Yps1 0 04 0001 3 - PQP
Yps1 0 04 0001 3 - PQP
Yps1 0 04 0001 3 - PQP
DOCUMENT NUMBER, REV & TITLE: YPS1-0-4-0001_ 2_PROJECT QUALITY PLAN 2 - Approved with Comments
2 POE14 Comments Updated
be added separately as stakeholder. Contact of CONTRACOR/Sub-Contractor Project Key Person : Subject list shall be updated
3 POE14 Comments Updated
and all positions shall be filled for final approval.
Contractor can consider to issue this list as different doc. instead of updating all PQP for each and Refer to YPS1-0-51-0002 - “PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART” and updated at section
4 POE14
every chage.
PROJECT/CONTRACT NO.: 4236 / GC19111300
Website: www.saipem.com/
The Gate Mall Tower 4, 5th Floor,
West Bay Doha Qatar
Telephone: +974 4005 5200
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 PROJECT OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................. 6
1.2 PROPOSED FACILITY .................................................................................................. 7
1.3 SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT ....................................................................................... 9
2. DEFINITIONS, ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS ......................................................... 10
2.1 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................ 10
2.2 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. 11
3. REFERENCE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................. 12
3.1 COMPANY REFERENCES .......................................................................................... 12
3.2 CONTRACTOR REFERENCES ................................................................................... 15
3.3 SUB-CONTRACTOR DOCUMENTS............................................................................ 18
4. CONTEXT OF THE ORGANIZATION ........................................................................... 19
4.1 UNDERSTANDING THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS CONTEXT ................................. 19
...................................................................................................................................... 20
5. LEADERSHIP ................................................................................................................... 22
5.1 LEADERSHIP AND COMMITMENT............................................................................. 22
5.2 PROJECT QUALITY POLICY ...................................................................................... 22
5.2.1 Establishing the quality policy ..................................................................................... 22
5.2.2 Communicating the quality policy ................................................................................ 22
............................................................................ 23
6. PLANNING ........................................................................................................................ 33
6.1 ACTIONS TO ADDRESS RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES ........................................... 33
6.2 QUALITY OBJECTIVES AND PLANNING TO ACHIEVE THEM ................................. 33
6.3 PLANNING OF CHANGES .......................................................................................... 34
7. SUPPORT ......................................................................................................................... 34
7.1 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................... 34
7.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 34
7.1.2 People ............................................................................................................................. 34 Contact of CONTRACOR/Sub-Contractor Project Key Person ............................... 34
7.1.3 Infrastructure. ................................................................................................................ 36
7.1.4 Environment for the operation of processes. .............................................................. 36
7.1.5 Monitoring and measuring resources. ......................................................................... 36
7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge ............................................................................................ 37
As part of a production sharing agreement with Qatar Petroleum (QP), OPQL operates the Idd El
Shargi North Dome (ISND) field, located in the Arabian Gulf approximately 80km east of the Qatar
peninsular. As QP has taken over OPQL operations in Qatar on 4th Quarter 2019, all developments
of ISND field is now being carried out by QP.
The ISND oil production field consists of a Production Station PS-1, together with numerous remote
kets. Oil and
produced water from PS-1 is transported to Halul Island via pipeline where the formation water and
residual gas is separated from the oil prior to fiscal metering and the oil is then exported to Storage
The produced gas is exported to -2 and
PS-3 prior to export. Part of the process gas is also used as fuel gas and lift gas.
To maintain the production plateau, QP has decided to proceed with the installation of four new WHPs
in two phases. The FACILITY under this CONTRACT will be installed and connected to PS-1 in the
first phase. The remaining three platforms will be installed at a later phase (as part of another contract
outside this scope)
QP Idd El Shargi North Dome (ISND) field, located in the Arabian Gulf approximately 80km east of the Qatar peninsular.
requirements for the new WHP are catered through Multi Service Umbilical. The new ISND WHP will
be normally unmanned.
Jacket, Temporary drilling deck, boat landings, pre-installed risers and J-Tube of WHP-U08C are not
part of this CONTRACT and is currently being executed in a separate contract by others.
36947 11,428 17 to 95
The proposed topside FACILITY shall include the following:
1. Wellhead
a) Oil Production Wellheads (10 Nos)
b) Water Injection Wellheads (6 Nos)
2. Flowline
a) Oil Production Flowline (10 Nos)
b) Lift Gas Flowline (10 Nos)
3. Manifold
a) Oil Production Manifold
b) Oil Test Manifold
c) Lift Gas Manifold
d) Water Injection Manifold
4. Multiphase Flow Meter
5. The list of subsea pipelines and risers to be designed for this Project are as listed below:
-Tube for Umbilical (for Instrument air, Chemicals, Fibre optics, Electrical power) from
PS1K to WHP-U08C
6. Topsides umbilical termination unit (TUTU)
7. Chemical Injection control skid system
8. Instrument Air Receiver and distribution
9. Closed Drain Drum
10. Open Drain System
11. Atmospheric Vent System
12. WHCP and Hydraulic system
13. Electrical system which includes
a. Electrical Junction Box (Umbilical)
b. Isolation Transformer (with MCCB @ incomer)
c. Distribution Boards
d. Lighting Distribution board
e. 24V DC UPS
f. Navigation Aid System
g. Lighting Fixtures and Small Power Sockets
h. Integration with existing PMS (Schneider Electric make)
14. Telecom system which includes
a. Fiber Optic Cable (top side) and accessories
b. Digital Microwave Radio
c. Structured Cabling Network
d. Converged LAN
e. Field Telephones
f. CCTV system
15. Brownfield
The new WHP-U08C platform will have a local indicator and control panel on the wellhead platform
for visiting maintenance staff but will be monitored and operated from the existing control system at
PS1K platform. The production from the new WHP-U08C will tie-
manifold at PS-1K platform for further processing.
Gas lift & water Injection requirements for the new WHP-U08C will be imported from PS1K platform
via sub-sea pipelines. Power requirement / Instrument air / Chemical and telecommunications
requirements for the WHP-U08C will be catered through Multi-Service Umbilical.
In general, the brownfield FACILITY shall include all necessary Instruments, Controls, Safeguards,
Piping, Electrical and Structural facilities required for modification at PS1K that shall be included as
part of this CONTRACT. Details of the brownfield FACILITY is further defined herein this Appendix A.
The brownfield FACILITY at PS1 shall include the following (individually or collectively defined as
1. Platform extension (as required)
2. Piping tie-ins for:
a. Production headers
b. Gas lift header
c. Water Injection header
d. Flare header
e. Chemical injection
f. Instrument air
g. Open and Closed Drain
h. Temporary Pig Launcher/Receiver utility connections. (Drains, Vent, Purge etc.)
3. New production/ water injection/ gas lift risers and J-Tube
4. Provision for temporary pig receiver for Production fluid pipeline
5. Provision for temporary pig launcher for Gas lift and Water Injection pipeline
6. Provision of a TUTU for WHP-U08C
7. Power tie-ins at LV Switchboard (SB-3103)
8. Modified PMS
9. Modified DCS/FGS/ESD
10. Modified Telecom system at PS-1
a. Fiber Optic cabling, TUTU, FO Joint boxes, and accessories
b. DMR, CCTV, telephone system integration with central network.
c. Telecom cabinets and other accessories for existing IT/LER Rooms
d. VHF Radios
FEED documentation outlines the relevant Brownfield modifications/Tie ins scope. However, it is
CONTRACTOR responsibility to identify and engage OEM/Vendors and verify the extent of Tie
Ins/Modifications works and to carry out all the required activities to be carried out to the existing
facilities at PS1. CONTRACTOR shall identify and incorporate existing as well as any new interfaces
identified during the CONTRACT. CONTRACTOR shall furnish Brownfield modification method
statements, to ensure seamless integration of WHP-U08C at PS1K according to the design intent. All
the above shall form part of the CONTRACT for CONTRACTOR to carry out.
This Project Quality plan addresses the Quality Management System to be implemented for the scope
of work for the detailed design procurement, fabrication, transportation and Installation of a New WHJ
U08C top side deck, Pipeline installation, umbilical for the new WHP (ISND-U08C) are to be installed
in the Idd El Shargi North
Document Number: YPS1-0-04-0001 Rev.3 9 of 80
Document Title:
Doc No. YPS1-0-04-0001
Date: 02/03/2021
Page: 10 of 80
In particular this PQP provides Project Quality Policy, establishes Quality Objectives and specifies
the Quality requirements to be applied to the activities related to the Transportation, Installation and
hook up completion of the organizational structure (functions and responsibilities of both Contractor
and Sub-Contractor) implemented for the project, the planning, control and improvement of the
operational processes to be applied for the product in order to enable the organization to meet
COMPANY Requirements, as well as applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Every control shall enable the project management to pursue the Quality objectives, to meet
COMPANY requirements, enhance COMPANY satisfaction and focus attention on the prevention of
In case of changes on the project scope, this PQP shall be revised to reflect the changes on the
project and must be submitted to COMPANY /CONTRACTOR for review and acceptance prior to
THIRD PARTY Independent party qualified to witness, confirm, or approve the referenced
data, result, procedure, test or qualification
THIRD PARTY The party which entered contract with QP for the certification of
CERTIFICATION the project.
ITP Inspection & Test Document that identifies the step by step inspections and tests required to
Plan ensure that the product meets the required standard. Shall be developed
by activity wise and identify the frequency, acceptance criteria,
responsibility, verifying documents and intervention (hold, witness review)
that are required by interested parties to achieve this aim.
NCR Nonconformance A record identifying a deficiency in characteristic, documentation or
Report procedure, which renders the quality of an item or service unacceptable or
indeterminate, or not according to specified requirement.
PQP Project Quality Plan This document, specifying which procedures and associated resources
shall be applied by whom and when to the project.
EPIC Engineering Procurement Installation & Construction
KPI Key Performance Indicator
PMT Project Management Team
The following abbreviations shall be applicable throughout this document:
DEP -Gen, Fixed steel offshore structures (amendments supplements to EN 10225
/3/ Fab2017 and EN 10025)
/7/ QP-STD-Q- 004 R.1 Standard for Quality Requirements for Projects
/19/ QP-STD-R-008-4 QP Standard for Nondestructive testing, part 4 Magnetic particle testing
/21/ EFS.00.08.02 Codes, Standards and Specifications for Design and Engineering
/28/ DEP Protective coatings for onshore and offshore facilities
/39/ EFS-00-08-02 Codes, standard and specifications for design and engineering
/42/ F2-SUR-005 REV 2 Survey Specifications for Platforms and subsea lines
/52/ QP-STD-S-044 Training & Certification Requirements for Access to Offshore Facilities.
/73/ YPS1-0-05-0017 Risk management plan and project risk management register
/86/ YPS1-7-21-0002-001 DSV - Riser, J-tube and riser guard installation manual
/94/ YPS1-7-17-0056 Quality control plan - Survey & Positioning services DSV
/95/ YPS1-7-05-0004 Survey Procedure - Survey & Positioning services onboard DEHE
/96/ YPS1-7-5-0001-001 Procedure - pre-engineering survey
/97/ YPS1-7-5-0029-001 Procedure - pre-engineering Geotech survey
/98/ YPS1-7-17-0045-001 RA - Pre-engineering survey
/103/ YPS1-0-04-0019 Quality control plan for top side installation offshore.
/104/ YPS1-0-04-0020 Quality control plan for Umbilical installation offshore.
/105/ YPS1-0-04-0021 Quality control plan for pipeline pre-commissioning offshore.
/106/ YPS1-0-04-0009 Hook-up execution plan
/107/ YPS1-7-05-0018 Visual inspection procedure
/108/ YPS1-0-05-0042- DACS - Completion system database management procedure
/121/ YPS1-0-04-0024 Quality control plan for HU& Brown field telecom installation
/134/ YPS1-0-04-0029 Quality control plan - Pre-engineering geo-tech survey for WH platform
g) Shell DEPs
h) Project Specific Specifications
i) Engineering Standard and Specification
j) QP Recognized International / regional / national / industry Codes of Practices and standards.
Allotment of project resources and infra-structure including offshore vessels for this project
amid execution of other projects with other customers
As result of this analysis, actions to mitigate risk and identify opportunities are defined. These actions
are recorded in the Project Risk Register.
implicit and explicit. To pursue tangible and shared objectives for sustainable development,
CONTRACTOR is committed to nurturing Stakeholder relations based on correctness, transparency,
and the strengthening of reciprocal trust.
3 To that end, CONTRACTOR seeks dialogue and promotes the conditions needed to establish lasting
cooperation in the countries where it operates.
Among the expectation of the main stakeholders involved in new WHP U08C TOPSISE Project,
CONTRACTOR has identified:
Main Stakeholders Main Expectations
COMPANY requirements
Figure 3 - Schematic representation of a process approach applied to the quality plan as per ISO
The operating methods and responsibilities to implement and control project processes are detailed
in this Project Quality Plan.
The Project Quality Plan is developed, approved, and issued by Project functions; its verification is
ensured by the Corporate Quality function, to
Quality Management System. Refer to QMS applicable process under Appendix -
5.1.1 General
The PM shows his leadership and commitment by developing the following activities:
Communicating to the functions involved in the project the importance of complying with
contractual and applicable regulatory requirements and of meeting COMPANY
/CONTRACTOR expectations and enhance COMPANY satisfaction.
Implementing the Project.
Defining the Quality objectives.
Ensuring risks and opportunities are identified and managed at project level.
Conducting management reviews and promoting improvement actions at project level.
Ensuring the availability of resources.
Supporting other management roles on Project to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to
their areas of responsibilities.
5.1.2 COMPANY Focus
Needs and expectations of the main stakeholders are met through:
Compliance with contractual requirements defined by the COMPANY and with the regulatory,
safety and environmental requirements.
A close monitoring of Project risks to properly address and mitigate them.
A direct, positive, and reliable communication between all the Parties.
A focus on the improvement of Project processes.
Project Top Management ensures that COMPANY requirements are met with the aim of enhancing
COMPANY satisfaction.
5.2.1 Establishing the quality policy
CONTRACTOR develops and implement a Project Quality Policy. The Quality Policy shall be
implemented by the CONTRACTOR during project execution aims to ensure that the products and
services meet the needs and expectations of COMPANY, in accordance to the quality objectives and
requirements established for the Project, including applicable standards, specifications, legislation,
instructions and regulations, particularly those concerning occupational health, safety and
environmental conservation. Refer Appendix-2 of this PQP
- Responsible for alerting CONTRACTOR on unresolved interfaces and works with team to
expedite a solution
- Ensure interface deliverables, for issue to other Contractors, is in accordance with the IA, prior
to transmitting (i.e. quality check)
The Interface Manager is also responsible for organizing and managing training to the effected team
people and Subcontractors on the scope and use of Interface Management procedures.
To be sure that the procedures are followed by the project organization or Subcontractors, Interface
Manager will organize internal meeting on an as required basis with discipline personnel.
Moreover, Interface Manager will monitor effectiveness in identifying and resolving interfaces issues
and will work to continuously improve the process
Contract administration manager
- Support the Project Team in the CONTRACT and SUBCONTRACT management
- Coordinate Quantity Surveyors
- Implement COMPANY invoicing procedure
- Prepare Invoices to COMPANY defining the needs of back up documentation and liaising with
Project Control function.
- Liaise with Corporate legal department in case of legal disputes related to the CONTRACT.
Project Control Manger
- Design the Projects Control systems (taking into consideration complexity of the Project, size,
areas, contract type, QP's requirements) and agree with PM on their implementation.
- Define the resources needed to implement the control strategy and arrange their mobilization
with CONTRACTOR Project Control Department.
- Supervise the issue of Project Control Procedures as per Contract specifications using internal
standards as reference guidelines.
- Coordinate the preparation of Project Schedule and Cash Flow.
- Coordinate during the execution phase, the maintenance of the Project Control System
ensuring that:
Progress to date is regularly measured.
schedule and cost forecast are regularly reviewed reflecting the most updated information and
current trends.
Performances are monitored and any deviation or trend is timely spotted and reported to PM or
to any Project Team member responsible supporting corrective measures
- Assure that schedule, progress, and financial reports required by QP are regularly issued.
- Supervise invoicing to QP dealing with involved Finance departments.
- Coordinate Project Planning Engineers, Cost Control Engineers and Document Controllers.
Project Cost control engineer
- Prepare Invoices to Company based on input from Contract Administration
- Updates the cash flow plan.
- Demonstrate visible, strong, and proactive leadership and commitment towards HSE and to
lead by example.
- Encourage open communication and consultation on HSE matters.
- Review Project proposals on methods of field operations.
- Take a leading role in incident investigations when nominated by the Project Manager.
- Ensure that proposed methods do not conflict with standard operational practices and HSE
Policies, standards, and requirements.
- Ensure that HSE-related risks have been assessed adequately prior to the commencement of
- Ensure that adequate consideration has been given to the provision of safe access and egress
to enable operations to be carried out safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Ensure that all required equipment is available, fit for purpose and certified, where necessary.
- Liaise, as needed, with the Project HSE Department.
- Provide for the transfer of technical and practical feedback from experienced offshore
personnel to the onshore Project team.
- Ensure that the Project HSE Policies, standards, and procedures are timely and appropriately
communicated to the relevant offshore / onshore personnel (Subcontractors included) and are
understood and implemented.
- Co-ordinate emergency drills (between the offshore and onshore operations) when required.
- Review related incident reports and ensure that all relevant corrective actions are timely and
duly implemented.
- Ensure, within own area of responsibility, the full compliance with the Financial HSE KPIs
Program requirements
Survey Coordinator
Responsible person for the preparation and readiness of Survey Methodology to be applied
offshore. Ensuring the compliance of the project works with the corporate and Company QA/QC
and HSE requirements. Tasks include:
- Review and approve all the survey methodology necessary for the construction of products to
be supplied to the client.
- Preparation of Survey scope of work and Interface with various disciplines (design and
engineering department, vessel assets/operation management, client, Contractor, fabrication
yard, Sub-subcontractors, certification authorities) to define efficient and cost-effective
solutions and provide ongoing engineering support.
- Develop methods and ensure required verifications and calculations.
- Follow up sub-supplier selection process and logistics of the needed material and equipment
to execute the project activities.
- Support onsite activities (offshore) and ensure the operation personnel of the vessel receive
and understand all the project data (Procedure, drawings, manuals, reports.)
Commissioning Manager
- Coordination and general management of the pre-commissioning, commissioning, and start-
up activities on Project.
- Relationships with CPY commissioning team and operations (preparation for Offshore SoW
and Tests), Oil in and performance tests.
- Pre-commissioning and Commissioning engineering support.
- Actualization of the main project documents.
- Call of Vendors for Commissioning and Start up phases.
- Sub-
- Support ICAPS administrator and ensure DACS completion system is adopted and used by
everyone from QA/QC team, to Construction, Pre-commissioning, and Commissioning.
Fabrication manager
- Management of on-site personnel
- On site implementation of engineered solutions
- SUBCONTRACTORs management on site
- Liaison with on-site COMPANY Representative.
Hook up & Brown field Manager.
- Also follow hookup engineering,
- Prepare scope of work for Hook up and Sub-Contractor as required,
- Management of on-site personnel
- Assistance to fabrication yard
- Preparation of scope of work for SUBCONTRACTORs and their management on site
- Liaison with on-site COMPANY Representative.
- Interface with engineering
Installation Engineering Coordinator
Responsible person for the preparation and readiness of Installation Methodology to be applied
offshore. Ensuring the compliance of the project works with the corporate and Company QA/QC
and HSE requirements. Tasks include:
- Review and approve all the technical design necessary for the purchase and/or construction
of products to be supplied to the client.
- Interface with various disciplines (design and engineering department, vessel assets/operation
management, client, Contractor, fabrication yard, Sub-subcontractors, certification authorities)
to define efficient and cost-effective solutions and provide ongoing engineering support.
- Develop methods and ensure required verifications and calculations.
- Follow up sub-supplier selection process and logistics of the needed material and equipment
to execute the project activities.
- Support onsite activities (offshore) and ensure the operation personnel of the vessel receive
- Ensure adequate resources mobilization and interface with hook up/mechanical completion
Quality control coordinator (Project Quality engineer- Fabrication/Installation)
- Support the implementation of the Project Quality Management System (PQMS) activities
within the project
- Support Project Quality Manager (PQM) in supervising the project Quality Control activities
- Report to PQM information and data about Project in line with Corporate Guidelines
- In cooperation with PQM, act as focal point for quality control related matters within the project
and in liaison with external Entities
- Reporting to the Project Quality Manager.
- Support the PQM in planning and allocating QC inspector functions, ensuring coordination of
assigned personnel and Third-party inspectors (TPIA)
NDT engineering service lead
- Responsibilities are the administration and coordination of offshore and onsite NDT activities.
- Perform other Quality functions on the project if other Quality functions do not interfere with
the coordination of NDT activities.
- Coordinate the NDT activities of projects for the area of competence, including inspection
schedule and collection of NDTs Reports.
- Ensure that the test, controls, and inspections are carried out according to reference
- Reporting to the Quality QC Manager and QC Supervisor.
Welding engineering Service lead
- Responsible for the coordination of offshore and onsite welding process related activities from
engineering phase till installation completion.
Welding engineer
- Responsible person for the preparation review Project specifications and scopes of work, and
drawings and prepare detailed Welding procedures to achieve maximum productivity in
accordance with required quality levels.
- Prepare and issue preliminary Welding Documents for project and issue Welding Documents
(Welding Books, WPSs, WPQR, Procedures, Welder Qualification etc).
- Selection of the welding processes for the fabrication / installation of offshore structures.
- Set up of the welding qualification campaign to meet the project requirements
- Cooperate with design and installation engineering to resolve issues before project execution.
- Identify the project Welding Consumable requirement & estimate structural projects and their
brand approval.
- Responsible for Project Welder qualification, Identify the required qualification tests, review &
approving their documentation
- Develop project specific welding method statements on case to case basis.
- PQR documentation/WPS & Weld Map preparation/Client approval and resolve technical
queries /TDR, if any.
- -
Destructive and Destructive testing complying with client & code requirements
Project HSE Manager
- Responsible for all HSE related activities in cooperation with PMT and all functions
- Prepares all HSE documentation
- Ensures continual improvement through the preparation and execution of audits.
- Manage on site HSE personnel / officers
- Has the authority to halt operations if not performed in compliance with required HSE
Project Document Controller (PDC)
PDC is the focal point for control of the Project Documentation during Project life. In typical project
organization, PDC reports directly to PCM.
PDC has overall responsibility, at incumbent's location, for effective and efficient operation of all
The PDC has the following responsibilities and obligations:
- To set up the Project Document System and access rights to project server files to the project
personnel according to their level of authorization and work roles.
- To organize and supervise maintenance of the Electronic folders.
- To perform analysis of the Document Control Contractual requirements in collaboration with
PQM / PQE: data handover, involvement in engineering approval etc.
- Ensures that Document Registers are updated with transmittals, reports are issued, embracing
all documents generated in-house and by Suppliers, Subcontractors or Third Parties during
the Project Phases (Project Procedures, Queries, Supplier document etc).
- To organize filing system of the Project.
- To ensure proper Document handover to COMPANY (both paper and electronic formats).
- To coordinate the development of Project Distribution Matrix (Annexure-8) and ensure it is
regularly updated during the entire project duration.
- Distribution of documents as per Project distribution matrix.
- Information flow within the Project Team about documents status.
- To cooperate with ICT department in order to set up necessary ICT infrastructure.
- To alert any delays in pending documentation.
- Organizes and files the Project correspondence using the CORRESPONDENCE IN and
OUT registers.
- To co-ordinate with the Engineering Document Controllers for the final issues of engineering
deliverables to the Client.
Quality Control Team during Installation (on-board vessels)
With reference to Installation activities on-board Saipem vessels, the PQM shall define the QC
Team depending on actual scope of work and COMPANY
is relevant to Jacket Installation, Umbilical installation which implies, typically, the following QC
Vessel Quality Coordinator / Quality Control Supervisor: Coordinate QC inspectors, monitor
calibration of measuring equipment, ensure proper implementation of QCP /ITP, collect/file/
distribute resulting & TPI on any Quality
related issue, monitor on-board Sub-Supplier activities, plan inspections/audits and monitor/review
assembly of on-board Final As-Built (As-Installed, As-Removed, etc.) dossier;
Quality Control Inspectors: during jacket Installation, the typical QC team is composed as follows:
o Welding Inspectors.
o Coating Inspectors.
o E&I Inspectors
o NDT technicians.
o Third party inspectors.
In addition to the above, QC Site engineer /QCC maintains a close link with NDT Supervisor in
order to ensure proper execution of NDT activities versus QCP /ITP and proper issue of all relevant
Quality Records. NDT Personnel is coordinated by NDT Supervisor / Coordinator. In case of
Transport & Installation activities (e.g. Platform Installation), QC Team may be reduced, based on
actual Scope of Work extension.
Project organization chart including allocation of personal for various disciplines to meet the
contractual requirements for the smooth execution during each phase of the is illustrated in the
Appendix -06 and under the following project document reference document number YPS1-0-51-
Quality Plan ensures that:
The planning of the Project Quality management System is carried out in order to give
assurance that the COMPANY requirements, the needs and expectation of interested parties
are met through the achievement of quality objectives.
ability to consistently provide COMPANY with conforming goods and services and to enhance
its satisfaction.
Assign responsibilities to personnel, through risk ownership, for the implementation of risk
treatment actions.
Assess constantly the risks and opportunities during the whole Project execution stage.
Manage effectively the lessons learned, internally and externally (if any) originated.
Implement a risk-based approach to the Procurement processes, by classifying Project
materials, to optimize the inspection activities.
Implement a risk-based approach to Sub-Subcontracting, by classifying Bidders in terms of
previous experiences, size of Project Organization, specific Scope of Work, availability of
documents, qualification of resources, etc.
The risk management process is addressed in Project Risk Management Plan and the risk register
(YPS1-0-05-0017) by the CONTRACTOR, which also specify the frequency of Risk assessment
Meetings, the participants and issue of the reports.
Project Quality Objectives which are measurable and consistent with the Project Quality Policy,
including the commitment to continual improvement.
The quality objectives established for the project and Quality Objectives are required to:
Ensure that quality requirements are determined and satisfied throughout all phases of contract
performance, during Engineering, procurement, fabrication, installation, hook up and pre-
commissioning, completion of the project.
Maintain an effective program for quality and to satisfy quality requirements as defined in
Document Number: YPS1-0-04-0001 Rev.3 33 of 80
Document Title:
Doc No. YPS1-0-04-0001
Date: 02/03/2021
Page: 34 of 80
7.1.1 General
CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing all enough resources to implement, maintain, follow, and
improve the PQMS, in compliance with technical, quality, safety and environmental requirements.
7.1.2 People
CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing the adequate resources, including quality personnel
(quality assurance QA and quality control QC) and workforce, to the project in terms of education,
skills, qualification, experience, and capabilities according to the contractual requirements. A project
mobilization Plan is prepared to define the recruitment process in the project.
t Managers provide personnel according to the contractual requirements
know-how, gained through decades of experiences worldwide and shared through intranet portal
The records attesting the competence, experience and skillfulness of the resources are validated by
the C
The PM is responsible for ensuring that the Project resources are aware of the primary elements of
the Quality Management System, of the principles governing it, of their role towards its continual
improvement and the implications of not conforming with the quality management system
Familiarization with the Project Quality Plan is held to all the personnel involved in the project, who
shall fully comply with the requirements and procedures indicated herein. This activity is guaranteed
through internal training program.
CONTRACTOR establishes specific training/induction programs through awareness presentations,
project kick-off meetings, project position descriptions, project organization charts and toolbox
meeting d its Sub-Supplier
CONTRACT requirements and Project Specifications.
Internal and external communications relevant to the Project Quality Management System are defined
under the responsibility of the PM, with due support by the PQM/QCC during internal coordination
meetings for quality topics.
The communication with other external parties shall be authorized by PMT
7.5.1 General
Project Overall Plans (e.g. Project Execution Plan, Installation method statement, Project Quality
Plan) are developed to cover all the primary and support processes of the Project. For each process,
general procedures, specifications and/or requirements are developed.
Each document is assigned to be prepared, verified, and approved by Project Functions, with
Manual. The Project Document Controller has the overall responsibility to provide
positive control for the receipt, preparation, review, revision, distribution, identification and filing of
standards, and regulatory
requirements. This control includes as follows:
Documentation controls as reference in QP-STD-Q-004 section 6.3 Submittal Requirements and
Document Control
A formal review and approval of documents including subsequent revisions prior to issue for
implementation shall be carried out and recorded by authorized personnel.
Issue of documents is controlled by the Project Document Controller to the extent that it is
recorded which documents have been issued, to whom, at what issue status, at what revision
level and allocated with document number.
Individual copyholders shall ensure documents remain legible and readily retrievable.
All controlled documents issued by Project Document Controller are clearly marked in red
Revisions and changes to generated documents shall be reviewed and approved by the same
functional or departmental personnel with access to pertinent background information that
performed the original review and approval.
All changes made during subsequent revisions shall be clearly identified with revision control
markings (refer to Document Control Procedure for the details in revision markings).
Obsolete documents are identified and marked accordingly by the copyholders.
Ensure that documents from external origin (vendor, subcontractors etc.) are identified and
distribution controlled.
Project Master Document Register are prepared, kept, and updated regularly.
7.5.3 Control of documented information
The valid revision and distribution of Project documents are controlled through a dedicated project
document register and covers the measures for identification, controlled distribution of the documents
and drawings, , their approval and revisions in compliance with the identification and verification
principles of the quality system. The register manages both the issue and revision of all project
documents and the storage of electronic files in the dedicated project drive, this eliminates the
possibility of using obsolete documents or revisions.
Project documents are prepared, checked, approved, and managed in compliance with specific
criteria and methods defined in accordance with the applicable procedures
Control document management processes ensure:
Correctness of the content of the document.
Document development and revision status.
Availability of current documentation to all personnel.
Ailing and storage.
The development and revision status of Project documents are recorded in the Project drive that can
be accessed by all personnel involved in the project.
Control of records:
Records are established and maintained to provide objective evidence of compliance with
requirements and to guarantee the implementation of the management system. Records shall be
legible, easily identifiable, and retrievable.
A typical list of project Quality records is given in the following table:
4.3 - Determining the scope of ISO 9001 certificate field of Project Quality Manager
the quality management system application or present PQP
6.2.1 Quality objectives and Performances indicators (KPI) Project Quality Manager &
planning to achieve them definitions Project Disciplines Leaders
8.1 Operational planning and Inspections and Test plans Project Quality Manager
Measurement and monitoring of
1) confidence that the the KPI
processes have been carried
out as planned
8.1 Operational planning and Evidence of QC (QC records) Quality Control Manager for
control site activities
2) conformity of services and Post Order for procured
products materials and equipment
All quality records are controlled to assure and prove that project requirements are met.
All project records are stored in safe places protected from environment, vermin, or fire.
A bespoke Project Record Book for final documentation to be handed over to COMPANY, containing
details on formatting and indexing of project documents and records, including binding covers, is
prepared, and submitted to COMPANY for approval.
Project Execution Plan
Based on basic Project strategies, CONTRACTOR prepares the Project Execution Plan. (YPS1-0-
The Project Execution Plan describes the Project strategies for organization, management of human
resources, ICT, risks management, process, engineering, procurement, quality, safety, reliability,
environment, sustainability, project control and reporting, fabrication, installation, mechanical
completion, pre-commissioning and commissioning, start-up, hand-over, project closure.
Project Supply Chain Management Execution Plan
All Supply Chain activities related to the Project must be carried out in full accordance with contract
This document aims at indicating the guidelines for the organization, the interfaces and the
responsibilities of the Procurement and Post-Order Departments, with the Project Procurement
Manager and the Project Material Manager, for the management of the Supply Chain services
required for the execution of [name of the project] the Projects assigned to CONTRACTOR.
YPS1-0-04-0002 Project procurement plan
Fabrication / Installation Execution Plan
The Fabrication / Installation Execution Plan identifies and defines the main activities required during
fabrication and/or installation phase to achieve the successful completion of all the involved activities.
The Fabrication / Installation Execution Plan (Refer section 3.2) presents a description of the
Fabrication / Installation safety policy, mobilization in its various phases; temporary site facilities;
marine spread, Fabrication / Installation activities and its various sequence; information management;
site organization; subcontracting plan; human resources strategy; local procurement activities. It also
establishes the execution strategy (i.e. Direct Hiring and/or Subcontracting); Subcontracting strategy
(e.g. monodisciplinary, multidisciplinary, etc.); Supervision approach and scope; Specialized works;
basics of logistic.
YPS1-0-04-0026 Sub-contractor fabrication project execution plan
Project Control Plan
The Project Control Plan are primary responsibility of the PM; the PCM reviews the requirements
contained in the contractual and tender documents regarding project control and participates in
defining the strategies for project execution and control.
The Project Control Plan defines the Project Control organization, responsibilities and duties, its structure,
the methods to be followed for progress measurement system and reporting. (YPS1-0-05-0013)
(WBS) that considers the contractual aspects and the constraints involved in the development of the
activities. The WBS is transversal to all project activities (YPS1-0-05-0015)
Project Material Classification
The minimum Project Testing Code is specified for each equipment and materials to be purchased,
in the Project Material Classification (PMC) Guide (Doc no.STD_OF-SCTOF-EXE-ENG-043-E)
The classification process starts with the evaluation of the requirements for inspection specified by
the COMPANY, to be merged with their level of criticality for the Project material, evaluated based
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media and criticality of the operation (service factor).
consequences caused by a possible failure in service.
complexity of product design, manufacture, and assembly.
The defined Project Testing Code can be increased during the project to tackle major risks deriving
from, for example, previous experience with the vendor or increase of the workload of the vendor.
Project Quality Plan
All planned Project Quality activities are documented in this Project Quality Plan which is issued after
the review of contractual documents.
In case of multiple entities involved in project execution (e.g. other Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures, etc.),
the Project Quality Plan reflects the relevant interfaces between the parties involved. In particular, the
Project Organization describes Project Home Office and Site Organization, while the internal
Procedure sets forth the procedures to be followed in the execution of the Project to ensure proper
coordination between and Partners involved. During the first phase of the Project,
PQM/QCC shall prepare and issue, for those projects where site activities are planned, the Site
Nonconformity Procedure, complete with NCR Form(s). Copy of that procedure shall be distributed
also to MM for managing NCRs having associated closing actions to be performed at site.
PQM /QCC shall also allocate, and communicate to MM, an NCR numbering range to be utilized for
preparing those specific nonconformities
Health, Safety and Environment Plan
CONTRACTOR prepares an HSE plan (YPS1-3-04-0001) in compliance with the Project requirements
regarding health and safety, fire prevention and environmental conservation.
CONTRACTOR establishes, maintains, and monitors measurable and achievable Health, Safety and
Environmental (HSE) objectives and project key performance targets consistent with CONTRACTOR
and COMPANY Health, Safety and Environmental requirements. These objectives and targets are
reviewed pe
efforts and reflect a managed approach to the scope of work while providing visibility, flexibility
innovation and verification of each element of the Health, Safety and Environmental Management
CONTRACTOR employs a strong HSE Management system that meets or exceeds the HSE
requirements. Sub-CONTRACTOR HSE Management System, based on ISO 14001 and OHSAS
18001, is the reference point for all project personnel in any areas of activity.
CONTRACTOR Project HSE Management system is composed of:
International, provincial/state and local regulation, standards and procedures.
CONTRACTOR HSE Policies, Standards, Procedures and Guidelines.
CONTRACTOR and COMPANY Policies, Work Instructions, Procedures and Plans.
Key Performance Indicators and project Goals.
Planning and improvement
HSE Orientation, job specific trainings and documentation system
Commitment and leadership and accountability
Hazard identification, mitigation/elimination, and monitoring
HSE Communication (safety meetings, Toll box talk, Posters etc.).
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Technical documents: drawings and specifications, block diagrams, other diagrams, technical
data, environmental information, programs, codes, standards, regulatory laws and regulations.
Following the review of the management, economic and financial documents, the Contractor PMT
prepare the Contract Review Summary Sheet, which details the contractual requirements and
indicates the problems, criticalities, choices, fundamental strategies and operating plans defined for
the project. Said document, prepared by the Contract Manager and approved by the PMT, is issued
for internal use only, and so is not recorded in the project documents.
8.2.4 Changes to the requirements for products and services
Change identification and its reporting are the duty of all Project personnel. Changes can occur due
Scope or procedure changes introduced by the COMPANY/ CONTRACTOR
Any alterations unavoidable, by VENDORs or Sub-Supplier
Changes introduced by the Project for strategic, schedule or cost saving reasons.
Change due to rework or inefficiencies that require additional effort from the base plan to
Change to the base estimate due to an omission or estimating inaccuracy causing a cost.
Change to COMPANY operating system parameters, procedures, or design.
Details for the management are described in the Project Change Order procedure.
Procurement manager.
All purchasing, expediting/inspection, shipping, receipt, and delivery activities will be planned and
executed under close supervision of the PMM.
such evaluations shall include technical review of products to ensure compliance with applicable
COMPANY standards. Results of such supplier evaluations shall be subject to COMPANY approval.
All awards of material purchase and project sub-contract shall be in accordance with QP preferred
vendor list. If it is not feasible to procure from suppliers identified in the COMPANY preferred vendor
list (PPML), the CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate justification and shall nominate alternate
source for COMPANY approval with full pre-qualification document in accordance with the following.
QP Corporate Standard for Quality Requirements for Projects QP-STD-Q-004 section 6.5.3
QP Corporate Standard for Quality Requirements for Procurement of Material and
Equipment QP-STD-Q-003,
Project procurement plan (YPS1-0-040-0013)
CONTRACTOR shall prequalify each supplier and its specific manufacturing site if the supplier is
not included on the Regulated Vendors List referenced by QP Standards and Supplier currently not
Evidence of the prequalification shall be provided to COMPANY for its review and approval prior to
placement of the purchase order.
Procurement Process shall be executed in accordance with the below mentioned project Workflow:
All vendor related document shall be reviewed and approved by the respective engineering discipline,
and the QA/QC engineer shall review all material requisitions, material criticality rating assessment
and technical Bid evaluation to ensure that all quality requirements are properly addressed.
All vendor related agreed document shall be reviewed and endorsed by TPIA prior to the submission
of CPY review and approval.
For the procurement inspection and testing requirements CONTRACTOR shall appoint a COMPANY
approved TPIA to carry out all required inspection activities at any location required, and these shall
include, but shall not be limited to the following:
Issuance of all inspection interim reports and documentation.
Witnessing of pre-FAT and factory acceptance tests (FAT)
Issuance of final inspection report and documentation.
Witnessing of preparation of equipment for shipping.
Procurement inspection and testing shall be as per the ITP, which shall be submitted to COMPANY
for approval.
Manufacturer / vendor obligations
Vendor shall fabricate/manufacture the materials fully in accordance with Project
Specification, P.O requirements and QP Standards and codes.
Vendor shall provide sufficient advance notification as specified in P.O for all inspection
activities as per approved Inspection and Test Plan.
CONTRACTOR along with COMPANY reserves the right to perform/monitor inspection, test
or examinations, and to visit plant or other inspection locations with or without prior notice to
vendor during P.O execution.
CONTRACTOR reserves right to reject any material or equipment which does not meet
specifications, or which was not inspected, tested, or examined in compliance with QP
Standard and Specifications.
If requested by CONTRACTOR, Vendor shall provide their Un-priced sub orders for all
CONTRACTOR will review vendors sub orders to ensure that all relevant COMPANY technical
and inspection requirements are passed on to sub-suppliers.
Vendor shall ensure that all QP Standards, Inspection and testing requirements are properly
conveyed to their sub vendors.
Vendor shall ensure the availability of CONTRACTOR approved drawings, NDE Procedures,
other technical documents to be used during inspection.
Vendor shall produce, record, and maintain all Inspection report, MTC, and test records for all
WORK accomplished under the contract.
Inspection by CONTRACTOR shall not relieve vendor of their obligations to provide their own
quality control and their guarantees as to materials, workmanship and performance and P.O
When vendor performance does not meet the specified requirements in the purchase order,
Contactor reserves right to increase the inspection level to the next highest level for the purchase
order without additional cost implication.
To ensure that purchased products are being manufactured in compliance with requirements,
inspection shall be carried out at the vendor shop by qualified inspector/s from the approved TPIA.
Inspection & Testing requirements for the manufactured products shall be addressed in the vendor
Inspection and Test Plan including inspection report formats, to be submitted by the vendor and
subject for review by Supplier QA/QC Engineer prior submission to COMPANY for approval.
QA/QC Engineer shall establish a Vendor Inspection Schedule to plan and forecast inspection
schedules and inspection coordination with COMPANY representative including allocation of TPCA
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit, a criticality analysis and execution management plan for
all long lead items and major items of equipment. Guidelines for criticality analysis is addressed in
Pre-inspection meeting (PIM)
This section sets out requirements for conducting pre-inspection meetings in order to ensure proper
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documents attached to the PO and in the ITP. The above activities are documented in the following:
Inspection report,
Non-conformity report, if any,
Release note,
Final test certificate.
The agreements for verifications, the coordination with other involved parties, including assigned third
parties, and the methods for product release shall be arranged according to the Project Supply Chain
Management Execution Plan.
Fabrication Subcontracts
Fabrication Sub- and shall be in line with the CONTRACTOR quality management
system implemented throughout the project.
Project Scope of Work. Then QCRs/ SOW are the basis for Fabrication Sub-CONTRACTORs to issue
Quality Control Plans (QCPs)/ Inspection and test plans Refer Project Quality Organization Chart of
the Project Organization chart for subcontractor responsibility.
performance during the fabrication, will be in addition to the TPI as required by the project
Sub-contractor Project specific quality plans defining the quality management system
implementation for the scope of fabrication, Construction, Inspection, and testing requirements as per
contract requirements in line
YPS1-0-04-0006- Project quality plan fabrication yard -QCON
Engineering Services
Quality requirements for Engineering by the Sub-CONTRACTORs are detailed in a specific project
scope of work: Quality Requirements for Engineering CONTRACTOR/ SOW
This document defines the minimum level of quality requirements to be implemented by Sub-
CONTRACTORs to ensure compliance with the Contract requirements/SOW. Quality requirements
are prepared by PQM, verified by Engineering Manager, and are attached to the purchase request of
engineering services.
8.5.1 Control of production and service provision
Inspection and testing to be performed on installation activity are carried out in accordance with
Quality requirement specified in the following documents:
Specific Quality Control Plans, Inspection, and test plans
CONTRACTOR verifies that the work is carried-out in accordance with the approved construction
drawings, specifications, COMPANY requirements and with applicable standards, codes and or
statutory requirements.
CONTRACTOR performs all in-process inspections and examinations necessary to verify quality of
CONTRACTOR has a Project Quality Control organization with enough competent and qualified
resources to oversee the Works.
CONTRACTOR ensures the availability of the applicable documentation required for the execution
and validation of inspection, examination, and tests.
Upon completion of each activity, CONTRACTOR ensures that the required inspections and testing
have been performed as per relevant QCP/ITP(s) and the results confirm that all specifications,
standards, and Code requirements are met.
Inspection and testing plans (ITP) / Quality Control Plans (QCP) are carried out in accordance with
COMPANY Quality requirements & CONTRACT requirements. No activity shall start without approval
WPS, PQR, Welders Qualification Record NDT Procedure and NDT Technician Qualification Record
and Heat Treatment procedures (If applicable) shall be approved by the Project QA/QC Manager and
COMPANY prior to execution of the work and this shall be subject to third party inspection wherever
required. Control of Punch list, Mechanical completion, commissioning and start-up
The operating methods for the achievement of mechanical completion, are based on Project-
specific procedures, issued by the CONTRACTOR procedure which shall define the pre-
commissioning activities (YPS1-0-05-0038) in a dossier arrange by subsystem, which shall also
contain all information require to demonstrate that the system/sub-systems have reached the ready
for startup stage. and reference made available for operating methods for the achievement of
commissioning scope (YPS1-0-40-0001) under the CONTRACTOR procedure (Refer section 3.2,
/113/ to /118/) and the CONTRACTPR project quality plan.
YPS1-0-05-0041 - Punch list procedure
8.5.2 Identification and traceability
Project products are identified and traceable through well-defined identification systems (numbers,
codes, coloring, etc.).
General principle of traceability is to define a unique code identifying the single entity produced (i.e.
a single element cut from a steel plate, or a single weld) and to keep it during the different steps of
the project.
Sub-contractors develops a Site material identification and Control
Procedure, this procedure describes the method to be employed to identify and trace all materials
and equipment to be used in the project.
control for fabrication in Sub-CONTRACTOR material traceability procedure. (YPS1-0-05-0020)
Following subjects are addressed:
Material certification, marking and color coding,
Stage, final release, and site receipt inspection,
Material control in Offshore site stores/laydown area,
Issue of bulk materials from fabrication yard
8.5.3 Property belonging to COMPANYs or external providers
its value, CONTRACTOR manages parts or components provided by COMPANY that are
ncluding specifications,
drawings and confidential information in compliance with contract specifications.
Therefore, CONTRACTOR:
Keeps records of the damage and notifies COMPANY,
8.5.4 Preservation
The handling, storage, packaging, and delivery of material are detailed in the following procedure:
Tagging, packing, marking procedure.
During requisitioning phase, each involved Supplier is requested to provide specific procedure to
manage preservation of its material/equipment; each Supplier is asked to fill in a dedicated form with
details about preservation activities and their frequency.
9.1.1 General
The activities that contribute to the measurement, analysis and improvement processes are aimed to:
Demonstrate the conformity of the product by means of design reviews.
Ensure the conformity of the Project Quality Management System by means of project reviews
and internal audits.
Continually improve the effectiveness of the Project Quality Management System by reviewing
the work processes.
Evaluate their effectiveness and efficiency: project processes are measured continuously.
Certain indicators are defined for each of the main production processes (commercial, project
management, engineering) which, when taken at a specific time, measure the general
performance of those processes.
The effectiveness and efficiency of each main process is measured through the periodical monitoring
of the following indicators (see also par. 6.2):
9.1.2 COMPANY satisfaction
The PM monitors the degree of COMPANY satisfaction (Reference document number YPS1-0-17-
0007) during project development and operation activities using questionnaires initiated by
CONTRACTOR as per COMPANY satisfaction questionnaire. This questionnaire is sent for filling in
by the COMPANY at the end of design and of construction, or however yearly.
PM shall manage all complaints originated by COMPANY, either directly or by involving related
internal and external official correspondence and minute of meetings held specifically to identify
adequate actions for solving the issues.
The PM maintains records of COMPANY complaints.
for continual This analysis takes into consideration the following general criteria:
COMPANY satisfaction.
Effectiveness of the processes.
Conformity to PQP requirements.
A objectives.
Data review and the analysis of possible matters are also carried out in liaison with the various
departments in CONTRACTOR organization.
NCR and Audit results are reported in the Quality Issues Section of Monthly/ weekly Reports.
improvement during periodic Project Review Meetings, held with PMT
CONTRACTOR, Sub-Suppliers Quality Management Systems are subjected to planned and
documented audits to verify compliance with the project specifications, Project quality requirements
and the project QMS by the CONTRACTOR
Project audits are planned and conducted in compliance with ISO 19011 with the following objectives
with the following objectives:
Verify that the activities are performed in accordance with the provisions of the Project Quality
Assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the Quality Management System for the Project in
relation to established Quality objectives, particularly considering the congruence and
integration among activities.
Identify possible deficiencies, determine the causes of such and, where necessary, recommend
appropriate corrective action.
Verify the application and effectiveness of the adopted corrective action.
Provide the PM and the responsible of Quality department with the elements of knowledge and
of assessment of the state of the system of management for the quality of the project and of its
The detailed audit plan and schedule are set in the CONTRACTOR Project Quality audit procedure.
Based on the results of the internal audits, Sub-contractor ensures that appropriate corrective actions
are implemented.
9.3.1 General
CONTRACTOR conducts annual Quality Management Reviews during the Project development to
verify suitability, adequate and continual improvement effectiveness. The QMR aims to increase in its
effectiveness and efficiency, continual improvement of project quality management system,
process performance
According to the Project development the input to management review includes information on:
results of internal and external audits,
COMPANY /CONTRACTOR feedback, COMPANY satisfaction questioner etc..
Project KPI analysis
Process performance and product conformity,
Status of preventive and corrective actions,
Follow-up actions from previous management reviews,
Changes that could affect the quality management system, and
Adequacy of resources
Recommendations for improvement.
9.3.3 Management review outputs
Project management shall follow and ensure that the action required to be taken implemented
The continual improvement process is carried out using:
Data analysis,
Corrective action,
Preventive actions,
Management reviews,
Lessons learned,
Process performance measures,
Internal and external NCR analysis,
Internal and external audits,
COMPANY satisfaction.
Any type of non-conformity discovered during Project execution are corrected in the shortest possible
time. If either the COMPANY, CONTRACTOR or TPI identifies any non-conformity or defect, then
CONTRACTOR shall perform correction / corrective action as per Contract requirements or
agreement with the COMPANY, CONTRACTOR.
Project NCR Management procedure as per CONTRACOR NCR procedure,(YPS1-0-05-0003)
Non-Conformity Management of Procured Material and Equipment,
Project Quality Audits Procedure,
33. OFF-034