Activity 8.1
The image below shows a community built with many familiar icons of today. Using this
illustration, give the relationship between media and culture and how the two shape a globalized
Read the article about Globalisation and Media to help you compare and broaden your
perspectives along the questions posted on the previous activity.
Activity 9.3
Are you done reading? Below are some of the points mentioned in the material. Let’s try
to find out if you agree or disagree with the following points. Elaborate your answer.
Culture refers to the unified style of human knowledge, beliefs and behavior from which
people learn, and the ability to communicate knowledge to the next generations. Its
development has been mainly influenced by media.
The five stages of development of media have greatly influenced the globalization of culture.
From pamphlets to Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, media has produced and reproduced
cultural products around the globe. Moreover, the increase in cultural interactions generated by
media results in outcomes that exhibit the vigor of local cultures influenced by the global culture.
While culture does flow comparatively easily across the globe, not all cultures and forms of
culture flow as easily or at the same rate. For one thing, the cultures of the world’s most
powerful societies (most notably the US) flow around the world much more readily than the
cultures of relatively weak and marginal societies. Similarly, some types of culture (pop music,
for example) move quickly and easily around the globe, while others (innovative theories in the
social sciences) move in slow motion and may never make it to many parts of the world.
Pieterse (2004) identifies cultural differentialism, cultural convergence and cultural hybridity
as outcomes of the influence of globalization on culture.
Cultural Differentialism
Cultural differentialism emphasizes the fact that cultures are essentially different and are
only superficially affected by global flows. The interaction of cultures is deemed to contain the
potential for “catastrophic collision.”
Samuel Huntington’s theory of a clash of the civilizations best exemplifies this approach.
According to him, after the Cold War, political-economic differences were overshadowed by new
fault lines which were primarily cultural in nature. Increasing interaction among different
“civilizations” (such as the Sinic, Islamic, Orthodox, Western) would lead to intense clashes,
especially economic conflict between the West and Sinic civilization and bloody political conflict
between the Western and the Islamic civilizations. This theory has been critiqued for a number
of reasons, especially its portrayal of Muslims as being “prone to violence.”
Cultural Convergence
The cultural convergence approach stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization.
Cultures are deemed to be radically altered by strong flows. Cultural imperialism, wherein one
culture imposes itself and tends to destroy at least parts of another culture, is also analyzed
under the heading of this approach. One important critique of cultural imperialism is based on
the idea of “deterritorialization” of culture. This means that it is much more difficult to tie culture
to a specific geographic point of its origin.
McDonaldization involves the global spread of rational systems, based on the principles
of fast-food restaurants, such as efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. This process
is extended to other businesses, sectors, and geographical areas. Globalization (in contrast to
glocalization) is a process wherein nations, corporations, etc. impose themselves on geographic
areas in order to gain profits, power, and so on.
Cultural Hybridity
The cultural hybridization approach emphasizes the integration of local and global
cultures. Therefore, globalization is considered to be a creative process which gives rise to
hybrid entities that are not reducible to either the global or the local. A key concept is
“glocalization,” or the interpenetration of the global and local resulting in unique outcomes in
different geographic areas. Another key concept is Arjun Appadurai’s “scapes” (global flows
involving people, technology, finance, political images, and media) and the disjunctures
between them, which lead to the creation of cultural hybrids.
Apart from the nature of diverse audiences and regional trends in cultural production, the
internet and social media are proving that the globalization of culture and ideas can move in
different directions. Social media have enabled users to be consumers and producers of
information simultaneously.
As consumers of media, users must remain vigilant and learn how to distinguish fact
from falsehood in a global media landscape. Societies can never be completely prepared for the
rapid technological changes which create multiple unintended consequences. Instead of fearing
these changes or entering a state of moral panic, everyone must collectively discover ways of
dealing with them responsibly and ethically.
Activity 9.4
Using the matrix below, exemplify your understanding of the three perspectives on global
cultural flow by providing your own definitions and examples.
Give your own set of
Perspectives on Global How do you understand this
examples to exemplify its
Cultural Flow perspective?
Cultural Differentialism
Cultural Convergence
Cultural Hybridity
Activity 9.5
Analyze the different cartoons below and give your reflection along the effect, role and impact of
media to the contemporary world. Summarize your responses to a minimum of four sentences.
https://www.cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/42923?fq https://www.cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/15212?fq
=theme.culture_n_identity =theme.culture_n_identity
https://www.cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/33668?fq https://www.cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/22376?fq
=theme.culture_n_identity =theme.culture_n_identity
Kaul, V. (2011). Globalisation and media. Journal of Mass Communication and Journalism,
1(01), 1-8. Retrieved from
https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9fa8/f3e1b2d61924c5c67371bd5ea5c0a8c2d0af.pdf on May
Lule, J. (2014). Globalization and the media: Creating the global village. In M. Steger, P.
Battersby, & Siracusa (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Globalization (pp.383-378). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Pieterse, J. (2004). Globalization and culture: Global mélange. Lanham, MA: Rowman &
Littlefield Publishers.
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