Supportive Data Cues

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Supportive data cues Health condition and problem Nursing problems

Family is a nuclear family Risk for developing ovarian -inability to provide nursing care
(composed of mother/father/ cancer, due to insufficient to the family due to
and child). knowledge in health promotion dependent/vulnerable risk to
J(father)/N(mother)/S(child). family member due to:
“N” 54 years/old. -lack of knowledge due to poor
-weight 68kg environmental sanitation
Subjective cues: -has high risk of acquiring
-pelvic pain respiratory diseases due to
-pressure exposed of father smoking.
- bloating -lack of time to have
-abdominal assessment/diagnosis for their
-menstrual irregularities, health
-insufficient knowledge during
Family background: nursing care assessment
Family is nuclear family, -inadequate knowledge in family
Family has adequate food and planning
cloths -risk for acquiring sexually
Mother and father has limited transmitted diseases
time being at their home due to -Lack of time to performed
workaholic exercises/activity for physical
S (child ), is a preschooler, has a health
baby sitter to taker while -insufficient rest/sleep
N(mother)J(father) at work. -insufficient knowledge in health
-adequate needs are meet and care promotion(due to basing
necessities illness for practice/belief for
- home is prone to flooding and illness)
natural disaster

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