a building and says "the column is what holds it", and
beyond that concrete column there is a "law of gravity" that holds it. This involves looking to the
subtlest of structures and from there being able to perceive increasingly more subtle laws and
arrangements which are what sustain reality. Capricorn’s world is the world of what IS. Capricorn
follows the facts as they are.

The desire that is released in Aries becomes law in Capricorn. Thus, a deeply capricornian equation is
DESIRE = LAW. Desire is reality itself.

Another fundamental factor in the energy of Capricorn is the awareness of time (which is the most
abstract, the most subtle) and the presence of time as a constituent of facts and reality, as a
structure that is behind reality. For Capricorn everything is process, everything is time.

Concentration is characteristic of this energy. Perseverance in time. "To sustain" is a quintessentially

capricornian word.


Capricorn archetypes: The Father, The Authority Figure, The Old Man, The Recluse

Psychological characteristics

- As Capricorn is an energy where desire coincides with reality, psychologically it can imply an
relentless will and also a rigid superego. Often this talent to align your desire with what is real is
distorted, creating an excessively self-demanding or over-adapted character. The relentlessness has
to do with having the ability to put the desire in time and make it reality, that is Capricorn.
- The pleasure of effort: a person with Capricorn energy feels pleasure in carrying out, in fulfilling the
objective that had been set out. The pleasure is in the plan being carried out. Capricorn sets a goal
and with extreme patience, effort, perseverance, and very clear plans finally reaches it.

- Planning is also a characteristic of this sign: it is almost impossible for Capricorn to fall asleep
without knowing what they are going to do tomorrow. Psychologically, the feeling of emptiness, of
not having mentally ordered time ahead is unbearable.
- There is a strong sense of responsibility and a sense of reality to "do what needs to be done".
Capricorn often adopts extreme models of reality and behaviour. This is because the psychological
fantasy of Capricorn is that there is always a way in which things will be done well, there is always a
model to adhere to, a manual on "how things are done." Reality is something that is very organised,
conclusive, infallible. For this reason, if a “mistake” is made, it is because someone “went the wrong
way”. Thus, Capricorn people are very methodical and develop a lot of fear around making mistakes.
- From the outside, Capricorn will give the impression of being very individualistic, but in the
psychological sense it is someone "social", in the sense that they do what "needs to be done", what
is socially established. So its essential features are discipline, responsibility, "duty".
- The challenge for Capricorn will be to realise the tendency to overidentify with social models and
methods and that these do not always correspond to themselves. That is, to break away from the
"model" to reach the law itself.
- It is also common to notice reliance on authority figures, figures that know “what to do”. Later in
life, they become authority themselves or on the contrary continue to respond to external
authorities, although this situation fills them with bitterness.
- Capricorn is an "old" energy, it trusts experience over time. It is common to notice hypermaturity in
capricornian boys and although they do not have experience, they will be very superegoic,
hypermature, and "do what they should". Capricorn is so concerned with being "efficient" that it is
not easy for them to play. For them, an activity is only justifiable if it is important and productive.
This leads them to be overly serious and rational.
- As Capricorn aspires to impeccable achievement, to a safe and orderly plan, everything that
involves uncertainty and unforeseen circumstances will be experienced as dangerous, as a threat
that must be defeated.

It gives a bony and rather thin body, characterised by a medium-tall stature, highly developed upper
and lower extremities with respect to the torso. The head is rather small. On the other hand, the
hands are long, large, and bony. The face presents marked, accentuated and irregular features; the
expression is generally serious, frowning, thoughtful. The bones of the forehead are somewhat
prominent, the eyes are small, sunken, the nose is elongated.

They tend to view emotions as secondary, they are "emotionally stingy". It is very difficult for them
to open up their emotional world and they tend not to surrender themselves fully to love. They do
not give much value to the subjective, to the "inside". They are emotionally lonely individuals. The
process will consist, deep down, in being able to find love as a law.

They have an orderly, planning, serious mind. They always have the feeling that they have a lot of
experience. "Knowing everything" is Sagittarian, while Capricorn knows "from experience". They
have a practical and goal-oriented way of thinking.

Structure, capacity to work, emotional self-support, austerity, firmness, responsibility, discipline,
planning, maturity. Capricorn personalities will be very realistic, headstrong, constructive,
committed to definitive and permanent achievements, aware of the need for time and the correct
planning for processes to take place. There is a strong search and need for prestige and social
achievements and to be recognised for these accomplishments. The ability to build is a talent of this

Possible difficulties
Rigidity, self-denial, loneliness, repression, severity, self-sufficiency, judgementalness, severity,
coldness, mistrust, inflexibility, guilt. Very utilitarian or materialistic attitude to life. Bitterness,
narrow-mindedness, callousness. Pessimism. Opportunism.

Archetypal Capricorn activities

The scientist (who wants to know the laws, reveal the structures of the Universe), an engineer, a
builder. Anthropologist. Architect. Activities that involve applying practicality and rationality. Places
that involve exercising authority and enforcing the law.

Correspondence with the human body

The skeletal system (the skeleton, which gives shape and support), hair, nails, teeth, joints
(especially the knees). It governs the mucosal surfaces of the ducts in general (along with Cancer)
and also the outside of the body, through the epidermis. Some authors attribute the spleen to
Capricorn (as an organ which destroys red blood cells).

Physiological relationships and illness

Susceptible to suffering from "limiting" diseases, such as rheumatism. Knee problems. Skin diseases
(rashes, hives, eczema, etc.). Lead poisoning etc.

Situations and things associated with Capricorn

The functioning of an institution. Areas linked to the law, to structure. The Armed Forces, the Army.
Building a house, a monument, the Great Wall of China.

Metals, stones
Lead, onyx, garnet

Animals associated with

Goat, camel

Famous people with this energy

Muhammad Ali (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aquarius, Ascendant in Leo): considered one of the best
boxers in history. The story of Muhammad Ali, born Cassius Clay, is an epic sports story built on
effort, discipline, and conviction. He had very clear goals and knew where he wanted to go, he
worked hard to achieve his titles - he was a very young Olympic champion, and then the limelight
was taken from him and the world champion was even mocked, a feared man with friends in the
mafia. In just over 15 years of professional activity, he earned nearly thirty million dollars. When he
was already retired, he returned to the ring and faced the new champion: he withstood the
champion's blows for three quarters of the fight, and at the end, with the champion tired, he
knocked him out. That test of effort and resistance was called "The fight of the century". His social
side is also well-known (very important in Capricorn), in the vindication of the rights of the black
community as well as for his rejection of the Vietnam War that, at the time, brought him
unfavourable consequences: the government took away his titles.

Mao Tse Tung (Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Leo, Ascendant in Capricorn): the
leader of the Communist Party of China, founder of the People's Republic of China, and one of the
most influential men in human history. Under his leadership, the Communist Party seized power in
mainland China in 1949. The victory made Mao the top leader in China, a position he held until his
death in 1976. He was a feared dictator who did not hesitate to eliminate rivals or take them to
prison. Mao's legacy is still felt in China today, which persists in its nation model. "Living", Mao
affirmed, "does not consist in breathing but in acting".

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