Bsba Recruitment and Selection
Bsba Recruitment and Selection
Bsba Recruitment and Selection
Job Description
Job Fairs
Media Advertisements
Analyzing the Performance Appra
Reference Check
Peter Principle
Executive search firms
Applicant Ability
New Employee Characteristics
Selection Ratio
Job Analysis
New Employee Tactics
Organizational Tactics
Situation-Wanted Ads
Direct Mail
Job Design
Media Advertisements
employee Referral
Job Evaluation
Internal Recruitment
rule of three
unadjusted top-down selection
passing scores
bias or unbiased
re-test reliability
alternate forms reability
internal reliability
scorer reliability
content validity
criterion validity
face validity
single group validity
construct validity
differential validity
Statistical Significance
multiple regression
concurrent, predictive
Practical Significance
supervisors, peers, subordinates, cu
Competency-Focused Performance
Task-Focused Performance Dimensi
Goal-Focused Performance Dimensi
Trait-Focused Performance Dimensi
Contextual Performance
Critical incidents
A technique often used in the public sector in which the names of the top scorers are given to the person making the hiring de
Selection is made by starting with the highest score and moving down until all openings have been filled.
It attempts to hire the top test scorers while still allowing some flexibility for affirmative action.
With this system, an organization determines the lowest score on a test that is associated with acceptable performan
It refers to technical aspects of a test. A test is considered biased if there are group differences (e.g., sex, race, or age
It is the extent to which a score from a selection measure is stable and free from error.
With this method, each one of several people takes the same test twice. The scores from the first administration of th
With this method, two forms of the same test are constructed.
A way to determine the reliability of a test or inventory is to look at the consistency with which an applicant respond
A test or inventory can have homogeneous items and yield heterogeneous scores and still not be reliable if the perso
It is the extent to which test items sample the content that they are supposed to measure.
It refers to the extent which a test score is related to some measure of job performance/criteria
It is the extent to which a test appears to be job related.
A test that significantly predict performance for one group and not others.
It is usually determined by correlating scores on a test with scores from other tests.
A test valid for two groups but more valid for one than for the other.
It is when the difference in impact is statistically significant.
If more than one criterion-valid test is used, the scores on the tests must be combined using this statistical procedur
Identify the two research designs under the criterion validity.
It occurs if the selection rate for any group is less than 80% of the highest scoring group.
Who will evaluate job performance?
It concentrate on the employee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities.
These are organized by the similarity of tasks that are performed.
It organize the appraisal on the basis of goals to be accomplished by the employee.
A trait-focused system concentrates on such employee attributes as dependability, honesty, and courtesy.
The effort an employee makes to get along with peers, improve the organization, and perform tasks that are needed
These are examples of excellent and poor employee performance.
Identify the steps to appraise an employee's performance.
f job fair has many organizations in the same field in one location. The third approach to a job fair is for an organization to hold its own.
ral to the strategies used as the employee moves through the orientation process.
unication of knowledge, particularly organizational knowledge that will be useful for the employee when navigating the compan
new organization.
at are unrelated to the construct being measured.
ed with scores from the second to determine whether they are similar.