04 Recruiting and Inteviewing (Riggio)

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Employee Selection

Introduction to
Psychology by Ronald Riggio
A Model for Employee Selection

 Criteria are measures of job success

typically related to performance; for
example, a criteria for successful basketball
performance would be the number of
baskets made.
 Predictors are variables about applicants
that are related to the criteria; predictors for
successful basketball performance could be
experience and physical height.
Employee Recruitment

 Employee recruitment is the process

of attracting potential workers to apply
for jobs.
 There are a variety of employee
recruitment methods, such as
advertisements, college recruitment
programs, employment agencies, and
employee referrals.
Employee Recruitment

 An important element of the

recruitment process is to present
applicants with an accurate picture of
the job through the use of realistic job
previews (RJPs). These are accurate
descriptions of a job’s daily tasks,
duties, and responsibilities.
 RJPs help increase satisfaction and
decrease turnover of new employees.
Employee Screening

 Employee screening is the process of

reviewing information about job
applicants to select individuals for jobs.
 Data sources such as resumes, job
applications, letters of recommendation,
employment tests, and hiring interviews
can be used in screening and selecting
Employee Screening

 Basic background information can be

translated into numerical values to
compare the qualifications of applicants
through the use of weighted application
forms or biographical information blanks
Employee Screening
 Employee screening also involves references
and letters of recommendation.
 Such sources can provide information about:
⚫ Employment and educational history.
⚫ Evaluations of the applicant’s character.
⚫ Evaluations of the applicant’s job
⚫ The recommender’s willingness to rehire the
 The use of these methods is on the decline
because they tend to be overly positive and are
often uninformative.
Employee Screening
 The second step in screening is employee testing,
which typically uses standardized instruments to
measure characteristics that are predictive of job
 Any screening test or method must demonstrate
that it is a reliable and valid predictor of job
⚫ A measurement instrument is reliable if it
repeatedly gives the same or similar results
when applied repeatedly to the same quantity.
⚫ A measurement instrument that is valid is
accurately measuring what it purports to
Employee Screening
 Three methods for establishing reliability are
test-retest reliability, parallel forms, and
internal consistency.
 Two forms of validity that are most important
for development and use of screening tests
⚫ Content validity, or whether the test content
adequately measures the knowledge, skills
and abilities required by the job.
⚫ Criterion-related validity, or the relationship
between screening test scores and some
criterion of job success.
Employee Screening
 Employee screening tests vary greatly in format and
in characteristics they measure.
 Categories of such tests include:
⚫ Cognitive ability tests.
⚫ Mechanical ability tests.
⚫ Motor and sensory ability tests.
⚫ Job skills and knowledge tests.
⚫ Personality tests.
⚫ Miscellaneous instruments such as polygraphs.
 Standardized tests are often used in combination−in
test batteries−to help select the best qualified
Employee Screening
 An important issue regarding the
effectiveness of employee screening
tests is validity generalization, or a
test's ability to predict job performance
in settings different from the one in
which it was validated.
 Another concern is test utility, an
estimate of the dollars gained in
increased productivity and efficiency
because of the use of screening tests.
Employee Screening

 Faking is trying to beat an

employment test by distorting
 Assessment centers use the test
battery approach to offer a detailed,
structured assessment of applicants'
employment potential−most often for
high-level managerial positions.
Employee Screening
 Employment screening for most jobs
includes at least one hiring interview, which
is a measurement tool just like any other
screening device.
 Unfortunately, research indicates that hiring
interviews (as they are typically used)
generally have low levels of reliability and
 One of the greatest sources of problems
with hiring interviews stems from interviewer
Employee Selection and Placement
 Statistical models of decision-making
⚫ The multiple regression model, an
approach that allows predictors to be
combined statistically.
⚫ The multiple cutoff strategy, a method of
setting minimum cutoff scores for each
⚫ The multiple hurdle approach, a stringent
method that uses an ordered sequence
of screening devices.
Employee Selection and Placement
 Regardless of the screening and selection
procedures used, an overriding concern in all
personnel decisions is to protect against
discrimination in employment.
 The federal Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC) has established guidelines to
ensure against discrimination against ethnic
minorities and other protected groups.
 To take preventive steps to avoid employment
discrimination, many organizations have adopted
affirmative action plans to ensure jobs are made
available to members of protected groups.

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